ements for ladies, but which |; ich had BT 8 ae at. a rate equal ¢o be. ar. was small, and y of our patrons would appreciate row. : ntensely black finish, of sh only, and none will be 1s rules so that all id aside, Patrons may pet JLAW & SON rp : You're Travelling wenty-Five g-chair with a back that jsn'¢ Just Have you a lounge that bas be. id 'have a thi enough cover ? th robe which just suited as to all likely to be travelling this m wrap will be very acceptable ? | say, but why ? ere's our erstand fully why we asked those ier i 1.25 glish Flannelctios aggeration to assert that our new s, is far ahead of any previous ou to come and at least admire it vill be at its best. , in fancy stripes, pink, white and underwear, men's to 31 inches wide, 0 and 124¢, of good, large size, 74 ney plaids, of very pulity, but very light, ach. Your choice to- lannelettes, very f extra weight, 32 to-morrow, 15 and Flannelettes, | in ms, many being French flannels, ), 124, 15, 20 and AW & SON Here To-morrow us while, ngs denote at before Oar fall as chosen Hes--at a ry purse est advice r-the fall vhile our xamples : Yih ake oes, 25 n's Popular-weight Cashmere Sox, erfectly shaped and with seam less feet, in four splendid qualition, per pair, 25, 35, 9 39 and . ¢ new styles for fall com- me very smart shoes. e Gun Metal Blucher College e Box Calf Blucher, low cut ; «nt College Cut Blucher; tent Button, large button, ast. All these are Smart Shoes and look well on any have the same shoe in the ut for those who want them, ang people though will a College Shoe. 8 akes from $3.00 to $5.00, Js allin, aw vy A Rg Sho Ak oS SHOE STORE YEAR 73. NO, 216. DECIR PRINCESS RJ STREET AMBULANCE 577 meat Reductions. traordinary We have singled out a number of jeces to sell at the following reduc- tions. These were left over and must Mantle Beds, regular $20.00, . for $1250, Inrge size. Mantle Beds, . regalar £8.50, for £5.00. Iron Bes, in white enamel, 83, for $2.50 . Brass and white, $5.50, for $2.75. Brass and white, $24.00, for $16.50, We have also a large: umber of other pieces that go at the same re- ductions. '4 Robt. J. Reid 222 Princess Street. SEE. YOTERS' LIST, 1906] Municipality of Towaship of Wolfe Island, County of Frontenac, NOTICE I& HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9, of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all per. sons appearing by the last revised As- sessment Roll of the said Municipality 10 be entitled to vote in the said Muni: cipality at Elections for Member of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; 'and that the Said list was first posted up at my affice, at Wolfe Island, on the 15th duy of September, 1906, and pohiaing there for inspection Electors are called upon to examine the said ligt, and, if any owissions or any other Brrors are foungl' therein, to take immediate pro 'to have the said errors corpected & ig to law. B. J. DAWSON, Township Clerk. Dated at Wolle Island, this 15th day of September, 1906, = CLP as Sa iy L H | A Aso lt ' Valual on Propert " y, Situ- ste in the ip of Pittsburgh, Saturday, Sept. 22nd. at Eleven O'Wlsck Forenoon, on BROOK STREET, Market-Square, Kingston. Shortall Brothers farm, situate near Sixth Concession in Pittsburgh, The farm or less offer for sale Joyeeville in the their the Township of consists of 295 acres, more all of which, with the exception of about 80 acres, is good workable land. There is a good dwelling house, three barns, wood shed, granary, drive house, cow stable, milk house ahd wind mill on the premises: plenty of good Water im the barn yard all the year around The property will be offered cither as 4 whole or in two parcels consisting o the North 150 acres amd the South 125 alres. TERMS OF SALE. The terms of sale, which are reason- able, will be made known at the time of the auction, or may be had by ap- ying to the undersigned. WILLIAM MURRAY, Auctioneer. T. J. SHORTALL, Washburn. JHAM & LYON, street, Kingston, Auction Sale Of Valuable Stock and Farm Imple ments, on Thursday, Sept. 20th, At one o'clock on the John Elliott, lower G.T.R. Sisting of Milch Cows, first Guality This Year io-~ Solicitors, premises of Depot, con ole, 50 toms Hay. Waggons, ies, Double and Siugle Harness, ctc. Terms, under $10 cash, over this amount o Months credit on furnishing approved eodorsed notes, with' interest. WM. MURRAY. Aucti mer. Half a. Century Making Shoes Still the same high standard both in. New Work and Re- pairing. Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sgn of Gorden Boot... 84 Brock St. ct ce ts et te VOCAL INSTRUCTION. MRS. pp B. JERRINGTON. A Rl for six years of bme of the best sir hast SLT Th of Shal and aperti), wi &en a studio at 855 Princess street, on Sept. 15th. Method endorsed by best Solin in wtate of Maine Sogeans st. Oratorio, an Opers, Terms moderate. Vaca aan free. id a I EI] ---------------- DESIRABLE Y FOR SALE To To, fone, te Bia Brick ine, 1 Dock Biro. ¥ Fireet. For details » SWIFT'S m= earch The second Hague conference xy bly be held in May or June. fo: worse than useless to advertise or faith, 5 New overcoats 'at Bibby's, will LI | SHOW DAILY MEMORANDA. Nowadays t- I's Canplell. Bros. Hats and Furs Officers' Course at R.M.C pe, Monde r « Opens om Steamer' Caspian for Thousand Islands 5 a.m., Sunday. : The sun riscs = Sunday at 5.30 a.m, amd sets at 6.10 pan. : : This day in history ~Slavery abolish. ed in. Mexico, 1820 : First halloon as. rension, 1784 : Moscow burmed, 1812 -------- WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--RBuginess Office. 220--Bditorial Rooms, 202--J obbing Department. Royal-Doulton Some very hand- some goods of this celebrated maker JUST OPENED Come and examine the quaint odd shapes. ROBERTSON BROS.. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT. In the selling of FURS as well as in other things. it is the QUALITY of the FURS we "sell that wins new friends and patrons for us every day, unacquainted with.our NEW ROOMS, FULL of beautiful, FURS, RUGS, ete.. a visit would be interesting. We do not press you to buy, we leave that to your judgment after comparison. We are offering special values in FINE NATURAL CANA- DIAN MINK Neck Pieces, $20.00 up to $200.00. John McKay Fur House 149-153 Brock St., Kingston. Jewelery Announcement Newt lines in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Lockets, Necklets, Brace- lets and Stick Pins. Call and see our Ladies' and Gents' $10 Watches. KINNEAR & d'ESTERRE, Successors to P. B. Crews; Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts PEARSALL'S MILLINERY Commencing on Tuesday, September 18 We Will Exhibit Our FALL MILLINERY to which all ladies are especially vited. PEARSALL'S. MILLINERY 228 Princess Street. JAIL SO CROWDED Were Talfen Persons to Quebec. . Montreal, Que, Sept. 15.--A bateh of fifty prisoners, from the Montreal jail, 'were shipped to Quebec, this morning, on orders from the provin cinl governmwnt as the result of -the crowded condition of the local olace of punishment. This is the second lot so shipped this yedr. There is more accommodation in the Quebec jail, the local" concern being very poorly equip ped and restricted as to artcommanla That Many fion. The government ix now plan ning the construction of a new jail some miles from the city. "Would you eat candy" that flies had been eating fom in the case? This j& often what happens when you buy "bulk candy. MeUonkey's and Huyler's in sealed packages omy at Gibson's Red Cross drug store There will be something worthy your special attention at Pearsall's millinery opening on Septem'rr 15th. "Press Reform Special." Strongest corset masde. Sold only at New York eta Reform. : . Tn Be. 2 for 25¢, at Bibby's, After Four Months In A Vault. REMARKABLE CASE Frederick J. Harvey Was Restored to Life and is Now on His Wedding Tour--By a Mistake the Lid of the Coffin Had Not Been Sealed. Denver, Col., Sept. 16.--After being buried alive in the family vault in Kansas City from Jan. 9th, to the middle of May, Frederick J. Harvey, one of the wealthiest men in Kansas, came back to life, on September ith, married his Denver sweetheart, Miss Lily Godirey, who was instrumental in restoring him to life and on Sep: tember 5th, departed on his honey- moon trip the same day and will ar rivg in Denver next week to visit re latives, Mr, Harvey is the son of Bernard Harvey, and grandson of the late "Fred." Harvey, the millionaire owner of all the eating houses on the Santa Fe line and most of those on the "Frisco. The family is well-known throughout the United States. At the time of Mr. Harvey's death, as the family still term his intomb- ment, he had contracted a severe cold which developed into pneumonia. His system was not strong enough to throw off the trouble and physicians pronounced him dead, Although all animation and respira tion bad ceased, his aflianced wife, Miss Godfrey would have it that he was not dead. She went and moaned, took the death watch upon herself, and would not leave the casket until it was placed on a marble slab next the caskets of her father and his aunt in the family's tightly elosed vault. For four months Mr. Harvey lay in the home of his dead ancestors, until Miss Godfrey, crazed by the feeling which grew on her that her beloved was not dead, retumed to Kansas City und. pleaded frantically with the family to accompany her to the vanilt, MOthEr, who was" devoted to her son, eaverly apeompanied her, and the two went together to the family plot. Unlocking the door and entorine the vault for the first time since the burial, they stood astounded at the door. The casket was open. Sinister frars crept over them. That a tragedy had occurred neither doubted. But the wvumling aucstion was, who had the casket Trembling. Miss approached opened Godirey it to learn the worst. Astonished be yond expression she found Mr. Har vey just as he was on the day of the burial. The lipe and finger nails were still nink, the body was still limber, and there was not a sien of decay in the entire body. Later the fact developed that the undertaker understood the »allbearers were 36 have put the Jd on. and that the vallbearers thought the un- dertaker would attend to it Mrs. Harvey and Mise Godirev had the hodv taken to the familv home where they visited it daily from May until Sentember 4th, when Har vey came to life, and the wedding fol lowed. A WAITRESS LOST. Thought Miss O'Neil Was. Burned to Death. 8 Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 15.--Hot, smoul dering debris, this morning, prevented a seagclfor bodies in the ruins of the Gilmour hotel fire, but it is thought that all escaped, with the exception of Miss Liswie O'Neil, a waitress. She has not yet been found and the worst is feared. Many visitors to the «ity lost their personal belongings, somo including gold watches and consider: able jewelry. All the patients in the hospitals were doing well, this morning, but suffering considerably from the burns. The insurance on the building is part ly divided as follows: Royal, $5,000 . Alliance, $5,000¢ Norwich Union, $5- 000; Hand in Hand, $5,000. The hal ance of the $40°000 js divided between the London, Montreal, Metropolitan, Anglo-Afiverican and Standard. "To Extend Its Lines. Windsor, Ont., Sept. 15. It's rumor ed that the Detroit United railway, which owns the Sandwich, Windsor & Amherstburg railway, extending from Walkerville to Amherstburg, inclading the local lines, is soon to extend its Aine from Amherstburg to Kingsvill:, taking in the resorts along the shore of Lake Erie, between Amherathurg and Kingsville. It is also said the Windsor, Essex & Iinke Shore road, now about completed from Windsor to Leamington, is likely to be aequir ed by Detroit amd other ecabitalists. The road was organises by them and local men and fimanced by the Ny tional Trust company. re Viadinvr Mazury, the laader of the Miacow section of the "Flying Group" found guilty of armed resistance to officers, was hanged on Friday. On account of the wounds sustained at the time of his capture he had to be carried ta the scaffold. On Monday the long course for offi cers open at the Royal Military Col lege. > For your furnace, most economieal. Swift's Seramton coal. Try Bibby's for men's underwear, "ward with any other expedients PAUL MILUKOFF, Ome of the men who helped to bring whout fhe vhreatened revolution in Russia, With Joseph Hessen he edited the Riceh, the leading organ of the consti- tutional democrats, who control the douma or what renmins of it London, Sept. 15.--The St burg correspondent of the Telegraph says varalysing despondency prevails in government cireles in consequence of the pressing need of money, out which not an Stolbypin's politigal programume can be, realized. Foreign capitalists scout the notion of loans, while, the minis ter of finance is unable to come for- The correspondent adds there are wel grounds for expressing apprehension, that the Stolypin cabinet, which is divided against itself, will be finally broken up by an insolvency that might have been avoided by the ap- pointment of a businesslike financier. ---------- SH SEVEN HOURS AND DISCUSSED CUBAN AF- FAIRS VERY THOROUGHLY. United States Won't Interfere, at Once, But Roosevelt Threatens Peters with item of Premier Trouble For the Republic if | Revolution Becomes a Habit. Oyster Bay, Sept. 15. After a ses sion lasting seven hoyrs, ia which Secretary of War Taft, Secretary of the Navy Bonapurte, and Acting Secretary of State Bacon, were closet od with the president, at Sagamore Hill, it was announced, last wight, that the United States. woul! not make armed intervention ia Cuba at once. With this announcement came a letter from President Roosevelt to Senor Quesada, the Cuban mivister to the United States, voicing the re lustance of the president to interfere in Cabnn affairs, but threatening in tervention if the Cuban republic ac quired the habit of revolution. The president announced to the Cuban minister (hat Secretary Taft und Assistant Secretary of State Bacon were to go ut once to Cuba to investigate the situation. Before leav ing, Scétretary Taft said he and See retary Bonaparte would start for Cuba on Sunday. Secretary Bona parte said the Desmoines would reach Cuba from Koy West and Dixie by Sunday or Monday. FEBRERO EXCITING 'TIMES. Ottawa, Sept. 15.--At 4 am. the Gilmour Hotel was burned to the ground ; loss $85,000 ; insured $40,- 000. At lénst twelve per- sons are injured badly. Between seventy and eighty were taken from the fire escapes in their night clothes. Many clung to windows, etc., and women and children begged crowds to save. them imploréd not 3 There were some intensely dramatic scenes. EXEAEREEERE KEELE KKEH FEREE SERA EEE RTE FHA SR Be-------------------- The Globe Furniture Co., of Walker ville, is having diffievity in collecting £1,800 money promisad it by the town for expenses in connedtion with its contemplated move to East Toronto. YOUR CHANGE READ to-day's Want Advts, Good positions are ~ | open to you. Eve day there arc ne offers -- new decors that open to suc- cess, Watch your op- portunity ; don't let it go by. 4 READ PAGE 3; EMBER 15, 1906. _ Despatches From Near And Distant Places. THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. ------------ Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Oves--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. That the United States will Cuba is the impression jn Great ain, May Windlicld, reported killed in the Azilda train wrook, has arrived safcly at Winmipey. Turkey has calld the attention of the powers to the warlike prepara tions in Bulgaria. The Ontario government is asked to co-operate in an educational confer- ence in London, England. A gas well struck in Raleigh town- ship is reported to be flowing 1,500 000 feet per day. It is said the Canadian Northern RR. purposes locating its car shops at Montreal, instead of Winnipeg. Hon. J. levael Tarte will be chair man of the Montreal. harbor commis sion. He will have two eollengues. The Canadian labor congress meet ing at St. John, N.B., voted in favor of a bounty to Canadien shiphuilders, Members of the Canaclan Munufne- turers' Associationt left for Winnipeg on a special train to attend the an- nual meeting here. Gerald Kirwan, son of Philip 7T. Kirwan, whose disappearance in the nex rit Tewiskaming district was recorded, has been found. It is expected that by 1908 the Treat Valley canal will be completed from Lake Simeoe through to (HF Georgian Bay. The penalty in Russian for refusing to perform military service has been increased to six yours' hard labor and loss of civil rights, Westmount, in view of its increased assessment roll; has reduced its rate of school taxation from three 'aml three-quarter mills on the dollar, Toms Breage, BA who chan been principal of the high school at Daw: son, Y.T., for the past three years, hes received the appointment of sup- erintendent of schools for the Yukon territory. Governor Ide Retires. Mania, PIL, Sept. 15.~Hency JC. Ide retired today from his position as governor of the Philippines and transferred his office to his successor, Gen. James F. Smith, in a quiet man- ner and without any spectacular in cidents. Gov. Smith took the oath of office and then held a long conference with ex-Gov, Ide. The appointment of Gen, Smith to the governorship has created a va- cancy in the Philippine commission, which is not yet filled, This afternoon the public inauguration . of .the new governor will take place. To Approve Route Maps. Ottawa, Sept. 15,~The minister of railways and. canals, has returned to the city with his deputy, M. J. But- lee, from an inspection of the St. Lawrence canal system. To-morrow Hon. Mr. Emmerson will meet repre" sentatives of the Toronto, Ningara & St. Catharines, the Toronto, Hamil. ton, & Bufialo, and the Canadian Northern railway companies in con nection with the approval of rowte maps of proposed new lines. Baseball Sumanary. National League--Brooklyn, 5-1; New York, 3-0. Chicago, 3; St. Louis, 0. Philadelphia, 4; Boston, 2. American: League--Chicago, 4-3; St, Loui Washington, 5; 'New York, 1." Cleveland, 1-6; Detroit, 2-0. Phila- delphia, 1; Boston, 0, Eastern lLeague--Buflalo, 4 Jersey City, 3. Providence, 3.9; Toronto, 1-8, Rochester, 5; Newark, 4, (seventeen innings). Commander-In- Chief. Berlin, Sept. 15.--Prince Henry of Prussia has been appointed eommand- er-in-chief of all the squadrons in active service, He succeeds Admiral Von Koestor, who retains the post of chief inspector of the navy. Preference Given London, Sept. 15. The Common wealth House of Representatives has pussed a resolution givide prefer. noe of ten por cent, on British goods importad in British ships. The sche- dul is subject to amendment. Every person should know about and try "Housekeepors' Silver Cloth"; polishes silverware, all bright metals and mountings Vke magic; no paste or powder roquired, simply rub the article to be ished briskly with the propured cloth and a brilliant polish in becured in a clean, quick, handy way. Price 25¢. For sale by L. T. Best, druggist, Princess street. Trial samples X Try Bibby's for flannel shirts. The yomg man charged with at- tempting to assault ral weeks ago when likely * come up early next week, , Ree anhoumomment on page three, re. sneeting. opening of vwening clases at the Fronteane Business College, Won a domestic wove. out driving, will before Judge Price diy, Sentember 24th. Sem W SAVES BIGAMIST. ---- 3 | Married Canadian Girls in United States. Windsor, Ont, Sept.' 15.~George | Burling, Ridgetown, arrested in De | it three weeks ago at the request of the Windsor on the charge of abducting he eal. a 206-pound girl, living at Maidstone, was ted by Judge Horne, i also eit of the charge of 3 amy erred by a woman living at Rdgclow: After Judge Home had heard evidence given by the Brady girl once acynitted Burling of the abduc tion charge, telling withoss that her testimony was absolutly worth- lost, and thal she was entitled to no sympathy. The crown attorney was unable: to prove that Burling was a British eiti- zen, and although ths prisoner admit ted that he had married two Canadiam girls in the United States without go- ing through the formality of a di voree, the court was forced to acquit him. The Canadian statute relating to bigamy says that an alien commis ting bigamy aon foreign soil cannot be prosecuted in the dominion. ---- JUMPS FROM ROOF. Mother Cuts Throat of Three Year Old Girl. New York, Sept. 15.--Mrs. Victor Anthony, thiety-five years old, cut the throat of her three-year-old daughter, Annie, yesterday, in hor home in Jor. sey City. Then, going to the roof, she famed to the street, three stories he. ow. The child is de€d and the mother is dying, Mes. Anthony had recently exhibited signs "of mental dera ment, and there is no doubt ------ suddenly became violent. ------ Died Of Cancer. Guelph Sept. 15. John Doran, well known hotelkeopor for thirty years, died at St, Joseph's Hospital, Fri day morning, after an illness of six- teen months with cancer. i HAD A BIG. BATTLE OVER A THOUSAND MEN ON EACH SIDE, Both Sides Claim a Victory. Glad That Roosevelt ditions in Owba.® = Havana, Sept, 15. Président Roose vet's, attion - in sending Secretary Taft and Acting Secretary Bacon to Cuba to investighte conditions in (he island was regarded favorably by thos who were first apprised of it. Cubans, generally, it may be said, do not desire intervention but the desire for a settlement « of pome kind now predominates, Gen, Rodrigues, with a fores of one thousand men, encountered Generuls Gastilo and' Asbert, with forces of ab: out the same number, last night, near Wajny. Both sides elaim a victory. Gen. Rodriovuez returned to Havana in the night and his troops are encamped a short distance outside the city. The government Jost three killed and sev. eral woup ded: NO WEDDING BELLS. Telegram From Woman's Husband Stops Proceedings. Port Hope, Ont. Sept. 16.--Geotge W. Lawrence and Lillian Brown, re poctively twenty-vight. and twenty three years of age, residents of Oak: fidd, N.Y., came to Port Hope Thurs: day. A marriage liconse being secured the couple sought the Methodist par: sonage, The rovegend gentleman not being at home they were compelled to wait till Friday morning, when they again repaited (0 the clorgywan's house, Missing him, they retorned to have another clergyman's nemo in- period. The issver of marriage licenses, in the meantime, however, received word that the prospective bride had a husband and two children living in the United States. Poste haste a messenger was despatched to the par: sonage annulling the certificate, When the groom-to-be applied for the insertion of another minister's name he was dumbfounded at the news awaiting him. The girl is said to have hailed from Manvers town- shin, Durham county, but has been living in the states for some years Admiral Chichester Ill. London, Sept. 15.---Admiral Sir Fd. ward Chichester, whose course at Manila was so satisfactory to Admiral Dewey and the whole American people, in seriously ill nt Gibraltar, Huy Beef Tron and Wine at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Fresh there, 50e. A gentleman would rather be taken for a servant than fail to he. of ser: COFFEE Nothing is so much criticised as Coffee. Nothing is harder to get Just right. That is the reason we take such special care in the roasting and Blending of our JAVA AND MOGHA It gives universal satisfaction. Try Dibby's for men's swepters, - Jas. Redden & Co.| "Steacy's" Empress on many $1 fon Our Special Price while they last 76c. in tans cd en, lt 0 t g grea lines to choose from for the . mdney, 60¢. and 8, i ' STEACY'S DIED. IRVINE --In Kingston . Ante, 2 the te: Eaomas: J ames Teatne i hy Puntrul, at 10.80 a.m. Saturday, from ren muel Hyland, 487 A WHALAN in Xingaton ited ut , Thomas Patrick Ingen rr. and Mes. 8B, aged months, N i---------- UAE Shepard -MOVING PICTURES- And the Latest Sosgs An Entire Prices, 10ec., 1 . Seats mow on Wedseadey, The Arrival Po I] Pik | miy [ibe | cellent ; REFS £6 30.00 Fikes 18 Seats on sale Monday. Frank Klain tenced to life