Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1906, p. 8

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£ ? r oF i i 2 The Tate Mri. J. A. McDonad The late Mrs, J, A. McDonald, 159 {Montregl street, who died on Satur Hogs had buen in ill-health for the past two. years, She was born in Morris. burg, sixty years ago, her maiden name being Mary Donegan. For . the past thirty years, she was a resident Kingston, Surviving ave her hus- I, three sons and four daughters : Mrs. A, MoNally, Westport; J. A. Augustin, Daniel, Agnes, Kathleen and Lovett, of Kingston, The deceased 'Jwas an estimable lady, a member of St. Mary's cathedral, and a helper in the charitable institutions, The funeral took place. Monday to St. Mary's Wisited Peterboro. ro Fxaminer, rn Po amonastor of the Ropad Satudion eg Actillery, Kismet, ding a fow days in the city ro- Jvewing old acquaintances. Tt will bo pemombered that last spring when the Mth ld Hatter wan fring = gunized y Corpl. was visiting inthe city at the time, and lont the boys valuable assistance, which 'was very much appreciated by them, The good showing made at the Cobourg camp last summer was in no small AG measure dun to Mr. Fee's valuable in- On the Action' of the Bowels, |. Almost the first question the doctor. Puts to his patient ia in reference to the bowels. Not ion Volos, an Italian, was arrested yes- police in {when he killed 4 young who 'I seven o'clock, this morning, the front ; Pa, Oct. 4.~Vinbones terday acoused of bein Italian Black one of two ands, who, at wounded Peto Newcastle : y ie till Hivine,- but his deat; is soon expected at the hos- Years ago, he says, he was chief of his native town in Italy, actor, was escaping arrest. The dead eriminal was a Black Hand member, ond that organization pursued him so bitterly that he came to this country. Recently Italians interested him ip a supposed business venture here and he arrived af midnight, He was met at N le Junction by two men who, he says, were Rocco Exposito and Vinbones Volos. They explained it was necessary to walk along the tracks to West Pi A Half a mile away they shot him four times in the face and neck, ing him over the track for dead. Several Italians were arrested by the police on suspicion and all refuse to talk, CONGESTION OF CARS a Amounts to Gain Blockade on the CPR. Fort William, Ont., Oct. 9.--Various cangestions of wheat-laden cars on the Canadian Pacific railway, between Winvipeg and Lake Superior, now amoun to a grain blockude. Sidings here are filled with loaded cars, whith the company is unable to move. Only about 150 cars per dav are arriving here, compared with 300 daily in the corresponding time last year. Conservative estimates are that one-third less grain' will be sent for ward before the close of navigation than was shipped in 1905, although a fortnight ago vesselnen were hopeful that the business out of Port Arthur and Fort William ¢ this fall would ex- coed all "revious records. EMPEROR RERBUKES PRINCE. Scored For Fublishing Diary of His Father. Berlin, Oct, 9.--According to the Bohémia, a newspaper of Prague, Em- peror William has telegraphed to Prince Alexandre Von Hohenlohe, in forming him that his majesty regard- in causing the publication of the"Re- collections" of his father, the late Chancellor Von Hohenlohe, including referring to the differences between Prince Bismarck and the emperor, which Jed to the former's retirement. The publication of matters concerning the person of the sovereign oucht not to have bein made without his maj esty's consent, All Doing Nicely, : Ottawa, Ont,, Oet, 0.-- Shortly aft. wall of the ruins of the Gilmour hotel destroved by fire, were blown down by a gale, burying a Gladstone avenue car and injuring four passengers. Put for the fact that it happened before trafic was large on the streets there might have been a di t story. The injured are Motorman Lynch, Condue- tor McCabe, City Fireman Alexander Potvin, Mrs. Thomson, Thorne street, and J, Campbell, Hintonburg. All are progressing favorably at the hos- ' = Stepfather Shoots Man, Minneu is, Minn. ra ium A. well, "a promiftent newspa- kper man, Was shot and killed by John Quirk because of attentions to stepdaughter, Miss Bessie Sui Young woman were en t Quirk awaited the arrival of the cers and way taken info. custody. a ea Jt is reported that there is a likeli: hood of a settlement in the action. of Messrs. A. A. Lefurgey, MP. 'W. H: ase, offi: | Bennett, MP. and Arthur C. Pou include scalp and arms, bruises od as "grose tactlesemess'" his action | extracts from the chancellor's diary4 issued writ ; Holl a 1a against certain agressents with gard to ands on the old Upper Cana- 4 bar, He left Goderich last evening for «It is supposed the waggon slid on a slope and the tilt carrying the load off, took Ivers with it. a_i. A TERRIFIC TORNADO ¢ Struck Ayr, and Swept Every- thing in Its Path. Ayr, Ont., Uct. 9.--A terrific torna- do struck town last night, sweeping everything in its path. Lovely shade trees were snapped clean off, brick chimneys were toppled over, roofs were deprived of shingles, and electric and other 'wires tangled in general; The mills west of the 'town at Nith- vale, were tly unreofed, the roofs being waried about a - hundred feet away. The track of the storm was of short width, striking the town at the south west, and runming in a north- easterly direction. Though its dura- tion was short, the storm was very, fierce, and the worst experienced years. W. C. FOX'S INJUNCTION x A------ Was Discussed. To-Day By Justice Mabge. Toronto, Oct. alge. injunction se- cured by W. «€, Fox, a mining broker, against W. G. Tretheway, to Prevent the latter disposing of-his interest in the silver Cobalt limit, was discussed, to-day, by Justice Mabee. Trethe. way"s inlérest in the property was valued at $720,000, and Fox claimed to have an option on it. Trethoway is understood fo have sold toa Chi- cago syndicate, DEATH OF ARCHBISHOP. He Passed Away in Montreal To- Day. At 330 o'dock this afternoon, Archdeacon Carey received a message for stating Archbishop Bond, of Mont- real, 'died this morning. Deceased, greatly beloved, was over ninety years of age. F Navigation At Stamdstill. The heavy galés of Inst night and to-day have tied = up navigation for tho present. Advices from Cornwall state that no vessels condd lock through, to-day, against the heavy wind, and frome Picton that the Aletha would not risk the passage down, The steamer J. E. Keefe cleared from the M. T. company's, this morning, but was unable to get out of the harbor. The only steamer to leave was the Island Wanderer, She -jeffMor Cape Vincent by the foot of Wolfe sland. Remanded For 'A Week. Frederick Belton, a well-ksown char- acter about the city, was placed un- der arrest, on Monday night, charged with. indecent assault on a woman named Sarah McAdam. The offence is to have takén place on Fri- day afternoon last, on the York road. Belton arweared before County Mag- istrate . Hunter, this morning, and was remanded a week. Wil! Resiga From Ministry. St. John, N.B., Oct. 9.--Rev. G. M. Camvbell, for a garter of a century one of the most prominent Méthodist clergymen at the maritime conference, has decided to sever his connection with the ministry and take up work as district secretary of 'the Canadian Bible Soefoty. His resignation will take effect with the next meeting of the conference; in June. ---------- . Paris Bakers On Strike. Paris, -- De} bakers of this city are ly , today, as rout of the she of the work bakers; due to the enforoement of the Ie amare: oR or pera, "pore an supply . 0 lice statistios show that only Toe bakeries here, out of a total of 2,156, are open. x The telegraph services to-day were very "much depleted owing to the storm. There were fow wires for west- orn uses, o It is an ill time to boast of your when your lusts are funning away with - Bert and Mollie omp Were arrest- Lod at Port Huron murdering their + {Hour wiles from Sodus Point. y mong - University of Toronto, to-day, i Thomas W. and Leonard Foulds to have re- ds, the property of the pmonth or the beginning of next. | Regiopolis NY, nriles up the lake from this port and opposite Sodas Point. She left Char- W, Fowler, JP wan Sy a Tow miles when a terrible ns Sherman and the other" tow | Toronto 0, this {rae were eon of 'the tug Proc] Seliean ne Hi A tor, commanded by Capt. Richards, Anything Chosen and they, perceiving that the storm was in no way abating changed their *jeourse and ran in the direction of Sodus harbor. Just. as the barges were, bene swing about, about four 'miles and went ashore Sunday ng about daylight the life-sa ving: crew at Charlotte arrived on the scene and took Capt. Hourigan and his crew of seven men to shore, It was a terrible night and = during the early moming hours a severe hail- storm raged. Some of the crew, when taken from the stranded vossol, were in the last stages of exhaustion. George Hall of Ogdensburg notified W. D. Allen, . of the Allen Wrecking company, of Oswego, and a special train left here last evening for the scend with pumps, derricks and other machinery necessary to start at once upon the abating of the storm. to bring the an to the surface. A telagram was received from Capt. Hourigan stating that he had been rescued amd that he 'was suffering no serious results from his experience, ---- Died On Monday. Mrs, Chtharine Morris, aged seventy: nine years," died at her home, 154 Raglan Road, on Monday night, from old age." She is survived by two daughters, Anna. and Margaret. ceased |, born in Ireland; came to Que- bee when a child, married there and came to Kingston about 1566.+ Her husband was killed at the M, T. Co's yards and her son was drowned near Howe Island. The deceased lady was a kindly charitable woman and a de- vout Roman Catholic. -------------------- Washed Overboard. Word has been received that an un- known man was washed off the deck of the M.T. company's lake barge Quebec during last night's blow. Mr. 'Henderson, local agent of the . T. company, stated that he had received no word of the reported loss of a member of the Quebec's crew. The Quebec left Fort William at three o'clock on Sunday 'afternoon, and should be at the Soo to-day. De- The Building Of Waiks. The building of concrete walks will close in a couple of weeks. About six miles of walk have been laid this seg- son. Several construction by-laws were to have been passed by the city couni- cl Inst evening, but as there was no meeting, they cannot be dealt with until the next 'regular session, on the 22nd. These: by-laws provided g for walks on both sides of Victoria street, Dorcas Secretary Touring. Miss Halson, the general Dorcas sec: retary of the Woman's Auxiliary, who has been for a tour through the North-West, visiting the Indian ro- serves and schools. will shortly go on a tour of some of the principal centres of W. A.cinterest in the East, to tell them the results of her travels. § She will be in Kinoston the end of this Born In Kingston. R. Mathison, M:A., sugerintennent antl principal of tho, Belleville Insti- tution for the De® and Dumb, has resigned. for the purpose of acoepting the vosition of supreme secretary of the LOWF, He was. born in Kingston in, 1843, -------------- The Eall Assizes. The fall assizes will open on Monday afternoon next before Justice Me Mahon. So far three jury eases have been entered. and there are five crim. inal cases. As vet no non-jury cases have been entered. Duchess Of Devonshire, Rogelle Knott, the talented actress, who made such a hit in when "Knight- hood was in Flower." which appeared here last season. 'will again' anbear on Oetober 24th, in Duchess of Devonshire." Locomotive Works Suffered. A part of the new wharf &t the locomotive works gave wav, last aight, during 'the gale, and abont seventy-five- tons of coal slipped into the river. Regiopolis Football. "At a meeting of foothall players at College * the following offi- core were elected : M. Sullivan, cap- | tain of first team; W. Kane, eaptain of second and' Albert Gravelle coach. ele Separate Sthuol Inspector Here, Michael "Brien, separate school in- spector, is in the city makine his an- nual fall inspection. He will be here two or three days. i ---- i Every person should kiow about and try "Housekeepers' Silver Cloth'": silverware, all bright metals and nduntings Vike magic no eke or powder required, v rub the article to he polished briskly with the Prepared cloth and a brilliant polish street. Trial et. 9.-The- tow ] hare Shirt, owned by the George Transportation company, * of , and in command of Capt. Matthew Houriguo, of ego, went mnday night, about thirty Iotte, Saturday afternoon, and had' 5 the towline | connecting the Sherman and 'the rest | of fleet vk » drifted : sho he Fh iin {| JUST afer lst ssn, she cost of some raw furs tock i, siting to save Pon other wo Woastly leap--enough that there had to be changes somewhere else. Fur- hl ey, °F course and landed 1 Ll Co union, and made one 'very decided change the, The Sherman drifted down the lake inn clean, quick. handy} av. Price ec. For sale by I. T. London Telograph, erown a. week more thase newsdouses of yours," Now Can Be Left Here Until Needed MN raised their prices, But after we looked things over. we decided that the change with us would be that we would get smaller pro. fits, but we hoped: that we would sell a greater vumber of Furs _ and we done so. course, other reasons why we are able to serve you particular] matter of Furs, but they can be told you "you come to see these splendid garmente : BROWN ENGLISH BROADCLOTH COAT, of very with the popular Isabella Fox collar and revers, with exceptional quality of muskrat, and worth easily $0, Gurspecial .......... oa a BLACK ENGLISH BROADCLOTH COAT, of splendid with: Alaska "Sable collar and revers, - lined with extry P file squirrel, worth 870 to 75! Yup very popular special, 55 00 R50 nan MERE bees eae . there are y well i t to-morrow, when soft pleasing shade lined ath 35.00 stylish 00d only NAVY ENGLISH BROADCLOI'H yo, 0f very modish appearance. with lovely Mink collar and rovers, "sumptuously lined with very fine Muskrat and worth $80 to $85. Our spec 65 00 ML JOP ln. dnirtin irises Say iss . ALASKA SABLE STOLE, in the popular flat style, of purest genuine sable, finished with twelve sable tails and fancy silk orna ments, exceptionally long--just 108 inches from tip to tip 3? 5 and a fur casily worth $10. Extra -special, only o....... sain id ALASKA SABLE MUFFS, in dither the flat or generous size, made from the purest genuine worth $15, Extra-special, each.11.50 and .. round fur, style, of good Light. Wool Underwear for Ladies ; and Children i es jas? season we gaingd a very enviable reputa- aI tion for giving exceptional value in' underwear ----as to wearing quality as well as comfort and neat fit. Now, if sales are any kind of compass as to how publi¢ favor is going, we bid fair to gain even i greater prestige in this regard, = Our favorites : Ladies' "SPRING NEEDLE" Un-Ladies' Natural Wool Vests and derwear, of just the weight for "be Drawers, either ribbed of plain, of tween-season" Wear, e pute wool in the natural S [A Eveay guaranieed . shade, in ten numbers, each-of unshrinkuble, perfectly shaped and which we know represents the very elastic. Prices greatest amount of satisfaction per garment-- White Balbriggan ......69¢. Natural Wool ... .. Io. 1 25! » l Pure' White Wool for the least possible cost, per garment, 1.25, 1.00, 95, 85,75, 65, 59, 50, 35 and... 25 Tortoise -- HIS IS THE STOVE that you hear so much.about. 1t is not so much to look at, but it is truly a wonderful stove. It is what is called a Slow Combustion Heater. It is lined from top to bottom with fire brick, and has no grates to burn out. The fire burns right on the brick bot= tom, and it comsumes its own ashes and clinkers. 4 Those who use the TORTOISE, and there are thousands of them in scrvice. claim that it is a tremendous heater, and that it will do the work with half the fuel | required by afiy other stove, and that it re- J quires very little attention. YOR COAL Mancfacturer's s the time to buy. McKelvey & Birch 69 & 71 Brock Street prices have been greatly reduced. Now AND THE PLACE TO BUY THEM W have made 4 study and a_ specialty of Children's Footwear and we believe we have the niéest range of Baby's and Children's Shoes to found in any store, ouside the largest cities. Our LITTLE INSTRUCTOR and? EDUCATOR SHOE are the latest and girls, in Patent Colt, Vici Kid and Box Call. WE ARE ALWAY3 PLEASED TO SHOW "OUR GOODS TO ANYONE CALLING. . The Lockett Shoe Store P.S.~~Some New Trunks just arrived, our pricés are low change the ame of the street from Binns road to Arundel aveive. Dollars In A Name. «Hallo! T see you have put a "One of the moanest mei on carth i$ ha who talks to Peter ahout hic gifts "Yes, a lriend of mine in is cipal ico. od. mé they ore poi to Pail and to Paul about his pills Peter Lo 3 » Children's Fine Shoes shapes, and we sell them for both boys B. P. Jenkins Clothi YEAR 73. NO. Fs Fall Overcoa Just this season of the what is more appropriate a Stylish Fall Overcoat, what do you need more ? BLACK CHEVIOT-- "Self collar, silk faced BLACK VICUNA-- Self eollar, silk faced .. DARK OXFORD Silk faced ......... .......... ; WHIP CORD Grey and brown WHIP CORD-- Special make Now is the Ti to 'Hustle. B. P. Jenkins Clothi Queen's Football Ex OTTAW Ry Special Train G. T. Ry. le Depot, 8 a.m. Saturday, Oct. | Tickets good to return hy sp ~Jeaving Ottawa, at 8:30 pn, ® 5 regular train up to Monday 1 18th. Pullman Sleeper attache ree $1.75 1 Queen's Il. vs. | 2.30 pam. SATURDAY, OCTOBE Queen's Athletic Gron West side and grand stand, East wide thnd bleechers, £5¢ If You Want" Take ( Varnish or Pain matter how hard door, boat, bath Take-( will do it. Try a 25¢. C Sold only at = Mitchell's Har Kingston, Ont. To have dry feet thr Fall season; wear a p: Waterprc Boots Wear Alle Military Bootmal 84 Brook St, Sign of Gy Excursion to To Under Auspices of Teacher's Institute, gob day, Oct. 11th, and ret to evening of 13th. leaves G.T.R, City a.m., on Thursd®y. Tic to return on any rogulay Spe cept No. 4. Fare $3.70 House R 0 i k HOUSE are ORCHEST Thero ORCHESTRAS, but only O ed full Orchestra doing Lisi busy all: the 'time. Then E. H. MERRY, Le: 155 Sydenham St., i tae TAKE NOT For a_ Hall Stove, yr K Range, or -an ans #6 me as I hav stock | have ever had: Furniture and Carpets. TURK'S SEC0E Sor September Bulletin The *"Rowans," - the home and grounds of John Mudie : ail meden ts i. conveniently a Tins. overlooking Lal Aru REAL "STATE SWIFT'S INSURAN RS PRT H u-------------------- € 4A physician's preser son's Red . Cross. cough any cough, 2e, Toronto excursion, to

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