as m near wus the Ry average of 2c. per |secms to oredit the years, lm't | Slory as' : 'or worldly affairs. It brings on the business: Will this ad- monition have the desired effect ? The Ottawa Journal deélares that 50 man should be "able to get back |! , | to a government job after leaving it 0 do parly work témporarily." Bob Bermingham should make a note of ) of the hour is the of Hon. W. H. Montague to give . | evidence before the Royal Insurance t and several not have known, error in supposing that commission. 14 would never do to are two are fight- the enemy. argument agaibst high: school books, Under carry the pupil through the year or. grade would an- SWer every purpose, | - ---- Mr, Fowler, M.P., is urgently re yuested to tell what he did with the 8 mos arden eu sr 3 object of the 7 HA W. FRANCIS FIRTH. With "A Trip to the Highlands." at the Grand, 'on Oct. 2nd. 'A Trip To The Highlands." "While much has been written about ic of "A-Teip to the High- which comes to the Grand on ¥ evening, but litte has ever been mentioned of the rollicking com- as old. as 'wily found in the play. The lines are y confhcti ely clroula ted E ds been J hantaed ry many times, t nearly every resi- dent alo the river can recall it word, and many of the oldest rit believe it is no myth, but a reality, and ay that history 'will bear out in regard to it. To have four strangers prowling ab- out ing the day and sometimes at night with lanterns, set 'the fire population "of Chippewa Bay igto a restless fever of excitement, eventu- ble of doing into a frendied scram: Joseph. Senccal, the most widely known guide on the river, de- clares that the treasure really exists, and has made many futile attempts ate it. A ---------- ONE DAY MORE Peace. . Havana, Sept. 98.The moderate party, last night, decided to make a final effort to perpetuate the author- iy of_the P. LSminispration by termining to reject t resignation of the president < whee ited to congress today. When this decision wi od Seeretary of War Taft as and Assistant Secretary of State Ba- con, the American commissioners, had already concluded to intervene, but agreed to await developments, as ¥ are anxious to afford the Cubans ovory opportunity to work out their own salvation. President Palma steadfastly refuses every solicitation of his ffiends to 000 the. $170, withdraw his resignation. Typical of te rome | 0 rs, on Seta | Sy unt, To amusing to, hotice nalistio pers for. special remembrance by the government and He agents is the name : of our cuntempopary. The wonder is that the Witness does not rebel against wo rank 'a proceeding. to. which every. clergyman . looks forward with. expecta- In his eurlior servic he contri: freely to the fund, personally, IEE I: and lumber limits from Peter Ryan. The Union Trusts and the Foresters are the most interested, LL -- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. And Does It wall, Times Hon. 'George E. Foster sbem: to be ahle'to butter his breast on both cole 2 Sure Thing. Brantford Expositor, Te in pretty safe to predict that when the ions are over Mr. will return to his .gov- : ¥ y is a small t to the healing of Er a by the Roy- al Insurance Commission. di President Roosevelt in response to the final. urgent message from the Ameri- can president that he remain at the helm in Cuba. In this President Palma expressed his warm apprecia- tion of President Roosevelt's efforts to secure peace for Cuba and the friendship he has always shown the Cuban people, ° He referred to his own previous sap- rifices for Cuba, which, he said. had not been made in vain, but in the present situation and in view of all that had transpired, he felt that fur- | bod ther sacrifice on his part would be useless and that it was not consistent with his dignity and prestige to. re- main in office. CLERGYMAN DEPOSED. He Was. Convicted of Immor- ality. Syracuse, N.Y. Sept. 98.--At the Geneseo conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, now in progress at Bradford, Pa., Rev. James B. Ken- von, formerly pastor of the First and University Avenue Mothodist Bpis- copal churches, of this city, was per- mitted to - "withdraw under. com- plaint" Jrom the ministry, which is equivalent to expulsion. He was charged = with immorality, the names of a deaconess and a Sunday school teacher being involved. He confesses his guilt. In the summer. it was announced that he would in wheat rais- ing in Manitoba. Mrs. Kenyon went Batk to Bradford, packed = up the household offects and 'shipped to Winnipeg. The wheat raising enter prise did not pan out, and Mr. Ken. "yon returned to Ausable Forks, where he is now with his son. * si. Montreal And Queen's. Rev. Robert Laird expects to go to Montreal the end of next week to be 2 A in In a serious crisp and witty, but at the sae time there is a distinet absence of even the slightest suggestive 'moods or situa- Uons. The piece is a return to the old days when comedy was first dis- covered on lines and situations in in- finite variety. Miss Lillian Rushman, the beautiful English contralto, will play the role of chaperone in the first act and that of an enterprising moth- er in the second act. The cast through- ott is. an excellent one which is sure to captivate the audience. 'Red Feather." The organization presenting the De- Koven, Klin and Cook comic opera, which comes to the Thursday, October 4th, is d by Miss Chcridah Simpson, a young prima' donna, who is said to have a wonderfully good voice, quite equal to the exacting demands of Mr. DeKoven's score, Miss Simpson was last seen: here in the principal feminine role of "The Prince of Pilsen," i -------- Friday's Fashion Sketch. Childs dress 'of Rannel or cloth, to be worn over a separate guimpe with sleeves. The frock illustrated was of dark blue cheviot serge. with the scallops, which trimmed the sleeve caps and top of the hodice, piped with red cloth. The buttons on the body of the frock were also covered with the red cloth, and the simulated but- ton-holes or Toops were embroidered in red. The waist was 'tucked at the shoulders hack and f ice, which was ve was joined to the boxer luited skirt under a stitched belt of cloth. The belt was also piped with' red, and was further ornamented by the covered buttons on each side of the front. 7 he guimpe was of tucked lawn and fine embroidery, "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, amous for over a osntury, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to Ifis Majesty the King, Union Is Detrimental. Perth, Western Australia, Sept. 98, ~The legislative assetibly has passed a resolution' that the union of the state with the \ rest of the common- wealth was detrimental to the inter ests of Wostern Australia, and that the time had arrived for submitting to the peotle the . question 'of with: drawing. Thé premier said that this Vote was due to the rejection by the commonwealth of a vroposed survey for a transcontinental railway. ------------ While They Last. We wil give you your choice of any piece of gi or china, free with every 6 bars Pleasure soap at 2c. Just = few Iofy, regular § Ib. tins English mustard, former pris 20. now only 10e., at Hopkinson's grocery, Market Square, Telephone 708, Try Bibby's for. men's underwear. The results of Queen's sapplemental examinations in the faonlty of medi: eine will be announced this evening. Contains a ont JA» _ANGLO-CANADIAN WERK y eekly Digest of the Duings of Canad; ; "Hove and Abroad, ans al A Complete and Authoritative Record of Canadian Trade Commerce, Finance, Literature and Art, A 2 BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED i of infon_and to furthering tr.q. Devoted to the interests of the Powinion --: ng trac Svestment petwioen the Mother Valughle Advertising Medium iu the Old County for Bustos Aang i anything 6 offer to British investors. land |. or intending settlers, CANADA" maintains & high standard. and contains articles CANADA" a i; the lpading writers in the Do and in. Canady an urchasers by. some of ¢ HOANA "is to te seen om all the rutlway bookstalls and on the 1 bles of thon 3 bs, rewding rooms, libraries and hotels in Britain, anes ol This_wock's issue contains special articles upon the Ontario . and upon the meeting of the British Medical Association in Toront. as another special article upon Cobalt. Jockey Clu as well Ask vour newsdealer for a copy or Write to any of the Canadivn ofeey {where advertising rates ean also be obtained). 38 Janes Building, Toronto. 180 St. James Street, Montraa], 58 Princess Street, Winnipeg. "Canada" is a credit to Canada ---- TT -- ... BIBBY'S ... Our New P---- Overcoats Are Now Ready ug The Paddock The Paletot The Westminster The Arlington The Bannerman The Chamberlain Don't Miss Seeing These Beauties --_--_--_-- rr ---- The H. D. Bibby Co. CASH AND ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE i Stylish Shoes . FOR A PENNY. ------ 5 A Ten Thousand Dollar Insurance Received. London, Sept. 28. ~The heirs of one of the victims of the Grantham. dis aster have: received $10,000 insurance which was effected - at a cost of one penny. The insured was a regular sub. scriber to a London penny weekly which insures its roadegs against acej- dents and death. The day of the disaster he sent his bag, containing a current copy of the paper, duly - ed, to the hotel at Retford, w he expected to pass the night. Withi few hours of his death the claim wpe examined, allowed and settled, -------------- Wild Doe With Cattle. Alexandria Bay, NX. contributed a story. os m; there a. cor. ta farmed names McCormick has found u wild pad : turing with his cattle on Wel d, From whence and bow the' treature found its Way upon -the island a mystery, but it is Supposed to be sWam out from i of 'the St. Lawrence. So. the anky Messrs David naj For You Made of Patent Colt, Velor Calf, Gun Metal and Demi Glace Kid. They are made in Blucher Lace, or College Cut Button in Nobbiest Shapes and Swellest Designs. Our Prices are Right $3.00, $3.80 and $4.00 Sule Ag nts for Utzlasd Dann = and L & T. Bell. S oe Store AN EARTHQUAKE SHOCK -- Felt at San Juan,' Porto Rico Yesterday. Sanduan, Porto Rico, Sept, 28.--An earthquake shock, lasting half a min- Ute, was felt here, yesterday morn ing. The people, remembering the San Francisco and Valparaiso catastrophes became. panicastri en, and rushed in to the streets and public. snuares The first shook which was slight, oc- curred at 10.47. Other shocks followed increasing in force, .reathing their maxi- mum intensity in twenty seconds, of ter which they diminished and gradu ally stopped 'ton seconds ater. The mo tion was first backward and forward, followed by a terrific upward and plunge. / ¥ 1 all "dys, in sufferers knew what Dr. Shoop' Havtorat would Jo for » Uyspepsia wor practically be A disease of the past. Dr. Shoop's torative rehches stomach troubles I rn direct tonic 'action fpon the Side nerves=<the true stoma nerves mad distress or - weakness h ,: full- ness, blbating, belehi: ote. Call for the Restorative. All" eoggiste recom- mend and sell Dr. Shoop's Restora- e. ~ was. She : Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "1 heastily recommend Lydia troubles, I suff four rs With lacement and but thosy who have experienced th AE Ti ma ee nu al sul pd fected. Yor Vegetable Con cared me. Within three months fully restored to health and stren, now my ods are regular and p What a bl ng it is to obtainesuc when so many doctors fail to hel Your medicine is better than any dc medicine I ever had." No other medicine has such a of cures of female troubles as has E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compo Women who are troubled Wit) or r periods, backache, b (or nee), displacement of inflammation. br ulceration can stored to perfect health and sf taking Lydia E. Pickham's Ve or By Dy : Mrs. Pinkham invites all sic! to write her for advice. She hal thousands to health. Her experi very great, and she gives the bene to all who stand in need of wise She is the daughter-in-law of L; Pinkham and for twenty-five ye been advising sick women free of Address, Lynn, Mass. FREE OF DB Gifts to University Endo and Extension. New Haven, Conn., Sept. & University is free of float the first time in several yet The gifts for the year tc sity cndowment and ext approximate $2,000,000, 10,000 from John D $187,500 from Edward 1 d $100,000 from the .Jennin; © par value of st held by the universit while the present $250,000 greater. Many Children Sick. St. George's Lake, Sept. box social held in the M church was a decided suece Gowdy had the misfortune one of his barns burned to the while he was attending Parha the cause of the fire being the ing of a fallow near the bua wind was in the direction of tl and a spark caught in the b and it was soon a mass © Some valuable machinery whi in the barn was also burn rumbling 'of waggons gi iron and brass is heard in al tions. A nuinber of children h very ill, but we are glad are on, the fair w to r itors: 'Arnold McGinnes sj ' vd). Buy A op's. } ston, at: ! Tor 'from "here shipped their | Tichborne yesterday. Mountain--Grove, Sept sucpessful harvest din 8 the' Methodist church people Wednesday, Sept. | amounting ic given in the aftérnoon k Clarke, of Havelock, . Fulcher, Lake, and Cro Arden: Mr. the fofmer pastor, occupicd th on Sunday, September 16th Barker and children, Mrs, Flynn and sons, Medicine Ha returned' home after a please day with relatives here. Dr. | in Kingston. The iniant ¢ George Smith was buried on ------------ Rheumatism is not incurabl born? Yes! But Dr. Shoo matic Remedy will, if faithfu drive it out of the system. blood that's at fault, Poison ¥ $ )r. Shoop's Rheum ry ents this. It drives tism_ from the blood and th matism dies. All druggis! mend and sell it. Dress Reform special corse a8 an ordered corset only at New York Dre } "Nail brushes," genuine eb 25¢. Gibson's Red Cross dr opposite Whig office. TENDER BE RBECF ns oa day of Oc addressed to the City pained tons more or less, of anthract 15 cords of 4 ft. Jong ha ' or less, "ane cuti to le ue time to thie amd in such o ha in such places as may be requir Buildings and Fire Halls. Specifications of the above 1 © and All other foformation « : te undersigned.