------ ------ : CRIME Of the Great Custer's 'Battalion. Brave | WOMEN IN COMPACT TO KILL "CAMAN, One of Them Was Hex Sister and She Shot Hin in Another Brother's Preseace? i Zeaitley Wash. July JEathr Mitchell, ot and killed her . Guil ther, 6 gige Michell, in Wie Yio : Thong Juand an July MH station : ade public, a Statement in De. E, FP. Sargent, of Watertown, ichoshe i e m as K A $s t deliberately planned. George Mitchell whe spends ie Shils re- had recently been acquitted of the Gnl ne at the 0 Jound of Pogo minder of Frans Finn Creffield a take near Massena and now secks to "H er et," on the plea i hoi Ianity. He. cluimet that , Croffeld diciver he patio responsible for tha had wronged in sister, KE r, who work offering Tews infor, nk "Holy Roller," Esther later mation their arrest, planned her brother's death. In her statement, she said :, "Mrs. Creffield and 1 talked over the matter of killing George. The one that had the best chance was to do it. Mrs. Crefficld bought the gun. This afternoon I thought I would have a better chante to do it than Mrs, Creffield, as my brother wanted to see me, and Mes. Creffield gave me the that it must he done 5 : g I fit beri sEEE Mrs. T. M. Fenwick and Miss Flor- ence Fenwick returned, last night, af- ter two weeks' stay in Yeh, Miss Mabel and oe ary Johnson, Ottawa, are visiting Miss Ireno Milne, University avenue, a Mrs. Fair, University avenue, and' Miss Pixley, graduate of the K.GH., have gone to Montreal on a visit. Mis. N. Wilmot and Miss Wilmot, Clergy street west, are visiting with * Mrs. Clarke Taylor, Jr, in Ganan- oque, * - » * Miss Ethel Wilcox, of Oswego, is the guest of Mrs. Henry Wade. Mrs. A. C. Johnson and son arrived' this afternoon from Montreal, on a visit to Mrs, Johnston's ts, Mr. and Mrs, Wiliam Ley, Barrie street, N Mrs, John Yamanghtoh and Master Ian will join Miss io at Metis, Professor aughton sailed yester- depot, and At last I saw George and I shook hands with him. He and Perry were walking in front, and Fred. and T were walking behind. I was walking to the door and George was in front of me, That was the chance I wanted, and I shot him. My brother Fred. grabbed me, and I sat down on his lap,. and the officer came, I intended to follow him to Portland, if I did not get a chance: at him here. I am not sorry I did the shooting: 1 am glad of it." Mrs, Creffield, the widow of the dead prophet, was arrested and admitted having entered into a compact with Esther to kill the slayer of her hus- band. cool 'summer has nd bought a lot of New York, July 14.~Sergeant John Martin, of Brooklyn, and Sergt. Thomas W, Harrison, of Philadelphia, are the only survivers of Gen. Custer's battalion, which was annihilated, thir- ty years age, in the battle of the Lit- tle Big Horn, by Sitting Bull and his Sioux warriors. They 'owe their lives to the fact that just before the fam- ous battle they were sent out by Gen, Custer , to summon assistance from , We can fit you out ---- CHIEF WHITE HERE q oan 7.50 and $8.50 _W. J. BRYANTON MRS. W. J. BRYANT < x RN * S| 3 Major, Reno and Capt, Benton, who | day, on the Dominion, for Scotland, 2 op = MISS. (AY CRAY 2 With = Warrant 3a Tr Arrest of commanded the reserve forces. where he will the summer, ; Gordon Vilson. J : Mise Minnie Moore came home, on 1.25 Nesgli Considers Pe-ru-na the Bost Medicine | Permanent Benefit Followed Use of | Pe-ru-na Used For Throat Trouble Chief of Police White, of Perth, was SLAIN BY ANARCHIST. a ,. from: Toronto. j $1. egligee Iv In the World. vi Peru-nd the Remedy at Hand. in the city, to-day, with a warrant Mrs. Hiram Calvin and little: Miss Mrs. W. J. Bryanton, 210 Sherman | Aiss May Cray, 147 11th street, Brook- Mrs. J. A. Baker, 830 Locust avenue, for the arrest of Gordon Wilson, who } Victim of Crime, With No Ap- | Hilda, have gone down to Metis. street, Dennison, Ohio, writes: Hy RY, writes Amsterdam, N. Y., writes: is charged with criminal assault upon parent Motive. ®lm. ar brings great Serge. Suits. more comfortable ell you about in an "I followed the directions you kindly gave me and now I find myself entirely cured. I think your Peruna is the best medicine in the world." Thanks For Relief Found in Pe-ru-na. 'Miss Jessie 8. DWord, 87 South street, Passaic, N. J, writes: "I took Peruna as you directed. I bad a dry cough and after using two bottles of Peruna, I. found relief. You have my heartfelt thanks." $08 A cough is cansed by a eatarrhal con- dition of the throat and bronchial tubes, "For more than five years I suffered from rheumatic pains in my joints, and in damp or stormy weather I was obligéd to stay in doors. "Medicine seemed to be of no use an- til I wtaried using Peruna, "Y took twelve bottles in all, although it is six months ago since I stopped. +I have had no return of my old com- plaint, in spite of the fact that I have beep outin all sorts of weather during the severe winter." No better remedy was ever devised "I feel it my duty to write and tell you what Peruna has done for me, so that all those who are troubled as I was may find the same speedy cure. "four years ago I lost my voice, so that I was unable to speak above a whisper for seven weeks. Our family doctor'could do nothing for me. "After seven weeks suffering, I read some circulars in regard to Peruna, "J bought a bottle at once and took 1% in teaspoonful doses every hour, and in two days I could talk, I will never be without it." a voune girl. The chief was unable to locate his man, though he had traced him thus far. It is believed that Wil- son shipped from Kingston on one of the R. & 0. boats, and the chief will probably go to Montreal on the mid- night train. While in the city he went out to see Bedore at the penitentiary. and is none too pleased with what he learn- ed. Bedore has more varns than a dozen men, and the chief was not im- pressed with the veracity of the ma- jority of his. statements. When asked committed here by an ana Rome; July 14.~A terrible crime was ist nam- ed Augusto Desantis, 'Don Antonio Corsi, chaplain to' Prince Doria, was driving in an open cab to.fhe Villa Doria, on the Janiculam, when De- santis sprang 'on to 'the step and plunged a long dagger again and again into Corsi's breast. The first stab caused instant death. The cabman seemed dazed by the sudddensiess of ' the attack 'and did no thing to stop the murderer, who fled among the trees of the: Jack helong- 'man, of Lyn, are en pensi Martha Smith. - ot WH Jive Mrs. W. 8. Hughes gave a picnic for were twenty-four in the Sure rg a or with Mrs. Charles aund, thei 1 Anind, 4 r summer home, at - * - . The opening of the yacht club house, on July 28th, will be made a smart and enjoyable social event, T The Rev. Mr. Beeman, and Mrs, Boos! her young people yesterday. Thera party, and} all went down to Cartwright's' Point. Miss Florence L. Hayoock has. re- reearding the Sharbot Lake mystery, ing to Prince ' Doria. police im- Remove the catarrh and the cough. dis-| by the medical profession for the| For freo medical advice, write to Dr. | Chief White stated that there were no | medintely organised a search. and [Will be a mi -appreciated befween- appears. Peruna is the remedy for all | mitigation of all climatic ailmenty than | 8. B, Hartman, President of The Hart» | new developments in the case. found the murderer, who was captur- | season festivity, and visiting yachts : fitiohs, : AF Be 4 / man Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. -- ed after a hot chase. men, will add to the day's pleasure, | . og : ® t tsi HAS TWO FAMILIES. Desuntia baste that Bo is an ana vs ss Toile % I --------------" ct-- _-- - TTT . chist, but admits that scarcely » engagement announced CT hk SE aa A CITY TO ORDER Admitted the Charges About the | know his victim, who was eighty-three | Hamnett' P, Hill in an son ody. > TLV VRTBVRRY ~88 » years of age." There was 'no' known | Hamnett: P. Hill, to « Miss Ss Matter. Napanee Beaver. - William J, Cronk, was arrested and brought before Police Magistrate Ran- kin on Thursday morning to answer to a charge of assault on his sister in-law. He was given two months in jail at hard labor 'without fine, for the purpose of giving the authorities time to look up his character. While , to Lindsay, youngest daughter of Mi Arthur Lindsay, both' _ Ottawa, PERSO.IAL MENTION. Movements of The. People--What : They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. Hogan, ningston, is the guest of Mrs. Aaa, Reniryw, motive: for the murder. Last" Decom ber Desantis made a similar attack on a police officer, but was promptly disarmedh The Prince and Princess Doria are greatly distressed by the murder, all the more so as the assassins father is in the prince's service. Transformation Decreediby Steel Magnates. Twenty miles southeast of Chicago, a sleepy river winds through tall rank grasses and empties into Lake Michi- gan. writes Dewey Beebe in "Technical World Magazine. The straggling oaks and stunted bushes which somehow keep alive in the shifting sand, only ow wi BROKEN LOTS--The result of unusually busy white wear selling of the past fow wogks. One size in each has been completely sold out--sametimes two. These de- ALE WASHINGTON WRITERS. olsive price-reductions : CREMISES, prettily trimmed RI ITA : CORSA COVER - AND SKIRT serve to emphasize the barren waste. Cacti, natives of southern deserts, here flourish in abundance. Hot winds in the witness box yesterday morning the prisoner admitted having a wife and eight children in Syracuse, N.Y. Enjoyed a Record Run on Special _ Chief of V'oliee White of Perth,' 'was in the city, to-day. ] JOHNSTON'S with embroidery and lace, COMBINATIONS MMER VESTS, 15c¢. regular prices 75¢. to $1.25, Roegilar 8} for ... Ladies' Summer Vests, 3 i clearing at, special . 490.7} Regular $2 for ...... w neck, sleeveless ® with 4 3 DRAWERS, trimmed with em- ge and drab ribbons on broidery, lace and tucks :- rms, fine Egyptian white Regular 50c. for ... ton, regular 20c. and 25c. Regular 65 to 90c. Miss Louse Farrelly, of Watertown, N.Y., is visiting in the city, ! Kev. Father uanley and Miss Han- ley sailed from Glasgow on Friday tor home. Miss Ethel McCartney, Kingston, is vis ting her cousin, Muss L. Brydge, Konfrew, Edward Swift and H. Bates attend- G.T.R. Train. Yesterday afternoon, a special GT, n passed here with a party of Washington correspondents of an newspapers aboard. The corfespontlents were on a tour of Can- ada, The GTR. carried them from luffalo to Montreal. GT, Bell, gene and also a wife and four childrén at Coe Hill, Ont., and it was very evi- dent to the magistrate that his oh- ject in coming to Napanee was to break up a happy home here, which he has sdmost succeeded in doing. blow the sand into ever-changing hil- locks, and the lake lies hot and piere- ing in the glaring sun. The river-- "Grand Calumet," so-called--is but a tiny streafn, co stagnant in places that its re: and the marsh can hardly be distinguished. . 60. NIGHT GOWNS: 350. Regular 83e. for . 49¢: |. Regulgy 81 for rime, THC 6c. Regular $1.25 for ...... 9%c. BOOMING MANCHURIA. evening... .. ... ' ee Regular $1 for .... : Three years hence the traveller along ral ticket and passenger agent of the | ed the d y Loe g 15¢. each Regular 81.25 for ..... ..... 70¢; Regular $1.50 for ........... $1.13 these shores will be greeted by the TB 4 " line, met 'the party at Kingston, and | just oy te' #t the Ju, Uutunoyus, These tablets will do for any rune DIES' SKIRTS % busy eolatter of a large city. The Japs and Russians Vie With proceeded east with them. The spe- sor a ang i . down women just what theydid for Mrs. WHITE LAWN KIMONAS, daintily trimmed with whole face of nature has been chang- Each Other. cial train consisted of an engine and F. i ay Sana oqus, and be McDonald. é 5 Tweed Skirts for $2.49 embroidery and lace, regular prices £1.75 and $2.00, ed. The outline of the eoast is now London, July 14.=~The Daily Tele- four cars, the Pullivan, dining and ob- | visitors to-day. By, Wea ely They are doing it for women every to | Dark Grey Mixture, made cial emh : $1.25 symmetrical. As he approaches the | geaph's correspondent at Tokio re- | Scrvation being gorgeously fitted, and | "Jpgign and Mrs. Rose, of Napanes day. ; PAE s and' strappings, splendid special, each ...............ccevieiiiil an aes wriver, a great harbor meets his gaze. | ports that the Chinese minister at St. | quipped with cleotric fans. The train | Sulvation Army, loave for the. North. ust buy one box and watch the im- irt, Sale price ...... $2.49 on a The largest steamers can nbw navi- | Petersburg has telegraphed to Pekin, left Toronto forty minutes behind | west next week. *" | provement in one wi gate theriver, and an ideal haven is{ that Russia has decided to double her | * heduled time, but was six minutes AEE OITTNTLTTTTERETLTRTRLERLETRRRR Henry Connolly and Edward Wil liams went down to Gananoque, to spend over Sunday N. V, Lamay, an Amsterdam, N, Y., merchant, is visiting his friend, J. KE, Jones, Alfred street, itlemen's TIES, 20c. of our whole stock--the all this seaSom's goods, four-in-hand and puff ties. ce ble. peuthaan seuisriatagn. see 29¢., each ahed of time at Brockville. The rum from Kingston to Brockville, a dis- tance of forty-vight miles, was made in the record time of forty-six min- utes. The correspondents took the C, P.R. at Montreal, and proceeded west afforded the huge freighters which vly between Lake Superior and this new | way and expand all its branch lines, city. A confusion of clanging metal | at an estimated cost of $10,000,000, lic noises and the shouts of men turns | to be raised by the issue of domestic the traveller's attention toward the | bonds. sand hills where great black clouds of The correspondent adds that Japan sectipn of the Chinese eastern rail- aa TT a a a pl EVES BA ® SP EN CE"S The Dg ie Store Your choice WH Mrs. D, we. cannot describe ellington Street McNabb of Orillia, ars 'w days with relatives in i nic---- | FACTORS FAIL -- irm Disappears--Dis- ancies $145,000. rv, July' 1--Alexander & e of ithe largest firms of HOW TO REDUCE FLESH. Increase Your Lung Capacity the First Thing. To increase the lung capacity is the: first step in the reduction of flesh, says the Outing Magazine. For this purpose running is, I think, superior to any other exercise. Boxing and hand ball are also excellent for the "wind." And these exercises will do more than increase the, respiratory functions: they will greatly stimulate the circulation as well as all. the sec- retory and "excretory 'processes. What leg exercises . will not do, however, is oxidize, to any great extent, the soft tissues' of the trunk and arms. Trae, by stimulating the organs. of. elimina- tion and by. increasing. lung capacity, ' NEW AMERICAN INDUSTRY. Silk Manufacture is Develop- ing. "Bho ginfunt industry of raw silk pro- duction 'gives promise of into sturdy and vigorous denied it, says the Technical and profitable branch of American in- dustry, is Louis Borris Magid, « Ger and an American Tallulah Falls, 500 atres of land, on which planted 'more than 200,000 mulberry trees, now from 2 developing manhood, even ~thongh protective duties and the aid of state or national bounties be Wokld Magazine, The father of the movement to establish sericulture as a permanent man by birth, an Italian by deseent, by adoption. Av Georgia, he owns 3. he has three to five years heavy smoke! hanging above leaping flames and glaring transformation from desert quiet to swarming indus- try. "The largest steel mills of the world here give employment to 15,000 workmen, T'wo square miles are filled with noisy mills and belching furnac- em The magnitude of the great plant is overpowering, That this transformation shall take place, sas been decreed by the direct- ors of the United States Steel Cor- poration. They have bought 6,000 acres of land on the Grand Calumet river, drawn up the plans for the new steel plant and city, and have made possible this, the greatest industrial project of all time, by voting $75,000,- 000, / intends to spend $50,000,000 in way and colliery Manchuria. rail improvements in The News Stand. It is worthy of note, that the Ran- dolph hotel has now in connection with it one of the best equipptd news stands in Ontario; a full line of periodicals, f@wspapers, new novels and magazines, souvenirs, souvenir post cards, pipes, tobaccos and fresh Lowney's chocolates are carried in stock. Newspapers from New York city arrive by special delivery every day at 5 p.m. Sunday papers " New York and Toronto early on Sundays. are on sale Davies' Butter Special. from' en route to Vancouver. AGRICULTURALIST SEAD. William Dawson, of Ont., Passed Away. Vittoria, Ont., July 1 Dawson, Sr., of this pla derily last night Mr. Dawson was one of "the widely known men in having been" reeve of for many and for « county." He as a judge of cattle at throughout the province. Vittoria, 4.-- William died sud- aged seventy-eight. most this section, Charlotteville, years, algo city councillor, term warden of Norfolk wam widely known in agri- cultural éircles, and 'also 'as a breeder of short-hormed cattle 'and other thor- oughbred stock, being often 'called on exhibitions ] Wood and Mrs. W. Clack, Kingston, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Lewis Clark, Napanee, Miss Goforth, returning from a trip to Quebec, spent last evening in town, on her way home to Picton, # Ethel M. Graham, trained nurse, New York, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J, E. Jones, 32 Alfred street, Miss Lottie Adams and Miss Hattie Watts left this morning, to spend a few days with relatives in Watertown and Oswego, N.Y, Miss Hannah Affleck, nurse at Rock. wood hospital, is visiting her friends in Middleville, prior to for British Columbia, . William McGall, Rochester, guest of his nts, Queen street, will go up to Massassaga Park, near Belleville, THIRD ANNUAL EXCURSION Montrea! and Ottawa "ALL BY DAYLIGHT" Por STEAMER "'ALETHAN' Comfortal tied cats "cham, atl (oF (hie 10. with an Ereasing : : LIVED ON BRE D MILK. to spend is hol : on the wats, re fi leg ox ites will Oxidias upper tissues olde and Wesigned for She feeding. of J BREAD. AND M! On cals this 'weeks ohare duire Assayed At Kingston. is id he risk ol hin holidye. A i Ohi ranes, ror Con assed, al screp 8 at; mE whén fat is not re- milhons of 8 ¢ worms, he land i rints, 22¢, " btwhs 4 ha . N yp ¥ oo all the raj ), Ottaw, ue $5,000 discov- "faced by 'muscle, it has a strong ten- [tbe sabdivided into many small farms Woman Dead at 105--Well Pre- |! ol pi I Reniven, ruck tildeen, Philadelphia, are spending a nd Hi a pida), ~ # accounts following dency to feform. A bad effect of log And leased ror sold to persons willing 3: served Body. Try Bibby's 50c, fancy hosiery. An assay gave 2 2-10 ounces of silver | ter Mrs. F D. iter, hy on i : f th St Thomas fir Alex- exercides éxclusively is that they draw [to engage in silk culture. Mr. Magid | New York, July 14.--When the au- Fire destroyed all the valuable out-] to the ton. The spot was the ents, Mr. nd M or ois Der pur. X ays, the company. » a major part of the blood, rich in| has proven that silk can be produced | topsy was held on the body 'of Mrs. | buildings of John Reynolds. who ro . > Spot. was then fur + Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Burley, 3 le assets of the firm about $80,000. while the lities of T. W. Alexan- ther tested; and they got what was st gold-bearing quartz. A Haileybury as- | three weeks, with typhoid fever, whi h say gave the astonishing report of | he contracted at Smith's Falls, is $10,601.20 of gold to the ton! This, | much | improved, The doctor in at it was felt, was too good to be true, | tendance expects he will be out by the So eight fovads was taken out of the md of next, weak, vein, anc Mr. Miller rRonal ore ving Cobour, brought it to be arsavod ot Kine Mitchell was vhented with . as cheaply in America as in any other Rev, C. EB. Manning, ill for the country, and that the $100,000,000 or more expended annually for foreign silks might just as well be kept at home for the benefit of American farmers, workmen and manufacturers, oxygen, tothe lower limbs; whereas if vigorous arm and trunk exercises, much: blood would be attracted) also to the upper parts, which would then be oxidized to the best advantage, their lokt fat being at the same time replaced by solid tissue, and henee; having little tendeney to reform. Rin- Mary Fay, who died at the city alms- house at the age of 105, it was found the body was as well nourished and preserved as that of a woman of thirty years of age. All" her teeth were sound. Mra, Fay lived for forty years exclusively on a diet' of bread and milk which is said to ac: sides about three miles east of Frank- ville, with ofl' their contents, consist- ing of about forty tons of hay and considerable machinery, It was caused by a small boy six years of age, son of Charles Daly, playing with matches. A fresh supply of ladies' white can- ba Sonounced Fh former Datrons A Get The Habit. a 8 SusHrpuss any Wagen trip I a r } 3 . vas Blucher cut Oxfords, leather hel ston. The report 12 1.2 of gold by the i ; Rr Business and had ving, therefore, splendid xercin Of faking the North King or Cas | count for thé woman's excellent | $1.50 a pair, at The Lockett "shoe gold and Vir Buge, gg Mitchell with . a ad --.: pcLae by Jat salt : though it is, should bo supplement piah among the Thousand Tslands--the physical condition. store. ton, which means 8850 of gold to the | Prooch. Before settling in Kin te . -- vigorous "upper" exercises. By | cteumers by the - best. Service up-tor| Try Bibby's $3.75 trousers, ton. ype they have gone to#New Haven, Coro" | _P. F. CANNIFF ginal Corn Cure vigorous upper exercises I 'do not | que, Tallest Officer Retfres A young woman i¢ at Carleton a former home Lam, e. ; Zo mean calisthenics nor any kind of so- ales ir Re . Place under suspicion of havi BPTI %, On a visit, J. MAGRA e has ever been devised : IN: 1 3 : Maj. Oswald: Ames. who was. the er susy of having aban- Brock Street Church. et ig i called light excrtises; I mean reason ) , as the] joned the two months old § A BV. R. H. quick, painless results of ls Band work ki Campbell Bros. tallest officer in the British army, | found beside the railaeid female child | Brock Street Methodist Church.-- Walks And Crossings. way St. Church, ' » Extcastor. For Eile \ For truly Warner straw hats, thas retired after twenty-two years' | yord thoes e railway track in the Saevices. 11 am. and 7 pm. Sonday| It: is just two months ago to-day ] . boen uneq : » > A rman § service in the Second Life Guards. He |' . Beat cons 00% 3 poi. The pastor, Rev. Dr, | since the season' rossing | oxinctal I thorough cure use Put- on or Hale Js Sersue, = pls Sale, of underwear at Bibhy's. §etands ox fot eight inches 1 his . A fresh mpply 2 Judie. white con- E "y, preaches morning and evening. A | construction was Sl aid on time, ----t ok the. Bnet cabi- J pere! " - ol ici : jee stocking: y » " r » eels, early wole v . 4 . a ----in on rs hs pin iy th Perfectly delicious; the jee cregm nt ox kings. Col. C. Anstruther Thom: 81.50 a pair, at The Lockett eh : barty w leomg for all. : two miles and one-tenth of con A shocks ot : ah fiorisal. - : iy il | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store foun- | man of the same regiment is six feet | store oy ---- walks, and fifty asphalt crossin ili and North tt, Tweed, has been ap- the Ae of Sehty-lour, to the sereni- | tain. : | ix inches tall, : Try Bibby's celebrated $2 hata, have been laid, ge | Hon ays ty 'with which he takes life, sleoping | William Swan, piano tuner. Orders of the f rari . County Constable Wilbert I. Mallory, Mallorysown: had his Poet pony os A fresh lot of children's and girls' ---------- Sunlight Soap is better i soaps, i Bt when Ty ngs county, yiee C, J, "hine hairs a night and always keeping | readved at MeAnlev's hook store. Colgate's violet toilet water, 25c. | Brockville of a wallet ini tories gal white canvas Blucher Ox- | Buy tal i 2 bo g i + Rib' : a v ) : \ conta ¥ q her y cum powders at Gibson's | 8 . a ) his wind occupied. Try Bibhy's $1 shirts, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Sale of soft shirts at Bibby's. ™ Ss: 31 nd £135. The Lockets shoe Red roms ekg Stanet : nd Flow Sunlieth for fancy hosiery. 5 . 5 'at Bibby' RE Ho } 5 $ 2 : Try Bibby's for