Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1906, p. 3

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on of the Muscle ffhess of the Cords SCOTT'S LINIMEAT pap Exeellent Hair ad Sealp Cleanser. we bottle, 25 cents. or sale at your druggig be procured at « it Ames §, 's White Liniment C, John, N.B., and Chelnst ive Models Our Specialty ke a special study of Furs for Women s why Our Styles t of the ordinary in_harmony with idea of women Glass must be cor- cut to insure the drilliancy, and 'the nust be Clear and emphasize these because so n to First Quality | rarkling Piece' of ss is such a de- article to send as a Birthday or Anniversary TH BROS. ers :: Opticians hone 666 1. GASOLINE Gallon® Lots or over, a Gallon always handy on & YOULDEN MITED. Just ring r reductions in irtments : bear Goods s 'Goods osiery | Goods es, elc., elc. be surprised prices of many Patterns. agents for aper Patterns, world. Prices + hone higher. s for Fall are N& SHAW SE 8 Mid-Summer Excursion to ss w= VIA-NEW YORK NEW | - ------ _ TRAVELLING. ORK CENTRAL LINES TUE DAY, Aug. 28, 1906 Low Rates--15 Days Return Limit The proper time to visit Coney Island, Dreamland, Luna Park and the Seashore Resorts, ASK TICKET AGENTS. UUEBEG STEAMSHP COMPANY River and Golf of SI. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Serew "Iron 8.8. 0g pana,' with eléctric lights, électric bells and all modern comforts. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 2 pum. Mh July; 18th and 27th ugust : 10th and 24th Séptember, for Pictou, N.S. calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Capp Cove, Grand River, Summerside, P.1.1., and Charlottetown, P.R.1. BERMUDA Summer -Hxéwrsion; #85 by the new Twin Serew." SS. "HBermud- jan," 5,500 . tons: Sailing from New York, 1st, 15th and 20th August, Temnerature © cooled hy sea seldom rises above 80 degrees. The * finest trips of health and comfort. breezes the season for ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms, anply to J. P. HANLEY, or GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket. Agents, Kingston, Ont. Daily Line vr Toronto," Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal scorers Kingston & T sceamers_NiNgStON & Toronto LEAVE KINGSTON : Golng East--Daily at 6 a.m. Going West--Dally at 6 p.u. K to Clayton, 1,000 Ports, Brockville or Prescott, going and returning Sun only. single fare. Kingston to Montreal and return. Go- lax Saturday or Sunday. Returning G. Also #xeursion rates to onto and Charlotte going Saturd, returning Sunday or Monday. Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line LEAVE KINGSTON Going East, Wednesdays. Fridays and Sundays at 4 p.m. i Going West, Tuesdays, Thuredays and Saturdays at 4 p.m. J.P, BA Y J. SWIFT & CoO. Han Agent. Freight Agents. cm i TORE LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect June 24th, 19086. "Tlie Will Jekve and arrive' at Ofty Depot, Fpot of Johnston street, GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City No. EMail |. [1245am. 1.15am ** 3 Express ... 2.26 am. 3.054.m. * 11 Loeal ..... 9.15 am: 9.47a.m. * 1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 noon 12.46 p.m * TMail .. ..319pm. 35pm. # 18Local .. . 7.08pm. 7.38 p.m, GOING EAST Lve, City Arr. City No. 8 Mail ... .. 148am. 223a.m. " 2Fest Exp. 226 am. 3.05a.m " 16 Local . 8.16 am, 8.47 a.m. ¥ 8 Mail ... ..12.16 noon 12.46 p.m. ' 4Fast Exp. 1.00pm. 1.29 p.m " 12Loeal ..... 7.03 p.m. 7.38pm Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4, 5 and 8, run daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. Halifax, Bostoh and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnston and Ontario Sts, Kingston, Ont. John, KincsTong PEMBROKE RAILWAY: '¥n Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway Farm Laborers' Excursions To Manitoba and Saskatchewan $12 gone $18 Additena: Special Train Will Leave Kingston, August 22nd, 7.45 A M. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER JR. Gen. Pass. Agent. Jen. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway New. short line for Deseronto, and all loéal voints. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Ninaston. ms e------------------------ Tweed, Napanee, Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam- "boat Company, Limited Strs. North King & Caspian 1000 Aslar nity, [3 leave ton. 1015 oe doi port, Gananoque and Returning will leave at 5 p.m. for N.Y., calling at Bav of R " Quinte Ports. 5 p.m.. for Picton ut 5 p. ol ALETHA o 30rd, stoatior wil dally sxcept Monday. at a ousand ~ isiands. | New York Central & Hudson River R.R. THE. SIX-TR.ACK TRUNK LINE Shortest Route to the United States Via Kingston and Cape Yincent, N. Y. Lv, Kingston (str.) 5:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Arr. Cape Vincent (str) 7:00 a.m, 4 p.m. v. Cape Vigeent, 7:20 4:50- p.m. Arr. Watertown, 8:10 a. 50 p.m, Arr. Oswego, 11:59 a.m 12 p.m, Arr. Syracuse, « 9 p.m. Arr. Rochester, : 120 a.m. Arr. Utiea, 12:20 pm. 9:45 p.m. Arr. New York, 6:00 p.m. 7:12 a.m, Passengers wishing to ' take 5 a.m. Steamer may 'secure staterooms ahoard. Convenient train service in direction, PULLMAN. SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS Cheap Excursion to Watertown, $1.25 return, From June 16th to October 1st. Going Saturday 5:00 a.m. and 2 p.m. oprosite Returning Monday, leaving Watertown 1 p.m. 2 Cents a Mile Books for 500 miles of travel on New York Centril and leased lines within State of New York cost only $10, while ks for 1.000 miles over New York Central, Boston & Albany, Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg, Philadelphia & Reading and Central R.R. of New Jersey coat. $20. Secure . further information and purchase tickets from H. S. Folger, Rew York Central Agent, Kingston. Int; C. F. DALY, Passenger Trafic Manager, A: H. Smith, General Manager, Ga C. Gridley, General Agent. INTERCOLONIAL ICY VINT Va SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO THE SEASIDE Murray Bay, Cap L'Aigle, St. Irene, Cacouna, Bic, Little 'Metis, Moncton, . St. John, N.B. Shediac, Summerside, PE Charlottetown, P. Parrshoro, Halifax, Pictou, Mulgrave, Sydney, St. John's. Nfid., North Sydney, Maritime ° Express leaves Montreal 12.00 noon daily except Saturday Ocean Limited leaves Montreal daily except Saturday * 7.30 Good going August 13, 14, 15 and 16th. Returning August 31st, 19086. "Tours to Summer Haunts" briefly describes these favourite resorts. Write for copy and any further "information. Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James strect ALLAN LINE RovalMau MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Virginian, Fri., Aug. 3, Fri, Aug. 81. Tunisian, Fri., Aug. 10. Fri, Sept. 7. Victorian, Fri., Aug. 17, Fri., ept. 14. Ionian, Fri., Aug. 24. Fri., Sept. 21. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Moderate Rate Service Corinthian, Thurs., Aug. 2, Sept. 6. Sicilian, Thurs., Aug. 9, Sept. 18 For rates, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, GG. T. R., J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS 71300 Islands, Intermediate Ports and Montreal ass. 8 am. STR. "DUNDURN" Of the Hamilton-Montreal Company, Limited. Toronto and Hamilton Every Thursday, 2 a.m. i A Steamer meeting every demand of ' the travelling public. ! For further SWIFT & CO. street. Navigation information, JAMES Wharves, foot Johnson SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS Stes. City of Moatreal" and "Cuba" Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, To- ronto, Montreal. Going Nest, Friday, 2 ar Goi . Sunday, am. & gd further information, JAMES SWIFT & CO, Wharves, foot Johnson street. 4 Cifn "tuner from wan a . Fa LAND IN DESPITE UTMOST CARE THEY .. ARE BROUGHT OVER. The Officials Getting Busy--They Are Determined to Stop the llleged Importation of the Men From China and Are Al-; ways Alert. Watertown, N.Y., Times. % Since the immigration officials of both Canada and the United States placed a stopper on the smuggling of Chinese over the border, matters have indeed been quiet in smuggling circles, But it now ops through the care lessness of a party of smugglers that operations are being pushed with more vigor than heretofore. . Recently a party of fishermen report citing a covered gasoline launch 'emer- ging from the forest near Rockport loaded with unwelcome Chinamen. It is assumed by men of authority that the Chinamen have existed for weeks in the woods waiting a faverable moment for a dash into the states. It is fur ther learned that numerous landings have been made in the past month which very suspiciously suggest land- ed Chinese. What steps are taken to suppress the illegal entrance. of Chinamen could not be learned, but it is an assured faet that goverment officials from the im- migration departments of both coun- tries ave alert at many out of the way places along the river in anticipation of "attempts to smuggle Chinamen over. Where they land and what becomes of them is a mystery but it is rumor ed that they were landed in deserted spots along Crooked creek and Spring- er's woods and remained there for transportation to their destinations. ------ PRODUCE AND PRICES. Prices At Present Prevailing in The City. Kingston, Aug. 1.--The loeal pro- duce market prices this week are : Meat--Cattle, on the hoof, $3.50 to $4 per cwt.: beef, carcase, $6 to $3 per: cwt.; choice cuts, 10c. to 15c. a Ib; .veal, hy the quarter, He. to 8c, a Ib; cuts, 80. to 124c. a Ib.; by car- case, bc. to Te. a lb; cutlets, 15e. a b.; hogs, live weight, $7.50 per owt.; carcase, ¥9 to $9.50 per cwt.; cuts, lhe, a Ib; lamb, dressed, $4 to $6 ench; quarters, £1 to $1.50. Fish--Salmon trout, fish, 124c;; pike, Se. a Ib.; Chinook dalmon, 30c. a lb.; Atlantic salmon, 30c. a lb.; salt codfish, 7c. to 15e. a Ib.; halibut, 20¢. a Ib.; fresh haddock, 10e, 1h.; bullheads, 10c. Ib.; red herring, 15¢. box; mackerel, 15¢. a 1b,; salt white- fish and trout, l0c. a lh.; perch, 30c. a dozen; frog's legs, d0e. a Ib. Poultry--Fowl, from 75¢. to $1 a 124c.; white- pair, or 0c. a lh.; spring chickens, 50c. to $1 a pair. Flour 'and Feed. --Flour, bakers' strong, $2.25 to $2.35; farmers', $2.95 to $2.40; Hungarian patent, $2.60 to $2.75; oatmeal and rolled oats, $5.20 to $5.40; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.65; bran, $18! 10 §20 a ton: shorts, $321 'to a ton; straw, $0 to $8; hay, loose, 86 to $8; pressed, $7 to $9. Eggs--New laid, 20¢. a dozen. Butter--{"hoice 'creamery, 97¢. a 1b.; farmers' Hutter, in prints, 25¢ a Ih; packed and roll butter, 22c. to 23c. Fruit.--Lemons, 30c. a doz.; orang- «8, 30c. tg 60c. dozen; chaffer raspher- ries, 10c. to 12c. box; bananas, 15¢. to 20c. dozen; peaches, 30c. to 40c. doz. en; plums, 15¢. to 20c. a dozen; apricots, 10e. to 15¢. a dozen; red raspberries, 12. to I1Se. a box; gooseberrigs, 10c. a box; red currants, Be. to 10e.' a box. Vegetables, --New potatoes, ile. to 60c. a bushel: new cabbage, 5c. head; celery, 5c. a head, or 50c. nd wen: pickling onions, 75c. a peck; all groan stuff, 5c. a bunch, John McKay, Brock street, reports the following as the ruling quotations for hides, 9c. per Ib., for trimmed hides, sheep pelts, fresh, $F to £1.50. dairy skins, 85c.; veal skins, 12¢c. per Ib.: wool, washed, 25¢. to 26c. a Ib.; tallow, rendered, de. per Ib. Secret Of Tinting Laces. A secrot worth knowing is how to tint laces, chiffons, silk or crocheted buttons, feathers, slippers, gloves, ete, to a gown shade. The materials required are oil paints in tubes and benzine. The benzine is placed in a porcelain bowl and the paint is dis solved in it. The work has t6 be done quickly and of course in a fireless room. Mix the paint to the required shade in a saucer, comparing it with the goods until the right color. When the exact tint is reached mix with with the benzine and dip the articles to be dyed quickly in it before the paint falls to the bottom. A hairpin comes in handily to hold the edge of the goods. Shake out auickly and hang up to dry. It is well to make a few experiments before risking costly materials but the process is really not at all formidable, Woman's Ingenuity. A woman who had experienced 'seve: ral dizappointments because of the masculine tendendy to carry letters a week or two in the pocket bi fore mailing, hit upon the devise of |in- ning the letter to the lapel of her hus. band's coat so that he would notice people looking at the letter and re member to mail it, Clayton, Kingston And Ottawa. Steamers Rideau King and Queen, for Ottawa, every Monday, Wednes- day, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 am. For (Clayton every "Fuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 6:15 p.m. James Swill, J. P. Hanley, agents, Brockville And Ogdensburg. Friday, August 3rd, steamer "Am- erica" leaves 8 am, calling at Gan anoque and Rockport both ways. Re- leav: densburg 3:30 p.m, } game in the final quarter. With this Only Bes Ogdenshung P trio playing good In the Sham- rock team witl be considerably streng- Another special meeting of the eity council will be held next week to de cide upon the collection of the mar- ket tolls. Baseball match, Young, Irishmen vs, Watertown, Ontario Park, Monday, full information annly to E. % Yager Smee Chickering's, at McAflev's hook ators Fin) Sham. piste tuner. Orders rcodved at McAuley's book store. HE STATES] rr {-LAW and Next of ¢ "Alicia Conway, dormierly 'Alicia Maguire, Late of 28 Gardiner's Place, in the City of, 2 Ireland, Erpecially ern, Son of John McGovery, if Living, and if 'Dead His Issué, il 'Any ; and the issue, if Any, of Francis McGovern, - Another Son of the Said Jokn MoGovern. <P ANT TO A JUDGMENT OF the of. Justice in ireland © in the matter 5 nade of the Estate of the sala Alcia Ubn- way wnd "in a Ccuusé' Mewovern vs. Harbison (1903 No. 182), the Claiming £0 be the Heir-at-law and the next to the statutes sor of Imtestate's Estates of Said Allein UonWay, formeriy Alicia living t the wie of her degth Lon the Oth of eh, 1902, or il sweh Her AtInw be dead the persons claiming v tL or otherwise to be 80 the real Estate of the testatrix which descended to her Heir- at-law, or to be the legal personal re- preseutatives Of Such of the said next of in as have died, and more especi BUY the sald = Alexander McGovern if hi who Wal' last heard of in Phila- delphia in: the: month of December, 1808 and: ved to have gone to West V| nla, or if dead his issue or dev % any, and his personal repre- sentative, i any; And the issue or de visee, Hf any, of the said * Francis Me- Govern, who died at Kingston, Ontario, in the Deminion of Cynada in the year 1881, are by their Solicitors on or before the .1st of October, 1906, to come in and: prove 'their claims at the Chamtsers of The Honorable Mr. Justice Harton, Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin Ireland or in default thersof they will be pers emptorily excluded from the benefit of said O) . Monday, the 20th day of Octaber, 1906, at Eleven o'clock in the forenson at the sald Chambers is appointed = for hearing and adjudicating upon the claims. Dated this 27th day of June, 1908, H. A, COSGRAVE, Chief Clerk. JOHN F. WRAY, - Solicitor for Plaintifis, 12 Lr. Ormind Quav Ireland. the Dublin, Days ! the Fisherman. Summer awaken Enthusiasm in In lqoking over your Fishing Equipment vou, find the need of new articles. You should bear us in mind, fof nowhere will you find an assortment so. complete. This Is the Season for all out of door sports. With'it comes the demand for BASEHALL GOODS. Before making your purthase, come in and look things over. Prices are-right. Angrove Bros. Storage ! Vo You Know That? Citizens of Kingston and vicinity de- mek to store household goods have am facilitios extended to them by salling om W. G. FROST 209 pucen St. . Feliphone 824 All goods left in his charge fecelve the best of care at a reasonabfe cost. Clean, Dry and Prompi Service Carriage Painting a Specialty i h--GaMIh,F]ffpa$hort SPORTING. NOTES. Interesting Items on Sporting Matters. Toronto secms to be a tough place to play either lacrosse or baseball Various judging by lost Saturday's episodes in both games. Toronto Star: Montreal Shamrocks have a fighting chance for the cham- ship if they win next Saturday. What more would any Irishman ask than to be given a fighting chance. The British bowlérs played six mem bers: of the Valleyfield bowlers, win- ning out by a majority of eighty seven points. The visitors left for Peterboro, where they will play the first of their Ontario matches, going next to To ronto, In & baseball game on Monday at Sherbrooke, Que., Normand, in run ning to second base, .was struck by the ball thrown by. the second base man to first. lle went home, but later sank into unconseiousness; and it is feared death will follow, Baron Pierre de ('oubertin, of Paris, has addressed to the governor-general of Canada a letter, in 'Which, as pre sident of the Intermntional Olympic committee and restorer of the modern Olympic gantes, he protests againét the gifts of money to William Sherring of Canada, the winne 3 the recent Mar- athon run at Athens} * Zoraya bus = been Mlegtad by the sailing committee of the R.C.Y.C., To- ronto, to meet. the Rochester Yacht club's Iroquois in a, series of raced for the Fisher cup; nine Rll by the Latter club, The races will be sailed at Char lotte, beginning Augnst 1th The com- nittes have not vét eonie to a decision with regard to Zosayn's skipper. Montreal! Sliamrocks will ad out a team against Montreal "on Satarday which will be at than that which will be 'on the defence: and Henry Hoo- bin will be in his plice on the home. Pat Brennan will: be 'out; too, and it is said that he will be in far better condition than on his last appearance, when he was compelled to quit the theéned. Sunlight Soap is better than other when e street display, every parade was tried "in this country for the first time last Mantrenl defeated sartidr. Phil O'Reilly fCireus man was dsked what effect the the big show. age," was the reply. "The necessity for eliminating the parade because of the AUGUST 2, 1 RATES First on, 16. & Word. Bach com tive insertion thereafter do. ao word. Mistoum charge for pane ine sertion, 95e. Advt. 4 lines or ander a week, Aly Adve, 4 lines or under a month, $3. Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHI HELP WANTED-MALE! *& EE a, B DRIVER, FOR DELIVERY: WAGGON. Must be accustomed to horses. Apply 563 Princess streol. eet engin HELP, THE YEAR ROUND. SI1TU- ations vacant, domes 3 » fac 5 Wellington street. ni SEVERAL BRIGHT YOUNG MEN TO join Club to learn advertising weit. ng, at homie evenings, Particulars free. Address "J. K."" came Phin office. A GOOD PRACTICAL MAN TO RUN a stationery engine. Must be steady afd strictly sober. a good situs on to the right man, Apply Box *'G,, i office. --i------------------------------------------ GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR Suits pressed and cleaned carefully dy hand ; also bring your cloth Rog have an up-to-date suit made. Gullo: Way's, 131 Brock street. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. A DINING-ROOM GIRL, View lotel. AT LAKE -------- A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN, TO GO TO the country; family of threes. Mo hard work. Apply this Office, tt ti. We -- TWO MAIDS, FOR STEAMER KING 4 NG!» NEW MILOH COW Montreal street. a E YACHT AQOLIN Enquire of Dr, ©. L. Curtis CT! MOTOR, EIG : a 4 I in vane CONF RUT oNEIY AND BAKERY Wi established. NeOann: 81 Brook street, 2 CITY AND FARM PROPERTI N N A partment D8 308 W St. TWO 6 FT. WOODEN SCREENS, three In _With iron 3 foe Tult"s Soda Generator, at A. .J. COS. AMERIOAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW, sn Nr 3h, Set} THE ONLY AVAILABLE _ FIRST Shas atl a is oark y Ji 208 Wollincton se. Tape! +P, THR STHARNE WARBHOUSH 260 AND BOAT- | D Q HOUSES water heating and Apply next door, 3 "PAIR IEW," MACK ST. VIC romans. Mad SR, a 1 ply 8 a uA 1i 5, bron rice t,, Dapt. ------------------------------------ TWO FARMS $4.200 EACH: a including practice | Worth $3,000 od nr, Apply to John Gardiner, 1 ellington street. SPLENDID INVESTMENT, OWN Sate > he forth indmdss Corner over ors grocery, and up ate, og on 08 e =: e585 »& % ¥ g trade ston, 30 to 40 years of age. Call Sanitary Ce 4 Hingt toy i P Bue oe 3. Neiltueton 3 Fiat Dent. * D1. WANTED. BOARD AND ROOMS. me Se. with lot doxie2, will be sold ¢ \ cCann's on A » 81 Brock St. 'Phone, FIRST CL. or oa. const. ™ REY, NINE-ROOMED SOLID brick dwelling, in first class to Greet I pa ---- Po . 196 Union ; un, SAA SOR en h GOAT Sane Spore LEMMON & A BOOK-KEEPER, AT Sons, King streot, ADVERTISERS colomms. A bie results. THERE here brinws FOR small advt, BY A LADY, A housekeeper, or invalid. POSITION AS companion, roan Apply Box 5, Whig office. TO BUY A SECOND-HAND REPEAT. ing rifle; also a young spaniel dog, one broken to setrieve preferred, Apuly. statine price expected to Nim- rod, 2304 Princess street. FAMILY OF THREE ADULTS, WANT four wilurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, in good locelity, or selfcoptained house of seven or eight rooms. References exchanged.. s B. Hayrock, P. 0. Box 546 Cornwell, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS. ann N Al or A ation ran ellington street. DENTAL. DR. J. LAPPEN HAS OPENED his Dental (Parlors, over Dr. 'Phone, 735. 208 oP 's' "Drow TOO BIG TO PARADE. Barnum & Bailey Continue Suc- cessful Experiment of Elimia- ating Street Pageants. A circus that is "too big to give a street parade' is a novelty. But that is the announcement of the Parnum & Bailey cireus, which exhibits in Kings- ton on Tuesday, August Tth, In speaking of the reasons for this innovation, a represefftative said : "The Barnum & Bailey circus has be- come 80 large that a parade is 'mo longer possible or even desirable, ! Ii we could be absolutely sure of getting into town hy daybreak, the parade would still be feasible, but with our five long trains of cars, this is too much to expect of the railroad com- panies. In many instances it is eight or nifie o'dock before the last pection arrives, and ten o'clock befors it ix unloaded and the paraphernnlia trans ferred to the show grounds. This leaves just sufficient time to erect the big tents and prepare for the after noon performance. To take several hundred men away from the show grounds at the most critical time in the morning, in order to give a par ade, would mean delay in opening, and consequent discomfort to the public. To compel thousands of people to stand out in front of the entrance in the hot sun or rain, because the giv. ing of the parade has delayed the opening for an hour or more, is poki- tively cruel; but there is frequently no help for it when parades are given. By eliminating the parade the public is also saved an Jong and often uncom- fortable wait on the streets pending the always more or lest delayed pro- cession, which at best has nothing new to offer, to say nothing of the inter: ference with public trafic and the busi- ness of the city's merchants, Many municipal governments have recogniz- od the later facts by either refusing to give licenses for parades, or by mak- ing the tax so high as to he prohibi tive. Street parades were all. right when circuses were small, and were necessary from an advertising stand- point. The Barnum & Bailey show is too well known to need advertising of this character, and instead of wasting time and energy on a conventional ort is concen- trated upon the performance." The experiment of cutting" out the season, and the innovation had upon the business of "I anything, it helped the patroni- a 188 Princess { how monotonous wear and tear of unceas: creation many heart failure or physical decline. TWO - FURNIS ROOMS TO BE b, TUANIGRED, ouNS To ag required Hi applicants ow known, Address *'H, 7. care ol ls 4 PLEASANT ROOMS AND BOARD, ON Lake Side. Boats if required. Apply H. P, Gordon, Bath, Ont. 4 OARD AND ROOMS, AT pha At' Va Torraes, LOST. LEATHER COVERED POCKET memo book, on July 80th. Reward . + for returning same to this Ofee. A OREEN SILK PARASOL, AT LAKE Ontario Park, last Friday. Rew will be given returned to 10 Princess street. ------------------------------ A SMALL BLACK POCKETBOOK, containing about $85 in bills, Find er will he liberally rewarded by re turning to this Office, 1 POWER & SON, Sali Putin 14, sreatd Ph ARTHUR r Bt dud i a iBNRY P. ein hone ol © 'PARM FOR SALE TWO FIRST-OLASS ship: of oa mpston 1 MOAT city, 1. burg, hud to Chm C A FOX TERRIER PUPPY, WHITH, hy JSogile, on bari, iB Yo rewn by Feturning same to Best Drug Store. the greater enjoyment of eho people because they had pot been worn out by a long period of tirdsome waiting, there was but one verdict, and that was that the elimination of the pa ade was a success from cvery stand: point." The Barnum & Bailey circus is the only one that has had the courage to cut out the parade. Another well known showman, when asked if his show would follow suit, replied: "I would like to, but T can't. The Bar num & Bailey circus is the only bne toat is big enough to 'do it." The absence of the parade is more than compensated for by this year's big arerfio acts and "thrillers," There are a number of big sensations; and the structural steel used in these start ling acts alone utilizes the carrying capacity of several railrond ears; In. cidentally, it is announced that a splendid free show will be given on the exhibition grounds daily, at 11 and 5 o'clock, by Prince Youturkey, a re markable' performer gn an elevated wire-cable, Great July Clearing Sale. _ Prevost has made a great reduction in all light-weight simmer clothi : black lustre conts, all sizes, for or dark striped coats, $1.50, Splendid assortment of clerical long conts, at low prices. All other classes of goods in light-weight will be sold extreme y low. -------------- sin Summer Excursion To New York. Via New York Central lines, Tues. day, August 95th, Fifteen day limit, way fare pluk one dollar for round trip. Tickets good between Al- bany and New York by steamer, if do sired. This is just the right time to visit Coney Island, Dreamland, Lung Park, and the seaside resorts. Ask ticket agents, Bay Apenta water Crows drug store. The Daily Grind Ruins the Nerves ------ In factories and 'workshops, offices and stores--yes, and in the homes, too people are being wornout by the at Gibson's Red ing toil, In the hot summer time especially the burden is heavy to bear, and with- out the opportunity for vest or re as vietim falls by the Way, overcome by nervous exhaustion, The world's work must be done. The toiler must toil on. But there js a magnitude of the show was generally recognized, and the public was anxious Fuathod of replacing wastd nerve cells to ses a show that was actually too ' ie big to give a procession. Before the advent of the show in some of the western cities there were some unfavor- able comments regarding the 'no par- ade' feature, even in {he press; but after the public and the newspaper soaps, 'but is best wh used in the Suniighl or a, Sunlight Soap August Oth. 2.00 p.m. An O14 Boys' demonstration progress in Listowel, Children and girls! white shoes, _ all i . 0 boxes for $2.50, at dealers, Store, i: iad and animals were not overworked, and | Edmanton, Bator & on Toronto, A men saw the performance, noticed the reduced jn price at The Lockett Shoe *talled into it because the performers nereased vim and ginger that was in- and Nerve Food: after each mehl. tration, It is the friend of the work. er, for it makes him and fills him with new h fiden, up the wornout system by using Dr. Chase's It gives vigor and tone to the ays: tem and prevents: exhaustion and pros: that is strong and well ope, new con- and new vigor and energy. Thompson has about finished his new ie also stone basement on which to erect a large frame barn, and the trustees of school section No. § (Denbigh village and vicinity), con ing of a new school hie has -- bee fini gore Thompson \3 b a good sized new frame barn. The Dool had ote of his hands *| / cerated by the explosion of a which he was trying to pick hie rifle barrel, with a pocket DENBIGH TIDINGS. -- An Accident to a Pastor and Visitors. % Denbigh, July 80.--A | a daughter, Susan, of Phil AR guests of Rev. and Mrs, G. Daedisel at the parsonage, and are goi rd Clg de riy n from . a rn accident, ving down rather long and steep hill, the yoke broke, and the buggy shov the ponies, caused them to - Racing down the hill the tongue ran into the ground. | Broke, and Rev. G. D, and his son and. Frederick, wero thrown out of the ang and received some very severe and painful bruises, while Mr, and Mise't ayer maintained their seats and es. oaped with a bad scare. Notwiths' standing the rather unfavorable he- ginning of their visit, they are welll leased with it and expect that in a® ow days some more friends from' Philadelphia, will join them, ot Other visitors: At EB. Marquardt! Mire Martha's Marquardt, of " LA niraw, § and Miss Emma Marquardt of Ottg- wa; at F, Shatson's, A. L. Stei & three children, of Brovkville; af J." Rahm's, Mrs. B. Liedtke, of Raglan; at OC, Stein's, Miss Emma Stein, of Renfrew, at © KE. Petzold's, Misses Louisa and Clara Pétzold of Renfrew; at J, Lauer's, Mrs, RB. Stewart of Minden. . Mise Genevieve Lane of Na- pened, is expected to drrive in a few days, to spend her summer vacation under the parental roof. Mrs. George Exley of Napanee, bas returned to | town, after enjoying a pleasant visit with her purents. Mr. and Mrs, William Lane, Master Willie Classer of Utica, N.Y., after two yeurs' absence han ro- turned home to assist his father dur- ing the busy season of having and harvesting, Mesars. E. Petzold and I. Stein have just returned home from ° a trip made by them to Napanes. George Pennock has returned from a Prospecting tour made to Cohilt, New vard; Haileybiwy and other plap- New Ontario, with the intention to remain where he now resides, for found ¢ some things there which he did like, he found also many which he did not like at all, Walter frame dwelling house, Archie Wright building a new frame residence. E, Berndt has about completed a large frame barn, and Charles Both has erected a large two storey build ing, the lower storey of which he ia using as .a blackemith's shop, while the upper storey is to be fitted up for a public hal, templa the build- 1 Aa a village. bn sini. noe Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, 50c. a box, store,

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