~Montreal er-Sh.John N.B. SOLE AGENTS. for Coats Time rour stove aud fur- hem attended to be- | orders entrusted to nded to. We carry t of COOKING iS in the city. Ex- urchasing. * BROS Phone 35. Res. 55- : kind your boys should 'T'S and the qualities and For Youe Life and Endowment Assurance go to The Canada Life Assurance Company --AND-- : For Yeur Accident and Sickness Insurance go to &® The Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co. OF CANADA. All the Latest Contracts. J. O. Hutton, Manager :18 Market St., Kingston. Telephone 703. Just what you want, the shortest turning and easiest draught wagron ever made. It is short turning, large front wheels, easy draught; wheels do not strike body: cannot tip over, and many other points which we will be pleased to p.show you if you call at James Laturney's The Carriage Maker 390 Princess Street, Kingston The.Reason Why? If you are not well there is a reason. If you do not get well there is a reason. The reason is probably the same in both Anstances, snamely, that your system isso run down, that it is in no shape to either resist or throw-off disease. The remedy is obvious :-- Build up the constitution and nature will do the rest. © As a system builder FERROL the original and only combina- tion of Ced Liver Oil, Iron and Phos easily holds the record: Unlike most other Cod Liver Oil preparations Ferro is palatable and easily digested, and may be taken with advan- tage at all seasons, even in the warmest weather. Ferrol is nota patent mystery. The formula is freely puilizhed. It is prescribed by the best The It is endorsed by the most em nent BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations 'and 1s now open to the travelling pub'ic. : W TELFER . '- Proprietor A WARM: SUBJECT There's nothing in the world we're so much interested in as Coal at this time uf the year. It may sound queer tc speak of coal buying and selling as a science, but that's what we've made it. Two important discoveries we have made are that complete satisfaction to our customers pays best, and that the way to win business is to deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. Lawn Mowers The Best Mower Only $3.50 fm AT-- .. Strachan's Hardware .. FOR SALE Must Be Sold To Close Up Estate one following desirable City Propar y = 187 Brock St. sesidence of slate E Chown, Bagot St., extension dining and kitchen, all modern. 106 Bagot St.. extension kitchen. all 108 Bagot St., extemsion Wining and kitchen, ali modern. G Chr Price a Jarticulprs, see Gea. Real Estate sont. Auction Sales If selling out, pay higher com- missions and get far higher prices. WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Glendower Notes. Glendower, Sept. 5.--Men are scarce for mining, as so many have gone to New Ontario. Potatoes will be scarce in these parts. Ralph Switzer hax re turned 'to Latchford, New Ontario. Archibald Timmerman has come home from Haileybury, where he was work- ing in the mines, Mr. and Mrs. Lasher Cronk and M. J. Kelly are visiting at Sanford Leemon's; also M. F. Kelly. Harlowe Happenings. = Harlowe, Sept. 7--Dr. Spankie in- spected oe school on Friday and scemed greatly pleased. The Horner ites leave to-day for the camp meeting at Ivanhoe. Miss A. Pressley, North- brooke, visited Mrs. CC. Miller this week, The Methodist church annual picnic, on Wednesday, was a remark- able success; very pleasant time and $75 received. Rev. Mr. Higgs, Wilbur, our former preacher, gave us an im- pressive sermon here last Sunday. A number from here attended the picnic at Cloyne last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Medical Jousials. Jt is used in promicent dl ee Geo. W. Mahood Cor, Bagot and Princess Street "Royal Crown" - Witch-Hazel Toilet Soap The name tells Royal' --quality Crown --perfection in making Witch-Hazel-- soothing, healing, re- freshing, beautifying Soap cleaning A perfect complexion soap, a perfect toilet soap, 10c. a cake. 3 cakes 25c. At Druggists Everywhere, Summer Complaints. Cholera, Cholera Morbus, holera Infantum, asickness, and all seness of the Bowels whether in children or adults, can be cured by the use of Dr. FowLEr's EXTRACT or Wp STRAwsgRrYy, §t bas been a housebold remedy scr 60 years. It is Rapid, Reliable, and Effectsal In its action. It is Pleasant and Harmless to take. It does not leave the bowels In a constipated condition. It is for sale by all dealers. It has many substitutes, Do mot accept them. They may be dangerous. Mgs. FRED. J. Brooks, Shetland, Oat., writest "[ have a large family and have been using Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild By the Leading Auctioneer, JOHN H. MILLS. AT MYERS' (Canadian (Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place to get an all round Lunch tn the city. Meals of all kinds bn shortest notice. English and Chinese Hishes a specialty. 'Phone, 655. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ete., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday -- FSET) THE FRONTENAC, LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISAED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Strawberry for years for Diarrhoea and Cramps, and I always intend to use it, for I know of nothing else so good for both children and adults. 'It gives almost instant relief in all cases of howel complaint, GOOD TIME left this week for New Ontario, ot Echo Lake Echoes. Echo Lake, -Sept. 7.--Farmers are through harvesting and have started the plough again. Daniel McLeod is receiving a 'grant of $200 to be laii out on Fourth Lake road. Mrs. Me Culla is getting better. Mrs. J. Bah- cock is very sick. A. Wagar is build ing a brick chimney on A. Hayes' new house. "Miss Carrio Mcleod, Parham, is the guest of Miss Addie Hodgson. Mrs. Wiliam Hicks is visiting her sons at Moscow. I. McLeod and Miss Addie Hodgson attended the Friends' quarterly meeting at Moscow on Sa- turday and Sunday. Mrs. A. Wagar is at her brother's, William A. Wagar, Wagarville. W. A Wagar is the proud father of another wee girl. A Pathetic Story. Malic tenses of the wordless images. To appreciate this, one should see that little moving picture play, "The Farmer Daughter," that strikes the minor key of the heart and brin harmony "out of life's discords, This litte unspoken playlet is one of the most touching dramatic subjects ever created in the animated reproduction and is given in conjunction with many others, of as many varities with Ar- chie L. Shepard's high class exhibition of moving pictures at the Grand, five nights, con neneing Tuesday, Septem- ber 11th. For to-night only one lady's ticket will be given free with every twenty-five cent ticket purchased = he forg seven o'clock. Lombardy Locals. Lombardy, Sept. 10.--Mr, and Mrs. John Ryan, Master Vincent, and Miss the summer with Mr. Ryan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ryan, have returns ed to their home in New York, H. N. Covell and M. Dooher have returned from Toronto, where they spent the week at the fair. Messrs. Solomon Bis- nett, M. Duffield, W. Moorhouse, R. Bass, R. Duffield and J. Millar intend leaving for the North-West on Tues day. P. J. Corrigan, of Kingston, is visiting his cousins, Messrs. Michael, Edward and Patrick Dooher. Born on Saturday, September Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Joynt, a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elswood Joynt intend going to Ottawa for a few days this week. Miss Smith, of Perth, is visit- ing hor cousin, Mrs. J. J. Breen. Miss Sadie O'Mara, who visited Lansdowne friends during the week, came home on Saturday. chard, and Miss A. Baker, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Lorby on Sun« day. Mississippi Budget. Mississippi, Sept. 10.~Mr. and Mrs. Issac Allan and J. D. Allan attended Toronto fair lust week, Mr. and Mrs. o ante at Ottawa fair. Dr. Spankie, LPS. called at the school recently, W. J. Allan entertained at tea on the 6th inst. Miss Nellie Steele leavags to- day, to take a position in Ithaca, N, Y. She will be missed in social circles, Rev. Mr. McClung, Poland, occupied | the pulpit on Sunday in the Preshy- | terian church, being in' exchange with Nurse Campbell of Cincinnati, Ohio, je snent. a few days of last week with her friend Tackle Graphophone and Records. Money loaned Farm P ' aries" Menteipat" ana" Bomty beter The whole collection is of Fine Teceived and interest allowed. Quality. . 8.c wm Director. | New goods, selected with care Office, 87 Clarence street. Kingston. NewYork Giinese Restaurant 83 Street Open from a.m, to 8.00 a.m. The best place to wet an all round point to the and Angrove Bros. 88-00 PRINCESS STREET Control 10f Lean Companies. Brockville, Sept. 11--Indications assumption that the Lunch in the eity. Meals of sll kinds on Imperial Trust company of Toronto, is notice. English and Chinese & Specialty, trying to gobble up some of the smali- er companies in this province. During the past few days lema to be acting in the Imperial interest a gentleman said ; icked - CHOICE BACON zt bor bee aid hos picked up con Savings company, W. H, Comstock, & Sliced to Suit hearing of it, immediately announced that he was prepared®to parchase any shares of BL. & 8, stock for sale. that were » : : | hele. Again on Friday morning Mrs . nton Charlton was taken away very FOR BUYING: A Health Rule unexpectedly. Deceased was il] only Bicycles ' | She work, but Jfieted much during | that time. The funeral was condusted Baseball Goods of Importance,' Medical doctors are probably unani- | t mous in the opinion that the most | important rule of health is that which of the bowels every day." J Parents can inculeate no more valy. {C able rule into the minds of their chil dren, and when difficulty comes in living up to this motto, the use of | o Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills should be resorted to. By use of this treatment prompt re- because of the action of Dr. Chase's Kidneyv-Liver Pills kidneys as well as bowels. The very cause of indigestion, hil- iousness, Whadaohe, liver complaint, kidney disease and backache #3 re on the liver and only thorough but lasting. dose, 25 cents a box, at all del rs, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. % NEWS OF NEIGHBORS] Forbes, Kaladar, visited at the.:lat- | ter's father's, Mrs. G. Wood' ag this | week. A number of our young men reat lessons are taught in the dra- | Agnes 'Ryan, who have been spending | Mr. and Mrs. O. Blan- | lust Tuesday, and - H. Brook are this week in attend: | ried at the and bride left for their new home in Watertown, We and left a most favorable report. Mrs, | and wife and son to our neighborhood Visitors : J. J Medeall, wife and von, c ) "change our bright young ladies, who has Rev, Mr. Guy. Miss Annie Erwin re. been il for two weeks, was callod turned to Kingston after spending a away from our midst, She leaves a couple of months at her home here. | big space at home anc was liked by all. Mrs. M. G. Storms. D. {ance at the funeral ser McKinnon and M. G. Storms made a | what by Rev, Mr, Service, in the Methodist church on Saturday afternoon, Charlton was of sick list, relates to the regularity of the bowels hospital, and would put it something like this, | Frederick Tallefl, Brownvills, N.Y., at "There shoold be at least one motion | M Knight, from the city, at George Rod mand's, ral on Friday | Bertram Pattersqn. Camden Fest, in- tends lief is obtained and the whol: system | parents, Mr. and of fltration and exeretion is set right | George Redmond has returned home, after spending a few Northern Temagami ot Hailoybury, New 1iskeard North Bay and various Myra Crom and Helena returned to Sydenham High School, moved when Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver | Harry Sills and sister, Pearl, Sydon- Pills are used, and the benefit is not | ham, spent Dr. | Guess'. th Chase's Kifdney-Liver Pi'ls, one pill a |dapghter, Edith, - a Thompson's. terson has left for a few weeks' hol with, her "son here, left for Tor ronto on Wednesday last to visit her daughter, D¥, 'dnd Mrs. Mclntosh were recent callers in the village. Joseph Rhodes and Mel¥ille Tighes loft last | week for Webbwood., Wrs. Washington | Mills is suffering' from blood poison- ing and William Ackland from an ab scess, John Krwim, Jr. spent Sunday at Folger. John Crawford spent Sun- { day at Flower and Wilbur, Destroyed By Fire. Strathcona; Sept. 10. A disastrous | fire occurred Friday afternoon, when the niammoth bam of James Wilson was burned with the season's crop, A. Tompking was threshing and fire from the engine Started the bluse. Two { hogs that could Hot be got out perish- fed. The wind was blowing a .ale af | the time, carrving burning br. ls for | miles. Frederick McDonald's barn be | joi in line was burned, with the on: J rire trop; also sixteen hogs, about ready for market. Mr. McDonald was {at Mr. Wilson's when his building took fire. Hix father has been a | helpless invalid for years, and the house wak on fire several times, but help arrived in time to save it. Seve ral buildings it the village were on {fire, but by hard work the people saved them, If the wind had changed {in almost any other direction the vil. lage would have deen swept out of {existence "Miss Laura and Flossie { Dunlap have returned from a visit to (friends in New York. Mya. Hayoock iz able to be out once more after her severe illness. Roy Rook has heen quite ill; better at present. Stephen Weese has had a growth or lump sue- cessfully removed from his lip; if is | now healing nicely. The paper mill is closed at present as pulp cammot be procured. | | ---- A Brilliant, Wedding. Horiday 8ept. 5.-- Most of the farm- ers havé finished harvesting and in many cases have threshed out their (rain and are busily engaged plough- ing. An uniaally brilliant honsa wodding 'ocurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Damon Rabeook, on Septem- ber Jed, when their youngest daugh- ter, Miss Mab), was united in matri mony to Walter, Shibloy, a prosperous {and popular "young Thrmer resiing {near here. Promptly at nine o'clock | the contracting partis assembled be | neath the | Rev. Mr. Wattam, Wilton, spoke the {mystic words, 'which made the two hearts one. The happy couple left on the noon train for Toronto, Niagara and other western points. MH. Walker and wife, after spending. a couple of months in Calgary, have returne| home, W, Shillipgton spent a couples of days at Parham last, week. Roy Walker has lensed the saw- mill at Odessa. and has taken possession. He will be greatly missed in this neigh borhood. The many friends regret the {departure of Mrs. 1. Baker and fam ily alter spending a coupla of months visiting her friends and home of her childhood; they have returned to their home at Kingsville. Mise Lottie Walker and Elmer Martyn, formerly tof this place, drove to Cataraqui were quietly mar- parsonage. My. Martyn welcome DD. Leeman . Brown, Portland; H Cleveland, of Bright Young Woman Dead. Harrowsmith, Sept. 10. <On Wednes lay evening Miss Pearl Tallen, one of I alvo a large frionds. She he large attend vice showed in young friend wyse ircle of heartbroken esteem our Mrs. an amiable disposi. ion and leaves a sorrowing family. ohn Mclean, Sr, who is on the was taken to the general Kingston, on Saturday. ome, Mise J. Phill px, Kingston, at ames Phillips'. Mr. and Mrs. Samuol owdy, Mountein Grove, also Miss Mrs. Braff, Kingston, attend. |« 1 her cousin and grandmother's fume. and Saturday. spending thy winter with her Mrs. J. Boyee. weeks in the district, ealling | « i , also ints. Misses vimond have Sunday at Mrs. W Mrs. Jame x Walker and | f Holldord, at Alex. |1t business 'trip to Kingston. Mrs. Storms, after spending a month neatly-urranged arch, snd | of stuffinegs, and finding the food to heavy weight at the Mrs. | ma With these tho sufferers will often have eomstipation, fullness of the blood in the head, navsen, hearthurn, of food, gaseous sffoeating sensation when lying down, dizziness om rising suddenly, dots or wobs before the sight, fover and dull pain in the head, yellowness of the skin and eves, pain in the side. Black, Green, and Mixed. sending family, at 'Anson Charl- ton &. Sydenham, A Fine Design. Ferign for gown of silk or © thin woolen material or étamine, The model 'was of dark blue surah, the skirt having a voke effect over each hip, the middle of the front and sides being tucked, The corsage had a shal low: rounded yoke of dace, the upper part of the waist having a little yoke of the xilk hapd-embroidersd in an open floger design over white ilk veil- ed with chiffon, 'This little notched yoke piece wax in turn outlined with a narrow pufl of silk, ahout which flat silk braid was used to form a design The bodice was tucked from the shoulders and across the front and the sleeves were trimmed with the silk braid stitched up the middle in a dia- mond pattern, the lower part being of lace. If desired flat stitchad folds of silk can be used in place of braid, and when the gown is of voile or « amine, satin or moire bandgk 4 little yoke. of embroidered "material = to match is effective, Discomfort After Eating. Feeling oppressed with a sensation listend and painfully. bang like «a pit of the atos of indigestion. , are symptoms acidity of the stomach, hradache, digust ernétations, sinking ow fluttering of the heart, choking or A few doses. of Hutch Tablets will ree the system of all the above men- ioned Purely vegetable; Miss Munude hut oN to take. One after each weal. days. Mr. 'and Mrs. Elmer Alton and "IS GOOD TEA" The average family in Canada uses about 25 poungs ot tea per year. "Vey S If Red Rose Tea were used entirely, not more than 20 pounds would be required. You save real money when you use Red Rose Tea. Prices, 250. goc., 35¢., 40c., 50¢., and 6oc., in lead packets, Winnipeg. Toronto, 3 Wellington St. E. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. Blue Ribbon Tea "Tea tempers the spirii and harmonises the mind." WEL INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP 100 Candle Power, burns a feet per hour. A child can instantly adjust it to ~-- Confucius. i Hlustrated, 50 cts per yea burn only halt a foot per-hour. PRICE COMPLETE, $1.00 EACH SBACH See working samples in our show room. We glso carry a large well-assort- ed stock of as Mantles. who are overworked there's a delicious antidote Made right and served right between meals it will revivify and strengthen, Black, green, mixed =250. to $1 a 1b.--All grocers [TAN § CL on VA \ $4 &. Labatt's Labatt's Po Is a Prime Porter made from tested natural spring water, selecte malt, and a blend of the 'choicest It is allowed to ma- ture in the natural way, No substitutes for hops or barle charged artificially with gas (i.e., car- bonated) as some are. It is not pasteur= ized, but retains the delicate flavor and aroma 'of the hops and malt. Prime Porter for n invalids and convalescents. ad fot he RT| JAS, McPARLAND, AGENT. growths of hope. are used. rter.. It is not ursing mothers, oo