i POG rr ercsscsssresyrsresrhrerseresteee sere POR howing s To-morrow. Come 't have to buy, but we ow goods at this store. tterns in Scotch Twends, in rowns, Blues, Greens, and 50c. up to $1.49 per yard, FAN y ready sponge and shrunk, e in Kingston at 76c. per he best assortment of Dress n the trade. We will prove "the Goods, They include ight and dark Greys and e show Venetians, Poplins, spine, Ottoman Cords and e of 50c. per yard, in heavy weight, for Lad er yard. 180 Wellington St. Jest At All Times +! y Kingston. *S.. othes :: GOOD CLOTHES ecommendation, tor good clothes do not ey give him nd Along fe : 21: ed,' said Sherlock 0 is careful of his ness, careful of his sing. Clothes indi- can afford to dress mewhere and fails to mself, his family and ou meet are wearing nd $18 Suits. nd $2 00vercoats. a Look." \Imonte on August 27th, and tie was a topic of considerabls con there. office was comm! on; Saturday, June 30th, in Hon on's store. . ow e judge, in passing sentence on kin, on the avity of Hendor + offeyce,. rena that the pub ad to he protected. . © iam Barr, a 'Renfrew farmer, fell from a load of yh oh ead, is dead Seven SA 7 7 rr ~~ TF A > possible. '7 : THE H.R. People wore wooden shoes. ------ : t With Strength and rigidity, every be is built on the most Look for the Label. Carried by all Reliable F urniturg Deglers.* IVES CO, Limite. | -7 MONTREAL. DAILY BK [A PHYSICAL WREC S------ 4 a we i 's Red Cross drug store. MUCH OVER BRICK. | tibeons Red | 5 -- > Swift's Scranton coul, that Swift's. Philadelphia Millionaire Escapes Herbert Bennett, i to Sanitarium. Wampole, "the millionaire chemi-al, manufacturer, while being taken from Haven, " Jereey City. While it io believed he |i, Beacite. has made his way to his home in termined Merion, near here, his family and A ab al fab physicians refuse to give out any in- have heen brought about through side in the future. the chemical works, who is alleged to w of Mr. Wampole became so great that schooner Reuben Dowd. State fair, | Movements of the People--What hey . i and Doing. WAMPOLE HAS WORRIED | yoo Netter oon sd, Doig. Boston, has been From Nurse While En Route visiting Mrs. T. Kk. Carnovsky, this wi . # i rier, ell-k ' rite Philadelpbin, Sept. 11. Hoary K. | Mite Kose Horier, o well-known writ: Awaits Police Prisoners. " y San Francisco, Sept. 11.~As an af here to a .sanitarium in New York, |, Dr. Herbert Tandy leaves to-morrow | ¥rmath fo the recent Strike on the y Sound, ore he wi Union railroads, broke yesterday, escaped from hi: nurse at for Pa Where he will settle | = dot out last he department of agriculture are ; Ry 'The Toronto council voted $50 cach | A large mob is in front of the fer es a cnded with SUN of he to 'the rescuers of the crew of the |TV building waiting for the police to it made a nervous wreck of him. The | James F. Grey, Princess street, left a a--t---- I belief that his partners in the busi- op Syracuse, N.Y., to attend SAVE YOUR WRAPPERS. 'the : ness would think him careless in the ee management, of the firm's affairs caus- collapse of a garage at A DECADE AGO We ha®e three pairs in our window. A look will convince you that your feet would not stand such treatment, bu it. you will find case and comfoit in *¢ TRUFIT." A. E. HEROD, "- 25 Princess st. < s a - va ; q } Mineola, L.I., three 'workmen were GOOD IOOGAGEH . ad 0g ond killed and seven seriously injured. . > ; GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY a0c. per Ib. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. rest would bo beneficial. MR. CORIM"S AWAKENING. Family. The matrimonial advertisement busi week through the bitter experience of Rufus Crim, a business man of Chan gpatch to the London Express. In response to Mr. Crim's advertise ment for a wife, printed in a matii monial paper, he received a letter ane widow of Gypsum, Kansas. The lot ter was quite satisfactory, and the photograph even more; so, and Nr Crim's affections were fixed imme diately. marriage might be arranged. dear ?"' "Oh, ves," sh few little thin Then a proee in the carriage. ion of six sturdy children, ranging in age from seven- Commitalon Orders BONDS AND STOCKS [teen to five, filad out of the carriame. ed Bought and Sold on Commission on all Exchanges Investment Securities Both Listed and i Members ied 5 3 ad ee - Long Distance Telephone Main 5200-01. be oi pon Request change At the sight of the procession the dis. maverd Mr. Crim threw up both hands and declared the engagement off. Mrs. Ruck tearfully denounced him as an adventurer and a Don Juan. but she was oventunlly persunded to return to Kansas with the six chil dren and her expenses, CANADA'S DEVELOPMENT, DON'T fail to s ee the Exhibit of. the Canada' Metal Co., Toronto, Machinery States. Americans are waking up to the tre- on in Canadian trade. The New York Sun says: "The fiscal just closed was for Canada the history of her commerce, _ The Philadelphia Record has this to EDUCATIONAL. BUSINESS POSITIONS that pay, exist only where tne largest amount of money circulates, Therefore, to sect oue of these high grade positions, you should ipping and Commercial Metro- come to Montres' ada # greatest S| pois. Un Arriva i Souls te = 93 soqars Mel La he oi a College 1hat can guarantee ts » le pos 3 darn. hoes Colles se we A BuYDs FAMOUS SYLLABIC D, wiich Is the ouly system that a speed of 300 Ww 150 words per minute can be attained in 30 days; we control all copyrights for Canada on said system. and Goodwin's Improved sy and guarantee a posit.on 10 every student. and save your money. You a ¢ simply wasting your time, pending hail a year tryfug to bes steroguapher by the oid systems. railway fare up to $5.00. Write lor Testimonials aud Circulars, MOON'S SYLLABIC SHORTHAND & BUSINESS COLLEGE, Kara Hall. 468 St. Catharine St. West, Montreal. ' COGLON. --<AL! Selby FOR GIRLS OSHORNE. ys. Why? h ly ¥ o SYSTEM OF SHURTHAN We also teach Telegraphy stem of Book-keeping, Attend 8 Modern Scavol to Mr. [gapid 98 EARL STREET, KINGSTON. | _"" Classes Re-open Sept. 6th Pupils prepared for Collegiate, Civil Halph Service and Matriculation Exantinations. township, Classes in Painting and Physical Cul Athol' township. ture, Music in connection. Junior classe INSLEY--OSBORN E.--At es for 'boys and girls. wn For information, apply to Miss Alice on King, Alico street. CORK Sept. 1st a canoe ship, to Maud Holmes v townshi ¢ KENDALL Sept Auley =m K ante. fifteen Won't Visit Rome -- Concordat MORTON. Will Remain Intact. RAYNOR-YOUNG .~ vip HOLMES .--At SC DeMILLE.~At Picton, Sept. Sth, Her Evaleny DeMille HOBSON--McAULEY .--At on 8 4 w |&l to Watertown, after spendiy two WM [ler, Mr. Brooks, is preparing for daughter of North Maryshureh IMMITTERE BOYCE. --AL tg Miss Naomi Beatrice of Camden township STAFFORD--SHANNON field, Que., on Sept. 4th VV Mary. daughter Willman Staflord, Orillia, Valley- : + Miss Ftith | Peters at W. Ritchi and Nex 0. Cumpson's; D. Reid at E. Smith's; formerly of Deser- iy whurgh. a wm Firdetichsturgh, 11. Ferguson at 8, Talbert's; M, Cald awed { well at G. Ennis". Sant . ET --T---- of Nr. sige) There {s more Catarrh in this section IxEEem--at wile © of eighty vears SHATTRAW --At Doseronto, Sth, Péter Shatira RING ALFONSO weds M3 Peter Me-- years wrk ten months. At sav: "The foreign trade of Canada, curse it, amounted last fiscal year to 522,000,000, against $2,980 000.000 for the United States. But Canada, with 6,000,000 inhabitants, has only one- fourteenth of the population of this the United States amounted last year to S15 per head of the population, that of Canada amounted to $92 per head. The exports of the Canadians increased last year, $44,000,000, or 87 % head, and the exports of this coun- trv increased in the same time $2.60." While Canada's foreign trade was thus increasing By leaps and bounds and outstripping its neighbors, "its home trade expanded so that the man ufacturers had a hard time meeting the demand. Everybody was working, labor was scarce, wages were good and the manufacturer was prosperous, Perth Road Pointers. Perth Road, Sept. 11.--The pastures arc drying' up and cows are failing y. Milk for the cheese factory Is getting short. A number of our is Young people attended the Sunday school picnic at Lake Opinicon on Fri day and report a good time. Mrs. J M. Stoness, who has been ill for the arg; | Past fow weeks, is recovering slowly, well | A quiet wedti Young [mesday at the residence of J). Guthrie, on | When his second daughter, Sarah, was took place on Wed: to fmited to DD. Shea, Sydenham. Our Sophiasburgh | ew bake shop, conducted by C. Bah , | fock and son, is doing a good busi ness. Miss Emsie Roberts 1% spending & few days at Toromto fair. Miss Mudge and Neil Stoness have return weeks with their parents." Our wrest- a return matoh with Mr. Fllerbeek, in the near future. Mrs, H. McCadden is Napanee, | Pending a few days at Ottawa with on Sets Hth, John Wesley Kemmittoe, | her husband. B. Harris is visiting y both | Friends at Watertown. Mrs. G Alton renewing old intances A. R. Ritchie at Alexander McFadden at J. 8. Rob. ért's; E. Vallier at R. J, McKay's; H. Shales at C, Babeook's; H. Guthrie at . MeCadbien's; A. Ritchie at RK. Fer. won"s; W. Sears at J. M. Stoness': of the country tham all other discases Ath, | but together, amd until the Just few ' da four | Years was supposed to be incurable. or a great many years doctors pro- months. ' re | JOYCE. At Deseronto. on Sept. 6th, | nounced it a Jocal disease and prescribed Rome, Sept. |1.--Assurances have bean peceived by 'the vatican that the four vears and five months Spanish we $2 Sh not intend to WALPROK At continue eoclesinatical reforms, and Paton Out. that "the concordat shall = remain in- | WOLVERTON.--1n Picton tact. The appointment of a Spanish 80th, Margaret ambassador will 'be wiade ales. Furthermore, the William schéme of a visit by King Alfonso to | MORDEN --in dropped Henry Rome has years pence. Michael Patrick or Cots, "K.C., hos been on | Philinpe Co ork of. the (7 aged thirty. | local remedies, and by Constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronoune- Saskatchewan, [ed | it ijmcurable. Science has proven Waldron, catarrh to be a constitutional disease und aped fifty-cight wears uires August meat. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufacture Wolverton, aged od b, Pood. | therefore constitutional treat. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Advertises For Wife; Offered a turngd from their, wedding tip and ness received a distinct set-back this Harry E. Griffiths, Toronto, leston," Illinois, says a New York de Mrs. H. La France an photograph from Mrs. Nina Buck, a After several letters had been ex- changed, Mrs. Ruck coyly consented to come to Charleston in order that a On the day appointed hy Mr. Crim 5 was at the ya te meet her, and Vegetable. as the widow stepped from the train Mushroom rowine for the market is he embraced her Warmly. Then he very profitable, if properly asked : "Have you any luggage, my | Those having greenhouses ¢ roplied, "T have ga | benches to advantage in the Attracts Attention in the United there until the full temperature of the mendous development which is going | and which can atest in the | size of a without the aid of robber trusts to country. While the foreign trade of Reporters on Their Rounds. The hydro-electric power commission have received applications for 45,000 horse power from western Ontario. George Johnston and bride have re- have taken up their residence on John- son street. - A warrant is out for the arrest of , &_promin- f } ent lodge member, for alleged misap- « | propriation of lodge funds, 1 son, Master Donald, Gananoque, who for the past few days, have been +i iting friends in «| the city, left today for home. i Motorman Charles Kimball, of the street railway company, has returned after spending a brief vacation in * | Watertown, and Dexter, N.Y. In .com- | Pany with "a "relative at Dexter he made a fine haul of fish, and charac- terizes it as an ideal summer resort. ---- MUSHROOM-GROWING. How to Raise This Delicious managed, 1 An grow this delicious vegetable under the sununer season. It will do well in cellars where the temperature can be kept as even as possible to secure best results. ( ol- lect a lot of fresh horse manure, re- jecting the coarser portions of it. Spread it out, to prevent -remature heating and fork it over several times at intervals of a few days, before us- ing it. Make the beds about eighteen inches deep, three or four feet wide. Pound the manure down wall. Let it ferment thoroughly before spawning it. Test ite temperature with & reliable therpometer, by inserting the insten. ment 'in the' soil, and leaving it bed is rogistered. When it indicates eighty or ninety degrees, sow. your spawn, which should be of the best, be procured of nearly all seedsmen or florists in the larger towns. Break it in pieces about the small ee, and put it two inches under the surface and about ime cover the bed with two loam apd wait for re sufts.-- Eben E. Rexford in The Outing Magazine. -- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By The steamer Castanet brought a hundred excursionists to the city from Thousand Island points at noon. The horse attached to the delivery Waggon of J. S. Henderson & Co., got frisky this afternoon, kicking the tront of the wacoon and landing on the driver severely A large number of Americans were in the city to-day on an excurion. Some of them were far from being complimentary in their expressions as to how certain things were conducted in the Limestone City, For Tuesday the market this morn- ing was of fair, size, and considerable produce was disposed of by the farm- SEPTEMBER f1. STRIKE BREAKE ---------- night, when the street started - ow ag o the | Miss Evelyn Norris has left" for Tor: | 8T® uarded in the ferry building by me te FLT uth, owe "amd The Sonn ork Eos a ocr arvested, bring them out as prisoners. Tinfoil Can Be Sold at Its Market ice. Kansas City Dispa teh. © recent rise in the price of tin manufacturers to include this notice in the wrappers of their chocolates: "Do not throw away the tinfoil composed of pure metal, g metal which is very dear. Keen it and before long it will «be called for by our agents, who will pay for it at its market value, The chocolate industry in Eu. rope spends nearly eight hundred thou: sand pounds per annum in tinfoil, and these eight hundred 'thousand pSunds are generally thrown to the winds," 'Hat scoms to ive samme color to the alleged preciousness of the paper wrapped around the chocolate is the story told by a socialiet journal of Hamburg, to the effect that a group of workmen were able to Procure a part of their common library by col locting and selling these fugitive sheets of tinfoil. ' ------ Closing Dance Successful. Inverary, Sept. 10.--Dr. AR and Mrs, Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Luke, and My. and Mrs. W. R. Tolls have returned from Toronto éx- hibition and report a very enjoyable trip. While Carl Duff was playing at school he had the misfortune to fall off the wood pile and break his arm, Dr. A. E. Freeman, assisted by a city' doctor, set the fractured limb. He is doing nicely. W. R. Tolls' now house for tensment purposes is nearing com pletion. It is quite an ornament to the street, A number of the farmers are fitting up their horses for exhibi tion at the various fairs. J. N. Thom. tion 'at the various fairs, J. N, Holmes and Mrs. PF. 'Arthur have re turned from a week's visit to Athens and Toledo. The closing dance in Ar- thur's [Bove braved to be the. most successful of the season. hes of the Methodist church rg din of vest tea on Tuesday evening, the 15th. Tea will be served on the rounds, af- ter which - an entertaimment will be given in the church: 'A good time js promised. 8. Truscott. M.A. has gone to his school at Woodstock, while Mrs. Truscott will remain at her mo- ther's home for a couple of weeks to regain her former steength. ---------- News From Lapum. Lapum, Sept. 10.--~Mr. and Mrs, C. Joyner are spending a fow days with friends in Sydenham. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Love and Miss Gwendoline and Master Courtland are visiting at John Walker's, Stoco, Mr. and Mrs, William Pringle accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Sperry Shibley, are attend- ing this weak the Syracuse exhibitions. Mr. and Mrs. GG. C. Davy and daugh- ter Ruby were on Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Boulton, Miss Jes sie Huff is suffering with poison in her hands, Mrs. R. Breeden, Odessa, fs spending on few weeks hore with her daughter, Myre. C(. Lapum, Erwill Boulton is confined to the house with an injured limb. Mr. and Mrs, W. Hoff, Thorpe, were. on Thursday ev ening, guests of J, Huff. Wr. and Mrs. Whkie Pringle at Emery Spider's, Thorpe. Frederick Reid spent Sunday ATTACK ON THEM FOLLOW- one place to get |- ED BY RIOT. " Armed Guards Open Fire on | Crowd and Half a Dosen Are: Reported Wounded -- Mob |' eee Rn i # : cE YLON TEA Ye Ce i As evinced by its annual sale exceeding 14,000, s ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. | 4 In lead packets only at 28c., 30s., &0c., 50s. 'and 800. par Ib. HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904 pan n to march about two hundred suppress games of | Strike bregkers from the ear bars to the forry building. Many shots were i iy B. R.'F. Norris and family have re- fired by the armed guards. escorting pes dition is sail to [Moved to Toronto, where they will re- | the men, and a half dozen s are Mr. pole's condition ix sail to " [reported wounded. The strikebreakers y o pa Choose Your Coat ts cre A our mantly Original Assortmen hag led many European chocolate in excess of any: prev year. dy sign for Autumn and Wia- ter is, heres mow, : cand choosing will be leasan: ter the cheive better ~than in the rush a fort night hence, AR The Coat illostrited: is of a type. that wil be, very popular the Vo the entire souson: It js made of attractive check via tweeds, 48 joches Jong, fitted closely nt the shout which the chocolate is enveloped, It in pov 5 1 LL (8 Kon Jape ii Yow fn dren's i SPENCE"S 3 0. ; Now While Complete sales yon ¥ mise rT oe Tho and A lliog in Tow, big 40 the. Rieu, hs 13, » 15 ove Sil hE Manish Sltoes The latest creations in Women's Footwear are to be found here. We are showing may different Shoes in Manish styles, with broad toes.an We have them in Laced, Blucher and Button Patterns, Button Shoes for women are very stylish, We have them in Patent Colt and V Women's Patent Colt Button, wide toes and'... we we $4.80 and $5.00 Women's Patent Colt Button, American make, neat fitting lasts ici Kid, heavy soles... under the parental roof. Col. Clyde ors. Water melons and cantaloupes were in abundance and were very cheap. There wore also a good num. ber of fowls on sale. Could Not Agree. Hamilton, Ont., Sept. 11.-- Messrs. F. J. Howell, represenging the Catar act Power company, and Allan Stui holme, representing the street rail waymen, in the arbitration to adjust the dispiate between the company and agree on a man. They will meet again this afternoon. -------------- Order Received. Toronto, Sept. 11.-The first privy coungil order, 'to reverse a decision of a iudgedn-chambers, to reach Osgoode Hall, arrived this moming. It was the order reversing the judgment of Justice Anglin, declaring the alien labor law ultra vires of the Dominion favor of the Pere Marquette railway. ---- The Guard Increased. Copenhagen, Sept. 11. ~The dowager czaring, who came here to visit her relatives, came on board the Russian imperial yacht. While in the harbor the police guard has been increased. Shot Another Chief. St. Petersburg, Sept. 11.--An un- identified man fut:fly shot Col. Girbe jedofl, chief of police of Grodno, to- of the Peopled' Gas Light & Coke com- and social circles, committed suicide by cutting his throat. Mr. Wooster is . - . Obio, is the only constitutionsi cure of | killed himsélf. : to the vatican, it is said, | o SSMONIWE FIT 0 est 31st, | the mmrketeadt 1a © internally in r . d vighty years. | doses {rom Sndirops to a teaspoonful. mith, age ugar 30th, | It acts directly on the . Morden, aged seventy-two surfaces of the system. blood and mucous Thev hundred dollars for any case it fails {i Send for circulars aud = testimon- fae, Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co, 'vledo. Ohio % Sold by, Dru {ers have finished storing their bounti | picnic was well attended. The day was { enlivened by a few of the youths the en mét at noon, to-day, to select. ! La third arbitrator, but were unable to | hi t ving judguent in | y ma X al aml X lh i: in | Stinson, Florida, N.Y., killed Roy, | Gardner, a farm hand. { | ning. | | the mountain side is not an accident. | For years previous tiny atoms have y. i been erystalizing, and adding their i Clarence K. Wooster, vice-president | its base when the sccumulation reach: | pany, Chicogo, and prominent in club | eanse of dandruff and baldness feeds supposed to have heen insane when he soon. New Yorkers are sweltering while the | The small germs which thrive on the thermometer soars to Cighty-eight, | scalp and which are the cause of bald- one | and intense humidity is added, nesy to | Secarcely anybody cares enough for | ever, | kissing to want to do ib all the time plied and Mes. Clyde, Odessa, were callers here on Sunday. A Jesters' Game. Lake Opinicon, Sept. 10.~The farm- ful harvest. The annual Sunday school dressing up a# jesterst by their im- | promptu antics they made much mer | riment for the spectators. The Perth! Road football team again proved | their invinecibleness in the ' soccer | game by defeating the locals in a clean and snappy game. A. Teepell's | | well expended the colonization grant on the Rock Lake end of 'our road, | See. while C. Burtch is oversesing the | Chafley's end of thg road. Mre. A. W; ! Auston, Dutch Hill, Pa., has arrived | to spend some time with her son! Harold, | Arguing over farm machinery W A. | I -- NO ACCIDENTS IN NATURE. Every Calamity, No Matter How Great, Has a Definite Begin- There are no accidents in nature, The avalanche that without a me. ment's warning rushes headlong down minute weight to the mass which left od a certain point, Neither in baldness an accident, "Fhe infinitonally small germ which is the silently and long before the result is cannot exist, how : oid by Our Women's Patent Colt Button Shoe, like illustration, only Women's Vici Kid Button Shoes at $2.80 and $3.00 All made on up-to-date Jasts, DE Abernethy's Shoe Stor FINANCE AND iNSURANGE 3} If You Want a Home aan hn George Zeigler, ™*3" STATE, - CUSTOMS BROKER - The .Pusiness of the late Oy G. Oliver, will be carried pm iw his office, 79 Clarence street, G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has boon psspeiated with Mre Oliyer, Money to Loan FARMS FOR SALE Nr RL want and the i= T. J. Lockhart Real Estate Agen, Kingston, our - from before: We ha hat Vat ues vs King Street : : : Kingston 32 INCITING VIOLENCE To , Drive the Bri ! th Mrikish 'oubiol the despatch adds that an { journal déclares have India and dd. when Newbro's Herpicide is ap: extension sales, rab 57 Brook Street, ay)