Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Sep 1906, p. 5

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Nervous ther, often on] unfit to care child's disposi- | toga St., y Leader of the Ladies' Symphony 42 Sarg. East Boston, Mass., writes : herselt, Be Dear Mrs. Pinkham »-- Pn An er} "For eight years I was troubled te to the fact] treme nefvouunem ang b ex. e fernale weak- | by irregularities. I could neither en; yy life unfit to bear|nor Sleep nights. 1 was very irritable ner otha govern VO ans V ik : "Lydia 's ble Com. ie impossible pound was recommended an Proved rEg the only rem that hel A p daily improv ia pel = hate strong and well, and all nervousness has disappeared." ~ The following letter is from Mrg Albert Mann, 154. Gore Vale Ave, Toronto, Ont. : Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- ke a firebrand quently nine- ostratiop, ner- blues" gleep- irritability of derangément of depression| 1 =ufuted 3 Jong Hrue with serious fe. 4 i e trouble ba a D1 mating with back and dona very Sok ho - jhe 2 your spirits le minute you uate you Heel every month. I was tired ne the time and life looked ey q yous all and I had no desjre to live ntl Theva, to take Lydia B® Pinkham's Vegetable Con. pound and to get some relief. "My recovery was slow but it was sure 1 have never ngretted. the mon nt for the Com- pound as it brought back my good health." Women shonld remember that Lydia E. kham"s Vegetable Compound is ike a ball ris- hreatening to e8 perverted, t and sound ; region, and bearing-down | the medicine that holds the wecord for , and almost|the greatest number of actgal cures of oy? female lls, and take no substitute. n a shattered Free Advice to Women. Mis. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Ly. dia E. Pinkham, Josh Mass, Novite all sick women to write to her for advice. Mrs. Pinkham's vast experience with mn able female trodbles enables | r to advise you housands of | wisely, and she will ¢l thi et. for her advice. Tg Yon Bo sd ice--A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Is, bens -- BIBBY'S.. reatened with at nothing in IVOus prostra- m's Vegetable MEN'S ) and $12 SUITS at medium prices will be scarce in season. There has been a big ad- e.of Woollens, Trimmings, labor and ything that goes into a Suit of ted this advange and wisely made Fall Stock before it took place. N = RESULT are showing the BEST $10 and $12 in Kingston, The best tailoring, and the best of everything that it is ey to-.procure. 10 wants a medium priced Fall and make a bad blunder if he fails to . D. Bibby Co. UIT STORE OF THE TOWN. EA OT Stylish Shoes 1% For You a Madeof : Patent Colt, Velor Calf, gis Gun Metal and. Demi : Glace Kid. . They are made in Blucher Lace, or College Cut-Buttonin Nobbiest Shapes and Swellest Designs. Our Prices are Right $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Sule Ag nts for Utz ard Dunn' 3 3 asd IL & T. Ball. IRIS GIVEN UP TO D HAD SEVEN DOCTORS. | PE-RU-NA SAVED HER. Mrs, Loke A. Morris, Jacksonville, | Fla., writés; | "Peruna bas done me more good ' than any other medicine 1 have ever . taken, and that is saying a good deal, | as 1 have had seven doctors treating me ia the past two years. i "I' only with I had begun taking ¢ your wonderful medicine some time ago, and 1 would have saved so many doctor bills. ' "I was completely run down, and givea up to die, but Peruna braced me ap and gave me a good appetite. | "I bave taken not quite six bottles of Peruna and would not give it up for ail the other medicines in the world, . «J thank you for all the good } have dome me. "1 hope every ck woman who reads my name will give the medicine a trial." | { @ « i ~~Mrs. Lake Morris. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, | | Ohio. One Ingredient of |: ¢ 3 Kingston, on Wednesdny., A from here & air at Napa- nee on Wednestlay. Mr. and Mrs. M, Mchonald leit, on Thursday, to visit Is soda--just old-fashioned soda, that | { our grandmothers took to settle the |. stomach, t pelled to Promptly, to pay demurrage as ter minal devitors, where practically con- which he" had prepared and averages on car loads ports and Ontario. Manitoba wheat and flour virtue of strength. He regarded act as satisfactory, to have been murds He came here last March with a friend "arrival of his father, and then, town, James SOME FRESH IDEAS AS TO RAILWAYS-HANDLING Should Only Be Trustees oi Grain {in Transit--The Inspection Act is Regarded as Quite Satis- factory. Toronto, 'Sept. 26.--At this morn- ing's Session of the grain commission ALA, Wright, whose evidenée was not copeluded yesterday, said he thought the railway companies should be comt furnish cargoes to, vessels trolled by the | railroads; that elevy- tors should not be allowed to buy or sell grain, but should be rded as trustees of grain in transit; that ele vators should be required to submit their boeks - for government inspec- tion; that grain should be weighed out of elevators on the same scales as weighed in. Wiliam Snyder, Waterloo, promised the cemhission to extend a statement for shortages from lake other - shipping" points in J. L. Spink, Toronto, intimated that were over- the chief WAS Its the inspection »stimated that TOE and - said Mawttoba A CANADIAN MURDERED. Saskatchewan Man Believed to Have Been Killed. Fargo, . North Dakota, Sept. 26. lohn Lund, who had a valuable land claim hear Kams; Sask., is thought in this vicinity. and arranced to buy a thre shine and outfit, paying 50. down and promising to pay a simifar sum m the arrival of the machine at Kam- hing: ma- sack, and more &terwards. After mak- ng the payment he had 8500 in cash eft on her perfon. Lund awaited the with vis friend, started to return into Can- ida. Not the slightest trace has obtained of him since. been News From Odessa. Odessa, Sept. 260-The funergl of the ate A. R. Hogle, who died in Water- L, 'on Monday, September 17th, wn Id af the home of his son, Hogle, York Road, on Thuirs- lay, September 20th, by the Rov. J. A. McCamus. The remains were plac- «in Violet vault. Miss Eliza Toom- wv, ill, 'was taken to the Hotel Dieu, ! V number tended th riends in Michigan. Mrs. W A. Bak- | or and Mrs. Joseph Sproule have re | urhed from their trip to - Winnipeg The ingredient--the one that | \nd Deloraine, Manitoba. Byron Der- stops the headache, is a vegetable ingre- byshire has returned frém Vancouver, dient, imported for us from Japan. It B.C. Robert Cairns has bought T. wont hurt you any more than will the | biogi's house and lot on Main street. . . west Mrs. Alphus Hartman is The other ingredientsof Zutooare just | ii "finds in Kingston. Mrs, ( hy pri 1 what the its cob | + . . + tom, tain, and their ultimate effect on the Taniworth. system, you would discard them at once and take Zutoo, which is harmless as * i S O d d. fhoeeitel, September -- er COMMERCIAL MATTERS. i sporge Ferguson is visiting at Tren Miss Lillie Jones is visiting at News From Perth. Perth, Sept. 26.--Mrs. -Jokn McCann, died in _ Smith's Falls. 24th, cancer be ng the last trouble. Deceased -was of i thig town, a loving disposition and' made many riends_in. this town, She was married wt eleven months, Miss Annie Stan ley J8ft Saturday to resume her duties in" teaching in New York. Misses Nettie What is Going On Inthe Business | nd. Elsie McGregor spent Saturday World--The Markets. {in Smith's Falls. Mrs, J. H. MeMil C.P.R. earnings for week ending Sep-' lan . and little daughter, Arlie, also i wor pie tho pron tn ox. POUL "a few days with friends in pected to exceed the record ar Joos Smith's Falls, Master Everton Me of 4 000,000 toms. of The butnut Crow's Nest | ending Septon or a daily: aver A dividend of seven pe declared on the tock of thes © Ogilvie - Flour RNY, payable October 1st, to shareholders of svcord of September 26th. . The auestion of the approaches to the ! of the for the week 19.586 tons, tong. ' nt has been the collieries gs Coul Co Redwood Bridge, Winnipeg, having heen settled, it was decided to advertise for { tenders for the work at One month will bo fiven for tenderers ident Shaughnessy, of 'the CPR. said that the com stee » iif his Calgary sp sunplies, a factory for fools and dril wa to BR. J. ona good crop of ensil ing has been'the order some Millan i= spending a couple of weeks it his grandparents', Althorpe. Mrs! James Smith left vesterday for Otta- visit friends. Archie Melaven wd Mr. McKim left yesterday for Ed. monton for a couple of months, Mrs, Furlong attended Almonte fair. Sunbury Notes. Sunbury, Sept. 20.--Farmers report » corn, Thresh of the day now only. a for few wenks, and pany had spent YU in the pe barns retnain to be finished. The dairy few, years on bettermegs ho trade is lually lessening in quanti Sheng as hich mole On he Sty of cheese manufactured, but the "Preliminary surveys have. been com high selling price will help the defi- pleted hy jhe cr ig direct Hie y cleney. Thomas Shannon has returned ei alnd the distance tetween from Bellevile and Vicinity, where he the lake port amd Montreal from 440 has b en visiting friands. Martin Con. to_ 858 miles. : 3 Works. Chatham, | Pell of Sault Ste. Marie, who has Dan a enlarged. The same {been renewing acquaintances in the city will likely be chosen as a site for community for a few days, will re- turn home this week. All the éitizens inclair from wilton, Ohio, be-! ] oe aclais, from Thamilton, Ohi " {who have been away attending the fall Hairs have returned home. The frost The Cheese Markets Camplelliford, Ont. Sept. 23. --To-day 1,070. boxes wera bearded. Sales: 935 at -12ic. to 12 15-18¢ C : Stirling: Ont. Sept. 25.605 boxes offered. All sold at 12¢ ' A'NOTABLE EJECTION. A Man With More Sand Than Judgment. Boston Herald. . Back: in the eighties one of our iia i $sLXF ur (Chelsea celebritic® was ht' Howe. always looking for a chance to per- form deeds. of valor, always boasting of hit courage, and really having more sand than judgment. 3 With "Tight" could always be found a semi-sporting lement, knowing there wonld 'be "something doing." One ~night=in pagaing -a--salocn whati there. was a great . deal of noise "Tivht halted his admirers and said 3 "Boys, stay right here; and I'll go in there arid throw "em af out, and one of fou scunt "sm ag thoy come." In he went. In a few minutes out came a man through the window, sash. glass and all, and 'one of the crowd yelled with all his might, "One." From =the gutter came "Tio™ voice feobly : "Stop: eounting I Stop counting, vou d---- fool; it's me that came out," 1,000: Islands--Rochester. Steamer Caspian leaves Sundays at 10:5 'am., for Thousand Islands. 'Returning, leaves at, 5 p.m. for Roche ester nd iy. of Gulls ports. i, FN apie fair of the past two nights has done dam- age to vegetables. Westbroglee Notes. Westheodk, Sept. 26. Farmers e very, busy digging po- silos and threshing. The in tatoes, fi funeral "of the infant child of Mr. Evans' was held on Saturday. Burial took place. gt Cataragai cemetery, Robert Dougharty spent last week at his home at Kemptville. Miss Ethel MECABY. of Hay Bay, was a: recent visitor of Mrs. Joseph Howie. Messrs, G. Smith, D. Sheehan and G. Gates went to Enterprise, on Sunday, visit 'Mr. Leonard, who has been ail- ing for some time. James L. F Sproule attended the Ottawa exhibi- tion. J. Saundercook -is on the sick list. A number from here attended Bh ee em to Movements Of Vessels. Montreal Sept. 26.---The Allan steamer City of Bombay arrived at Glasgow 'on September 25th. : The Allan. steamer Mongolinn tis: od at pee 5.40 pan... vesterday. SS. he Xion line, from Liv- crpoolEigward, fifty miles cast of Belle hp at: $30 am. : RM.Si Empress of Irdand, C.P.R. line, from Liverpool, inward. seventy miles cast of Belle: Isle, at 6.30 am, A two-masted Dominion liner, suff] posed to be 88. Canada, inward, at Belle Isle, at 8 a.m. Best's "Short Stop" coughs and colds, 15. + i cures all lh | / BEEN EXCOMMUNICATED, An Editor Who Has Been Thrust s Out. JULIUS LIEBLING Chicago, Sept. 26. Julius Liebling, owner and editor of the Daily Jewish Press and Progress, published here, has been excommunicated from the erthadundewinh=ehareh; freonase hg had attacked certain rabbis and : the Zionist movement in his paper. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. A. Licherman is in Toronto. Capt. R. Davis has gone 'to koka on business, : Mus- John Morrisey, post office messeng- r, is on his vacation. Capt. Debury, RM.C., is en pension ut 196 Johnston street, this fall. Miss K. Sullivan returned 3 rday, after two months Chicago. Miss" Anna Carey, Bagot street, has returned, after two weeks' visit to friends in Ottawa. Mr. 'and Mrs. R. W, Stacey, of Smith's Falls, are the guests of Mes, home, visit in W. H. Assclstine, Alfred street. Mics Isubella Tyo gave a birthday party to twenty of her little friends and received many beautiful presents. Ford, Webéter,. local manager of the T. company, at Prescott, is in the a couple of days on business. M Neil Polson, Sr., left to-day, on # business trip to Montreal and |New York. He will be absent about *| two weoks, ] W. Porter, who has been in the city writing on examinations leaves to- night for Montreal én route to Bran don; Man. Mrs. Etta Manhard, Kingston, on a Visit to her brother-in-law, A. S. Man- hard, of, the Crescent Hotel, is. at Lima, Ohio. - Ald. Samuel Harkness will take a trip to Fort William on- the M.T. Co. birge Quebec. He intends visiting his brother, Harry, in that place. John MeGui of Kingston's oldest letter carriers, has resigned} his position in' the post offioe after twenty vears' servies, i Archiishop Cau i= at Mount Clemens, Mich., recuperating. He has suffered with rheumatism in the right arm, but will be all richt in a week's time. re, one FILLION-CHOWN. A Kingston Girl Carried Away to Ottawa. Y At 930 o'clock this maming, at the residence of Mrs Sarah Chown, Dea- con street. took place the marriage of second daughter, Pearl, to Fred- ion, of Oftawa. Only immedi: rte relatives were present. The eere- mony was performed by Rev. Mr Hicks. Ferns and asters were "the flor al. decorations. - The bride was given away by her brother, William J. Chown. Miss Bessie McDonald was tawa, best man. Miss Lillian Lambert plaved the wedding march The bride was attired in ivory chif fon taffeta, and fastened to her dark hair was a hand embroidered veil with a coronet or orang blossoms. She carried white ros The brides- maid's frock was of white . Persian lawn, trimmed with = lace "and ir - tien. The groom's gift ' to the bride was a handsome piano and to the bridesmaid a 'erescemt of pearls A large array of presents from friends were 'reqaived by the bride. The hride's. travelling blue chiffon hroadeloth, with of blue colorid taffeta /lk. smart little' hat of French med with ribbon and orav wings tr the wedding breakfast, Mr Mrs, of blouse and a felt, trim Af and Fillion left an the noon: tein for suit was Ottawa. < DIED OF FEVER. Mrs. John Gee, of Napanee Passed Away. Sept 76. died, vestorday Mra, John Gee afternoon, after, an illness of three weeks of typhoid fev- er. Deceased was sixty three years of age, and leaves nu husband and an ad « daughter, Mrs. J. W, Gates, Winnipeg, who wae present at her mother's bedside shen the end eame: The, following journeyed to the North-West to-day, to spend a couple of months with. iriends and relatives: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brisco and lit tle grand-daughter to 'spend two months With YE Brisco s mother and in Edmonton: Miss 3. A to =pend several weeks in Fdmonton and to visit her brother in Napanee, Edmonton as his objective point; Stephen Gibson goes to Manitoba for a couple of months: Mr. and Mre, Al- fred Clark, Empey Hill, will spend two nionthe on his farm at Waskada. Ona of the pickpockets arrested on fair day, had over 8600 secreted. on his verson when searched hy the olive £100 bills were fouml sewed in the lin ing of the pocket and secreted in his necktie. --------. ton of your furnace size." DAILY BRITISH WHIG bridesmaid, and Thomas Lake, of Ot-* the east, followed hy the best wishes of their many friends. They will take | un rosidence at 37 Rochester street, by Rews. Messrs | wane quictly North Dakota: D. B. Wilkow also takes | flaps on his coat | seconds Hello! Swift's? "Bend me up a|and deaw 36.000 Nearly HE ADMIRED IT. res S-- Remarks Made at Knox College Alwmni Meeting -- Getting Alongside the Soul, Defiant and Obdurate, Meant Toil. Taronte, Sept. 26.--At Knox Col. {lege Alommi on Monday night, Rev. Prof, Kilpatrick rather startled the { clergy and laity with some comments on the confessions, There was, he said, one phase of the Roman Catholic system, which had been the euuse of much wrath, and rightdy, but he admired it most of all of the eeremonies of that denomina- tion. That was the confessional. The Roman Catholic church knew full _well the value the personal work 'of confession, said the professor. Work centered around it. It was not a mere'little wooden box, but the act of two souls--two souls opposed in the presence of the spivit of God! It was a blessed thing to preach the gospel; but, to get alongside of a soul which was defiant and obdurate, this was the thing which meant the burden, the passion, the toil of the minister "We talk about ministers getting back to the theold ab egllege," con tinued Prof. Kilpatrick, "That wonld be a good thi but 1 sometimes thihk ' our minis have much theology. Let them study something else," ol too' The professor proceeded to advise his hearers of the ministry to read Shakespeare, Dante Milton pnd other great writers, saving "There -is nothing which will' sive you so much power over the hearts of men as a knowledge of humanity" Fhen youn must experience life, because men who have done Jearnéd men." 4 Prof. Kilpatrick joined the staff of Knox college last full, coming to Can ada from Edinburgh. He was regarded as one of the most brilliant 'of the Scottish professors, and in securing him on the death of Principal Caven, the Knox authorities felt they had ae complished a great thing Yor the To ronto college. Prof. Kilpatrick is . a splendid preacher and a profound stu dent. men's work © have INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Pickad Up By Reporters On Their Rounds Three hundred tons large size pean coal to sell cheap at Swift's Dr. McCarthy has sold his® Wolfe Island house to Mrs. Greenwood. The orals in connection with Queen's medical supplemental were concluded thi "Pleasant to take as sugar," Red Cross Worm not 23¢. Snowflake Baking cream: tartar powdes examinations mornng Gib son's Powders; 20¢,, ) 1 wader is a pure a 2c. a pound at Best's! 18 Phe Amderst Teland Agricultural Society purposes holding its annual fair at Stella, on Tuesday, Octo ber 2nd. the steamer Argyle is in quarters at Portsmouth. . The stéamer New York has alto been transferred to Hatters' Bay "A bulb svrings" for 50c., at Gib son's Red Cross Drug Store, opposite Whig offic I'he original Red Cross Drug Store The yellowscarts are Swift's. Watch them. * They contain only Swift's Seranton coal. The wise boardinghouse keeper is she who will place a small want advt. in the Whig, and fill her vacant rooms with fome of the Queen's students who are now flocking into the city. Think of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure if your nose and throat" discharges--if your breath is foul or feverigh. It contains Oil of Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, cte., incorporated into an imported, creamlike petrolatum. Tt gooths, heals, purifies, controls. Call at all druggists for free trial box. DIFFICULTIES ADJUSTED. Given Right to Remove Poles ! and Wires. of- Napanee has settled -it The tows difficulties with the Napanee Electric Power company. Some time ago a com the in fight betweer town and the pany resulted the establishment of a. municipal lighting plant, and the subsequent hutting up of the private company. The poles and allowed to lapse into a condition that wires wer was a menace to the people, and the town some time ago askertfeor their removal. The matter has been settled by an agreement between the two éor porations, whereby all "the dangerous { poles and are to be removed, and 4n future the applicants have been given the right to remove dangerous { wires after notifying the respondent company. wire Inverary Affairs. Inverary, Sept. ~The harvest din + WEDNESDAY, ed to Z, Gaudreau. He selected the yhame "San Toy.* Securad The Fever. : The five dollar prize for the most suitable name suggested: for KE. Or well's new cigar store, has been award: A Satisfactory Pile Remedy. Will always cure the conditions that cause the piles. Tey Dr. Hamilton's Fills; their frequent use prevents piles and. cures biliousness, stomach. and bowel troubles. Price 5c. per box, To Have A Meeting. The lith band will hold a meeting, this evening, in the armouries, which will be' attended by all the miembers at Present dn the city, It is rumored that another indoor concert is being or ganized, To Be Released. W. J. Rankin, whe was recently sent to jail for six months, on a charge of abusing his wife, is ta be liberated this week, His wife had a petition signed BF prominent citizens, and the ministef-of justice has bee plesised to grant the prayer of the petitioners. The Match Cal'ed Off. The baseball match to have place tomorrow afternoon at ings- ton township fair, between the Triple Linkers and' the Young Irishmen, has been cancelled, as the former team is unable to play, its pitcher, T. Me Cammon, being away, At The Police Court. drunks bowed to the police thi morning: One was sent to jail for an month, and the oth vr miven the option of paving a fine of five dollars and costs or spending a month in the jail. During the three Two magistrate days of this week, there have boen eleven drunks before the magistrate, S------ Is '""Foxy" Dead Or Alive ? There was some uncertainty about the death of the ¢ notorious Foxy" Smith, who was inv penitentinrey tre Since his death, the statement made that he is still in prison ficinls of 'the penitentiary say he is not there,- having been let out on pas role some time ago, and been! treated in the Hotel Dieu. - To The Landladies Of Kingston. Do you want a few more boarders ? Queen's students are coming in by the hundreds cach day. Fill your rooms and the places at your table hy plac ing a small advt. in the "Want Col umns" of the Whig. One insertion, 25¢.; three Sie. It's worth a score of cards placed in your win- dows, Try it insertions, Has Gore To Toronto. "Chaucer" Elliott left, toflay, for Toronto. He will conch the Argonaut football team of that city. This settl- ex all hope of, the ex-Queen's captain being engaged to marshal the forees of his alma mater on the gridiron What is Kingstoh's lose is Toronto's gain. - Roesell Britton is now spoken of as the local university team's coach, buat he is not likely to acdept the position. Letter From Bishop Of Toronto. "I am quite pleased to know that Edward Branscombe and his Westmin Party are returning to Can ada to make another tour, and I have the greatest pleasure in testifving 'to the very great enjoyment which 1 de rived from their concerts last year. I heard each of their two programmes, one in "Toronto, the other in Montregl, and I do mot hesitate to say that ster Glee When you ask you the best flour, Maiy grocers handle : unquestioned, be mutual, £3 ANNA vantage over all other ranges. Its deep fire-box holds the fire easily over night --no ashes can accumulate to choke the dralt, Its 'grates can be removed without loosening a sinvle bolt. Every desirable improvement for effecting a caving in labor, time and fuel is found in the Souvenir. Every Souvenir is ohsolutely guaranteed by the makers. "THE GURNEY:TILDEN CO. Limited HAMILTON, WINNIPEG, MONTREAL, VANCOUVER our groger to send 4 he sends you-- 4is best. When you know the best flour and order by the name, the choice .is not left. to the grocer. - Royal Household Flour as their leader. They have found it the safest flour to recommend because its results are sure and its It your grocer's best is not 'Royal Homaheld, insist on his getting it for you. The benefit will 60 Years Experience in stove balding is $on- centrated Gn the Souvenir Steel Range! * It has no equal amongst modern cooking 'stoves. J ness, is every advantage to gn be found in any ~~ UYENIR RANGE Its Aerated Oven, changing the air thercia completely, without lessening the heat a degree, gives diya Added: t0+its 'compact: it an immense ad- 496 their unaccompanigl part-dinging was the most genuine 'musical treat of its clogs of music that 1 ever heard in this country 1 shall look forward with real delicht to meeting them wain." City Hall, Friday night; plan at Uplow's T. S. Grant Dead. death occurred today of Thom The as 8, Grant, g home, corner of Brock and Ne He had been athing for some months, but was only bed Tor the past three of at his 1 sireets confined to } weeks. He was fortyrdight years , born near Ottawd and came to ston a quarty of a century avo Sur... Upholstering ture, as we do noth- ing but high-class work in Parlor Suits, staff, which is at your service. Is a great fea. ; as we do all our ewn Upholstering Couches and Mattresses. ' We keep a large CARLYLE'S BIRTHPLACE. Numberless Visited There "This Year. Thirteen hundred "and thirty persons have visited Eeclefechan, the birth place of Thomas Carlyle, this season Ihe number of pilerims from the Un- ited has been forty-two, and half that number have Pilgrims States Canada about ner on the Methodist church grounds addresses | | strumenial and vocal solos, Hicks, Richards and | Folks. 'A large number attended the ice cream =ocial in the Orange hall the following Friday. All the residents who had a day to spare attended 'the {Napanee fair. Messrs, J. Lake and J | Ferguson have finished drilling a well Hor J. N, Holmes. They obtained an { abundance of water after going sixty { feet, Mrs. (Dr) A." E. Freeman is { Mlowly recovering from. her illness. W { Storms and Miss Thompson, "eldest davighter of Thomas Thompson, married in Kingston on { Thursday, the 20th. They have gone to the groom's fa r, J. E. Storms, Florida. Mrs. S. Truscott has left to join her husband in Woodstock, The sunniest part of he British Isles ix the Channel Islanids. There 1), sun shines four hours out of cvery ten it is abave the horizon. The railway engines of the big ex presses running at full speed can pick {up 2,000 gallons of water in fifteen The National Educational Associa tion will mect in Toronto next year delegates. V £300,000. worth of articles in Lond re week, . Was a decided siccess in every parti Lput foie lowes in The Yiitory hak culgr. 'Ihé programme was all that | -Jobu McKane, Nevada," the mi {could be desired and consisted of in lionaire, and his wife are among {ins the village those who have been: there. Somebody i was lucky enough* to dispose of an elock of similar make to Carlyle"s "wag at the wa'" and the millionaire's wife was proud of her bargain. The Rev. 8. R. Crockett, who gave up the pulpit for novel writing, also paid a tribute to the of Carlyle by making "h pil: grimage to the place of his origin. rour visitors were from New Zealand, two from Athens, five from Australia and two from Assam, Reoresentatives mme from Japan, memory India, Bulgari Mexico, the West Indies, Egypt and Newfoundland, All were, much inter- ested in the address presented to Care Ile hearing the signatures of many eminent inen. They sat in the chair in which the great smoker mused, they rested a second or two on his couch and of them actually tried on his old straw hat gz some In the trial of George Finlayeon, the Montreal lacrosse player, charged with assaulting Charles Querpie, of the Te: cumsehs, the jury disagreed, The exhibition association, Toronte, will have a surplus of shout $40,000 to hand over to the city, Dover's. Cold Bredkers quickly' ure, colds, 25¢. a box, it Bogt's, WM il He was a foreman in the locomotive , J . works and o eapable workman. He JAMES REID Th L d u d rtak -- or oa a member of the 14th ' e ea ing n e J er R glnent i band, and alo u Fy et 'Phone 147 for the White Ambulance. : or e was manid to Mick Jessie Friendship of this city, who with a son_and daughter survive. He wis'| G@ge - - ----. . identified with the Baptist church weg Three brothers, Edward, R. W, and Frederick A., reside in Ottawa. FINANCE AND INSURANCE : - CUSTOMS BROKER - The Business ol the Inte Oy G. Oliver, will be earried pm Im his offion, 78 Clarence street, G. A. BATEMAN Wha for the fast five years has been paspelated with Me, Oliyer. Money to Loan lh Te, er a Melntyred Melntyre | %:= Eri ots 55 : BARRISTERS. :: T. J. Lockhart "NIGHT SC Kingston Bessions-- Monday, 9.80 o'clock. Individual Tnstruction--Equipment and Teachicg Slaff peo ia to none in Canada. : The College that appe ls t+" noivetai other ambitious young men auc w jum. 'Register now. 3 "Phone 440. M. F. If You Want a Home "Or Insurance, have »t 4 George Zeigler, 3 Sia + FARMS' FOR SALE Rao . : : Eo Business College Limited, Head of Quoon Street. SA Wednesday. and Friday everiugs, 7..0 to ty graduates asc voll as nL Rates moda ite © Office open 67 Brock Street. HOOL aad Sviuin \ an day'

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