ww, You may say in September, | Wonien Were Hysterical--Believed allowgd to ford Prisoners Started Fire With | View to Effecting Escape. . : panes, Sevt. 20.---The principal . : made. Of c ings of the convict prison of Nt. ; Aubin, a few miles from Neuchatel £8 CEYLON TEA he high pt rnd to the found yesverday, 1s the public favorite Is (0'be found in & tria; Packet, ahi ta She a] ale' Jail_containe female fo well as Set ony tueday, : Seal Brand. TE i a ile ive broke Ly encktts Only: ha 0c. 00. 800. and 800. par 1b. A( 1 Gyo, will not | and resisted all the efforts, of the ; HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS: 1904 women warders to drag them from the ) burning buildings. The men made des- porate attempts to escape in, the eon fusion, and fought the warders who fee, there is results wit who Canada's Furs. 7 Consul Gabriel Bic Ravndal, of Daw- 5 w o 1. son City, farnishes gn interesting re- ed Port on the Tur trade of northern troubled Canada. He belivves there 3s no jm: Chi mediate danger of the fur-bearing destroyed, and declares pen anmich ns Worn, Ca 3 frequen "designa ote it t ? Sur. proservo. of te world," it in worth whi V0 Sudy the chaructor of supply in 8, its pe Elm. thane Barts, Sta of the: skins obtained, _i__thrown. upon the sub Tr} 0 > of Kingston still stay tion that' tories are endeavored to bur their way. The police from Neuchatel were tele- not entitled. to, jobs that liberals can graphed: for, 'and arrived in time "to fll. The fighters want their friends | Prevent the convicts getting the bet Whitney fires liberals 10 "demonstrating that to Delong the spoils. What is | to ter of the 'hand:to-hand-fi-ht with the warders which was in progress. I took all 'the efforts of the warders fe "ane, should be for the other. ' and as the water ran short, as well, ------------ SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Sen Amsterdam y } They spell Tt diferently, but a girl is kist in the: same old way. ton Star. Ano Sines gone, and the mos- (ito extermination problem stif] tn- solved 1 re HY Canada Needs. "to bé Canadian must and Just account of and odoupations of the Ca- take intell all classes nadian people, A Jive: At Canada. Caso Reoord-Heruld. Uver in Caniida the People regard phonetic spelling as an evidences of we Horanse and bad eouding. is, we may Sure, i due to the fact that the phonetic spelling movement was not started jn England, Taking No Chances. upd Plonoer. An East India doctor fupnishel the death éortificate : "I am of he died for want of food. § or on account of starvation. comfortables, died by drow tistics are not available, However, { Maybe also Et other things of his 1 W. R. Smythe, M.P.P., of Algoma, New Ontario Into a' separate ever comes out of the agitation but talk; that will do, good: to. the north: em section of the provinee, for the vince, says that "even if nothing | a most probably . he Anticipated At The B.M.C. 893. Chicawo Record-Herakd. oh Lady, an - English periodical, says woman's admiration for the nan h the, clean-shaven face is. wanitig, and that, therefore, the return of the moustache is imminent. This will he 171 4 Rood news to theiman who hus no Soa terth in : a possible candidate he Ottawa niayoralty next Janu- "itty persons * were poisoned in a Russian ' town by eating "meat cooked in a rusty coppet "Ketile, 3 A cold 'storagd plant, with capacity {People generally are woefully unin- {for 100,000° barrels, and costing $100,- terésted in the possibilities and No may be put up in Hamilton. rights of that great country." : Hr. Smythe is not altogether cor The first cargo of 1,500 tons of steel rails for the new Transcontinental railway has arrived at Quebec from rect in saying that the people are Sydney, C.18 uninterested in that country. His own party friends 'always were till a | change of government came, intimates the Brockville Recorder, and much that war done for the épening up of that vast and wealthy territory was \ ® | done in spite of the men whom Mr. "At the Methodist general conference Rev. Dr. Suthertiind, missionary see retary for thirty-two years, announced his retirement, Captain Tra IL. Fredenall, of quarter master's department, Manila, is charg- ath mbPropeiation a publie unds 'throurh na rolls. A son of William McLellan wnt his 3 Smythe delights to follow. The liberals mother, of Amabel, took a dose of ac Always had great faith in and antic pation for that portion of Ontario, and now that Mr. Smythe's friends onite by mistake. The young man is drag and" Mrs. Mekelan is seriously i NCO North Renfrew bye-elegtion campaign have found they wers weong, it may | is now in full Swing. Robert Bir be safely suid that the feeling of pride |h am has charge of Robert White's | and. satidigction in the 'greatnéss and du He is popular with gri¢ 3 wealth of our 'northem posseasicie 1s | universal. But of course there will he: Angeles, Homadd ab Artested at Los no splitting up of this great Province, but rather a great union of effort ji: spied by more, complete knowledge of what we pessess, » Editorsal Notes. ith steal dia- monds worth $5,300 eh dead Corncob' whiskey ! Well, men will drink it ne matter' what its constitu. ent parts are. The depravity of hu. man, kind | A law suit in New York ix goingon to h the the people to' be days, and thersel oo | Faykes. But--we won't speculate. News, The next pleasant thing they prove that the Faye have shown' doos into their | experienced was to' be called" 6 the doos: objected to are British wna in the: King: Beward, many of . Some night there will be an halo: | Ten 4 coust in an hotel in a Canadian city: der of nesday. W the buildinys were left $0 bum. . The mén were taken te Neuchatel in carriages, handoufied and strongly guarded, and the women 'to the pris- on at Boudry. The cause of the fire is unknown, but it is believed to have been. caused by certain - conv . who : --- [maw in it the means of mak g their Cheer Up; More Summers Coming. escape, > -------- WERE MISUNDERSTANDIN GS 'As to the Meeting For General Secretary Tucker. Brockville, Sept. 18.-(To the Edit- or) : My attention has been drawn to this paragraph, which appeared in the Whiz of Saturday last : "Rev. Joseph Elliott,' of Cataraqui, rural dean; thought to have bern responsible for no. arrangements bing made for Rev. Pri Tieker's visit, says he had re | ceived no intimation of big caming.)' Some mistake must surely have been made in reporting what Mr. Flhoti said. "As chairman of the committee, I corresponded with him in regard th ucker's tour . in the deanery of Frontenac, . Mr. ElNott himself deci i- ing what mcotings were advisable in bis deanery. Two letters from Lim ape of the convigts, |. lie before me as 1 write, in both of | which ho makes special nifention of the { Kingston meetings and the date there of, "and as thus settled by him, the list was: published in' the Ontario - Churchmansof August.~0. G. DOBBS. .e There was clearly 4 series of misunderstanding, showing the need of more systematic 'wok, especially in the oemtral city of the diocese. Rev. Dr: Tucker wrote a church dignitary four letters regarding his coming, only the last of which was answered, when he was tokl he: wag-ondy--an official and had no right to compl.i attention. Several of the decided to drop De. Tucker's meeting of Monday, the 10th, hut they did not notily Dr. Tucker or Canon Stgrr. Therefore, it was amounced in the cathedral and in none of the other churches. © Voluntary work is badly done, unless placed in the richt hands, Such arrangements - shoul] be in charge of one of the perinmment, de pendiable officers. Of course the rural dean had no reason to expect a meet ing on the 10th, in view of the post- ponement. limit; $7 from Kingston. Fast special trains on October 2nd, equipoed with first-class day coaches running through to New rk. Tickets good between Albany and New York oat if de- sired. Consult ticket 3 ---- All os of weak or lame back, backac rheumatism, will find by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plast- ers, Price 25¢c. Try them. The sircumstances surrounding. the charges of bribery made against Hon, Dr. Montague, while in Xictoria, Aus- trafia, representing the Independent order of Foresters, were probed by the insurance commission. PILLI FOF AF LL FORMA De} aa) . in, beaduche, nouraleia, and ecasina. Excellent for | moustaches" and 'other tensorial potbon MRE B.ELDER, 23 are fuel savers, Because the cast iron combustion chamber is corrugated" in such g way as to add about 1% to the heating surface, with the result that from the same fire 3 "Hecla" will extract a" proportionately greater amount of heat than will a furnace built with asmooth combustion chamber. 4 : The corrugations serve another purpose in relieving the strain of expansion and contraction. Send me a roughplan ofiyour house, and I will make you an estimate of the cost of installing.a *< Hecla" Furnace. I will aiso send you the new" Hecla®' Catalogue. Write now-- while you think of it--to «« Clare's Furnace Builder,"" care of an CLARE BROS, & Op. LIMITED, - - PRESTON, Ont. KINGSTON AGENT : ELLIOTT BROS. The World's Bes Commission Orders "fadvor Supplies the greatest amount ofnutriment in, smallest hulk easily digested cooling, whole. some satisfying, MADE IN = CANADA of choicest Canadian Wheat oh ion Couk Book," Jostpaid, o T 00 , Limited, N ra Falls, Ont. Toronto Office. 32 Church 8, nu | BONDS AND STOCKS Executed Bought and Sold on Commission on all Exchanges «+ Investment Securities "Both Listed ind Unlisted. Information upon Request Members Toronto Stock Exchange (Bi bby's) We Deliver the Goods ( Bibby's) head" look How do you like it when you go to a; store that advertises up-to-date clothes, latest this, that and the others, and you find "they haven't got 'em ?" Men frequently tell us they have made the round of four or five stores. and bave had just this experience, - When they get around to, us they find what they dre Iooking forand quickly say : : Gime Saag en That's What 1 Want!" Our clashes are the best in the wart, That's saying a good deal, ish'tit ? ° : . But the facts warrant the assertion. The world's best 'makers muke them, If -examined eritically | r clothes - are found to exhibit THE NICEITIES L 'KNOWN . THE TAILORING ARTY : ; ide 2 3 dia Rl % £ . - Let any man" "with 'his eyes if his dd" Igok Hy at one of our Suits "then go to the other "8; »i ---- 908 >>+2srrsnnann SPE Of Towellings Béginning to-niorro going to offer some s 20 Pozen Pure Linen ¥ fringed ends, plain sale, 4 pair. Bath Towel xtra la Roller Teowelling, 17 in for Ye, D these if you Qu 10x1 double tin Dan 72 inch Unbleached Te for 39e¢, In our ready-to-wear ? est garme id Very spec and sce. our Cq New Fur Mufis, Stoles The Stove Th James John: Upholstering Is a great fea- ture, as we do noth- ing but high-class wor in "Parlor Suits, Couch staff, which is at your JAMES REID, "Phonic 147 for the itish Medical Britis ah Blue Gently stimulates t Black, green, Sp x " > AD SEALED | I i erence sendo der for Port Arthur "Breakw : received: at this office un O¢toher 13, 1906, inclusive construction - of - a Breakwat Arthur, Ontario; according to ¢ seen" at th apeeifcytion. to Lo sen nt 1 J. 6G. Resident. : Enginve Confeder Bdilding, Toronto, Ont. and tment ablic Works, O MUL: De consid printed form su w the actual si § Ca eenpited cheque' on a pine the order « owrable the Minister of I'v for forty five -thytisand dollar 00 ' mist accompany each 1 Ehoque' will bb forfeited if 3 mgr 'decline the contrac oan the work = contracte will be returned in case of ante t " Ch The Depurtment does no otep okt or any ten : hte, low By order, FRED GE Had lie Works, thaw. September. 15 ingefting * mint jwitho! Authority. 4 partment, wi not be. paid