T 4 2 if FE > i hn 1 i i s = 7 5 i fadded, . "some of these ships wore laden with corn, and it would be mad- ness to exclade from their ports what would cheapen the food of the peo- ple." The Oriental wisdom lod him y | wise: counsel of the secretary of state. Jorder of things. The commons is » 'Joot pay ball a dollar each to. hear "I Not To Be Tolerated. z Botelkeeper has ban fined at because he refilled a wie: 3 hottle wi something besides the legislators have |; are 1; PF them rather than court Hook with the venerables of the I ber. It will be permissible. il according to the customs and Fsiz WS to have certain games and excursions, when not prevented by local legisla- tion. These prosecutions in all cases will be authorized by the attorney- general, to avoid persecutions. The senate made one feeble kick when the emasculated bill was re turned to it for a final reading. It had demonstrated that it had ideas of its own, and it was disposed to demonstrate that it had a will of its own, and was only sustained by the There is some wild eritic sm of, the upper chamber because of its hasty action. The senate has been defended on the ground that t¢ is a brake on the commons and a check on injudici- ous legislation, and 'brake on it, standing by a measure oh which it has spent long and anx- ious thought, while the senate per- formed a service which was notorious. ly slipshod and faulty. The final performance was a surprise. It shows how peacefully the senators ean buck down under somewhat embarrassing V Editorial Notes. King Edward is seriously thinking | of making a. tour across the con. Lond of having a glimpss of © undge present conditions. It will be the trip of his life, pis . | ---- % Hon. Dr. Reaume pays téibute to the zeal and industry 'of Mr, Bastedo, deputy commissioner of fisheries, . and then dismisses him. Is that the way to. reward fidelity and usefulness ? -- Some of those who are engaged in eltaning up--whose ambition it is to make the cit® look beautiful--should hurry 'up. Old Boys' day is near and the visitors will want to ses things 'at their best, Winston Churchill is really coming 'to Canada. He wants to know more about it; and it may want to know more about him. But the people will him talk as on the last visit. : -- Did you read the report of Commis. Judd on the Bastedo - case ? [hore was a complaint and an en. ity and evidence. But the finish was the feature--the partisan sum- wing up and censure of Bastedo, while Webster, the real troubler, was screened and saved, -------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. The Commission Appetite. Brantford Expositor. » 'be latest suggestion is that Pre- miter Whitney will probably need an- other commission to look after the rest of them, Something In That. Montreal Herald. Possibly Toronto's anxiety to have no doubt left about Sunday beine the Lord's day springs from the proof that the other six belong to oan gralters, ? Secret 1s Out Lomion Advertiser. Aconrding to Judge Winchester To- ronto the good is steeped ini graft and ty. Sensible people have won- dered why Toronto invariably voted wrong, Somewhat Disfigured. Toronto World. It Shearer is the father of the Lord's Day Act, it is fair guessing that he won't know his own child when the ted it. The father lintel vill Recorder. shown that they practical hy making it illegal for c Nave this aeral ox Svan bottles to Lins Campbell Bros, *tore that Men's fine stan iy You money on _ Rimmel's | the province on Sunday, and | Session "| world byt a ming at Best's. f . 'The pre- sent fee of #3 is altogether too small and inadequate to the wants of an institution as Queen's, crease would be welcomed by many having the athleties of the old college at heart. ---- A First Class Rink. Manager Bonter, of the Kingston skating rink, will likely remain in the city all summer, superintending the mprovements being made at 'the scene of his labors. When these are completed, the local ice field, will be the equal of any in Canada for its size. All that will then be needed to make it. perfact will be the knocking out of ont ead of the building, thus surface and 0 Hor additional gal leries and g capacity. FE ------ |. Sportisig Notes. Toronto Globe : Until Manager Bar- row lands a good. backstop and a fast, second . the Torontos will not do. Neither Toft nor Dotan seem to be able to get runners at the mid dle bag no matter how good a throw they make. A challeige has been recoived by the Almonte In Steam from the Pem- broke lacrosse club for a game in Ren- frew, Arnprior or' Ottawa, to deter- mine whichis" the better team. They played" in Almonte, on July Ist, the motel ending in a draw. Cincinnag Hed Matthewson out of the. box. in five on Tuesday. "Joe" Walcott, of Boston, retained the wi 'ch pionship of the tout "Jack" Dough- erty, ilwankee, in the eighth round at the Lincoln Athletic Club in Chelsea, Another heavyweight pugilist has just announced his retirement from the ring. He is Marvin Hart, of Louis- ville, who claimed the title relinquish- ed by Jim Jeffries after the latter had quit "the game. Hart has never been the same man since he was beaten at Los Angeles, by Burns, the Canadian. The sum of ,470 "was distributed among the owners at the recent Wind. sor running meeting. The number of winning owners was cighty-three, The largest winner was E. S. Gardner, who won nine races, was second in four and third 'in three. He took $4,475, nearly $1,500 above the next highest winner, The championship event in the Lamb- ton golf tournament, which will" be held August 4th to 11th, has been arranged in rather a novel fashion, in the sub-division of the championship event into three flights arranged gae- cording to the players' handicap, in- stead of having the first sixteen qual- ifying in a preliminary round. CAN IRON GROW ? ------ Description of ja New "cess, The Canadian Engineer, under this heading quotes a description of a new process, taken from a contemporary, or which the Franklin Institute has awarded the Elliott Cresson gold me- dal and which shows that iron can be made to grow. The process is descrih- ed 'as consisting in heatine and cool- ing the Sa st iron which it is intend- od to magnify to a "critical" temper- pe Adios of times. The results are spoken a8 exténordinary. To the mechanical science section of the American association, it is said, two bars ob: drow; east in one mould wore presented. critical inspection. One bar remained exabtly as cast. The companion bar had been caused to Ero tadually in cubical dimensions it is now forty-six per cent. larg- er than the other, the weight = maining the same as hefore expan- sion. Both bars were machined on one to show the texture and metallic sand it was difficult to de- very ap- at a pertant applica! 8, the excerpt concludes, have already been found 1 this remarkable discovery: The Simple Life. Mead, an interesting Peter. bor. Personality. who has just died, ¥ estimated at £50,000. anel he. left mo agit Simple life, #ix diot heing chi » and hot water, morning nt the rear of the His carefulness continued to the When there was onl left in the house. Ho venty-ninth year and "Water wings" Pro- in size, cathedral. and frugality were of his death, one half-penny was in his se. a bachelor. for bathing or swim. J eral provinces, cities and towns. in- | expressed affording about twenty feet more joo | S "pong the number, I am glad to note, an on your return you will find evidences that the com- ing harvest will thus assurine another ity throughout the dominion, ------ New York Tribune. « undoubtedly Jatte, near Cu from the frontier, w 200 deformed men, ren, who in P ", 1 straw and felt hats. Gibson's "Red tain. ricreation ground in and Canada, The weaty has exchanged, Japan. humorists. They never rack their brains to sav something funny. ere is a' small boy's ingenuous liteness : get bones in your throat. knows of a boy who got k his Sunday dinner, was picking a rabbit' and swallowed one i father. save he was there and then. your meals, then, rabbits, that, T have always fel over a rabbit dinner. much and Draise, despite stuck together, by God. brovel hy means of g fiat-iron-shaped block of Was a Really Prosaie a "Ont, July 13.--Parliament i orion ROOD, $0- ernor-general. from Rideau Hall by a squadron of the Princess Louise Dragoon Guards. At the buildings one hundred mémbers of the Governor-General's Foot Guards formed a guard of honor. A detach- ment of the 23rd Field Battery fired a foyal salute from Nepean Point. Oc curring at noon, the hour was not fa- le to the "attendance of citizens J and a more prosaic function would be hard to imagine. % - : His llency di ¢ and senate with the following speech : Honourable Gentlemen of the Senate : Gentlethen of the House of Com- mons : i In relieving you from further tendance in parliament, I desire to thank you for the care and' assiduity exhibited in the discharge of your la- borious and exacting duties. Your invitation to his 'majesty, the king, to visit this part of his domin- ions was duly forwarded to Bucking- ham Palace. That it would be a source of great rejoicing 'in Canada if his majesty would favourably entertain the invitation is confirmed by many similar addresses adopted in the soy, the hope that his majesty may honor us with another visit. It is.very gratifying to note that Canada continues to enjoy a prosper- ity rarely equalled in the history of nations. . The volume of exports and imports during the year just elosed exceeds that of any previous record. The revenue. also' shows a remarkable increase, the. receipts of account of the consolidated fund having doubled in the last ten years. The large num- ber of private bills that have received your approval-having for their ob- ject the incorporation of railway and other industrial enterprises--afiords additional evidence of the general prosperity prevailing over the domin- ion. The stream of immigrants seeking homes in the western provinces con- tinues to flow in increasing volume, and owing to the favourable condi. tions now existing in Alberta and askatchewan their vacant lands are being rapidly taken up. Several acts of great public utility have been added to the laws in the session now drawing to a close. Am- act for the better observance of the Lord's day; an act in restriction of usury; an act to secure the better marking of fruit; an act requiring that certain articles containing: a propor- tion 'of gold and silver when offered for sale should be honestly marked; an act relating to immigrants and im. migration, which, among other pro- visions, will enable the authoritigs to Slepart undesirable persons, t is earnestly to be hoped that your example in passing the ac t set- ting apart large areas for the forest reserves will be followed, by. those pro- inci isla tures "having jurisdiction over their public domain; and that a system of reforestration 'may be ad- opted in all parts of the dominion, thereby preserving the uniform flow of our rivers and of our valuable water powers. In view of the many important acts passed, and of the numerous amend- ments made to existing laws during this session, it has been deemed ex- pedient to stay the issue of the vol- umes of the revised statutes in order that the recent legislation may be em- bodied. Gentlemen of the House of Commons: I thank you in his majesty's name for the supplies you. have so liberally voted, Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate; Gentlemen of the House of Com- mons : A copy of the convention regarding commercial relations between Japan has now been received. been duly ratified and thereby wivin- Canada ma- terial advantages in our trade with I now beg to express the hope that to your several homes be a bountiful one, year's prosper Definitions. Children are the real "composition" on po "Never vat quickly, or yon might My father illed over The greedy boy 8 head in a hurey aw of it, and mv choked to death Be very polite over especially when it's my father told me It rather querer I don't talk don't ask for any more," A defmition that won a little pir] its strangeness; was Since J LABATT'S are Nature's Best products, made from the choicest barley and best selected healthful and aid di are very palatable beverages and with the most delicate storhach. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT. BUSY=<ALWAYS us at this season 'of the Sar, but "| we prefer to be busy; by running our Big Mid-Sumitier Sale, which our patrons are taking "advantage of the good values at Sale Prices. Send '3 Corks drawn from quart bottles of 'our Whiskies and receive a handsome gnameled Po 8 corks we will send a silk watch fob with enamel charm. . Tae WRITR FOR OUR PREMIUM 338. MH. CORBY DISTILLERY CO Limited,. . Moatreal 4 a aiid Th X 1 THE H. D, BIBBY Going Awa The man: who predicted a cool summer has changed his mind... He's bzen in and bought a" lot f thin stuff and gone to the sea shore. BS bal Matters not where you're going, we can fit'you out to spend a comfortable vacation, ; 1. Take a look at our $7.50 and $8.50 Homespun Suits in two pieces. 2. Our 67¢., 75c.; $1 and $1.25 Negligee Shirts are exceptional values. i 3. Our 50¢. Cool Underwear brings great comfort to the wearer. 4. Try our Special $12.50 Serge Suits. Come in and we'll show you more comfortable things in five minutes than we can tell you about in an hour. : The H..D. BIBBY CO. ° \ 1 . : z - - pl ® Ale and Porter Tonics. : Pure Malt hops. . They are very tion. Labatt's agree 339 and 341 King St. "Phone 274, USY ! It would naturally be quiet with ---- TIT Rok Brass and Iron Bedsteads oY an ihe, Norcuise Lok Ra AMES REID, The Leading Undertaker "Turf, sir, is prass and clean dirt » ~ -------- Villages of Cripples. The strangest village in the world is the little hamlet of loz, in France, not far here dwell about women and child- aris vo by the name of Culs-de-Jatte." They ~ in primitive . which they wood in either hand. A -------- Campbell Bros. Por New York's latest styles in ---- Perfectly delicious the ice cream at *d Cross Drug Store foun- Epping Forest is the largest public tne world. toilet vi i "Gibson's Red Cross Br aol " Try Bibby's for outing clothes. How To Have Foot Blucher Style--in Blac Ssnonpes ort SHOES GAN. GIVE YOU EVERY COMFORT: Or, they can cause you no end of suffering." Depends, of course, upon the shoes. » You'll have every comfort if INV] SHOES Y moni yon weap INVICTUS We have Lace and them in all the latest shapes in ¥, Tan or Pat. Colt, i i aibotie ly trus sufiering Ww p44 you for Tels When ular or painful p cement or ulcer own bac flatul ii jon or should remembe Stub seid. L eta poun troubles 'No other fema has received suc) lified endorseme; =H digghter-in-law 4 her has under hel * tem LETTERS T Have thé Co Gravely, Kingston, Jul or): As. a rate Frontenac I he siderable interes county council, curious method: by it lately. T) investigated its of general deni composing that ter has found « have gravely al i_..that city, and &. i ;~ values wafrar bers of that bor cials, in . fact, been' ranipant. Ng 0 would this county to tion into the h of this county that" within: the we Have th duct (of - {he m council when 'in Jedtar publ ished etter 18> coprec only 'Have be and 'the hopor bers gf "the cou It is now for 1 board ito vimdi either "that, or clerk says is 1 . members of the the better. Would it mot to the contract in; the past few tnoney has "bee and whether or any graft in co ous contracts s in Toronto.--H Wiliam Swal received at Me Cai Sugh We exp sale. i dical reduetio afford to who your money. d Ladies' Lustre cream, in ph strappings o small button To-morrow,