yusehold Lead 10 n Work :d mechanic trong man's wind is in a e work is so orry lest the an shake it its heat is and hardly ol ; it saves kaches and ora Factories: - Montreal, ncouver, Iamilten nt. u $2.50 in ex- u consider we r towards our r this in actual REDUCTION our shoe bills | good" our ad- : | & Bro. | AKING. ention ting in gas piping are promptly at- R THE id Ranges best made. 3ROS '35. Res. 55 COLATES Y Joessssatiass anaes iA. E. HEROD'S »"TRUFIT Denotes True Foot Comfort. When combined with ANTI - SQUEAK makes an Ideal Shoe 286 Princess St. A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing in the world we're so much interested in as Coal at this time ol the year. It may sound queer to speak of coal buying and selling as a science, but that's what we've made it. Two Important discoveries we have made are that complete satisfaction to our customers pays best, and that the way to win business is to deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and is now open to the travelling public. W TELFER . . Proprietor FOR SALE Must Be Sold To Close Up Estate 'The following desirable City Proper ty i= 187 Brock St. residence of late BE. Chowns Bagot St., kivehen all modern. 106 Bagot St., extensiow kitchen, all 108 Bagot St., extensiom @ining and odern rticulars, see (Geo: CN Real Estate it. extension dining and 'ADAMANT Wall Plaster ¢ ¢ Ready for use by adding water. Put up in bags, 100 ibs. i» each. ¢ ¢ ¢ ' White Rock Finish Put up In bags, 50 Ibs. ia each : P. Walsh 33nd taeeseseereeesesseresl Sevsescssassssssaressae NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty, Lawn Mowers The Best Mower Only $3.50 eee AT en. .. Strachan's Hardware .. (Canadian Chinese Restaurant {31 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty. 'Phone, 655. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale 'of Horses Every Saturday Auction Sales Book your sale of Furniture at ance and get Shel ce of date. I conduct all the important sales mnd relied the highest prices. 'Phone, 665, JOHN H, MILLS The Leading Auctioneer J. ROSEN zz oc Has severed his connection there, and opened an establishment for himself, at 236 University Avenue. Des'gncr fcr the THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISAED President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned om City and Farm Pro- vertion. uniel and County Deben- tures, pal an Deposits | Mortgages purch received and Tet, allowed. S.C McGill, Managing Director. OSice. 87 Clarence street, Kingston. CHOICE BACON Sliced to Suit * All will emph study." "No music DAILY "VICTIM. OF WAGNER'S "PARSIE. CURSE Ub | 77zrion we ed, Barred from Study at Beyreuth Miss Weed remembered, probably, | not be sung anywhere exeept in the when she decided to spend the sum playhouse which he built here." mer studying in Beyreuth, that Frau Not without a memorable struggle ! Wagner and other adherents of the | did the composer's widow submit to eat composer had protested inc what she called a "sacrilegious and antly against the production of "Par- | commercial profanation" of the work sifal"' anywhere ¢ than in the stage: | of Herr Conried. She appealed to the festival plavhot which had been | German ambassador in the United built for such works in the German and resorted to the law. town; but she had no idea that re« She implored singers who had taken sentment would be directed against part in the periormances at Beyreath her, or had even survived so long not to accept profiered engagements in Une evening shortly after her arriv- | America, and even asked the authori al she entered a hotel dining room, | tics of Bavaria to prevent the pas where she was seated at a table with | sage of conductors and stage manag several orchestra leaders and singers » this country, . Her reception was thing but cog I'here was no law to prevent them dial, although her fame as a singer nd they came. There was no law to was well-known. - prevent Mr. Conried from giving the The next evening, when she went to | work. and he gave it. But Frau Wag the hotel, she found her table deserted | nor and her neighbors of Beyreuth and persons-entering the dining room have never forgiven him nor any of later studiously avoided her. the artists who had part in the Am Her appeal to Councillor Von Gros, | erican production. one of the leading officials of the By European copyright, the produc town, for enlightenment, brought the § (ion of "Parsifal" has been limited to astounding information of a boycott | Bevrenth since 1582. and the copyright | on the part of all musical people. Be-§ limit will not expire until 1913, al cause of her participation in the | though by special arrangement, the | "Parsifal" production no request that {work will be free in Munich, after she might make in Beyreuth would be | 101) granted. In order to avoid any charees of "But," replied the amazed young [irreverence resting against the pro woman, "I intend to ask no favors duction, Manacer Conried imported I wish is an opportunity to artists who evreuth, so it with the from Germanv the leading "Parsifal" at might invest had mven that they 1 director in Bevreuth be permitted to teach vou,' stat ame feeling and dignity. ed Councillor Von Gros, with chilling Miss Weed did not take "a leading aris. part dt first, the Kundry of the pro- "Until now," declared Fran Wagner, ction being Milka Ternina: but this shortly before the American produe 't did not excuse her in the eves of tion, "the whole world has retod wr and her friends. the master's wish that 'Parsifal'--in ocking."" declared the com- which the Holv Grail. which held the poser's widow, while fichting the pro blood of the dvine Christ, is unveiled | oog Aneriean production, "to think at. the sacraw moment--should that a . mere desire ta: make money A ---------------- should andudy any one to prod " NO DIFFERENCE 'Parsifal' on a New York stare. where No distinction is made as to the kind | 'Carmien,' mav he presented the day of Piles that Dr. Leoohardt's Hem-Roid {yo = © ep (000m ons iter, "The names Internal, External, Dleed- 'Par-ifal' i= a vorely religious a) in~ Blind, ening, Srisatine, ste. i levory. The henedicti of our Tord Py IS ry case will pass if 1a in the eaonmunion scene. Tt ie it oa hinties lone enoueh jt rit of, Christianity symbolized Piles stagnation of blood in the lower bowel | are caused hy consestion OF |. Ti: hiood that forms the central Frau Wagner 1 | i | } | 1 i and, it tak . An internal remedy to re- move the ca Dr. Pronhardt' s Heém-Roid is a tabl 1 2 Ba EI anont cure and no con | Not For Unbelievers. \ of Piles? has ever ig Jd it failed "If we are true believers, then it | 10 oe Pith every packnee. | must shoek us to see such a svectacls | Price $1.00 at any druesist's. or the prosented on the averave stage for the ! AT MY ERS' WilsoF. Unt. yle Co.. Limited. Niagara Fulls. oniorisinment of a promiscuous pub- BRITISH we, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16. 9 lic. To those who are not believers, 'Parsiial' has no message, and should not even prove interesting "In order to avoid the irreverent, money-making spacit. which might cause its production (lsewhere, the Wagner stage festival playhouse was built in this small town, rather than in a great city. 'Parsifal' is no more a subject for an opera house enter tainment or business speculation than a religious the would be. The quiet of Bevreuth in ve the sacred traditions ory ice master chose order to pres and elevated spirit of his work from profane influences. "It is only here, where "Parsiial' was created; here in its home, where it carries with it the exalted 'tradi tions and frue conceptions of (its crea tor, that its tr piritual beauty is shown, and h only can it sue oven]. The story of "Parsifal" deals with the Kuights of the Holy Grail, who, in the castle of Montsalent, ard the emerald cup in which Joseph of Arimathea is = posed to have caught the blood dripped from the wounded side of Christ ag He wa dying upon the cross Membership in the band is made de pendent avon tl purity of the live of the ssail this purity knight To in every possibl to tempt the knights to theie full , is the task to which Kling , a thagician, sets him coli. He bee heen refused admission to membership because of his wicked ness Kiingsor endeavors to encompass their fall through the wiles of beanti ful maidens ho live in his garden One of the knight Amfortas, had, at one tine sucenmbed to temptation and had lo pear, to the dianship « h he had been as od. This he weapon that pierocd the Saviour side. It alone can eure any thut it makes In the first nfortas is shown suffering from a wound maoe with the spear while he strugeling with Klingsor, Atte r him is Kundry the woman who had lnughed at Christ on the and had been condenmed wnder over the earth for eternity tury repentant servant ail and the tool of Klingsor cross, Best for Babies Nestlé's Food is the nour- ishing, fattening, healthful - part of rich cow's milk. It is always the same--winter and summer--and can be obtained in any part of the globe. Ready for baby by adding water--no milk required. Nestle's Food makes babies healthy. FREE SAMPLE (sufficient for 8 meals) sent to mothers who will try it, THE LEEMING, MES Co., Larren, The ound Adonis; however, can only be cured by the arrival of "a sinfess fool enlightened by pity." Parisal, arriving, meots this descrip- tion. He does not w his own name nor any fact concerning his lite, The Life Of Parsifal. He is taken in by the knights, and Witnesses the cerciuwonies of dhe Graal, watcning with especial interest the Scene suggesting the last supper. As he gazes in amazement, Gurnemanz an old might, takes a dislike to ham and drives mm forth, it is only a short distance to the wonderful garden of MAhngsor, and there Yarsital is surrounded by the bevy of bewitching . lower maidens. I nere, he meets Rundry, who re- veals 10 hmm his identity, and calls, him by his name for the first time. Enraged at his intrusion, Klings or hurls us spear at Parsifal; but the Weapon unable to penetrate the pro- tection of his purity, stops in midair abuyve his head. Parsifal then catches up the spear, makes = the sign of the the cross, and Klingsor's palace erash- es down in ruins. Many years are supposed to pass be- fore the third act opens upon a Good 'riday. Parsifal has passed through many experiences in his efforts to re- lieve Amfortas, who still suffers from his wound. Kundry now thoroughly repentant, encounters the exhausted Parsifal and bathes his blistered feet. The two are baptized by Gurnemanz, and the men pass on to the castle. Parsifal touches the wound of Aw fortas with the holy spear and it is healed. The Grail is then uncovered, and the opern ends' with a splendid chorus of boyish voices wafted down from' the dome to the temple. "Accompanied by the beautiful mu- sic and the pageantry of scenery and costumes," writes an admirer of the opera, "this succession of scenes makes a profound impression on one who sees and hears the work. "He cannot fall, if he has the love of music mn his heart, to be submitted to the spell that Wagner has wound about the music surging through this drama with such a wondrous elo quence, ' tenderness, dazzling beauty, and spiritual uplift." Having even a higher conception of the work, regarding it as a sacred thing, Frau Wagner revolted from the idea of its presentation wpon the or dinary stage, and she cannot forgive Miss Weed for having engaged in its American "desecration." ie ------ DANGER IN DRILL. 100, Managers Fear Military Practices Threaten Empire. London, Aug. 16.~The managers of the London county council schools at Lewisham have discovered a new danger to the empire, It is military drill, : They noticed that the children en joyed being drilled, and that they of ton--the boys at least--played at be. ing soldiers after school hours. By some method of reasoning which they have not explained, the managers of the schools felt that this was, in their own words, "contrary to the true spirit of patriotism," and they expressed regret to the council that the playgrounds of the schools should be used for drilling the children out of their love for their country. The council has not yet what to do in the matter. decided The Athletic Girl's Shirt, This season the styles trond toward the very things to wear, re gardless of conventionality, owing to the fact that more vigorous exercise and sports are engaged in than here tofore. While golfing, boating, tennis and automobiling have been summer amusements for past, still they were never engaged in to such an extent as now, and for this reason girl looks around for can find. The mannish shirt, free from lace, embroidery and trimming, is one of the most favored styles. "This model, made of a thin material, has a double box-pleated front, with a cluster of four tucks on either shoulder breadth and ample bust fullness, not omitting the convenient little pocket finish, The back is perfectly plain. The full elbow sleeves are finished with wide-stitehed, coolest seasons the ' sporting the coolest she to give pointed bands. The usual ac compani ment is the white linen collar and tie or how. Nothing could be neater, easily made than these | simple waists, which are so universal lv seen, and from present outlook will be seen in the early fall with long ¢hirt sleeves © and fashioned from flannel and medium-weight materials, cooler or more ---------------- A Treat For Friends. It will be hard to show vonr friends a more appreciated favor than to treat them to our delicious ice cream soda. Prompt and dainty service and a beverage as perfect as finest fruits and pure cream ean make it. It always tastes Wade's drug store, like "'more. An alligator bag containing jewels valued at S$50000 stolen from Mr. and Mrs. P. Henry Clayton, Devon: shire, England, during a visit to Louisiana exposition two vears ago, have been recovered. A Hindoo ser- vant stole them, hid them in hole in wall in the manufacturers' huilding, and could not get them. On his death hed he confessed, Ninety-vichty | pertons have missing ince the prest fire which vastated Syzran, on July 19th. Genvine vhony nail brashes at Gi'y been diss sn's Red Cross drug store. Send 3 Corks drawn from quart bottles of our Whiskies and receive a handsome enameled pin. For 8 corks we will send a silk watch fob with enamel charm. Design Registered WRITE FOR OUR PREMIUM LIST, n H. CORBY DISTILLERY CO . Limited, Montreal NEW YORK, # The Wonder City of the World. WITH Coney Island, Staten Island, Manhattan Beach, Brighton Beach, North Beach, Rockaway Beach, Hergen Polat, ur Rockaw: "3 other famous seaside resorts, giving the finest at " pathi ein She world, and conveniently reached by cars and ferryboats at five and t fares ; WITH Dreamland, Luna Park, Hap sland, and many other great and mew attractions, the like of which the worl never saw before, Within easy A on fon: : nas, Sasines. ¥a waudeville shows and other amusement laces of their kind withi) walking dis PIASVITHE the great a "of AFL a WR Nataraf History, the Zoological Botapical Qa ®, the Aouarium, and other museums and institutions ot" i She finest historical landmarks, ete., 0 theoush the a. "te ih TH really pleasant summer weat! y due to the sea on hor side, from which cooling breeses are constantly Blowing : IS NOT ONLY THE: MOST ATTRACTIVE CITY ANYWHERE, BUT ALSO The World's Greatest Summer The months of AUGUST and SEPTEMBER are as good as any season in the year in which to really enjoy a vis to New York. In a Sreat many spects these are the most desirable months in the for tors, ono Who has visited New York at other Duripds of should come in these months, and experignce pleasure le renewing old ones, How to thoroughly enjoy a visit t New York during these months is fully explained in . » : wee "NEW YORK" ... / (The Monthly for Visitors to 'New York) FOR AUGUST New York "New York' is a beautiful fllustrated nehleation, which proves a gréatness us a Summer resort "by wo . and feature" as no Gther publication ever did. "New York' for September will soon follow. Send 25 CENTS for a whole year's subscription. Address: "NEW. YORK." 30 Ann Street, New York, RE in connection, which give all desired information shout fhonity, I30Rter railronds, steamboats, ete., without charge subscribers to B BAU "New York." THE COOLEST HOTEL IN NEW YORK : THE EVERETT HOUSE ON UNION SQUARE Their Charges Are Always Reasonable SUMMER RATES Are PARTICULARLY SO The EVERETT HOUSE is located in the heart of the City, convenient to all Railroad stations and to the shopping district, roof gardens, ate. The sub- way, elevated and street cars aro closer to this Hotel than to any other Hotel in the City of New York. : The EVERETT HOUSE I Famous For Its Culsine Write to the ia Manager, BVERETT HOUSE, Union Square, New York for booklet and Special rates The EVERETT HOUSE has been for the past 25 years the favorite stopping place for Canadians. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). admitted mon a ul BE po Bo rem the to be CHLORODYNEE CHLOROD NE CHLORODYNE fo the best remed ¥ ODS CONSUMPTION "BRONGRE: TIS, ASTHMA. acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, and is the onl in CHOLERA, and DYSENT pete effectually cuts short all attacks of EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA- TION and SPASMS. is the only palliative in ln NBUBALGIA, CHLORODYNE CHLORO DYN E summits Cana Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware | of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Government Stamp of each -- -- -- | bottle, $ Sold in bones Prices in England, 1s. 13d., 2s 9d., 4s. 6d. each (Overwhelming Medical Testimony sccompahles each bottle ' Sole Manufacturers :--J, T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. \ | Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Toronto," SPPY PPPPPPPP SSOP SPOD SPP PIPD BIGYGLES TYPEWRITERS SEWING MACHINES : Sold and Repaired gine DOBBS & (0., 171 Wellington st. A a 343433494 35454943