ad n from' quart bottles of ve a handsome enameleq | send a silk watch fob UR PREMIUM LIST, ) Limited, Monirea: Talk nk. They le in the nally it's for 1 want -- he busi- over our lity and e sewed, ite, , etc. urely be : ere - Our g lesigns, Outing Gomfort ~ GOMFORT suffering. es. ear INVICTUS apes in Lace and Colt, 00 » Store 8 BORN, At Dorland, Ont., Julv wu Mrs. Luke P. Trum- June, to "Panee, on 20th Mrs. R ales, a Napanee, July 4th, to 's. R. H.. J. Pasmore, a Deseronto, on J Mrs. Geo. © uly 6th, rouse, a t Deseronto, on July and Mrs. Jule Rouselle, chwond, on July Sth, Mrs. William J. Bowen, RRIED, BES. At iss Ethel e, Na to. om Jaynes, and n DR At MDeser- Miss Baster- Bwekiel Doyle mest Brodie Rio aw, Rich- Mrs. Lottie Sherman, DIED. Seronto, on July 10th. = Empey Hl, aged Leinster, "on Tuesday Janet Turnbull, aged eromto. om July 7Ui, awed eighty-two rd, partially 1. doubt but that the ¥ night was of incen- n a week, after hi d 'the disovdry of swollen Joints in « few hours. Positively cures jn a few days. It does mot put the disrase to sleep, but drives @t ~HUNYON. from the system Fe f equally in Constipation, curing and. venting Siasanoyingeompiatut while correct all disorders of { hestomach, stim: Jiver aud regulate the bowels. Even if: -- HEAD Li the A ere, an Wwhoonoetry them will find these little pills value in somauy 3 that they will not be wit Be tn ao muy ga But after alla. ck head ACHE 35 the bane of 50 many lives that here fs wi Jmakeunt great boast, Our Dillscuse tt vhie others do not. Quarter's Little Liver Pills tro very small and easy (0 take. Ouo or two p'lls makea doso. They are strictly vegotablo tad do not gripe ox purge, but by their genrtloaction please all who Gn them. Jn vialsat:iconts: five for §l. Sold By druggists everywhere, or scnt by mail, CARTER MCDICINE CO., New York, mtin FH ir Robegts spoke most earnest- td those wh® "| pyndt BRITAIN SURPRISED OVER CABINET'S PLANS FOR L SARMY AND NAVY, % Objections to Reduction--Tremen- dous Storm Over the Proposal to Abandon Building of a Big Battleship. New York, July 1--A special cable to the New York Herald from Lon- don says: 'Nothing that the present or any other British government has ever done or proposed to has stricken the country with so much surprise as the éabihete plan for the reorganiza- tion of the army and the reduction of the navy, and this right in the face 'of 'the 'opinions of or hihat miki. Senay thoities in land, The dis- Ton by the movernment to the strong opinion expressed by Earl Ro- berts in the House of Lords on Tues- day, is generally regarded as simply id even the liberal organs plesent mute, 8 ly dhd £ smdlyi about the inadequate: ness of the British army to meet such demands as might be made upon it in case of war with any great power. Aid yet in' the face of his pleading for thé odhstant maintenance of an army of at least half a million men, ready for immediate despateh to any part, and for greater facilities for the train- ing of citizen soldiers and the encour- ment, wof - thé volunteer movement, governmiant, with its minister of war, Mr. Haldane, as its mouthpiece-- a man who never was associated with volunteer force--wants to re- by eight battalions, and throw 20,000 soldiers into the ranks of the unem- ployed. "Earl Roberts said it was necessary to have' behind 'the army a large po- tential . reserve. 'I strongly urge,' he continued, 'the recognition by = the country 'of the first duty of citizen ship, namely, military training, in or- der that every able-bodied man may be ahle to take his part in defence of the empire, in the event of any great national emergency. The lessons of the late war seem to be complete- ly forgotten. fl HL bud Ds fal Bi 1 ha "Clark's Corned Beef All'good méat, bone- less and wasteless. Open the germ proof can and itis ready-to-serve at any hour. Order some from your dealer to-day. WM. CLARK, Mfr. Montreal. 21-06 MEN AND WOMEN Use Big. @ for unnatere? dischargs s,inflammations frritations or Wiesration. ol of mucous membranes. Prevetia Contagion. Painless, and not astris EVARSCHEMICALOR. gent or poirouous. Sold by Druggica, or sent in plain wrapper y express, prepaid, for 8100. or 3 brties 92. 1, f.ecvlar wit on request. rand Union Hotel Roors From $1.00 Per Day Up SITE GRAND excellez: yaide-book and map of the City of New York bork a oe pg on Aly The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three strength--No. 1, 2 isherman's Outfit THIS Sptend PizhCa en. No, thought is given to the porsih li ies of the future, and the one Pregiling idea scems to be cut down 'miit{fy expenses, without re- ference to the increased responsibilities wiilethe largely augmented revenue. 1 sometimes despair of the country ever becoming alive to the unpreparedpess of thd proéit position until too 1 te to prevent some fatal catastrophe. We must have a well-organized ras»: a also, Li' organization by means of Which Tess highly trained mén could be rapidly turned out to repanes. ihe wastage of war." "Lord" : Milner, | Lord Dundonald, Lord Lansdowne and : other empire makers spoke! boldly in favor of strengthening the army, and said that the . present moment. when Europe is in a . state of undefinable unrest, jis the last that should = be [taken for veh a nomindl reduction of. the Bri%isk fighting strength. 'And vet, what happens ? Mr. Haldane's excusq fdr futting down the army is that the democracies of the world are making manifest their desire that the crushing burden of 'armament should be lightened and that such a great amF Pi Feomitry as Britain <can well. affond- «to take the lead. Truly, there are stormy days and nights in store for, the House of Commons, but even moe serious is regarded the cabige $i menace to the navy. The citbingt i wellknown to be divided on the' question of stopping any of the building going on or proposed by the Igte: govrgment.- When a few days agbtit W®didecided by the govern- ment, without taking any advice from the admiralty, to abandon the build- ing 'of oné of the great battleships of the Dreadnaught type, so as to pre- sent to) the country a reduced bill of navel expenditures, there arose a tre- mendous ; 'storm of indignation throughout the country, voiced by the press, while the board of admiralty, with Admiral Sir John Fisher pre- siding, made a strenuous protest, in- timating to. Lord . Tweedmouth, who ig first Jord, that ' they would resign in a body if such action were persist ed ing & "Though "the cabinet was hastily summoned, they sat two hours and a bali without coming to any decision. § des of the danger to Brita unles®« the cabinet recogmizes the force of public opinion, is ex- plained pv the fact that Britain has building only six battleships, while France has eight and Germany twelve on 'the shipbuilding programme. Only two of the British battleships now on the building list are Dreadnaughts, and. it is one of these which the first lord said some time;/"ago with pride, was equal to any three other battle ships afloat, that the government proposes to stop." Cornwalls Win Again. The appellate division at Rochester has affirmed . the decision of the re- feree in the case of Oren G. Staples acainst Carnwall Brothers, wherein the referee held that the plaintifi's complaint should be dismissed with costs, The action was over the bridge which the plaintiff built, as a short cut, from the dock at Alexandria Bay te Thousand Island House. which the plaintiff owns, The plaintiff claimed that it was on his land, and that L the defendants had no right to re- move il, a8 they had threatened to do before he. commenced this action for permanent injunction. The case has been in the courts for several years. Costs were awarded the defendant and the court was unanimous in its de cision, Party Going To Picton. A trim little motor launch was in the harbor this afternoon; on board were her owner, Dr. J. A. Gibson, and family and E. N. Wilke, and family, of Buffalo; N.Y., and Miss Gibson, Lon- don,' Ont. These seven travellers left Bufialo a week ago, going down the Erie 'canal, up to Oswego, down the St. Lawrence and thence to Kingston. They left this afternoon for the Bay of Quinte to visit a few days in Pic ton, Mrs. Gibson's old home. They 'ex- retifn home the dite *Britain's much too small army kgtrect to George street. CCNCRETE WALKS LAID So Far This Season--Thirty-Nine of Them. The following are the concrete walks that have been laid so far this sea- son : East side Albert street, from Stuart street south 86 feet, ; West side: Bagot street, from Queen street to Princess street. South side Barrack street, King street to Wellington street. West side Barrie street, from John. son street to William street. South side Deacon street, from Bar- rie Street to Arch street. South side Earl street, from Clergy strect to Barrie street, st side Barrie street, from Earl from street, King street to Wellington street. North side Bay street, from Rideau strect to got street, North side Clergy street, from Bar- rie street to Earl street, South side Earl street, from Bagot street west 250 feet. South side Gore street, from Welling- ton street to Bagot street. / North side Johnson street, from On tario strect east 129 feet. North side King street, from O'Kill street to University avenue. North side King street; from Eller- beck Street east 470 feet, North side Queen street, from King ly street west 160 feet. West side King street, from Barrack strect south 183 feet. South side O'Kill street, from Bar- rie street to George street. North side Johnson street, from Bagot street west to a point opposite Sydenham street. East side O'Kill street, from from . King South side Place d'Arms, from King street to Ontario street. North sde Queen street, from King street to Ontario: street. South side Queen street, from King street to Ontario street. East side St. Lawrence avenue, from Stuart street to King street. North side King street, from Bever- ly street to Collingwood street. "West side St. Lawrence avenue, from Stuart street south 106 feet. | South side Stuart street, from St. Lawrence avenue to Albert streot. West side Wellington street, from Gore street to Union street. East side Wellington street, from Queen street to Princess street. West side Wellington street, Union streot to West street, North side West street. from Welling- ton street to Union street. East side West streat, street to Sydenham street. East side West street, from Syden- ham &treet south. North side William street, King street to Ontario. street. East 'side King street, from Place d'Arms to Barrack street, West side King street, from Place d'Arms to Barrack street. North side Ordnance street, from Wellington street to Rideau street, West side Wellington street, from Ordnance street north 206 feet. East side Wellington street, Place d' Arms north 190 feet. from from . Earl from from Y.M.C.A. CAMP. Boys to Have Good Time Near Jones' Falls. When the steamer Rideau King pull- ed out, this morning, she had on hoard twelve young boys bound for the YM.C.A, camp. Those who went down, on Saturday, got the camp in readiness, This year's camp will be situated at Cold Springs, on White Fish like, two miles from Jones' Falls, and bne and a half miles from Morton (which will be the: camp address). H. G. Beall, physical director, will be in charge, assisted by other voung men, The boys wil be able to indulge in good healthy out-door pastime, now, for the coming two weeks. Five years ago the first boys' camp was started through the efforts of J, A. Laurenee, the gencral secretary of the association at that time. It was held near Jones" Falls, and proved such a success that it has been an annual event. There are now about fifteen under canvass. and these will be joined by others, going down later. The To Represent C.M.B.A. Hon. M. F. Hackett, of Stanstead, Que., grand president of the C.M.B.A,, is in the city. To-night he and J. J. Behan, grand secretary, ' leave for Toronto to be present at the insur- ance commission session to-morrow, when the affairs of the C.M.B.A. will be considered. Hon. F. R. Latchford will meet the grand president and grand secretary in Toronto. Killed In Runaway. Montread, July 16.--While William J. Harris, a veteran of the South African war, was out driving, with his wife, at Westmount, on Saturday night, the horse ran away, throwing the occu- pants from the carriage. Harris sus- tained a fracture of the skull, and died ns a result. He went through the South African war, and was at the storming of Stromberg. Was Instantly Rilled. Port Jervis, N.Y., July 16.--The Erie railway immigrant train on the New York division, leavine here late last night, ran into an oven switch in the yard here, Engineer Benjamin Vanin- wegen, who brought the train over the New York division, who was ex- aminime his engine, was canght be- tween the two locomotives and in- stantly killed, Don't Fret, Kingston ! Hamilton Herald. . . Kingston need not be so terribly dis- appointed because it is not going to have one of the new normal schools. Let Kingston people read the terms imposed by Minister Pyne on the Ham- ilton board of education. = Burning Boat Scuttled. Clayton, N.Y. July 16.--A small dug~out known as The Hen, owner un- known, caught fire near here. The boat was run in a bay close by and sunk. The Popular Steamer America. week. Their boat, the calling at G - Makes another of her Ogdensburg |: TEMPERANCE WORK SHALL NOT DRIN OT DRINK WHISKEY; Archbishop Expects to Work Re- generation of the People in a Few Years. ' Montreal, July 16.--Mgr. Bruchesi, who has just returned ir a visit exten over thirty . parishes, where his grace has been looking into the progress of the temperdnce cru- sade started six months ago, declared if the government and municipal bodies will do their part, the whole people will he regenerated * in a few years. Mgr. Bruchesi does not, however, | expect to make a temperance man out of an habitual drunkard, but the arch- bishop will attempt what he calls the alcoholic education of the young. Formerly, he says, the children were i taught not to lie, steal or cheat, but hereafter '"'thou shalt not drink whis- L key' will be added to the formula. "Will you permit me to ask your grace if you ever drink strong liquor?" "I do not," quickly replied his grace "and no liquor has been used at our table since December last. You are aware that it was the custom former ly to serve a little brandy, especially the time I have just mentioned, be my | guests cardinals, bishops or others, there is now no strong liquor used at my table or elsewhere by my house hold. T have also ordered that the same rule be applied priests in my diocese, for, although I have no right to go into the houses of the faithful and command them to abstain at their table, yet I have the right to do so with my clergy, and I oxercise this right" MUCH WEALTH IN SCRIPTURE Huron County Bible Student Was Pleasantly Surprised. Dungannon, . July 16.--The Huron County News says: Recently Ad. Dish- er, Dungannon, while pursuing his Bible was surpri®d to find in it what may prove of considerable value in this world's market at least. It is a well-preserved twentyifive shilling note of the Upper Canada Agricultural Bank, Montreal, dated December 1st, and signed by George Truscott, John Clevelund Green Co. per J. L. Green. Ad. was surprised, for he is very sure he has turned all those leaves often | enough in the last few years to know of any such earthly hidden treasure. He would like some one to explain why he never found it before, and would be glad also to hear from any- one, wgarding its actual present value. There are other Bibles that should be more thoroughly searched. A E. J. LENNOX'S COMPLAINT. Says Judge Winchester Was Pre- - Judiced. Toronto, July 16~E. J. Lennox architect of the oity hall, 'whose rela tions . with contractors came in for severe censure from Judee Winchest- er, has written Mayor Contsworth a lengthy letter in reply, criticizing the judge's findings. Mr, Lennox says the Indge was prejudiced against throughout, and did not give him a fair show. He denies any wrong do- ing against the city and asks for an- other enouiry, so far as the Bennett and Wright contract is concerned. Mr, Lennox refers to Mr. Wright's rela- tions with him as thosh of a man who has not paid his plumber's bill, and incidentally remarks that since the in- vestigation began Judge Winchester meaged him to draw plans of a house for which he has not yet been paid. A GIFT FROM AUTHOR ------ Has Been Presented to Chatham Public Library. Chatham, July 16.--Judge Woods as presented several volumes to the Chatham library, In a letter to the secretary his honor says: "I include a work of great value by Mr. Larned, known as 'History for Ready Refer. ence," containing some 11,000 doubile- column pages. The latter was a gift to me by the distinguished author, and 1 prize it very highly, so much so that I have decided to give it to your clegant library instead of to one of my children, in order that it may en- joy a larger circuit of readers and students than it would have in a private one. An additional value and interest is imparted to its pages by the fact that Mr. Larned is a Chat- ham boy." . A BIG SENSATION Dead Infants. Toronto, July 16.~There are sensp- tional developments said to be forth- coming in the recent finding of dead infants in Toronto and vicinity i » Some of them being to the effect that a se- al years, will be brought home to cer- tain parties. * Provincial Secretary Greer, stated to-day, that enquiries were now being made in England re- specting the life there of Mrs, now under arrest in Toronto. enquiries have connection' children, whom Mrs, Carey is alleged to have brought from England to Canada, but who cannot now found, " - Carey, These with twin -- The Cheese Markets. London, Ont. July 14.--Se 8 factories offered 2.848 cases : 1.080 om at 11%c. to 11 13-16¢. v private sale. and balaee by Belleville, white and 11 15-6c., July 14. Offerings, 8.540 880 colored : 2,100 said at 100 at 11 13-16¢. : § sol om curh at 11%. und 11 Yo Iga Watertown, N July 14. --~Cheese sules, 9.000. at ile. Vankleek Hill, July 14.--There were 1. 865 boxes of 'cheese boarded, sold at 1 Lo ¥ 1 Bld. ussell, July 14.~Seven humd: cheese boarded. 'All sold at 11 Te Brockville, 14. Offerings, 6,717 Sales, 975 white and 1,417 cole 1Lic. for Both. ene. ored at An English nun in Madrid gave King Alfonso his: first taste of Ringer- bread, and now can't get enough of it, and sometimes goes to the con- vent bimself for it. The beet was start- from a pastoral | when visitors were present, but since | him | In Connection With Finding of ' FHIG, MONDAY, JULY 16. _ . CRIME IN FIGURES. Statistics For England and Wales For the Year 1904--Enormous Total of Persons Trivd. convictions being 665,379 against €60,- 300. The persons imprisoned numbered - 199,153, as compared with 189,737 | 75% increase In 1904 was wholly in offences against property. The only offence against the person which showed a by the parish Quennial averages for 1895-9 and 1900-4 being 104 and 112 respectively. IR is satisfactory to observe that those classes of offences usually com- beriand, Glamorgan, Durham, and don, the best position as regards the offence being taken by a large group of rural courtties, Minor offences of dis- honesty and serious frauds and breach- es of trust had increased, ahd offences of the vagrancy class are growing rapidly, During the year 9,913 persons were convicted in Courts of Asalze and Quar- ter Sessions, of whom 38 were sentenc- ed to death, 970 to penal servitude, 7.899 to imprisonment, and 91 to de- tention In an inebriate reformatory; 56 perwons were found guiMy. but insane, 1896 were acquitted, and in 38 oases Jury found the accused to be insane and unfit to plead, while 16 persons The total number of persons dealt with by Courts of Summary Jurisdiction was 794,981, of whom 655,461 were convicted, 84,160 being sentenced to fmprisonment. During the year 36,269 coroners' in. Quests were held. In 2,367 cases open verdicts were returned, and, deducting one case of justifiable homicide and 16 violence or culpable ! oriminal neglect. ! Of these 1,327 were cases of sulcide, a decrease of 153 as compared with the previous year. The continuous increase in suicides, frequently referved to In previous volumes of the eréminal sta- | tistics, bas thus received a check, Ver 1 ries of murders, extending over sever- dicts of wilful murder were returned in 191 cases, and of manslaughter in 126. The number of oriminal lunatics re. ceived into asylums during 1904 was 235, and at the end of the year the to- tal number of criminal lunatics under detention was 904, of whom no fewer than 407 had committed murder. Out of 28 sentences of death, 11 were com- muted to penal servitude for life, and three free pardons were granted. Big Liners Being Built, Two new ocean liners, which are be Ing built with the $10,000,000 lent by the Government, are fast nearing com- pletion, and will be lmunched in June or July of this year. They will be named the Mauritania and Lusitania, and will be the largest ships the world has ever seen, Each vessel will have a gross tonnage of 33,200, while they will be sixty feet longer than any other liners afloat. They are eight-eight feet In beam, and in this respect are the first to surpass the Great Eastern, which was eighty 4 three feet in breadth. 3 Each will have accommodation fer 3,000 passengers and will carry a crew of 300. They will be propelled by tur- bine engines capable of developing 89,- 000 horse-power, and are expected to travel at a minimum speed of twenty- four knots an hour. Marine engineers predict the vessels will be the steadiest ships on the ocean. They are to be fit. ted in a manner equal to the most goer goous of modern hotels. The decora tions will consist of reproductions of the greatest works of art, while thy system of lifts between the warious decks will provide for the rapid transit of passengers from one part of the ship to another. ' The first-class dining saloon will be unprecedented in masine architecture, It will be a massive, gorgeous apart- ment 135 feet long by $0 feet wide, and will comfortably accommodate 500 per- sons at one meal. It will be lighted by a great dome extending up through the two decks above and crowned with a roof of cathedral glass and each lnk in the 2,000 cables is twenty-two and one-fourth inches long and weighs 100 pounds. Bach link was tested and withstood a strain of IW tons, A perfect bowel laxative for consti- i sallow complexion, hi, sour stomach, coated ton- ue, biliousness. Loax-ets ach p 'y, Without. pain. or best results without Chase & Sanborn's S ! R i : : : 5 ey This is a reproduction of a poster tt : attracted wide 'attention and excited much: comment throughout Canada where i appeared on the boardings. joa BUSY==ALWAYS It would naturally be quiet with " us at this season of the year, but J we prefer to be busy, by running our Big' Mid-Summer Sale, which our patrons are taking advantage of the good values at Sale Prices. Brass and iron Bedstoads with the Mercules Look Weave. Spring to Nt. JAMES REID, The Leading WhiteCanvas Sho Sizes, 1t0 5. The $1.50 kind, while they last for - $1.15 a pair. ~~ & McDermott's Shoe Store i OPENEEO FHOEO0DO FO OL OPGO SHEE HPPIIPOD PEPEPOOS PESOS BIGYGLES TYPEWRITERS SEWING MAGHINE ; Sold and Repaired gin. DOBBS & 00., 171 Wellington St. & $ The business of the fate Cs GO. Oliver, will be carried pm iw his office, 79 Clarence street: G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has Money | to Loan | 5 och Ns Plhbs oer FINANCE AND INSURANCE Mcintyre & Melntyre . = BARRISTERS : {