Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jul 1906, p. 7

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NEN SUITS [@ IN SUITS § [RTS in our arting Fires 1 Refrigerator Sirch, F0o0e000 INES lngion St. be 403400 WELLAND CANAL PORT COLBORNE ELEVATOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to unde! nd endorsed *"Ten- der for levator, will be received at this office until 18 o'clack on Wednes- day, thé 15th August, 1906, for the construction and erection of an 800.000 bushel ci y Elevator at Port Cot borne, Ont. Plans and specifications of the 'work can be seen on and after this date at th - Office of "the Chief ae Sas the ne: Jttment. of Rallkays and uiiding, treal, at which places forms of tender @wny be obtained. In the case of firms there 'must be at- tached the actual signatures of the full name, the nature of the occupation and place of ee ionte of each member of the same, and, further, an accepted bank cheque for the sum of $25.000, must aompany the Souder; this accepted must Ts over to the ue of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeited if the parties tendering decline entering into contract for work at the rates and terms stated in the offer submitted. The accepted cheques thus sont in will te returned to the re- spective parties whose tenders are not acoept. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily acoevted. By order, L. K. JONES, retary. Depurtment of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, July 6, 1908, Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De partment will not be paid for dA A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing In the world we're = much interested ix as Coal at this time of the year: It may sound queer tc speak of coal buying and selling as » Science, but that's what we've made it 'wo important Wiscoveries we have wade are that complete satisfaction to Ir customers pays best, and that the ay to win business is to deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. Royal Insurance Co. Established 1846 LIFE DEPARTMENT Assurances | Assets over 8 Pures, 000/058 Expenses only 81 per cent, of income. Policyholders--The been paid for the it orty Years. Over $14,000,000, have heen paid as profits altogether, At th Inst. distribution in 1903, over $8,220. Security Jo. Solicybolders neo Liabilits = alued re iB ae of ities hi a per cent. Expenses of Management are less pr: eortionately than any Life Company =n anada. A Safe and Strong British Office. Rates, etc, on applitation to W. J.B. WHITE + =» Kingston ---- FOR SALE Must Be Sold To Close Up Estate oe following desirable City Proper Yar Brock St. vesidence of late B. 08 EAR t St, ex ion tens! din! ing and 1068 5 Boos St., extension kitehen, alt 108 Bagot hs , @ tension di ou Xi ining and nays, and Trttiutars. see Geo. CL - E Princess Street. i Ordered Footwear ¢ Repairs ¢ Shoe Dressing, etc. 5 Store Closes at 7 p.m., Except Saturday. Breerenan ssecsce THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTAGLISRED 186% President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm 1l'ro- perties. Municipal a County 1 Deben< tures. M For ull kinda of Fay Baking has no equal. It is the only flour blended especially for household use and this blend- ing "Gutario Primes enables the housewife to get the best results. than the next best. Your grocer should have it for you. BEAVER FLOUR Fall Wheat gives flavor Bpring Wheat gives strength. The best costs no more Hives s and regulate They Matriotipn table an purge, but by a re please all who 1 soft rubber frog. Spoon, nick fi deat So We will send itt you th th tinct understanding, that If you ee 3 germs 1 W. BOYD & SON Tackle ar Sporting Goous nerd 27 Nofre Dame St. West, oe lt of ore MONTREAL CURE Mek Headache and relieve all the troubles fnofe dent kod a bilious state of the ysis, 44 such, a4 a8 nuses, Drowsiness, Dist: aaling Tas Pain in tho Bide, &o. While tot own success has been sh __SICK Headache, J Gurtérs Little Liver Pills are Constipation, curing and pre. venting Toismanongeotviai while the; isa oorrectal fdisoRdomol thastomaoh atin the bowels, Even if os HEAD Achethey Noild bealmost priceless io those whe suffer from this: distressing complaint; but fortus nately their goodness doegnotend here,and those ery thar 11 fijd these little pills value in so man thoy will not be wii- todo without § But after alle. k head ACHE 5 the bane of so many lives that hero is where wemake our great boas «thers do not. Carter's Littlo Liver Pills aro very small and Qur pills cure it while easy {o tako. One or two Ja makes dose d do no pe ox m. Invialdat25 cents; five for $l. Sold Bara eyerywhere, or sent by mails CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yor, fall PL final Don, mall Bri Fisherman's Duff S Outi This Splendid Hight: ras eOuthit oliasists of e of lected stock, roy "tris carefu'lygined and nice! finishe.l, very closely gi) full nickel ! pillar, back sliding click and drag, balance haselle s Go yards of line. Outfitalso contains ss yards ramelied braided silk for trout or bass, ect Bralded Bass Iine. Two dozen Shot ot Sikes for Dass fishing Six ne No. Fluted Trotling ted with swivel hooks. nicely feathered. Bloat, Thisoutfit would ordinarily cost at seta ial Price and we will refund your money. ortgages received and Interest allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Director, Qfiee. 9° Tlareace treet, Kingstoms New York Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a m. The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English ' and Chinese dishes a specialty. (Canadian (hinese Restaurant 831 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty. "Phone, 655. Lawn Mowers The Best Mower Only $3.50 ---- i .. Strachan's Hardware .. Auction Sales Book your salo' of Furniture at once get choice of date. I conduct all the important sales and realize the highest prices, ES FOOD MEN AND WOMEN Use Big @ for nnpaturg Sischanges. inflam; tications or aicaratioms ¥ mucous membrane). Painless, and not astrin 00. gent or poisonous. Sold by o asus in Lin isin Th 81.00 or 8 bottle sa ph. Olncalar vint oo request Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up OPPOSITE. GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK Baggage To and From Station Free An exceller: yuide-book and map of the City of New York mt on receipt of two cents in postage. The Great Ei ih Remed, h Tohouund fare he whole nervous system, olf Velna, oh < p din ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, ous Deby. i heect, and ee of 4 aio $1 curd Sod by six ors. One vor lsd oof pele Ne foto pa six 'Phone, 665, . on receipe of pe JOHN H. MILLS y Wiudsor) Bn owe. The Leading A Jorvas' Confectionery Store Pirst Class Confectionery Store and Ice Cream Parlor. Pure Cream, with crushed fruits used. A constant supply of fine fresh Candies. H. JERVAS, 220 Princess Street Next to Opera House. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Hares etc., for sale. ~ Sale of Horses Every Saturday PRAISED BY TRAVELLERS OF EARLY AND LATER DAYS, What They Had to\ Say of the Beauty and Grandeur of the Scenery--Few Finer Sights in the World. The visit of thousands to the Thou- sand Islands suggests the publication of selections from descriptions by tra- vellers who were among the early dis- covercrs of this beautiful region : The River Of Dreams. {From Geraldine: A Souvenir of the St. Lawrence. "lis the river of dreams. You may float in your bvat on the bloom-poruered streams, Where its slands like emeralds match- less are set Aud fu raet thut you live, and as quick- ly lIurge That thuy Yai} in that world you have left ; fur the calm [4] content is witmn you, the blessing of balm Mortality sleeps Is upon you forever. immortal ; while you Aran, as wist.ness ore, ky a veil of Oe rautlilness over your Ang t 'is not: Your day is eternal, to last Without gdarkuess, or. Change, or the sha adow of dre Blessed isles, where to-day and' to-mor- row are wed : In such fullness of bliss. that smiles In such leauly and peace by the beau tiful isles. oo" Isaac Weld, Jr, in 1799 : The scenery presented to view, in sailing between these islands, is beautiful in the high- est degree. Sometimes in passing through a narrow strait, you find yourself jn a basin, land-locked © on every side, that happens to have no communication with the lake, except by the passage through which you have entered. You are lookin, about, perhaps, for an outlet, thinking at last to see some little channel which will just admit your bateau--when sud- denly an expanded sheet of water opens upon you, whose boundary is the horizon alone. Again in a few min- utes you find yourself land-locked, and again a spacious passage as sul ddenly presents itself; 'at other times, when in the middle of one of these basins, between a cluster of islands, a dozen different channels, like so many noble rivers, meet the eye, perhaps equally unexpectedly, and on each side the is- lands appear regularly retiring until they sink from the sight in the + dis tance. William Darby, boundary surveyor, 1818 : The world can present but few, if any, regions of equal extent where all that can allure the eye and gratify the mind can be found more condensed into one view, J. Howison, 1820 : The scene remind- ed me of the beautiful descriptions of the Happy Islands in the Visions of Mirzah, Henry Tudor, 1831 : Here nature has wrapped herself in all the witchery of her silent charms, and here her lonely and soothing beauty speaks a lan- guage to the heart, unfelt by the proudesd works of man. Charles Dickens, 1850: The beauty of this noble stream at almost any point, but especially in the commence- ment of this journey, where it winds its way among the Thousand Islands, can hardly be imagined. Johh Sheridan Hogan, IR55: It is impossible, even for those whose hab- its and occupations naturally wean them from the pleasures derivable from such scenery, to avoid feelings akin to poetry while winding through the Thousand Islands. You feel, indeed, long after they have been passed, as if you had been awakened out of a blissful dream. Your memory brings up again and again the pictures of the clusters of the little islands rising out of the clear, cold water. You think of the little bays and winding passages, embowered in trees; and re- curring to the din and dust and heat and strife of the city you have left or the city you are going to, you wish in your heart you had seen more of natuge and less of business. Rev. James Dixon, D.D., 1848: We at once got into the current of the St. Lawrence, and found ourselves in the midst of, I should think, the most perfect fairy scene in the world--the Thousand Islands. The day was clear, Blessed river the sun bright, the winds soft and genial. Could anything more perfectly remind one of paradise than this scene ? No ruined castles, it is true, graced these islands; no rising turrets, covered with ivy, mantled these spots of primitive beauty; no baronial tra- ditions; no deserted halls; no banquet- ing rooms, once the scene of revelry, kof love and revenge, were here open to inspection. All was simple, prime- val--Nature clothed in her own attire of leafy loveliness. Not a building, not a cottage was seen. No ascending smoke, no sign of human life, no bleating animals , no ploughman's note, no stroke of the woodman's axe, no labor of the spade or hoe, were anywhere visible; silence and repose reignedl in these islands, which in ancient times would have been peopled in the imagination of poets, with nymphs and goddesses, without interrupting sound, except the whis- pers of the wind. Nature lay undis- turbed in her own soft bed; the waters, rocked in and soothed by the rippling stream as it passed along. This simple, prim- itive state of things has always been, from the time when God spoke Cre- ation into existence; or certainly from the period when, some convulsion breaking off these fragments from the majnland. He stretched out His hand to place thom in their present powsi- tion, to show His love of beauty, and teach mankind lessons of grateful ad- miration. Giovanna Cappellini, 183 : To me, as I was most anxiously looking for something that would remind me of cradled in the elements, Italy, a part of this labyrinth pre- sented a scene not unlike that of * the lagoons of Venetia, J. R. Stebbins, 1878: To me, the pleasures of this magnificent river are | its very solitudes. Given a silent, at- tentive oarsman, a light ripple upon the water, a gentle breeze upon the cheek, turn behind an island away from the sight and sound of the thoroughfare, with the blue sky above the clear water below, and the finest scenery in the world on every side. Surely now, if ever, 'one may yield himself to. nature, and meet his own SOW THE THOUSANDISLES ty wT thought and dream, the Pleasures nef memory, imagination, ol my iio, of delightful rest. Nev- er in even the poets grandest song was the grandeur and beauty of these I ae Tayl DD, 1878: George Taylor, 7 It is one of the most densely crowded archipelagoes in the world. The is lands range from the size of a town- ship down to that of a haystack. But a very number of them are hab. itable, many have been long in- habited. Yet so many have remained wild that the ailing character of the whole has ny that of a wilder- ness. It is precisely that fact that has given the islands their value and charm in modern days. It is this that has made them the chosen and de lightiul retreat that they are, and has brought wealth and taste hither to find a summer refuge sweeter than can be found at any of the old and crowded resorts of extravagance and fashion, It is this that has caused a modern Venice, gay as a dream of fairy land, to spring up here on every hand among these green solitudes. The Duke 'of Argyle, 1879: It is worth crossing the Atlantic to see the rapids of the St. Lawrence. Such vol- umes of water rushing and foaming in billows of glorious green and white can be seen nowhere in the old world. They speak to the eye of the dis- tances from which they tome of the Rocky Mountains, which ave their far- off watershed in the west; of the vast intervening continent .which they have drained; of the great inland seas in which they have been stored and ga- thered. These rapide are the final leaps and bounds by which they gain at last the level of the ocean, and the history of their = triumphant course seems, as it were, written on their face. Pen and Sunlight Sketches, 1891: As the lake begins to contract to a river, it would: seem as though the land disputed its onward. progress, and in the struggle for supremacy the restless current has broken the firm earth: into a thousand fragments, some larger, home smaller. which vain- lv endeavor to entangle-the waters in their downward course to the sea. NEWBURGH BUDGET. Lightning Struck the Presbyter- ian Church Bell. Newburgh, July 12.--On Tuesday, the electric stormy was very severe, lightning striking the bell of the Presbyterian church, knocking off the hammer, but otherwise doing no dam- age he farmers started haying this week. The prospect is for a very heavy crop. J. W. Yeomans left on Wednesday morning for a short holi- da- to friends in Toronto and Sutton West, Mrs. H. E. Paul and son, ac- companied by her sister, Miss Mary Beeman, returned to her home in Fort William last week, 'after spending a couple of months with her father, Dr. M. J. Beeman. Mrs. J. B. Haight, Canifton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. FP. D. Shorey. Miss Helen Finkle is vi-iting friends in Toronto. Harold Stone left, on Wednesday for Toronto, where he will De engaged for a con ble of weeks at the ion department. Percy Paterson left on Saturday and Perey Nesbit on Monday for Alexandria Bay where they have secured situations for the summer. The B. of "4. railway company is repairing their track here and building a new cattle yard at the station. Miss Alma Briscoe is visiting friends in Napanee. Miss Pearl Wood was in Kingston on Monday trying her music examinations. Charles Welbanks spent, Sunday with his father in Ficton. Miss Mary Baker is visiting her sis- ter, Miss Addic Baker, Toronto. The Epworth League of the Methodist church may run an exeursion to the Thousand Islands the latter part of the month. Harlem Happenings. Harlem, July 12.--David Irwin and Levi Wiltse were accidentally hurt by the giving away of the scaffold, while they were shingling the house of J. Lawson. Miss M. Livingstone, Athens, is visiting Mrs. J. Stevens this week. A number of people from here attend- ed the annual excursion to Ogdens burg. Miss Sherratt of Kingston, is visiting her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. D. McIntyre, Richard McCal- lum, of New York, visited his brother here, recently. Some of the farmers have cut some hay, while others claim their hay has not come to maturity yet. Wilson Topping has just done a fine job of shingling id painting the house and store of J. D. Mclatyre. A number from here an going to Iroquois on Friday. Berm to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gile, a son. Master Rex Smith and sister, Irene, are visiting their grand-parents here. Ziba Gile was successful in catching some fine black bass in the upper Rideau. News From Plevna. Plevna, July 12.-On the 4th, were married, by HRev. M. Cox, at the hotise of George "Wood, Fernley, James Tucker Allen and Mattie Isabell King. On July Sth, the lord bishop of On. tario paid his annual visit to this mission and preached to good con- gregations at all three churches, The offertories for the day, amounting to 811.98, » devoted to the diocesan mission On July 9th, John Dack, cheesemaker at Ardoch factory, passed away, after a short illness. The funeral took place the following day. The picnic in connection with the Anglican church, Ardoch, will be held, in Lapping's grove, on Wednes- day, July 18th, an event which is being looked forward to with great interest, Women with weaknesses should never forget Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. This magic-like local treatment is used at time, all night while the system is at rest, it is constantly building up the weakened tissues, soothing the in- | flamed and sensitive surfaces and will surely clean up all catarrhal and lo- cal troubles. Sold by all druggists. The Tartars take a man by the ear to invite him to eat or drink with them. Buy Abhy salt, saline laxative, cit rate of magnesia or phosphate of soda, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, LOOKING UPWARDS : STRAINED EYES YES ARE SEEKING _KINGSTON IN THE WEST. Canadian City Was Said to Have Appeared as a Mirage, But Gazers Saw Nothing But Blue Sky--Half a Dollar Will Bring Them Here. Watertown, N.Y.. Standard. Considerable excitement was caused on the dock at Frontenac early Mon- day morning when some one reported that a mirage of Kingston had been seen in the western sky, Every one wanted to sce the strange phenomen- on, and strained their eyes for several minutes in the endeavor to ei out the houses and streets of Kingston, only to find that they were looking into many acres of blue sky. However, the appearance of a mirage at Frontenac is not entirely unknown. It is located in a place especially adapted for such a phenomenon, for west of the Frontenac the river broad: ens into the Lake of Ontario, and it is in this direction that the mirage is occasionally seen. Those who have ob- served the mirages say it is only in a clear sky and usually in the morning of a cold day that they can be seen, and then the old weather man sends a storm of some kind to pay the price of the mirage beauty. Two years ago N. P. Longtin observed the city of Kingston engraved upon the sky as perfectly as a photographer's picture. At another time late in the fall, when the river was frozen, he saw a mirage of the island lying west of Frontenac. Several people have been on the watch this summer, hopefully wishin for a reappearance of the phenomenon. HE SIZED HIM "UP And Considered Him An in Fish Stories. Caradian Rod and Gun. friend of Rod and Gun's, whose character is good and who abhors ex- aggeratidn, tells the following inci- dent : "On one occasion when away fishing Artist I was telling somo friends on the train on the return journey just ex- actly' to the strict letter what had occurred, pointing out that I had caught all my speckled trout on the fly, and 1 had brought home with me about seventy-five fish, the smallest of which was about eleven inches in length. An American sitting in. the smoking department of the Pullman car hearing my story spoke to the negro porter next morning in the hearing of my friend to whom I had been telling my experience. On leav- ing the tiain at Toronto my friend said to me: "I have a good joke on you, Mac." My reply was, "What is it?" He said, "Do you remember the American gentleman who sat behind us when you were telling me your ex- perience in trout fishing on Lake St. German ?" 1 remarked, "Certainly 80." He stated then he had heard the conversation hetween this 'American gentleman and the porter 'in the morning to the following effect : American-- 'Porter, do' many peopl: go trout fishing up to:Lake St. Ger- man ?* Porter-- 'Yes, sir, 1 gglieve they do." American--'"'Do they catch many fish up there " Porter--"Well, 1 reckon thoy do or they would not go there. American--"Well, 1 heard that man talking last night in the car, and of all the darn liars in telling fish stories he beats them all." rst. Some Flinton Marriages. Flinton, July 13.--On Sunday there was a heavy downpour of rain, which lodged corn and fattened the po- tato tops and hay. Hay is still grow. ing well. Many prophesy there wall be no marsh hay cut this year, on ac: count of so much wet weather, the crops are backward as Old Sol doesn't shine enough, On Monday, July 2nd, at the Roman Cathclic church there were united in holy matrimony by Father Shallon, Miss Eugenie Lessard, youngest daughter of the late Moses Lessard, Sr., to Denis Daskie, the wedding march being played by Mrs, J. H. Stone, as the bridal party en tered the church. The bride was given away by her brother and was beauti fully dressed. They held tho wedding dinner at the bride's sister's, Mrs. J. F. Blakely, and then left on a tour to Ottawa and Montreal, We wish them ¢very success on the journey of life as both are popular. Alexandér Laundry is home from Brockville, where he was confined several days suffering from poison. Mr. and Mrs, R, W. Kennedy left on the 2nd for a trip to Watertown, N.Y., to take in the 4th of July. 0. M. Perry has gone to spend his vacation with foienus in Balderson, Frederick York cut his foot in Manville, and has been laid up for some time. Willma Beatty is spending a week with her friend, Maggie Sal- mond, at Meyer's Cave. At Flinton, July 4th, at the residence of the bride's dtr, Mrs. James Bryden, by Rev, J. C. Wilson, Newcastle, Isa- bella Stuart Bryden, eldest eldest daughter of James Bryden, was mar ried to Dr, T. J, C. Tendell, Flinton. The bride was dressed in a very nice silk outfit. They left Kaladar for To- ronto and points west on a wedding tour. We wish: them bon voyage on the journey of life. The doctor, though a stranger when he came among ° us, has made many friends. May prosperity attend his ways. On July 5th the Bishop of Ontario paid his yearly visit here. There were But few in attendance. The church is great. ly reduced in numbers as there was no confirmation. Mr, Gay accompanied him. Bishop Mills is of fine physique and a fine man, one just fitted or the position he fills, his voice is so clear that any one can hear him, Mrs. William Vance is very il and has beer "for some time. Mrs. William Campbell shows no improvement. Dr, Spankie, son of Dr. Spankie, Wolfe Island, ix in Dr. Tendell's place, while he is away od his 'wedding tour, Po- 4ato buge are here in full supply. Any one wanting a few can be easily sup- plied. William Vanallen has sold his blacksmith shop and dwelling house to Philip Clatke, of Tweed. Mr. Ularke expeets to take possession in the fall. Try Bibby's for men's. underwear, as possessing all the properties of an IDEAL and PERFECT TABLE WATER. Tae INDEPENDENT DAILY 1.204 A PAPER OF CHARACTER WHOSE COL. UMNS ARE FULL OF INTERESTING WHOLE. SOME, RELIABLE REPORTS OF EVERY MATTER OF PUBLIC IMPORTA . SCRIBE NOW. SAMPLE COPY YEAR Do You Diet in the Old Way or the New =m Many people confuse diet with starvation. Modern di is good nutrition with sane, satisfying food, You can eat all you want if you eat what you ontht to ea foods that agree with the stomach. Life Chips, Granose Biscuits, Granose Flakes, Granola and Caramel Cereal Coffee made on "the Battle Creek ides," are a diet in the proper scnse of : the word--tempting, palatable and nutritious. Can be served with poached soft boiled eggs, vegetables or fruit to take the place of meat. ONE DAY ~--OF OUR-- 20 Per Cent. Discount Sale Be sure to take advantage of it.» Remember--20 per cent. on all goods in stock, except Cottons, and 10 per cent. on Cottons. ALL SALES FOR CASH. CRUTILEY BROS. PIG LEAD Get our prices. Phone. Main 1729. THE CANADA METAL CO, 3t William St., Toronto Immediate shipment. Bicycle - Supplies Baseball Goods Fishing Tackle Talking Machines And Records

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