Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Aug 1906, p. 1

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To-morrow , That We ow list "of "items, is to i, youll NOW fing oh. of. August, no matte, sm to be. looking ' ig here at 'your first op- yourself against disap. lowing wanted items : dainty designs in this re pleasing "for trimming ons ror for some weeks 1 = very necessa ry to cts bas been praised' hy pa. new effécts which arrived re will call for more ple much more pleasing "fad" 'Wiridgor" Ties. Magazines ill continue till early ful], received a line which we'|l al price, 25c. All the wanted vhite, ete.--as well as the ded in this lates! lot, hings for summer 'wear, be laundered with the ormorrow we'll offer either sizes, at 124c. ichors re quite fashionable this in public favor. These de- ered to-morrow in a varie uitings the loveliest pure suiting e to see. They came in from 10 to 11 yards, laced the prices very low v, per yard, 49, 59 69 se up at all--they are al- e the materials most ex ities, pure white, to-mor- ), 75, 90, 1.00, 1.25 and sale, ome . solid case of . The most important very "odd, yet attractive The prices we've placed surprise you, ° opular price, for a belt me to-morrow and w American designs at hat ever the value of that see 1 SON: New Sail for it? n selecting asail as any quality of material -- a great extent the pro- u "against such '"'acci- boom to boom. What r of saying our quali- ense ni of sails we have heated nothing vices of our best sail » 18, 20 and 25c. "it. We want your money-- : ---- pu i ®' it WP ke b ling Doing [ORE UGUST ads in Summer Foot- gain Tables are always . HAVE 1 Shoes, formerly W.. FTIOW. , J '% vate e Blucher, light essen seen HOE rill last, for $3.50. © STORE rm YEAR 7 smbm--a. NO. 186. Everything Must Go iJ AT'OUR Great: Removal Sale of Furniture If we only get cost out of you want the goods, It will cost eomsiderable to remove our immense stock, and we think it better to give cur customers the benefit of the cost of removal. Don't Make Any' Mistake in the Place Two Doors ABove the Opera House Robt. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker . 222 Princess Street. Telephoiie 577, Ambulance, i. BY JOHN H. MILLS Auction . Sale Of Furniture, Piano, Marble Top and Curly Birch Bed-room Sets, eta, eto. 1 have received instructions to sell at ihe residence of the late Mrs. Alexander Rass, No. 189. Johnsom St., all 'the. TUESDAY, hug. 14 Viz :--Fine Piano, Marble Top Ourly Birch Bedroom Sets, Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, Centre, Side and Extension Tables, in Dinner Waggon, uare Walnut, Black Walnut Dining Room Chairs, Lace Curtains and Blinds, Bric-a-Brac Brussels Carpets and Rugs, Ladies' Secretary,' Springs, Mat- tresses, Chamber Sets, Sewing Machine, New Huppy Thought Range, Refrig- erator, _Crackery, Glassware, Kitchen Utensils, Gas Heater, Gas Range, ack Walnut Wardrobe, 1lce Cream Freezer, Linen for dancing purposes and Goods Wo numerous to mention "iano will positively be sold at 1 p.m. Sale at 10.30 Terms cash. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. PME R50. Cap. 120,838 NOTIO S HEREBY GLVEN TO all person' of persons haviag clans arainst the dstite of Mary Jane Phillips, late of the City of Kingston, Milliner, or Antie Phillips late of the City of Kingston, Milliner, that they are hereby "required on or hefore SAT- URDAY the I5th dmsy of September, 1906, to sed hy post prepaid to the undersighed solicitors or to William J. Phillios, of' Harrowsmith, Ont. the ad- inistrator of the 'said Estate: their Christain and 'surnames, addresses and deseriptions, the their claims, ~ a curities and the full particulars of statement of their se- nature of the security Of anv) held hy them. After the said date the adwmidistrator will proceed to distribute the said Fstate "ving regard onlv to those claims of Which he shall ova notice and he will not he liable to nny person of whose ther notice. SMYTHE, KING & SMYTHE, Ontario Chambers, Kineston, Ont Detod at Kingston, Tth August, 1906. claim he has not Insolvent's Assets for Sale by Tender. SEPARATE TENDERS (FOR Block and hook debits) will he received hv the undersigned up to SATURDAY, Aug. 25th, 1906, at 3 p.m.. for the purchase of the assets of the estate of Morris\Steinart, of the village of Uroy- don, County @ Lennox and Addington. Merchant, Insolvent, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Drugs, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, eotc., about $1,300.00. Book debts, about $225.00. The Stock is nearly new, the business having run less than a vear Dated, Kingston, Aug. 9, 1906. JAS. YULE, 324 Princess St. sstgnec. MISS KING'S SCHOO 'FOR GIRLS 98 EARL STREET, KINCSTON. Classes Re-open Sept. 6th Pupils prepared Jor Collegiate, Civil Service and Matriculation Examinations. Classes in Painting and Physical Qul- ture. Music inl connection. Junior class- es for boys and girls. _For information, apply King, Alice street. WHEN YOUR SHOES NEED REPAIRING : : Remember our aim is to do re- pairing so that Footwear will look like they did when new. Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. to Miss Alice i DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Ronis pine BT i "oul A . . 98 Bagot Street Dwelling, 106 Bagot Street. ick 108 t Fireet. For detatls see JUNK BULLETIN. SWIFT'S REAL BSTATE AND INSURANCE AGFNOY RR Times Have Changed There was a time when you could not fuuch find anything in our stores, now you cannot get into see all, for it isso crowded with first-cl Stoves, Furni- ture; , tes For traditie, buying. of 10 better plac D-BAND STORE DAILY MEMORANDA. The Very latest Campbell Bros America's 2.30 pan. Hats Special Tour on Mondav The sun rises Sunday at 5 a.m sets at 7.09. and * of Furniture, at Mrs. Jackson's y. 10.830 a.m. : "Prentice Boy: at =St Andrew's chureh, 11 a.m.," Sunday. Steamer North King to Thousand Js lands, 10.15 a.m., Sunday. This day in history :--Battle of Lake Champlain, 1814 : General Brock took Detroi 1812 : Cardinal Newman died, 1890 ; First steam rajlroad, 1830, WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business OMoe. 229--Editorial Rooms: 292--Jobbing Department, "Tumblers" Full size Hold seven ounces 29¢C. a dozen. ROBERTSON BROS. HAT Will be quick to realize that it pays to buy Furs in the Summer time. . we know just what is to be the prevailing fashion for the Fall and Winter. . We are not rushed with orders, but have time to give your slightest want atten- tion. There are other reasons for buying now, and chief among them is the fact PRICES ARE AT THE LOW POINT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR. Neckpieces, in all the Fashionable Furs, will enjoy increased popularity this season. We carry a handsome variety of the latest novelties, and invite your inspection. John McKay Fur Heuse 149.153 Brock St. Auction Sale of Furniture 61 Division Street MONDAY, Aug. 13th Mrs. Jutkson has instructed me to sell, Brussels and other Carpets, Plush Couch and Chairs, Hair Cloth Rocker Black Walnut Sideboard, Extension Table, Centre 'Fables, Hanging Lamps, Lace Curtains, Art Blinds, Letter Press, Gramophone and Records, Bedroom Suite, Springs, Mattresses, Bedding ; a fine Bearskin Robe, Clocks, Peerless Heater, Combination Steel Range, Mounted Australinn Goat Head, Toillette Setts Crockery, Tin amd Glassware, 3 Fl and numerous other articles Sale at 10.30. ALLEN, The Au:ilioneer, Residence, 243 Sydenham St. Tele- phone, - 258. g TENDERS, PICTON LIBRARY SEPARATE AND BULK TENDERS will be received up to noon, THURS- PAY, August 16th, 1906; for the var. fous trades, including all works reuguir- ed to erect and complete a Public Library Building at Picton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may le seen on application to Roland Brown, Esq.; Barrister, Solicitor. ete. Pieton. Ontario. TO CONTRACTORS. Office, 238 J. ROSE Bagot street. Designer for the Tailoring Co. opened an establishment Cross For Heroic Skippers. Madrid, Aug. 1!.--King Alfonso has naval Cross of Merit on the skippers of the Joven Miguél and Vincenta Li heroic work in, rescuing passengers from the Sirio. Y ther, Beef, Iron and Wine, Princess Street, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, American Ladies Has sovered his copnection there, and for himself, at 236 University Avenue. ------------------------ telegraphed from Cowes conferring the eano, Spanish fishing boats, for their It gives you new energy in hot wea- : 50c. KINGSTO ON pn SATURDAY, AUGUST ti, FADED AW Again Crushed. A DECIDED REACTION HAS FINALLY DECLARED IT- SELF OPENLY, By the Government Appointments --Armed Forces Relied Upon-- Members of Douma to Be Prosecuted. St. Petersburg, Aug. 11.--The ap- pointments of Prince Vassiltchikofi as director of the department of agri- culture, M. Jzvlosky,. brother of the minister of foreign affairs, as procur- ator-general of the holy synod, and M. Filosof as minister of commerce, are regarded as confirming the belief that the government relies wholly upon the armed forces. The following figures demonstrate the frame of mind of the government: The department of political police has arrested 268 persons in St. Peters: burg, since Monday, and has made forty-six domiciliary searches. Sixty- eight persons have been expelled from the capital, thirty-two exiled to Si- beria, eight 'workmen's restaurants, four offices for finding work for the unemployed and four printing estab- lichments have been closed. A Bureaucratic Cabinet. London, Aug. 11.--The St. Peters- burg correspondent of the Times says: Reaction has finally declared itself op enly, A purely bureaucratic cabinet has been formed and the prsopeets for Premier Stolypin's schemes of reform have faded into nothingness. The character of the new cabinet makes it clear that N. Stolypin's promises of reform will he simply clbowed out of the government programme hy a stur- dy array of repressive measures, The collapse of the coalition scheme re- lieves the government of the irksome necessity for treating respectfully the members of the former douma who signed the Viborg manifesto, It is now.announced that 230 of these, in- cluding ex-President Muromtzefl and Prince Dolgoroukoff, will be prosecut- ol. Enquiries About Battleships. Aug. 11.--The Standard announces that enquiries are being made in behalf of the Russian government british shipbuild ers with reference to the construction of battleships. London, Evening among MUST BE MADE SAFE. Railway Commission Will point An Inspector. 'Ottawa, Aug. 11. mission has decided an ex perienced railway man to make an in spection of - the Canadian railways, with a view of seeing that they are made as safe as possible, both for those who use and those who operate them. The inspection will ascertain whether the companies are providing the safeguards that the law demands for the protection of life and pro perty. All rolling stock, and locomo tives, all signalling appliances, and tracks, will be thoroughly examined, and the inspeetor will report to the railway commission whatever changes he thinks should be made. Ap- The railway com to select By order of the railway commission the railwavs of the dominion were given until this fall to provide all ears with air br % , automatic coup a ers, ete., and it will no doubt he part of the inspector's duty to see how the railway companies are carry ing out the mandate of parliament in these particulars. ON ITS METTLE, Emmerson Say Road Will Prosperous Days. Halifax, Aug. 11.--""The position of the 1.C.R.. said Hon. H. R. Em merson, "was never more satisfactory than at present. It almost seems prosperous days have come to the In tercolonial, The hearty co-operation of officials and employees, 1 am happy to say that we are meeting all difficulties successfully. 'Good fecling prevails among the officials and men, and all are on their See TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT | mettle because of criticism levelled the office of the undersigned (wherel, 4ingt the Intercolonial. plans and specifications may he seen) corp inirs of th i tush un to § o'clock n.m., WEDNESDAY the The earnings of the road during 15th, istant, for the several trades | July exceeded 'those' of the corres works required in the construction of 4 n & vg ; near an addition to the warehouse of Hot. |bonding month last year by nearly J d, Esq. $100,000. We are laying a great many Lowest or any tender not mecessairly | new and heavier rails and improving accepted the roadbed." WM. NEWLANDS, Architect, A dot Sentence. Charlotte, N.C., Aug, 11.- George Hall was, last night, comvicted of conspiracy in connection with the lynching, at Sulishury, of the three negro. murderers, of the Beverley fam ily and was sentenced to fifteen years in the state prison, 1,000 Islands At Their Best. Monday, America makes a special Your via the American and Canadian s | channels, 2:30 p.m., home early, only Ie, The International League of Wo- men suffragists will meet in Hollabd in 1908, "When vou need one," yon want it fresh; a Belladonna plaster. Buy them at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, New neckwear at Bibby's, AY $21,000 FOR CHORUS GIRL. Miss Walker Wins Breach of Pro- mise Suit. Union City, Tenn., Aug. 11.---Afjer deliberating for more than three hours the jury in the suit of Miss Lola Walker, who is said to have formerly been a society girl, and who was later returned a verdict awarding her 821,000 damages against Col, Richard Edwards, a wealthy young clubman, whose residence is in 'nion City, and who is well known in New York, Chicago and St, Louis: The case had been on rial" for thirty. two. days. -- Eminent -founsel from St. Louis were engaged _by the defense, Miss Walker brought suit for £350,000, alleging kreach of promise of mar- riage. An appeal will be taken to the supreme court by Col, Edwards. TREATY IN OCTOBER. a chorus gh Great Britain and U. S. Get To- gether, Victoria, B.U,, Aug. 11.-The pro- posed pelagic sealing treaty will he negotiated between Great Britain, and the United States in October, ac cording to advices from Washington} Whether Canada will be a party is unknown, Preliminary arrangements were earried out some months ago. Edwin W. Sims, solicitor of the de partment of ecommerce and labor of the United States, who has been ' de spatched to the Prybylofi Islands to make a special report for use in con nection with the negotiations, has been instructed to visit Victoria and report concerning sealing fleet and loval sealing conditions. JAPANESE FOR ALBERTA. A Colony May Be Established There. London, Aug. 11.--The Birmingham Daily Post says that hothing is known officially in reference to the founding of a Japanese colony in Alberta, but W. Griffith, séeretary high commis- sioner, in the Post says he has rem song for believing that the report ig true. Allan Cameron, general traffic agent of the C.P.R., when interviewed, says the Post, said he could imagine no better class of settlers in a country like the west of Canada. They are strong, hardy, healthiul, resourceful, capable, cheerful and obedient to the law. CAUGHT ¥IS THROAT. Horse Grabbed Jockey and Shook Him. Brighton, Eng., Aug. 11. Just prior to the decision in the race for the Worthing Plate, Marigold 1V., ridden by Cockey Brady, reared up and knocked Jockey ing Centre, then went Madden, who was rid oit of the saddle and on his knees, caught hold of Madden's throat and shook him like a rat, despite the efforts of Brady who belabored the horse over the head. Eventually the enraged ani mal was off. Madden's throat was badly lacerated and he was bleed ing freely when released. beaten MRS. LEDOUX TO HANG. Convicted For Murder in Cali- fornia Courts. Stockton, Cal., Aug. Ho Mrs. Em ma Ledoux was sentenced to be hang ed October 19th next on convietion for the murder of Albert N. McViear. Her attorneys presented affidavits intended to impeach the character of Juror Rit ter but Judge Nutter deemed them insuflicient ax a basis for a now trial The convicted woman received the sentence with calmness. Fhe case will be appealed, Will Not Protest. Tokio, Aug. Il.-Owing to the prompt action of the American and Japanese governments in publishing the facts of the seal poaching ing dent on the island of St. Paul, the first reports published, which were sensational and inaccurate, have been corrected. The newspapers refer to the event as © unprecedented in the rela tions between Japan and the United States. The Japanese government will not make any protest. Foreign Consuls Threatened. Beirut, Aug, 11.--A good deal of ex- citement has been aroused in Euro pean circles by the receipt of an an onymous Moslem letter threatening the lives of all foreign consuls at this point, unless they bring their in fluence to bear for the dismissal of the present Vali, Khalil Pasha, who is charged with taking bribes and op pressing the people. Japs Have Meat Scandal. Tokio, Aug. 1l.~Japan has a can ned meat scandal. As a result of an official investigation into the canned meat industry at Hiroshima, conse quent on the agitation in the United States, it was found that a can la beled "boiled beef" contained horse flesh wh ch had been prepared so in geniously that it could be identified only 'by careful analysis. A Steamship Ashore. St. Micheelé, Azores, Avy. 11. The American steamship Brooklyn, * from Marseilles for New York, with 230 im migrants on boarh, went ashore, ves terday, in entering the harbor: There will be great diflicully in refloating her. Will Be Godfathers. Berlin, Aug. 11.-The King of Eng land and the Emperors of Austria and Russia will be. godiathers to Emperor ilianss grandson, whose christenin as been postponed from August 12¢] to August th, While A Rebellious Crew Landed Arms. GUN-RUNNING - PLOT The Crew Deserted After Landing the Contraband on Finnish Coast--The Captain Releasdd By Fishermen. Copenhagen, Aug. 11.--The Danish schooner Peter, commanded by Capt. Albertsen, has arrived here after an exciting adventure with Russian ro volutionists off the coast of Finland, The Peter was chartered. at Lubeek to carry a cargo of iron and copper wares, stowed in large cases, to Lulea, Sweden. Acting on instructions, Capt. Albertsen hired a new crew at Lubeck, shipped his cargo and set sail for Lulea. All went well until the schooner ar- rived off the Aland Tslands, when the crew suddenly mmtinied and, -armed with revolvers, attacked the captain, whom they bound and locked in his cabin, Capt. Albertson remained a prisoner for six days, during which time a sailor armed with a revolver con stantly kept guard over him. Through a crack in the wall the captain could sec the other mombers of the crew bringing up cases from the hold and opening them. To the captain's as- tonishment, they contained rifles and ammunition, The schooner finally put in at a point on the Finnish const, where the arms and ammunition were landed by the crew, who had apparently been paid by revolutionaries at = Lubeok. The crew then deserted the schooner, Capt, Albertsen was released from his eabin by some Finnish fishermen, who explained that they had been for: ced, at the point of revolvers, to as sist the sailors in landing the contra. band. The captain, an old man, hired several of and al end. ..diflioultiney: a 1 fae-4 ng the schooner 1 Copen an END OF STRIKES. who is Present Generations Will Not See It. Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. I. John Mitehell, Workers of Jot President of the United Mine Amerien, addressed the convention of coal miners and operators of district 19, inclushing mines of East Tennessoe and South- western Kentucky, wind President Mit chell cautionsd both sides to exercise conversatism and sound business judg ment in their negotintions and ad vised both to prepare to make con. cessions in hehall of pence throughout the district. He predicted the time when strikes and lockouts would be no more, but sail: "We will never live to see it," The want a restoration of + seale of 1903, which is an advances sven and one half per cent. over the present scale, an eight-hour day and an increase in the allotment for vartdage proportionate to the increase sought in the wage seale. It 4s said the operators are willing to restore the scale of 1903, but decline to grant the yardage increase. minors PASSED BAD CHECKS. Is the Son of a Pittsburg Mill. ionaire. Aug. 11.-G. R. Raf twenty-gight vears old, has heen here and locked up on "the obtaining money by false pretence, Re is accused of passing worthless checks here. He claims to be the son of Gilbert P. Rafferty, of Pittsburg, the millionaire coke manu- facturer, the husband of the woman who but a few days ago sued the elder Rafferty for $500,000 for alienation of the son's affection. Washington, ferty, arrested charge of and is FOUR YEARS AND 25 LASHES, Limit of the Law Meted Out at London. London, Ont, Aug. 11. --Arthur La- vigne, a French Canadian, was sent- enced to the limit of the law, namely, four yoars in Kingston penitentiary and twenty-five lashes by Judge Ed. ward Elliott. The prisoner had com- mitted assgult on young girls, once in Steathroy and again in London township. Upon hearing the addition to his sentence of twenty-five lashes, the prisoner broke down and cried, Many Medical Men. London, Aug. 11,- England is send- ing filty delegates of the Brivish Medic eal association to Toronto August 21et, including Sir William Broad- bent, Sir Vietor Horsley, Sir Thomas Barlow, Sir James Barr, Sir Hector Cameron, and Dr. GG, CC. Franklin, The trip of the English members alone will probably cost £50,000, For A Delightful Outing. Take the America's special tour, Monday, August 13th, 2:30 p.m., home arly, supper on hoard, fare 35c, Frank Kowalski, the paying teller of the defunct Milwaukes Avenue State Bank, Chicago, committed suicide. Mrs. Mary Dean, aged 104, threw a lamp at burglars and frightened the men away. Try Bibby's for gents' furnishings, Vienna, Aug. Lb--Myriads of locusts are devastating the country in the neighborneod of recsin, Hungary. They are sweeping through the ye eating every green thing they find in their path. The crops on 60,000 acres Rave already been consumed, so that the ground is quite bare, and the aw thorities are helpless to stay the ad: vance of the insects, All sorta of desperate means are be ing tried without avail = to keep back the invading host. Fires have been lighted, but the locusts swarm into the flames until they are extinguished and the survivors continue their mareh unimpeded. Twelve steam rollers are being used at ond place, and roller brooms ares sweeping up the dead bodies af the crashed insects. But me apparent pro- gross is made, The loousts cover the earth in many places to the depth of several inches, and dely annibilation. To make matters worse, a storm hag carried clouds of them over the River Theiss, and they have devoured practically all the corn, whith was standing in sheaves, What is left is worthless, ns animals refuse to touch it owing to its peculiar smell, ' The plague first appeared last year, when a force of 600 men was or ganized to destroy the locusts, This year the position of affairs is much worse, and many farmers are threat ened with ruin, A PROMISING COUNTRY. Says Immigration Commissioner of Canada. London, Aug. 11.<In the course of an interview with the Tribune, R, T, Watchorn, commissioner of immigra: tion, New York, said that the great prosperity was shared by Canada as well as the United States. Canada was one of the most promising coun- tries in the world. It was true that many' were crossing from the United States to Canada, and on the other hand many from Canada were taking part in the industrial life of the States. Neither Onnadn or the Unit: ed States wanted undesivables, Liable To Heavy Fine. Now York, Aug. 11,<A special to the World from Saratoga says: Four stable boys in the employ of John Summer: Underwear For Men Fine lisle garments, light weight, even lighter than balbriggan, and just ag good to wear--garments that wire well worth what they were marked, 800. the suit, We'll sell them while they last al 20. EACH Ladies' Shirt Waists Of Fine French lawn, made with fie tucks and 'plpaty iF duinitily' tring ? med, large full sleeves with cuffs, They come in all sizes--80c. Wis the 3 price, and they weve great valid at : that. Our price to cleas, to-morrow Arpinee for MW. 1. Joel pave = terday by representatives of the migration' department of the United States government and taken to Ellis Island. The boys, according to the officinly, were engaged by Mr. Hug. gins and Mr, Duryea in Newmarket, ng., and were brought to this couns, try in violation of the United States alien contract labor law. The law imposes a fine of #1000 for each per son imported upon the person who so imports. Baseball Summary, Eastern League.-- Providence, 6; ronte, Bb. Newark, 3; Baltimore, 8; Buffalo, 0, 3; Jersey City, 8. American league. Boston, 4; De- troit, 3. St. Louis, 1; Philadelphia, 0. Chicago, 2; sw. York, 1. National League.---8t. Louis, 2; Bos ton, 0, Chicago, 2: Brooklyn, 0. Cin cinnati, 4; Philadelphia, 3, New York, I; Pittsburg, 0. To Montreal, |. Rochester, Jumped To His Death. Salem, Mass, Aug. 11, -John Kih hoy, a patient at the Salom hospital for contagious diseases, became sud: denly insane, yesterday, jumped from a third storey window to the side walk below and was instantly killed, Kibbey, who was forty-six geats old, and who came here recently from Roe chester, N.Y., was taken to the hos pital, about a week ago, suffering from erysipdlas, Back From Newfoundland. Quebec, Aug. L1-The government steamer LAd Minto, with the gov- ernor-general and party. on board ar- rived in port, this moming, from Now- foundland, Why Be Hot. When it only costs 38e. to be com- fortable and sce the finest geenery in the world by taking the America's special tour of the 1,000 Islands, Monday, 2:30 p.m. Furnished Funds. London, Aug. 11.-The Times says it learns that John 1. Rockefeller has furnished funds for railway develop men in Tanganyika, Africa, RE Delays are dangerous, Treat your eyes fairly by giving them perfect fit- ting glasses. An expert optician at Chown's Drug Store gusranteos a. pep: fect fit, Try Bibby's for blagh suites, i DRUG STORE NEWS /Thé Celebrated "Wellington Photographic Supplies ~~ AND SELF-TONING POST CARDS nsci RPPi Medley at | Made of gootl wash materials, such as linen, pereale, chambray, otc, plain and fancy effects, white and colored, all up-to-date styles :-- $6.00 kind for ..... cman SHAR $4.00 kind for .. Neersssusss $2.06 £3.00 kind for commie Apes . $1.76 $2.75 kind for ...... essai Shill Call and see them. . STEACY'S DEED, WOOD. ~In Kingston, at 59 Livingston Ave, on Aug. 11th, MW, Mrs. Nial P, Wood, aged wixty- years, Funeral will take place, on Moody, 'from her late residence. at 2 p.m. to Catoragui Cemetery. Friends ard acquaintances , respectfully invited to Ligand, MeCOY At Hale's Cottages, King St. West, on Aug, 11th, 1908, Joho Chmrles, infant son of 17 J, MeCoyy vate. : Foverpl, bi ROBT: J. "REID, iid dt TT The Loading Undertaker "Phone 877, 223 Princess 81s HIGH GLASS VAUDEVILLE RO AR ae Seb the Sliver Weds New Moving Plotures Niustrated Freo Bathing Houses, Bogty to, Romt, Olives. Olives. Olives at ver bottle. Otives at per hottie. Olives at per bottle. Olives at per bottle. Olives at «per battle. Olives at per bottle, Olives at 75¢. per bottle. Olives at $1.25 per bottle, Stuffed Olives at 15¢. per bottle: Stuffed Olives at 2308. per bottle, Stuffed Olfves &t "S6c.% per "hott. Stuffed Olives at 85¢. ner' bottle. and ne. y Ri ¥ A display of Cobalt form t of the 8 Drug Store|

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