M BT ean as 1 i at the peach crop will sails for ng. Cent. SAMO . The apple crop promises less year. Had Narrow iscape. There was a from a dual drowning accident : Lake Ontario Park ow Ffiday morning, Two young girls, Alice Moore = and Clara RoBinson were in bathing. went beyond the raft and overestimat- od their th with the result they could not regain the shore, While in d ¥ ond, who 2 Ay & eA al wenlil at : 4at $2.00 EACH "while they last' Mitchell's Hardware "i 4 [Mingston, Ont, | Gibson's Red © ave danger, George a charge of the bathing resort, went 10 their rescue and brought them in, It was quite a time before the girls were resuscitated and able to return to the city, A Versatile Alderman. Alderman © Tove today occupies a number of civic positions, He is acting as muyor and also as city clock, during the brief absence of his worship yh the clark. He also sees that the police court bench is filled, and acs as chairman of the light committee. Some pastor should in- vite him fo occupy a pulpit. m------ Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen. To heal and soften the skin and re move grease, oil and rust stains, paint und earth, ete, use The "Master Mo- chanic's" Tar Soap. Albert Toilet Soap Co., Manufacturers, -------- Pears, Pears, Pears. Pears by the bushel or basket, table or preserving. Crawford, "After<dinmer mints' ross store. Signor Marconi says wireless messag- os soon will be sent from Ireland to Canada. ul Bane Te Pr Sa Fue Sn heck td supe Coro New Yok i [Fall Goods] - To Hand Scotch Suitings--Many extreme styles Novelt in the dark shades, Pears for preserving by the basket, bushel or peck. Crawford's. Try Bibby's for boys' school suits. [deliberately fattened for human irect from London, 54 inches wide, at 75¢., goc., $1, $1.25, $1.50 yard. f= Bannockburn Scotch Tweeds -- Beautiful '£0 range of color combinations, absolutely new, $1.50 yard. 54 inches wide and shrunk, '$1, $1.25, $1.35, J Chiffon and Venetian Broadcloths--Beauti- ful soft finish, thoroughly shrunk, at goc., $1, $1.10. $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 yard, : New Suitings Only one suit of each design, i§ ) very latest London EN each, @ Splendid Range of Goods Baratheas, fashion, $7.50, $9, $10 Fancy Black Dress f ] Amures, Chenes, Pana- | mas, Eoliennes, etc., all new styles, for street ER and housewear, 8 New Fall Coats and Skirts ff In Scotch Tweeds and Cloth designs. The Name "Waldron" Stamped on a 'stocking is a guarantee both as to color and quality. For ladies. 4 pairs for ....evvuvirinnn. $1.00 3Pasfor.....coicniiuer.. 1.00 2 pairs for ............0 05 1.00 - Remnants Remnants of Table 14, 2. 2,724, 24, hr Linens ; =. 3 yards, bleached and unbleached, new lots just TT to hand, at fully 25% less than regular prices. - B ) Remnants of To For kitchen, glass = and roller use, length 2 to 6 yards long. R. WALDRON § chart British | are sold at' n ah a i$ SWINDLER GETS AWAY WITH Eases Her of $10,000, and Then He and His Bogus fapents Decamp--Police Are Busy Now. Paris, Aug. 25.-The widow of a university professor recently inserted an advertisement in several ox- plaining her desire to obtain a posi- tion as governeds in a well-to-do fam- I% ga stated that she had saved A man who called himsélf' Kepler called on her in reply to this adver tisement, and told the widow that he thought himself he to obtain for n she desired. He called every day for some time, and was extremely attentive, but the . widow could not understand why the position was mever mentioned in actual terms, She mentioned this fact one day, and, her visitor fell on his knees, : admitted that be had not told the exact truth. He declared that he had fallen in love with her, and her to marry him. He introduced her to his parents, who were, as he alleged, the owners of a prosperous hotel at Bucharest. This hotel, the generous father said, would be given as a wedding gift to the young couple immediately after the marriage. ; Kepler informed his futore wife that, as French money was of little value in Bucharest, it wonld be advan- tageous to her if her savings were ex- changed for Roumanian money in Paris. | i The widow entrueted her money to Kepler, This was the last she saw of him. Tn her distress she went to consult the parents to whom she had been in- troduced. They had left without giv- ing any address, . Now the widow is waiting while the police are energetically attempting to trace the swindléers who posed as the Kepler family. CHICAGO OUTDONE. of Old Pigs TFattened on Flesh Horses. London, Aug. 25.--A terrible prac- tice obtaining among certain pig- breeders in the Maldron district . of Essex has just come to light. I'he county medical officer of Essex re cently paid an official visit of inspec- tion to certain knackers' yards where it had been reported to him that pigs were suffering from anthrax, and there he discovered that pigs were being oh swibption oir the raw flesh of slaught- ered horses. It appears that the knackers are ac- customed to breed pigs for market purposes and to throw about their yards the carcasses of the animals they slaughter in order that the pigs may devour the raw flesh and reduce the dead beasts to skeletons, thereby saving the cost of ordinary foodstuffs. It is a well-known fact that pigs are liable to a number of diseases by be- i | ing fed on the flesh of animals; in- , the inspectors discovered that several of the / swine were suffering from anthrax, and most of these dis- éases 'are communicable to man. The looal authorities, it is said, are pow- erdess to stop the practice, but it is understood that the facts have been laid before the board of agriculture and the local government board. ' AFTER PIRATE'S HOARD. -- To Locate Treasure Along Coast of Caribbean Sea. Liverpool, Aug. 25.--Wiliam H. Small, of Liverpool, the owner and master of the ketch Catherine, which has been fitted for a voyage to the Caribbean Sea in search of treasure, and which is under detention by the customs authorities at Douglas = be- cause of lack of ship's papers, has made an interesting statement regard- ing his intentions. The concealed hoard, he says, was buried by la- trobe, a notorious French pirate, about the year 1808 on an island, and consists of specie and jewelry of the estimated. value of $5,100,000, The secret of the hiding place was reveal ed by an old sailor while on his deathbed twenty-eight years ago to a ship's doctor named Davison. This sailor, while serving on a merchant ship, was made a prisoner by La- trobe, and to escape death joined the pirate crew. While making for the irate hoadyuarters they were chased = an American corvette, but escaped, and buried their treasure in boxes on the island. When the pirates again put to sea they were attacked by an American ship, most. of them being killed und the remainder being cup- tured, LOOT CAFETOWN SHOPS. Army of Unemployed Incited By Agitators. Capetown, Aug. 25.--Remarkable scenes have been witnessed here to- day, For some time past "unemploy- ed" agitators have been vigorously at work = spreading socialistic doctrines, and a deputation waited on Dr, Jameson, the premier, thig morning, demanding employment, At a certain stage of the interview Dr. Jameson promised food and shelt- er to the genuine unemployed, but ai- ter the deputation had gome two or three white agitators incited a crowd of 700 colored hooligans to loot the shops, Riots followed, and continued throughout the greater portion of the day. A large number of shops were looted, and the police charged the crowd, several conflicts occurring, Nine arrests were made. «Very few white men are implicated in the riots, the looters consisting chiefly of a low type of colored hoo ligans. Order has been restored this evening, -------- Pears, Pears, Pears. Pears by the bushel or basket, table or preserving. Crawford. ------------ Baby's Own Tablits for children, Fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Boys' suits galore at Bibhy's. . Preserving pears, Crawford's, __DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 25. Tenders Awarded For Various Machinery. There was a special meeting of the civic light committee, yesterday after- noon, to award tenders for plant ex- tension supplies. It has taken some time to get the tenders figured out. Those present : Alds. Toye (chairman), Kent, Hoag, Bassam, Gaskin and Elliott. The chit awards were for two 300 kilo-watt generators. The direct ourrent generator will be supplied by the Westi com- pany for $5,000 and the alternating current ator by the Canadian Geteral these figures being the lowest. The two lowest tenders for the gas holder were $10,347 and $10,300, with- out the excava dation which the will have done. ' this was held in abeyance, in order to find out which is really the better from all points of view. sum of 825,000 was the estimate for the hold- er, but it will be erected at a figure r that amount. the tenders for the extensions have now been passed by the commit. tee with the exception of that for the gas holder, and the extensions will be rapidly pushed ahead. | EXHHE HK CORPSES EXPOSEy. Kansas City, Kas., Aug. 25.---The washing out of graves at Elmwood Cemetery by torrential rains exposed nearly two hundred bodies to view. The cemetery rounds, which are five miles from the business centre of the city, were flooded. Monu- ments toppled qver and o uage was done. Ww 2 EEEXREERER ERE 3 F * HAVE TURNED UP. . The Missing Men Found at the Galoups. On Thursday and = Friday it was feared that Mr. and Mrs. George De witt, New York, were drowned during a squall on Lake Ontario. Nr. De witt, a broker in New York, and wife, have been stopping in Cape Vincent for the past two weeks, and Thursday morning went out in a twenty-five foot launch, in charge of R. W. Wen- orn, for a day's fishing near Grena- dier Isl . They started for home Just befor dark when the squall came up, A purty in another bout, some distance away, saw the oceu. pants of the Wenborn boat throwing articles overboard, and then were forced to look after their own safety. When they again looked for the other boat it was not to be seen. Search- ing parties went to the scene Friday morning, but as the boat was six miles from shore when the squall struck it was thought unlikely that the occupants reached land. Advices received, this morning, state that Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt are safe, having been found at Galoup Island, where they had taken refuge. On ¥ evening guests at the hotel, at Cape Vincent, col 8500 and offered it to the captain of a tug at the wharf if he would put out in search of the lost ones. It was such a dirty night that even such a tempting bait could not coax the ves sel from her moorings. Mr. Dewitt was formerly a member of the brokerage firm of C. H. Dewitt & Co.. of New York, now dissolved. a few days ago. A.0.U.W, Of Ontario. The grand lodge of this order is showing a splendid exhibit of its fin- ancial standing for the current year in its various funds, which now stand : After all warrants were issued and paid to 31st July there were in bank- serve fund a surplus of $627,795.06 Total of $644,252.23. Limestone lodge, No. 91, of this or- der, located in this city, shows during the past half year the collection and payment of the following amounts to 30th June: Assement fund paid in, $5,490.35; paid out, $5,490.38; general fund paid in, $449.95; paid out, $280.19; total paid in, $5,940.33; total paid out, $5,- 770.57, Its trustees have' on hand to credit of general fund : Mortgage, $700; cash in bank, $383.66; loans to members, $250; total, $1,333.66. What local lodge shows up as well ? Don't all answer at once, -- Yacht Blown Ashore. The small steamyachi owned hy Mr, McCausland, burg, Pa. who is summering at the head of Wolfe Island, was blown ashore by the strong wind of Thurs- day night. She was released with- out damage by the Calvin tug Fron- tenac, Margaret, of Pitts- At Garden Island. The steamer Parthia leaves this ev- fuing for Quebec with a raft of t im- r. The steamer Calvin Burma, coalladen, were here yester- day, en route to Quebec. They will load pulpwood for the return trip. -- and consort : Pears, Pears, Pears. Pears by the bushel or basket, table or preserving, Crawford. ------ Robbery At A Ball. Ostend, Ang. 25.~In the confusion at the close of a charity ball at the Kursaal last night, Baroness Olread, a German, was robbed in the supper room of a handbag containing a neck. lage of the value of $30,000, and 'oth- er jewels worth $10,000, There are seventeen valuable than gold, but there are no teas more valuable than: "Salada" Tea. Many teas that cost more money but not so valuable when you are looking for purity and delicious cup quality, "Salada" is packed in sealed lead packets and your grocer sells it, in different colored labels, at prices ranging from 2c. to 6le. per pound. Pears for preserving by the basket, metals more bushel or peck, Crawford's, \ rie confyly for $4,500, | lected a purse of | Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt were married only §i able funds a surplus of $210,501.99; re- [| sick benefit fund a surplus of $262.31; 5 general fund a surplus of $5,730.87. K \ Dress Goods tie goods as the market offers now. and seeing all this section offers ? New Fabrics New Qualities New Fancles Light Grey Tweeds, in the newest quite a sdark grey, with a large ~intended especially for the new, day's five popular prices, per yarc and 9c. Cream and Navy Serges, for Skirts vard, 49¢c., @ec. and T5c. na Cloths, Biarritz Cloths, Poplins to $1.49 a yard, , JOHN LAIDLAW let us mention ine Whalebone, JOHN LAIDLAW Ladies" White Cotton Vests, weight, with long cial value, Monday, each. .... Ladies' Lisle Vests, without sleeves, day, either kind .. . Ladies' Lisle Vests, of very fine genui shoulder-strap, allowing low neck ve ments, Monday, each Ladies' Lisle Vests, of finest genuine Straps trimmed daintily with Val. | finest 'vest and very popular--worth each JOHN LAIDLAW we ve just which can $2 only, 10} A ral os elas Huve you been caught in one of the late storms with a shably umbrella? As the schoolmaster said: "Don't let it happen again!" We will have a new cover put on quickly, and°® a small expense. PROMINENT PEOPLE. Testify to the Efficacy of the New Scientific Dandruff Treatment. A, E. Lanien, Denver, says: '"'Her- picide has made my hair grow rapid- ly." "Mrs. A. Guerin, Great Falls, 'Mont., says: "I find Herpicide an excellent dandruff cure." H. Greenland, Portland, Ove., says : 'Newbro's Herpicide stopped my hair's falling out." . J. PD. Ierael, Norton, Wash., says : "Herpicide has completely cured my dandruff." Charles Brown, president First Na- tional bank, Vancouver, Wash., says "Herpicide is noted for keeping the soalp clean." . Insist upon. the genuine. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for samplé to the Herpicide Co., De- troit, Mich. G. W. Mahood sperial agent. ------ + Hard or soft corns cured with three ppfications of Fodk's Con Salve. juaran . Money ba if not wa- tisfactory. In boxes, 15c., at Wade's drug stoe. Special bargains . in corsets, New York Dress Reform. & Front Again DAME FASHION has proclaimed what materials and styles are to find greatest favor for the com- ing fall, and we, as the most popular store of King- ston, have received shipments of such new and attrac- . So the only thing that's left is on your side. You won't, like the idea of waiting your turn with the dressmaker, you won't like the idea of finding someone else ahead of you in a par- ticularly pleasing choice, so why not make sure of first choice and first service by coming here on Monday New Weaves New Quantities the season, including a very novel and attractive one-- of the most popular pieces we ever had. FRENCH CORSET, made of genuine French Coutille ) trim med with Fine Lace and Ribbon, and with hose-supporters attached; a genuine French Corset (not copied from 1 50 a French model), which . slight figures, at ... .... .... " FRENCH "VENUS" CORSET, practically the same as above, but with longer hip and made especially for full figures: though actually sold inf 2 00 Toronto and Montreal now. for $2.60, we will offer it Monday, at-..... .... . Ladies' Underwear of the Popular Weight and Though it does not feel like autumn as this is written, we are not ex- i esting anybody to be so premature as to buy heavier underwear yet awhile. we feature for Monday some of those kinds which we've sold all sum. mer and which must have given perfect satisfaction-- because our sales this § year have beer nearly double those of last. Ribbed, and of: fine, soft quality and pleasing sleeves and low neck, perhaps our most popular spe- or fine ribbon cotton vests with short sleeves and low neck, daintily trimmed with lace, extra special on Mon- i ry elastic and perfectly shaped gar- Savings in Men's Collars and Cuffs Here To-night Since we've been selling these white collars and cuffs at reduced prices in this regard. Men's White Collars, all sizes from 14 to 16}, in the latest turn-down styl \ of different heights and excellent quality, regularly considered extra goody value at two for 25¢. Yours, any time to-night. ...... . . Men's White Collars inclusive, regularly ten o'clock, two for 15¢., or each Men's White Cuffs, - --------? Store Open TiN 10 To-night to the New Ideas fashionable weaves of check or plaid surface long fall coats. Mon- 1, 49¢c., @Oc., 75c., 9c. and Suits, just three Monday per Black Broadcloths, Cashmeres, Lustres, Cheviots, Roxa- and Corde-de-Soies-- always correct and fashionable, at a score of prices up & SON JOHN LAIDLAW & SON -- ---- New Corsets Are Necessary Before the New Dress Can Be Fitted Properly : You'll quite willingly agree to the truth of that statement we are sure, By while the new dress should be modelled over a perfect foundation, a few day's would bring a new corset into just the proper condition for that foundation. Though ful women will come here to-night or Monday and make a choice 'from some of the new fall shapes, with a view to having a perfect fitting new fall dress. meat is varied and can hardly fail to satisfy the most exacting. As | wear, Our assort. air examply these : Ay and boned with genuc u Bias Gore, zes for medmm and we will offer Monday, in & SON JOHN LAIDLAW & SON ---- Quality Here they are : 13 2) 45 Lisle Thread, with neck and shoulder) ace 'and extra good wash ribbon, our | . more than we will ask on Monday, | ne Lisle Thread, with fancy Arp & SON JOHN LAIDLAW & SON ------ begun to realize what a chance there is for a men's-wear-sectios offer such values in all men's garments. You'll hear from us again In the meantime, come here and save on these : in the newest summer shapes, all sizes from 12 to 17 sold at three for 40c. Yours any time to-night, up t 1.08 10 in the most popular shape worn this summer, one siz inch. Yours any time to-night up to ten o'clock, per pair only itr ema SHOE BARGAIN FOR. SATURDAY ------------ 6o Pairs Ladies' Chocolate Blucher Cut Low Shoes, all sizes, regular $2.00 and $2.50 Now $1.50 60 Pairs Ladies' Chocolate Blucher Lace, to match the Oxford, formerly $3.00 . . . ' Now $2.00 30 Pairs Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Low Shoes, light sole, large eyelets, Blucher cut; form- erly $200. SATURDAY, . . . 'Only $1.50 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORf PS~If in need of a Suit Case or Trunk, dont forget this store. Drads IN BARD DATS OF TH IDS R By Quaint Cer --Kindred Have Not St. Prieuc, Av gathering is ov Druids, and t back agaitt to considerable elen in the proceed days, but to a admitted that turesque little much more as a good-will to the tain rather tha Celtic enthusias Indeed, "the Brittany, Celtic tain comparativ teristics, Out of filled the park the bardic core thoudAFTr Wi" guage, and even the meaning of The retention own language, ion with Engla to the English the most curiou modern Europe, not retained th thing like the s: The language district of Finis taught in the s hardly any Bret French, though still who do no Judging, who have ing the last fow seem to he mu the character the two people ously quiet for lack the dourne have something tion of musie, cutive ability. ' instinctive good sessed by 'the and other Ce women both in may be compar Although it too, repre Sample ( sent free on