sth £14 i fq fh ie ; : i ; of i in Be ; § : ATR F is of / iit is ts 4 tame. days later ming ot "B 3 5 > Jrorpor from exhaustion, wroat ~diffleulty 'in rowing us. My companion nie (oo muh of the food sheoughu, and. is still very t rescuers Jit at. Schwarze tres HAVE BECORD SEASON. ---- | Conservative Estimate of Money ho were in the Before the season closes it is estim- ted that about 500,000 tourists, in- .Joluding representatives of every nati- JJonality in Europe, will have visited of Switzerland. The number of German 4: [visitors has greater than ever he ' the opinion of , fmext number, about 18 per cent., with Belgium. France. Russian and Norway and Sweden following closely behind. -------- JORE ON GRAND DUKE. Bogus Bomb Placed in Window of , 22. --A practical joke Paris, upon the Grand. Duke of Russia, Yesterday shorming t a bomb, and an objec! h having 'a fuse attached, was found on the window will of the grand duke's villa at St, Cloud. The ice were Hed, and with much tod. servants are said for the. joke, ------------ vi atu on To New York. York Central lines, Oe: tober 2nd dnd 3rd. Ton days' Tetum § Jlimit. Fast through special trains on J Octo Sud. rain service : affotd- to New York Central agents. ---------- Patriotic Marquis. Cardiff, Sept. 922.-The Marquis of 4 mother, Lady Alexander brother, Lord Victor He deck, that he i Jletérmined to be able to talk to hia tenants in their own Tan; » fhe ho mile of Noon in shy mR ! | I} x MONTREAL: oy 35 5 it iH gis fo eit, it. ay "The hotelkeepers the and both together set SPOIL WOMAN'S GAME. They Deptive = Her of Friend and Money. Paris, Sept, 22. Tiring of beian name and a state Lover, the ple- blessedness, a woman named Maria Hulot changed her 'title 10 the "Coun- tess Maria de la Molle," and set out in search of a hushind, She was fol- Sowa by her @losest friend, M. Du: At Cabourgl: the "countess" met a wealthy Belgian, MW. van Horhaert, who lost no tite in paying court, to her, But she was of noble. Blood, she told him, anid #obe heiros of the Mar- quis de la Molle, who had left_her, in 1886, & fortutie. of seve! millions, M., van Hornaert followed her to Paris, where to allay his doubts, she , with her maid's help, the will of the marquis in her favor. The lover, ain suspicious, bribed the maid and r cook 16 watch 'their mistress, and report to him. The woman told the "'eountess" of this, and their reports to M. van Horbasrt were exoflent, The "countess" * scheme was ruined by a fight in the kitchen, as a result of which the cook was told to go. She went, and the maid © went with -her: to work to blackmail the unhappy "countess." She paid them $600, but in two days they asked for more, She refused, and instantly the pair wont to M. van Hornaert and told him the woman's ry. They then went to faithful riend Dubois and slandered their ¢ | mistress to such purpose that he vow- od not to see her again. Deprived of her lover, her friend, and most of hor money, 'the "countess" honcewted the servants for blackmail. y have been remanded, but will shortly be brought wp for sentence. DUEL TO THE DEATH. -------- A Bitter Quarrel Ends in Fatal : Fight, Berlin, Sept. 2R.--Herr Reitzenstein, a wealthy landowner, and Dr, Heyp~ senberg fought a mortal duel yester- SHY moruing in a forest in the vicin- My of Salndorf, 5 village a dosen miles from" Berlin. oy are bachelors, and were former ly friends, but quarrelled over awe man with whom they were both..deep- ly in love. Finully "they used Yerms to each other which were incompatible iN She honor of German én Uemen, eurrent code of he i tated «challenge. SI upon: court of honor heard the case, and "decided that the insults exchano- ed rendered it necessary for the two men to fight until ohe of them was shisabledh. A duel = with pistols at fif- teen was therdupon arranged. R's first shot pierced s right lanw, 'and inflict ol a mortal wound, Herr Reitzenstoin fell, bleeding, and was ickly "remov- od 16 the local infirmary, where he in a hopeless condition, Dr. Hessenberg, his two secontls, and also Herr Reitzenstein's seconds , In order to avoid the con- Sequences of violating the law against dueling, pe ; Caught In The Act.. London, Seft. 22 Extensive and persistent theils from an orchard at exercised the local ice severe. ly. Al likely boys bal Shadowed without result, and at length a watch was kept. The culprit was cangh! in the set. His name was given as Tommy, and he was described as a Pony ol respectable appearance. Horse Emulates Motor Car. "Liverpool, Sept. 22. The defendant your worships, was driving nt the rate of between thirty and forty miles an hour," a Leicester policeman told the yesterday. The man was not driving a motor car, but a mere horse which drew a tripe cart for .a living. ---------- Warships For $100. of single May Have to Be Changed at Enomuous E me. London, Sept. 21.--X&ording to re- foals Sigal 0 mn Ve, now al mews, has been lost. The book ivate "i Is of the Channel floet, and ite loc 15 BOC only matter of profound import; 0 navy, but to the ire. The sailor who had ance is attached to that the leave - of both officer crew has been entirely. stoppid Saturday Jast. Divers are now work searching for the missing book. It is understood that the man under arrest declares that he is tired. of the service and that he threw the book d when the midshipm:n wus These sect signal books of fleet contain information of the very great power with which Great Britain might find herself at war. It is well known that '| highest value to any, they have a very great commercinl valug and that the secret service ag- ents 'of f governments, who are always to be found in the neighbor- hood of naval stations, will pay enormous sums to obtain possession of one. In evidence given before year on her secret service, and it is well known that Germany pnd twice this sum annually, and Russia an almost equally large amount. The signal books are guarded with At the close of the greatest care. each watch the officer of must satisfy hin safe, and his reliefs st duty verify this. During (ae warrant officer is responsi lieutenant for its safekeeping. "} Should the signal book of the Vis dictive not. bé" recoverad, it i pio able that the whole or most of . th: secrot codes in use throughout the fleet would: have to be recast at an enormous cost time and labor and grave inconvenience to the navy. The sea lords attach great import: ance to teaching young officers 'the use of signals and their recognition with- out recourse to the book. 1 usually takes a man a Vv long time to leurn 'to read a conversation by fags at sight, If the signals are altered; it is obvious that an entirely fresh study will' be needed and that all will have to be learned anew. . It is a striking testimony to the high efficiency and loyally of the Hoet that thefts of signal books are almost unknown, When they have been tak- en, it has been, as a rule, to gratify a petty spite on the t of a thought less seaman, who | 1 he could thus annoy 8 seaman who tampers with a signal book lays himself open to a long term of im- prisonment, The batt p Prince George lost her signal hook, over two years ago. The book 'was afterwards found float- ing in the Tagus. A code signal book was lost at Portsmouth some vears ago. It was stolen by a sailor, who took it ashore and burned it in a fit of temper over what he considered unnecessarily severe puitishment that en -infli him. ive, from which the pres ent book bas been last, is a.second- class cruiser of 5,750 tons. the wateh Viear's Reprisal. London, Sept. 22.--The vicar of St. Peter's, Shaldon, Devonshire, has been annoyed recently by people who made it a rule to leave the church before the sermon, and he has had the fol- lowing notice affixed to the pillars of the church : "All adults who are unbaptized or possessed by 'devils should leave the church before the ser- mon, -otherwi they « shou! till the conclusion of the Lord's ser: vice," "Haunted" By Rats. London, Sept. 22.--The mystery of an oak tree in one of the public walks at King's Lynn, which had gained the reputation of being haunted on ac- count of the strapge sounds which is- sued from it, ha§ béen saved by a policeman, who discovered that a col- ony of more -than 100 rats had taken up their residence in the hollow trunk. ------------ Hunting In A Motor Car. London; Sept. 22.--A motor car was entering ' Coventry yesterday when hare was started on the roadside. The hare kept well ahead of the ear until Coventry was reached, and then the hunt was joined by several policemen. The 'hare escaped. Would Shakespeare Assent ? London, , Sept. 23. 'What 'is' his oc- Lcupation ?" asked Paul Taylor at Marylebone police court. "He-is an poet," was the reply. "That is a man's amusement, not his occupa: tion, ' was the magisterial pronounce: ment. ------ neni. Illiterate Jurors. London, Sept. 22.-At the close on an inquest at the Bethnal Green cor oner's towrt yesterday it was discov- ered that six of the twelve jurors could not sign their names to the verdict. They were all Russian Jews, Hygienic Oath. London, Sept. 22. Testaments with J washable covers were provided yester- Manila) Spt 22 The. ining. diy at the Acton and Highgate police three of the. ish ships Admiral Dewey "in the batll shipbreaker, They have been ly- ing where they oA at Cavite Sice the fight eight years ago. -------- His Two Professions. London, Sept. 20-14 was said of & man who was sued in the pity of Lon- ured hy be was a Baptist minister in charge of a chapel, and during the week he was a traveller in cloth caps. courts for swearing withesses, ' mt tn. Every perton should, know about and try "Housekedpers' Silver Cloth'; Silverware, 'all bright metals and 'miovhtings Tike magic; no paste or powder required, simply rib the article to be polished briskly with the prepared ¢loth and & brilliant polish is secured in arge of the under the supervision of un offi- cer, has been arrested, and so much the affair a royal > from commission, a few years ago, it was stated that Franee spent $500.00 « a ess that you have got to buy , It's pretty sure : : 'both, this season. If so, Suit or Overcoat, or <a Best For the Least Money Take a few minutes off and come in, and see what we can do for you. We have so many new 'Suits and Overcoats that we can't tell you about them here. We can show you everthing style that is new and the prices. Well, if ¢an't show you'as fine goods, just as well made at from twd to three dollars less than all others for sane qualities--then.we shall not ask you to buy. Men's Suits from Men's Overcoats from Boys' oe Ser $460 t0 $18.00, Suits, Short Pants, sorsis ceemnenins 98:00 10 $8.00. Boys' Norfolks, single and double breasted Styles, from . $2.50 to $6.50. Come in anyway and see. 3-Garment that the buok is iRoney & Co. 127 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pace, $ The onty \ rem known s Scie « which will positively cure lost manhood is " RESTORINE,* the marvellous G i Dr, Kehr, Jtisc L Medicine Company, a concern which has the stapding in the nredical world, This 'reatinent ha thousands of men, ng and old, : Sei cdies have failed. 1 youare suffering from discascs of the gencrative organs such as lest manhood, exhaust. lug drains, nervous debility, the results-of abuse, this remedy can and will cure you fo shy cond. The headache, pir. ples, varicocele, pain in the k and failing memory, h disappear completely in the worst cases in from one 10 two week's treatment. We make the honest offer of 2 SHre or return your money. Thousands of testimonials, Correspondence treated coufidentinl, FIVE day's treatment sent h a book of rules for health, diet and advice, Ov atest successes have been those who have failed other treatments, This remedy is pulasly used in the French and German armies, and the soldiers in these countries are models of strength Securely sealed in plain WIADpeT. ad vitality, Write for sympa 2 at Address DR, KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montrec™: Invictus Shoes The Invictus Shoes are worn by men, and women "Who Know Good Shoes." : The Invictus Shoes are always made on neat fitting lasts -- made to fit every Joint of the foot. ~The Invictus Shoes are made in many different styles, each style new and dressy, at the same time giving ease and comfort to your feet. Made of all different leathers, as Vici Kid, yelour Calf, Box Calf, Gun Metal Calf and Patent olt. PRICES For Men, $4, 4.50 and 5. For Women, $3.50, 3.75 and 4, For Boys, $3.50. 2 " Abernethy's Shoe Store EE REN er AE Ne NAY N TT -- Il our own Upholstéring . . Is'a great fea- ture, as we do noth. GlSle ing Aut high-class work; as we do a in Parlor Suits, Couches and Ma | oul tresses. W large Pros al en. a heundy staff, which is at your servic ad e Jeep a larg don court yesterday, that on: Sunday | Best, draggist, Princess _gtreet, Tr ial bles -~ ingham y Sunningh Lo tuner Ehickering's, at MeAuley's book store Undertaker ps you certainly are interested in knowing where you can TRAV dnt | TWENTY-FIRST | TO NE Via New Yc | October 2n $7.00 xn ; Ten Days 'Fast Through Trains Ask New York newspapers. . _ BO s>>vvsnttIRIR™IIS PRR Arnual Western Excursio Sept. 20th, 21st and 22nd At the following fares from Kingst nt Chicago NL., » . $17. Port - Huron, : 10. Detroit, Mich. .... " a 8, Grand Rapids, Mich. + 14. Bay City, Mich, ¥ 12. Saginaw, "Mich. . > 22. St. Paul or 'Minneapolis via Upper Lake Route ... 37. St. Paul or Minneapolis, all rail eatin an . 33 Ali tickets valid returiiing from « tinetion on or before Oct. 8th, 1906 Harvest Excursion To Canadian:Norithwest Going dates, * September 11 and 25th. Tickets good for days. Reduced Fares to Kootenay a Pacific Coast Points From Aug. 27th to Oct. 31 1906. For 1 hy FT mnd all information; P. HAN Office Cor. accommodat apply to Johnson Untlario RENCLELGS0D ETA A / In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway ANNUAL WESTERN EXCURSIO pi : Chicago, ni Saginaw, Mich. Viavs St. Paul or Minneapolis, 8H rail o.oo sins yer St. Paul or Minneapolis via Upper Lake Route ... All tickets valid returning from de natign on or before Oct. Sth, 1906. arvest Excursion To Canadian Northwest Going dates, September 25 Tickets good for 60 days. Reduced Fares to Kootenay a Pacific Coast Points From Aug. 27th to Oct. 3 1906. Full particulars at Kr & P. R. Ticket Office, 'Ontario st ¥. CONWAY, F. A, FOL Gen. Pass. Agont, den. Si Bay of Quinte Railw: New short line, for Tweed, Napa Dessronto, and all 'local points. Try leave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. CONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry. Xingston INTERCOLONIA RAILWAY Dominion Exhibitic I HALIFAX, N: S. Sept. 22nd to Oct. Sth,' Montreal Intercolonial Rail Special Fares from points west, via and connections. September 19th-23-25-30th October 1st- Kingston to Halil N.S, and return -- $24.1 September 21st, 28th--Kings to Halifax, N.S., and return-- $16.5 Limit. for return both Halifax mot later than October Oth issues to It Montreal Ticket Office, 111 St. Ja Street onto Tieket Office, 51 King ----iks gn ALLAN LIN Royal Mall Steamers MONTREAL TO L¥WERPOOL. Tontun, = Sept. 21. . 19. Nov Virginian | = Tunisian . Noy itturian . et. . Noy MO rate Rate Service. Sept, 20. Oct. . Sept. 27. No Oct. 4, Non Pretorian Numidian _ Longolian For sutas, apply to. J. NCE ah