MN. , . : Sister M. Lube, Gertrude M. .B , H.R. Parker, designs Sth hove s : Poli tisaDiv. 1, D, C. ley, F. $1 Bogor, Wiitiun Ton. Div. TH, N. BC. ntyre, C. R, Macintosh, R. Junior Mathematics -- Sister M. Car Biv. Ti a Junior Latin. ~Clarke R. Fraser, B, Ean 'Sister AB . I, EB, Hamp Div. HL, J. Me Jay: | considerable hatte" Hor. Yet | K. | trader, ' {quent 'occurrence, and is one that the tail merchants shold not allow to Borden, mel, G. M. Johnson, R. CO. Fraser, Steel, Cecilia EB. Asho. : y- M, IM. EB Butler, Sister M. Angela, J.D. MeCrae. "Senior Mathematios st. I. raver. Junior Physies.-- Div, i, J. J. Ed. rds. Div. 11, J. J, Evans, J. R. ton Senior Physics. Div. I, 1. Pp, owles; J. Froats, G. B. Steward, equal Div, ILM. Gertrude Stevle, Div. | I, B.C, Taggart, I Miss A wors, Miss v v. I, Miss Covilia Miss Eva MoConkey, C. H, Miss NM, E. Butler. Pass Animal Biology.~Div. Il, H. M. Clarke, W, J. Ore, N. C. Nelotyre, dunior Chemistry.--J. J. Edwards, N. Gertrude ~ Steels, J. P, Cowles, Mary McMichael, Mina A. Ellis. | Senior Chemistry.~Div. 1, W. J. Ore, Div, HL A. M. Burchill, W. P. ett, - j and Blow. routs, Element ary Mineral pipe Analysis, ~James Science Results. Astronomy LC, J. Curtin, H. G, Stewart, C. W. Drary. Mathematics I.--~Trigonometey, F. G. Baker, : Geometry, ~T. B. Williams, F. Ran "J som, A a~L. A. Baruum, W. G. Ages , H. Birkett, a 7 Muthematios C, McGinnis, Spherical and Astro tin, J. B. Milli: Gleeson, & 1 fA).~L, A. Barnym, W. 1s. waics 1 (B).--A. C. Neilsen, E. H, nomy 1-0, ken, Lo Birkett, J, P, Cordukes. Physics LR. T. frwin, W. J, Weol- Junice Chemistry --W. H. Roberts. Chemistry ~E. 8. L. Code. Engineering 1B. W, Rich. . P. Cordukes, T. A. McGin: L. Cunningham | sums of money in endeavoring to se- ~Arthur Childerhiose, A. M, D. E, , Fred. R. Hunter, 5 Fraser, M. J. G , A. W. Gordon, E. Graham, £. R. Hunter, H. Dewitt French Akthors.~ Johnston P. Keith, Freonch Prose~~Johnston P. Keith, Scientific French, 4th year--W. B. rv Knight, D, F. Keeley, F. B, Goedike, & ; : Algebra.--J, H. Rose, C, .B. A. Clark, A. E. Knight, ¥. B. Goedike, 4. V. Meikle, B. R. Graham, D. E Geomotry.~A. B. Knight, C: Offord, 3, 1 Row, A. V. Meike, 8. A. Tur" vis, B. Graham, G, Cooke: D. B. Kee: ley, D. E. Praser, F. B. Goedike. : SHOULD BE LOOKED INTO ue citizen in his gasoline same members of his . He "tied up" at the dock, and forth- with a clerk from James Swift & Co's offies and demanded a foe of 2a, which the Gananoque man indignantly paid. Not that he minded their private wharves, The trouble lies in the fact that the city does not provide suitable wharfage for visiting craft. This Cotman as and his' small tedly left Yet here's a case where the city deliberately discourages... a visiting fugident is mot of infre- drop. Open wide the gates and lot the people in. Other cities spend large ere trade; Kingston drives it away when it seeks to come of its own ac- cord, That's about why we are 20,000 instead of four times 20,000 to-day, Marine Notes. 'The schoones Kenirving for Sodus is windbound at Charlotte, Craig's whatf: Steamers Persia down; stranger cleared foi Ottawa. The steamer Belleville is expected Slow to-night. She is fourtéen hours te. Swift's wharf: Steamer Rideat Queen cleared for Ottawa; schooner Clara Youell, from Oswego; steamer Scotman, from Ottawa, MT, Co.. The tug Bronson, and thet barges from Montreal: the tug Glide with two barges from Montreal; the stenmer Westmouht and consorts are roported from the Welland canal, and will arrive to-morrow night; the tug Thompson and two barges from Montreal; the tug Mary P. Hall cloar. od this afternoon, for Montreal with two barges. The steamér Fairmount and consorts cleared for Fort William, -------- Chosen Mother Superior. Rov. Mother St. Joseph, formerly of the Hotel Dien community, Kingston, as been sclected superior of the Ho- tél Dieu, of St. Bernard, in Chicago. She will bo known as Rev. Mother Leahy (her own name, which she has assumed). Through the untiring en- ergy, #oal and devotion of Rev. Fath- er P. B. Murray, an old Kingstonian, the above named Hotel Dien in Chi. cago, has attained its present pros. perity and prominence, : este Fishing Trio Returned. J, 0. Hutton, H. N. Snelling and Dr. A. R. B. Williamson ave returned from a two days' outing at Eagle Lake, near Parham, where they put their Mating hut in ordér for autumn visita, y caught a large number of weighty black bass, bono the re cords of all local amateur fishermen. Sein to the fact that their "visit to the Parham district was heralded, they did not shoot game, 'as: the farm. ers had locked up all their cattle, rae + Compare. Our furs. with those from any ether store and you will discover the wu- periority: of ours at oneq. See our searfs at $7. 810, over Wolle leland, will be completed before | $1 3 el up mink scarfs $15 18 nnd up: mink ar Comin] Br the anulnstuars ---------- $3 Telephone Line On Wolfe Island. It ix expected that 'the new telephone line from Kingston to Cape Vincent, 'welve | plies, making 'a "total annual y m with Kingston i, they came T to Kingston's Books' The sys been made by discount compared with the retail price is ab- out twenty. per ut Fol "Are you aware that booksellers get thirty dive per discount as a rule 1" was . Macdonald. 2 COSb supplies for 1905 was $1,350.28. This included pens, paper, notebooks, sewing 'mAterial,' eto; The revenue fof 1905 from fees: was just enough to cover that = amount, The board . did not attempt to make a profit. If the royvenue exceeded the outlay the fee was reduced. The cost oi text-books since 1993 totalled $1,337.95. Last year the suny spent Tor new books was only $73.65. average per pupil for the last four yedes figured out about fourteen cents annum for rental of text books" and forty-six cents for sup- fee of sixty cents. For this the pupils, for instance, in. thé junior third, got Six ruled: work, books, Seven seule Wak books, Three exercise 8, One rufer, Three pen-holders, - Three drawing pencils, Une rubber eraser, and thé 'use of a third reader, making a total of seveuty-nine cents receive in value for the seventy-cent feo paid. "We find that the system' has a marked effect on the attendance, as strangers or poor people can send their children 46 school at once with- out having any outlay for text hooks. On the average under the fee system, the ratepayers were saved at least fifty per cent, of what they would otherwise haveito pay. As a rule, the children took better care of the bopks than if they belonged to them per- sonally, as they seamaod jo feel a tep sense of responsibility regard- mp de During the throe years the system had been in vogue in King ston not a single case of infectious disease had heen' {raced to the books. In case of infectious disease absolute ly everything wastdestroyed at once. "his could hardly be done if the books were owned by the parents who would probably only have them disin- fected in order to save expense, and thus leave a possibility of infection." A number of samples of books which had been used for two years were produced, and looked over by the commissioners. Although they had not been selected, but taken at ran: dom, they wera in a remarkable stato of preservation, and strongly support od Mr. Macdonald's statements, Continuing, Mr. Macdonald stated that so far no great outlay had been far heen done by contract, and no re- gular' fystem for this work yet adopt- A properly-bound school book should last five 'years. They always insisted on having a fresh paper cov- ering at least three times a year to preserve the board cover. These paper covers only cost one-quarter of u cent eich, and made a great difference in the I'fe of a book. However, his personal opinion was that from a hygienie standpoint o better system would be to get up a very cheap reader for the lower grades which would last just one vear and then be destroyed. He concluded by emphatically stating thet he was a strong advocate of the free school hook idea, 21st Annual New York Excursion. Via New York Central lines, Octo her 2nd and Jed. Ten days' return limit; 87 from Kingston. Fast special trains on October 2nd, equipved with first-class day coaches running through to New York. Tickets good between, Albany and New York by boat if de sired. Consult ticket agents. Over 9.000 tons of hay has been ex- ported from Wolfe Island * this season. It is coming to the city at the rate of one hundred tons » day. "AT fountain syrin st 81." at Gibson's Red Cross Bros pion. w' ' m------ WHERE'S THE BEST PLACE TO BUY FURS? This is a ques- tion that you may have, to Seside ore very long ~for surely a person buying such uacommon Youls oods ds "Firs "wants to khow | irst the best place. The repu.- tation we have ined - for making and selling fine Furs ida't come by d Quali- ty. style, value. are the three points we excel in, necassary for repairs, which had so | MARION SMART, Thursday, Sept. 27th. "The Black Politician smart set, the best and most equipped this was written by v i Dudley, a comedian of exceptional skill season. ¥t is in three gets and sterling troupe and as. Hezekiah Doo, resistible, porting cast is composed of sixty peo: ple chosen for Both looks and ability. The scenic embellishment js supe J settings of a most elaborate character. The song hits are numereus catchy in a high degree, such as be whistled everywhere, This at- Thursday, September 27th. '""& Trip To The Highlands." It is claimed for Highlands," interpretation -by a-éempany of clever people who can sing as well as act} one that in point ordinary shows never attract. Much that 'will be seen in the principal roles, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. September has done the square thing anyway, Une g lesa gifl, Henry Cunningham, tuner from Chickering's, at McAuley's book store, Imperial Oxford stovepipe enamel; no smoke, no smell; will not burn off, at Yellow Hardware Store, : To reach Whig readers advertisers must advertise in the Whig. That's the only way to reach them. They have the money, too, "Beware of imitations." Phone 230, Gibson's' Red Cross Drug Store, op- posite Whig office, for wants. Prompt delivery. The Freeman propriotor is prosper ing these days. He has just received a cargo of fancy wax to give a tone to hissoffice floor. Piles positively. cured 'with Dr. Sheop's Magic Ointment. It's made for piles alone, and it does the work to perfection. *hching, "painful, pro- 'truding or blind piles, hsappear like magic. Sold by alk-druggists. "Tne Red Feather" will be at the Grand on October" 4th. Melville Ham- mette, the advance man Was in the city to-day. The company is 'coming from the west, ~ Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and winter importations for order work in _ his tailoring de- partment, consisting of Scotch twoed, blue and black serges, great variety of black cheviot and. Vicunes: also a splendid stock of overwod®ing. Any- oné trusting him with an order may rest assured they. will he well pledsed in securing a good fit gi low prices. asain, so 1 see the finish of the sleeve drug store Opening Of Cueen"s. Queen's University re-opened this morning, and from the outlook, at present, all faculties" will have their full share of students this session, Of course it was not o day for work. The old, heads were around Shaking hatids with one unother and discussing the doings of the past six months. The new comers were busy looking over the eglender, deciding on a conrse, seeking a Rew, wok with those busy officials the registromeind, seeretary, or getting thie bearings among the buildings, Classp§ commenced alright, but they were not very largely atjended. Last evening and to day the sthdents con- tinued arriving in the city, every train brifging in {ts quota to | begin the eager seramhle for a hoarding house, The freshman class, seemingly, is the largest on record 'but it lis a lite early yet to get actual data, However there is no doubt the attendance at ft this year will' soar away beyond the thousand mark. ---------- He Eas Resigned. The Fre man intimates that John McGuire, one of Kingston's oldest let- ter carriers, resigned after a ser. Vice of tWeRty" Vears. He is net at present enoving the hest of health, end hus been ordered by his. physician to tale a trip for the purpose of poe Cups rating. ¢ ; S-------------- Clark's Sliced Smoked Beef. A fine tasty dish for breakfast. din. her or supper--open the can and it's ready to serve. A ------------------ Wise Heads. Wear Campbell Bros' nobby hats, ------------ The only and original Red Cross 8 it © Whig office. Pho 20 ibm Tey Cs With "The Smart Set" at the Grand, on is a new comedy drama with music which the colored. theatrical organization, : offers 8S, B. Cassin, S. H. and versatility, is at the head of this a politician pro tym, is certainly ir The production is bright, witty and tuneful from start to finish. The ,sup- There is a carload of accessories and and will traction will be seen sat the Grand on "A"Prip to the which is to appear at the Grand on Tuesday, October 2nd, its] to of merit will no doubt appeal to many to whom the praise has been bestowed upon those A QUIET MARRIED TO-DAY. --- Ofie is a Physician, the Other a " Nurse--~They Will Live in the Far West--An Event of Very Much Interest. Fy Wednesilay morning, a A o's a at ron home of the bride's mother, Mes. John H. Dickson, there was a quiet wedding, her éldest daligh- ter, Miss Evelyn Ihicksoh, being mar vied to Alired Harold Singleton, B.A, M.D., of Rouleau, Saskatchewan, and second san of J. H. and Mrs, Single ton, Smith's Falls, formerly of "Ne boro, Rev. Dr. McTavish, of Cooke's church, of which the bride was a mem- ber, officiated, and Miss Lettie Walk- er, played the wedding marches, The only guest outside of the relations on either side, was Mrs. Wood, of Mon- treal, The bride, who was given away by her brother, Herbert lhickson, looked very winsome in a bridal robe formed of frillings of beautiful lace on a Brus: sels net foundation, and worn over a re of taffeta elaborately "gar- nished. Skirt and bodice were alike of the face and the gathered lace, slant- ing up in overskirt effect "from the front, nd down again to the short train gave the skirt a most graceful sweep, A veil of net fell from a crown of 'orange blossdme over the gown, and the bridal bouquet waslof white roses, es Miss Clyde Dickson, the bride's sis- tor; was maid "of honor, and wore a pretty frock of white silk, trimmed with dace and insertion and carried a bouquet of crimson roses. Mrs. Dick- con's gown was a . handsome one of heavy black silk, trimmed with se quins. * The going-away suit was of navy blue broadcloth, simply made, dnd a soft: hat of white Prench felt; trimmed with rosés "and rosecoloured wings, completed the smart costume. Very many gifts, some large, some omall, some silver, some. erysted, some of beautiful needleworky all lovely ao appropriate, . came ~ to this. mornin; 's bride, but none did she appreciate so much as tokens of love and gratitude that came from" "patients who have passed under her skilful hands. And there were many of them. Dr, and Mrs. Singleton go to To- ronto, from there to Qwen Sound for a day or two, and then take thie boat Duluth, thus breaking the long journey by rail. They will also spend a few days at Winnipeg, and'in Hart ney, Manitoba, om their way to tha farther west: There, 'Rouleau, a7 comfortable home is awaiting them: Dr. Singleton and his bride are both graduates of Queen's, and ome passed through the hospital as house surgeon, the other graduated at the head of her class, "from . the nurses' training school there. Mrs. Singleton has also been soperintendent' of nurses at Roek- wood hospital, and i€ very' fatich [he loved. Bath bride and groom are assured of good wishes from Kingston, After the wedding hreakfast a num- her of the bride's friends came in to bid her good bye and wish her her husband long life, health happiness, and and Another Happy Pair. Another happy pair went off on the Western fiyer at 'noon, to-day--Mr. and Mrs, Albert Scott. Their wedding was of the quietest possible description, with no groomsman' and ne brides maid. Kee. C, BE Manning performed the ceremony, which took place at. the Lride"s home, on West steeet, Here, in a bay window, filled with pals and ferns, and with ropes of white asters and fern stretching out over the room, Miss Grace Lorraine Uldriove seeond' daughter of G: 8. Oldrieve, wa. married to Albert Scott, B.A. B.8¢ a Queen's man, and now up in To Wi gami. Only the immediate families of the bride and groom we A present, and the" bride wore her travelling dyes, This wax of nravy blue broadcloth, the skirt plaited, and the = short sinart little oat, strapped with the 'materi- al. With this was worn a blouse © of lace, and the very jaunty and heeon- ing hat was of Burgundy folt, tri. med with folds of velvet mn the: same shade, large shaded roses under the brim at the left side, and Pink wings tipped with winch color at the right side. The bridal bouquet wis of white roses and Lligs of the villey: In spite of the wedding heing Lept Very quiet, and no invitations. Ling sent ont, gifts galore caffe nt the tony bride, among them a great: deal of very beautiful painted © china, sO1nie- thing she prizes very highly, Mr. and Mrs, Seott went wast "nd Will spend the winter in ' d "the. Tema gami. region. The bride' Bas pa on, of the most popular of the Varifiger girls, the sort - of au gil that evry body likes, and the 'Booth would have trouble in counting his | SO many are they. . All sorts of good wishesfwent with the rice that they cargigd west with them today, : ------------ W..A Branch Flefts OMcers. SAL the re-opening nweting of Si. George's Cathedral branch of the Wo. | man's Auxiliary, held: on. there were. two élections, one to fill the Yacant office" of president, the oth. er thal of secretary, this office &iven up by Miss Charlotte Ma on account of the pressure of other and great W. A. duties To the presi- dency Mes, Farthing, wife, of the ree- riends here, Tuesday, being caulay tor-clect, was elected, by u standing Yote, on motion. of Mrs. Indd and Mrs. W. B. Dalton. Mrs. Havelock Price will fll the duti ; J es of secretary. ; Canon Starr, who opened the meet ERC w briel adffes, urged groataess of the work in the Notrth- West, Row 'is the time when the church must act, Hf action is to use, and he made a strong the cathedral auxiliary to in helping to supply the w ---------- be of any apeal for do its part estern need, nothenmatian i¥ wot incurable. Stub. mm? Yes! But Dr, Shoop's . Rheu- matic Remedy will, if faithfully used drive it out' of "ths system. . It's the blood that's at fault, Poisonous cpys. tals like sand get into the joints and muscles. Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic Rem. ody prevents 'this. It drives Rheuma- tism from the blood and then Rhen For Rheumatism Stiffaess of the Limbs, etc, Dr. Scot's Liniment is the Best Tom ts, Ie gut wt, cn well saturated h the liniment. Largé bottle, 25 cents. Also, An Excellent Hair Restorer and Scalp Cleanser, a sale at he dryzaiat, 1 + Pon procured : . * * Dr. Seott's White Liniment ( Proprs., St. John, NB. and Chelrs Fine Furs Call and see our Persian Lamb and. Seal Skins before ordering elsewhere, Isabella Fox Sets, . from $23, up Extra large, best quality Isabella Fox Stole, lined, 122 in. long, 7 in. wide on pelt at back, for $35.00 W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier 78-80 Brock St. 3 YIN BACK GOMBS Qur Hair Ornaments H% Are Strictly 5 High Class And are the newest designs possible, hav- ing had a package reach - us _ only - this week direct from. the manufacturers. Decorative gold: is used for some, while others have NEW ART designs with STONES Jewelers--Opticians Phone 666. The American Ladies' Tailoring Co. «61 Princess Stroet We take pleasure in announcing the ar- rival of Mr. Metz, a most expert de- signer and ladies' tailor, having had the fare opportunity meted out to a man 'n his tradé to practice in. the most tashionable cities of the world, viz, : London, England and Paris, France, It !s, therefore, not necessary for us to say that the best workmanship and. fit i= guaranteed. Custoniers can supply their own woods OF secure: them" from the company. Mon- ev returned if work is not sasisfactory. "Phone 566. We Are Selling a Big Pile of Underwear For Fall and Winter Wear Ladies Elastic Ribbed Vests and Drawers, special at 25c. a garment. ! Children's Union or all - wool Vests, from 25c. each and up. Boys' Fleece-lined, all-wool and Union Underwear, be- ginning at 20c. a garment. Men's all-wool Underwear, 50c¢. a garment, and up. Men's Fleece-lined Under- wear, Penman Pen-Angle Brand, special at soc. a garment. Men's Elastic-ribbed, Un- shrinkable, Shirts, and Drawers, at 85c. a garment. A Snap in Flannelette 36 inch striped Flannelette, the | dainty colors, a regular 12 J4¢. line, selling at 10c. a yard. : Fancy Pattern Wrapperettes In a big variety of colors, extra neat spots, stripes and figures, at"1oc. a yard. pmatiem. dies. Al druggists wom- mend and sell jt. - es NEWMAN & SHAW 2 A ® i ¥ Our opening display gives y« ie Aboot By Cokese New Ideas for Winter 1906-190 show you, So come in and See, Women who are in Morning w and Black and White Hats and made byFbur own clever artists that will surprise you. ' o NEW Many 'a Woman has blessed dy-To-Wear Waist, rightly tc g in Women's outfit and satis t prices yet quoted. : Back : Sateen Waists, spl tucks 'and stitching, sizes fro $1, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50. New Panama Waists in ( Brown, some trimmed with ed with silk of same color a: New, Louisine Silk Waist and White Checks, Plain Bro with tueks and shirrings, al New Outing. Flannel Wai pretty. dark colorings, $1 a: CRUTLI CASH COUPON! from + spring wa ley malt, an choicest grow stitutes for are used. tion and RAUNT LAL 'JAS. McPAR Ales, 'Wines, Liquoys and | ASK ANY O The Hapt sh ' WILL GIVE. EVERY PIEC] THAN ANY 'McKELVE 69 and 71 Broc B AI All CANADA METAL C A WARM SUBJEC There's notHing in the world we're much interested im as Coal at this t ul the year. It may sound ' gueer speak of coal buying and selling as science, but that's what we've mad Two {important discoveries we 1} made are that complete satisfaction our customers pays best, and that way to win business is to deserve I Booth & Cc FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. BRITISH - AMERIC/ wh HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTAI Has undergone 'alterations - ALR roll 1s now open tothe travel public. ) W TELFER - - . Propri ADAMANT Will Plaste Ready for use by adding wate: Put ap in bags, 100 Ibs. In eacl White Rock Finish Put up In bags, 50 Ibs. In ea sescecssaaEteses Barrac P, : Ww hone 10 Try a Pound of Myers' HOME-MADE Sausa For Sunday's Breakfast 60 Brock Stree