ott's Liniment est for man or beast. y for an Cuts, Bru x Ss tches, etc., it rusts, -- Sealp P r sale at your drug © "procured at Jamot: 's White Liniment Co John, N.B., and Chelan: ve Models Our pecialty ke a special study of Furs for Women why Our Styles of the ordinary in harmony with dea of women SOURDIE ly Exclusive Fur Store 1 that our stock ible Cutlery" js to none. We are ir that the de- e new: and will hind the wearing of each piece we 'H BROS. rs :: Opticians hone 666 f Marri Cicansen > of Miss Llewella Sim- wighter of Mis. M. J. kford, and Wi'liam A. rkham, took place at he Frankford, on July Tr, and we'll show you mer shirts, that you'll er stores, 67c. to $1.25. ww Co. eS SAARI: I ---- Uusy S at reduced pri- me in on Satur- tof Bargains." v of patterns, were special your choice well made, with sep tr a Saturday clear- neat patterns all rday snap only 63c, your supply on Sat- ~ sold in the morn- ment ith fringe, mer price a pair. els, hem- 2 18 x 34 Saturday, sale Sat- ra good inches wide, only colors, 34 inches . a yard, ough and strong, on Saturday 15c. Neckwear, Belts here are excep- WHY NOT The year' $ most important retail event continues Daily tnmatchable offerings 'heighten the enthusiam of the price: Sutting at the. great July Clearing Sale Without any exception the list of Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishings, Etc. that are being SLAUGHTERED at this store cop- stitates' the 'most remarkable bargains ever offeréd in Kingston.' A Bargain Worthy of Your At- tention at Every Turn. 39 only, Very Sheer White Lawn Waists, fine tucked front, set in with fine embroidery insertion. Regular price 22.25. On sale Saturday, $1.25 Colored Print Shirt 'Waists, same trimmed - with embroidery. Regular price 50c. On sale Saturday only 29%. Another lot of 22 only, Children's Gingham' Dresses, in small Shepherd plaid cheeks, trimmed with embroi- dery, sizes from 8 to 14 years, Reg- ular price $1.25, On sale Saturday, 69c. FY IL | OE gl ev 1) Another lot of Ladies" Hose Support- 33 Only, ers, with. front piece and waist band. Regular price 35ec. On sale Saturday, 19. -- Tan Cotton Hose, 200 pair Ladies' sizes from 8 to 94. Regular price 20c. On sale Saturday, only Ie. FC Sg 100 pair Line Towels, with red bor: ders, size 13x26. Regular price 18e. pair, On sale Saturday, 10c. Pair [an SE BE LE ELAR Ro ELE BE LR UE I 200 Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitchod Handkerchiefs. Regular - price 10c. Oa sale Saturday, 4 for 25¢. 150 pair White and Grey Two-clasp (Lisle Thread Lace Gloves, sizes from 6 to 74. Regular price 40¢. On sale Saturday, 25¢. 55 'Ladies' Cotton Nightgowns, basket in white, enough in for Regular price Saturday only $1.49 Another lot of 75 Ladies' Print Wrap- pers; all colors, made with flounce skirts, well made, all sizes. Regular $1.35, On sale Saturday, T5e. tuck- Regu- 59 Waist Patterns, in linen weave, silk embroidered, pale blue or pink, any dized waist. $2.50, and trimmed with embroidery. lar price $1.25. On sale Saturday, only 63c. with Gar: IS to 30. 49 Ladies' White Corsets, ters attached, sizes from Regular price £1, On sale Saturday: 69. 75 pair only, Ladies Black Lisle Thread Hose, sizes 9 and 94. Regu- lar price 50c. On sale Saturday, 35. 75 -pair Children's Brown Open-'Work Socks, sizes from 4} to 6. Regular price 20c. and 25c. On sale Saturday, 135c. Hand- Regu- 10c. Another lot of 100 Lithograph C ion Tops. Regular price from 2Ae. to. 35¢c, On 'sale Saturday, 15¢c. Each Only two to an customer. 150 Ladies' Hemstitehied Lawn kerchiefs, with colored borders. lar price Seg each. On salgiBaturday., 3 for Enticing Prices in Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Just reedized, 50 Men's English Tweed Suits, in light weight, latest pat- terns and make. Regular price from $12 to }14. Yours on Saturday, only $8.50 95 Men's Black Lustre Coats, thing for this hot weather. price $1.50, On sale Saturday, 98e. 100 Soft Front Print Shirts, 16, 164. Regular price Tic. On sale Saturday. 33e. Only two to a customer. just the Regular sizes 15, 89 pair Men's Trousers, of fine Eng- lish worsteds and tweeds, nice light striped, well made and trimmed, Regulat price from $3.50 to $4.50, Yours on Saturday, $2.50 A Chance for the Ladies 85 Patent Leather Purses, with card ease and small purse inside, gilt or silver mountings. Regular price #1. On sale Saturday, 49! 15 Boys' Brownie Suits, made of fine English tweeds, with check effect, with separate sailor collar and front. Regular price from $3.50 te $4. Sizes from 22 to 25. Oh wale Saturday, $235 a sek an. ; Another lot of 85 Men's Fancy Wash Vesta, single breasted, light and dark shades, sizes from 34 to 40. Regular price from $1.50 to $2. On sale Saturday, only 69c. 100 Men's Faney Cotton Night Shirts, some twill, and plain, ricely trimmed --sgome with collars, and«some low. Regulur price $1 and $1.25 On sale Saturday, 69c. 65 pair Men's Strong Working Pants, made of English and Canadian al! wool tweeds, well made and finished Regular prics thom $2.25 to $2.50, On sale Saturday, $1.39 Come Early and Stay Late As one éannot afford to lose such opportunities: THE MONTREAL BANKRUPT STOCK CO. 180 "Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawlers Grocer ics. 180 'a A GREAT "STATESMAN, STORIES OF GLADSTONE BY PRIVATE SECRETARY. Knowledge, Toil and Patience --Instances ~ of ~~ Marvellous Memory. : The chief joy of old age consists of mitrospection, and 1 Su see him now as on that morning when 1 began work. The little details stand en tographic clearness before me. I see im seated at his in Carleton a big color which afforded such cause for merriment in contemporaneous car- icature. An upward and = almost an- noyed look at the interruption gave way to a kind smile, as Mrs. Glad- stone introduced me to him, says the Living Age. He plunged into business at once, and gave me a huge box of correspondence conmeeted with the for- mation of his government, and [I im: mediately understood what Sir Robert Peel, I think, once said, that the hardest task that could fall on a minister was the business of forming a: government. That box contained the undue pretentions of many, the self- offacement of few, and honesty of some," and the ambitions of all. Where are these ambitions now ? Mr. Gladstone explained to me his viows of the relations that should ex- ist between a minister and his secre- tary--unbotnded confidence, such as that whieh in a well-ordered household should exist 'between a husband and a wile, and then the work began--work that had a beginning, but nevér an end. Let me give you an instance of his marvelous memory. We were discussing in 1:81 the conversion of the malt tax into a beer duty, which he called the excepting the reimposition of the in- vome tax, I had told him that the es- timated profit is 4 per cent." * sir," 1 said, am. now putting imaginary figures, The following day he said. "I under stand that the maltser's profit = 4 per cent." 'Ne, sir,' I said, 3 per eent." "I certainly thought it was 4 per cent." 'and then, turning to Mr. Young, a famous inland revenue offi- cial, he said, "Can you recollect as far back as 15232? Was not the profit | then supposed to be 4 per cent? "It | was then," he replied. "Ah," Mr. Gladstone said, "I see how 4 per cent his rot into my mind. 1 recollect studying the question when I became | member for Newark, in 1812, and it was that firure then"--a gap of near- ly filty years! It has been said that Mr. Gladstone had not a keen sense of humor, and yet in parlismentary bandings he was never surpassed. | have seen him as delightful as a child over simnle stor ies, and particularly at American wit. Once some one was rash enoush to repeat in his presence a questionable tale of a political obponent. "No you call that amusing ?" he said; "Ieall | it devilish." In his later years two men of sing- ularly unpreposscssing presence wwosite to him, and he put to his colleagues on the bench beside to which was uglier. They gave their opinion: "No," said he, "you do not approach the question from the pro- per point. If you were to magnify vour man, he would, on a colossal scale become dignified and even impos- ince. but, my man, the more you mag- nify' him, the meaner he would be- come." Nothing demonstrated Mr. Glad- stone's modesty nrore than the invari- able kindness with which he would | udge sermons. so unlike the fliprant and easy criticisms of ue smaller folk, He always attended church twice every Sunday, and would always lauch wood humoredly at me for being what he called a "once-er.' Mr. Gladstone told me that once af- ter long nights in the house he used to be tempted to stay too long in bed in the mornings, so he made a rule which he never broke, to get up the moment he was called. light book to distract his mind from the contests in the house; but once he said after a long debate, he could not help thinking of it. "If I did that of- ten," he added, "I should go mad." Lord Roseberry, in his life of Pitt, tells us of a discussion which took place as to the quality most required as a statesman. One said, eloquence; one, knowledge; one, toil; but Pitt said, patience, Surely, Mr. Gladstone possessed all four ! TWO REMANDS TO-DAY. The Italians Strongly Object to the Tubbing. Two remands were handed down in police court, this morning. The twelve Italians being kept for rioting at the outer G.T.R. station, June 25th, were sent back to jail for another week, during which time the retum of Mag- | istrate Farrell is expected, will likely have their next Friday. After court, T. J. the dagoes, preter, went an explanation He the men of what | had been done. They strongly object- ed to being kept, and asked they be allowed to pay and go. It is said when at the jail they are made to bathe, they become very ob- jectionable, On their way up to jail, | after court, several were on the street | taking snap shots of the *'terrers.' Martha Austen and her child appear od before Mayor Mowat and were fur- ther remanded until next Thursday, final hearing Rigmey, counsel for taking with him an inter- into the Hartman, prosecution. oft Ernesttown; for "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard 'of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. Big Reductions. On children's straw sailors, Cam; Bros. an employee of his foot badly scalded by stumbling {into a vat of hot water used for wasn ing bolts. w. J. Halliday, of Toronto, = has leased the building adjoining the grist mill of McLellan a Shaneman, for the manutacture of #& special brand of leather not now meue an Prat Among the successiul students for senior matriculation. eg Metall Col- ood Lime Misses pres Withefind 3. Margaret Haig, Edith Jackson, and Fannie tal- four, Timberlake, all of Gananoque, have successfully passed their examin. ations at Ottawa aotmal school, the camp at Petawawa, August iw, to engage mn the shooting competition, Miss Maggie Molellan, of Albany city hospital, is spending her vaea- tion with her , Mr. and Mrs, William Mclellan, corner First and River. streets. Miss Jusgic Wilson, daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Hogh Wil. son, Garden street, - is taking a 'trip with a number of friends up the dukes to Duluth. Invitations ro been issued for the marriage of Miss Bertha May Hani son to Gearge F. Doherty, of Sum- merland, B.C. The ceremony will - take place at her sister's, Mrs. WwW. Me Calpin's, Brockville; on the 25th. ¥ John Dow is visiting with relatives {in town this week, Mr and Mrs. Doug- las De Pencier, of Montreal, old resi dents of this town, are registered at the lan. They purpose femain jing a eotiple of weeks. Mr. 'and Mrs, Coulton, of Alleghany, Pa., are visit- ling with their sister, Miss Theresa Coulton, Stone street. The Citizens" band gave 'another of their popular open air concerts at the river front last might. i here greatest operation in his life, not cven | each quarter of malt. 1 | fat - him as | He was natur- | ally a good sleeper, always reading 4 | and they | Della Watson, cells and gave | owing to the nofi-appearance of Mr. | the | Pound man, at | were large crowds om the water and on | shore, | FASAIIOIIIIIIIOIIRE AHI | w bi GIVEN HONOR. FH Se ---- ¥ |# Paris, July 20.--~Sarah kK [wa Bernhardt has been decor- ¥ |#¥ ated with the cross of the ¥ {# Legion of . Honor, after ¥ | ¥ years of agitation on the ¥ | question whether that dis- ¥ {#8 tinction could be conferred ¥ {3% on her. 3 [# * FAIS | : 3 MONTE CA¥LO ---- Is Rivaled By Games on Panama Canal. Washington, July 20.-Gawmbling in | the Panama canul gone is carvied on to such an extent that it rivals Monte } Carlo, according to. the statement of James E. Smith, editor of the Pana- | ma Journal, who has just returned here. after diving in Panama for six months. "Pevhaps due to the lack of any- thing else to pass away the tedious 'hours of a government = employee on | the isthmus, the canal strip is being | turned into a veritable Monte Carlo," said" Mr. Smith. "Many of the men | have taken to gambling, which evil has already: brought rin to many | young men and will without doubt | bring about shame and disgrace on many others. | "Colon and Panania 'are over-run with gamblers, whose dexterity in games of chance enables them to fleece the canal employees on every hand. As the gambling houses ape bevond the American territory, the card sharps have no difficulty in securing licenses ! and police protection. There are but few hotels or restaurants in either of those cities which do not permit poker playing and other games of chance. 'After the clerks lose all they pos scas they borrow money at. high rates of interest and squander it playing | poker. Some of them owe 'their salar. ies for three months ahead. Finding themselves in this condition, they be come discontented, and them they reach ithe stage where they are un trustworthy." Tidings From Calabogie. Calabogie, July 19. «Came to brichtén the home of "Me. and Mrs William Beowsay, a daughter; also came to brighten the home of Mr. and | Mrs. P. Ruddy, a daughter. A very pretty wedding took place in this villa. when Margaret Hunter was uni , ted in marriage to Isaac Wilson. Both are of this wi'lage. A number from Renfrew have come to spend the sum mer months camping along the lake ores. Carswell and - Barnett bave | erected two mew cottages at Squaw | Point. Some of the families of this place" have ome to the Righ Falls to camp. Mra. Gawdetter, Amnprior, and | little Hazel Mackie svent a fow Mays as guests of Mrs. Yuvill and Mys. Bax ter. Nir. and Mrs. Rob#fl White, of i Lanark, spent a foi dave Visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Whyte, of this lace. Wien Reba McArthur, Renfrew, is spending | ber holidays here with* friends Miss Kingston; 'is the gubst of Miss M. McGregor, Miss Ethel Craier has gone to Brightside, wher she intends spending some of her | holidays. ---------- That Horrible Monster. mouse ix a ferocioos animal that kills women on sight and eats them A at its leisure. It loves We toy with its victimes, holding them in suspense | before crushing them 4 power ful jaws, Partiovlariv iit, ets a 200. pound woman corn But jt does | not whit long. for two rousons, first, it is hungry for & square mite), amd, second, Ht does not" want to take chances, as. RBelp might come in the ape of 'a crippled up seventy-five | + Nothing delights the soul of this | bload-thirsty ercatyre so much as to {get twenty defenseless, women corner- tod in one room, and" its glee is | Lendish as it kills themsume by. one { and then lightly drags them off to its nest through a hall inch hale to make {3 feast for jts vounv. Truly, it is the | scourge of pe though we | nt say phat we' eile! taste, Campbell Bros. For Borsalino ond Scott's hats. Gananogue field battery will go to CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First inscrtion, 10. a word. Eaph cont secutive insertion thereafter do. = word. Minimum charge for one fa sertion, 26e. Advi. 4 lines or under a week, $I; Advt, 4 lines or under a month, $3. Everybody in Kingston Beads the WHIG HELP WANTED-MALE, A BOY TO LEARN PLUMBING, AP- ply Hall's, 66 Brock strees UBLE, THE YEAR ROUND. S¥PU- ons vacant, domestics. tel factories. +B, 3 Wellington street. Dae | 'an RL uit way's, 181 Brock ata, ats, TRAVELLERS WITH BEXPERIENCE apd good commction through East- ern Ontario, to repredont Wholesale Gropery amd Wine House. Needless to apply without the shove qualifications. Address P.O, Box 343, Montreal. BOYS AND GIRLS, TO WORK ON mangle. Apply Kingston Stean Laundry, TWO OR "THREE "UNFURNISHED rooms and hoard. Apply Box "B.C. Whig office nines, TO HIRE FOR REMAINDER OF THE season, a Motor wal State size and rental, to ' Whig office, A Goob SECOND HAND SODA fountain, small size, to operate in a country town. State Lal Rarticulnra, and address "J.B. he 0! TO BLY, A TRICK DWE central location, improv furnace. ¥ session. 1st Sey Address "S.J. Whig office, lowest price and location. MISCELLANEOUS. HELP, AND ALL OTHER tf help supplied. Department 3 Wellington stating WANTED. Plumbers and Sjeam. fitters. Highest wages paid and steady work to first.class men. OPEN SHOP Wages--50c. and 55¢C. per hour, il COTTER BROS. 207 Fort St, Winnipeg. FURNISHED, ror A SHORT N. Fenwick, 141 aes Bre. ? ---------------------------------------- Ty Stator, "151 ¥ THE B BRICK RESID 95 WILL- ENCE, 05 with hot net heati and Vements. Apply next door. 4 FOR SALE. ELECTRIC MOTOR, EIGHT MORSE howr, now running in Whig P oom. wit SILK will ssll for $70. BOAT, 14 FT. DINGY, walle. Cost S05, T. F. Harrison Co. BAKERY Apply to Ci ONFEC ™ TONERY 1} ell established. McCann, Bt Brock street. AND i QITY AND FARM PROPERTIES. Our plan, No sale. No partment "'D.* 208 Wellington St. BAY MARE, UP IN YEARS, QUIET, any one can drive ber. to be sold cheup. Apply 8. Lowe, Portsinouth, AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW sixteen volumes, at a discount, spacial reason. Apply through "vente office. HOTEL, DOING ~ Good reason for reasonable. Apply GOOD BUSINESS, selling. Price "FAIRVIEW, iT VICTORIA Park amd conv Y ney. mediate Rent 1817. ply. 840 A ort ow: A A CONVENIENT QEFICE _ FRONT room ; well appoin well lighted. Good local a King street. \Apply J. Po Gent's Furnisher, Kiem street SITUA AND FIRST CLASS constructed brick house, modern Improvements , hort a Finda, 530 Union Jrreet Worl, Erte SeTTITITTTET-------------------- MIVERPOOL, LONDON AND G ata Bi ns: oh Phe Sok holders have, nS the Be miton Hanili the stoskholders. Farm and perty insured at Jowtit Tate new business & Brande, Arnis. OUR POLICIES coven worn on Ege, i Donough, Stella, Ont TWO MAIDS, FOR STEAMER KING ston, 30 to 40 years of age. Call fay or 3vening, 208 Wellington St. dept. A SMART room EXPERIENCED girl, for Wages, $30 a month, for Glen Island Address the Whig, or apply in per son at Island, DINING a summer resort. ANTED-FEMALE. RABY CARRIAGE ALMOST NEW. HELP W, Apply 72 Wellington street. 8 AN ELDERLY NouAN AS LADIES' | THE ONLY AVAILABLE FIRST maid, on Str. American. Apply class vacant lot, on Lower Union St. Folg.r's office, Beautiful view of city mark. poly 208 Wellington St., Dept ILLUSPRATIED COMICAL POSTAL } Cards. A hit. 36 different kinds, for 25¢. The Louis Larivee, gency 8323 South Irving Ave, Chicago, Wn TR STEARNE WAREHOUSE, 260 St, with lot 456x182, will be Real Estate 'Phone, 826 T™E King sole: cheap. McCann's Agehcy, HL Brock St. or 621. TWO-STOREY, NIN B-ROUMBEN SOLID Read Whig Want Advts. You'll be. richer and wiser at the end of the year NEWLA fice, second floor EE EEE a *'OWER & SON ARCHITECT, sa reels: ARTHUR 8S, A RITEOT, bes alte of of New D iC Hall, peat alt. on 1IENRY P. SMITH, ARC FR, Anbar Building, Market BOARD AND ROOMS. brick dwelling, pert first class - ---- Sondition- a otal 308 itiot St FOUN D. SHE! 8 T 3 "Bia : I eT RRISHED ROOMS iw aes tr Devt. ST. BERNARD © DOG, WHICH JUMP. location, without board ; ed from train," at _Harrowsmith. required A unless o Lpuiianta we TWO FARMS $4,200 EACH ; Phi Denes cul have aie hy Faying sx. known. Address "H. T.." care 1 Doct residence and farm office. Doctors practice worth $8,000 o Falker, HarroWsmith, A ---------------------------------------------------------------- baby Apply to Jobn Gardiner, 161 PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS, AT ellington street. 428 Princess street. Vauchn Terrace. ~ DENTAL. Finally Pays Penalty For Glass and Iron Diet. London, July 20.~The "human os trich," Kobert ~ Naysmith, who, for years, amazed crowds of people at fairs and fetes held at different places in England by swallowing nads, hat ping, and stoues, and eating glass, bas paid the penalty of his extraor dinary diet. He died in the Islington workhouse mfirmary on Wednesday last, and the inquest on his body was held on Sa turday by Walter Schroder, the de puty coroner for Central Lomdon. It wes stated that Naysmith, who was thirtyfour years old, was a member of a highly respectable Scotch family, his relatives living - at Mont rose. He lost touch with them some years ago, and cgrned a livelihood by exhibiting himself as a "human os trich."" He chewed glass, swallowed nedles, hatpins, hairping, and nails, but the inevitable result followed, He became ill and had to give up his "profession." Afterward he earn ed a few peice a day by selling hoot laces, but he became worse, and at last he had to werk admission to the parish infirmary, which he entered last April. He informed the doctors that 'he had been swallowing nails and hatpins, but they did not believe him. Bhortly after his adnsission he told one of the nurses that he had been swallowing nails, and asked for a knife to relieve himself with. Thit was reported to the doctar, who thought that' the man: was mad, and ordered that a watch should be kept on him A few weeks ngo an abscess formed Te body. and when it was opened a brasg headed nail was found in it. The doftors then questioned hing elose- ly, and discovered that his story was trae, and that he had been made the subject of several magazine arti los. describing him as a "human ostrich." It was decided, however, that he ---- | SPLENDID INVESTMENT, OWNER | DPR. J. LAPPEN HAS OPENED ur retiring, Four, (4) good Weg? hia Dental Parlors, a 158 Fincess ments. Three (8) that rent for over street, over J a FARMS FOR SALE. e fourth includes Corner Store. "Phone, 785, TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS, TOWN grocery, and up-to-date, bo rooms. hip of Kingston ; two miles from Goad clean locality 00 grocery city, -125 acres Tawnstip of Pitts trade "entablishiod, Rn ' MEDICALS. 2 2 burg, near Washburn, --295 acres needed. Sanitary conditions, PR. MeCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY Apply to Cunningham & Lyon, 79 Vries, $3.400. Particulars, orcupled by: Ryan, Mon- Clarence street, Kingston, Ont, Wellington St., Dept. #"D.* teal and Broex streets. "HUMAN OSTRICH" IS DEAD , 9PPP PEPIPTOS PEPOPPOY 16885000 BICYGLES Sold and * 43 HIS was too weak to stand an operation, ond he gradually sank and died. A post omertem examination was made, and more than thirty nails and hat pins were found in the body. Some of them were in the liver, some of them in the kidneve, but the lavger number were in the intestines. The netunl cause of hiv death was gastri ti add peritonitis. The: jury: returned a verdict of "Death by Misudyenture.! : Report 'of Its Elimination a Fable. ; There's a tramp item going the rounds, says an exchange, that the potato bug is di g in TYPEWRITERS $ SEWING MAGHINES Repaired $i. B. . DOBBS & 00., 171 Wellington St. $24554944 precoding year. It may interest the reader to learn that his first wecogniz- visit of ¢bservation to Ontario wasin 1872, and that in 1873 he took pes session of every potato vine' in sight. The effort for a few years to check his career of destruction was fruitloss, hence many fields were abandoned in the hope that each succeeding winter would disposé of 'him forever. He sectioned capable. of resisting the power of frost apa demolished tons of Pak- is green, which cannot: be estimated in value, yet the number cach season was countless, and it will continue as usual. Dr. Shoop's rheumatic pesncilysiwhion used faithfully will: reach chronic and diffionlt. canes heretofore as and ds the but we doubt it, as the item must have Been written a few weeks before the bug settled down to business. Though apparently annihilated in good time by Paris green, he turned up in season all these years as if his destruction hadn't taken place the mast Rie by {prescription non to clean cut and completely remove every vestige of rheumatic poison from the blood. Sold hy all druggists." The steamer Pakenoket sank. at her moorings in Newport Nes, Trey Siphy's for summer -- \