Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Aug 1906, p. 3

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Scott's Linime le best for man OF beast, IORSE LINIMENT ent 4 Clits, ruise: for S, S cratches, etc., it is rains, Large bottle, 25: cents, cellent - Hair Roig, t for sale at your procured drug, 8. be at aa, » icott"s White Lot Jobn, - N. Ba C0 lable Furs f All Kinds all dston's Only sive Fur Store. GOURDIER and 80 Brock Street E 700. t Glass must he cor- y cut to insure the Brilbancy, and the * must be Clear and e, emphasize these ls because so neces- to First Quality Sparkling" Piece of Glass is such a de- e article to send as a Birthday nt or Anniversary ITH BROS. elers :: Opticians Phone 666 ment shortly to press this abs - forming Cow. Kennedy's cow is not the it causes trouble. Pedes- rie street, last evening, exciting episode cansed OLY cow, owned hy John e bovine started out to _ v stunts in the moonlight lawns. Tt led Mr. Mor- se, but was finally cap- home by the well-known oil man. ------ h belts with pretty bue- York Dress Reform. ollars at Bibby's. ing Sale Sle cks are dwindling r Saturday 1s, 'Muslins, "étc., C. a yard. Satur- | Dress Goods in s- for summer and checks, in Navy, ce: 30c,, 35¢. and to clear out tle on the way and price for Satur- White or ale Satur- r > selling at soc. t 5c. each. 50¢, a pair, at 2oc. a pair. rth goc. for 63c. prices, and last | sizes, double haw Mid-Summer Excursion to NEW YORK VIA NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES TUESDAY, Aug. 28, 1906 iLow Rates--15 Days Return Limit The proper me to aad the Seashore Ri to visit Coney Island Dreamland, Lana Park ASK TICKET AGENTS. vi Aa 1 -- River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 8.8. with electric lights, electric bells and ah modern comforts. SAILS FROM BON TREAL ON MON- 30th. J "Campana," DAYS, 2 p.m h uly : 13th and 1% AW 10th and 24th September, for a] N S., calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, Gmaid River, RET P.E.I and Chiflgttetown, EI BERMUD or Excision, by the in Se "'Bermud- tons Shiling 'from New 1st, 15th and © 29th 'August. Temnerature cooled By sea breezes seldom rises above 80 degrees. The ' finest 'trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms, anply to J. P. HANLEY, or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. Daily Line - Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. bon 3T Kingston & Toronto ne West--Daily rt 5 p.m Kingston to Clayton, 1,000 Island Porta, lle or Prescott, going and only. single fare. 9% ontrack and jeturns Oi iy or_Sunday. Return . TP. Rs Monday. Fare $6. oy Also Excursion rates to Toronto and Charlotte gping Saturday returning Sunday or Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line LEAVE KINGSTON : Going East, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 4 p. 10. Going W. Fotadays ys, Thursdays and Saturduys at' 4 pm J.P, HANLEY, J,SWIFT & CO., Ticket * Frolght Agent. Aasats. RET LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect June 24th, 1908. Trains will Ljsve and arriv Depot, Foot of Johnston stree troots at On GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City No. EMail .. .1245am. 1.15am S Expr 226 am. 3.05 a.m. - wee 9.15 a.m. 9.47 a.m, " 4 toi "T4d12.16 noon 12.46 pos * TMail ., ..319pm. 3.50pm " 26 Tool 08 p.m. 38 p.m. GOING EAST Lve. City ' Arr. City No. 8Mail ... ..148am. 223am "Fast 226 am. 3.05 am * 16 Local ...... 8.16 a.m, 8.47 a.m M gMail ... .. 12.16 noon 12.4Gp.m * '4Fast Exp. 1.00pm. 1.29 p.m * 1%2Local ... ... 7.03 pm. 7.38 p.m Noa. '1,:2, 8, 4, 5 and 8, run ally. All other trains daily except Sunda Direct route to foronto, Pete rhoro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, . Quebec," Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLBEY, Agent, Cor. Johnston and Ontaric ts,, Kingston, , Ont. Sa LOL RAILWAY In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway Farm Laborers' Excursions To Manitoba and Saskatchewan $12 Sains $18 Additional 3 for Return Special Train Will Leave Kingston, August 22nd, 7.45 A.M. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER JR. Gen,. Pass: Agent. Jen. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee. Deseronto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Xingston. EE -------------------------------- LT Lake Cptario ard Bay of Quinte Steam: boat Company, | imited Stes. North King & Caspian STR. REE Tria ' icton RATE bid to B. B. Jas. Bwitve| Co. New York Central & Hudson River R. er RA. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK NK LINE Shortest Rote ta; , to the United States Via Kingston and Cape Yincent, N. Y. Lv, Kingston sie) 3:00, a.m. 2:00 p.m. Are. Cape Vineent (str) 7:00 a.m. 4 oe ve Ca Vincent, 7:20 a.m. 4:50 p.m. Arr. atertown, 8:10 a.m. 5:50 p.m Arr. Oswego, 11:59 a.m. 9:12 pan. Are. Syracuse, 12:18 p.m. 9:38 p.m. Arr, Rochester, 2:28 p.m. 1:20 a.m. Arr. Utica, 12:20 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Arf. New York, 6:00 p.m. 7:12 a.m. Passengers wishing to take 5 a.m. Steamer may secure staterooms aboard. Convenient train service in rection, PULLMAN. SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS Cheap Excursion to Watertown, $1.25 return. From June 16th to October 1st. Golng Saturday 5:00 a.m. and 2 pam. Returning Monday, Jeaviny Watertown 9:100a.mi" and 440 p.m. 2 Cents a Mile Books for 500 jintleg of travel on New "York Central and leased lines within State of New York only $10, while books for 1,000 miles over New ork _Qentral, Boston & Albany, Buffal lo. Roch & Pittsburg, Philadelphia & Reading and Central R.R. of New Jersey cost $20. Secure further information and purchase tickets from H. S. Folger, New York Central Agent, Kingston. mt . opposite cost C. F. DALY, Passenger Traffic Manager, A: H. Smith, General Manager, G; C, Gridley, General Agent. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO THE SEASIDE FROM MONTRE_L Riviere du Loup, Murray, Bay, Cap L 'Aigle, St. Irene, .. Cacouna, ,., ic, Little Metis, Moncton, St. John, Shediac, Summerside, .E.1L., N.B. Charlottetown, P.I5.L., I'arrshoro a Halifax Pictou, Mulgrave ardmy. St. John's, Nild., North Syduey. Maritime Express leaves. Montreal 12.00 noon daily except Saturday Oceauy, Limited leaves Montreal 7.30 daily except; Saturday Good | cong August 13, 14, 15 amd 6th. Retufnifie Kuss 31st, 1904. J "Tours to Summer Haunts" briefly describes these favourite resorts. Write for copy and any further information Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James street. ALLAN LINE Rovaiiiai_ MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Virginian, Fri., Aug. 38, Fri, Aug. 31. Tunisian, Fri., Aug. 10. Fri., Sept. 7. Victorian, Fri., Aug. 17, Fri., Sept. 14. Ionian, Fri., Aug. 24. Fri., Sept. 21. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Moderate Rate Service. Oorinthian, Thurs, Aug. 2, Sept. 6. Sicilian, Thurs, Aug. 9, Sept. 13. For rates, apply to J. P. HANLBEY, Agent, G. T. R., J: P. GILDER- SLEEVE. SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS 1000 islands, Intermediate . Ports and Montreal ary en: STR. 'DUNDURN" day, 8 a.m. . the. Hamilton-Montreal Navigation ot Company, Limited, Toronto .and Hamilton e rsday, 2 am. A Steamer meeting every demand of the travelling public. For further SWIFT & CO., treet. information, JAMES arves, foot Johnson tae DI 'TOURIST TICKETS of Nomroaf and "Cuba" Cleveland, To- Doorn Going West, Friday, 8 a, Qoing East, Sunday, 9 further sw & oy street. : Torn tion: JAMES Wharves, foot Johnson ont. The light emitted by a firefly is ab- so out, heat. It is due to a nee. suits, a | make a serious 4 tinshop, own 5 FORGING | EA FORT. WILLIAM WILL. BE A A GREAT METROPOLIS. Says a Resident of Western City --Town is Ground as Chief Distributing Centre For Great Lakes. Montreal, Aug. 3.--"Fort William is more prosperous and growing faster than any other city or town in the the ly a matter of a very short time be- fore it becomies the real metropelis of 'the district between the head of the Vickers, a leading business man of Fort William. Moreover, Mr. Vickers was able to back wp his optimi with facts and figures that wor and take notice. "You see," a brother of V. G, R. Vickers, super- intendent of the company, "Fort William is fast be coming the chief wheat distributing centre of the great lakes, a its port is yearly visited -by increasing numbers of ships. I do not suppose that there was a day this season but there have been upwards of fifteen '| boats in the harbor. During the past year .we have shipped: out thirty mil- «| lion bushels of wheat, and the traffic is growing daily. "As a result of this, it has become necessary to inerease our harbor faci- lities, and the government is spending $4,000,000 widening the Kaministiquia river to six hundred feet, so that boats in the harbor cap turn around without going up stream." CLOWN ST'LL A FACTOR, But the Circus Fun-Maker of To- Day is Strictly Up-To-Date. The old time clown has apparently gone with the old onering circus, but the modern Grimaldi seems to hold his owtl. in creating merriment for the public. One of the principal fun-mak- ers of the Barnum & Bailey circus was recently interviewed by a newspaper reporter, and gave some interesting facts in regard to the evolution of the modern circus comedian : "There has been a revolution in clowning," he said. "The time when we could crib our jokes out of the family almanac has gone forever. Now we must be funmy without saying any- thing amusing. A man who wants to business of clowning must have a standing contract with a a trained - pig or a vomedy automobile or be prepared to do anything from handling snakes to rivalling the sword swallower, Of course, he doesn't do these things lit- erally. Everything with him is a mat- ter of burlesque. The big shows have made the speaking clowns impossible. They couldn't be heard and action has taken the place of speech. Instead' of one clown there are forty. New make ups and new costuming were demand- ed, and the circis clown presently be- came a vaudeville entertainer, depend- ing entirely upon his appearance and actions. to command attention and provoke laughter. That naturally de- veloped into little comedies in which several of the clowns participated, and these, presented simultaneously at dif- ferent" points, offered laughable enter- tainment, "This ycar we have introduced some- thing new along the same line, We call it burlesque clowning. A peculiarity of this kind is that it requires a great deal of paraphernalia. It is the cari caturing of acts in the show which, by virtue of their merit, have attract- ed particular attention, and public events that are currently in the public eye. Last fall the Barnum & Bailey show was in San Francisco, at the time the Nelson-Britt fight was pulled off. Taking their cue from the public interest in the event, the clowns put on a burlesque prize fight, The = ab- surdity of the thing made a big hit and it was the talk of the town, It is in this way that the modern clown keeps in touch with the times and jus- tifics his retention in the colossal cir- cus of to-day." The comedy element in the Barmum & Bailey circus is said to form a strik- ing contrast to the sensational fea- tures of the big show, which will ex- hibit here on Tuesday, August 7th. An automobile that flies forty feet through the 'air, upside-down is the biggest thriller announced for this sea- son's record-malging programme. A SUDDEN DEATH At Gananoque of a Gouverneur, N.Y. Lady. Gananoque, Aug. 3.--Another very sudden death occurred to-day at the residence of A. N. Parke, King street, Mrs. Booth, of Gouverneur, N.Y., ar rived here on the Where Now at noon on a visit to her niece, Mrs. Parker, and before six o'clock was a corpse, Heart failure was the cause of death. Deceased wad a sister of the Messrs. John and William Kidd. The schooner Collier deared for Charlotte yesterday. The steamer Mis- Brockville this morning to see the aquatic sports in connection with the | old boys re-union. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cook, of Otta-' wa, are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. 8. G. Cook, John street. Frank Pritton, of Montreal, is spend- ing his holidays with his family, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Britton, Main street. Mrs. George E. McLean, of Winnipeg, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephrinm Webster, King street. , with Mrs. J. A. Bean, George McKinley, M.D. of Elmira, N.Y, is spending a few days with Jfriends in town. Miss Victoria Bawden, of Montreal, is spending a few weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Bawden, King street, Miss | Benwall, of Hillier, accompanied by her brother and sister, are visiting King street. Herbert Mallory, of Kingston, who has been spending a few weeks here with his father, John Mallory, King. street, has returned home. H, Kellert, oy Montreal, is ing a short time ere the guest of his danghter, Mrs. Ly braid, King street weot, Fast Gaining | Wheat i middle west of Canada, and it is on- | Jakes and the rockiés,"' said A, A. } make any staid eastern town pit wp * said Mr. Vickers, who is}, Dominion Express | sissquoi took another large crowd to! Tike. ar hits. ; JC. MeCRACKEN, Formerly star guard of the Peunsyl- van a football team, is now on his way back from Canton, (hina, where he has established a medical school and dis vensary as a bmanch of the University of Pennsylvania. He is coming here for the 'double purpose of marrying his sweetheart, "Miss Helen Newpher, of New York City amd of raising additional funds for the school in anton. The wedding will take Pace in "Philadelphia in September, "Pop" Foster, the heavy-hitting out- fielder, ol Newark, has been sold to the New York American league aggrega- tion. He will probably join the major league team at the close of the east ern league season. Ex-Commodore "Aemilius Jarvis has been chosen skipper of Zoraya in the Risher cup races. The Canadian boat will be pitted against Iroquois, and while R.C.Y.C. members are not too confident, they believe Jarvis and the Worts boat will prove a winning com- bination. Baseball is the most cosmopolitan of games, as witness the following from the Honolulu Commercial Adyer- tiser : "The Panamas defeated the" Ja- panese Athletes 11 to 4, and the Chi nese Athletes romped away from the Hawaiian Independents to the tune of 15 too 2. Mom Yin, for the Chinese nine, batted out a home yun, repeat ing his performance of a week ago. Bicycling is by no means on the wane in Australio. Not only is the bicycle very generally used as a means of getting about, but there are many bicyele races, and these are watched with much enthusigém. A road race was recently held at Adelaide, in which forty-five riders competed. It was a twenty-five mile road race, or, rather there were two events of twenty-five miles each. The first Ralf of the bi- cyclists finishing in the first event, C. Baulderstone won, making the official time of 1 hour 4 minutes 21 seconds. In the final race, C. Lindsay was the winher, making the course in 1 hour. 9 minutes 33 seconds. Semi-Tailored Waist. still place with both young and old alike. The shirt waist holds first No matter how many suits or cos tumes miladi may hy she still in- cludes a supply of libgerie waists and shirt waists in her sum- mer wardrobe, and "what is neater looking than one of thee well tailor- ed Whisks, The one pictured is of heavy homespun ini th two large tucks either side of the centre front, which give a desired breadth to the shoulders, und ample fulliess at the bustline. The collar and front piece are of heavy embroidery, but in many instances where the wearer is handy with the needle a design is drawn and worked similar to the Mexican tapes- try in the fad, bliie, green and yellow linen thread. This is & very effective ! finish to these linen, waists, and not hard to Aceomplish. The os are the regular shirt dAedves finished with a Stitched oull and. fastened with links. The back is plain with a slight | dullness at the waistline. For after noon wear with a plain tailored mo- hair or silk skirt these waists are finding great favor. For the summer days linen is prefeli®lPhut for cool weather light weight flannel and any of the heavier cotton materials can be used to godd advantage in fashioning ! there waists. : "Three Swallows." Sir_John Power & Sows "Three Swalows™ Irish Whiskey, [ Famous for over a y Of highest standard Distillers to His *Mufegty ae Ring. | Baseball EE Voth oh Tristonen va. Watertown, Ontario Park, Monday, Avcust fh, 2.30 pm. Try Ribby % for bla suits, goodly i Lajoie leads the a in hitting | a lou al ree is ar! one wi ou! or roms the SIH16 the 7th, fond SNe he made fifty-one RATES First insertion, 16. a word: Hach eam yiive nario tiecultit $8: & A Goob STRONG YouRG, MAN. ra 0 work in grocery store. Apply -------------------------------------------------------- TWO FIRST-CLASS TINSMITHS, AT once. Good wages. Apply to Sime mons Bros., Princess . 'CONDENSED: ADVERTISING 3 Ey | ou Gor pe. 2% == L APPLY TO 160 \ Monteesd reet. = | CONFECTIONERY AND maxceny | * tu McCann, 51 Brock street. St, TWO 6 FT. SCREEN 8, AMERICAN svi Bedi ELP, THE SEAL ROUN; uy ations . domestics, Ba "a factories. Re Wellington street. THE _{ oNLY Seis BRE A hn IE JUNIOR SALESMAN. FOR ACE Curtain Woigee © also Louth About 17 HR Cargat R. Faul, poe roids Auply y GENTLEMEN TO BRAVE suits pressed and hand ; also bi an Outs suit made. Gallor wav's, Brock street. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. A MNING-ROOK GIRL, AT LAKE -------------------------------------- FIRST-CLASS HAND-SEWER ; ALSO: apprentices. Apply 261 Princess St. EE ------------------ ET -------- A Good GERERALc raERVART. AP- ply to Mrs. R. Faul, in the ever ing. 106 Barcie Meld A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN, TO GO TO the country; family of threes. No hard work. Apply this Office nt tte} TWO MAIS, FOR STEAMER KING ston, 30 40 RH Bo = fay or crewing. St. WANTED. AT LEMMON & A BOOK-KEEPER, Sons, King strect. con ORIT ON AS FLERE TRE A Chih es ae Pree Untario street, > Ka i a SFAIR wg ay re ETT con Yearly ta Albert sereet. a . Ap A SONVERIENT FPIOR ; FRORT Se FE Ee oS TROSTORRY Ni a ER 0% ATP 3 ay od GE ree 0.400. Wellington St, Hm D8 08ST, iE A On money and Keys. Pinder will warded on peturniug to tis GREEN SL PARASOL. AT LAKE A Ontarie. Fark rk laat Frida a led. Department ¥5°% "os" Wellinkeon BY aia Yo A AS will returned' to 3 "o Tvalid, Apply Box Os 5 Whi ofa. Frincoms street. : MISCELLANEOUS. LLL AO LT PARM BELP. AND ALL to the name of "Nip. Finder win be rewarded hy returning same Best Drug. Store. DENTAL, DR. J. LAPPEN HAS OPENED UP his Dental Parlors, at 183 Princess street, over Dr. Chown's Store, "Phone, 7835: FARM FOR SALE. TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS, TOWN: ship of Kingston ; two miles frome A FOX TERRIER, WHITE, WITH thrown fate brown spot on tail, and brown saddle. Answers to 'nme of "Nip. di i Best 1 R, offers Jewar or 8 return. nyo Ta v after tS notice #1 to I MEDICAL. me a PURSE, SoNTATSING { oity,~125 acres. Township & of Pitts. acres. burg, near Washburn, -- Apply to Cumningham & Sr 79 Clarence street, Kingston, Ont. WAISTINGS Saturday coin Boys' 5 inch to 10, the HOSIERY LACE HOSE WRAPPERS Sateen Skirts DRESS GOODS Woman's Skirts trous finish, Tho. to 85. Saturday Cotton Stockings Shirt Waists SICILIAN 5 inch Sicilian, yards lasts We place on sale Faacy Ginghams TOWELLING The Balance of Our Will be marked at JUNK SELLING PRICES TO-MORROW. These values need no further comment--they will appeal to al} who apprecite © true worth and economy. In White Mereerized Figures and Dots, y Yous priee 2e. and 35¢. the yard. regular £1.50 value, i 300 yards of Fine Dress Goods, odds and ends and broken lots of bbe. and ROG BE Linnie raisin sian Walking Skirts, made of fine novelty mixtures, OR. McUARTHY, OFFICE LATELY corner, Mon- SHIRT WAISTS The balance of our Shirt Waists that were 8 2% cond Po 50, all to be clear: ed at one price ....... ow ve Tough-as- Lo ater "Stod poking tad fat "black, =n alt om trom 20c, value for, per pair Ih Tan and Black. We have about 150 pairs of the 30c, quality. You can buy them to-morrow, per pair ... Women's Print Wrappers, figured and dotted, regular $1.25 value, to-morrow ae Ladies' Black Sateen Skirts, with deep nodordion pleated: flounce, nice. lus LO-THORTOW icine cirmmsinmiimsnnaincs shsbr full sweey special The, boast' Fast Black Cotton Stacking. 1 ever : dod in Kinaton at 18. pair can be had here tomorrow at... ot Made of fine Japanese Silk, in long or hort: ah Tate iim, at (81. , 82, SB and Li Shih iiss Sussessssriasiisen maiapibrion ase roses in navy, black and white, regular 75¢, Fancy to-morrow the halance of our Ducks and Chambrays, they range in price up to 18e, 'the yard, yours to- morrow, per yard 18 inch Roller Towelling, with red border, all pure linen, JOHNSTON'S, 180 Wellington Street The store that serves you best at all times. Fapging in Prien; | from 83.50 +3 AEE 18. Yard ), neatly trimmed, ~ $1,19 Each 25¢c. Yard | $2.25 Each 124c. Pair $5.00 Each 42¢c. Yard while 200 Press Ginghams, value, fe. 8c. Yard Saturday spec ial EE ---- T DOINGS AT NEWBURGH. A Tennis Contest--Record of Visitors. Newburgh, Aug. 2.--Fine weather favoured the Epworth League for their excursion to<day, and a large number took advantage of the cheap rates, and spent the day among the Thousand Inland. y , Miss Brisco and Miss. McKim, were in Tamworth and Enterprise, on Tues day,, in connection with the Epworth League excursion. On Saturday last an interesting tennis match was played on the courts here between Enterprise and New- burgh. Harold Ryan and W. B. Dunn represented Newburgh, and were vie: torious in every event. In the singles, Ryan beat Allen, 62, 63; Dunn beat Emerly, 6&1. 68- In the doubles Ryan ond Dunn best Allg and Wagar, 00, Mesiars. Ryan a played the | return game in Enterprise, on Wed nesday afternoon. Enterprite baseball team 'play the local team hore to-morrow. At the meeting of Christian Endeavorers in the Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening, interesting reports of the recent conference at Whithy were give én. Miss Pearl Paterson spent Sunday ) from Hamilton last week, Mise Lizgio Beck of Toronto is home on a visit. Hilbert Gibson, Toronto, spent Sun- day with his mother here, Miss Jessie Cowling, Toronto, spent Sunday - yh the Misses Nesbitt. John Seott, onto, was renewing old quai tunoen gn the village on Tuesday. Mrs. D. A. fleshitt and. Miss Connie, spent Sun- dui at the Thousand falands. Rey Rey- d Phmptoy usd Re Ross Briscoe, both holds of P. horey, ithe public ph stood third and dourth respectively of all pupils. writ: ing at Newburgh at the recent op: trance examinations. Mr. and Mrs, ©, H. Pinkle and Miss Waldie and Miss | Caroline Finkle left to-day, to spend a couple of weeks at Thousand Telond Park, Mrs. Hope loft last. week for exte: tended it # her dan re ote Se Win Kindy. . urs a Sha, i Murs, Beoinan speit, Sunday i Taronte.. ve- turning on Tuesday an. retiirned hong | from pornia on Tues Any. Miss Helen u MeSqulay is on the x Mrs. lfm visit ng Hy in Snpange, aoa Hdemy: js_undergoing somo. needed pairs, J. yes, Whitby, vaid a fying. vitit to Newburgh on Monday. k a 1 with = Miss Florence Warner, Cole brooke. Herbert Ryan returned home of" Jittle girl was severely lujured by the DYNAMITE PENCIL HOLDERS. Childrent in School Found to Be Using Dangerous Detonators. 4 rd sensation, 'has . hom Sods nears Haverfor os hy the Tanga, ve w that Ye dren in the school were using detonators one n one-half inches Jon and loaded with dynamite as penei ers. The discovery was made when a bursting of one the explosives, caused Ry her ne erin to. tighten it on her pencil by biting the casing. The detonators, which pr strong h to lift a weight of ot hundred ---- were ro to th EASE Allen, pu oy nol: be a ir] sped. Al fad belonged to her dead father. - Excursion To Ottawa. A der the the suspices iN: So on 7.45 a ton Junction, oe: Sof ie i, Bia kets good to return by traing the ollowing day, Sale of wash hel RRL, Stayt 2 po ate 2 ow ork Dress oe

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