#g ; va uch inthe Summer 5 | evote our Space tought | orm the most attragtyy, p8en a3 articles jy us to-morrow, as jy the offerings. Terry - Buth Towel, hes in size--with volta white striped orth half again design. in CHIEN neg what JB k to-morrow---cach r big purchase ggressive retail er dozen s like this to- stl Samm, TOWELLINGS--- pure whi st bath towallings Whi -15 and 26 inches 25 vard--I5¢. and .... * POWELLINGS--in purest" h neat o 28 20, colored checks inches 'wide-- W, 124, 10, 0 . Corsets Spe. for Tuesday ity to get summer cor- 1g of one-quarter their ie whit lessened quality is it possible for us to we urge you to be here not last long. |i very --extra-well n all ways d eomfort- r excellent after 9 i corsets, the exceptional us to refusé any 'phone of tomer, FOR WINDOWS and DOORS by this store, as other -18 in quality and as suit all demands. Wire Cloth, in 12 20, 22, '24, 26, 28, 30, 42 and 48 inches. Black Cloth, 24 30 €S. zed Wire Cloth, 36 inches; BIRCH, reet. OCOLATES 25 bE hl / } i | | ll YEAR 73. NO. 172. i "- heh = > i -- Fy hi i M DAILY MEMORANDA. veryt ing ust Go Read Whig Want Advts. Pay Water Rate and save discount AT OUR Band Concert, Macdonald Park, 8 pu: Great. Removal Sale of Furniture . If we only get cost out of it. We want your money-- you want the goods. It will cost considerable to remove our immense stock, and we think 'it better to give cur customers the benefit of the cost of removal, Don't Make Any Mistake in fhe Place Two Doors. #bove the Opera House Robt, J. Reid The Leading Undertaker 222 Princess Street, Telephone 877. 'Ambulavee, THIRD ANNUAL EXCURSION { ~--T0--m Montreal and Ottawa "ALL BY DAYLIGHT" Per STEAMER '"'ALETHA" Comfortably easy chairs, etc Going Thursday, August 2nd Returning Tuesday, August 7th From Trenton, Belleville, and B Quinte ports, Kingston and Brockvie. ia . Lawrence River (through Americgn Channel of 1,000 Fat ar oueh fitted for this trip, with running all the rapids), and Rideau Comat" ye ttawy Biter Six D 17 x Days, $ Which includes meals on board the boat, and hotel accommodation over night at 0, Montreal, Ottawa ensure, (2 nights), and Smith's Falls. Givi treal ; 0 hall a ay. and in aria pga ME any water trip in to 100, Tickets limited reserved With secretary by a deposit of and can be $3. For further particulars apply to P. F. CANNIFF, Secretary, Box 883, Belleville. W. J. MAGRATH, Chairman. REV. R. H. LEITCH, way 8t. Church. Pastor Hollo~ Summer Days! awaken Enthusiasm In looking over your Fishing Equipment vou find the need of new articles. You should bear us in mind, for nowhere will you find an assortment so complete. This Is the Season for all out of door sports. With it comes the demand for BASEBALL GOODS. Before making your purchgse, come in and look things over. Prices are right. Angrove Bros. 88-00 PRINCESS STREET. WHEN YOUR SHOES NEED REPAIRING : : Remember our aim is to do re- pairing so that Footwear will look like they did when new. Wear '"Allen's" 'Military Bootmakers Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. in the Fisherman. ES ---- ------------------ DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE the estate of late E. Chowan. 0 ie Brick Du ifing, 152 Brook Street, ling, of fh Bru. mth ick it 3 For deta soe JUNE BULLETIN. SWIFT'S MRA ESURANCE AORN OX -------------------------------------------------- Times Have Changed There was a time when you could not find anything much in our stores, now ot get into see all, for itis so with first-class Stoves, Furni- Carpets, etc. For troding, buying. or selling, no better place than TURK'S A wreck on the seaboard air line, near Hamlef, N.C. caused the death of twenty-two persons. ; Dust, borated talcum powder, in your shoes. It relieves hot, burning feet, 808 Princess Street. and sets at 7.81 p.m. tured Cairo, 1798 ; landed at Guaspe, 1534. The fr A - » SECOND-HAND STORE The sun rises Wodnesduy at 4.41 a.m. This day in history :--Napolean I cap- Jacques Cartier WHIG TELEPHONES. 248---Business OfMce. 229~Bditorial Rooms: 292--Jobbing Department. "Tumblers" Full size Hold seven ounces 29¢. a dozen. ROBERTSON BROS.. Summer Girl IS IN HER GLORY. She should not, however, forget that the summery reign is short, and that the old days will soon PL season, and Invite your inspection. McKay Fur House, 149-153 BROCK ST. CHIVALRY TO WOMAN. Catholics Start Organization With Splendid Programme. Melbourne, July 24.--The Roman Ca- tholies in Australia are always fertile in picturesque notions for binding thi ir people in socicties, guilds and orders. Their latest device is the es- tablishment of a new order of knight- hood by Archbishop Carr, to ba en- titled "The Order of the Knights of Our Lady of the Southern Cross." It is to appeal to the imagination of young Australian Romanists and to have for its objects: (1) To ad- vance the honor due to women; (2) to promote the faithful fulfillment of the Christian duties of marriage; (3) to shield and preserve as far as might lie in their power female innocence; (4) to suppress indecency in words and ac- tions; (5) to advance the cause of Christian chivalry by preserving wo- men from being treated with open dis- respect, The entire scheme is warmly regard- ed by the Roman laity all over the commonwealth, Shipping Away Fry. Ottawa, July 24.--From the gov- ernment fish hatchery, here, there have been shipped, so far, this year, about 1,500,006 fry. They were sent to the various lakes and rivers in dif- ferent parts of Canada. In the aquaria there are present interesting 1t'le shoals of Atlantic and Lake St. John salmon. They are growing ra- pidly. Peck"s Foot Powder. Wade's drug store. -------- Last winter Henry Pollexfen, a re- tircd seaman, was murdered in Lon. don. Lawyers are now searching for his son, who, if he can be found, will find waiting for him in the London hanks some' three-quarters of a million dollirs. jes Tor fa coming ie Gives instant relief to aching, a them from her master's safe. The wo- flamed or perspirin Jeet, 1s oa 200% [man was prosecuted and condemned ing and soothing. Big boxes 2c., at | p00 of NENTS FINNISH GOVERNOR ORDERS MEMBERS OF DOUMA TO DISPERSE, But the Government Was Defied -- There is Bitter, Ominous Re- sentment Over Suppression of Douma~--Czar's Message Sense- less. Viborg, Finland, July 2%. -- The members of the douma who came here on Sunday for a conference after the Russian parliament was dissolved by the czar, were ordered by the govern- ment to disperse, and were told they would not be allowed to hold such meetings in Finland. While the mem- bers were in session at the Hotel Bel- cedere, the governor of Viborg went there and told them he had been or- dered by the governor-general of Fin- land to close the assembly at once, and to use military force if necessary to carry owt his orders. The work of preparing the parlia- mentary manifesto to the Russian neople had gone on all nicht and was then in®progress. It was resolved to defy the government and before the members dispersed the document was completed, and was adopted by a un- animous vote. The manifesto urges the' people Russia to refuse to pay taxes or to submit to conscription, and also to refuse to recognize any imperial loans which the government may hereafter try to raise. The assembly dispersed at three o'clock. of Bitter, Ominous Resentment. St. Petersburg. July 24.--The clos- ing ol the douma has excited bitter indignation and ominous resentment amongst all classes. That the real re- volution has come at last is the gen- eral opinion. | The moderate clement here are rallying to the sup: port of the douma, They are aneered what they describe as the immea- "weriselessnest of the terms in which the czar's messave of dissolu- tion is couched. Even the Novoe Vremya says that whatever mistakes it may have made it was an honest and well intentioned douma. The terms of the message are regarded as making impossible the holdine« of elee- tions under the present reeime. The government has an army of 600,000 men in the southern and south-west- ern provinces, where the earliest up- rising is feared. Stocks Affected Little. London, July 24.--The stock ex- changes in Europe were not dis turbed so seriously vesterday. by the news of the dissolution of the dou- ma as some persons expected. Proba bly this was because the event had been discounted. Berlin was more up set than any other financial centre. The bourse was greatly excited in the early hours, but later there was a recovery, and when thé day closed it was found the depreciation in stocks had not beén enormous. Paris was quieter than Berlin, but of course the market there was not much different from that of the German metropolis. London took the news from St. Pet ersburg quite philosophically. ™ sian bonds fell heavily, but the effect of Russian declines upon the general market was not great, EE DEPENDS ON DATE. Meaning of Word "Ingratitude'"' Involved in Suit. Paris, July 24.--A curious lawsuit is now occupying the attention of the Paris courts. Some years ago a weal thy landed proprietor in the Pas de Calais department, died, and left a gubstantial legacy to his servant. Three years after his death fifty Aus: trian bank shares which had belonged to the deceased were sold in England. These were traced to the servant-lega- tee, who appears to have purloined Now the dead man's heirs, who suf- fered financially from the theft, are asking that the legacy to the dishonest servant should be declared void on the ground of + the ingratitude evinced in robbing the testator. The legal pro- blem is whether the robbery took place before or after the death of the testa- tor. The defence says that it took Buyer and Seller ace after the death, and that, there ore, there was no ingratitude shown toward the deceased, as immediately he died his property passed to his heirs, Judgment has vet to be given, Meet On Common Ground In 10c. tins, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store; : Lightning Ripped Off Her Shoo. Middletown, N.Y., July 24.--As nea- ly as a cobbler's knife could do it, a bolt of lightning ripped off the shoe of Miss Libhie oleh here, 'yesterday. Mise Walsh is from Troy, and visiting at the home of J. J. Larkin. She stood with her elbow restine on the mantle. The electric bolt struck the ton of the house and passod down the chimney. It passed up Miss Walsh's tight arin to the shoulder and down the left. side, tearing off the shoe, She was stanned, bit soon recovered dnd is apparently as well ag befor. A red steeak, which marks the course of the current, looks ax if it would re . KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, LADY ST. The noted English society woman who HELIER, has organi: an "Open Air League' in London to fight conswuption. She has a brilliant array of distinguished medical men behind her, who say that the troat- ment of the disease in london hospital is subject to grave defects THE COURT SAYS THAT "TO STAY SINGLE IS HELL." Enforcing the Dictum, Magistrate Connorton Tells Girls to Help the Men Propose. New York, July 21.--"To be single is * hell--=married life is the -real thing," reflectively said Police Magi strate, Luke J. Connorton, in the Flushing court yesterday. A moment before he uttered this dictum the magistrate had shown extreme mercy to two offenders who confessed, shamefully, that they were over thir- ty years old, and unmarried, "Of ten men, more than thirty yedrs old, 'who come before me, nine are unmarried," the magistrate con- tinued. "All men who wish to succeed should marry; there are few single men who are truly great. My advice to men is 'magry young. "My advice ilo any girl is, 'If yéu are certain a vow 'man loves you, and' Ko hesitiites to pop the avestion, help him along to it, Talk to him about the advantages of marriage, and he will propose and be prateful all his Life." "You ave single now, judge' said one of the magistrate's audience, "why don't you"-- "Pm a widower," Connorton inter runted hastily. "But you are known all over Queen's Borough, as the "Hapvy Lit tle Judge." How do you reconcile that with your advice?" "If you will excuse me I will lunch," exclaimed Connorton, hurried out of court. go lo and he PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The stock yards at Buffalo escaped destruction by fire. At Father Point, SS. Torgorm, from Barbadoeg, inward, at 3 a.m. The fordgn trade of the dominion for last year amounted to £552,000, - 000. The Allan steamer Sardinian, from Montreal, arrived at London at 1 p.m. The Allan steamer Hungarian, from Montreal, for London, passed Lizard Pcint to-day. The Allan liner ¥onian has been chartered as a troop ship by the Brit ith government The Ogilvie Milling company issue a statement credited to one of their su perintende that in sections of Manitoba the wheat has been bad ly damaged the excedsively warm spell. Uther sections suffered from ex some ts by cessive rain. There are also reports of rust in several sections Mr. Aubin, M.P.P, for Nipissing West, has in his stone be'ioved to be 'one of the largest dia monds in the world. It was found in Lake Nipissing distriet, and is clared to be a gennine diamond. For years geologists hive declared din monds would be found the Te: magami country, possession a dee . Held Investigation. Sandwich, Ont., July. 24.--Dr. Bruce Smith, provineial inspector of pris ons, paid an official visit to the county jail here and investigated into the suicide of , Christopher Spindles man. He made full enquiries as to the manner in which the man met bit death and the precautions taken to prevent him from committing svicide. Dr. Smith will make his report to Hon. W. J. Hanna, provincial secre tary, upon kis return to Toronto. ---- Haney Did Not Get It. Detroit, July: 24H. RB. Ledyard, chairman of the board of directors of the Michigan Central railway, 'days there is no truth in the report that the contract for the Michigan Central tunnel has been awarded to M. J. Haney, Toronto. Mr, Le&dvard says the contract may not be let for threo weeks. Has Been Postponed. Detroit, Mich, July 24.--The tourna nent of the North-western Cricket As. sociation, to have been held at Chi cago, this week, botwedn Chicago, De troit, Chatham, Cleveland, Pittsburg, main for life. JULY 24, 1906. wharf, a short WEREINARIGT Soldiers Who insulted and Taunted the Sailors. THERE WAS LIVELY MELEE ON THE WHARF. Two Sailors Were Drowned As They Ran Away When Sold- iers Turned Up--One Sailor Pluckily Rescued--There Have Been Several Arrests, Quebec, July 20.---A most dastardly crime was committed, in this city, shortly after eleven o'clock last even- ing, and as a consequence two bodies are now lying in the morgue await- ing the result of the coroner's ver- dict which will, no doubt, place the charge of murder against one of the regulars now stationed in this city. According to the details, which d only be learned at a late hour, three soldiers in khaki uniform made their appearance on the cross wall at the end of Dalhousie street and challenged one of the sailors of the schooner J. I. Taylor, from Barbadoes, unloading molasses at that wharf, to come up on the wharf and fight. The challenge was at first unheeded, but the sol- diers carried their insults to such a point that some of the crew went ashore. A general row then started on the distance from the schooner, when the soldiers loosed their belts and buckles, and used them to advantage. One of the latter gave a whistle when several other soldiers immadiately put in an appearance. The sailors then ran towards the sthooner, probably to get help, and as they did so one of them, Thomas Powers, was stabbed in the hack, be tween the shoulders and as he ran, he foll into the water between the schooner and the wharf. Another of the crew, William Tyor, also followed ax well as 'a sailor from the Empress of Britain, The two former never rose but She sailor rom the was picked up by James Finn a young sailor - the Arctic. The latler was speaking to one of His fr on the: schooner and as the men into the river ho pluckily jumped over- board and swam out to the failor from the Empress, and placing , a rope around his body had him hauled ashore, Ho then swam round to find the others, but was unsuccessful. Tn the meantime Joseph Murphy but in an appearance on the dock and with the aid of grappling hooks succeeded in hauling Powers and Tyor out of the water, but the unfortunate men were hoth dead. Chief McCarthy and Detectives Syl- vain and Walsh, went to the barracks at two o'clock, this moming. to see if anv of the men could be identified by the sailors, who claim they can recognize the soldiers, Both victims wore excentionally well develoned men, Powers hailed from Treland. while Tyor was a resident of England. At 2.30 o'clock this morning, the detectives landed Privates Dominick i twenty-two years of age, , twenty-four years of ape, Fdouard Lapointe, eighteen, apd W Wiggine, twenty-three, all members of the REC.R. Corrigan has a fresh cut in the forehead. SLAVES DAY AND NIGHT. Ambitious to Learn Business--At First Principles. New Bedford, Mass, July M.--Em- ploved in a cotton mill from 630 a.m. until 6 p.m., then snat¢hing an evening meal and hurrying to a "tex: is the daily routine of Howard F. Mayhew, a wealthy young man who is learning how td run a mill of his own some day, Mayhew's father accumulated a for tune in Tacoma, and the son had no iden of taking up cotton manufactur ing until he married the daughter of a southern mill owner, He resigned as secretary of the American Hawaiian steamship Tine, and came here to work as an ordinary millhand. Wh'l: young Mayhew toils through t le school, is CHALLENGED THEM A favorite otograph of Pope: Pius X., whose tontinued illness is causing anxiety. In fact reports from Rome state that the health of the HE is nothing like as good as his Physicians would have the world believe, TWO BUCKET SHOPS HAVE AGREED TO DISCON- TINUE BUSINESS. Educational Jdghts Go to Mamil- ton to Select Site For Normal School--~Company Must Pay Injured Employee Full Dam- ages. Toronto, July 24. Two bucket shop cuses were disposed of in the police court, today. John A. Cumehins and Orlando Heron agread to discontinue business; Michael J. Cummings and John J, Lee, pleaded not guilty, and were committed for trial. The case T. R. Brunskill was adjourned in or- der to produce doowmnentary evidence in the shape of messages sent by G. N.W. and C.P.R. Telegraph compan- ies. Tho the formality of a search warrant will be gone through in both cases the companies have agreed to produce any papers in theie posses sion the court y Superintendent of tomorrow, to confer with ? of education in regard to the site for the new normal school to be erected in that city. In the divisional court, this morn: ing, judgment was givon dismissing, 'with costs, the motion on behall of the Sawyer Harris company, Hamil ton, tp wet aside jutlgment in favor of Daniel Allan, for $2,000 for the loss of an eye. Up to November 27th, 1905, Allan was employed in. the com- pany's shop. A pices of steel lodged in his eve, destroying the sight. Suit for $2,000 damages wns brought be- fore Justice Mabee, sitting at Ham- ilton, and plaintiff won. Against that decision the company appeal] go the divisional court on the ground that the amount awarded was too high. CANADIAN PRIMA DONNA. Quietly Married in London to French Baritone. London, July 24.--In the Blooms- bury registry office Mme. Pauline Don- alda, the Canadian prima donna, was quietly married yesterday to M. Paul Reveilhao, the French baritone. The br de took her usual part in the opera Don Giovanni, at the Covent Garden. Lord Stratheona's daughter and her hushand, Dr, Howard, were two of the four who witnessed the ceremony. The bride and groom first met in ¢ n last year. Mme. Donalda was Miss Pauline Lightstone of Montreal, A Convention At St. Thomas. St. Thomas, Ont., July 24.--~The city is filled with delegates to the Locomo- tive Engineers convention and their wives, The hotels are overflowing, The business of the convention will begin | this afternoon. Citizens are doing | their utmost to make the stay of the | visitoss pleasant, and the business houses and many residences are elabor- ately decorated, The business sessions will be setret, It is calculated that the visitors, including their wives, will the: day and studies at night, his wife tomobile. Mayhew says New Bedford is hot and dusty, and he will not sub- ject her to the discomfort. He says he intends to learn 'the business thor- oughly, and it may take him four years, A FEARFUL ACCIDENT. Head Crushed Flat and Then Torn Off. Montreal, July 24.~An exceptionally gruvsome fatality morning, on the Cote St. named Richer, lost hix life, ed on a canal barge and while it was beidg locked through he extinded his head down between the side of the barge and the stone wall of the lock. The barge gave a lurch and before his head was withdrawn it was caught and crushed flat and then ripped from the trunk. Killed Clergyman. Greenwoofl, Ind., July 24. While the Rev. D. Lewis was arranging to give an exhibition of moving pictures, a twenty-gallon carbine exploded, in- stantly Killing him and George Me- | Menus, who was standing near, and Philadelphia, Winnipeg and other «itis, has postponed until the wee! seriously injuring Harry E. Lewis, son is 1iding about Nantucket in her au- | took place, this Lachine canal, at Paul locks, when a sailor, He work- | number 2,000. i A Premative Birth. | The Hague, July 24.-Queen Wil helmina was taken ill, last night, and | a premature delivery followed casting gloom throughout Holland. Tt was announced this morning that the ex- this time will not be realized. Learn to swim. Swimming floats, Ae. and, B0c., at' Gibson's Red Cross drug, store. 5 NO DOUBT ABOUT IT This is the weather for ICED TT and there is no doubt that our SPECIAL BLEND is a perfect tea for this purpose. THE PRICE IS 35 Cents the Pound Jas. Redden & Cos pectation of an heir to the throne at CROSS At Wi 0 July 18th, to Mr. i a Clarion y Cross, a REE i Ribehnter, Ky. July Zieh. "1906, to Dr. ami Mrw. Willan: ,; & Sof, MARRIED. BATSFORD~TOW At the A bishop's Palace, Kingston, July Long tom Te v ngston, Batsford, ol Cleveland, Ohig. ALLEN. --Entered into. rest, at Melbourne, on July 24th, Y Elizabeth Frances, second daughter « the late. Henry vo Adlen Faqy. Barrister, and sister of the late J Autisell * Alien Ema. Al LANGDON TH Kingston, 1906, Rena Vietoris on July '2564, Langdon, | years and nine months, took place af mother's Toons est. ARNIEL In Ki i 19068, Clifford James, Samuel James Arviol 3, months and ten rsa Funeral, private, Br a v. ten Funeral Berlin, July 21.--1t iv stated the dowager czarina recently of the minister. Importers of Fine Groperies