Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Aug 1906, p. 3

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---- Li > RHA] sott's Liniment roal se, Jt is Superior for BAT, Neuca), Buck or Sheumabip, ains, iraing, Chilblaing, Frost Bi ree bottle, 25 cents, ellent Hair Restorer | d Scalp Cleanser for sale at your dr be procured at Jokiat, i James y, tt's White oh Liniment Co, «., and Chelmge able Fur "Al Kinds whl. gston's Only ive Fur Store -------- GOURDIER nd 80 Brock Street 700. ey mE 1] - wy IN os AAR Mg " ' GIIASS must ve tly eut to insure the Brilliancy, and the must be Clear and emphasize these s because 80 neces- to First Quality >ARKLING PIECE t Glass is a de- » article to send as a Birthday it or Anniversary ITH BROS. lers :: Opticians Phone 666 ves assesssesesl HEROD'S, . § ro So | I'rue Foot Comfort. : combined with I - SQUEAK s an Ideal Shoe : Princess St. ! Tees sssassssecsel UST | ITH WE CLEAR OUT MER GOODS AT EDUCTIONS IN a few lines that go Waists, colors Brown ; regular 0, 5.00 ; all to go ce, $2.50 each. par Reducod Vhite Cotton wns, $1.50, 1.75, Nightgowns one morrow, $1.25 tticoats, $2.50, . To-morrow one 00 each. slins in' stock, One-~ ice. N&SHAW over in a few days." a close connection of went to the well once Mid=Summer. Excursion to VIA NEW YORK + "TRAVELLING. NEW YORK CENTRAL FINES © ©. TUESDAY, Aug. 28, 1906 "Low Rates--15 Days Return Limit The proper time to visit Coney Island, Dreamland, Luna Park and the: Seashore Resorts. QUEBEG STEAMSHIP CONPANY fiver an Gull Of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron: 8.8. "Campana." with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON MAYS at 2 pan, 13th and 27th Aurust 10th and 24th September, Pictou, N. 8. calling' at Quebec. Mal Bay, Perce, Cane Cove. irand River, Summerside, P.E.I., and + vottetown, PEI, A» Son 4 $35 by the Summer "Exeirsion; new Twin = Screw 8.S.,. "Bermugd- ian," 5,500 tons. Sailing from New York 15th and 29th Ar-ust. Tem- verture cooled hy sea breczes seldom rises above 80 degrees. The finest "trips of health and comfort. @ i 4 the season for ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms, avply to J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket . Agents, = Kingston, Ont. ANEERELL ALT RAILWAY In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway Farm Laborers'. Excursions To Manitoba and Saskatchewan $12 Seine $18 Additional for Return Special Train Will Leave Kingston, August 22nd, 7.45 A M. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P. R. Wicket Office, Ontario street. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER Gen. Pass. Agent. Jen. Bay of Quinte Railwaj Néw short line Deseronto, JR. Supt. for Tweed, Napanee. Trains and all local noints. LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect June 24th, 19086. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnston street. GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City | No, 6 Mail ... .1245am. l.154m " 3 Ex . 3.26 aan. 3.05 a.m " 11 Loeal ..... 15 am. 9.47 a.m " 1 Intern'l L1d12.16 noon 12.45 p.m * Mail .. 8319p. 3.51pm " iS Local... . 7.08 p.m. 7.38 p.m. GOING EAST | Lve. City Arr. City No, 8 Mail ... .. 148 am 2.2% am * 2Fast Exp. 2.26 a.m. 3.05 a.m "16 ww 8.16 a.m, 8.47 a.m ¥ 0 Mail ... ..12.16 noon 12.4Gp.m * 4Fast Exp. 1.00pm. 1.20 p.m " 13Local ..,.. 7.03pm. 738pn Nos. 1, 2, 8, All other 'Urding Direct 4, 5 and 8, run daily. daily except Sunday. route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, . London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay. City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnston and Ontario Sts., Kingston, Ont, esr Daily Line Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, x rockvilie. Prescoit and Montreal. steamers Kingston & Toronto LEAVE KINGSTON : ; - ily at 6 a.m. Soine Dally at 65 p.m. neat 1 layton, (1,000 Island Ports, bravia ow Prescott; wolsg and returning oday only. single fare. Xingston to Moutreal and return. Go- Ing Saturday or Sunday. Returning G. T. R. Monday. Fare 3 Also Excursion rates to Toronto and Charlotte going Saturday returning Sunday or Monday. Hamilfon, Toronto, Bsy of Quinte LEAVE od. Howton] Line Goin Ent Wedacadays. Peidave aid cong eat. pry, Thuredays and J.P. HALEY, | JiSWETS CO. Lake Ontatto ad Bay of Quinte Steam boat Company, Limited Stes. North King & Caspian 1000 Islands--Roomester. Co June 23rd, sar will leave K ingston. daily e on , at ta Re Shy son fi vort, Returning will leave at 5 p.m. for n NX," call t, Bay of Quinte Porte, ¥ iy STR. ALETHA given Mondays t 5 pan., for Pleton and | re of inte Ports. Reni ny a to BB Horsey, General + Kinston. J. P. Hanley, Ticket Agent: Jas. Swift & Coy Freight Avente. iy 4 ASK TICKET AGENTS. street. ll New York Central & Hudson THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE Shortest Howie to. the United States Via pgston and Cape Vincent, N.Y. Lv. Kingston (str.) 5:00 a.m. 2: rr. C, Vi Eg biog : . 2 p.m, 1 Arr. Utica, 12:20 bp. Arr. New York, 3 ' Passengers . wishing to take 5 a.m. Steamer may secure staterooms aboard. Convenient, 'train service in site direction ovroll PULLMAN, SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS Cheap Excursion to Watertown, $1.25 return. From June 16th te October ist. Going Saturday 5:00 a.m. and 2 p.m. Returatiie Monday, leaving Watertown 9:10 a.m. and 4:40 p.m. % 2 Cents a Mile Books for 500 miles of travel on New York: Central and leasod lines within State of New York cost only $10, while books for 1,000 miles over New York tral, Boston & Albany, Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg, Philadelphia & Roading and Central R.R. of New Jersey cost $20. Secure tther information and purchase tickets from H. S. Folger, Now York Ceptral Agent. Kingston, nts C. F. DALY, Passenger Traffic Manager, A: H. Smith, General Manager, Gy C. Gridley; General Agents eee een INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY FARES TO THE ¥ SEASIDE FROM MO} TTELL Riviere du Loup, . . $ 5.00 Murray Bay, . " . : 5.00 Cap L'Aigle, .. AYR . BoD ERO, ar ar iceres ates 5,00 acouna 5.00 yi 6.50 Little Metis, 6.50 Moneton, 9.00 S John, N.B. 9.00 Shediac, 9.50 Summerside, 1'.1 10.50 Charlottetown, 5.1. 11.50 Parrshoro, ..... 11.50 Halifax, . 10.50 Pictou, --- 12.50 Mulgrave, 14.00 Sydney, .... a 15.00 St. John's. Nild., 20.00 North Sydney 15.00 Maritime" xpress leaves. Montreal 12.00 noon daily except Saturday. Ocean Lintited' leaves Montreal 7.30 daily except Saturday, Good going August 13, 14, 15 and 16th, Returning August 31st, 1906, "Tours to Summer Haunts" briefly describes these "favourite resorts. Write for copy and any further information. Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James street. . SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS 7000 Islands, Intermediaio Parts and Montreal Boy Sox STR. "DUNDURN day, 8 a.m. Company, Limited, Toronto and Hamilton Every Thursday, 2 a.m. A Steamer meeting every demand of the travelling public. For further juformation, JAMES SWIFT & 00., Wharves, foot Johnsoh street. ALLAN LINE RovggMau MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Virginian, Fri, Aug. 8, Fri., Aug. 31. Tunisian, Fri Aug. 10. Fri, Sept: 7 Victorian, Fri., Aug. 17, Fri., Sept. 14. donian, Fri., Aug. 24. Fri., Sept. 21, MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Moderate Rate Service. Corinthian, ' Thurs., Aug. 2, Sept. 6. Sicilian, Thurs. Aug. 9, Sept. 13. For rates, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G. T. R., J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE. SWIFT'S TQURIST TICKETS * Strs. "Cityof Moatreal" and *'Cuba" Detroit, Toledlo, Cleveland, To- ronto, Msntreal. Going West, Friday, a.m. BO ftir nlokiation. SWiEY & CO., Wharves, JAMES foot Johuson Wellington's Historic House." Wellifigton is the possesior of the oldest 'dwelling in Ontario, bring near- Iy 150 years' old. Governor Simcoe and wife spent two 'or three weeks in the old delle in 1794, Tt is now 'owned by W. H. Garrett, Jr. Yonkers, 'N.Y., who is spending the summer irr the village and inci dentally making improvements to the historie rome. Sunlight Soap is better than ofler SPECIAL EXCURSION Qf; thg Hamilton-Montrend Navigation soaps, is best when used in the at way. Buy Sunlight Song! | and follow di tae. mui READY 10 FIGHT TE GA BY Sea Government Money &hd Several Passengers Are Wound. Warsaw), Russian' Poland, Aug. 6.-- A tcegram 'from Libau su¥s that ftrain robhers, hetween Liban and { Kufenpot, stole $10,000 of government money, Eight were wounded in defence of the train, among them be- ing the consul-gencral of Brazil dnd a German naméd Grundmann. A plan to liberate the political prisoners here was betrayed to the . | authorities, to-day. Several civil ser- vants and policemen who were impli- cated have been arrested. ---- Jews Urge Fight. Warsaw, Russian The Jewish socialists in a proclama- tion urge the Jews to be réady to fight, and, should the signal be given, they are requested to appear in the streets hrmed. The appeal has given rise to a 'serious panic, and fears are also expresdetl that a gineral railway strike may break out here. Stringent measures have been adopted for the preservation of order. proclamation admitting their respon- sthility for the recent' train robberies and acknowledging that they murder- ed twenty policemen during the course of the last week. Burned Alive. Berlin, Aug. 6.~The devastation wrought by the drunkén and 'fero- cious peasantry in the governments of Tambofi and Varonej, during the past few duys, has beh appalling. In one district"of Varonej alone the losses in- ficted by the peasants amomit to more thah £5,000. The peasants stop- ped 'at nothing and | severdl persons who resisted their destruction of q noblemen's estate were deliberately burned alive. In addition they ecom- mitted a humber of ferocious murders, the victims being chiefly the agents of the various estates, ---- 70,000 Are Out. St. Potersburg, Aug. 6. The peneral strike has not been marked with th enthusiasm and sap that character ized the response to the call last fall. However 70,000 neh are out at St. Petersburg and the authorities greatly conecroed in consequetice, Dragoons and Cossacks are in evi dence in the principal streets and police "pickets," armed with r at almost every corner. Nevertheless the correspondent heard orators ad- dressing crowds at many places, The police displayed open sides with the men, turning thar backs to avoid see ing what was going on. No colisions of importance were reported up to midnight. are Premature Story. London, Aug. 6.-A despatch to the that a number of workmen there Kad prepared to receive with 'hombs 'a de- tachment of troops sent against them when one of the bombs was premia- turely exploded by accident and 'ex- plotled other bonibs, blowing thirty workmen to pieces and wotinding many others. The wdldiers were Uninjured. New Locomotives For G.T.R. The Grand Trunk railway sygtem has "reéently purchased a number of new ten-wheel engines for Passenger service from the Logomotive and Ma- chine company, of Montreal, and the American © Locomotive company, ' of Schenectady, ten engines being built at Longue Pointe and ten at Schenee- tady. These engines will he distriblited to 1 different divisions of the svstom. They are built after the standard type used on this road, but have simple cylin- ders, nineteen inch diameter by twen- ty-six in stroke, with driving wheels seventy-two inch diameter, boiler pressure 210 pounds per square inch, 'tender tank capacity 6,000 U.S. gal- Jong. The 'weight of engine loaded is 155,000 pounds. have given | So far these engines excellent servic Being placed on trains making viry fast time. These engines afc quickly be- coming popilar with tHe men on the road, as they will habdle an ordinary sized passenger train without any dif- ficulty and keep 'time. : ------------ Notes From Folger. Folger, Aug. 4.----A box social was held at the home of C, M. Reynol Is on the evening of July 3st. A large number from Wilbur, Lavant and Can- anto were in aptendance. The was beautifully decorated and lighted with. Japanese lanterns. beeds, which nefted over elowén ore, was contributed to the minis- tor's salary. Mre. R. Simpson, who has been quite ill, is eonvalestent. Missed 1da and FKthel Praskey spent a day or two visiting at William Manion'. Miss Eveline Cameron, Flower Station, is at Wiliam bee's. | Raspherries are dn abundant 'crop, but blueberries are a failure. At Collins Bay. Collinge Bay, Aug. 4.-R. T. Chown, of Napance, dpent a couple of days at G. Marsh's thie week, Mrs. J. Donald- son and two sons, of Hamilton, spent the past week gt A. Clements', and left for Sydenham, on Tuesday, to visit . friends. Mrs. L. Rogers and daughter, of Kingston, is visiting her parents; Mr. and Mrs. G. Marsh, Mrs. D. J. Rankin is visiting relatives in Oswego. Stephanus Paul Kruger Swit, a | grandson of the late Président Kru- i per, his been arrested 'in the Ruston- | burg. district of the Transvaal on "a , charge of murder. ed--Thousands Are on Strike. | dell Poland, Aug. 6.--, The Polish socialists hawe issued a | ritlod, nre Evening Standard from Moscow says ' lawn View, ribering to the The pro | "With the 'exainie vicinity. A which time the Royal Arch degree will be fini ioe and 'the evening, Mr. , Syracuse, are Walker, this vil: the absence of the rector, Rev. C. | g | of Bre. 0. NN. Tyndall, the Rev. L. J. Chyristler will officiate, Sunday, at all gerviges,- at St. John's church. August 12th, twill Be the 1 Sunday that Me, Tyn- will as recto: Mrs, R, Fo tig ae Iphia, Pa. is: an ¢ fi go : ie family of Mrs. age. A. Wiley, who ilton College, Clin- his vacation with his parents, this vil . Missy Hungerford of Watertown, Is the guest of Mrs, F- L. Burdick, Mise M. White is visiting relatives 'and friends in Lew Nr, and Mes. L. Crabb ave ' relatives at Elenburg. T. Stedman, a former vesidetit of this town, died July 22nd, at his 'home, near St. Charles, Minn, . The annual meeting of the inhabit- ants of school district No. 10. this town. will be Keld on Ancust th. The amount to be raised by tax levy for expenses of the coming year is 84,000. Tuesday "#Mtétnoon a Baseball game was played at the fair prounds be twoen teaing composed of married and visiting | single en 'of the village. The game' was won 'by the $ingle 'men by a score of sixteen to foirteen, The game was very amusine to the crowd. The village is full '6f Summébr micsts 1 Who dre attracted mostly by the fine bas fishitig dnd the cool and rofresh- Ing breezes fom' 'the lake and river. The fishing hete was never better, and {na fisherman ever fails to catch the | limit every day. All the hotels are full of gucéts "and the bourdine houses the same, There is talk now of another hotel here another scuson to accom- modate the Ruests, The citivéns of this village are fhor- i oughly aroused over the great time coming the last week in Aucust, when the annual fair Will be held and also "old home Week." The committees are { working day and' nicht. to' make the event a sugoeds. Tt is expected to be {the greatest cdlebration over held in Cave Vincent. M. Donohue, who lives on the L. R. { Dizengromel 'homestend © at Rosiére four miles south of this village, while { digging a del near the house, un- covered the hones of {80 human be ings. The 'skulls were in a fair state "of preservation, but many of the oth- er bones were rotten and broken. No explanation "ean "be given the 1 letons came there, J. Chapman, Three fiile Bay, was a recent giest of his brother (. Chap- man, this villape Mise X. Frye and the Misses GR. Nithnish, Utica, are stopping for a few days with Mrs, F. A. Stcbboh. 'The farmers are about | through haying. Freed moving pic- ture company will be "at the Oddfel- Hows" hall Saturday evening. The bazaar given" by 'the King's Davighters was held Tast evening and will 'be, continued this evening. J. Arniel and 'Albert R. Wontaloo, New Brunswick, Nk; J Wiley and wife, Albany, 'and Mrs. 'McKinney and son, Newark, N.J.; are guests at Ms. L. 'R. Dezengromil'd, Customs Inspector Day," Ogdensburg, who surprised the fleet. of gasoline i launches at Alexandria Bay, the other day, and found some vialatine the law regarding lights, has not visited this Place yet. The village has a strike on in which the berry pickers at Rienbeck Bros., fields are the caose. Tuesday the pick ars, most of then, demande! an in j crease of wages, which was refused Wednesday morning the strikers re ported for work, but would not be tuken back. Acres and atres of rasp berriés need pickine and there are few pickers, but the action of the strikers | in which they apparently tried to take advantage of the owners of the Fields, has been met with a fiem refusal to take such people back. The pickers have been making 'good wages for years, and no cause is given for the strike. It is not known what the oat- come will be. Rietibeck' Bros have al ways stood high in this community, and thik is the first trouble that has ever ocourred with them. Tt is appar eht that there are many who will help them: put in their Berry season amd save the crop The elegant mansion 'being erected on Brdadway for F, W. Spcket is progressing finely. When completed it avill be one of the finest 'Private fosi- dences on the river, The apole crop jn this vieinity will be poor, this year how DUAL LANGUAGE IS CAUSE. Canada Should Be Object Lesson to Afri. London, Aug. 6.2 # Bafurday Re- new Travsvaul uhge, says : fench. Can- cotistitution and dw atuous (han to allow a provincial pa- Yois té compete ifn parliomelit and the law courts with English. The ong corner. of the dominion of Cath which remaios ogressive and sullenly exclusive poor is Quebee, and that is maidlpsdue to bi- fingualism, here whe hope' thats the new Transvaal parliament migh® have real- ly influenced public opinioh in South Africa and hecome a «quence 'and talent, bat libérativé assembly be temptible when orators ban of the house do not w nd what the orators on the other side are sy- ing \ ; st -- 1,000 Islapdé-Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave daily, excopt Monday, at 10.15 ;a.m., for Thousand Islands. Retuen- , ing, leave at 5 dol | pda hefore ie, coild 'anything be more | 5 p.m. for Rochester , ond Bay of Quinte ports. : + The lowly heart finds the higher life, a pec . cation of Cape' Vincent Chap ; ij tor has beth called for August Uth, at te in' St. John's church! : is county. RATES PR TE word. Minton A GOOD STRONG YOUNG MAN, Rok in grocery store. Apply A. clan, Untario stoect: i -------------------------------------------------------------- WO EIRST-CLASS TINSMITHS, All x A ool wages. Apply to 'Bin mans Bros. Princess street. i # Wellington street. JUNIOR SALESMAN, FOR LAG g Curtain stock :- also youth iy or 18, for Carpet stock. Apply Re McFaul, Carpet, rehouse. ADVERTISING | ATCT J GED GRAIN, . AT THE | woh PARAL Peni Hw 1 | CONFECTIONERY ~~ AND v swell ELECTRIC. M es 3 BAKBRY Spt: Shr TWO. 6 FT. WOODEN SCRERNS, a A ¥ veniences. BMEN. TO bn Peghetd and BAS A Sra mi 16 STE. WAREHOUSE, bok aT lot 45x18, Py "81 Broek Be Mone 2001 SALESMAN, TO SELL THE GREAT. est lighting devieo © ever Lights for stoves, halls, ete. are used hy aL Arun Rgiley Shows. W og Pa urs, Ho & Weyer Co., 228 Sichtan St, Chicara, HI Ww ALE. Seams ee se et SOME GIRLS, AT ONOE, AT THE Imperial Steam Leuwndry, i FIRST-CLASS HAND:SEWER : ALSO apprentices. Apply 261 Princess St. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- ly to Mrs. R. McFaut, in the even. ng, 106 Barrie street. ] TWO MAIDS, FOR STEAMER Xing ston, 80 40 years of age. all doy or evening, 208 Wellington St. dept. "HB. on BY A LADY, A POSITION AS housekeeper, or coampapion, for an invalid, Apply Box 5, la _ofge,, POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER, OR hand. Five exper Ys Kyoiy te H. J. 'Asselntine lis LOST. TEE TI RE EE A RED COCKER SPANIEL, ANSWER Finder please venue, to name of "Patsy." return to 218 University TWO.STOREY, NINE-ROOMED SOLID{ Sen NE BU" pee: up, ] -------------------------------------------------- il | ; ALSO Twp, Suan tute wou. Jd a Oe hd it, Yo ington street, i $200 WILL BUY A {umily gasoline yacht, By ft. NEW SAFE Known. Adare 18 ft. long, offices Dower is | : tan. PLEASANT ROOMS AN ply at Davis Dry Dock. Kingston Take Aide. aA IN MUSIC--ON® Or TH No P. Gordon, d popular an entitled " he Vine-Clad Cottage," mwniled to your adviress fiteen onnts ; lar sellin price, 80¢. Moronto peclatty Co, 29 Uoliwirne St. Toronto. BARGAIN latest a Pour i i BE no There dour to ile t he Sl rx "; MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES CO MORE ON i and an A BABIES' GOLD BROOCH, WITH red stone, between Johnson St, «wid Faolger's Whaed, on Saturday. Re; ward at 122 Johnson street, PURSE, ON SATURPAY. ON BROCK St., cpntaining $12. The finder will be rewnrded dpon returning i through the Whig office, FRATERNITY GoLp FIN, WITH pearls, in the locality of Swift's, or Folger's Wharves, Finder will Im Yivorallv rewarded by leavidg at this Offiee, » the: other § tunauoises. on Saturday aftpranon, on Steamer Abwerien. Re ward for their to 140 Welling- tr CUPID MISSED. ap Grabbed Sweetheart's Hair Save Her--It Came Off. The Alster, that picturesque stretch of water which separates the resi- dential from the business quarters of the city of Mamburg, Was the soene, recently, say the German papers, of a rade awakening from love's young dream. A well-dressed young couple had hired a rawboat at the Gurlittsiragse landing stage for a little spin, and who knows what pretty secrels Would have been whispéred (into Angelina's car if she had not lost. her balance and tumbled into the wafer? The young man pluckily dived in after her and succeeded in grasping her hair, which, oh horror! came off in his hands. Eventually, the girl wak saved by a boatman dnd the youth got outs unassisted, but from all appearances his feelings towards the fair lady had undergone a complete change, of which her involuntary immersion was not the only cause. to Rev. C. J. H. HUTTON. eville © i Pe rn thirty Brother priests of the of Ontario have just placed cemetery a memor ial to the above named decensed clergyman. The monument consists of a Latin cross of pure Malian rhar- ble, delicately veined, reclining on a base of red cement, the lines of which follow the e¢antour of the eross tliocese in the Belleville itself, The dimensions of the cross are five feet in length by two feet eight inches across the transverse arms. The arms are ten inches wide and four inches thick, with a nimbus or ecirele, at the intersection, upon which the following inscription in raised lottors is placed : "In memor jam, C. J. H. Hutton, priest, nat, September 27th, 1851, ob. December 15th, 1903, R.LP. The memorial was designed by Rev. Canon Bogert. The cethent Base ix the work of John Weir, wil the marble cross that of the Weese Bros, and reflects great credit upon their painstaking skill. The me- mbrink is simple and chaste, and is a fitting tribute to one who, during his life, was a faithful laborer in the vineyard of his Lord. ; Get a Bo. box of Lax-ets at our store please. We think they are great. Just test these toothsome, candy-like Laxative tablete for constipation, soun stomach, bilioushiess, bad breath, mud- dy complexion, ete. Risk 5c. and see, Sold by all druggists, A mining estate in Keystone, Vie pinig, hae been loft to Mise Elizabeth dane Williams, cook nten Cardiff {Paclish) hotel, by her childless unels, a Welsh-American. It is worth £14, 000. Eicht new laws were promuleated in Many and English from t 'yn- wald Hill the other day in the pre- sence of 10,000 nersons, all but 2,000 visitors to the Tele of Man. Buy Colgate's talcum powder in the new box, at Gibson's Red Cross drag store. ere ea Wo RINGS, CONE 5: PEARES AND j Vv (ri contents company offers. pry Godwin a Insurance Mmpori ot Souare. LMIVERPQO! N AND G or Vine Dairaine Oem ny, Ava assets $61,187,215. In addi Alt 3 SRST=O0S8 + whi Li holders : oo ty he Snitited Hanlng yn ot re. Fa vy. per neured at Ho wast Ib] ord Before renewing old or_mivin ness [ from Sirens pg rd ed PREACHER) STRUCK A BLOW, Aii--" Baptists Having a Hot Church Row. Ste. Marie, Mich, Avg. 6. ndon, Adg. 0.~To the long Hat struck in the Baptist i ot "Ma Soo Salt Blows were tiger's? friond." He caused some amu it" by askibg the seeretary for India to refer to the government of India the question of the indiscriminate offer of rewards to gain which professional slaughterers destroyed these animals.' Mr. Rr mentions that man-eaters were rare exceptions gm tigers, ers; declare the pulpit vacant and prefer charges against Mr. Marshall, 40 he considerod by the Upper Peninguln Baptists' association, The trouble lias Been smouldering for several weeks. His opponents. say that he has 'neglected , his duties until the membership bus preatly decreased. After the Dan Shannon revival last] and that others of the species of winter the church had: over 500 mem- | no loss and dapger to human life, 5 bers, now there dre not many over | "Pity the poor tiger," is the ery | 100, it is alleged, which it ix feared will never be pro- Last. Friday night, Mr. Marshall' fet appreciated by the natives of asked all who took his side to stand | India. ven Mr. Morley coull not de- up, and then he told them that he cide to champion the tiger. "1 'can. and they would better leave the | not promise," he said, "to address the church, As the preacher came down | government of ig in the sense sug- the aisle Jap Toner wsked him if ho | gekted hy Mr. Ross, for do | expect did not think he was doing wrong, | that they would share his views as to Marshall replied, "No." Toner, it is the preservation of the tiger." i alleged, then used abusive words. Tn-' stantly the pastor is said to have planted his fist on Toner's mouth, and thet there was intense excite ment, Mr, Marshall occupied a pulpit in Saginaw before coming to the Roo. Me hus onined consideraBle nrominence ns a writer of sentimental'sonos and poetry and is a man of dignified pro- sence, He is now trying to organize another congregation, Mr. Recs, however, yest explain: + ed that "ho well-wontucted tiger evor thinks of attacking a man." "The natives just 'shoo' them off," he continued, with the air of 5 man who had aunantly dake part in the "shooing." : ""Man-ea arg comparativily very rare, und their habits, heir laird and pll thdir movements. aré known to every villager. As I have more than onde insisted, the tiswr in India is the agrioulturist's friend, The tiger slays TINY the deer and wild pigs, that des- TROOPS MU x troy She crops. Providence balances all ign. Refuse to Arrest Comrades-- than I wish to put down is the Put in Cells. slayihg of ticers for rewards, "he Halifax, Aug. 4.-Considerable ex. | #vetem of paving thirty runes for an citement was" canséd at the citadel * ordinary dead tiver and 100 for a last night hy an incipient muting am- | Ban-eater has resulted in, the spring ong the artillerymen, as a result of | ng w of a class 'of professional which some twenty dre behind the | sloaghterers. Onn ordinary dead" tiger bars. While the military poople de- [will keep a whole family for one cline to talk yet, the following facts | year." : have been ascertained ae the immedi- | Mr. Rees did not mention the possi: ate canse of the trouble : bility that an ordinary live tiger A garvidon policeman entered a #a- } misht also possibly Wipe out the cat- loon for the purpose of arresting two tle of a whale family in a» single artillerymen, who were improperly night. * a ; 3 dregsod, One of the men resented the |: interference of the police, and struck i the officer #h the ace, Both artilléry- Zs Sxeattton 44 Rew York men then 1éft the daloon and proceed- . FS Yinik ad to the: hasranks; day. August Bh... Fifteen day. Yoni ' policeman reported the oecenr- ne "hy fore plus 3 Detv iP for rence and asked for assistance to ar- bany Ro York oy oF - if de po o v " 2 Tout the wen. The artillery gird - Loch Gh oN et the Tht (me fo when called upon for duty refused to ®. 5 4 ; : y visit Coney Tsland. Dreamland, Liha obey orders, Extra amistance was at Park, and the soaside resorts. Ask ones obtained, and with the aid of an armed picket some twenty of the mu- ticket agents. tineers were overpowers and ced in confinement. I Sv Vietor Horley has recovered in This ' 'action immediately caused Encland from an operation for appen- trouble, and ' the rioting soldiers dicitie. the disease in which he is a smashed oll the windows in the cells and endeavored to eseape. Two of them snceeeded. bi specialist, : Have yon a hoy or girl who ut tit were later ar- swim? Buv them a pair of wate rortid. Tt is understood that in addi- wings. They'll soon learn, 35c. and tion io the shove {wo senior N.C.0's 80c., at Gibson's. Red Cross ding. were placed under arrest. . state. x Bow pro-Zulus, pro-Boers chugel, after which Bev. C. ©, Mar: | and Baio must re shall, the pastor, marched from the pro-tiger. Pigs. building with 100 followers at his | "My, Roes has appeared in the House - heels, T'Ne Yeaders 'of the church will | of Commons in the role of "the \

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