wn from quart cive'sbanasnse ot 8 Cnameled OUR PREMIUM 1157, CO Limited, Montreg | uits egantly tailored, meet every day. n town that can Suits reasted Styles-- users roomy at nitted. SUITS. AL. e West of Eng- 0 NCASHIRE wment CTS ances is over 56 per cent crease over 100 per cent Ting recent insurance in- of having lived up fully e) pany pull y any competitor. BRITISH PRINCIPLES. 1 casily show you that How are we to locate Aon can if you f you wish to con- 1! this is reversing the of agents "chasing me ith, hers, there and ev- id, you can establish a much pleasanter for both Let us have a hint any District Agents, 9 Clarence St., Kingston street. The car, valued at twenty-four horse-power, tents were seized by the thorities, In the car were a chages, "which were n 1,200 pounds of to- ho 21,360, and 106 boxes weels of cigars, na, the subtoms pave ! | of about 82,800, is ck Was Broken. uly 24.--The neck of John Vv years old, a conduc outh Chicago trolley car, last night, when he was nother ear, and his death neous, - blood." Take Salne only at Gibson's Red & di ; Airy doubtless THREE FACTS For Sick Women To Consider. Fie. --That almost every opération in becomes through neglect of such ptoms as 'backache, irregular a periods, displacements of the sale organs, pain in the side, burning sengation in the stomach, own Baconp.--The medicine that holds the record for the largest number of absolute cates of female ills is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It regulates, strengthens and cures diseases of the fernale organism as nothing else can. For thirty years it has been helping women to. be strong, cufing : nervousness, kidney troubles, inflamma- tion of the female organs, weakness and isplacements, regulating the periods perfectly and overcoming their It hat also' proved itself invaluable in pre- ring' tor childbirth and the change of Tamn.--The great volume of unsolicited and I tostimoninls on file at the y Bold in he oo Ouwilight lA. Mr. and Mrg. William Quinn, of To- roto, formerly of Kingston, an- nounce the magmage of their daugh- ter, Lillian, to Mr. Neil Macdonald, at St. Paul's church, Avenue Road, Toronto, on Monday, July 23rd, at twelve o'clock. Mrs. Macdonald' will be "At Home" on August lst, at 66 River street, Toronto. Xs « ® eo To-morrow Miss Sadie Potter, of this city, will be married to Mr. Her- bert Newman, for Some years a mem- ber. of the.staft of the Kingston News, and later editor of the Gladstone, (Man.), Era. Mr. Newman has been connie with the Canadian immi- gration agency of London, England, but on August lst will take charge of the ¥irden (Man.), Advance, which ho has Pripchabed. = « EE eo > * Mrs. William Anglin, Wellington street, has sent out invitationg.for a pire tea,-on Thursday, in honor of er" sister-in-law, Mrs. Russell Wilson, Ottawa. - - . The Misses: Mitchell, William street, will entertain on Friday of this week, in honor of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to time published by ission, give absolute evidence of the value of Lydia E. Pink~{ the "ons~ or. two ham's Vegetable Compornd and Mra ; Rinkham's advice. ; 'Mrs, Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women.-- Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pink- ham, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. . From . symptoms given, your trouble may be lovated and the quickest and surest way of recovery ad- vised.--Mrs. Pinkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years under her direction and since her decease she has been advising sick women free of charge. Out of the vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very know- ledge that will help your case. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this' generous offer of assistance. A CLEAR SWINDLE. Clever Ruse to Obtain Goods Through Merchant. Brockville "Recorder. 'Friday morning last Heman Shep- herd received a telephone message from Montreal, the fellow at the me- tropolis introducing himseli as a stranger, but as the same name as Mr. Shepherd," and requesting that any. mail that should arrive here if not for the Brockville merchant be arded to the Strathcona, where Ew secure it, ag he was a rte- Jresitative of the Canada Bag Co. imited. Needless to say Brockville's Mr. Shepherd got' no mail other than his® own, but this morning was surprised to find among other matter an in- voice from the Canada Bag company, stating that they had shipped to his credit on order five bales of bags, valued at something over $125. The bags, the invoice stated, had been shipped to his order at Prescott. This was somewhat of a surprise, and Mr. Shepherd promptly notified the firm to-day that he had given no such or- der nor was he in any way responsible for it. He also notified the local po- lice of 'the matter, These ciroumstances when brought to light expose a swindle which no doubt has been: worked before. The shipped the 'bags to Prescott, thinking Mr. Shepherd was to dispose of them there, but in reality the swindler appeared on the seene, represented himself as Mr. Shepherd, and made off, with the goods. -------------- U. S. REVERSE. Twelve Privates and One Scout Killed By Pulajanes. exhibit which is being taken to the Manila, July 24.--A detachment of | exposition to be held there. : constabulary, Lieut. Williams com- ~ ernie. manding, encountered a band of 6007 ° aul Fipence Williamson, Gore Pulajanes near Bureau, on the Island of Leyte, Sunday morning. 'Lieut. Worswick, twelve privates and Civilian Scout McBride were killed. The constabulary were driven back. The Pulajanes secured fourteen rifles abd two revolvers. The bodies of Wors, wick, MeBride and ten privates = were recovered. Reinforcements of con- sthbulary have been sent to the near- est station. Major Neville, fantry, has ordered a company 24th regular infan the scene! Major there are from 400 to 1,000 P in. the field. Lieut. Worswick was graduate of the commanding the in- of the and this was his first battle. Leyte. tm The Delicious Drink, It would be hard to imagine a more delicious beverage than ice cream soda ed at Wade's drug water as it is serv store. No effort or expense is spared to make it perfect. The materials are al: ways the best, the glasses are cledin and. the service prompt and pleasing. imine The B County Cricket Club is urrey Co Club is The Derbyshire Club was founded in 1848. ° the oldest. It was founded i "The Deaf Made To Hear. Déafness because usually due rh, is quite curable. Jn a than }/ cases this is y ess of twenty-five years i! 1, ! % the | her continental trip. ding. Bancteating Shrough Swe Mrs. David Laidlaw returned, to- vapor of Catarrhozone relieves the day, from Lake Champlain. tion, destroys the seeds of t 8. Alfred: Mitchell of New York. . - - - Luncheons, teas and high teas, of people' variety, | have been going on for a few days, | some of the. visitors in town being en- tertained in this way. They have all i has made many warm friends site he vame to Uanada from Eng- Miss Mamie Bouck will return to Morrisburg to-morrow. : Miss Mair is home from Amherst Is- and. from Amherst Island to-day. The - Misses Macgilliveay have re turned to town from Stella, * - " » Mrs. Bernard Browne is now down at Riviere du Loup, but is going far- ther eastward. Master George St. Remy, is up at Listowel. : Miss Muriel Hubbell will remain in town till some time next month. Mrs. V.C, Armstrong, M.D.. is -ex- pected from Los Angeles, to-morrow, to visit Mrs. Edward Crumley, She will spend a month in Kingston. In a few weeks Mrs. Crumley expects a very clever American literary woman for a fortnight's visit. - . . The engagement is announced of : Miss Amelia (Amy) Meredith, daugh- ter of the late Thomas Meredith, of Durham, to Dr. A, Walter Park, Cochrane, Alberta. The wedding will take place quietly in Trinity church, on August lst, Rev. E. A. Dunn; eldest son of the Bishop of Quebec, to Miss Hunter, of London, England. Miss Edythe Lorne Manhard, to Mr. George Stayner, both of Brockville. Mise Sheila Macdougall, daughter of the late Judge Macdougall, Toronto, and Mr. H, Jay Case, of New York. Miss Jessie E. O, McDonald, B.A, recently of the Collegiate Institute staff, London, to Mr. Archibald Clar- ence Smith, B.A. principal of the Wilmington high school, Los Angeles, California, the wedding to. take place |OGDENSBURG MAN Mr. W.H. Moutray was in town ; G, TUESDAY, JULY 24. Conclusive Evidence Of the quality of WANTS TO DEVELOP 25,000 _ HORSE. POWER. Commission Will * Enquire the Effect on Canals -- Other - American Applications . Are { 'Being Oonsidered -- A New Member Present, Toronto, July 24.~The internation: al waterways commission, which con- tinues in session at the Queen's Hotel, received, this morning, the application of Smith L- Dawley, of Ocdensburg, who wants: to develop 25,000 horse- power on the St. Lawrence river, The commi will investigate as to what effect this will have on the St. Lawrence canals. They also will, require the of maps and plans showing the project in deatil, The Chicago drainage canal propos- al, and the application of the Minne sota Canal and Power company, to CEYLON TEA Fey * Will be found in a trial package. Get one to-day. Lead Packets Only. 25a, 300., 30c., 500. and 80c. per Ib. At all Grocers C3 HIGHEST AWAKD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. ee -------- TTT E F Going Away? Trip? |} Going Away? Vacation? divert the watesshed of Birch Lake $ ih] basin to Superior, are being " considered, E. E. Haskall, of Detroit, Perhaps you require a new suit and there Is not time to" the new member, was present. have It made up. We have them ready-to-wear, careful a ) 1y tailored In all the nowest styles and at lower prices PERSOJAL MENTION. than you would expect to pay. Among the latest arris | Movements of The People--What vals ¢ ' - They Are Saying And Doing. PRETTY PALE GREY AND, CREAM AND BLACK LUSTRE J. D. Thompson, according to en- MEDIUM GREY ETON AND COSTUMES, at .....ouiie $4.50 BOLERO COSTUMES at 812, $12.50 and ........ £14.50 WHITE DUCK COSTUMES BL Liisi stan . wu 83,00 quiries at the hospital, is improving. Miss Clarabell Ricarda of Newark, N.J., is in the city visiting friends. Frederick Clarke Tete, yesterday, for Montreal, having secured a good posi- tion there, Rev. Dr. Snodgrass, former princi pal of Queen's University, is dead in WHITE PIQUE COSTUMES SEPARATE SKIRTS, in Pale Grey Tweeds, Cream Lustre, Sheep Lustre, White Pique and white Duck, from $1.75 to $5. NEW MUSLIN WAISTS-A BEAUTIFUL ASSORT- try to be hurried to Neville reports that ulajanes a University of Kansas, and was appointed to the constabul- ary last February. He graduated from the constabulary school on June 30th, Bureau is situated at an isolated portion of to proved absol utely "invariably attends the use which has cured ca- rth and thereby allows nature ta a and there Trev Ontaxrhamns been so small, however, that particu- | farization would be impossible. Dar « = ® Mr, Janes, Grout has heen up from REGRET THE DEPARTURE { Brockville to see Canon and Mrs. 'Grout. Of Rev. R. 8S. Wilkinson, of | 'Mes. W. B. Carey did not return Amherst Island. { with the archieacon on Saturday, but. There was a meeting held at the {is still at the Sand Banks. Miss Jes- { Victoria Hall, Amherst Island, on | sig Smith will spend a fortnight there | Monday evening, for the purpose of { with her.% ! : , Sl presenling an address and gift to | Migs Napmi Dickson is visiting | Rov. R. 8. Wilkinson, expressing the Julige and Mrs, Hamilton, Emily | regret of the people generally on his street, ' : leaving the paris, Mr. Fowler 'was Miss (Ruth Curry, of Toronto, is the } called to the chair and with a few guest of Mrs. E. J. B. Pense. Mrs... A. Strathy and Miss Muriel and Miss Dorothy Sirathy, of Mon- treal, are at Little Metis. Mrs. Hi; LeBrun and daughter, Peter- | boro, have left for Kingston, and Mr. LeBrun will join them, when they will take the steamer for Montreal. They will go. to the seaside. § + - - 4 Mrs. James Filiott, of Montreal, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clarke, Clergy street west. Miss Mabel Brownfield is home from her stay 'down the river. » Miss Mary Moutray, of Amherst Is- Clark land, is staying with Mrs, Wright, Mr. bad Mrs. William Mitchel, | Clergy street, and small Mise Caro- line Mitchell, have gone down the river: Mrs. Ernest Gallagher, Toronts, is in the city the guest of Mrs. John Me- Kay, Ss'denkigm street. . » - . Mis. and Mish Maedonald, Ottawa, are the guests 'of Mise Gauthier at the Archhishop's Palace. Mrs. Macdonald is 'a sister" of his grace. Miss Ashley, Montreal, is the guest of Mise Belle Dick, Johnston street. Mrs. Henry Brown and Master Os wald, of . Stratford, are on a two months' yacation to Kingston, Thou- sand Islands, Montreal and Portland. Mrs. James Cochrane, of Morning- ton, West Virginia, is the guest of Mrs. A. Bearance, Princess street. Next week shel will pay Mrs. John McKay a visit, - Miss Katie Murray has returned to town from a fortnight's visit in Bat- tersea. Mrs. Géorfe Robinson and her fam- ily intend going up to the Sand Banks on Thursday morning, , for a two weeks" holiday. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Despard leave shortly for New Zealand, sailing by wily of "San Francisco. They will be absent about ten months. Mr. Des pard is eonnected with the Canadian street, has gone to Newburgh on a visit, Rev. Father A. J. Banley and Miss Hanley reached Montreal, to-day, en route home' from Italy. Mrs. Henry Baker left, this morn- ing toi spend a couple of weeks with Mr. Baker's parents in Deseronto. Mrs, H. B. Hotchkin and little daughter May, Watertown, N.Y., have returned home after a visit 'with Mrs. W. H. Derry, Barrie street. Miss Annie Pixley will return to Montreal, to-morrow, after her visit home, . "« '» . Mr. Charles Fortescue has returned to Pittsburg, Pa. People who have been enquiring for Mrs. Fortescue and Miss Daisy, who have both been ill will be glad to hear that they are much better. Miss Beatrice Tandy, day, to visit * Mrs. Schuyler Thousand lsland home. Miss Deligle Ramsden, of. Port Hope, is visiting Mrs. Robért Crawford, Bar- rie street. Miss Eileen Malloy, of Stanfod, Conpy, is visiting Mrs. Cornelius Ber- minghant, Judge und" Mrs. O'Reilly, Cleveland, and Dr. Frank Bermingham, of Nes York, are expected in town shortly, to pay their people a visit. -. . » left, yester- in her The Rev. Harold Horsey, and Mrs. Horsey, fttawa, are visiting the former's father, Mr. Edwin Horsey, Brock street. Miss Florence Merrick went down yesterday to Montreal. i Mrs. Geale and her son, Mr. John Geale, will leave shortly for Renfrew to take up their residence. Miss. Maud Macarow is home from » The Rev. R. 8, Wilkinson will come to town to-morrow, and say good-bye on July 206th. appropriate remarks called on Mrs. MacDonald for music, after which J. Gallivan read the address, to which Mr. Wilkinson returned thanks. An- other piece of music followed when the chairman called on Rev. James Cum- berland to address the meeting. In very touching words Mr. Camberland showed how sorry he was at the part- ing--these two gentlemen have always worked harmoniously together. The chairman also called on the Methodist minister and expressed his regret that he was not present, This gentleman with great hberality, closed his own church and was present himself at the evening service at St. Alban's to lis- ten to Mr. Wilkinson's farewell ser- mon. The church was filled to over- flowing--the largest congregation that was ever presént, and composed of all denominations. The little church was so full that several had to listen from the vestry and the grounds outside. The following was the address pre sented : To the Rev. Robert Skelding Wilkin- son, rector of Amherst Island, Ont. : Dear Mr. Wilkinson : Your parishion- ers and, we are assured, the citizens 6f Amherst Island, generally, have heard with sincere regret that the sacred office of pastor over us, which you have held for the past three years, with credit to yourself, and, we trust, with profit to us, is so soon to be vacated by you. Your wise and able counsel in furthering the interests of this parish, 'ecupled with your kind and sympathetic manner, your clear and evangelical preaching of the gos- pel and the broad and truly Catholic spirit which you have shown towards all men, are admired and duly appre: ciated by us. In accepting the urgent call which you have received to go an labor in a distant diocese of the church, we believe that you are do- ing so in obedience to the command of conscience, and we, therefore, bow to your decision and join in wishing you a hearty God-speed and much pros- perity and success in your new and promising, field of labor. And we fur. ther assure you that in parting with Mrs. Wilkinson we do so with far more than a passing feeling of regret. Known to us from her childhood, she has endeared herself to us by her kindness, gentleness and goodness of heart. Our hope and prayer is that you may both be long spared as co- workers for the advancement. of the church, the welfare of mankind and the upbuilding of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in British Colum- bia, or wherever your lot may be cast. Kindly accept this present asa token of our esteem. Signed on be- half of the parish of Amherst Island. PRINCE'S WIFE SLEPT While Passing Through Thousand Islands. A Montreal despatch says: "The In- dian prince, the maharajah of Gualior, who arnvived here last evening, and who was to have sailed from New York by the Sedric, states tnat he has cancelled his sailing. sleeping when they came through the Thousand Islands and the prince is so anxious that she should see them, they will return to Kingston to-mor- row morning." The prince has not yet arrived here, early morning boat down the river. A Cousin Of J. 0. Hutton. Dr. W. A. B. Hutton, who death in the steamboat collision fecting of Hollister's dical roots and herbs known to mod hood's Drug Store, the upon. His wife was but may eome to-night and take the met at Vancozyer, B.C., was a cousin of J, ()' Hutton, insurance inspector, of this city. Pharmacists throughout the world have devoted their lives to the per- v Rocky Mount- tain Tea. It contains the 'choicest me- ern science. Tea or Tablets, 35c. Ma- There may not be a meeting of the city council until next week, pending Cataraqui ward "hye-election." A market toll scheme is 10 be settled Scotland. Dr. James Gallivan and his mother left to-day for a visit to Rochester, Buffalo and Cleveland. Deputy Sheriff Jarvis, of Toronto, was in the city, today, on his way home from the seaside. Mrs. Louis Davis and children, Tor- onto, are visiting her sister, Mrs, A. McCutcheon, 624 Princess street, Rev. Father MeCGuira, Wooler, in Kingston - undergoing medical treat- ment, has returned to his parish. He is improving slowly. The family of the late Alexander Ross, Johnson street, intend leaving the city soon for the south, Their household effects will be sold. Mrs. Ladd had a nasty. but fortun- ately, not a serious accident on Sun- day, which will keep her in' the house for several days. She struck her eye, cutting it badly. Mrs. J. A. Davison, Miss C. Melnddoe, and Mrs. A. F. Duclos, constituted a party from Gonanoque, which registered at the Randolph to-day. R. Smith, K.C., Montreal. is coming un the Rideau in his 'gasoline launch, Florence. He is out for a holidav cruise. He, comes to Kingston and will return to Montreal by the St. Lawr- ence river, PF. W. Lingwood, a former teacher in the Kingston Collegiate Institufe, has appointed classical master at Woodstock. Mr. Lingwood is now in England, where he was called by the serious illness of his father. Miss MelIndoe, POISONED HIMSELF. May Have Been Connected With Fur Robbery. Montreal, July 24.--A man named St. John, wanted by the Ontario po- lice on a charge of receiving stolen furs, committed suicide, in the Temple building, this afternoon. The local police were asked to make enquiries about him. The man's name is F. M, St. John, and it is believed that he was connected with the Kingston fur robbery in some way. He took poison some time yesterday, and his body was only discovered a short time ago, The police say he was acting in a nervous way over the enquiries they were making. DEATH SENTENCES Imposed on Several High Rus- sians. St, Petersburg, July M.--Proclama- tions announcing that the death sent- ence has been imposed by the emperor on Gen. Trepofi, M. Pobiedon Osteff, who was procurator-general of the Holy Synod, Gen. Orloff, the pontifi- cator of the Baltic provinces, and others have been scattered over part of Peterhofi. The terrorists are said to the sentences on the doors of Gen. Orlofi's and Gen. Trepofi's quarters, Dies At Seventy-One. Watertown, N. Y., July 23.--Mrs. Harriet Arhart, aged seventy-one, died last night at No. 26 Franklin street. Funeral services will be held there at 2 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, and burial be made at North Watertown. The deceased was the widow of James Arhart, and is survived by a daughter and two sons, Miss Mary Arhart of Trenton, Ont.; Thomas Arhart of Wellington, Ont., and George Arhart, of this city. To Give Them Good Time. Windsor, Ont., July 24.--The third amual convention of the Master Painters' and Decorators' Association opened, this morning, in the new Curry Hall. Sessions will continue through Wednesday and Thursday. Flaborate preparations have "been made by the local union and paint manufacturers for the entertainment of the visitors. Increase In Dividend. Montreal, July 24.--The management of the Merchants bank 'of Canada an- nounce an increase in the dividend from seven to eight per cent, per an- num to be paid in quarterly instal ments. The divideni was reached to a seven per cent. basis some years ago when Thomas Fyshe took the manage + ment. » Harvard To Row Cambridge. Boston, July, 24.~The Harvard Un- versity crew will sail for England, next Friday, and unless the date is changed, will on Saturday, September Ist. row a race with the Cambridge University eight. "Phone 230 for drug store wants. Gibson's Red ' Cross drug store. liant and Duck, all prettily MENT, half and long sleeves, in Muslin, Lawn, Bril- lace and tucks, prices ranging from &8¢., up to ...... 3.80 i trimmed with embroidery, 38 Acesien { SPENCE'S ™ ase Millinery and Mantle Store : SS It would naturally be quiet with us at this season of the year, but we prefer to be busy, by running our Big Mid-Summer Sale, which our patrons are taking advantage of the good values at Sale Prices. Brass and Iron Bedstoads with the Hercules Look Weave. Spring to fit. JAMES REID, The Phone 147, BICY _ TYPEW £ SEWING Sold and J.B. C. DOBBS & C0., 171 Wellington St. 4434 PEP PIPE $2PIIIS BUSY==ALWAYS BUSY !|&% Leading! Undertaker!) CLES RITERS MACHINES $ Repaired a : FINANCE AND INSURANCE - ~~" ( - CUSTOMS BROKER:- The business of ths late Oy G. Oliver, will be carried bpm im his office, 79 Clarence streets G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has been asspciated with Mry Oliver. Money to Loan - Melntyre & McIntyre | Kingston If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have » talk with George Zeigler, 4" Ritkakon 57 Brock Street. 'ADAMANT' Wall Plaster Ready for use by adding water. Put up In bags, 100 Ibs. In each. ---- o--- FARMS FOR 'SALE It you. want to buy a farm, come to ses our list. We never had such s good list to select from before, We have what you want and the price is right. T. J. Lockhart' Real Estate Agent, Kingston, +5 Put dp In bags, 50 ibs. In each P. Walsh St. 'Phone 109 TE re -- LAN DS Manner 1518 BONY. to his friends here, leaving for Fern ursday Mr, ik unferménted grape juice, pints Chown's store. Walter Claxton died at Sarnia, from READ WHIG WANT ° ADVTS. You will find|z: much to in-| terest you there.