in price and much rollers are § han _ $3,500 for a new brick dwelling, ' on King street, 9-rooms, bath, closet and hot water heating. 4800 will buy a double stone welling, on Montreal street. Lot 34x132 and right-of-way. (602). y T-rooms, on Nelson St. stable and drive house. Lot 686x138, fine garden. (555). frie H the camp, to retain our hold. But muni. bo councils are too unwi and § I for such uses, They rarely build up or initiate. In Kingston are a party = parliament, a practice 5 Bond 'destructive ud enter- : # créative or lic spirit- 5 leading men of Eohoury act- oti ed, besieged the department, won the interest in it, were enthusiastic over it and in their treatment of the volunteers, Kingston's Board of Trade got to Work in the case of the barra , but not until this month, after moval to Toronto. had been resol upon, because their quarters here were to be , a t an interest in the camp, but at the last hour, months too late. city member Id haved been athe ap il these years, ng everlas vat it will make an impression. oS slow going government department 'at ( xperience has shown the need of constant working for public . "Him as asks gets" from busy politicians. The quiet one is looked Xporience regarding the normal is educative, The city's grant g] of 8300 was used yu in one trip, and jas usual | i back on iis for the the council workers and got the school while slept. Was anything done af* memorable interview and the ent's noble. manly speech, which was to settle overy- thing, including the next election ? ---- Too Much Study. . How many hours a day should a child attend school and should it have to study its lessons at home ? are questions which some people are asking. When the time devoted to study injures the health of the child that time should be shortened. A child's health is paramount and every- thing should give way to that. It is thought 'by some that the very young child should not be asked to study outside the school hours, that the time spent in school should be devo- tod to that purpose, and that it should then be free to use the rest of the time for recreation and play. A child is not expected to be able to apply itself to work or study as long a8 a grown person. Five hours at school. means as much to a child as eight or ten to a man at work. When a man works all day and to supper, he would consider it a hardship if he were asked to turn in and do two hours' work in the evening. But that is just what a child has to do who has to study his sons at home. This question is worthy of considera- tion. To Make Room For Fall Importa- tions. Prevost, Brock street, is having a great clearing sale in all his depart. ments, clothing made to order, ready- made clothing, and gents' furnishings. People in need of the above goods will save money, as he will make a great sacrifice of all goods to make room for fall and winter importa- tions, In 60c., 75c. and 81 boxes, MoCon: key's high class candy, "the choice of royalty," at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. A. E. Herod has in his window three Jake of sabots which he imported rom Denmark. Sabots are the clumsy wooden shoes worn by the people in « Holland, Denmark, and other European countries. They are also occasionally seen in the back dis- tricts. of the eastern provinces of Can: ada. Henry pSunuingham, tuner from Chickering's, at MoAuley's book ET rE------ store. and the i game at Lake Ontario Par polo. Sam afternoon. Every- 1 i Sone. America took about two hundred and fifty " from} Kingston: Broskville and Opening. this morning. To-morrow she will be A meeting of the light, heat and power committee has called for this afternoon. Tenders will be re- ceived for the new gas holder at the works, and for electrical sunplies for the interior of the power plant. Other Helle routine busi will be id ol A picture depicting the newspaper man at work and showine that indi- vidual diligently scratching the > with copy on all sides of him, is the latest adelition to the art gallery, which is the pride of the local police riers. Get a 6c. box of Laxets at our store please, We think they are t. Just test these toothsome, y-like Laxative tablets for constipation, sour stomach, biliousness, bad breath, mud- dy complexion, ete. Risk 5c. and see. Sold by all druggists. Superintendent of Parks Phillips was busy, thik morning. cutting down the grass in the square between the post office and customs héuse. The work caused a ripple of excitement among several citizens who happened along and thought the plan of muking the Square a public thoroughfare had materiali Enquiry . proved other- wise, however, and apparently the scheme has gone the way of many others and lies buried for the Present at lepst, hag ---- MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What is Going on About the Harbor. The barge Recruit is unloading coal coal at the penitentiary wharf. M. T. Co. : The tug Bronson arriv- ed from Montreal with five barges and cleared for the same port with four. Ri sons' : thh Theo- Vi "is loading feldspar; the barge vies cleared for Montreal, with 40,000 bushels of grain. To Float The Bavarian. wi A Ne rn was received on 'change that an attempt will be made within the next week to float the SS. Bavar- ian, of the Allan line, which went ashore on Crane Island, below Quebec, lest September, while on her way out to the ocean. Capt. Lesslie, of King- ston, well-known in Canadian ship- ping circles, will undertake the work, and as the Bavarian is a huge boat, and her position on the rocks is any- thing but convenient for her removal it is expected that Capt. Lesslie will find the tusk of floating the steamer a very difficult one. -- Gale Delays Steamer. A severe gale blew on the lake, last night, and this morning a high = sea was ri ng. The huge steamer King- ston was windbound at Charlotte and passed down the river this morn- ing threo hours late. Passengers say it was fearfully rough and many were sick. There were fully 300 people making the trip to the islands, and the wind was so chilly overcoats were resorted to. The Rochester polo ponies for to-morrow's race were brought over on the steamer from the Flower City. Steambarge ~ Waterlily passed up from Montreal to Picton to-day. The schooner W. J. Suffel, unload- ing coal at Booth's, was towed to Crawford's last night to finish light- ening her cargo. She will clear for Oswego, The steambarge Wissoe, with a party from Pittsburg, who have been fishing in the Bay of Quinte, was in port, today en route to Clayton. ---- Chair Of Physics. The governors of the School of Min. ing at their meeting, on Tuesday last, appointed Dr. Arthur I. Clarke, pro- fessor of .physics. Professor Clarke se cured his undergraduate training in the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, graduating in 18M, in the department of electrical engineering. He subse- ently took post graduate work at lark University, from which he re- cdived the deoree of Ph. D. in the de- Partment of physics. Dr. Clarke has been for six vears professor of physics in Bates College, and comes highly recommended as a man of unusual abi- of great industry, perseyerance enthusiasm, and with teaching ability of a very high order. lity, Were Shot At. An attempt was made to rob the butcher shop of James Robbe, Prin- Cess street, at an early hour this . morning. They were shot at by are sident in the locality, and immediate- ly decamped. The vacant building on the corner was ransacked. The burg- lars had a horse and buggy with i them ---- Try Bibby's $3.50 boys' Norfolks. Mise Lois Fercuson, Caintown, and James Eligh, Finch, were married in Brockville. Shoulder braces 50c. New York Dress Butter and egge. Crawford. Try Bibby's school suits. IS VERY opTIMIST |G. M. THOMPSON OF SAsKA- -- "TOON TALKS, i, ' A Former Kingstopian Who is Now Running a Paper in the West--Wi is Canada's Coming City. ~ Retwrned to town after an absence of over, five years from the aw, Gi M. Thompson is here from 8 toon, Bask., receiving the glad d from many old friends. He is a t for a week at "Thistledown." During his absence - from the Lime- stone City he lived in Winnipeg, until nearly a year when he removed to Saskatoon. "fe is now editor and proprietor of the Saskatoon Capital, a tri-weekly and a very neat twelve paged) paper, both as to substance of news and ally. The King- stonian expects rtly to issue a daily. In a ll with Whig Seporter; this morning, Mr. ompeon show an optimistic fecling as regards the west. "It is indeed ~ the coming Sountry and is forging ahead, rapidly," he de- clared, with z is, Ca tnicg. ha said : "It is young man's land and is steadily calling for more of the strength and brain of youth." To show to what extent the new country is ig the case of Sas- katoon was cited. Three years ago what is now a thrivibg spot. with a city charter, was not on the map. Peopled with five thousand inhabi. tants, it now boasts of all the con- veniences of modern city life, water works, with sewerage being installed, electric light, ete. Several merchants are ilding large business blocks, this summer at a cost of from £20,- 000 to £100,000. Mr. Thompson sta- ted that to the many Kinestonians interested in the city's welfare he would add there was every cause to rejoice in their being "on the ground floor." Saskatoon is about 300 miles west of Winnipeg--everything in the west dates and measures from Canada's Chicago--and is surrounded by one of the richest agricultural 'districts of the praivies. Many of those who have left Frontemne have homesteaded in its vicinity and are prosperine well, "How are the erops ?"--the ques- tion seemed stereotyped. "I should say a . good yield," was the genial editor's reply. "During the past season, my position has given: 'me a chance to study the crop prospects--so many farmers coming into our office." But while Mr. Thompson said of the yield, "it would be average," that means an increase aver 1905, because of the increased acreage. During the past year thousgnds have made the west their home. The grain is being cut and harves- ters are wanted to enter the fields, for the work. Mn, Thompson reports & gre#t scarcity of farm labor. "How is it the demand was satisfied last your and yet again more men is this summer's ery ?' Reasons were forthcoming. He sta- ted that men who bad gone out last summer had h eaded this year, Others had got rr the towns and cities, and .again hundreds more are now steadily engaged at fine wages in section work on the railroads. In conclusion, Mr. Thompeon paid his tribute to Winnipeg. "It is the coming city--il net now--of Canada," he commented. average decisive CABS VS. PATROL. Present to Way of Taking Station, Cheaper. Within the past couple of weeks, calls on the cabs hy the police, to bring a drunk to the station, or in taking those committed to jail, have been so frequent that the advisability of a patrol waggon has again come under the hammer of discussion. A patrol, however; is not strongly supported. From an economical stand- point it is thought the city gets off cheaper by hiring cabs to take her naughty people to the cooler, than maintaining a horse and waggon. Good Polo Game. Go with the crowd on afternoon to Lake Omtario see the polo game, Rochester ston. Saturday Park and ve. King- Jones' Falls And Return, 50c. Rideau King every Saturday, 6 a.m. -------- New suits for boys at Bibby's. Let Capt. Allen show you the Thou- sand Islands as only he can, Satur- day, .230 pm. Steamer America. Home carly. Only 335¢. The genuine Dr. Powler's Extract of Wild' Strawberry is "sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. May have a strong effect on your ap- pearance --and your comfort t 0 0 -- selling any straw hat in the house for $1.00. Regular prices $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. a ] 5 Children's Straw Sailors, regular prices starting at 50c. up to $1.50. Your choice Clearing out our genuine 8; dor" Panama Hats for $5.00. i= Seoige) Wills $B Manufacturing - Furriers and Hat Specialists. Crawford, Lake Ontario Patk on Saturday af- ternoon next, . It's An Undisputed Fact. That the best $2 derbys are sold _at Campbell Bros., the style centre for men's hats. Body Not Yet Found. When the steamer Aletha was in Thursday afternoon, Capt. Roys Todo Whi rr that the body of Robert Parsley, drowned off the steamer Belleville on Sunday, had not yet washed ashore. The people in the vicinity of Cressy and along the shore of the Bay of Quinte are daily on the lookout for it. Who Knows Them. ? Enquiry is being made for a family of Slowarts or pater, who came to Canada from the north of Ireland about fifty years since and settled near Kingston; said to have left for the United States twenty years later. later. They will hear of something to their advantage in the property line by enquiring through the ig office. Said Makers Were Dined. It is current report here that the English houses which sent out $10,000 worth of binder twine to Canadian dealers and which was seized for ir- regularities, shortage in measurements, were allowed to dispose of the goods after paying fines in the neighborhood of 87,000. The goods might have all been confiscated, Carried Excursions. The steamer Aletha ran an excursion from Belleville and Picton, yesterday, to the city. There were quite a num- ber and the excursionists spent the latter part of the afternoon in town. Yesterday the steamer Niagara brought the Mohawk Indians' excur- sion from Deseronto to the city, She carried a goodly number, ---- Make A Note Of This. The asylum officials had occasion to call in a veterinary surgeon lately, and the only conservative in the city being away they sent all the way to Sydenham' for a man. He was a tory of course. Only one of this particular cult can draw public money from the present provincial government. The circumstance js suggestive at a time when every tory paper in the land is clamouring for tory appointments to the federal service ! -- A Happy Gathering. A very pleasant gathering was held at Crusoe Island, Sharbot Lake, the summer home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Robinson, when a number of campers took advantage of celebrating with Mrs. Robinson, the anniversary of her birthday. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, supper was served in the house, instead of on the lawn, as was intended. Toasts were proposed to the elderly couple and ably responded to by Mr. Robinson, who fully appreci- ated the kind wishes of the campers, ------ A Wonderful View. "Traveller," writes to the Whig : "While coming down on the train from Napanee, Thursday evening, the passe! gers had the pleasure of seeing one of the most beautiful sights in the sky, which lasted from 7.30 to 8 o'clock. The lake and some of the is. lands were plainly seen. Some of the lady passengers could pick out the one they were living on. There; was quite an argument as to what caused it, but all * admitted it to be the grandest sight they ever saw." Was Very Careless. On a morning, this week, as the steamer. Caspian was coming into port, Thursday afternoon, Capt. Roys elevator, a young man in a row boat made to cross the bow of the steam- er. It was a rash act and those on Swift's wharf anxiously awaited the result of the recklissness. The cap- tain "tooted" the whistle. The small boat, with a load of three, got safcly across in front of the boat, but the close shave should prove a warning to the man. Too many accidents result from such cases of gross carclessness, ---- Fractured A Leg. Stanley Cavanagh, driver for Alex- ander Tyo, met with a nasty acci- dent, yesterday, which will lay him up for some time to come. The un- fortunate man was down at the dock taking some bottles of Major Caines' yacht. In order to secure them it was necessary to hoist the yawl boat. At an ill-timed moment it slipped, and striking Cavanagh, fractured his leg. Major Caines himself had a close shave from serious injury, as the yawl in its descent narrowly escaped striking him on the head. ---- Fireman Had A Call. The firemen received a call this morning, which gave them a short run to Wellington street, near Princess street, a fire in the pool room of N. Parent was the cause of the trouble. It was presumed that a lighted cigar smouldered during the night, and fin- ally the blaze broke out, destroying a portion of one of the walls of the building. The brigade made quick time in petting a stream at work, and the trouble was soon at an end. Lit- tle damage beyond the destruction of the plaster and woodwork about the walls of the room resulted. ---- Little Thing To Kick Over. Two citizens on the Market Square, in a discussion showed markedly un- favorable views to the recently placed water-trough for dogs. "This trough is in itself a violation of the by-law respecting the market," was the em- phatic opinion of the talker, "it at- tracts dogs on the square, whereas, the by-law distinetly says no dogs shall be allowed on the market." His listener was of same opinion, and concluding the conversation, it was decided to draw the mayor's at- tention to the matter. ~AWhile 1 quite approve of the hu- mane and kind act embodied in the trouchs, T object to them bene plac- od on the Market Square," a citizen said, "let them be put elsewhere." Butter, Butter, Butter. Finest creamery and tub butter, J, ------------------ See tie ponics nt the polo game at FAIR IS COMING. - The Management Will Try and Secure Funds For Erection of a Neat Palace on Cataraqui Driving Park. The Township of Kingston fair of this fall promises to be, an even greater success than that of preceding years, The growth of the exhibition held, annually, during the past few Years at the Cataraqui Driving Park. has been most marked, and reflects great credit on the members of the association, who have striven SO hard to bring the exhibition to its present high state of efficiency. From a deficit of a few years ago,. the man- agement have developed a tidy surplus and should this fall's fair prove equally successful svith those of past two years--and the indications point most favourably in that direction-- then the dream of those at the helm bids fair to be realized. The new management have striven unselfishly to please both exhibitors and patrons of the fair and evef be- fore them they have had the vision of a fine building for exhibition vurposes which will be a credit to the town- ship. They have wisely refrained from entering upon the erection of a pal- ace until sufficient funds were acoumu lated to warrant the expenditure, Lut with good weather, his year, the dir- ectors should have enoush money. on the right side of the ledger to make the venture a certain success. The executive of manacement have been steadily working with the prize lists, cte.. and have them practically completed now. The exhibitors who have signified their intention of tak- ing part in the fair exceed those of previous vears, and the promised dis- play of fruits, flowers, vegetables, live stock, eote., is such that it may be safely said "the like was never scen in the county before." Another meeting of the management will be held early next week when those in charge of the several branch- es of committee work will report. Thus the outlook is of the best and the praise bestpwed upon the fhir last fall though justly merited will, it is predicted, be but a drop in the ocean: as compared with the good words that will be spoken concerning the township exhibition by those who are fortunate enough to attend this season. ---------- How Perfection Tastes. If you want to know, try a glass of ice cream soda at Wade's Drug Store. The ice cream is pure and a suitable Juantity is served in each glass. The syrups are made from pure fruit juices, the glasses are clean as soap and' water can make them, and the soda water is cold and sparkling. All The New Styles. In fall hats at Campbell Bros'. Try Bibby's for boys' suits, It is thought, at Belleville, that Henry Asselstine of that city was the occupant of the boat picked up by the steamer Picton, ' and that he was drowned. C. B. Munroe, Caleary, who formerly was a resident of Brockville, has bought a partnership in the Calgary Realty company, dealing in real es- tate. "That summer cough' cured quickly Gibson's Red Cross Couwh Syrup will do it, 20e. Polo, Rochester vs. Kingston, Sa HOPE FOR GOOD ONE THE KINGSTON TOWNSHIP FROST IRRITATED SKIN OR Cjgpy +++ APPLY... Dr. Scott's Linimeny Also, An Excellent Hair Restorep and Scalp Cleanser, Large bottle, 25 cents. oy not for sale at. your druggig can always Procured ; McLeod's. ; - Dr. Scott's White Propr's., St. John, 'N.B,, Jameg ot and Chain Reliable Fu le Of All Kinds wil... Kingston's Only Exclusive Fur Store W. F._GOURDIER and 80 Brock Street "PHONE 700. The newest production in "Fern Dishes" hus a pure white crystal lining (PLAIN) with a Pierced FLOWER DESIGN in French Gray Silver, come ing half way up the glass. We have FERN ES, and Pots of other designs striking, As a Decoration' DISH- many equally "Table nothing cx- cels a Well arranged FERN DISH. SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians 'Phone 666. Marriage ses. Issuers of Liocen MOTOR GASOLINE In 5 Gallon Lots or over, 26c, a Gallon Supplies the dock. SELBY & YOULDEN always handy on turday next. Try Bibby's school suits. Big Clearing Out To Make Room plain and fancy colors, some as high as soc. a yard choice for 25¢. a yard, NOTHER snap will be bed, extra strong and urday 15c. a pair, RE san lines | Waists, worth Whitewear, values SK to see the line of I pair. Fora Saturday cle F HOUSE FURNISHIIN Linen from 25¢, and up ; Curtains, 22¢. a Sy 2 any window, barrels for half price, 2ic. ty Pins, 5c. a dozen + 500 best Pink for'sc.- Ss YOUR FALL co plete, the styles are the v York favorites, .and the Pp very burdensome, even to th Boys suits galape at Bibby's, Newman & Shaw fcr instance goc. Print Ww fancy, at 25c. 2 yard ; Shelf Qil Clo pair and up only 15c¢. complete dozen ; Bone Collar Butto : ; Frilled 15¢C. a pair : Belt Hose Supporters, LIMITED. of Summer Goods for Fall Lines Here is a partial list for Saturday : B" sale of heavy, medium and light weight Dress Goods for School Dresses, in Lustres , Meltons, Tweads, etc., marked 3oc., 35c., 40c., and . For a Saturday snap, your a line of Boys' Tan Hose, rib durable, all sizes, were 25¢. Sat- 1ave come under the knife-- rappers to go'at 5g9c. Print 50¢, for 39c. each, and special prices on in the city in Underwear for men, REATEST women and children, all y prices. veight and weaves at popular i -adies' Lisle Hose in plain and fanty Embroidered tan sha des, were 35c. and 39c. a arance, 25¢. a pair. Table Oil Cloth, white or th, 8c. a yard ; Lace . ; 25¢. Curtain Poles, to fit GS we lead the van. Table Noa galore at cut prices-- Assorted Hair Pins in 3 36 inch Boot Laces, 5c. 2 ns, 5c. a dezen ; Good Safe- Hose Supporters, all colors, the 25c. line for 19c; AT now, Our stock is com- ery latest Parisian and New rices we ask will not prove e lowest purchaser. mm Mid=-Su Excursi TUES The proper and the Seashore . 28 and Sep! Rug. 27, 29, 30, 5,6,7and 8 Return Limi LABO SEPTE] Single Firs ing Dates, Going Return Li Farm Laborers' Canadian No) 8th. F Full particulars ¢ R. Ticket Office, C . CONWAY, r Gen. Pass. Age Bay of Qu New short line | Deseronto, and all Jeave: City Hall CONWAY, Agent I GLLRl Canadiar Exhi Toronto August 27 to 8 Return tickets wi $2 Good going on and Monday, Septe $¢ ~ On August 27th, September 1st, 2nc¢ and Sth. Tickets will not 1, 2, 8 or 4. All tickets good September 11th, 1 Farm Laborers Canadian No. 8th. | LABOR DAY Pe-frmapion Round trip ticket: ull stations in Can way first-slass fare, Going dates--Sa Monday, Sept. 1st, Tickets valid re tion on or ore & For tickets and Avply to iP. Office--Cor. John TIME STEAMER WI Beginning JULY 24 Leave Wolfe 1sl: 7.90. 9) Monday.... Tuesday. Wednesda; y special : land (Walker's Dock), phy's Point. Leaves ket urning, leaves Kine Time Table Supjeety Boat calle at Gardena Kingston. Ce MO OPEN ¢ New Brunsw Nov, 30th. Nova Scotia- Quebec--Sep BEST HUNTiN reac INTERC a ¥-N WRI * Fishing and " Week in the * Moose of the " Trail of the To Montreal St: James St, Or General Moncton, N.B. SWIFT'S TO Going West, Fri Going East, Sm Dr Fo SWIFT & CO.,, W street.