Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Sep 1906, p. 3

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bump freely. It COLD IN THE > manmer. Large bottle, 25 cents sod § Hair Regipy, | 'mot for al sale at yo, always be procured iat " ®ives instany pa HEAD, noe _ rods. ies 1, Scott's White t FS, St. John, NB. gpg (pi pliable IS... ~ Moderate Prices. Fk. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier, 78-80 Brock St. hone 700. QUALITY IN BACK GOMBS Our Hair Ornaments Are Strictly High Class And are the designs possible, ing © had pac reach us only week direct from manufacturers. newest a ay this the Decorative gold is used for some, while others have NEW ART designs with STONES SET. SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians Phone 68686. TOR GASOLINE In 5 Gallon Lots: or over, 26c, a Gallon plies always handy on ock BY & YOULDEN LIMITED. -NIGHT Silk Belts p in and see the new t Silk Belts with eye- abroidery, in pretty of white, black, myrtle at soc each: Collar Tops lozen White Embroi- Collar Tops, spe- 5¢. each. Ribbons ther snap in 15c 7c. Silk and Satin broken lines, for yard. Underwear your Underwear for ar. We have a big in men's, women's, nd boys'. Coats Coat display is still ular topic at after- as and social func- where the ladies >. You certainly 0 see the range be- ing. -, I MAN & SHAW > N ight Scheel Monday, September 24, 1906 Each student receives individual instruction. Equipment and staffof teachers unsufpassed.- Rates very moderate. The Collage That Appeals to the Ambitids oung Men and Women. - Sue Register the first night and improve your educa- tion. { | Sessions Every Hn sansuing a and Friday Evenings Full particulars cheerfully furnished, Office open evenings, Phone 680. BUSINESS POSITIONS that pay. oxist only where tne isrgasi mount of money circolat f these hig) UN Arrivitt €0 0 » 004" Colivge of stodern Methods. Wey [Eu UF SHON W AND, wnich ie the only »yeten 360 tw 120 words per misute can be atraited in 3) days copyrights fur Yanads ou said system. and Good a speed yer trying to be a stenc i. railway lare up to $5.00. W) roger be als and Circulars, MOON'S SYLLABIC SHORTHAND & BUSINESS COLLEGE, Kara Hall 468 St. Catharine St. West, Montreal. ® KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE wm ona sn gvesns Devoted to higher Commercial and Shorthand cducation. It appeals those who desire the best business training and forward fi ing the highest and must remuncrative ciel subjects taught. Individual instruction greduates placed in go d positions, Enter logue, TTT VVVVVVVVLS - aa ~eyy | ang Hite tea, yesterday, for two visi- Deatrice Tandy was expected -------------- AE A m---- | tors in town--Mrs, Hedjoy Clarke, of hore we today from Quebee --- -- -- ----_ ¥ o Cleveland, and Mrs. Joh D: Miss Ermatinger of St. Thomas, is ; A Mrs. John unlop, . . Hiss BATES PRIVATE SCHOOL | GANANOQUE NEWS. | Who has just returned with he Hh Bing with Mrs, Abbott, at the For Girls and Boys : LH 3 {band from the Japanese m Runk of Montreal. She has many Wil reopen' lat': her Toews in Old License Commissioners to Make a | Ll. The gu were all old fr friends here, as othe has visitesl in Collegiate Building, Cor. Barrie and Transfer. of the two la i. Te * Kinrston several times before, w tL n Sept. 4th, 190¢ 5 | a was served at . Birks 'wtrota, am Sev. 300 106." \ (i opoponue, Sept, 15 Thomas Ane | Smal tables in the inne ot | Wr. and Mowe. Arthir Meith, who fauches of English thoroughly ] drews, of Marble Rook, and, Miss Car- | the decorations were rowan or es, have. had a houschoat party all sum | All bi : ) ) d taurht. oi Beat ric Belle Bevins, daughter of Mr. and | the being lovely. 'Miss Norval ar by Wowe Island, Mrs, Charles A. P : » atin, rawin-~ Ive 73 3 § 1 x Minn i HY toe i neh, a ulti, Music® NM ne | Mrs. Timothy Bevins, of Leads town Muclonald and Miss Minpie Dunlop Nortisen, i Win hie and ine Ain and Morals carefully attended to ship, were umited, in marriage at, the { helped with the tea. The ghests were ish, and Mr. Georee Neish, loft, to ners ; | g o FSA Special Afteption is invited to the | Gananoyue East parsenage on Mon- | the two guests of honour, Mrs. James day, for New York. Mrs. Morrison will ch 1a asin TO ne ! Ne " Ton day last, hy Joseph Corn ll Klliott of Montreal, Mrs. J. G. Kl Mean abet thre frocks, ich Languay JAteraturs an As The boi SOBRE & vissioners | i : Po £ isa Gladve ne sley who has heen position are particular features. 1 he hoard of license commissioners | liott Mrs, W. J. Livingston, Mrs, ¥ ws further information. apnly to Miss | will meet next Satunday in Gooan- | Chad s Livingston, Mrs. John Mae | Staving with Mrs, George Sears, left, rN trout 0. 8, Hales' Cottages. | 0 to" 'contider the question of donald, Mrs. J. Crawford, Mrs. Rich | on Thursday _for Ottawa. - te transferring the Heense of the Ar- lard S, Waldron, Miss Emma. Wilmot Bow lington hotel from its present hold | and little Miss Isabel Waldron, Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson came Wiss Ki e's § OL er, 1, J. Lloyd, ta George Genge, the | - - - . home on Thursday, from Ottawa, § GIRLS formes proprietor of the Victoria ho: | Mrs. W. D. Gordon, or really Miss Fira _ has bern hi ¥ t | Nora Gordon, asked a number of the { POUS¢ #17 Daly avenue, for Mr. Hugh FOR Harry Kevworth, ( i ¢ t, has | younger girls to tea on Fhuradior the Robertson and his bride i i i i : 2 LILY 5 » Roberts 'i Re! 98 EARL STREET, KINCSTON. toured oe situation in Hien, NY. leet Miss Emily Smythe, whom ev Bog Retin will spend Charles Macdona Lin his private | opvone will be very r t veek end in tov cS Re-o n Sept. 6th vacht, the , on Wednesday, with : sary. lo part Mr. and Mrs. E. J. B. Penge return b X's fiahi | with, when she goes away with Mrs. od from: Ottaw rord Pupils prepared for Collegiate, Civil | party of frivnds for a we s hing E. B. Stanley, on Monday. i ig ( a x erday. : Service and Matriculation Examinatious. | up the Buy of Suinge. Maver Wilson . . 4 a Aix dura is home from Classes in Painting and Physical Cul « tfrockville and took in the Mrs. N 1 Re ) : he Island o leans, ture. Music in Satietion. Junior class vesterduy. W. OC. Morton spent Ison: bow a ilyjted » few Sir Mackenzie Dowell is visiting his es for boys and girls, io 3 » in 1: : "aoa, S : - je For informa ion, apply $0 Miss Alice yester inv visiting his nephew in {3g say good-bye to Mise Emily Snughtat, Mrs ) 5 Joasiesaris Bud Ki Alice TOCKVY . . | Smythe, ale Lake, mn ¢ 18 attompnnin HE, Ae . ---- Mrs. James Jovner, Kingston, fs" > "a eis by two of his granddaughters, Miss AND ONTARIO pending a fow days in town, the | go, pray afternoon Mrs R. J Holston and Miss Met arthy, of Belle raest of her siste 8. J 8 . : . w>iv1vi ONTARIO oo SeavaTomy or [<= of i sister, Nr ohn rs, | Garson had small ea its raison | "HV on; toria ave > y %. | d'etre bet . Bisite Racetha - . . . LADIES' MUSIC AND ART | join Copk, King street, who have | (S000 Do BR Bonlty, Bemwthe | Mra, John Waddell" and" her young & 3 & ¢ , 8 t % » 3 ol » came home fre y " B Whitby, Ont., Can. been 3 Pe nding 3 x ny > h Her | sent, were Miss May" Smythe, Miss Mil Probl came home from the sea thi COLLE Palatial Buildings, | bert Coo ah i Ki dred Cooke, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss | "uv." xs beautiful grounds, [ed home. Mrs." J. A. Bean, King | Elsie "Pense, Miss "Aileen, Miss Eva Mrs. George Robinson left, wvester Trafalgar Castle helpful social and re-| qiroet, spent yesterday in Brockville 4 . A 81 day, for Ottawa, to visit her sister, i ligious influences, and | h e hodhand:. J. A. Bean. V.8 and Miss.Grace Rogers, Miss Dora AE) for ok the best facilities for | With mahane, vo. Danie] Bul | Herchmer, Miss Grace Mi Misa] TH 0X oF 3. Wok OF. 80, ' : the study of Litera- | who has located there. Danie bul Lorraine "Dalton, Miss Lill Kent Dr. Archibald Robertson, of Van ture, Music, Art, Elo. lous, King street, spent vesterday in Miss Gran : ol Mi Gr N in couver, who has been spending a fen Te ai Misa Grange, ¢ ss Grace Mg . : . ution, Commercial Brockville, where he met 'his sister, wi a . . ug . N days with his brother, Nr. D, 8. Rob Large Pipe Organ, Concert Grand:| Miss Mubel, who was on her wan Th tal i 8 ; , | ertson, went, to-day, te Ottawa, and Pianos, and the most~ complete modern | home for a short visit. C. H. Slurd, la Ean Fecal » Wn St. James | irom there will go on fo New York squipment in every department. King street, spent Thursday in Brock- | church, on Tuesday evening, promises Miss Erminic Folger lef Fri Undoubtedly the best of its kind in he h of Inia mite Mrs, | to be a real troat. With Mr. Harvey, tay a 'rm o ger left, on pe Canada. Gord, een _ Will reopen | ville, the aL Risoe, ranist. Mr. Walk A day, for Ottawa, to attend the Sacre Sept. 10 d for Calendar to Rev. J. | Frederick I, Miller, Church street. as orgamst, Nr. alker as comet | got Convent. J. HARE, aD, Principal. soloist, and Mrs. Betts, Miss Bates, Mr. and Mrs. James Aylesworth, of $2 [ Miss O'Hara, Miss Bailey, Mr. Craig Tamworth an : visiting Mrs "Hiram { oan KN BORA J , are Vis Mrs. BORN. A Child's Dress. and Rev. C. Bilkey as vocalists, the Keech, Frontenac street. WOOD. --~At Morven, Sept. 13th, to Mr. | programme cannot but be attractive. . . » . and Mn W. Wood. a daughter. | $0 "ee TI . i FARRING TON. In Picton Sept. 3rd, a Ya 3 (ae a : od he engagement is announced of to Mr. and Mrs. John Farrington, a Miss Gertrurle Whitehead has re Mr. Harry Pattee, eldest son of Mr, daughter : A |tumed to town and is again with | and Mrs. Gordon Ib Pattee, Ottawa, HILL.~On Sept. 8th, to Mr. and Nrs IM H Bates, Hales' ¢ ; . - mn Sept. , to X « | Mis. enry ates, ales otlages. to Miss Lila Lett, daughter of Mr. W. Rovert Hill, aserve, a Tyendinaga 1% 5 son 5 4 ! P. Lett, of Riverside, California. The MeVICKER. --At Descronty, on Sent {in Brockville this summer, is in town marriage will take place October 17th 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. itickard 1. { on her way home to Toronto. Rares ¥ ob. McVicker on Ge 5 N 3. . at Riverside. cer, & son. | ity lessor and Mrs, James Cappon | Miss Georgia Squiers, daughter of MARRIED mith or the. meginming of eess 4% | Mr. Horbert G. Sqiers, formerly Am SK 1: . = Ba E Kg. Oo Jexl prican_ minister io (Cul C SKEFLS-BACKUS --At Picton. 15th | Mrs. L. L. Henderson and her young | ane Whitman of nr la ug., Att Alberta ackus, 0 » ho > ; . fh new ' 1 LR 8 beta, Backes. : Ly Jrovle are home from the Thousand Katonah, N.Y . AYLOR--SCOTT.--At Picton, 22nd siands F ces May. daughter . fox. Deatrice Viola Scott to Albert ! Miss Machar was up from "Fern iff" Stan Rolo CN A of the, Rey Naylor, both of Bloomfield | this' week. : nr ! son. » roadview, BARN Re 4 OY.--At Bay Side, near | ote wnilie Sask. to Mr. Sidnev HW. Logan, man Glenora, Sept. 13th, er | : 3 S ya 0 . . Baldwin Batver. Peterboro, to | Mis Lily Allen, of Melbourne, has ap ol c Vi anadian Sank of ( om- Rosetta Blanche, only daughter of sailed on the Tumisian, for the old | MF oba n marriage Charles M. LeRoy orth Marys- | country to visit her people will take place' on September 2th, ALLEN MeOULLOUGH--At Deseronto. | Mrs." Watson Walker and hor ois Nettie x iy ond gh on Sept. 10th, Richard Baxter Allen. { mother, Mrs. Delahais, have returned | of © Wr 8% Cre hy id Ot Nanunes, a Miss" Isabella McCul Child' 1 of ca hmere or fine | from a fortnight's visit in Toronto. t A fort hy i er r. o ol of 4: wh ; e hild's dress ashmere 3 a e marriage ie pla a WOODST OOK MCCABE At Nanancs. woolen material or-silk. The model Julge Madden and som, Napanee, Hamilton, on Septem 19h. on Sept. 6th, Melville Woodcock, § WOC ke . have been spending a week at Syden- Deseronte, and Miss Alice McCabe. | was of green and white checked silk, | po Miss Annie R. Trewin, sldest daurh Napanee. trimmed with very narrow strappings | "yi die Bawden, Kingston, is at A Mr. William Tri, Petathor # of the same and tiny white pear | tending Napanee Collegiate Institute, | 10 Mr. James Hamilton, ddest son of DEED. buttons, Wide Irish lace insertion of | opeseeeoss---------- MT. Péter Hamilton: also of that «iy, HOGG --At Toronto, Sept. 4th William } Jj over was Jet into the waist on | The wedding will takemplace in Netoh Thoms Hoew. president of Hoge & .ytle, Limited. Rockwood, Ont.. and Picton, Ont., and second sou of the which was square, H. F. METCALFE, Principal. | giade positions, you shou greatest Shipping and Commercial Metro It is th Shiv Balen, « llezds) that can Fimduie na siudante positions in %, we teach BOYD'S FAMOUS SYLLABIC ha of! we control all . We pay. BVVVRVVVRN Head of Queen St., each side the front and formed a yoke with a collarless | than a supper, which wastes time, in {Bold in the Buwilight Mrs. Alckander Kirkpatrick' gave Rl { very jolly party, on Wednesday night, for the young people, Hey of Miss {Lassie and Master Macdougall Kirk- | patrick. It really took the form of a farewell party Yor Miss Charlie Shortt; who is going to be much missed by her young companions. AS with other | young people's aflairs, everything be {gon carly, but in spite of this fact { midnight came round very soon after | {it all began, as midnight 'will careless- {ly and unkindly do when a namber of | {the youthful are having an exception: {| ally good time. Part of the fun con- | sister in walking abolit in the park | during the evening. The house was all {thrown open "and was very prettily | arranged, Mrs. Kirkpatrick had! { thoroughly prepared refreshments of {the kind which go on all the time, | this way being much more Frain? youthful opinion, Mr. Kirkpatrick helped on the jollity very much, fa did litle s "Sybil and Master | George, who were allowed to sit up to | the very end. + and On Wednesday Mrs. A. C. Dunbar was formally welcomed back to King- ston, old friends, who knew her as | Miss Sills, having extended their wel- {come earlier. The pretty little bride was kept very busy all afternoon | greeting her visitors, and the only {regret these had was the short time that it was possible to chat with her, | 80 constantly were new people coming in. Mrs. William Robertson, of Belle- Fille, her sister, received with Mrs. | Dunbar, who wore a white silk gown, { lace trimmed, and very bridal looking. The tea table, small and round, had a very dainty arrangement of white | asters in a tall vase resting on a sil- | ver-rimmed: mirror, a few beautiful {single flowers lying carelessly on the | table centre and cloth, White ribbons | were brought down in bell efiect over | the table. Pouring tea and lemonade were Mrs. Norman R. Carmichael, and Mrs. E. W. Skinner, the assistants be ing Miss Lettie Walker and Miss Lib bie Allen. Mrs. Dunbar is a very charming little bride, Mrs. John Gaskin gave a very pleas- Miss Ftta Mpepherson, who has been a CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, le. a word. Bach con- secutiv i Ow utive {naettion thereafter fe. £ A SALEBSMEN AND BALESLADY ; word. Minimum charge for one ia only ex: versony apply. sortion, #ic. Steaty & Steacy, Fannie Newlands and is Br visitor, Miss Bessie Damlop Loft this worn ing by steamer Kingston for Montreal. . . Mrs. M. Lavell ol Kingston, is the uest of her J. and Mr. . A. Lavell, Smith's Fail Mrs. Butler and her grandson, Mas- ter Allan Sutcliffe, have returned from a visit to Toronto. Miss Mabel Meek left to-day for Tor- onto, and will towards the end of the week leave for Duluth, to spend. the next few months at. the home of her uncle, Mr. T. W, Huvo, Miss Cabrie and Miss Ethel Waldron webe expect home to-day, from a most delightful trip abroad. They had the odd fortune to sce the mid nicht sun at Norway, and enjoyed all their trip very much. a. in.» and Mrs. R. Gilmour Nr. of Mont real, will return to town in a couple of weeks, and will spend the winter here. Wise Bessin Horsey left on for Outrement, Que., where she the guest of Mrs. A. W. Dromner Mrs. Algire Shortt's (riends have been" pleased te hear, this week, that Monday, will be she has been able to take a littie walk, Miss Halway, who has been visiting Mré William Bamphicdd, returned to Boston yesterday. * - - Mr. and Mrs. George Macdonnell came home from Cap Aigle yes terday. er. bern fesund far the Nant Girousrd Justice Hironan i, and Roza dl, in St Invitations have | marringe of Wises daughter of Mr Mr. John Lawrence Tate Willinin Hoge, aged forty-seven | peck. The lace on each side the front Fl Sl Gent. 10th, and down the outside of the sleeves | RANE iB on Rg ot | was crossed with straps of the silk, Mr andt Froser, awed | oooh ¢hd of 'which was fastened down Ki Hay 'maithe and Leven dave, 11th, {by a pearl button. The skirt was | Effer- Willard Kully, PL fourteen wears plaited in at the waist and was inset | ---- with squares of lace, cris sergeod wt i vescent Rt: ented with s i Lost ney. the silk straps and ornamen : : Last Sha' 1 SH Money Syden- buttons, The short sleeves were, Snith { is a regular family doctor. ham es der p inoeas ed by a narrow gathered ruffie Of lace : 2 street, was crossing Priv At {to match the insertion and the belf, When the stomach gets Street in front of the Opera house. the same moment two young men, on ®hoods, rode down the street and ®ither knocked from the fady's hands a trabbed a. purse which contained $25. The parties. in question are known to the palice and a thorough investi gation is now under way, of the silk, machine stitched hy of fimish, Try It's easy to think you when you are soured. are of full possibility. Ten drinks one drink. New raincoats at Bibby's, Woup 'waists will be the style this toming winter, 'More work for the ctor, Try Bibby's for men's underwear. which was in one with the dress, wy way Bibby's for men's underwear. serious | Present achievement often is the foe | of ®ater do not make | upset--bowels irregular-- | appetite fickle--sleep | broken -- headaches \fre- quent--<ABBEY'SSALT is the prescription that cures. { | At Draggisis. 2Ge. and 60c. 3 bette. 4 Joseph's - chweh, 20th. | The Montroal, on the marriage of Mr, Antonin Tarte § on of the Pon, JI, 1. Forts to. Mics Tonnne Grothe. daughter of the Inte Wr, (*, A, Grothe will take place in j Montreal in October The of Wiea Wilda? Wor lith to Cantain Mille Ge smmounesd in Quebee, to 11aee this. month, marvinere take Home For Holidays. James Alderdiee, hurt in the acri- dent at the Roval mint building, »t J intaen, ix home to spend wome holi- Adawe with hig mother, Mra. H. Alder. dice Princeas street. Advi, & lines or under a week, $1. Housk. . RAR NADER gy AF | Adut. 4 lines or duder a month, $2. ay a's Hox 51, "Whi oie, ; --------------------------- -- FUR CUTTER, Also JACKET ht Snisher, _w a Retail Fur Sverybody in Kinesion Roads the WHIG | Sic, Avi, seine © sig? of TE I ETAT TI, HELP WANTED--MALE, FUR TIRISIIERS. APPLY TO JOHN ay, Broek strives. 3 ences, to F. Ont. and refer J. * Grithn, Brockville, FOR SALE, EL Te BOY. APPLY TO JOHN LAIDLAW & hii PUT YOUR "FOR SALE" ADVT. bere and the results will be satisfac BOILERMAKERS. AV LY. STATING tory. experience, to the H HH Nig. Co., Pr "ont RLECTRIC MOTOR, EIGHT HORSE « running in Whig Press A JuNioR, FOR RETAIL HARD ous, ware pe rtment. ceRKelvwwy & Birch, G9 and 71 Brock St. CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES. - n A HELP, THE YEAR ROUND. SITU- Parimbnt 0. 303 Wellington SU. ations vacant, domestics, hotel amd og factories. Department ba (ET 3'{ AMBRICAN JBECY: CLOPERIA, NEw lington street. Xtean ua, » discoun | Apply through AN BXPERIENCED PROTESTANT. . sing handy man, wishes wsmply ment, hy a respectable Vounit unter TWO FARMS 34.300 BAGH: ALSO widow, on a farm. Address Hox 68, Poster's ond $a. Whig office. Spy Mn gn BU ot Tolling ton street. 4 GENTLEMEN TO HAVE . THEIR - overcoats made to look lke new. $11 BUYS FlETY CHICKENS pressed and cleaned or turned. New Roeks, Wvandottes, ete. mostly work guaranteed to please. Prices pullots lay about Caristinas right. Galloway, the Tailor, 131 twenty wards nettiog. chicken run Brock stree! and box, large despatch crate, ete, 57 John street. A uy COMPETENT HOUSEMAID, King street. 1 A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. STRANGE, 138 King street GIRLS. APPLY TO N, Co., Ontario street GIRL, FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK Apply to 289 Ihvision streen C. POLSON & GENERAL, SERVANT, AT ONCE four in" family Apply 162 King St. THIRTY GIRLS, Mica Works, AT KENT BROS, foot of Princgss street $50 a Month for 6 months from Oct. 1st. The above amount will be you! couple, with baby six math old: private Iamily pre. oare Whig Kingaton, A GENERAL SERVANT; ALSO A nurse. Apply in the evening Ww 125 Rigg street. - EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant ruferences required Apply 4% King street SERVANT. NO Apply 201 Goon GENERAL washing family of three Brock stivet mn onan etn. SIX SMART GIRLS. GOOD WAGES. Suwardy employment. . The W, J. Crothery Co. A WOMAN TO laundry. Apply oral Mospital, WORK IN The Miss Gordon, Gen GENERAL SERVANT. REFER encos required. Apply dn the evening to Mex. Reginnid Brock, 104 Bagot street A FIVE GIRLS, box factory Wages. Are King stret TO WORK IN PAPER Seedy work Good iy Kingston Hosiery Co AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant ; family of three. No washing or froning. Apply to Mba Rigeey, 126 Johnson - street ro PO Pl at home whale yi work sent ; send sta LANES IN MISCELLANEOUS. FARM HELP, * AND ALL OTHER kinds of help supplied. Department "R.." 208 Wellington street. Iwo PRN ROOMS TO BE in suod focation. Pe iehont ar referent wired unless wppllcants _& knowa, A "HLT. cure Wi office, PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS 438 Princess street. Vaucha Tecreos. ET TT. She ana . Fo . 3 i EB A LADY'S PURSE, CONTAINING A Mout 828.25. The | Fluder will be br, any. « oi TELY 3 ry " v L t {mp A ; a » Faw arde by returniog | to this : i 4 bs A SHEPHERD'S CROOK TOPAS stick pin, silver setting, on Princess FARM FOR SALE. 2% Se, between Opera House and Harrie | TWO FIST CLANS SR Si, Finder Kindly leave at this ship Office, shy. ag natin e-- but ar. . A y to unm SMALL DOMINION LIFE ANSSUR- sneer Co. Memo Book, between Whi Clirones street, x office and Swift's Wimel. F or re warded by leavieg at Dondpion Ex. PERSONALS press Co's, office : A LAINE BAG, CONTAINING | WEALTHY BUSINESS MAN WORTH AINE TT, Sona Saal 40.000, ih in" Country. de y r Queen Sts, between Nt. Mary's Oo * be Cathedral amd 213 Queen St. Finder Siren dombintely true loving with, v svt Jeetion oil ve rewarded on lenviag at this wlan Mr n Ro snp " Ceylon Rig., Ohicago. ® BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY WORTH FOUND. Haoo Cash, fine fans, will ON MARKET SQUARE, ON TUR herit Theusansl more, wi x i In Umbrella, wi gold meet young or ue aE with Owner may have same view to matrimany, Poverty no hy calling at Whig office and paying objection). . for this sdvt, AT.The Somerville Co., 174 Wellington St. Tuesday, Sept. a ALL ARE INVITED. Address 69, 54 Wabash, Chien lodge of America meets, For many weeks the having charge of the billeting arrangements have been bey until, at present, it is thought there will be sufficient accommoda | tion. The various. hoarding houses in | them elves will take eare of ten thou sand 'delegates. The city ic gayly be i decked with flags and bunting wel coming those who follow the thre links, and an official welcome will be extenwhsd, on Monday, at the parlin- ment buildings. The committer on ap peals has bem busy since Wednesday and some fifteen appeals have besa dealt with, A numeer of special trains arrived to-day and Sunday with dele- committee Try Bibby's Jor boys' sweaters. + akin gates. Nearly one thousand delegates are already in the city, DELEGATES ARRIVING. = Toronto Will Be Given Over to | Which Came True Later in the Oddfellows. Day. Toronto, Sept. 15i--Thousand of Stratheonn, Alberta, Sept, 15.-A Oddiellons are wxpected in Toronto | surious incident in connection with next week, when the sovereign grand | (po death of young Gould, the English {nephew of Lond Kinneard, of Scot. land, has come to light. On \ the morning of the accident A QUEER DREAM lad who was accidentally shot by A, E. Wilde on labor day, and who was a Gould told at the breakfast table he had dreamed during the night that a man wax chasing him with a gun. The members of the family joked him about the dream, and after sup- per, while Wilde was cleaning his guns, he picked up one and pommted it at the boy, saying : "I suppose this | i* the way the man was chasing you in your dream." The gun exploded, ' causing instant death, Pp ee a -- Tn S---- APPOINT AN ASSISTANT. eine Will Be Granted Ome By General Conference. Montreal, Sept. 15 ~The committee of moral reform has decided to re commend the appointment of an as' sistant "to Rev: Dr. UChown, and of lotul men where circumstances de. mand. A resolution on the opium tral fic will Be introduced into the confers onee, and also ohe on the sabieet of arbitration and the proventions eof war. The Trusts and Guarantee company, Hmited, Toronto, are the executors in under the will of the late artin Murray, of Toronte. Mr. Mub roy was a wealthy man and his estate J includes vidaable real estate near the centre of the city, Temptation seldom wastes any lime on 4 full heart, 72 Tey Bibby's for men's underwear, i Try Bibby's for men's underweae,

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