re Ed BRITISH 0 attempted to vindicate him wero called to share his' Jwhich has now been pronounced must appear almost a mockery of judicial reparation, The personal sufferings of the unfor- tonale officer have heen indescribable, but the period of his imprisonment in Jthe Tale de Diable 'he' probably: would urden of statesman. Shin, spent the evening of his life in Peace and study, The & tance of n . t name is a t responsibility, t x must bring with it also a great on, . - . |. The bill passed by the French legls. lature onforein lsory weekly, for French employees is ouri- ously interesting, Where. it is. possible the rest is to be given on Sunda 3 but in the case of restaurants, cafes, hospitals and newspapers, where work. cannot be pe he rest is to be tion came from the. and after a very : accepted. 'by 575 It is ourious 'to note how fthis Jaw of rest has been almost uni- versal, alth called under various names. The confusion be- 'the and the Sunday which only arose in England with the | birth of Puritanism, ] Suntley before then always meant the first day of the week. Saturda {| still means the Sabbath, as it actual- ly 'does now 'in French and Italian-- Samedi and Babbato. Constantine in his decree of calls Sunday 'the venerable the wun," 321 day of ahd orders that magis- trates and people residing in the city should rest and all worksho, be' closed. During Puritan 'times re version to: § atarieni was so - that - one at hl Westumotions hr t against i was that he. held that 8 y was no' The variations regarding the law of Sunday thoughout the reigns of 'the different kings of England mark the ebb and flow of popular opinion. Sunday vest was inkisted on from Alfred; onward. Richard II forbade games andl sports; but allowed the practice of archery, and Luther pro- tests. against turning Sunday into the Jewish saying : "I Seder you rather to work on. ity to ride on] it, to dance on it, to'feast-on it." In Scotland the idea of Sebbatar- anism w and flourished. In 15% it had foci the custom there to ounish games on Sufiday and the un- harry children wero taught that This 1 Won uy met ph. Ru about and make a noise : Like the naughty givis and boys. 1 remember the late Duke of Argyle telling me of a man who was leaning out of his. window holding a glass of whiskey, . 80. drunk that he could, { th came down the villa whistling a hymn and the drimkard . put head a little fur- ther over the window sill and cried,' "Ye maunna whustle on the Sab- - . 0s From three continents heartfelt ex- i to the in the prime of her Lo her beauty has been taken him, probably. has any woman sue- in that she hich | P, not himself rate as the worst of his trials, and yet undoubtedly he has | >, Interesting Items on Various Sporting Matters. Y Catcher McCullough, of the Atlantic City team, has joined the Philadel- phia Nationals. The Toronto papers must no longer: print selections on the horse races. In this case justice is chuck full of mer- "Pop" Foster, the . Newark player, who has jumped to the Outlaws, had been previously sold to the New York cans, Clark Griffith of the New York Am- ericans, has his eye on Pitcher Doyle and Outfielder Osborne, of the Can-i ton, Ohio, team. Ray C. Ewry, bf the New York Athletic club, broke the world's record in the standing broad jump, clearing 11 feet BG} inches. Gold Enamel won the handicap at | Fort: Erie. Scotch Plume was second, and Peter third, John Carroll, the odds-on favorite, was unplaced. Doe Moriarity is probably the ¢ham- pion hard luck piteher of the Eastern ¥ Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way, + % Toappreciate "washing With Sunlight inthe Sunligh; if op After Aulbing. on the soap, roll up eact, 0 away, will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. , Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto 5 MADE IN CANADA By A CANADIAN COMPANY. PRICES and TERMS for EVERYBODY. WRITE FOR THEM. There should be one in every home. League this season. He has not pitch-| ed poor game since joining the New-3 ark team, but has won only one game {in seven. Irving C. Wright, the Canadian ten: nis champion, defeated C. G. Plimp- ton, of Newton, Mass., in the final round of the annual Newcastle Cup tournament, after four hard sets, 6-3, 64, 4-6. 119. William A, Larned had all his work Jeut out for to beat Kar H. Behr, of; Papular rector of a leading fashion-' able congregation in London, yet v outspoken of late in his serinous in condemnation of ' Yalo University, in the sinoles final of 'the Nahant tournament. Five hard jg sets were necessary before Larned em- erged the vietor. The sets ended 5-7; 64, 64,-3-6, 04. ; Huclsman, Montreal's. big outfielder, who is 'hitting the ball hard, i sought for by teams in the League, and by Kamsas City, of . the! rich' | American Association. The later club' not suffered in vant; 'French' justice will gain immeasurably fx future by the tecrible lesson, which hag been giv- en to it in the past. Nog who stood by him did 80 in vain, for it is already reeogmized that the pen of Zola wrote the death warrant of the blind prejudice which 'wus at the root of this. miscarriage of justice. The first Garden City held an inan- ural meeting last week when 'Ganon Soot 4 Holland explained : its objects in-his own ddlightful way. They had come .down there as old: citizens to see how a city ought to really built, to see what London might be, The harder man worked the more essential 'was his repose; the house, the home, isthe supreme requirement of tall labor. All over England. coun- try housing is a vital mérial and spiritual question. The ¥e#son that people flocked to Londom is ithat there are no houses in. the country; moreov- or, there are many not ye- quire the solitude of the country only but wants a combination, and they could find it in' the schemes known as the Gardéen Cities. Lady Gwendolin Cecil, . daughter of the late Marquis of Salisbury, who has given 'much time 'and thought to the question of 'designing cottages for country laborers, dealt with the ques- | tion in the most able manner, and her paper has recdived much attention. If this problem of the housine question can be solved, one of the greatest dif- ficulties which: meet all who endeavor to grapple with social problems will be overcome. PRISONERS IN SMOKESTACK. Men Stay Nine Hours 185 Feet in Air, Elizabeth, N.J., Aug. 8.~Three men were prisotiers 135 feet above the earth for nine hours in a smokestack from the top of which they had tumbled, at the steel plant of Milliken Bros, on The men were clearing away the scaffolding preparfitory to descending, when the section of the woodwork that furnished them a footing weaken: ed and began to scrape its way down the chimney, with the men following pede their tottering des: cent. 'When within about fifteen feet from tha top one end of the piece of the scaffold dug itself into the mortar and was st The three men had The men below found out the situa- tion, but it took until eight ojclock to get them out, The pris were. atrick Devine, thirty-five years old; John Sauerbrun, twenty-eight years: old, and Stanley Svensky, thirty years After several hours a rope was got over the top of the big chimney the outside and lowered to the inside. They tied the two ropes the prisoners, one by Ys of of price, of those has offered Pitcher Eagan and Out- fielder Waldron, for the big German,' but Bannan says "Nay." } Connie Mack, manager of the Phila-" delphia Athletics. has just closed a deal with - the Memphis Club of the Southern Teague for the purchase of Shortsop Nichols. The recruit will not' join the Athletics until the close of | the season of the Southern League season. Nichols is said to be the fast- est infielder in the league, and hits well. WAS NOT DROWNED. -------- Said Captain Was One of First to Leave Ship. Carthagena, Aug. 8.--It is officially denied that the bishop of San Pablo was drowned. He was rescued, after a terrible struggle in the sea. Madrid, Aug. S.--It i now said Capt. Tueisppe Paradi, ed Seamer io, was one of the t to leave the ship after the vessel liad struck. 'he first despatches about the wreck had him committing suicide, and later it was said he was rescued, but against his protests, as he want- ed to go down with his ship. ------ Sunlight Soap is better than other Soaps, hus ia Tesh when used in the Sunlight way. y Sunlight Soap and follow directions. There were 63,000 men engaged in the naval maneewvres of the present vear, Hutch For The Blood. When onc eats a lot and crams a lot of foot in the stomach the pro- cesg. of digestion is not complete, The food remains in chunks and ferments. This fermentation produces poisonous acid, which, when it enters the blood "dauses impurities and produces th. humiliating evidences so well known. It is necessary before one attempts to elean the blood to clean those organs of the body on which the blood de- pends for its 'purity and healthiness. Hutch will elean the body, assist the digestion so that it will be complete and it will purify the blood and skin, Hutch is a doctor for ten cents. 8 Cents a Day Wil Cure | Your Kidneys THE GENTLE KIDNEY piu nd udu' cures--tumember | end makes you feel ree A GI tie THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. ocuFANY OFnices:" NMIONT LIMITED, REAL, r. Q. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B. AGENTS WANTED CVERYWMCRE. White Lawn Waist Fine quality, new cat and beautifully #rimmed and tucked; 'worth $1 0 | $1.25 or $1.50. We have just 75 of these waists and will place them on a -bar- gain table near the door, so when passing drop in and examine them, and we feel sure you will not be able to 'withstand such an exceptional bargain, Soild and Repaired 84 B.C. DOBBS & ¢o w 171 Wellington St. iate-the simplicity and 'ease of "Hecla of heat chambe The the strai Send, m of the cost new "«H «« Clare's CLARE E @ » ®© tN . ® ft --y = 000000000000 POCO®O9| ¢ aie (hn ed SYNOP.IS OF HOMEST]} A even n fon nds in West Irovinces reserved, may ALY person w. family, or any age, to the eo tion, of 160 a Entry may | local land offic the land to be homesteader « cation to the Ottawa, the tion, Winnipeg the district in ate receive aul try fo A bas been grant stead is requ ditions connect the following i (1) at least and cultivation eligible to m der the provi upon a farm in entered for by stead, the regu residence prior be satisfied by the father or 1 (8) If the residence upon him in the vici requirements of may be satisfic sonid land. APPLICATIC be made at th fore the Local Uomestead Ins In writing to winion to do so. SYNOPSIS © WEST MIN Coal. ~Coal | 10 per acre fo satbracite. No be acquired by Royalty ol 2.0 4 on the gross o Quartz--A Kraated upon $3 per annum from $50 to $1 pany according A free miner, in place, way, a rany, ver Bp ~B ~Unauthe t