Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1906, p. 5

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nches wide, row 3 Rib. : cy cheg for 2nd Veilings fering for 20c. per yard. s' Belts ets, with steel trimmings Beir re : : very patty patterns i nd Polk Dor' Bicets. Exiry yon Inderwear lly good values in Ladies' . the garment, 35¢., 45c,, very os" Vest 60c., 69¢ RS. T.TREXER, They Never Feel Wholly Rested, That They Are Always Tired. EVERY D AY. Care = Sa Se SS Ry ym of Women Write Dr. Hartman to Complain That AlF on Place, Not¢' Road, Paler- son N.J., writes: "1 suffered five years with my spine and pains in my back. "ji consulted you, fortunately, and in fourteen weeks was cared by the use of Peruna and follow- ing your advito: Grosvenor ---- know of the good "I can mow do my § catarrh. : your medicine has own work. I cannot For this Peruna is recommended by Dr, Hartman. It relieves catarrh J dono for me. Ihad » thank you enoufh.} wherever located in the human body--in the thorax, abdomen or pelvis, what the doctors I cannot tell you called hearttrouble, how happy I'am. No family should be] "This was causcd by indigestion and | I had been doctoring for a year before I without Pes 2 female trouble. I guffered agonies and | tried your Peruna. I suffered the most Skffered Years With Pain. was afraid to bo left alone, with pain in my head. 2 -- Mrs. Ida Wermain, 531 Manhattan | Completely Exhausted. A Friend Advised Pcruna. Ave., New Yark City, writes: : "For many years I le garment for all cea- Fall and Winter--for is the Raincoat. find rolief, as no mo. "I read of your sad decilled to give relief. ncomplete without one. oir Agel I only be a short time side--that they are in- provement over carrying it. Mrs. E. A. Connol Kansas City, Mo.; writes: «1 have suffered for. years with stom- ach trouble, so that in the pelvie organs. I waa unable to for some time and obtained much "Now 1 am strong again and havea appetite. Peruna bas relieved me of a chronic ailment, and I thereforc recommend it to all women." Always Tired and Weak. "1 hopoevery man and woman who suffers will give Peruna a trial and be as grateful as my huosband and myself." Dectored a Year. "Miss Anna Me- Ginn, 161 Plain SL, Providence, R. I. writes: "] wish to lot you FRELVIC CATARRH CAUSES MANY AILMENTS. There are so many women who are tired all the time, They got up in the morning tired and drag themselves around wearily all day. They have pain in the back and dragging sensations which seem to weigh them down as though carrying a burden. Many women are undoubtedly suffering with systemic catarrh. The proper remedy for them to #akeds Peruna. The catarrh hagdnyaded the whole abdominal and pelvic organs, Through mucous discharges theyre dosing vitality every moment, The food they eaf'and tho sleep they get is hardly sufficient to keep up with the incessant drain ofi their vitality, The only lope Yof betterment in their cases is the complete removal of the "One day a friend of ming told me of your Peruma, so I gota bottle. Aftera week's use oftlit I began to feel better, "At first I could not eat, sleep or work, but I have at last found that the medicine that would cure me was your Peruna, A New Woman. ; "My face has a géod color now. Iam anew woman, 1 thank you very much." Followed Dr. Hartman's Advice, Mrs. Viola Marshall, 420 West Mason street, Springfield, 111., writes: "Two months ago when 1 sought your advice, I had gotten so weak that 1 had to lie down most of the time, Praising Peruna. "1 began faking your Peruna and now 1 feel like a new woman, "At times I was afraid to stand on my feet and to attempt to do any house- work was out of the question, "One day I read an advertisement of Peruna and its wonderful cures and 1 wonderful Peruna | decided to try it. it a trial. I took it | New Life and Vigor. "My husband brought home one bot- tle and before that bottle was half gone I felt new life and new vigor. "That tired, hopeless feeling left me, I began to eat and my food nourished me, I could walk and do my work without fainting, Peruna's Wonderful Work, "] took several bottles during the summer and fall and cannot praise it enough for the wonderful work it did I could eat hardly | for me, suffered with pains doctor could help ly, 8227 Garner St., . "I shall never cease praising Peruna, ings and the Trades' Union Council v anything. - I was tired and weak all the | *"When I feel tired or nervous from any | nor thanking Dr, Hartnian for his kind ini asked to take the matter In / -- 5 COUSC, 8 fow doses of Peruna cure me. advice," hand : \ - de . re rm ssn ram 7 i : i NOT ENDED YET. Double Purpose. y ; NOT ENDED Bee t S88 cosh sss rsssIteTS TIBI TRT TRS PP DRUG STORE NEWS A Tory Should - Wot Be dives Office. ol weather--a' Raincoat ?* Autumn Ready-to- The Moatecl Terai saga i is un " 1 1 1 derstood that Major 1. . Shan 19 bbe, { Wear Exhibition EXCLUSIVE SALE |." noc ie amtted paymaster of the 1 ' Eastern Ontario command. Instead, $ > veal ' a P mre Captain W, 8. Conger, of Belleville, 0, 12 50 Re aling perfectly ¢ formerly of the Itt Regiment, Ra ' , $ paymaster of the permanent lorc, 1 1 the style tendencies 4 I ¢ O r nN al will be given He: puymostership of the 3 [ of thé season district, and Major Shannon wi ; 18. " ' PR '" made district staff adjutant. It will be { Wild Fiower of Exmoor reembered there was a protest from = - UNDREDS of new ¢ Kingston liberals when it hos stared ic =to+ that Major Shannon was likely to ge o Ame rica nready to ' 50c. per ounce. the district peymastership. 1 y 0. 1 wear hate; just from New ' Capt. Conger is a' graduate of the - 4 York and embracing every ¢ . Royal Military ( olloge, Kington, an style that'i b he ¢ a South African veteran. style that 1s to be worn the 6 e S rl ore : Alrican VelFran. tine. pay 4 ¢ Capt. Conrer has be e ¢ present season. / master for the camp at Petewawa. { ¢ Pr------------------------------------------------ The intimation that Mujor Shannon : ¢ is not to get the paymastership of The new Fall and Winter 4 | DESCENDANT OF GEORGE: lV, the castern command, but is to be : M | | 5 and $ made a D.S.A., does not satisfy the . 4 antles-- latest an most $ Dead in Windsor--She Treasured Kingston liberals; they declare that 1 Bu Dominion 4 correct designs. ¢ Priceless Heirlooms. the principle at stake still Femphus : . Windsor, Ont, Sept, 8-~Mrs. Sarah | and that is that apppintiments, that 4 5 2 i E. Jones, a descendant of Mrs, Fitz- | can be cavahly filled, shot ke go Xo St 3 xd herbert, whose marriage to George 1V | the friends of the party in Bower a , 0CK ow ¢ SPENC( FE The Leading Millinery § {wax made public last November, by |not to thos: who have bon it 5 King Edward, is dead heres Mrs. | avowed enemies. In e, io eft 5 and Mantle Store. ® Jones claimetl to be a great-grea Shannon, as president of the Cousot 8 grand-daughter of Mrs. Fitzherbert, | vative Newspaper company, as well USE 4 CETTE ILLS ATLEI RBS STs sass and treasured priceless heirlooms | as Jong time prapristor Ji the News, i i 3 rr ------ - h eel « wireaents fro op: i inveterate tory, while the company 13 solling nares ---- mr : -- hasider]- dawn asspresents from her no wilh A erate JET, Sms beth ork, at a price which will yield you PLANS FOR NEXT SEASON. the place of the present structur is 3 . 2 easive. in his nttacks om the wovern, ime, or when the development work ™ deni The new cement dock will be When James Ord, of Chicago, made | ment and | ngs | les ate : : du IE d xt vear, and will do the claim that he was a great-grand his attitude has been most antag Improvements | Contemplated: at | finished ov WE F000 GOL ok coal, | son of George IV. his contention was {tic to evervihing liberal. Now to ste 3 t 1 A ie unions y Ol Of : A ° as re , i JSE - Thousand Island Park. Lid Hail the heavier freight on the {upheld by Mrs. Jones, who had Fio him but into otis ju more than the hi ; --- Next season will see many improve- Yremvlar passenger dock, | graphical references to show the Ord frais will sien he 8 ast bo 1 this stock now and given to vour ments at Thousand Island Park. At Some changes are contemplated at | connection. Mrs: Jones was the re moved completely fo Shuiv _ demand, 1 Jo6 Hin Should provi. § he atta] meeting of the Thousand f 0" qc light plant, although it is lict of W. F. Jone 5, who was an hotel th Eine workers. : : Island Park Association held the lat possible that another year will' elapse isan here pessral years ago, and party sor 8 alk adjutant door ter part of next month these improve: Jogo. the changes come, Then (here ater conducted a ecizar store. The Ton OT coll Tih JSE 3 ments will be discussed and decided J Op larger capacity plant instal ET s , of Eartern Ontario, but' is one as the telegraph or telephone, has 5 upon. It is eertain, accoramng to ome | 0 oa Ll dedtem throughout. Hard or soft corns cured with tl reg 1 I ints on district; staffs' only us rate as the Dominion DeForest | of the oflicers of the association, that . applications of Peck's Corn Salve. Sat xix on district safle only. 2 there will be much done in the way of SS ---------------- Guaranteed. Noney back if not sa- which. the int Siete at preaunt : ey laying mare, cement walks. "| Special prices, Saturday, on ull | Usfactory. In hixes, 15e., ot Wade's. nil CN LUGE ge Jann, NB. JSE There" will be some improvements at | p00 Edwards . & Jenkin, con druz stote : 3 : flttawa, Londons ith Manito = and bel ods the dock" house, but the rumor that | fii here 271 Princess street, i 'Salted pecans Huyler x. Sold on- | phn Columbia not vot complete in 1 below par to $3,000 and upwards an almost new building would take Try Pibhy's for mnderweer. ly at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The two districts with JSE =. wm 8100 to $4,000 per share, and dvanced in like proportion. JSE elegraph Company is now «iv pidly . being. increased as now © rtm A ot Win] JSE 3 ont. on the par value of the stock, 1 of September, December, March ud ISE btedly be advanced within the nnd SE, swiunity slip by. rmation, or better still, send 8 curities Company tom, Kn, 0. | ADDRESSED BY C. WHITE OF -. LABOR Ai A : LONDON, ENGLAND. Richardson Advised Labor Men Against Depredations -- To Have a Series of Labor Meetings. good crowd of men a from hinges od labor organizations met in the Trades' Union Hall to list- en to an address by Charles White of London, Eng. Mr. White is an old member of the Amalgamated Associa- tion of Carpenters and Joiners, amd has taken a very active part in all movements in the big Eaoglish metropolis. He is slated to run in the labor interests for parliament in November next in onc of the labor centres of London. Mr. White in a very calm and col- locted manner presented the labor situation and cause in England, and declared that through unfair competi- tion England had been made a good place to die in, but a very poor place to live in. He said that Sir Henry G n made the state ment in his campaign that there were thirteen million of people in England an the verge of starvation, which was no doubt true. Englishmen were driv- en from their native land and foreign- ers filled their places at home. Nie. White gave a history of the labor movement at home and urged all resent to do their work intelligent- = calmly and carefully. Dr. A. W. Richardson was in the audience and Chairman Duffy called on him for a speech. The doctor respond- el in his usual happy manner, and warned the labor movement against work of destruction, and declared God ought to paralyze every hand lifted to commit depredations. Dr. Evans was next called upon and in responding said that he was afraid he would have to differ from the posi- tion of Dr; Richardson. During the early history of the labor movement, men had been driven by sheer desper- ation to conumit acts of violence and sometimes crime, but necessity knew no law, and a man in want of bread, with his employer revelling in plenty and luxury, was to be pitied and not blamed, But unionism was now on a different track and footing and was occapying a higher plane of thought and action. Ft was now education and not agitation. William Kelly was next called to the platform and said he hoped this was the beginning of a good public work in Kingston. Alderman Reeves was the nest speak- or and he started in to berate every- body whe did not vote for him for alderman, He declared he was in the city council in the interests of the laboring man, and that he was not a "hot-air" alderman. A vote of thanks to and chairmen was then passed the Doxology sung. 4 It was resolved to continue the meet Dr. the speakers and organimtion out adjutants at present are London, 'Ont., and St. John, N.B.. and it is probably to one of these that Major Shannon will be sent, or may be to Manitoba or the newly opened Cistriet of British Columbia. To take Major Shannon into the "tall organizmtion at his present ape is in violation of the orders for the militia of Canada, which says that no man over the age of twenty five years shall be taken into the permanent ser viee. The new appointee ix more than the required age and yet it is no bar rier to his admisdion to the service. Coming Home On Monday. As the arrangement now stands, the men of "A" Battery, RCHA., will entrain at Petewawa on Monday morning next, arriving in the city in the afternoon. "B" Battery will pro eced direct to Toronto. New fall underwear at Pibhy's. Everybody enjoyed themselves at the Old Bovs' Reunion, a better time is guaranteed at Brockville fair. Nira Ointment Red Cross drug store, It cures exzema, is sold at Gibson's Mrs. R. J. MeLelland and children have returned from a holiday spent in oka. Miss Forysth Grant and Mr. Denil Forsyth Grant have kit town for a few days' visit in Kingston before sailing for England next Friday from Montreal -- Toronto Globe, 5 - - - Mrs, C. W. Martyne, of New York, is the guest of rs, George W. Ma: hood, and will remain a § ight. York, 'is also the guest of her mother, Nirs. Eade. Miss Mildred Hunter, who has been visiting Mrs. G. W, Mahood, will re turn to New York to-morrow, Mrs. Allene Dorsay, and Mrs, Allene Taylor Porsay, who have been visiting Mrs, Winthrop Sears, at "Heathfield," ¢ left, to-day, for New York. . - - - The engagement of Miss Essy Case, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George A. Case, Spadina, road, Toronto, and Captain Charles Turner Van Stran- bengie, R.C.D., third son of the late Colonel Van Straubenzie, Kingston, Ont., is announced. - . oe. Mrs. G. W. Mahood asked a fow married ladies to tea, yesterday, to meet her visitor, Mrs. C. W. Martyne, and her mother's visitors, Mrs. George | ROMANCE OF LEGACY. tnt Montreal, Sept. 8.--From driving a rig to coming in- to a fortune of $350,000, from penury to sudden weaith, has the ro- mantic experience of James Broderick Roach, an erst. while handler of the reins on an express wi on in Montreal, but yort ny a saloon passenger on the Tunisian of the Allen line, bound for England, home and legacy. EFEFEEELRERTX SHEE RR EAX EEE REX XEX AK R Eade, Jr, and Mrs. Gwynne, Mrs. G. W. Mylks poured the coffee and Mes, Martyne and Miss Mildred Hunter helped the hostess, . on Mrs, Samuel Birch returned on Thursday. from the islands, and the Misses Birch will bo home on Mon- day. Mrs. Henry Wilkinson returned on Wednesday, from Rochester' N.Y. and loft, to-day. with Miss Gertrude Wilk. inson for Montreal for a visit, Mrs. William Kirkpatrick and Miss Louise Kirkpatrick returned, yester- day, from their Georcinn Ja outing. - Miss Gertrude Denne, who has been visitine her sister, Mrs. W. H. Grah- am, Clergy street, has returned to Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs, John A. Gardiner, who have been visiting 'the. Rev. George and Mrs, McKinnon; at Oak Lake, Manitoba, returned to King: ston last night. Mrs. W. T. Minnes and her family have come in from the cotintry. where they have svent the sumther, and are getting settled at "Hilleroft." - . Miss Muriel Fages has gone down to be under the tnition of the sisters of "the Sacred Heart, at Sauvit de Recollets, near Montreal, and Master Fernand Fages has gone to school at Quebec, Mrs. Morley. Southampton, Eng., is the guest of Mrs, W, H, Godwin, Pine street, Mrs. Joseph Fisher who disappoint. ed her people by not arriving last week as they expected, is really here now, having come last night with her bahy. She is with her sister, Miss Milly Ferris, . Mrs. Donald Caldwell Avvleton on Thursday. The Rev. R. 8S. Forneri and Mrs. Forneri have been spending the 'week at Conway Mrs. Luther Breck went down to Montreal vesterday, with Miss : Doro- "thy Phillips and saw her. off on the steamship for Ireland. Mrs, Breck will be back in town on Monday. retumed to PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Hon. Frank Oliver sails for Canada September 11th Frank Siddall died suddenly at Toronto General Hospital. Revolutionaries at Powsin, Russia, the caused fires, which destroyed 177 houses More government troops have de- sertad to the Cienfuegos John Mutrie, Vilkington township, was found dead in the fiddd where ho Shad been ploughing William E. Hunt, Fort Erie, was committed for trinl on a charge of selling lottery tickets Toronto was, on Friday, the hot test place in Ontario, the thermome ter registering ninety degroes. Calhoun's saw mill, at Jacquet riy- er, was wrecked by a boiler ex sion, and Watchman MeEachren killed. The Paquin's dairy, the biggest on Cuban insurgents at the St. Boniface, Man.,' side of the Red river, was totally destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of 57,000, A charge of extorting money by threat has been laid against High Commty Constable Cox by A. B, Davis, of Bayham, Flgin commty. The reilway and muricipal board refused the application of John Brown for leave to bring an action against the Toronto Railway company for running ears on Sunday The reactionary papers in Russia are openly' demanding the retirement of the premier, M. Stolypin, because of his refusal to acquiesce in the abandonment of the proposed re: forms: Mr. Carnegie writes that the list of changes in spelling adopted by order of President Roosevelt is really the list recommended by two English and one © American philological society, that the list was actually made out in England and may now be seen at the end of the last volume of the Cen. tury dictionary. New fall underwear at Bibby's, visiting Miss Island Tweed his sister, Mrs, mouth. for New York, and fortnight. tertown, N.Y., whiere ing city, today, adjusting claims for the express company. MENTO Prof. Jordan $o 4 Ottawa--Ulosed Hig Duty a Sydenham = Street : Method Church--Personal Nates. J. E. Haight, Buffalo, is in Mrs. George Eade, Jr., of icago, | city on business. i god is staying with Mrs. Eade, on Barrie C McGuire, Montireal, in inf street. Mrs. Charles Gwynne, of New | the city visi » i fetuirned. from a from a William Hughes has business trip to Montreal. | Erastus Purdy has. returned business trip to Toronto and Hamil- t 7 on. William Mackie, Watertown, N.Y, formerly of the asylum stiff, is'in the ol Ly. ; Miss Ida Shuw, Colborne street, is' Hattie McLaren, Wolie ting v John ,. Toronto, is visi William Kirby, P Dr. A. W, Girvin, Amherst Island, is spending a few days' vacation in the city, Dr. J. C. Connell left this afternoon.' will be away for a John McCue has returned from Wa- he was attond- the races. C. Mclatyre, Toronto, was in the iss Veda Dier, Westport, is at the Kingston general hospital to study for a trained nurse. Miss Edith and William. King, Col- borne street, are visiting their brother and friends in Syracuse, N.Y, Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Jones, Ak- ron, Ohio, ave visiting his sister, Mrs. William Drury, 200 street. Capt. ~ Edward FPanet and / Capt. James Mils have gone to England for a course of military instruction, Mrs, William Dunigan left this morn- ing for Newboro to. join her husband, -- is camping in that vicinity, Rev. F, B, Stratton has closed sev- en wecks' supply work at Sydenham Street Methodist church, Kingston. Miss Gladys Caldbock and Miss Edith Binningham have returned home after visiting friends in Taylor, Ont. Matthew Hateson was removed home from the Russell House this after- noon. He is in un very low condition, William and Felix Hamill, Mont. real, who have been visit Diamond, Montreal street, turned home, 4 Rev. Prof. Jordan, Quoen's Univer: sity, will occupy pulpit of the Globe Preshyterian church, Ottawa, on Sunday morning, Rev. H. Krupp, retimd Methodist minister, Aylmer, Que., is so seriously ill that his recovery is doubtful. He was formerly of « J.B Caldwell, a recent Queen's graduate, has been extended a call by the Presbyterian congregations of Cuntberland and Rol " th, Mrs. Sherman' Miss Jessie Smi ve re- at Ottawa as the guest Mrs. MeClymont, formerly of Ringston. Miss Hattie 6. Samwell will leave for Whitby Ladies' College, accom- nivd by her mother, Waly wookhart, who will go on to Toronto, Mrs. Frederick Hayward and da ter, William street, retin : city to-day after visiting friends in Toronto, Hamilton, and St, Cathar ines, J. Wardrobe, proprietor of the Ran- dolph hotel, who, together with his wife, has spent the past few months at Rosodale, returns home to-mors row, x Leonard,' formerly a house sur: Dr. geon in the Kingston General on pital, is here on a visit with his wife. He is practising in Mitchellvilly; Ohio, of which town ho has been elect: ed mayor, The friends of Mrs, R. Rosevear, Quaoen street, will be pleased to hear that her health has very much im- proved since she left this city three weeks ago, to visit her niece who lives at Manlius, N.Y. THE LATE MRS. SULLIVAN, Passed Away This Morning at Her Residence. This morning there passed to rest an aged and greatly respected resi- dent of Kingston; in the person of Mrs. Catharine Sullivan, relict of the late Michael Sullivan, who passed away after a week's illness at her home at the corner of Montreal and North streets, where she lived for more than forty years, The deceased was a native of Ireland and came acooss the ocean with her husband in the younger days of both. They set- tled first at Cape Vincent, living there for a short time, Ever since Kingston has heen Mee. Sullivans home, She is survived hy three sons. Thomas and Michael, of Kingston, and Dennis, Ot- tawn, all of whom were present at her death bed. Mee, Sullivan was aged seventy-seven years, and was a kind: hearted and generous woman all her life. She was a fithful member of St. Mary's cathedral congregation. a A LAD SHOT DEAD. Gun Exploded While He Was Handling It. i A very distressing accident happen: ed late Friday afternoon about nS miles from the vi¥age of Parham, which resulted in the death of William McGregor, the six-year-old son of a wall known resident From reports received here it seems that the unfortunate young lad was fooling with a gun in company with his brother, Charles, It accidenia'y exploded, the contents hitting the boy in the left breast] and penetrated the heart. Deceased was a bright young lad, Imperial Officer Appointed. vloyment with the Royal Canadi Regiment under the Canadian Te: ment. . s The steamer Islander came wp from down the river ; New fall neckwear at Bibby's, -------------- i New fall gloves at ibby's. LE [ Charles | ond Miss Clive Sherman, Cleveland, Ohio, who have been visiting friends in town, returned home to-day, Miss Hazel Ashley, ¥ street, has returned hotie after a ; of that vicinity, | London, Sept. 8.-4Cupt,- G. E.-F}-. litt, R.E., has been selected for om- | wa and vivorously the johs dre number of wvements to the Tea wos early oR! mt old tion, and it ing serenity' of spirits and. - mol suggestion includes that ing a revenue cutter on the , to wee that the bolndury is" --_---- -------------- ge A wealthy Chinese merchant Boeing through the city, says, sh i CEE wn oA Sabie #orio ret) n « the province, and «ill. 'if continged, ruin Canada's trdde with China. Willian Matteray, the neronaut, who sand feat over Lake Michigan sent a lotter to New York. foc: being the most glible of men. a liquor license, has applied for and ascendéd * from Chicago, yesterday, when last seen was drifiing two ® Show ' unable to control his machine. ; The "Prince of Hotel Beats" ern, announcing that he is about % commit suicide and j them as The the Bath hote Montreal, who last spring was received a license for u Lomporunes hotel : . of Run-down Women. een

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