for men and wo, Silos | Healthful, 1b.--A1l grocers: shredded whole place of white butter, : cheese ing and easily k," postpaid." =, Nise Falls, Out. BLE THES * comfort in store r relief. Suits, in two or 3.00, 6.50, 7.50, | e great coolers on ge and Lustre at 25. ybon' artment omfortable sum- ~ Bathing Suits, wear, Jerseys, rou'll suffer with ning here. bby Co. tore. N YORK AL LINES 28, 1906 turn Limit |, Dreamland, Luna Pak rar aeseecseseensl TER NOW| ~~ Business S| vio Or Storthand br In Business College Limited 1d of Queen Street ngston, Canada us lete a comp! . perienced partment. Open our: Whole year, Cgtalogue KAY, H.F; METCALFE, sident. Principal. PTVVT LV VVRVVOS 57 *ssesesescssesese of lemonade {or whiskey » Sweetened). Just before nder extra blanketing, to spiration, two or three uinine, orning a lon , refrigerant ood E tio with a wet weakfast, and by lunch tient could almost tackle Lu gato-hinges. This en proved successful so of the miners as to be looked al'ible, hs . Si the world their lives ta the per Tollister's .. Mount a paing oe choicest me- $0 mod- abe he. Ma- a on your aw work. CANADIAN GIN DOIVIN, WILSON For the Summer Season | Refrigerators, ica 'Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose. Win- Screen Doors, Gas | dow Screens, Stoves, Wickless and Ovens. | CEYLON TEA TheSuperiorto Any on the Market: Refuse Substitutes. Land Fackete Onl. 280., 30c., 40¢., 50c. ana Uc. pe¥ 1b. At all Grocers 3 HIGHEST AWARD, ST. XOUIS, 1904. "a "€0., Montreal. Creatnt Freezers, . Coal Oil Stoves \ { | We carry a large assortment of the above articles at | reasonable prices. elsewhere, Inspect our "stock before purchasing | | ELLIOTT BROS 77 Princess Street. 'Phone 35. PPP PPP PP PPd PEPLITDS PPPS PP | om Vicon today, BICYCLES TYPEWRITERS SEWING MACHINES Sold and : % rh SYNOPSIS oF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- fon Lands in Manitoba or ' the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter sec- tion, of 160 acres more or less Eatry may be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land to be taken is situated, or if the bomesteader desires, he may, on appli- cation to the Minister of the Interior, the Commissioner of Linmigra- nnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situ- ate receive authority for some one to make entry for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES: A settler who bas been granted an entry for a home stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one of the following plans : (1) at least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land is each year during the term of three years. (2) It the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of any person who is eligible to make a homestead entry un- the provisions of "his Act, resides upon a farm 1 the vicinity of the land entered for by such person as a home stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may by such person residing with the father or mother. (8) It the wottler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by bhba in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the land. vApiLioaTion FOR PATENT should at the end of three years. be- ey the. Local Axont, Sup-Agent or the Homestead Inspecto Before making applications for patent i» settler aust give six month's notice in. writing to the minio; to do so. SYNOPSIS OF: CANADIAN NORTH- $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 acres can be acquired by one individual or cow- nany. -- | Repaired J.B. C. DOBBS & C0., 171 Wellington St, $4533 400 00400 ed on the output after it exceeds $10,000 . W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--~Unauthorized jpablication of this advertigenent will not be paid for. RIDEAU CANAL SEALED TENDERS AIDRE SSED to the undersigned and endorsed "'"Ten- der for Screw Tug," will be received at this Office Mntil 16 o'clock on Monday the 20th day of August, 1906, for the construction and delivery of an 80-foot Steam Jeg for, the Rideau Camal. AFlans and specifications and Forms of Tender can be obtained at the office of the Superintending Engineer of the Rideau : Canal, Canadian Building, Ot tawa, on and after this date. accept the lowest or any tender. By order, L. K. JONES, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals Qttawa, 18th July, 1906. NoWerarers inserting this advertise ment without authority from the De- partment, will not be paid for it. Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION NESW YORK Baggage To and From Station Free An eieeller: yuide-book and map of the City of New York mt on receipt of two cents in postage. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. | Tho stent Usarin Uterine e Topic, aad | Commissioner of Do- only safe na Lands at Ottawa, of his intention Repu women oah | 7at of strength--No. 1, | 0. 2. 4 of Fons 5 stronger, 0. 3, WEST MINING REGULATIONS. 2 ¢ I ocial cases per box. Coal.~Coal lands may be purchased at i on_ receipt of price. Free pam) hlet. Address: Ti Menge Co. TorowTo, Out. Gormerty W indady} Royalty at the rate of ten cents . Sauk a [at np Sas oss output. Quarte--A free miner's certificate ia granted upon payment in advance of 3 Des annum for an individual, and $50 to 3100 per jishum for a com- pany according A free miner, 1 iar BL avorsd mineral fo place, may, locate a claim 1,500x1, $5. a claim is complying © » land at $1 an acre. oe a vides for the payment of ont on tl BE claims *p 100 rally are , renewable 'ADAMANT' Wall Plaster Ready for use by adding waters Put up In bags, 100 Ibs. Jo cach, 'White Rock Finish Pat up In bags, 50 Ibs. In each 55-57 Barrack P. Walsh & pucne 100 | per. 1 ie 'ee Mrs. Mowat and Miss Ethelwyn Mo- et are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ross, Picton. Yr and Mrs. Sincleton, are guests at "The Maples," the residence of | Mr. W. J. Hunter, in Picton. visiting Mrs. John Hamilton, Emily street. y Miss Vera Montgomery, Ottawa, and Miss Jessic Tompkins, of Brock- ville, are the guests of the Misses | Sands, { Miss 3 Minna Murray, who have lately come Royalty at the rate of 2§ per cent collect | Department of Railways & Canals | The Department does not hind itself to | Grand Union hotel of square ; eatry fee cascscscsessesel v obtain two leaner to Serr rassane ~< ov Fenewable at the Thirty acres of land. on the border of Long Lake, Fond-du-Lac county, ¢ Nidkigen, has dropped several feet be- - asath th e surlace, 5 eee nn Bold in the - Guwilight York, have been taking have spent. a day or ing down to Montreal, via the St. the Rideau trip, so in town, go ED: Bowley of: Otay: and b Mrs. H, R. Smith gave a small * vt, A or lunchéon party at "Ringwood," on | %08, are staying at St, ay rec Tuesday, in honor of Miss Latta and Miss Caroline Jones, who are visiting Miss Macpherson, King street. Covers were "laid for ten and the de- corations, ' consisting of ribbons paint- ed with maple leaves, and vases filled with flowers in harmonizing shade were most effective. » - - - y The good = weather has kept the croquetists_hard at it for some days- Some of thé matches have been begun in the afternoon directly after lunch. . . Te Still the round of very small after noon and high teas. goes on, but the very reasonable revuest, "Flease don't say anything wbout them, they were so small," (with much emphasis on the 80), is gladly acceded to. It can hardly be any harm to say that they have all beet very enjoyable, Mrs. Reginald Aleombrack of New York, is in the city, on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ad- ams, University avenue, Mrs. George Hobart of Montreal, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hobart Dyde, University avenue. Miss Ena Price, after a prolonged visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles Low, Brock street, left to-day, for her home in Aylmer, Ont. Miss Grace London, of Montreal, is spending a few days with Miss Jessie Begg. . . . Miss Jessie McCann came home vesterday, from a long visit in Carle- ton Place, Perth, and Oliver's Ferry. Miss Irene Moore and Miss Eva Leach are visiting Mrs. G. McCly- mont, 117 Elgin street, Ottawa. Miss Sibbard Hamilton, of King- ston, will arrive in the capital to- morrow, and will visit the Misses Wainwright at their summer cottage at Britannia-on-the-Bay.--Ottawa pa- Miss Naomi Boulton, of Toronto, is Queen street. "a ee Miss Gena Branscombe came down to visit her aunt, May, Miss Bessie and Miss out from Ireland, Wednesday spent Tuesday and in town, going up yester- day, to Amherst Island, where they | have taken a 'cottage 'for the sum- | ner, | Miss Evadne Cotlér, of Montreal, is lin town. . - » Mrs. John Sherman and her grand- danghter, Miss Jessie Sherman, re- turned yesterday, from a fortnight's outing in Toronto and Stoufiville. Mrs. Mortimer Atkinson has been down in Brockville, Miss Ada M. Sharman, is the guest of her mother. visit for two months, New York, She will Mrs. J. R. Kerr, Newboro, and four children are visiting Mrs , Kerr's mother, Mrs. Sharman. owe Mrs. T. .J. Barnett visiting friends - in Brockville for the past two weeks, ar- rived home on Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Douglas Hooper and daugliter, of Napanee, Ont., have arrived in Montreal, to spend a month with | Mrs. F. D. Burdette, 40 Mackay street, The Ottawa papers announce the marriage of Miss Isabel Cartwright | to Mr, Alexander, of Vancouver, "hn | November. | Mr. Charles Crookall has returned ! to New York. | . . . . !' Mrs. R. J. McClelland, Division | street,: and child left yesterday for Huntsville, weeks. | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hooper and a | party will leave shortly after the first part of Augast for a camping trip i} | the Laurentian Lakes, up north, be | tween Ottawa and Montreal. | Mr. Colin Burge of Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. John Fairlie. Nirs. Armstrong, | | | Muskoka, to spend a few Peterboro, William George is on a visit to her son, Armstrong, for a fortnight. see. Rev. J. G, and Mrs. and Mrs. Donald | attended the Potter. Miss Mattie Wilking, of the guest of Mrs. cess street. Mrs. PP. G. Gilbert was up from the islands to-day. . Potter and Mr. Potter, Peterboro, wedding of Miss Sadie Trenton, is James Craig, Prin- . . . Campbell, who is now at her summer home an Loughboro Lake, entertained at a verandah par- ty, on the 20th, when the guests of honor were Mr. R. Doolittle and Mr. M. Cornwall, of Buffalo, N.Y. Miss Emily Smythe gave a very in- formal little tea yesterday, when about a dozen girls met for a chat. Ce. Mrs, J. W. | | | Mrs. W. H. Wormwith, the Misses Wormwith and Miss Sara Gill have gone to Cressy, to spend several weeks under the shade of wide-spreading maples. % Mr. Balfour Mudie is home from { Ottawa. AFTER TEN YEARS Mr. G. L. Stephenson, of Peterbor- ough, says: "For over ten vears I suf- fered Sinstantly with Piles. Brat Ite Itching, then i) almost unbearable : life a Plnenion ed everything in vain till I used Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid. { "I bad taken but a few doses when I began to notice an improvement. I de- cided to keep on, and now after usi three boxes I am glad to say I a completely cured. My general health has also greatly improved. It gives me t pleasure to recommend Hem-Roid sufferers with Piles. and I feel convinced that what it has done for me it will surely do for them.'" a dae. with Mrs. I. Cays, - . . . Pr. and Mrs. Egerton Cays, of Os- , N.Y., and their baby, came to town 'on Saturday, staying till Mon- Alfred street. of Utica, N.Y., is the guest "of Miss Lillian McCormick. Mra. J. P..Oram of Montreal, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Nathaniel Wilmot, 89 Clergy street. Mes. x in Vout Clergy street West, vi in Montreal and Otta- wa, has returned h Mr. and Mrs. F, arcourt Malone, of Montreal, after a visit to Capt. Malone and family, have taken a trip to the upper lakes. * - Miss Grace Ballantyne, of King- atom, is the guest of Miss E. MacFar- lane, Cambridge street, Ottawa. Miss Bessie McDonald, of Stella, is visiting Mrs. Murray, Kine street. Miss Doak, a delightful Montreal girl, has been staying with Mrs, James L. Cotter, Alired street. Miss Low has been in town, rom Picton. Stratford Dawson, of Montreal, and wi young son came to town, to- day, and are visiting Mrs. Dawson's father and mother, Canon and Mrs. Loucks. - - » . Miss Tillie Rowan, after a pleasant vist to her parents on University avenue, returned to Ottawa to-day. Mrs. Shaw, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Herbert Robertson, Colborne street. Mrs. Lawrence Henderson and her Thousand Islands, of Brilliant, Ohio, are Mrs. John Hughes', Brock street. Captain and Mrs. H. J. Dr. 'and Mrs. Edward Ryan at "'Rock- wood House." Miss Lola Reyner is here from Pitts burg, Pa., for a short visit to relations. - - - The engagement is announced of : of Mr. and Mrs. street, to Mr. Alfred 8 St, Matthews avenue, Tamilton, Ottawa, to Mr. PERSO.AL MENTION. They Are Saying And Doing. Sandford Kiel, spending his vacation. Frederick Burns, city on his vacation, month from September 3rd, Miss Florence Whitney, Kingeson, i guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Moran, 28 Central street, a N.Y. Miss Minnie Twigg, training fo nurse in Syracuse hospital, tertown, N.Y H. B. Collier Peterboro, has Toronto, to late of Kingston heen Albert street, for some time. William Davidson, an old stonian, and an ex-member of from Pittsburg, Tweed, is to 3 chaplain at the Island of Orleans. for Augus MILITIA NOTES. School of Instruction ewawa. tablished at Petewawa for officers an non-commissioned officers follows : Officer commanding, Lieut. Col. P. Weatherbe, R.C.E., D. of E. acting. adjutant, Capt. J. E. allowances in accordance, and a sub- sistence allowance of seventy-five aud fifty cents per diem respectively. No extra pay is authorized for officers or instructors of the R.C.E. detailed for J guarantees goes with every box of Hem-Roid. P! $1.00, ail or The Wilson-Fyle Co. Limi Niagara Ont, duty at this school of instruction, young people have gone down to the Dr. and Mrs. Dougall and daughter, vigiting at Dawson are « back in town again. + + Mrs. R. 8. Wilson and her two chil- Yale oh Lawrence and McGrath's. a dren _itam 3 t. Mary's, have joined spo otal cheese boarded numbered Mr. Wilson here; . 1,433, made up of 782 colored and 651 hite follows : The Misses Smart and Miss Ella N ewloredde Argan; 60; Odessa, 200; Gage are coming up from the islands | corn Flower, 90; Glenvale, Jo, Gilt to spend the week end with Mrs. John | Bage, 55; St. Lawrence, 60; Thousand Breden, Stuart street, and come in{[slands, 65; Wolfe Island, 8% Mo for the yacht club festivities. Grath's, 65. " Mrs. Charles ' Stafford Kirkpatrick White-Cataraqui, 115; Haington, a foming home on Saturday, from vo; Hinchinbrook, 40; Model, 90; Oso, Bax, Are. Cl . 45, Ontario, 69; Rose Hill, 60; Silver Mrand Mes. Charles Bickson have | Springs, 100; Elginburg, 50; Collins oy i Bay, 100: Mr. and M¥s."S. A. Armstrong of Toronto, have spent the day with BUSY BUYING BLOCKS her Miss Mamie Vipond, second daughten El Vipond, Tisdale H. East, of Miss Mabel MacLaren, of Sarnia, to Marvin S. Kennedy, of Peterboro. already been bought, and the govern- Miss Kathleen Higgins, second ! ment will continue to collect remt an- daughter of the ate Mr, C. J. Hig- | til they are needed. A million dollars gins, of the post office department, {is involved in the land purchase, The Noel Humphreys, of |p Vancouver. The wedding wif take Lindsay the other day, for $35,000, place in Vancouver on September | will be valuated by the exchequer 1th. court, , Movements of The People--What Utica, is in the city Baffalo, is in the John Hamilton is home on a visi to his mother, Alfred street Mrs. Thomas Dowker, Harrowsmith, is spe g a few days in the city, Miss O'Gorman, Montreal street, is | draft the memorial : Principals May- spending the week in Montreal and berry, Stratford; Pouston, Smith's Quebec. Falls; Reditt, Barrie; Radcliffe, Lon- Charles McCullough, traveller for don, and Gavin, Windsor, the Smith-Runciman company, To ronto, is home on a visit. What A Drink. Lieut.-Col. Hunter-Ogilvie, R.C.A,, Wade's joo wream soda comes as near has obtained leave of absence for one | boing the fabled nectag as human skill is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Massie, Stewart ------ street. Proud Civic Improvers. Lansing Keelar, Enterprise, has | There was a very successful meeting been the guest of his sisters, Mra. E. | of the civie improvement society on B. Paige and Mrs. H. F. Lee, of Wa- and transferred to act as sales manager for the Peterboro Cereal company. Miss Margaret MeDonald, Duluth, Mian., arrived in the city, to-day and will visit Migs Edith Shannon, King- the 14th Regimental band is in the city, Pa., on his holidays. Rev. J. W. Forster, late of Wolfe Island, has taken chiyge of the Angli- That doesn't cure the corn. Just can summer church at Beaconsfield, | apply the old stand by, Putnam's P.Q. Rev. C. T. Lewis, formerly ui | Corn Extractor; it acts like ruagic. at Pet. A school of instruction will be es- and Cana- dian engineers. The officers will 'be as H. Bo. A CLOUD" BURST AND THERE WAS GREAT DES- © TRUCTION BY IT. ---- Almost the Entire Village of Fourneaux is Destroyed--So Far Fifteen Are Reported Kill- ed and Many Injured. New York, July 26.--A cable to the New York Herald, from Turin, dated Tuesday, says that a terrible cloud- burst, in the direction of Mount, Cenis tunnel, causing great loss of life and property and interrupting the Ay national railway owing to washouts and the fall of rocks from the moun- tains. Almost the entire village of Fourncaux is destroyed. Twenty. houses were completely demolished, and thus far, it has been ascertained, that fifteen persons were killed and sixty injured in the vicinity. The danages are estimated at £1,000,000, From Modane to Bardonnech the country was ravaged by the storm. No One So Far Lost. Modane, July 26,---The reports that fifteen persons were killed as a result of a cloutlburst, yesterday, in the Mont Cenis district are incorrect. The rumors to that effect grew out of the first moments of terror when several persons were missing, but since then all these have been found. CHEESE BOARD. Prices Are Keeping Up Quite High. A moeting of the Frontenac cheese board was held this afternoon, the predident in the chair. The buyers y were Messrs, McKinnon, a oh, Gibson, Murphy, Gillespie and Alexander. J, D. McKinnon on ed the bidding at 1lc, 'At 11fe. L. W. Murphy secured Corn Flower, Gilt Bdge Thousand Islands, Wolfe Island, Arigan, and at 11 7-16c. Ontario, Silver Springs, Collins Bay and Modbl, Alexander, at 118c. got Rose Hill, §lginburg, and Hind chjphrooke, Gibson took Hartington at *1lic, and Glen- on Which to Build New Govera- " ment Offices. Ottawa, July 26.--Joseph Riopelle, representing the government, is busy buying up all the properties on Sussex street, facing McKenzie avenue, from buy nine full blocks, for the immense departmental buildings to "be erected to house the offices now scattered over the city. Several properties have . Lindsay store property, bought by i------------------ Ask For Higher Pay. Toronto, July 26.--At a meeting, today, of the teachers engaged in reading the papers in connection with the high school examinations, it was decided to memoralize the minister of education, on his return from 'Eneg- land, to increase the pav for this t | work. At present it is at the rate of £3.25 per day, from which the teach ers pay their own expenses. The fol lowing committee was appointed to has been able to de¥ise, Pure juices 8 | of the choicest fruits, rich, delicious ice cream, and refreshing soda water are its ingredients. Served always r | promptly and in absolutely clean glasses. Wade's drug store. Wednesday: The reports which came in from all quarters were most encour- aging. The interest of the children has been thoroughly aroused, and the in spectors of the gardens met with a cordial reception. In cases where the youthful gardeners were not at home, * | interested parents showed, proudly, the result of the childre® labors. As nothing succeeds like success the scope and effect of the society will no doubt be doubled next year. Never Slit Your Boots, i | Kills the pain, cures the corn, does it J without burn or scar. Get the best-- it's "'Putnagm's." Sold Out His Interest. W. J. Lee, one of the partners in the Bailey Broom company, : purposes going west at an early date. 0 Clean Teeth. To remove tartar and stains from the tecth try a Dr. Horsey fibre tooth brush, a perfect cleanser and polisher, Call and examine them at Rideau to Cathcart = streets. He will || has sold out his interests to his fellow partners. He born's Seal Brand. Stylish 1906 when a summer coat is most garment perfect--materials at Sweeping Redu A final clearance after our busiest selling nt cooler and fall little more Fg four weeks fine broadcloths. These big cuts :-- Covert | | needed with the popular light Na ymasse AREER ANS $6.00 for sertssentsarrenvisssnanasere bee to prices $1.25 to $2.00, 35 Ruioconts $750 0: 10.00 PRINT AND SATEEN HOUSE Coats Liiiininnen all going at, each .... ire SPENCE"S' iw loetiag nd ate srs It would naturaliy be quiet with us at this season of the year, but we prefer to be' busy, by running our Big Mid-Summer Sale, which our patrons are taking advantage of the good values at Sale Prices. Brass and iron Bedstoads with the HMeroules Look Weave, Spring to Nit. JAMES REID, The 'Phone 167. THE FINEST IN BUSY===ALWAYS BL GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES 50c. per 1b. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. FINANCE ANDY D INSURANCE ' THECITY * 0 an ae $ de J - CUSTOMS BROKER - The business of ths late Os O. will be carried on IS his G.A. BATEMAN Who for the Jast five years has been assholated with Mry Olver, Money to Loan Melutyred & Mclntyre Fe z Sa uy hh hd Kingston ef You Want a Home Or Insurance, have » George Zeigler, "3" Sica 67 Brook Street. FARMS FOR ,SALE " you Nant to buy & farm, come We never had -- eo list to sotost from before: We have what you om ores » right, want and the T. J. Lockhart Real fstate Agent, Kingston, make rich, Friday walk on U toria school. Dr. Chown's Special Iron Tonic Pills Be. and , 50e. nion street, pure blood, Saturday, one bottle catsup for Be., at Mullin' gart, R.C.E.; instructor in fild tele | Gre store Wadd graphy, Hon. Lieut. and QM. F. C. " ilburn, R.C.E. The course will cover For an all-day tri day p, take the steam- a period of six weeks, and instruction { .. America to Gananoque, Brockville will be given in all subjects necessary and Ogdensburg, Friday, 8 am. Re- for qualification for technical certi- | yyrning leaves Ogdensburg 3.30 p.m. ficate. Officers and _ non-commissioned | 50¢ return, -- officers attached will receive pay and | There is a bad uplift of the cement pay gl west of Vie 8 WHIG WANT ADVTS.