' mth of the sun b.--All grocers. eat wafer ody~build~ han white (," postpaid. 1, Niagara Falls, Ont. en you retire you our house will be ble during the rs if you have a "in your cellar. \ all night without , and in the morn- ull up the damper ck, strong fire, and m garret to cellar saving features not uld examine them klet free. 9 'S WINNIPEG, MILTON. ---- King Street ose0 seco Y°S © far ch ining about i Them ® try them. ® DO 00©PE® © Oxfords, he $3.00 : Oxfords, ce goods $1.98 son Tie ner Sale s 8 to 2 t the one 3 A als.; the $1.50 6c. mmm Royal Insurance Co. Established 1845 LIFE DEPARTMENT Aseqtances n Force, 000,000 Expenses only 8}¢ per cent. of income, Profits to Policyh ts have been for 'orty Years. Sree 3.000.000. have tant bution (a 1903, over $5,295 000 Security to Policyholders is mot sur passed that of any office (+ the world. L es valued at 8 per cent. interest. ; Expenses of Management are less pro- portionately than any Life Company ia nada: A Safe and Strong British Office. Rates, etc., on application to W.J.B. WHITE - - Kingston oe -------- BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO # Has undergone alterations and is now "open to the travelling public. W TELFER . . Crests and EMBOSSING Sx. for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING cre Cards and Letter haads Besides Bl classes of Letter Press Printiag from a card te a volume, THE WHIG, Kingston FOR SALE Must Be Sold To Close Up Estate The following desirable City Propr ty -- 187 Brock St., vesidence of late E. Chowan. 98 Bagot St. kitchen, all modern. 106 Bagot St., exteusiom kitchen, all erns 108 Bagot St., extension dining and kitchen, all modern. Proprietor extension dining and m Price and Rurtioulnr, see Geo. Clift Real Eetate gent. A VR BDBDVVOVN iA. E. HEROD | Ordered Footwear Repairs Shee Dressing, ete. Store Closes at 7 p.m., Except Saturday. : @rvrtssasscsssssssacsany @ vrrvsnssssssssnsased ¢ 'ADAMANT' Wall Plaster } Ready for use by adding water. Put up in bags, 100 Ibs. In each, White Rock Finish | Put opin bags, 50 ibs. In each 55-67 Barrack P . Wals St. "Phone 109 Grrr rrr rrcsssescaseng NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.80 a.m. to 8.00 am The best place to get an all roun Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest motice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty, ¢ Lawn Mowers The Best Mower" Only $3.50 AT .. Strachan's Hardware .. (Canadian (Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best. place to wet an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty. 'Phume, 655. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc. for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday Auction Sales Book your sale of Furniture at once and get choice of date. I conduct all the important sales mand realize the highest prices. 'Phone, 665, JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer Jervas' Confectionery Store First Class Confectionery Store and Ice Cream Parlor. with supply H. JERVAS, 220 Princess Street Next to Opera House. CHOICE BACON Sliced to Suit INSECT STINGS CHAFED SKIN NO a3) [FINO 3 SVT & ALL SKIN DISEASES stops th? pain of the sting. Heals cuts and bruises, sore aching feet, chafing sores, prevents festering, cures blood poison. Is a skin food, and co ulcers, abscesses, etc., withnew thy skin. Doctors recommend it for Eczema. Mrs. Angus, of Fenelon Falls, says: --*1 have been keeping house for 40 years, and never found anything to equal Zam-Buk. As a household balm aud salve it is won- TREE oA ns EAR TERA Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK Baggage To and From Station Free An exceller: yuide-book and map of the City of New York at on receipt of two cents in postage. SYYOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- ton ids in Manitoba or the North. west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, way be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, {to the extent of one-quarter sec tion,\of 160 acres more or less. Entry may be made personally at the al land ollice for the district in which the land to be taken iy situated, or if the bomesteader desires, he luay, on appli Cation to the Minister of the Interior, Uttawa, the Commissioner of Immigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situ- ate receive authority for some one to make eutry for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES: A settler who has boen Rraoted an entry for a home Stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one of the following plans : (1) at least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land is each year during the term of three years. (2) It the [father (or mother, if the father is deccased) of any person who is eligible to make a homestead entry un- der the provisions of "his Act, resides upon a farm iu the vicinity of the land entered for by such person as a home- stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may bs satisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. (3) It the settier has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, be fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or the Homestead Inspector. . Before making applications for Datent the sottler must give six month's notice In writing to the Comunissioner of Do- winion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.~Cgal lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for 'soft coal und $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 acres can be acquirgd by ome inaividual or comw- nany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents ver ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output. Quartz--A [ree miner's certificate is granted upon payment in advance of $5 per annum for an individual, and from $50 to $100 per annum for a com- pany according to capital. free miner, having discovered mineral In place, may, locate a claim 1,500x1 - feet. The fee for recording a claim Is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and upon complying with othér requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 an acre. The patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry fee $3, renewable yearly. A free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 per annum for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect. ed on the output after it exceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for, Canada Life Assurance Co. Has paid an average profit in bonuses since inception, (Sixty Years Ago) of 2 per cent., which means that $20.00 each year is added to your policy per $1,000, ---- } Street Beggars Make ¢ Pile Every NEW YORK LETTER SAFETY OF BALLOON AS a TRANSPORT VEHICLE. Day--A Class in Carving For Prospective Bridegrooms. New York, July 27.-Dr. Thomas and his brave wife are demonstrating the docility and safety of the balloon as a vehicle of transport. They bave made a great many ascensions in their splendid balloon Nirvana, which is the largest gas bag in this coun- try, and carries a family with ease, For poetry of motion and attractive means of locomotion, Mrs. Thomas furnished a very pleasing specimen of ease and luxury as she sailed over Central Park, the observed of all ob- servers. A balloon in the air is the beau ideal for an exhibition machine in this city, for nobody can obscure anybody else's view, all secing the machine as easily as any can. Mrs, Thomas is absolutely fearless in her ascents, and can do as well as the doctor, who is a little irascible at times, especially when the newspapers criticizo him. He was very much put out with a Pittsfield newspaper which intimated that he liked to spread out a great deal, and talked more than he performed, He would not give that paper any information about his plans. But there is no doubt that he 18 an adventurous spirit and will im- prove the business of going up into the air and coming down again with safety. Sight-seers are always plenty, when a balloon appears upon the, scene. News of it seems to spread like news in India by an unknown, yet swift. system which no European has ever found out. The balloon found along every street and on the corners, and in the squares, arowds looking upwards, and eagerly following the progress of the balloon. The street beggars make a' nice little pile every day, while 'they affect all the woes of poverty, seeking relief at the free dispensaries as if they were absolutely destitute. A middle aged woman appeared the other day and got a prescription, after which she took her place in the line of persons waiting to have their medicine made up by the apthecary. This particular woman, it should be said, had given satisfactory. answers to all the ques tions put to her, designed to show whether she was a proper person to receive charitable contributions. Sud- denly there was a cry "I am robbed; I am robbed !" The victim wes this woman, who so far forgot her pre- vious professions as to assert that her pocket had been picked and that the thief had got away with $20. Then she lost the opportunity to get free medicine, thus adding, in her view, in sult to mjury. The little church of St. 'Jean Bap- tiste, on East Seventy-Sixth street, where the annual Novena is now held, presents a remarkable spectacle of « crutches and other supports of defective limbs, that have been dis. carded by patients who have been cured. The walls are lined with these discarded helps to locomotion, and the cured persons are loud in Praise of Ste. Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin. From that humtl. temple during 'the past week and the nights also, there have been wafted incessant prayers for the intercession of the saint, who is, with preference, addressed as the "Mother of the Afllicted."" At the services the little church was steeped in reverential i lence, broken only by sobs from bur dened breasts, or the awkward clump- ing of crippled feet along the reverber- ating aisles, During "this time thou sands on whom fate has heaped the weight of a weak or broken, or de formed hody, have flocked there to ofier fervent supplications for favors at the hands of the saints. These seekers, after health are certainly lift cd into a higher religious state, and by faith have thrown off many ills The novena stirs up their encrgies, fills them with hope and by extraor. dinary exercise of their faith they sum- mon all their energies and spring to their feet practically regenerated. However, much of a miracle, or how little, there may be about the exercise, the newly regene- rated individual is many times the man or woman that he or she before kneeling at the altar. Bourke Cochran's fiancee, Miss An- nie H. Ide, is known among readers of. Stevenson, as the girl to whom he "gave his birthday." Stevenson had met Miss Ide's father when the latter was the United States sioner in and powers, was land commis Samoa, and through this there sprang up a warm friendship be tween the Scottish novelist and the Ide family, including Miss Annie. The author learned she had been born on Christmas day, which, from his whim- sical viewpoint, prevented her from celebrating her natal day in fitting style. So he drew up a document in legal phraseology , dated "Vailima, June 10th, 1891" and addressed to Annie's father, in which he formally made over "to Miss Annie Ide all and whole my rights and privileges in the 13th day of November, formerly | my birthday, now, hereby and henco- forth, the birthday of the said Annie H. Ide, to have, hold, exercise and enjoy the same in the customary man- ner by the sporting of fine raiment, eating of rich food, %nd receipt of gifts, compliments and copies of verse, according to the manner of our an. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TH she set the boy to the merits of Mooney's biscuits if you give them the chance. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas have made themselves famous all over Canada in a very short time. Crisp, inviting tasty. Different from any other cracker you have ever eaten. Say "Mooney's" to your grocer, A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing in the world wo're so much interested in as Coal at this time of the year. It may sound queer to speak of coal buying and selling as a science, but that's what we've made it. Two Important discoveries we have made are that complete satisfaction to our customers pays best, and that the way to win business is to deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. Troubled for over Four Years, Weak Bowels and Diarrhoea, De. Fowier's Wild Strawberry Ta ened ad ie. This wonderful bowel complaint cure will do the same for you as it did for Mr, Chas. Durham, Toronto, Ont. He writes as follows : with Weak Bowels and could not get any medicine to cure me until I tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Since taking this medicine I have had none of my former trouble, and can recommend it to any person with the same complaint that I had." All dealers sell it. Be sure and ask for Dr. Fowrer's and accept no substitute. EE -------------- trouble. No matter how small they are, they do not seem to fit the foot. It is quite a trick for a woman to step on or off a car and not lose at least one of them. Of course, it delays things considerably, but then it's worth something to get a glimpse of such pretty feet and to have a good looking woman smile at you." The employment of messenger boys in odd kinds of services is beginning to attract the attention of the pub- lic, and it scems almost as if people, when unable to find anybody else to do immediately ring. up for a messenger boy and he does the rest One boy was sent for by a woman to catch fiies for her pet lizard, which was too sick to catch them for itself. Another boy found, when he entered a hotel room that the extremely fat man who occupied it wanted him to scratch his back. He did the job well, with the help of a brush. The latest is that of a woman, who rang up for a boy, and when he came she told him to hang his cap on a hook, and hired him for an hour and a half at thirty cents an hour. It seems that thé maid who attended to her little five-room flat did not materialize, and dusting, clearing the dining room "1 was troubled for over four years Diarrheea" and the table, sweeping floor, dusting the hall, and other jobs of fixing up 'things woman was pleasantly suromsed to find that the boy dusted in the cracks and. crevices, and that when the how and a half ended the fiat spick and Saturday beats servant girl hiring out of sirht The boy playing at craps. generally, The looked as after a recular She thinks it span as cleaning rather liked it better than ' "There goes a womdn," said the tall girl, "who is preparing to confer a blessed boon upon humanity. is going to carving for She establish a lass in prospective bridegroows, URSDAY, AUGUST 2. J of Insurance, and at the same time have brought the Reserves up on all business to a 3} and 3 per cent. basis, which warrants large future profits. Excellent results have been and will be paid by the Company. A 'cestors."" pretty and The reason for giving own birthday anniversary to Miss Ide was that Stevenson had attained age when, "oh, we never mention it, and that I have no further use for a birthday of any description." fashionably attired his ready. The instruction will Ye She has a score of pupils pledzed al thor ough. Fach man will be resnired to an | wrestle individually with all kinds of méat from the Sunday morming ham to the Thanksciving turkey, und wot until he has learned to sever joints and slice juicy cuts gracefully will he It pays to insure in the Canada ife. Call in the Kingston Office, where ACTUAL RESULTS will be cheerfully shown. d. O. Hutton, Manager Kingston Office, 18 Market St. Telephone No. 703. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly ron which women can depend. Sold in No. 1, 81; No. o young lady alighted from a Madison avenue car. She waited until the oth- er passengers had filed past her, and then turned a pair of deeply ap- Ene eyes upon the conductor. be granted a diploma. Fifty cents a lesson is the price to be charged for this invaluable education, The ulting ate cost depends, of course, upon Ey ingenuity of the pupil. A man witha "Would you please give me my shoe?" she said. "Certainly, madam," re plied the conductor, picking wp a dainty, dark thing from the car plat- form, She took it with a blush, and, ed to put it on. The condnctor wait- to go. ahead. happened, it startled me,' "but it has become a common occur rence now. The new style of shoes that come this season, pumps, I think they , is the cause of the Cross drug natural vrobably get through in six lessons At that rate cheap. and [I and handing it to the woman. | man in my aptitude for earvine will the education is dirt intend to urpe every acquaintance to avail bal- | himself of the opnortunity to masger ancing herself against the car, stoop- [a difficult art." The young man took i & note-book out of ed until the woman had thanked him | asked for the name and address of the with a smile, and then gave the signal carving his pocket and The teacher. girl 'smiled "The first time that i knowingly and 'wanted to know when he said, | the wedding would be. i ~OLD TIMER. Violet toilet water 25¢, Gibson's Red store, ? NEWS OF NEIGHBORS ET The Tidings From Various Points I In BEastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Notes From Westbrook. Westbrook, * Aug. 1.--Raspberries are very plentiful, Pickers can be seen daily, wending their way to the dif- ferent berry fields and returning heav- ily laden. Potatoes promise to be a good crop and so far have no indica- tion of rot. J. Gorrie, Kingston, and 8. Gorrie, Toronto, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. A. Howie. Rev. H. I. and Mrs, Allen of Ottawa, Dr. S, S. Smith, of Emporium, Pa., spent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith. Rev. F. Sproule and son, of Brockville, are at his brother's, J. A. Sproule. Miss Edith Saundercook and Miss Ethel Sproule were recent visitors, at M. MoDon- ald's, Odessa. Edward Botting has purchased a fine rubber tired car- riage. Old Resident Dead. Harrowsmith, July 31.-Richard El lerbeck, an * old and highly respected resident of this township quietly passed away on Saturday morning; funeral services were conducted by Rev. William Service, Miss M. Galla- gher is entertaining a number of her young friends. Miss Theresa and Mas- ter Daniel Davidson have returned home after spending a week in Brown- ville, N.Y. Miss Lily Walker is on the sick list. A fine shower visited this vicinity, Sunday evening. A number of our neighbors enjoved the trip to Picton, on Thursday last. A. Baker's house is nearly completed, Miss Hat tie Samuel and Miss Pearl Chown, have returned home, after spending a. few days at Dr. Lockhart's, Miss Jane Bradford. visiting friends in the city. Miss Ettic and Earl Buck at Gana- noque, -- Cheese Factory Meeting. Keelerville, July 31.--Berry picking and haying are the order of the day. There was a meeting of the patrons of the cheese factory, last week, to de- cide several matters re methods of book-keeping, auditors, etc. Those thoroughly conversant with the old methods of making out a monthly statement, easily convinced the others that it could not be improved upon, and now there is perfect satisfac: tion. The splendid prices received for cheese so far this SOASODn, Promises that this will be a bumper yoar for the farmers in Ontario. Little Joseph An- glin is very ill with pleurisy. Quite a number attended divine service at Battersea, last Sunday evening. It be- ing flower Sunday, the church was tastefully decorated with nature's choicest blossoms, and Rev. J. A Waddell delivered a very interesting and instructive sermon. Several from our neighborhood spent an evening at the C. C, C. camp, on Loughboro Lake, and had a jolly time. Mrs. Wil liam Dixon, Jr., paid her parents at Round Lake, a short visit. Mrs. C. Moore is spending a little time at her home in Sunbury. Visitors: Mrs. W, Patterson, Sunbury, spent a day or two with her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Hanley; Miss I. Bureau and Miss L. Hipson, Kingston; R. T. and Miss Ethel Clark, Cedar Lake, spent a day at Charles Clark's, Full Of Visitors. Barriefield, July 31.--Our village is full of visitors. Gay parties are made up every day to go picking wild ber- ries, which are plentiful in the woods back of the village. Garden grown raspherries and currants have been a complete failure; here, this season Mr. Stanton has painted his house; it is the prettiest now in the village, Mr. Bennett is painting his house. Mr. Cherry has purchased the house form erly owned by Capt. Batten. William Milton got every bit of his hay put in in splendid condition; not one speck touched with the rain Mrs. Fsford accompanied Mrs, Kennedy, of Buffalo, to the shrine of St. Anne, and spent week there, The chil dren of the village only come out "of the water to get their meals and to sleep these days. Mr. and Mrs. Col Iyer, visiting her mother, Mrs. M Byrnes, 'before returning to Toronto. Miss McCalerty, Rochester, Miss Mag- gie Burns, Syracuse, at Mrs. Bryns'. Mrs. T. Esford and Mrs, Kennedy, of Buffalo, at Mrs. Esford's. Mes. Me Caugherty and five children, visiting her mother, Mrs. Hutton. 'Mrs. Henry Knapp returned from a visit to her parents. Mrs: and Miss VanAlstine, Watertown, at William Bennett's Miss Katie and Beatgice Allen ro. turned from a visit to their brother, George Allen, Brockville, Miss Ben- nett, Watertown, at J. Tisdale's. Mrs, Givens and daughter, Mrs. Vanluven, at Mrs. Hutton's. Mr. Corkey, Otta- wa, spent a pleasant visit in the city and at his cousin's, Mrs. Corkey, Bar riefield, and thinks Kingston is a very eantiful and cool city. Mrs. Nelson, visiting her mother, Mrs. Dowler, is returning home, one "Brazil Brittle" MeConkey's, fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, To Cure Womanly Ills, Very often ailments which in them: selves are not. important, though ne glected develop into chronic trou bles. In such cases opiates, alcohol and narcotiex must be avoided, Probably nothing offers such per- manent relief a¥ Ferrozone, of which Mrs. 8. Mead, of Fraserville, says : "I feel it my duty to let you know how valuable 'is Ferrozone. For some time previous to the change of life 1 suffered more than 1 could tell. | hod such pains and fisorders I fpr | I would die. Neighbors told me Fer. rozone wastyhe only remedy. KB pat a stop to mi pain and sickness, ha a direct action upon my 'roubles that gave relief from the start. 1 now en- joy perfect health and . rest. No wo- manly medicine can possibly be better than Ferrozono." ; In women of all ages Ferrozone ere ates a feeling of youth and spirit that's surprising. 5c, per. box, at all dealers, of N. C. Polson & Co., Hart: ford, Conn, U.S.A, and Kingston, For the Summer Season' reasonable prices. Inspect ourJstock before purchasing elsewhere, ELLIOTT BROS 'Phone 35. POLEE0I0 POEFOS ESOOE 00S STOP! Pewee 000eEe® ©9992990 "9080999 9900 ©009E® PPL OPPPPPDD PSPS EIPD DOP SODPS You are not half as particular about the food you cat--as we are about the © food we make for you to eat. : % Would you ever analyze food you buy for the table ? . We tested Orange Meat for more than 7 months, Prof. Waddell, of Queen's Univer. sity, Kingston made test after test until we perfected Orange Meat--and made it contain MORE wheat sugars than any othei cereal in the world, Orange Meat is the food that builds "i up healthy bodies and active brains. Be. k tally 13e. kag tai good for premiums. $c. size contains 21 times the quantity of Orange Meat as the smaller size, Write "Orange Meat," Kingston for premium catalogue, 3 x WHITE SHOE Women's White Shoes are getting very. scarce, the wholesale houses are cleared out of these popular shoes. We have a small stock left, so if you want White Shoes it will pay you to get them now. We have them at pe $l. F $1.50, and $2.00 We have them with brown leather heels or | white heels -also embroidered vamps. . Abernethy's Shoe Store 5 Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose. Win- dow Screens, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Wickless Coal Oil Stoves and Ovens. We carry a large assortment of the above articles at 77 Princess Street. And look at our Men's Show Window and see Big Cut Prices \ If we can fit you we know you will buy. $5 and $4.50 $3.50 Shoes for McDermott's Shoe Store COOO BICYCLES TYPEWRITERS SEWING MACHINES ABEL TE Sah Pd $34 Y