Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1906, p. 6

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{should identify 'his body. Mis, insured the old several sums of ®, the soe ion after the The body, in a voffin, was oved to' Mrs, Butt's house, atid the ren i was about to take place whea the 'undertaker suggested that one who had known the dead uty ut at once to do so and tba coflin! over half a century--ever since 1854--the reputation of | this store has guaranteed the reliabil- | lty of any Watch purchased from it. Increased manufacturing and buy- 4 ing Facilities now enable us 10 give J you the best Waich values in Canada, An instance is our $15.00 special. | Tk consists of & guaranteed 15-Jewel Ryrie Bros. Movement, in 14k gold | filled case warranted to wear twenty five years, Drop ms & gostal card and we will send, y large illus en TEN iy 0 ARTY {BE SURE AND CALL TO SEE | WAGBONERS STOCK OF GENTLEMEN'S for fll ad mp dui pl it and finish guaran a oll the latent styles. + cent death of Miss Youn at--Athens : was opened Then i% was diddovered that an ex- traordinary mistake had been made, the body being that of a much. young- er man than the brother of Mrs. Butt. The body was at 'once taken back to the 'workhouse. : : Difficulties have since arisen regard: ing the money paid over by the insur- ance companies, who are now asking fox its return, 'The guardians, it is "| understood, mre likely to assist the re- latives in the matter, as most of the money was spent in connection with the funeral artangements. Wellington Waits. Wellington, Oct. 8.<Mr, end Mw. Charles Friday, Toronto, are visiting at her father's, M. Cronk. Miss Molly Bronk, who, for a couple of weeks, Hus been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Hill, Detroit, returned home on Tuesday last, Rev. G, A, MeCall," was in Odessa last week. Claud Smith has moved in his new shaving parlor. Mrs, B.. Titus has opened out the millinery business in the building opposite the Montreal bask. A large steambarge loaded grain at Amos Baker's wharf here, Mrs, H. L. Trumpour purposes fending the winter in California with tives. My, and Mrs. Jonn Staple ton will occupy Mrs. Trumpour's dwelling during her absence. Hubert Vanaletine has eMeted a fine resi- dence on Station street. The canning company's factories are still running here, Mrs, George A. Wellman, who visited at her f r home, last week, retarnod, accompanied by her mother, Mere. Holmes. Our streets have en, deprived of the electric lights for come woeks, owing to the searcity of water but. now the recent rains have made it possible for the plant to commence Gferajiohs again. N. P. Niles' seed plant will soon be running by clectiis City, when the gasoline engine power will be a thing of the past. Oharleston Lake Locals. Charleston, Oct. 8.--~Mr. and Mrs. Bell, New York, are the guests of My. and Mrs. R. Foster, at the Charleston Lake hotel. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hanton and 8. Leheigh were camping with the Misses Hudson last week at Dr. Lillies cottage. Miss H. Green made a trip to Brockville on Wednesday. The re g, Lyndhurst, hos onused git a diph- theria scare, especially those who have children attending school. Mr. and %. E. Foster and son and Mr. und Mrs. R. Foster and son visited friends at Cardinal last week. Miss B. Slack returned from Prescott, oh Thurdday, where she spent the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Laffap. Quite a number from this section aftended the Lans- downe fair and report it a record: roaker. C. Rowsome was the (jeuest of Miss H. Green last week. C Slack attended the funeral of Lis uncle, the late Henry Slack, = Sand Bay, on September 27th. "Cloudy Ammonia," for the bath, sold at the original Red Cross Drug Store, "Gibson's," oppdsite Whig office, Wonder why it is 'a spinster can never Peover anything that oceur- red a good many years ago. Money isn't evervihing, but it often makes a good imitation. Gin' Pills Cure Sick idneys . "OR. YOUR MONEY BACK. This is the guarantee with every-box. That shows our confidence in Gin i too, that it won't cost that a a . 188 WELLINGTON ST. rei an our milk to be LY pure ; i hoteles: Tt in the bese] DAILY BRITISH 'WHIG, "TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9. SPORTING NOTES. ---- * Sporting Matters. ; "Casey" Baldwin, captain of last year's champion Toronto University rogby team, will play on the hali- back ling of Cornell. Squires, the heavyweight champion pugilist of 'Australia, is en' ronte to San Francisco, where he expects to fight O'Brien for & 'purse oi $10,000, Pendine the arrival of Squires, the Philadelphign will make. definite ar- rangements th Berger for an Shatuch. The speck correspondent of the London Athletic News, from South Africa, says + "Rugby football is the national BH is recognized as part of necessary education of a youngster, and these twenty-eight splendid specimens of athletic man- hood represented the pride and flower of South Africa--the product of twen- tyv-five years of steady progress . and development of the game.' At Shenandonh, all amateur piteh-i fog records were broken, whens . St. Nicholas Clippers defeated Jacksons: in a ten innings pitchers' battle, in which McCoog, of St. Nicholas, struck out twenty-eight men and did not al; low a single hit, while Troy, of Jack- sons, fanned twenty-one, a total of fortyynine strike-outs. Hoth pitchers were in marvellous form, and but for errors neither team would have scor- ed. Jacksons lost the game on Dow- ney's three wild throws to first. The team of impprtations which re. presented the Broockvilles in the Fede ral Hockey League last season did not produce the financial results anticipn- ted and no | such venture will be wn- dertadon avain. It is now proposed to give the fast Inviocibles a. chance to show what they ean do in senior company. by. en "them in the; Federal ini, This husky orgduiza- tion, . composed eny of Brookville boys, made a great ior the OH. ! A; intermediate Jn onship last scd- son, reaching * thy Sen#finals 'with | Peterboro. i : For the first time in the history of ssociation football, teams represent ing the United States and England will meet in international comyn tition. Argangements have biter. made to 1 an All-American ¢leven to ing- land in Avril, 1907, to lay against an 'Al-England team. -Obly' one match will be played, and the date will = he governed by the date 'of the cup tie for the. British Assodlation champion chip. The famoms Crystal Palace grounds, which oh over 100,700 spectators, have hon .secured for the contest, and the game will take place on the Saturday preeeding the Eng- lish cup tie. King (Nancy believes he has a bunch of football material at Ottawa Col- lege which will clean up a lot of the honegs in college rugby in the next few weeks. Of course, there will be several days of practice before College meets Queen's, at the -eapital, but Clancy seems .to ~ already have a line on his team, and the following men have been working out . steadily against the scrub fourteen: Full: back, Marshall or O'Neil: halves, Jo- ron, 'Durocher, and Bawlf; quarter, Eddie MacDonald: scrimmage, Fahey, Smith, and Harrington; wings, Coss telo, Filiatreaul, Throop, Jones, Me: Hugh and Gorman, The Chicago Racing Form says : The four iracks in Canada, Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor and Fort Frie, furnished 114 days of racing this year. and produced to 'horsemen in stakes and prises £313,850 for the 732 races decided. This shows an increase | of twenty-seven days and 677 aver 1905. Money was distributed as fol- lows, the days of éach meeting being iven in brackets : Toronto, spring (13), $62 860; Hamilton, spring (11), 826,005; Windsor, spring (19), $43. 470; Fort Erie, summer (38), $94,160; Windsor, fall (18), £39,465; Toronto, fall (7), $2R 265. Hamilton, fall (8), i Grand totals (114), 8313. -- ce A'Word To Villagers. Mountain 'Grove, Oct. 8A great many from here attended Kennebec fair last Tuesday and a goodly num- ber of prizes were carried away hy, Oldeners. "The Jolly Pathfinders *' Concert company 'gave an entertain: ment, Wadnesday, in the town hall here. Tt was not well attended. Calvin Loyst has returned to Toronth, after visting his parents. W, Flynn and Mrs. R. Flynn have returned after o pleasant visit in Toronto and other places, Miss Maude Mae left for her home, in Oshawa, after spending a couple of months With her sister at the Furonape. ne Suith is at Met 's Cogners. Mr. Crows, Arden, and Mr. Smart exchanged pulpiis evening. Mrs. J.! MoKnight and Mre. Kennedy, ord; are visit ing! rolatives here. John Godfrey has, 10° Tweed for medical Arédt- " Mra. Godfrey" accompanied him, It the country * villages would have the burrs and weeds out along the | sidewalks it would add 'greatly to the beauty of the places es di . H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, Black, Green, and Mixed. N.B. Winnipeg. A GOOD DEED And it Was Performed on a Good Day. » Long Lake, Oct. §.--~A great deal of excitement has been stirred up in this Place over a bear. Yesterday he was seen crossing the field of J, Love's, Although it was Sund: IV, was given and in a shit time bruiy lay 'motionless, having been shot by M. Drew. His weight was 987 pounds. The rain of Saturday' has raised the water, and laid the dust, A. Charlton who has been ill is much improved. Threshing is the order of the day. The Rolpit was ably filled, yesterday, by v. M. Crowe," A¥den. Mr. and Mrs, J. Cronk have returned'from a trip to Lapeer and other places in Michigan. D. J. Cronk is spending a few days in New York city. A number from here attended Avden fair. Visitors - JorAL Coulter and family, at G. Drew's Me. and Mys. H. Smith, Wagarville, . Smith's; M. Drew, at J. Cronk's: R. Wagar's infant child is much im proved, the alarm at -------------- A Cold Error. Because vou have agd had little always had colds success in curing them Xou are apt to think that there is no escape from, the ailment. This is an error; Wadea Cold Cure Tablets (laxa- tive) do eure "colds, usually twelve hours. If you start treatment early enough you need have no colds at all "Fhese tablets also cure headache and gonstipation. In boxes, 25 cents, Sold only at Wade's drug, store. Money back if not satisfactory, © : ---- William Swain, piano "tuner. Orders received at McAuley's book store. Don't worry over trifles. If you must worry pick out something worth while, then get busy, "Pears' Otto Rose Soap," sold x > . ibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Ii Adam had eaten the apple first he would probably have declared that Eve dared him to. at $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will He pl bd to learn that ther. is a ne dreaded disease that ota pane oe kble to cure in all jis Siri Nas been Stages, id thy is © tarch, Hall's Catarrh Cure is he only itive cure now known to the pedical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- Stitational disease, requires w constitu- tional treatment. Hal's Catarrh Cure is takeh internatiy, noting directly upon tie blood. and mucotes 'sirfaces of the system, y destroying the foundation of the isease, and giving the paticnt strength by _buildine wn. the constitution awd as- Sistine nature in. "doing it work. The proprietors have so much faith in its Curative "wers that they offer One Hun- red Dollars for any case that it falls ta Cure. Sond for list of testimonials. Address F.J. CHENRY & 00.; Toledo, and harmonizes the mind." 3 A ~ Confucius. "IS GOOD TEA" The average family in Canada uses about 25 pounds ot tea per year. aid If Red Rose Tea were used entirely, fiot more than 20 pounds would be required. 'You save real money when you use Red Rose Tea. Prices, 25c. 30c., 35¢., 4oc., 5oc., and Goc., in lead packets, wear it out butyou can not {ge wear it out. § Combines your peculiar Foot needs: 0 AND DURABILITY. "Tea tempers the spirit Toronto, 3 Wellington St. E. ORR EEF VAl (o 'should take. Issued 4 96 pages beautifully i IEEE TIE I Co.Ltd, St. John's, PQ. "TRUFIT" With our ABILITY and Chojer.s - f Leather giving you COMFORT 286 Princess St. | G08 +r reves sasana > 8 ® i, ne GANONS'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY 50c. per 1b. : A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. CEFEFGFPF IGE GRIPE SP © ~90 ® >» FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - |If You Want a Bome The business of the late ©. G. Or Insurance, Fave » Oliver, will he carried on in his talk with - office, 79 Clarence street. George Zeigler, ™4" BTA %% ox ' G.A. BATEMAN 57 Brock Street. Who for the "last -- been associated with FARMS FOR SALE five years has Mr. Oliver. Money to Loan TRV LITeeee ses sees POR come 13% "07, Mcintyre McIntyre | i thes Sout R55 * BARRISTERS :: T. J. Lockhart "a TRAVELLING. TREE: Thanksgiving Da; Th , Oct. 18, 1906 Round. trip tickets will be sold « est one way First Ulass Fare. Going dates Wednebday and Thu Oct. 17th and 18th. Valid ra from destination oir or before M = Oct. 22nd, 1906. . Hunters' Excursio At Single Fare Going Oct. ® to Nov. 6 To points in Temagami, point tuwa to Port 'Arthur, to Sault Marie and Port Arthur, ia N, Navigation Company. To Gy Bay and Lake Superior voints vi Co. (To puints on' Northern Nay Company extra charge will be m meals a berths returning). To points in Quebec. Going Oct. 25 to Nov. ¢ To Penetang, Midland, Lakefi points Severn to North Bay, Arg Coboconk, Lindsay to Halil points Madawuska Depot ¥ points on Muskoka Lakes, Lake and Magnetawan River. All Tickets Good Returning Until Reduced Fares to Kootena Pacific Coast Points From August 27th to October 1906. For tickets, Pullman accomme and %all other information apply 1 J. P. HANLEY A, Corner Johnson and Ontario KincsToNg PEMBRC RAILWAY "© In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railw: Single Fare f Thanksgiving | Going Oct. 17th and 1 Returning until Mond Oct. 22nd. Reduced Fares to Koo! and Pacific Coast Pol August 27th to Frow 1906. Octobe Full particulars at K. & P. and Ticket Office, Ontario street. IF, CONWAY, F, A. FOL »Gen. Pass. Agent; Uen Bay of Quinte Rail New short line for Tweed, N Deseronto, and all local voints. leave City Hall Depot at 4 ¢ CONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry.. Xing INTERCOLONI RAILWAY SPORTSM| SATISFIED Reports from all th Game Sections o the Maritime Province indicate a mos successful season Write for * Fishing and Hunting" "Trail of the Mic-Ma ** Week in Canaan Wo "Moose of the Mirar TO GENERAL PASSEM DEPARTMENT, Moncton, QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COM LIMITED River and Gulf of St. Law Summer Cruises in Cool Latitu Twin Screw Iron 8.8. "Cam with electric lights, electric bells modern comforts.' Sails from Montreal on Monday p.m., 10th and 24th Sept. for | N.S, calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mi: Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Sy side, P.E.L, and Charlottetown, BERMUL Summer Excursion, $35 2 new Twin Screw 8.8. "I fan,' 5,500 tons. Salling from York, 12th and 26th Septembet. nerature cooled by sea breezes | rises above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the seas health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, ¢ For 'tickets and staterooms, ans Jd. P. HANLEY, or J. GI SLEBVE, Ticket Agents, Ki t, ALLAN "aX MONTRELU TO LIVERPOO losian ix i Oct. 19, NX Virginian " Q Tunisian. y+ 3 Victorian . : RATES OF PASSAGE First-Class, ' $70 and upwar Second-Class, $42.50 and upwi Third-Cluss. $27.50 awd upwa) Reduced Winter Rates in Effect No Weekly Sailings from Moatr: Glasgow. ¥ nd rticndary tap Stes and Further pa ¥

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