es Love that grovels in "unworthiness uritil it becomes a mere passion, "of the earth, earthly," revence, a greed Jor gold, oppressing family troubles, and the "unwritten law," that we man treasures in her heart, perhaps, more than does man--these Jove some of the motives that have "in recent tra \ : ul in some wavs id the story of he Claiche, the young French girl whose sensational trial re- cently started even sensation-sated | New York, and revenlod Buch antoumd: ths of degradation that even She doth hly sophisticated = com- munity ty- v This frail little woman shot and pkilled Emil Gerdrén, the man who France and made her his slave In the Tenderloin, For her crime she was sent to prison fo serve a term of not Jess than two or more than five years but in making this expiation she will know-that she called the attention of York and the nation to one of or * foulest "A fow years: Berthe Claichs wan a dhe a -- worker in a dove factory, Her hours of Aion. gon y thine; of recreation Ww of this unending grind, she Bidens. to the fair words and pro mises of Gerdron. He told her of the wonderful possibilities in America, he piotured lifo in New York in glowing ors, so she illingly, sailed hs oean, ex ing to. take her ce at the head in husband's home in the new world, Instead, Gerdron made her one of the army of white slaves in the metro- polis; he used her fatal gift of heawty to bring him dollars. When this big, powerful man struck her, which was often, he was careful not to mar the fave, for it was his stosk in trade. At last her - woman's nature revolted in perate. outbreak, and she shot him. Cheer not Gov. Folk granted her ao reprieve until Sevtember Tih, Mrs, Aggie Myers would have been hanged in the little jail yard at Liberty, Mo: on June 20th, for the murder of her {husband. supreme court of the state had refused a rehearing in the case. : On the. morning of May 12th, 1904, Clarence Myers was found dead in a pool of blood upon the floor of the 'I bedroom that he and his wile ooou- pied. He had Been shot snd clubbed. 3 the police came,' ry Myers to be in a stupor, She wi Jorrested, but soon released. Thvesti- . tion threw suspicion upon a laborer Rmey Hottman, with whom the wo- man had been acquainted before her marriage, When taken into custody, Hottman is said to have madé a cop. ion, implicating the woman, Again she was 'arrested. Hottman wos tried first and was convicted. A desperate effort was then made ta save the woman. 1 "Mra, Myprs. is. a delicately formed oma; | weighing less than. 100 pounds; Her heavy dark hair is us ually draped about hee: ears, "and 'her pleasgnt dark eyes have something of the s! tion of 'a twinkle In' Sioux Fal § is of having inp the of Moses Kaufmanw, * wife: of Al + of the Sioux Palla Redwing 1s . Kaufmann Sand Pia Ld promi and \ in - sommunity. 'But charges - lowing the death of their a ' erat od hr fry 2 had brought her to this country from |" Sproule, Westbrooke, at W. Shelling- fton's; Mr. Carl, Yarker, Mise Laura Miss Lottie Walken, Westbrooke; = Mr. 'and Mrs. N, H. Walker, at H. Wal 'ker's, report a fine time. GG. Bonter, bration took place at Lichterfelde the other day, where Inspector celebrated the day, when twenty-five years ago, he ran the first eloctrie Street ear in the world, Year 1881 that Werner V the founder of the great Be of Siemens & Halske, built the first electric street car line from the An- halt railroad station to Lichterfelde. Herr Beyer was i of the new conveyance, uniting in his person the functions of driver and con- JA ductor. He afterwards rose gradually ES REID The to the post of chief inspector of the 3 how enormously increased street rail- vay system of that part of Berlin, In honor of his jubilee Me. Beyer rec ed a number of valunble presents from, his employers and his friends. S a handsome Aus. 0 could not Speak Eng. » crated by hate, she tor- ; she slew. Whether this be 5 SD wileol a ¥ t, it remains for a Jury to Arial the | 'When a woman suffers from depress- ing weaknesses, she then alizes how . helpless--how thorou a, last spring, Mrs. ndifer shot and killed ld' sister, Miss Chap- 8 gaixtoen-year-old servant girl hy | ear almost eben Belief «She js nor uisann, died, a8 never Jf defo, d er fo she oh nk elence was that maid, She would Ah iron spoon, he si ¥pe of motive is mention: case. of Miss Lucy 1 recently that she had h her sister. Della, up- near that place. Lloyd, according to ments made. was 1 asserted, held prisoner in the LER presents one of the mest a8 to motive ever Iy, or used together tible, positive ; allegation > made. thas the 'den Brena de. as. a month and see. Sold by ali drug. pr vei ry i A jury in Kentucky has. Mrs. Nannie Nuckols of the | murder the plea of self-defence, «Mrs , however, : been . successful did the latter shoot. and kill. Ten thousand persons were at the § exercises, and the tragedy was enact: od. the open lawn in view of most Jof them. Tn the midst of an address 6 sharp erack of a revolver was heard. The crowd saw a woman fall. In front of her, with smoking pistol, the slayer, also a woman, torder "to kill him. When she found him and shot him dead in an orange 'grove, she ended her own life with a "bullet. Because he feared violence at her hands. Mr. Thaisz left his wife and placed a continent between them. This infuriated her, and she declared that she would follow him to the ends of earth. : Just as completely was the Mark- ham family of nine members blotted out at Cambridge, 11, a short time ago. For years Mrs, Clarence Mark- ham had endured a sad, deoressed life with a shiftless husband and a con- stantly growing family. At last the futility of it all took hold of her weoriad brain. Procuring an axe, she split the skulls of her "seven children, one by one, as they lay in bed. Then she set the 'building on fire and cut her throat. This caus: ed the husband to hang himself. ------ Gone West For A While. Florida, Aug. 22.--The farmers of this section are mostly done harvest: ing and the hum of the threshing ma- chine is heard on every side JJ. Davey, after attending the funeral of his brother-if'law, E. Gallagher, Portland, has returned home. Our school opened on Monday with a fair attendance, Miss Bradshaw, Murvale, as teacher. J. B. Weldon and W. Shellington have had wells drilled by Garrison '& Son. W. L. Storms spent a couple of days . last week at. Thou- sand Islands and Kingston. Miss May Crawford has taken a trip to Minnea- polis to spend a couple 'of months with her brother, A. Crawford. T. Wallace contemplates taking a trip to the North-West on Wednesday, Au- gust 2nd, to spend a few months. Miss Leita Davey, after spending & wiek at Portland, has returned home. Miss Bella Brown, Chantry, Miss Fthcl Rhode, Seeley's Bay, after spending two weeks the guests of W. I. Storms ,have returned to their homes ~ H. Walker and wife are expected ~ home from Calgary, Alberta, next week, Mr. Curl, wife and daughter, Verona, Mr. Thompson and son, Parham, Miss Martyn, Watertown, at M. Martyn's; ker'ss M. Carl and son at B. Wal. -- Gave A Nice Party. Allen, Wolfe Island, Aug. 21.-Some of the farmers in this section have finished harvesting. "I'he supply of milk at our cheese factory is daily decreas- ing. A number of young folks from here attended a party in the C.M.B. A. hall, Marysville, on Monday even- ing and report a good time. Mrs, A returned home after a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. G. Rattray, St, gan is visiting friends home from Railton on Tuesday. Miss na Hogan gave a party Friday evening, for Miss Mildred Driscoll of Trenton, and Miss Helena Driscoll of Midland, who have been visiting with her the past week. Excellent music was furnished for dancing. Some fine selections in music were played dur- ing' the evening by Miss H. Driscoll on' the piano, and Miss' Minnie Hog- an on the violin. Al who attended Tren- ton, spent Sunday at John Hogan's. ---------- An Interesting Jubilee. Berlin, Aug. 24.--An interesting cele- Reyer It was in the on Siemens, relin firm the first man in charge nmnerous ---------------- keenly re ap- Dr. women. These two remedies, sing- + have an irresis- power. Try them that must come, } t i8 said that the younger woman stepped up behind the {mother's animosity toward acquitted |' .., e of in killing' Mrs. - Viana Black. woman's lawyers put forward Hews [2 308. morONTO . 'Nuckols and the woman she {| deavorad to attract Mrs. Nuckols' husband from her. avhen she boasted to the wife that she THE-INDEPENDENT Dariy §1 50 A YEAR YE Gn ony av wan A TAFER OF CHARACTER WHOSE Col. | ARE FULL OF INTERESTING WHOLE. SOME," RELIABLE {REPORTS OF EVERY MATTER OF PUBLIC IMPORTANCE. SUR. SCRIBE NOW. SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST o> eb A -------------------- | m---------- COME IN AND SEE. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HoMBE OF GOOD SHOEMAKING. ARE NOW ON ViEw Both windows are fill in shoedom, The New Queen Shoes are the smartest ed with the latest kinks Quality and the Ultra ladies' shoes in town. For men we have many natty effects in those well-known Packard and Waulkrz Shoes. $5 Qualitios for $3.50 If you're a 'keen judge of Henderson, is visiting friends in Ga- values, there are plenty of $4.50 hanoque. Miss Aertie McDonald has | and $s Shoes in the lot to choose from, All, stylish shape Lawrence. The several schools in this | and fashionable lasts, in Russia Ntrict, oped on: Monday, August | Calf, Velour Calf, Cadet Kid and in Marysville, Sames Murphy returned Gun Metal Calf. All sizes now----but hurry. McDermott's Shoe Store iv. = Leola PIE} HOUSE - KEEPERS ATTENTION ! Your house is not complete without 25." one of our ~~ summer Sale at REDUCED PRICES. ALL SIZES For Saturday, 20 Por Cent. Off . Regular Prices For Spot Cash Only, Eh late Lord Grimthorpe loft per- McKel vey & B i re h, 773, sonal estate of £211, 69 and 71 Brock St, Kitchen Cabinet with Cabinet Attachable. We are running them during our Mid- Leading Undertaker SATURDAY SPECIAL hl . worthless: she is. Dr, Shoop OE brought relief to - thousands of such ' : women, He reaches diseases peculiar to 7 ; womenyin two direct, specific ways--a Noa Jon ra known by druggists everywhere as Dre Shoop's Night Cure, : ' and a constitutional or internal pre- scription called Dr, Shoop's Restora- tive. Dr. Shooj's Night Cure is plied locally, and at night. It works while you sleep. It reduces inflammg- tion, it stops discharges, it heals, it soothes, it comforts, it cures, Shoop's Restorative (tablet or liquid form) is a constitutional, nerve tissue tonic. It brings renewed strength, last ing ambition and vigor to weak, life- -------- : Lourie 'ADAMANT. Ready for use b Put up in bags,1 White Rock pat up In bags, . Walsh 1 pr And ENGRAVI Neatly ¢ Whig O BRITISH - HO KINGSTON - Has undergon. 1s now open t public. W TELFER A WARM There's nothing in much interested in of the year. It mw speak of coal buyin science, but that's Two Important di made are that com our customers pays way to win busines Booth FOOT OF Phone 133. ee elle sees Boos iA. E. HE a, Denotes True When com ANTI -¢ makes an 286 Pri bh NewYork Chin 83 Prince Open from 10.80 The best place | HBT BTReCeB TAN ? ' Lunch In the city. ) shortest notice. E dishes a specialty, Lawn The Bes Only " Strachan's (amag'an (hin £31 Kin Open from 10.30 The best place t Lunch in the city. bn shortest notice. dishes a specialty. Wm. Murray 27 BR( New Carriages, | etc., for sale. Sale of Hor: €S Auction Book your sale o and get choice of d I conduct all the realize the highest p 'Phone, 665, JOHN | The Le J. ROSEN : His severed his eo bpened an establish 236 Univers TRE FRO LOAN & INVEST ESTABLISH President--Sir Ric Money loaned on { erties. Municipal a tures. Mo CHOICE Sliced | AT M