EN ------ 1 Insura PRE Betablished parC C0, PARTMENT : ances in Force, $104, sover - . © 000,009 7B pe cent. nom 0 'olicyhol, ~ we been ders, pi, Skool bution in 10007" her Ay "uve Wag r to P 'olicyholders and Strong Britisy etc., om application po ISH - AMERIGAY HOTEL [ON - - ONTARy undergone alterations and open to the travelling LFER .. . Proprietor TT ---- DSSING 5a Jor Paper and Envelope; MVING cre. rom a card 8 W volume, WHIG, Kingston -- FOR SALE ) Sold To Close Up Eg tate owing desirable City Props ck St, vesidence of late E ot Stag imsion dining and ot St., eXtansiom kitchen, al mod Sxtension dining and ite Jerituinre, os Cos: OU VELA VVAVRAAvvNg E. HEROD| 86 Princess Street. rdored Footwear | Repairs 0 Dressing, ete. | Closes at 7 ., Exoept i. " eh | THE FRONTENAC & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISRED 1863, t--Sir Richard Cartwright fussy on City and Farm Pro an ounty _ Deben- ortgages purchased. Deposits nd interest allowed, cGill, Managing Director. 7 Clarence street, Kingston. rk Chinese Restaurant 3 Princess Street rom 10,30 a.m. to 3.00 am. t place to get an all round the city. Meals of all kinds on notice. English and Chinese specialty, n (Chinese Restaurant 381 King Street am 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am st place to get am all round the city. Meals of all kinds t notice. English and Chinese specialty. 'Phone, 655. vn Mowers he Best Mower lly $3.50 AT chan's Hardware .. Hurray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK SY. icriages, Cutters, Harness, oreale. Horses Every Saturday tion Sales ur gale of Furait t one hofce of date. ihBES a: 0 ct all the important sales and » highest prices. 665, OHN H. MILLS The Auctioneer ee Gonfactionery Store ase' Confectionery" Store and Ice Parlor, Pure Cream, witb fruits used. A copstant supply esh 'Candies. } 'VAS, 220 Princess Street ) Opera House. ICE BACON Sliced to Suit MYERS' ried man would care to «© his wife insisted on going Caan 7a Everything Must Go fa ol AT, OUR Great Removal Sale of Furniture _ If we only get cost out of it. We want your money-- you want the goods. It will NO. 177. our immense stock, and we think it better to give cur customers the benefit of the cost of removal. Don't Make Any Mistake in the Place Two Doors Above the Opera House Robt. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker i 222 Princess Street. , Telephone 877, Ambatasce, RELIABLE FOOTWEAR For Boys Just what you want for the Boys. . Something that will stand the wear and tear. Don't fail to see our Children's Boots before 'you:purchase. $1.50 and $1.75. Summer Days! @waken Enthusiasm in the Fisherman. In looking over your Fishing Equipment you find the need of new articles. You should bear us in mind, for noWhere will you find an assortmont so complete. This Is the Season for «all out of door sports. With it comes the 'demand for 'BAS SBALL GOODS. Before making your purchase, come in and' logk things bver. Prices are right. Angrove Bros. 88-90 PRISCESS STREET. WHEN YOUR SHOES NEED REPAIRING : : "Remember our aim is to do re- pairing so that Footwear will look like they did when new. Wear "Allen's" ~.. Mifitaty Bootmakers Sign of Goiden Boot. 84 Breck St. Sgn -- SWIFT'S. TOURIST TICKETS ~Qity of Moutreal" and "Cabs" Ceétroit, Toleds, Cleveland, To- ronto, Montreal. Going West, Frifay, 8 mm. oi Sund; ay, 9 a.m. Sole information, JAMES 8 TPT & CO, Wharves, foot Johmson AR - Se ma------------------------------------------------------ Times Have Changed when you could not in our stores, now for it 14 so first-class Stoves, Furni- with buying. TURK'S ~SECOND-HAND STORE There, Sas a ame ng my Sind any get. into see all, crowded , _Oarpets, etc. For trading, elif nO petter place than Princess Stréet. ivi t committee was called bri ig ed to award ten- #xtension supplies. City Couneil, 8 p.m. Pay Water Rate and save discount. The sun rises Wednesday at 4.48 am. and sets at 7.23 p.m. morrow night, 7.80 p.m., Str. America. This Loyola, founder of 5 ola, fou esuits, died, Battle of Plevna, . 4 BEER al Rooms: obbing Department: cost considerable to remove! §§ ..ROBERTSON BROS. ies for the coming season, and Invite your inspection. and Belladonna combin- ingredients used in us plasters, make Carters i ph the best DAILY MEMORANDA. St. James' Club annual moonlight, to- day in history :--North-West Dominion, 1868 ; 1556 ; 1877. WHIG TELEPHONES. "Tumblers" Full size Hold seven ounces 29¢. a dozen. ~-- McKay Fur House, 149-163 BROCK ST. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT This is the weather for ICED T and there is ho doubt. that our SPECIAL BLEND is a perfect tea for this purpose. THE PRICE IS 35 Cents the Pound Jas. Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries NOTICE. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will not be responsible for debts con- tracted by Louise Rankin, my wile with- out my written authority. JAMES W. RANKIN, Kingston, 28th July, 1906. A GENERAL INVITATION. THE HRIBERNIANS OF KINGSTON extend @ hearty invitation te all Irish Catholics, to take part in their Parade, on MONDAY, August Oth, und especial iy the OK St. Patrick's Sockety. JAS. J. LACKIE, P. J. O'BRIEN, President. Secretary. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Many Properties in Ottawa Change Hands. Ottawa, July 31.--Aside from gov- ernment purchases considerable 'real estate is changing hands here these days. Chief Justice Fitzpatrick has purchased the C. A. Elliott residence on Daly avenue for ¥16,500. Other transfers include the sale by W. D. Morris and Joseph Ballantyne, to the Rideau Realty company, of property back' of the Old Men's home for $10, 500. Robert Cram sold to the Bank of Montreal the property at the south- west corner of Bank and Somerset streets, for $15,000, and Edward Mo ris has dis of ty at the wit bas disponed of Bank striet and Laurier avenue for $16,000. Time Limit Exrires. Tomorrow, the three months' ex- hotel and the Bay of Quinte house in which to close out, will expire, and their liquor licenses will be cancelled. Kingston wil}. thus hereafter have only thirty-one vern licenses. It is a shame that these good houses should shabeens and other grits) licenses. Women with pale, receive both blood, nerves and com It 1s Said Lord Kitchensr FOR" Such Dissatisfaction That He is dia, will not be exténded when it ex- most. intimate knowledge of its army ade. problem ill is. no- so great that he had been practically ignered "for some time. tension limit granted ° to the Beaupre be closed (because the occupants are given colorless faces, who feel weak and discouraged, will mental and bodily' vigor by using Carter's Iron Pills, which are #4 s did, "oe Will 'Be Head. ' MARSHAL LORD ROBERTS. NO FURTHER USE[:i=: Nei oo Practically Ignorsd--A Report to Be Prepared on the Pre- sent Army System and Im- pjpovements Suggested. ov LORD KIFCHENER. London, July 31i=1u is understood at the Army and Navy Chil, 'that bod, inward, 170 miles east" of Cape Lord Kitchener's term as dommiander- Race; Nfld; at 5 am. jni-chief of his majesty's fortes in In- A from Cornwall says that ires a few months hence, and it is lieved that Gen. French, who has a u, will hind. J Marsha it is said that this dissatisfaction is H The story current is that as soon ak | Lord - Kitchener returns home. he will } 3 be appointed to a high position in the British war office, and it is prob- able that he will be asked to draw up a repert for the cabinet on the work. ing of the present system of army or urged by the veteran field marshal in the House of Lords, has raised a storm of protest and is opposed - by many of the most prominent states men in the United Kingdom, Lord Milner, who strongly sup- ports Lord Roberts, also comes in for a lot of denunciation. Lord Roberts and Lord Milner, in spite of all criticism, however, main- tain their ground and will keep up their campaign for the universal mili- taty training of the masses of the United Kingdom. Though criticised "in some quarters they have strong sup- port in others, though it must be said that thé British masses seem in no haste to cheer for conscription. Wife Stops A Suicide. Paterson, N.J., July 31.--Frederick Rich, twenty-four years of age, a for- mer business man, attempted suicide in his home by hanging himself in the parlor. His wife discovered him hang ing from a hook in the cellar by a clothesline. She jumped on a chair and, grabbing his feet, held him up so as to take the weight off his neck. She was in this position until neigh- bors yushed in and eut him down. An ambulance took the unconscious man to the hospital; he will recover. Rich Men Sentenced. argo, N.D., July 31.--A. C. Huide koper and E: C. Huidekoper, wealthy men of Meadville, Pa., and W. G, Clark, their manager, were sentenced by Judge Amidon in the United States court for fencing government land in connection with the Little Missouri Horse company's ranch in the western part of the state. The Huidekopers were condemned to twenty-four hours in jail and to pay £1,000 each, and Clark was fined £300 and to serve in the county jai! for twenty-four hours. Big Fire In Buffalo. Buffalo, N.Y., July 3l.--Fire, early this morning, swept through a see tion of the Montgomery Box and Door company's building, entailing a property loss of about $200,000, Sev eral firemen were injured, George N. Pierce, automobile manufacturer, oe: cupied a portion of the building, which wad stocked with auto bodies. Loss, £100,000. Complexion treatments are a neces sary part of the grooming of a well preserved woman, It is not so much a matter of how you look to-day, as how you will look to-morrow. Hollist- er's Rocky Mountain Ten does the business. Tea or tablets, 35¢c. Mahood's dig store, t Laporte, Ind., Mrs. Ferdinand Reese, the oldest woman in Indiana, -{ and' perhaps in the United States, died Rompe rbot and was drowned. college hoard called ¢ , of Halifax, to fill the age pa lock Willed recently (England), butcher, Wing was drowned in a mill Watts from a similar fate some ried away by pickpockets during the Mstodte mifeh on Saturday. Cowan; a stoker, as || the. murder: of Thonias Power in _ the 1h Baptist Centre) died Saturday, after a lengthy mounds. They claim to have inowledgs where the diamond beds are. W. Ross'is to be made a senator, and a new loader secured for the Ontario ganization and administration and to liberal opposition in the provincial suggest what alterations and im- | house. s : % provements mav be made therein. Judge Piche, in Montreal, decided Lord Roberts' conscription scheme | that several stowaways brought before him were this country and ordered them return: ed from whence they came. Gagnon shot his old mother dead with a revolver, ah gy Catholic church at was gutted by five. Dominion sailed from The grain will average ishels to the acre. , after conducting a in a Soo steamer, Belcher, who embezzled $150,000" at Paterson, N.I., has been forced hy poverty to give himsell up. E fax, Rev. D. J. McCarthy, Hal has been inted archbishop of Hali- fax. He be consecrated in about & month, " The Queen's South African medals for the Canadian scouts and Utrecht Vryheld mounted police are now ready for them. At ; City Engineer Smith is serioutly Ml with diphtheria. lg ae moved Stratford only a few William E. Corey, wife of the president of the United Ntates Steel corporatioh, has obtained a divorte at 0, Nev. A ninéteeh-year-old negro in Canons" burg, Pa., has been arrested charged with the murder of a mother and two fittle children. David Russell, in Montreal, said the complete ownership of La Presse would be turned over to him shortly by Mac kenzie & Mann. The Allan steamer Sardinian, for Montreal, sailed from Havre, on July 30th, with sixty cabin and 153 steer- seen gers, A sixpehot of the reign of Charles 1 as found in the stomach of a hal by 4 Yarmouth At Jamestown, N.Y., Frank L. ond at Flats while saving his wife eR. Empress of Ireland, 2 line, from Liverpool, for Que. "be #0 of monky was ver doroner's jury has named 'James being guilty of . Barrowmatt, 'pastor of thuréh at Osnabruck 1 nese "of 'pernicious anaemia. A party of Americans are searching n the Rainy Lake regions for © 'lia The story is revived' that Hon. G. undesirable as citizens of In Montreal, on Saturday, Michael and then killed himself with the same weapon. Gagnon has heen of unsound mind for many years, but was regarded as harmless, The Prince of Wales has suffered a great deal from his Indian. trip. lt did hint no good, for brandy, taken in hot climates, is not a health giving fuid. The prince has found himself not only in need of a vest, but of a doe tor, The steamer Nyassa, which met with an accident to her steering gear while outward bound, a couple of days ago, near Vercheres, and stuck in' a mud bank at the side of the channel, was floated, early, to-day, and, being un: injured, was able to proteed on her journey. John: Stewart, a Thorold man, who some weeks ago, it 18 charged, ran away with a widow, Nrs, Blizzard, leaving a wile and several children, has been arrested in Dunnville, where it is reported the couple had taken up housekeeping. Speaking of imperial preference in Bristol on Saturday at a banquet to the colonial visitors, Viscount St. Al dwyn, formerly Sir Michael Hicks Beach, said he did not think the scheme at all practical. He thought it was possible for the colonial con- ference to improve the commercial re lations of the empire without spending time on a question which had become a purely party ona He thought much more might be done by improving the postal, telegraph and steamship com: munications, Two Women Shadowed. with the excursion on Saturday after. noon, were watched b possible pickpockets who had been op- week. They were istered at a lead: ing hotel, and i ly left the city early Bunday morning. Baseball Summary. innings, darkness). Chicago, .5; Bos ton, 2. American 3. Chicago, 4; Washington, 1. Bos ton, 5; St. Louis, 3. Eastern TUESDAY, - JULY 31, 1906. IN BRITAIN They Advocaté Lower Fors | Sn States if the government would petab- mons by a majority onial marriages' bill passed ita second admiralty, defending the government's reduction of the naval i stanced especially France, States, Germany; and ly delaying or partially al the ships, When were framed he said the and Russia one large battleship. None Two women, who came from Ottawa the police as erating at St. Anne de Beaupre last got wise to the fact that they were shadowed, as they tried to catch an early. evening train for the west, but missed it. They rain, New York, 9; Cincinnati, 1, (3 League. ~New York, 6; Cleveland, 4. Philadelphia, 6; Detroit, League. Baltimore, f¢ Jec- sey City, 5 (12 inhings). Toronto, 12; ter, rain. eign Postsl Rates. vo (180. miles to the is . MeG WILL GUARANTEE LOSSES |east Bor Tiflis), the Tartar Quarter of 'yacated by Prof. Kilpatrick. FOR THREE YEARS which apparently is in flames, but it If Government Establishes Such of Reduction of Naval Pro- gramme. 3 London, July 31.--John Heuniker- pol, the nearest point where are Heaton, who advocates lower foreign soldiers, already has been dispatched postal rates, obtained ings | to the scene, from prominent men to gusraniee the losses for three years on a penny post between Great Hritain and the United lish such a rate. The goverhment re fused, on the ground it My de sirable to ve priva jonations for, public purposes. It added that the Tunttar had the ron reduction - must wait until the con- th WH house of parliahent who sighed o dition of the exchequer allows an of- Vibiorg. manifesto: The unser ficial experiment to be made. which the signees of the will od the committee stage in the House of Lords, early this morning, after sev- eral amendments against the govern: ment had .been carried Ly large ma- jorities. ; The education bill yesterday passed ita third reading in the House of Com- of 192. The col- regding. : sentatives. 4 In House of Lords, last night, ------------ Baron Tweedmouth, first lord of the FIERCE FIGHTING, programme, in- the United ig as great ing war construction of the original France was in- tending to. build nited States. two, of these had yet been 'started, and the instead - John © Lawrence Tools, known actor manager, died yesterday. Originally a clerk jn o wine merchant's office, Mr. Toole adopted the stage as a profession in 1853, and subsequently played in almost aver} theatre in the United = Kingdom: . He alsé played throughout the United States, Austrd- lin, and New Zealand. He was for many years lessee and manager of Toole's thedtre, London. HOW. IT HAPPENED, The Murder of a Young Man, on Saturday. Huntingdon, Que., July 31.--The in- quest on the body of G. Bte Roi, alias King, who was shot by Ernest A. Lee, at Casaville, on Saturday evening, was held to-day. The coroner, Dr, Closten, empanelled a jury and carefully heard the evidence of the several witnesses, - They all concurred in stating that there was noi 1 between lee and the deceased oh Lee had had words with Joseph Casa- and others during; the evening in De lorme's hotel. After this Lee; it ap- pears, went out in the Verandah ho- tel. where he declared he would shoot any man who stood before him - if they did not'keep back.. He then ap pears to have drawn the revolver three times, the thizd bullet striking Roi, the bullet entering the left breast and passed through e large ar close to the heart and then throu a part of the right lung, smashed a rib on the right side, went through the muscles and lodged below the skin beneath the right arm pit. The revol- ver was a thirty-eight calibre weapon and produced at the inquest and three chambers were found empty. The au- topsy was made by Dr. Foseph 0, Stewart, Casaville, and Dr, Allan Mo Millan, Huntingdon. The jury return- said Bte Roi came to death, at Casa: ville, as the result of a wound from a bullet fired by Ermest Lee; we con- sider that the shoating was not justi fiable." The coroner issued his warrant com: mitting Lee to stand ' his trial at Valleyfield, Spread Of Cholera. Washington, July 31.-The onthreak of cholera in various parts of the Philippines is due to the unusual nom- ber of flies in the islands, according to advices received by the bureau of insular affairs. In the opinion of Pr. Heiser, of the health department, they are responsible for the spread of the disease, Orders have been sereening of all places stuffs are kept and paign against the flies has been stituted, issued for is ot ble prescription National League~S8t, Louis; 9; Assessment Of Windsor. Sean. bio, and completely y Brooklyn, 1. Pittsburg Philadelphia, Windsor, Ont., July 31.--The total Justige of Shama poison on ble, is #7918803, an ductions made judge and to only $78,000, by both Display of White Flag Prelude PIA te Hoatilltiee, = PROMINENT MEN[" has spread . us. Tecp the Tartar population or sen Rate--Irish Colleges Bill Pass- | the Armenians and the General © itt Stage--Defence troops, prim og mand of the Russian forces, pealed urgently for reinforcements. Treason Charge. For Signers of The Irish laborers cottaged bill pass- |} Tl, te OV or "attempts to w thn existin a 5 an virtually: high treason, the maxitum penalty for which .in hard 'labor reported, and the constitutional demo cats do not anticipate snything. ap- punishment. of ' their repre- A. Mutiny in a ed the following « verdict :- "Thad the| assessment of Windsor, as revised by the court of revision and the county, increase of 0,700 over last year. The net re. the 'county court' of revision amount you see ---- ssh - to the surrounding is striving to overwhelm A ihe Russian Zoloschakov, in com: bas ap- A battalion of riflemen at savet- S------ PUBLIC PROSECUTOR. Appeal, St. Petersburg, July 81.~The public t to trial de violation of eriminal in the mines. No arrests have yet boen Finnish Fortress. Helsi Finland; - mutiny ke out § fortress of Sventiory, a still eontinues. by i midday over 800 men had been or wounded. Warships are now. hom- bariling the fortress, The inhabitsn ts of Hel are in of | abe: arith loyal. Aroops, y killed or wounded, : MAY LOSE His LIFE. S-- Fa & An Engine Fell Pinning Him Under It. Joh Belleville, Onti, July 31. stone Brower may lose his life the result of an gecident, which: otourred * 'at Marsh & Henthorn's foundry, in this city, last evening. He was on a boiler, with others, when it and fell on him - pinning him to earth, 'He was removed to the hos pital suffering from internal injurite and an operation, it is expected; will be performed on him to-day. The Boat Upset. Morristown, N.Y. July 31.~Léura Bozarth and Susie Stilts were. drown- ed in Rancocas lake by the upsetting of a rowboat. They were by Stacy Getnt and Raymond Rem- bo, .who saved themselves by swim- ming ashore. The young men the boat, and all four were thrown into the water. The men tried to es cape through the woods, but were captured and under arrest. ------ » Biggest In Years. Boston, July 31.~The largest mack- evel catch of years in this port and Gloucester was sold Monday, aggre gating over $60,000. Twenty-six mackerel seiners shared in the big catch. The total was 400, 000 fresh mackerel and 474 barrels salt mackerel, A Frequent Cause Of Anaemia. Is constipation, which 'ean be avoid- él if Dr. Hamilton's Pills are used oe: caniotially, None better' for stomach, tiver and bowels. Clear the complex: fon and tone the entire system. Price 25 cents, Died In His Room. Belleville, Ont., July 31.--Edward W. Meyer, formerly governor of coun: ty jail, in this city, was found dead in an arm chair in his bedroom, this morning, He had evidéntly died of nrg as he was in the act of retiring, Mr. Meyer wis seventy year of age. One daughter survives who lives in Aurora, N.Y. Clean Teeth. To remove tartar and stains from the teeth try a Dr. Horsey fibre tooth brush, a perfect cleanser and igh- er. Call and examine them at drug store. as the to Herbert Gardner, principal of stitution for the Blind at Brantford, and former editor: of the Ha- milton Times, will be ed, Beautiful Inte covered, "MoC. made for the backache plasters plexion. st tho age.of 112 years, i 5 Buffalo, 3. real Providence, 2; Newark, 1. A perfect fit gussanent when get glasses at Chown's drug store. " x RIGHARDSON.--At Napanee, 28nd Jul Roger MWichardson, aged Eyal ade's | the i where food. a general cams in- Tt is likely that the resignation of} called for. AJ series of ¢Harges have been formulat- | large Prazil nuts, chaeo- || onkey' Red Cross Drug Store, % . $ Cen ue 5." Gibson's]? ul to Ur. : poteTaS v in Man £5 Duly 18th, aud A Son Hor A ; HAIG--AL "on July 35th, ran Mr ward Haig a noRMgEAl ; nL gn o DETLOR.~At out. to Mr. amd . £F, in Edith Hooper, Ro, ai a deugh 3 VE x anes, 85th Jul eighty-six