~ reputation ( to . | 2qt, 3qt.. 4 qu, 6 qt. y TWIN FREEZER, 2 in 1). 8 reezes two flavors of Ice Cream or 'an Ice or Sherbet and Ice Cream at one and same time in one Freezer. i= Corbett's=§ Try us. for Clothing and Boots Isaac Zacks 271 PRINCESS STREET. CHEAPEST PRICES IN CITY ee ---------------------------- Buys a Ton of good SCRANTONGOAL This is a good time to put in a supply of heat for the winter. S. ANGLIN & G0. FOOT OF WELLINGTON ST, Keep Clean «By using clean coal. Avoid un- Becestary ashes and dust by wet "ting Your coal from Us--coal that is well screened, dirt free and less yetvcontalnine than most. Ive prime OWBlity is its faculty of 'Durning. " what you Most desire. in any fuel. Your ¢ for args or sual lots will | FREEZER is the only POE Daily Whig. Offended With The King. Edward VII has offended the Syracuse people very much because he declined them a favour they had no occasion to solicit. Some sort of sumimer car- 2 | nival is under way, and in connection with it there is to be a representa- tion or caricature of court life. A com- mittee wanted a picture of the king ¥n [full dress, and the secretary was di- fected to write to his majesty and ask for it. Lord Knollys, the king's secretary, acknowledged the receipt of the letter and regretted that the request could not be granted. That was the only an- swer that could be given. Fancy the king, a man of good taste and sense, catering to the vulgar spirit of the age, and putting himself on a level with those whose vanity finds expres- sion on the labels of cigar and soaz boxes, : The carnival themselves committee console with the reflection that they can get the picture they desire without reference to the king, his grace and: condension. Doubtless. For their purpose any cd thing will do. The assumption is probably correct that the king's secretary disposed of tie business himself. "The head of the British nation is not concerning him- self very much about the summer car- nival at Syracus?, and the frolies or follies of those who participate there- ------------ Tupper And Carnegie. Carnegie is writing to the Nine- teenth Century about the uselessness of England's precautions against Rus- sin in India. One would think that the old iron-master was an authority on the subject, which he is not. Be- sides, he will excuse the British peo- ple if they are somewhat sceptical of his seriousnoss. When Mr. Carnegie was in Canada some time ago he said many things that were complimentary of this and mother country. Returning to Skibo Castle he let go some ideas which Sir Charles Tupper challenged, and there has since been a burning contro- very: between them, with honors on the side of the ex-high commissione:. Sir Charles Tupper has resurrected the Forum of March, 1905, in which Mr. Carnegie wrote of Canada's future, He frowned down the patience the Un- ited States was showing Canada, be- cause of the allegiance it had for a foreign power which detested the re- publican idea. Mr, Carnegie's plan was to tax Canada's goods to the high- est "in the hope that it would cause her to realize that the nations on the continent are expected to be Ameri- can, and finally one nation so far as the English-speaking cerned." ' That extract recalls the varying emotions of the 'man. Scotch in origin and American in all that makes for nationality and citizenship, Mr, Car- negie has not written once disparag- ingly of Canada and her political re- lations, but several times. He is writ- ing more than he can remember and justify. He should give Canada and her loyalty a rest. Tupper certainly is too much for him. ---- Expensive Figureheads. The Toronto World scarifies the On- tario Railway and Municipal Board, and with good reason. The need of the institution was really not demonstrated when it was created. The dominion had a railway commis- sion, and it was doing a great work in adjusting differences between the railvay companies and the people. Why should the province not have something of the Kind ? It could ad just difliculties between the street railway companies and the people and regulate the radials and other enter- prises under municipal control. It would open . up the way for political appointments, and did not the Whit- ney government exist for the purpose of conferring favours upon its friends? Strange to say the Ontario' railway board, composed of a lawyer, a rail- way conductor and a grocer, met, or- ganized, and then adjourned for the legal vacation ! The man who gets $6,000 a year as chairmen, and his colleagues, drawing $4,000 each, - con- portion is con- two cent per mile rate on the Metro politan railway is concerned. This law took effect on July 15th and the railway company, in defiance of it, is collecting the old and illegal rate. The attention of the attorney-general is called to the fact ; He is superior and order that its rules can only be admitted and enforced when they have been approved by the government. Besides the commissioners should real- ly make some bluff at the earning of their salaries. of Word Of Warning. The provincial subsidy question has been considerably magnified by the delivefance of Hon. Mr. Brodeur, the minister of marine. Mr. Brodeur made fi to the subj in an addn in his constituency. In effect he warn- ed his countrymen to be less insistent upon larger provincial grants lest the effort should weaken the provincial position. I is inferred that the pre- mier and his colleagues may have dis- cussed the subject and that the ad- vice or opinion which Mr. Brodeur offered reflected the mind of his lead- er. That is only an inference. There is nothing to quote in justification of it It is recalled that the demand for a revision of the provincial subsidy originated some years ago and with the Quebec premier. He suggested that the basis of the subsidy should be changed, as provincial conditions had changed since confederation. The other premiers were approached, but they did not commit themselves. The issue remained open, Myr. Gouin, of Quebec, recently endeavored to revive it, and 'it has been hinted that his lead might be followed by the pre- miers of Ontario and Mamitoba, now under conservative rule. Mr. Gouin, however, is not a political fool. He will not do any filibustering for the benefit of the tory party. The word in season from Mr. Bro deur will be remembered. It is the more impprtant because it is ondorsed bi Hon. Mr. Tarte, in La Patrie, who claims that the provinces have really no need of larger subsidies. Their finances would be the easier and sure- ly sounder if men were more prudent in the administration of their affairs, if they had not indiscrectly engaged the credit of the province in a number of enterprises which might have been executed without that aid. As a pesing expression of public opinion the thoughts of Messrs. Bro- dour and Tarte will stand considera- tion. Editorial Notes. On dit that Mr. Fielding will run for an Ontario constituency. Believe it? Where did it originate ? In the Mail. Enough. Next. The hot weather and the bye-elec- tion 'in East® Elgin have produced their results. The St. Thomas Times hag been sued €or libel. Gas at 80c, per thousand feet. That is the offer the Consumers' has made to the city of Could the cost be lees under munici- pal management ? company Toronto, The politicians of New York state appear to be in revolt against the bosses. Every candidate for office seems to consider it necessary to re- pudiate the machine, -- the provincial right ? Who ? The men who want an increase in the provincial subsidics. By-the-way was Mr. Whitney, of Ontario, not nib- bling at this subject ? Enemics of -- Odudfellowship has not, and cannot, be compromised by any liquor scan- dal or infraction of the license law. This must be apparent to anyone who knows the law of the order. The provincial secretary is in no hurry about re-organizing the provin- cial board of health. No pressing ne- cessity for it. No? The health of the people is perhaps of secondary impor- tance--to the politicians. What is the matter with the local license inspectors that the government has to send in detectives to peach upon the license holders ? Is this the better administration the peopds were promised by the new government ? The government must not suppose that the labour party has overlooked or forgotten about the convict labour and public contracts ? The government broke its promise with the labour party. There will have to be a reckon- ing. -- ---- The undertakers want a law which will make it necessary to have creden- tials before presuming to embalm. Any danger of them imitating the medi: cal council and Prefuming to drive out of the business any one they do not like ? -- One conserwmtive paper says Mr. Fielding is a bad, bad man, "one of the worst elements in public life." An- other conservative paper says he has been a model minister and an im- provement on his predecessors. Which DAILY BRITISH they assert the meaning of the law so far as the to the railway board, and perhaps he will see his way clear to call it down, station of the BW, & to a - liament. Reason assigned--that there is dissension in the government. What about the opposition? Any dissen- sion or friction there? What sayeth Mr, Haultain or Mr. Maclean ? The Ottawa Journal refers to the hundreds. of men who are still liberals though thei are beginning to wonder why. It doesn't pay to be a liberal, eh ? The conservatives elaim the plums whether they are for ot against the government. Liberals may wonder, but it is the fact all the same. -- 5 The Belleville Intelligencer is dis- tressed because the liberals desire to be represented in the military service. Mapy conservatives spend their money on it, says our contemporary. And it might have added most of them get good money out of it. The Ottawa Citizen weeps because the election court judges did not con- dole 'with the man whom Mr. Fielding defeated. Perhaps it is not too late to do this yet. The man whom the people would not have is to be com- miserated with in his trouble. -- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. It Really Is. Toronto Mail. J is giving so much trouble to Uncle Sam that it is getting difficult to "Remember the Maine"'--with sa- tisfaction, ' Very Ambitious. Guelph Mercury. imistic Alberta that its will have years. ! Calgary expects present population of 16,000 risen to .100,000 in fifteen You Don't Say ? Toronto Star Meanwhile the oxperimce of those who have been promoted to the senate is that it's very much like being laid away in the top drawer in lavender leaves, The Lucky King. Ottawa Citizen. His majesty King Fdward is report- ed to have made $2,500,000 on the rise in Union Pacific. The captains of industry must have given him the right tip when they visited Him last Year. 4 WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 25. TO PLAN REVOLUTION. A Venezuelan Leader Comes to United States. GENERAL PAREDES, New York, Aug. 25.--Gen. Antonio Paredes, who has earned a reputation in Venemela as a valiant and able military leader, has come to the Uni- ted States from Trinidad, to plan a revolution against President Castro. According to his statement, Venezuela is ripe for a revolution and the peo- ple would be only too glad to get rid of Castro, whose tyranny © has made him very unpopular. SPORTING NOTES. Interesting Items om Various Sporting Matters. The British bowlers won at am. The Corinthian footballers defeated Kent by five to three. Orillia woh from Beaverton at la- crosse by eleven to three. The Hamilton Tigers play an exhi- bition game in Buffalo on Saturday. The cricket match between the Pil. grims and Toronto was left unfinish- ed. It's George Bannon, that Manager Barrow is land. James R. Brady's Accountant, fav- orite at 13 to 20, easily: won the Saratoga Derby. Yesterday's victory of the Chicago Americans made a straight run of ninetéen winning games. Hass, formerly of Winnipeg, now a Chat- not Jimmy trying to A Warm Impression. Hamilton Herald. Those British bowlers, footballers and doctors who are now visiting the province will be apt to smile ironi- cally in future when they hear Can- ada dubbed Our Lady of the Snows. GANANOQUE NEWS. Poultry Trespass Case Goes to the Police Court. Gananoque, Aug. 25.--The steamer Missisquoi * brought the Lansdowne Sabbath school picnic up to the gov- ernment reserve. and pavilion on Gar- den Island, yesterday. There was quite a large crowd. A number also came to Gananoque and visited with friends. On the return t%ip in the afternoon at 1:30 quite a number of Gananoqueans took in the ramble among the islands, A summons has been issued against Thomas Shipman, of Lansdowne, on complaint of his cousin, W. H. Ship- man, who lives on the adjoining farm, for allowing his poultry to trespass on complainant's property. The case will come up before Police Magistrate Heaslip on Tuesday next. George GaMop, M.A., has just com- pleted a set of six beautiful water color paintings of the grounds and flower gardens of "Blinkbonnie," the | home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mac- donald. Mr. Macdonald has allowed them on exhibition in the window of the corner drug store, The Gananoque yacht club has made arrangements for another mas (uerade dance at the club house next Friday evening. The annual picnic of Grace Metho- dist Sabbath school will be held next member of the Harvard crew, speak- ing to a friends, expressed himself as not over sanguine that Harvard could beat Cambridge. Willie Deegan, the deaf-mute twirler of the Hoboken team, had a conference with Manager Barrow at Jersey City on Monday, and he has agreed to Play with Toronto next season. J. M. Lamb, business manager of the Winnipeg baseball club, says the local club may put a team in the professi- onal hockey league the coming win- ter. It is hoped to get a league made up of Winnipee Duluth, Hpughton, the two Soos, and Pittsburg, with a pos- sibility of Calumet and Toronto. Mrs. Frank Foster came out for the opening race at Fort Erie, yesterday, after a holiday of six weeks. 'She was thought to be not quite ready for a hard race, and her odds went from 8 to 10 to 1. She took the lead and lasted long enough to beat Loupania three-quarters of a length, It is announced authoritatively that the Berlin hockey team, senior cham- pions of the 0, H. A., will play again next winter and endeavor to defend the John Ross Robertson cup. The team will be the same with one 'ex- ception, an intermediate player being slated to take Pete Charlton's place at point. Chip 1I., owned by Jonathan Wain- wright of Ogdensburg, and entered as the cup defender of the Chippewa Yacht Club, won the third and final race or the gold challenge cup of the American Powef Boat Association, de- feating the Sparrow of the Riverton Yacht Club, Philadelphia, by 23 min- utes, 26 seconds. A VERY GRAVE OFFENCE Friday, August 3lst, probably at the government reserve No. 2, on Garden Island. The steamer Missisquoi has | been engaged for the occasion. 1 Mrs. Dunn, of Brockville, is spending | a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert | Murchie, John street. Mrs. Dixon, Lansdowne, formerly Miss Jennie | Hudson, of Gananoque, visited friends | In town yesterday. Rev. Joseph Cornell and family, who have spent the past few weeks camp- ing at Ivy Lea, returned home yester- day. Dr. J. P. Sinclair spent the greater | part of the week in Toronto attend- ing the session of the British Medical | Association and also the reunion of | the house surgeons of the general hos- pital there, Fred. Watt, of Detroit, a former mer- chant of Gananoque, is spending a few | days with relatives in town, Charles Seo, of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alexander See, Church street, i spending a short. vacation at his |j home. v » of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Rogers, King Street. Mr. Farmer leaves shortly for Vermilion, Alberta, where he has se. cured a position as teacher. George H. Walker, who has been spending » it couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs, I Reid, Charles street, left yesterday for | Chicago. : { -------- To Make Room For Fall Importa. tions. Prevost, Brock street, [v is having a | Campbell Bros. To-Night. For nobby new fall hats. ---- 8 8. Nevens, agent at the Athens | N.W., has gone | amy s on the C.P.R., and J. o ] is giving ux thesgospel ? taken his Cross wo J A Trade Mark Which is Infringed 'From Montreal Guzette, Aug. 135, 1906. telling of the tailor who was sent to jail by a police magistrate for misre- presenting some {weed and infringing the trade mark act, brings home the | eriminal conduct of retailers, who re peatedly deceive their customers. this case it was found out that tailor was advertising suits made { order from Harris tweed, He 'did not | have | store, | their Slater shoe, which is the shining mark in the commerciad world, the favorite The slater Shoe company receive let- ters nearly every day from people who say they bought Slater shoes dealers who never had a Slater wants a new ad ras of Ampuior, Tormey these worthless imitations. One can ssista In Gananoque high school, is conceive their indi ti » pe spending a few days in town the guest hn de ception practiced upon them. All sorts of subterfuges are Practiced, | preciate { The real Slater shoe {of these loflers victims of sulistituto ed that gives For fifty nl £ SEW gnc 3333 $I IPIPP $033 PPEP BI44S CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA on, you will never return to the adulterated of Japan. ; tey 280, 30¢, 40, Lead Packets Only Al & HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904 1 Grocery, ... BIBBY'S ... ASK TO SEE OUR $15 Bromley Suits They are winning admiration from every one who sees them. Every style, kink, and every de- tail in making has been looked after, and these New Suits are simply per. fection in suit.making, and the best here means Nothing Better Anywhere, Come in for a look! New Raincoats New Top Coats The H. D. Bibby Co, THE SUIT STORE OF THE TOWN. BIGYGLES TYPEWRITERS ING MAGHINES Sold and Repaired DOBBS & (0., 171 Wellington St, Rate a a A By Many Dealers. The despatch from London, Eng., to a yard of Harris tweed in his In Canada some dealers are lax in morals in this respect. "The is perhaps choice of the infringers, from shoe n their store. The deceived customer pair of Slater shoe for Some deaiers surely do not appre the gravity of the offence. has the Slater rade mark plainly marked upon each pair. The good nature of the com- may if taxed to its limit when some are received from the rs and imitators, ------ Bulletin Company Organized. Thousand Island ] r ] | Park, N.Y zr. Seat slouring sale in all his depart- | 25.-- The Bulletin Publishing Ws an men % = thing made to order, ready- | was organized at. Thousand Island an 8 o othing, and gents furnishings. | Park when the following officers were a in need of the above goods | elected: Presiden t, Lloyd E. Brown of t oe money, as he will make a | New York; vice-president, A. J. Jind. great sacrifice of all goods to make | say of New York; secretary and trea- room for fall and winter importa- | surer, D, X. Brown of Delaware 0 { | weekly paper of reference and bulletin haracter will be issued. ---- ~The Original Corn Cure. No substitutes has ever been the quick, painless ults of Puthan's Car years For devis- re- Corn Extractor. ite success has been Grocers, Clubs and Hotels, Those who are accustomed te using imported English ales will find it perfectly satisfactory and at & much lower price nF JAS.. McPARLAND, AGENT. Special tended to. INDIA PALE ALE The malt and hops used are the finest that memey can secure. It is a prime favorite. Sold .all ever Camada, at Attention We give special attention to' putting in gas piping d connecting meters. All orders are promptly at- WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Chicago Gas Stoves and Ranges which are acknowledged the best made. safoty and thorough a SUFFERED Robust W Read tine Lette tude From W Have Been | By Dr. Har Advic A Multitude of tre Received | A TYPICAL Mrs. Carry Peduzzi writes: «| take pleasure ir through your wond, am eatirely cured stomach and pelvic | «| was so rundown jllness that I could n my housework. I sle p and Lad terribl «1 took Peruna and was well. I have no Joug time, #1 wish everyone 3 take Peruna and t health. «] have Peruna tinually. I thank y have done for me." A Medicine Miss Katie 'A. Wa street, Louisville, K "As my experle favorable from the unhesitatingly stat. it is a medicine of 1 for all the ilis that from. «| find that it s fuses new life int whenever I feel run a few doses of Peru me again." Found a Friend | Mrs. Florence Ail Toledo, Ohio, write: *Peruna cured n uterus. | took abo I noticed an imp. bottles cured me. "I d6 not know been like to-day | Peruna, for I was i) "I had pains all and irritable. Iwa being well again. "| am to-dayaw fering for nine mc you how happy | know. "Peruna is the be "My husband is will always keep F "Peruna is the be It cured me." for Wai: This is t $1.00 Waists 1.25 Wai f 1.50 Waists f 1.756 Waists f WI $1.00 Nightgo 1.25 Nightgo 1.50 and 1 gomns T6c. to SPE] Teese HOUSE - Ay A A a -sssssssssasgl § JAMES RI 'Phone 147 1 | ee 3 - CUSTOM The business Oliver, wll be offics, 79 Clare G. A. B, Who for the bean asedciatec Money Mclatyrs cess a 3 Gees ssessssesssessas |