as Paror i soiee must be , wl w, Tn iy na abate character, and was of caug- of unrest be- doctor of many and Chinas, and uncalled for g rede Fic sof Ey = 1 ii i fit H 2 f © On Thursday, Septem . was held at home of Mr. and Mes, P. Shortell, Washburn, Ont., a celebra- Sin of rave whd joyous character, it the fiftieth anniversary of their we . The house and grounds about | were gaily decorated; the decorations, keeping with the event, were chiefly their family, all Mr. and Mrs, J, y i Hickey, of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. John Short all, John Drape, of Glenburnie; Misses Draper and Mes. R. Draper, Mr. and Cormick, with other members from the same families, and numerous other friends. Mrs. Shortell received n mess. age of congratulation from an uncle in Toronto unable to attend, Dinner was served, in the evening and the speeches to the various toasts brought out the unique characteristios of the occusion. John Hickey, in pro- posing the toast of honor, reviewed the many ial-and personal since the wedding fifty years ago, and | wished Mr. and Mrs. Shortell many mord happy years of wedded life. John , In a similar vein, told the young ple many astonishing facts about er pioneers of half a century ago. P. Madden, among other things, called attention to a remarkable fact. There were present from lots 25 and 26 and 27 three couples who have lived side hy side for fifty years of married le, and all' six hale and hearty. They ean challenge Ontario to heat this record. After the dinner mirth and merry making was carried far into the night and the old time songs and dances concluded an event long to be remem. ---------- "Three ows." '| Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a oontury, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to Hia Majesty the King. ---- The Limit Is Reached. ce eo the masculine straw lid. Go get a bonnat. is H MARY MOONEY, Gingerbe®d Maun," Grand To-Night. "The at The "The Gingerbread Man." The bugbear "dull care," will find it a hard task to inflict his presence on those "who witpess the "Ginger- bread, Man," the brilliant, fanciful Jaiyenque tht comes. hin She, Grand With a oompurtty of eighty peopls .and their own orehestra on Monday, Sep- tember 24th, scintillating = with wit, humor, and repartes, brilliant in its scenic appointments, 'dazzling in its electrical effects, it is one big kaleido- scopic vision of light 'and color. The Fdwird Bewden company, who are re- sponsible for the production, have bepn to lavish expense, and have given to the thewtrv-going public the most gorgeous musical show of the decade. It must bé seen to be appreciated. The Smart Set. Nothing more catching than the mu- sic of "The Smart Set." i is_claim- ed, has been heard this senson. This three act comedy of "The Black Poli- tician," will be at the Grand Thurs. day, September 27th, 8. H. Dudley, Hodges and Launchefiere, - Salem = I. Whitney and William Burris are am- ong the headliners of the cast, which is fifty strong. ACTION ENDED. ------ The Suits * Among the Steampoat Owners OF. The action of the Theusand - Tbr Steamboat comppny! aginst Walter L. Vi Alexandria Bay, has been discotitinued on stipulation 1 of at- torneys and on order of County Judge Emerson, without costs, The action was brought to recover 81.000 damages for libel, the plaintiff alleg- ing that statements made in Visger's advertising matter falsely reflected on the seaworthiness of the plaintifi's boats. Marine Paragraphs. Crawford's wharf : Schooners ~ Cor nelia and Kadkins from Oswego, with coal, The schooner Suffel, from Charlotte, with coal, is at the penitentiary wharf, The steamer Idler; of Alexandria Bay, is here tg, enter Davis' for repairs. The schooner New Faivhiaven, with coal, Grove Inn whari. Richardsons' elevator: Echo from Relleville and from Gananogie with grain. Craig's wharf: Steamers Persia up, Cuba and Alexandria down, and Stranger from Smith's, Falls to day. Swift's wharf : Steamers Kingston and Caspian down on Sunday; Rideau King cleared for Ottawa and Picton down to-day. M. T. company elevator : 8. 8 Fajr | ount: and consorts Quebee and Mel- rose from Fort William® with 215,000 bushels of wheat. The steamer Antelave will down from Smith's Falls at the end of the week, and enter. Davis' dry dock for improvements. dry dock Dominion from is at Rathbun's, Schooners Ariadne come * Passed In Huron. The executive committer of the dio ceso of Huron learns with much re gret that Canon Farthing will short- ly remove to abother diocese, His loss Will be severely felt, as his piety ant scholarly attainments, as also . his amiable and sociable character, have red him to all who have had the good fortune to know him, The, com- mittee will greatly miss him, as his advice has been Fharncterizod with sound common sense and in debate he evinced keen svmpathy for the suecop- tibilities of others. Our love and good wishes go with him to his larger nnd More important field of labor "and we trust that the Almighty will abund- antly bless his ministeations. We congratulate the diocese of Ontatio in securing such a talented, dignified and "fof us. Sirmon By Rev. Profi.) James Elliott -- The Standard By Whick God Weighs Us--How We May Rise to That Stand- ard. "Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting" (Daniel v, 27), were the words of the which Rev. Prof. James Elliott de- livered a forcible sermon, in Sydenham Street Methodist church, last evening, to a large congregation. 'It was hi last sermon in the east gre ue uken up professional work in Wesleyan Col- lege, Winnipeg, . having been called from Mon to a larger sphere of labor in the fast-growing Canadian west, The words of the test, Prof. Elliott said, constituted one of the most mo- ations te be found any- to a man or woman this night and way, "Thou are weighed ances and arg | wanting" what a depression would come to any one Every dayis God weighing ws in His balances. In all our business transactions, there is o third party God is watching everything we do. He is watching gs in our social life, too. Are we trying to elevate or are we de- ading the life of tho social cirele.? God is in the solitude ax well, weigh- ing our desires and our motives, Ev- erywhere wo are being weighed By the Infinite ana Eternal God What does God put- on the outer scale pun in weighing human charac ter 7 What is His standard of valu? First, righteousness towards God and our neighbor. Then absolute" truth, complete courage of cur convictions, and complete unselfishness. In other words, the standard by which weighs us 'is the spirit of the life of our Saviour. Can we rise to that standard ? ask- ed the preacher, who declared that we could, by absolutg consecration to God. Without such consecration we can never stand the test of God's weighing. Then we must seek, till we have it, the mind that was in Jesus, and be bapfised by 'the spirit. God To Explain Pope's Letter. In St. Mary's cathedral, yesterday, at high mass, the rector read a part of an encyclical letter .oi Pope Pius X., addressed to the Catholic church on the subject of "Frequent and Daily Communions." Next Sunday part of the letter will be read and explana- tions will' be giyon on the subjects treated, : An Effective Speaker. Rev. J. A. Shaver was the effective preacher in Queen strect Methodist church on Sunday. He is a bright young man and preaches in a practical wily that causes chureh folks to sit up and listen. He wants io see Chris- 'Gan. principles exemplified in every day hie; iL is among men that the Christlike character and life will have influence. The choir, as usual, sang very finely. The duet, "Forever With the Lord," by Miss Mitchdll and Mr. Bradley, proved a treat, Addressed The Children. Miss Jamieson, missionary from Ujjnim, Central' India, gave an 'ad dress, yesterday afternoon, to the Sunday school of Cooke's church. She dealt withi'her work among the blind and indicated the splendid progress some. of the blind children of India had. made Rev. Dr. MacTavish, of Cooke's ehirch, invited Rev. Dr.' Mackie, of St, Andrew's, to exchange pulpits, and, yesterday morning, each preach- ed missionary sermons in the other's pulpit. v 21st Annual New York Excursion. Via New Aork Central lines, Octo ber 2nd 'aid 3rd. Ten days' return limit; 87 from Kingston. Fast special trains on October 2nd, equipped with first-class day coaches, running through to New York. Tickfts good between Albany and New York by boat if de- sired. Consult ticket agents, ----na The Easiest Way. Councillor Kennedy of Portsmouth, suggests that all spitters, who have consciences, should "eport at the pol ito station when they yiolate the anti spitting by-law and be fined. This would be the easiest solution of the difficulty of enforving the by-law, . A ---------------------- The Drain Of Kidney Strain. Tells on even the strongest. Healthy kidneys are maintained by the occa- sional use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For liver and bowel disorders, nothing bets tet. Try Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake & Butternut Pills, 25¢.. at all dealers. Bu-Tu Kidney Pills are sold at Gib. son's Red Cross Ir ug St ps You can hold up your head w ron go If 'you buy your mew hat "------ George Mills & Co. ---- YOU'LL SMILE With Satisfaction When You See Our Line of New Autumn Hats, * When we say we are "Hat and Fur Specialists" that doesn't mean we're tied down to these two lines. This i5,a' store for everybody. Here are some other interesting "depart ments : RAINCOATS. - GLOVES, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, «77° You'll find us "leaders In bur lines text from |, mentous where." Supposing Gad was to come in the hal. caught breaking the game laws -------- Acting As Judge. At the Parham fair, on Friday, Dr. as judge for the various classes capacity at Arden this week. Heartily Congratulated. Reg. Sergt.-Major O'Grady, (W.0.), his family, a bouncing boy, which ar- rived Saturday morning. ---- Family Of Horse Thieves. William Bavetstock is under arrest at and another brother died shortly after leaving the prison here. To Chicago Hotel Dieu. Mrs. James Morton, Rideau street, the nursing department in the new Hotel Dieu there. Her two daughters are sisters in the Kingston Hotel Dieu, ard both efficient nurses. Provincial Appointments. The Ontario government hus ap- pointed R. W. Leach, Westport, bailiff of the eighth division court of leeds and Grenville, to suceced D. Deacon, resigned, and also Herbert 8. Foster, Newboro, to be a bailiff in the same division. 'Several Good Catches. Charles Clarke, who, in company with his nephew, Mr. Garbutt, of Wa- tertown, N.Y, have been out fishing for several days at Loborough Lake, have returned, bringing with them ga large eateh. Two of the Bak Junded weighed four and one-half pounds cach, -- Stood Second In Province. W. C. Clarke, Williamstown, who won the McLennan Glengarry Founda- tion scholarship at Queen's University this year (one of the four scholarships founded by Col. R. R. McLennan), stood second in the list of students who passed tha junior matriculation in the provinee. . -- Found Colony Of Bees Last week James Hogan found on an island in Crosby Lake a colony of bees in a hollow cedar tree. He felled the tree and got about two hun Tred pounds of honey from it as well as the bees which he has now safe in a modern--hive. This makes his second "find" of bee trees this year, Watch Found ; Not Returned. Last July a lady on Brock street, advertised that she had lost a watch. who did not recover it. Un Saturday the Whig was notified that the watch was found by a party, but though she knew the loser, she said she would not answer the advertisement. The can have. farther particulars at Whig office, leger the : Attention Called To It. Seeing a man coming along King street ndustriously endeavoring to stain the walk another color than na- ture intended it to be, Dr. Evans Stopped up to' him and drew bis at tention to the anti-spitting = by-law and the penalty in connection with a violation , of it, Dr. Evans is to ask the board--ei-health to enact that cig aretle smoking in public places prohibited, be Bad Behavior In Church. Some boys sitting in the back seats of Sydenham Street Methodist church last evening behaved very unseemly, Utlering and talking: throughout tafe whole service. Lhey were big enough to know better, I heir actions greatly annoyed those sitting near them, and were noticed from the pulpit In a theatre such continuous action would not be tolerated, and it shouldn't be im a church, Attention drawn to the matter may bave good efiect, and be a deterrent upon ill-behaviour in the rear seats oi other churches. , ------------------ Put Up $1,000 Deposit. Late on | Friday afternoon Herbert Pryke and' Fred. Fre St; awaiting the action of the grand jury at Water- town, N.Y., on the charge of larceny and burglary, were rele tody by Sheriff Bellinger charge was secured posit of $1,000. Pryke Frost are accused of being embers cof a gang which has been operating along the river in the Vicinity of Cape Vincent. John Pike also ed, has leased from jail on tl sed from cus; Their dis through the de and been order of Judge merson.' A deposit of T0 was rc quired of Pike, ---------------- May Hold Institute Here. Rev. Dr. MacTavish Saturday -from made returned Toronto, where he arrangements for the Public N tion of the mitsionary text book, titled "Missionary which he is editor, He meeting of the on en Pathfinders," of also gitended a Canadian 'éxecutive of the Young People's Soc ety movement of New York. The committer has: un- der consideration the holding of a series of mission institutes in one n of the Canadian Dr. MacTavish cities, ninety-thres per coms Says it is probable that an institute | of this Pear's a bo -- fait be held in Kingston during the [lected Torsmto sol tor was crow last week of Noviémber, nig over, eollecting sixty per Teent, to date : : Farmer vs. City Lad. "Chaucer" Elliott has. been The Glendow er correspondint of the } 1° officiate as umpire of . the Bisel Westport Mirror has this to say. | Match between the Youne Irishmen Quite a number of "the boys" from and the Triple 1 inkers at Kingston Kingston are fishing and shooting on Tonnsbip fair on Thursday afternoon the lakes hess and are having good Sport. A number «Jf others from the fale town amuséd themselves by ki: ing of as many ducks as possible during the last week of August and these min. all call themselves sports !- The Very same fellows would proha- bly not hestitate a, moment in fining a farmer for going out to get a duck for himself any time before Septen- ber Ist. Such wen should suffer thy extreme penalty ov the law, and woul] too if the game wardens of this pro- | a disease of the past. Dr. Shoop's Vinee wore anvthing but figure heads. Restorative reaches stomach troubles As it is many of them wink at the | by its direct tonics action upon the Foings of these so-called sports, ont | inside nerves--the true Heaven: help the energetic acoession. fo. their clergy. Gibson's Red GW, Bell, V.S8, of this city, acted of horses. He will officiate in a similar is receiving congratulations from his friends 'upon the latest addition to Orillia for horse stealing. He admits his guilt. He hag a brother in the is | penitentiary goes to Chicago, 16 act as head of poor man who is | Stomach - distress ness. bloating, the Restorgtiyer All. mend and sl) BETTER PROTECTION Contraction of th FISH AND GAME. Political Parties Wanted: The Ontario Fish and Game Protec of A. Kelly Evans, is felt all over the province. Its aims 'appeal to the people generally. In brief, the pronouncemitnts of the asso- ciation are as follows : The game fish u the attraction they form to tourists are & most valuable financial asset to the province, and that, therefore, their protection should be encour- aged. That the food fish in Qur waters should be conserved and regulated for the_good of the masses of the people and not wasted or used for the benct fit of one small class of the com- munity, That certain game birds and' song and insectivorous birds are an im mensely valuable friend to 'the farmers in destroying harmful insects, weed soells, rodents, etc, and the lack of knowledge by the public on such sub jects should be combated steadily. That the wild lands of the province suitable to game and the waters of the province suitable to gume fish should be ever kept the property of the public, and that the association must always endéavor to prevent the acquisition by individuals or groups of individuals of large tracts of terri tory for the parpose- of forming pri vale' game preserves. It ig recognized that the Ontario fisheries have been conducted, not for the good of the masses of our own people, but rather for the temporary benefit of the . commercial" fishérmen who. carry on this industry. The several royal commissions which have been appointed by both domin ion and provincial parliaments, have reported in no uncertain terms as to the rapid depletion of the waters of our great lakes, and ° that unless changes were: soon made, the fisheries would in a comparatively small num ber of years become useless, These reports, however, have not been wead by the public generally, and the people have been for the most part too busily cngaged to pay much attention to this serious.question; the politicians of both partics have real- ized the indificrence of the people; and have for the most part trucked to the votes of the commercial fishermen Onee, however, the public of the province of Ontario grasp the situa tion, and the fact that the food which should be conserved for its 'uses is being wasted for the temporary benefit: of & small ¢lass of the com munity and the citizons of a foreign nation, it is felt that both political parties will be allowed no longer to trifle with the question. The Kings- ton branch of the Ontario Profbctive Association' will, "TH" "dodbt, do its share of the missionary work. DIED IN PENITENTIARY. "Foxey" Police Smith Kept the k Busy. Huwmilton* Times Word has reached © the police of the death in the penitentiary of "Foxey" Smith, for whose HFrest the authorities of nearly a score of Cities and towng i # anada held war rants a few years ago. "Foxey" Smith had the reputation of being 'one of the shickest burglars and all round crooks n Canada, and the police heaved sigh' of relief when they lodged behind prison bars. Hamilton a him He was wanted for an hold-up in Galt a few years ago, and led the au thorities a lively chase. "Foxey™ Smith died his auburn hair black and 100k to the woods. The'Iite Detective William, Clark, who wast chief in Galt at the time, sought the gerviens of the Hamilton and detectives Spent {wa or. three days in searching Beverly swamp. Shortly. before this Yates gang, which had the' police police, the Hillis and been causing endless trouble, were oper. ating successfully throughout the city. ' "Foxey" Smith, with his *hair dved black, gave an exhibition of his nery by walking into the police office making the chief an offer to' capture Hillis. The polire thought he trying to get inside information the gang and refused the offer. « "Fovey"" was bagoed at Inst in Og N.Y.. and broight to Cana la, receiving a lone term. ---- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, and wa for® denshure Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. \ baseball game, Picton vs. Kings ton, will occur at the Picton fuir, and a lively contest is expected, The mercury took a decided "tumble last night, shrinking to forty de grees. There was frost in outlying places : When sister wey Her little And calls rs her elbow gloves hrother mn Ss attention to wseli As wearing clhow socks. In Kingston, The Gananoque Imm will not clos until October 31st. The manager de sires to extend the sedson as much as possible, 'and looks forward io a pro- fitable June and October next vear, Has any on heard of any liberal being appointed to any other than an honorary position by the Whitney government ? No rivil office has heen given to any but a tory of long rank If all dyspepsia sufférers knew what Dr. Shoop's Restorative would do for them, Dyspepsia would practically bh. » stomach nerves or weakness, full belching, "ote. Call for druggists recom- "Coleate's Pine Tar Soan™ sold at Cross Drug Store. 2 tive, - Shoop's Restora- WANTED FOR ONTARIO'S The People. Are Waking Up to the Necessity--The Help of Both tive Association, under the guidance 2 making itself and game through" Er ---- Muscles Or Stiffness of the Cords APPLY DR: SCOTT'S LINIMENT Piggy Also, An Excellent Hair Restore, - aad Sealp Cleanser, Large botlle, 25 cents. "If mot for sale at your drucgist can alwavs be procured at dy cas a) alovs §, Dr. Scotts White Linimen: Propr's., St. John, N.B. and Oban ford, Mass. Reliable Furs... Moderate Prices. W. Fk. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier, 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700. QUALITY IN BACK COMBS Our Hair Ornaments Are Strictly High Class the newest sible; hav package this the And are designs pe ing reach us week direct manufacturers: had a only from Decorative gold is used for some, others have } is with STONES z SMITH BROS. Jewalers--Opticians 'Phone 6686. The American Ladies' Tailoring Co. «U7 Princess Street We take pleasure in ennouncing the ar- tival of Mr. Metz, a most expert, de- signer and ladies' tailor, having had the rare opportunity meted out' to a man 'A -his trade to Practice in the most fashionable cities of the world, viz = Londa#i, England"'and Paris, France. It '8, therefore, not Mhecessary for us to say' thot the best workmanship and fit is guaranteed. Customers can supply their own goods or secure them from the company? Mon- ev returned if work is not sasisfactory. "Phone 556. Rather Chilly Nights Time to think abcut war- mer wearables--OQur store is stocked with everything nesded for your comfort an | health. Fall Dress Goods Wool Flannels Underwear for Men, Women and Children Sweaters Wool Hosiery Wool Gloves Cotton Blankets Wool Blankets Comforters Misses' Coats Maid's Coats Ladies' Coats Ladies' Skirts Flannelette Under~ wear : Steamer Rugs, Etc. Have you seen in the Line Etc., . of Striped Flannelette we are selling-'at 10c. a yard? Itis 36inches wide, 'fast colors « and dainty patterns. NEWMAN & SHAW Ry Get Your | Watch Re: #.¢ the rush of bi coming this fall. ime to have. at soon you will nbt without it for a ds % neo well and prompt our prices unusuail NEAR & df KINN successors to PB. 100 Princess S | WARM 8 re's nothing in the Thy interested in as Cc uf the year. It may s speak of coal buying ax gience, but that's what pwo important discover made are that complete pur customers pays bast, way to win business is 1 Booth & FOOT OF WES Phone E33. BRITISH - A ~-._ HOTE KINGSTON - - - Has undergone. a 1s now open tot public. W TELFER - Prresrasasanen' + 'ADAMANT Wa Ready for use by @ Put up In bags, 100 White Rock | Put up In bags, 50 . {P. Wals 5 Beosssssassssss cassesascsasascsane FOR S/ Must Be suvia To wa The following desiral UY 87 Brock St. tes 10 Wha "5% Bagot Sta exter kitchen, all moders. 106 Bagot S5t., exten modern: 108 B kitched, ' Price Real Estate agot St., exter: all modern. and particule Agent. Ye Old k Floor .. Strachan's H AT- W A IN Al the Furnitu Highest prices real) JOHN H The Leat (enadian (hines 231 King' - Open from 10.30 a The best place to Lunch fn the. city. |! pi shortest notled. Fa dishes a specialty. 'FP Wm. Murray, 27 BRO New * Carriages, C ete,, for sale. Sale of Horses | THE FRO} LOAN & INVESTA ESTABLISAI "Presiddnt--Sir Riel Money Jouned on. C) erties, Municipal. an tures. Mortgages pu received and interest S.C McGill, Mar Office, -87 Clarence Mme. Elder' 253 Princess Bt. Ladies' Tailored Wraps. Evening Cos Shirt Waists, ete. Practical instruction by measure, designing Dressmakers sent on 263 Prince: 'NewYorkChine 83 Prince Open from 10.20 : The best, place ti Lunch in the city. M shirtest notice. Ej dishes a specialty: Try a Pound Ln Myers' HOME. M : For Sunday": -60 Brocl