the cost of some raw furs to i re had to be changes So ie 3 made one very derided change. ther after we looked things over. we decid vould be that we would get smaller . e would sell a greater number of Fay SO. course, e able to serve you particular] can be told you endid garmente : CLOTHL COAT, 'of very soft pleasing cia Fox collar and revers, d 30.00 of muskrat, and worth egsily stylish LOTH COAT, of splendid : id 8 with extry- o 175! Bug very popular special, there are y well i t to-morrow, when med, "35.00 LOL COAT, of very modish appearance nd rovers, "sumptuously lined 6 5.00 d worth $80 to $35. Our spec , of purest genuine sable tails and fancy silk orna- Just 10S inches from tip to tip 3? 5 ) N and revers, - lined r flat sty Extra -special, only em............. in dither the flat or thé purest genuine each.11; round fur, style, of good easily 1? Fe 5 IN: LAIDLAW & SON Underwear for Ladies and Children on we gaingd a very enviable reputa- giving exceptional value in underwear ring quality as well as comfort and neat if sales are any kind of compass as to favor is going, we bid fair to gain even ige in this regard, = Our favorites : "' Un-JLadies' Natural Wool Vests and Drawers, either ribbed of plain, of e pute wool in the natural shade, in ten numbers, each-of which we ' know represents the greatest amount of satisfaction for the least possible 5 per garment, 1.25, 1.00 s 25 85,75, 65, 59, 50, 35 and... * for '"De- ranieed ed and rment-- 1.23) --- oe SIS THE STOVE that you hear much.about. 1t is not so much to t, but it is- truly a wonderful stove. vhat is called a Slow Combustion It is lined from top to bottom e brick, and has no grates to burn Che fire burns right on the brick bot- id it comsumes its own ashes and S. ¢ 108e who use the TORTOISE, and re thousands of them in scrvice. hat it is a tremendous heater, and will do the work, with half the fucl d by afiy other stove, and that it re- very little attention. Ww S s have been greatly reduced. Now ey & Birch 71 Brock Street 's Fine Shoes LACE TO BUY THEM W have made 4 study and a_ specialty of Children's Footwear and we believe we have the nidest range of Baby's and Children's Shoes to found it any store, ouside the largest cities. Our LITTLE INSTRUCTOR and? EDUCATOR SHOE are the latest shapes, and we sell them for both boys and girls, in Patent Colt, Vici Kid and} Box Calf. EASED TO SHOW INE CALLING. .ockett Shoe Store st arrived, our prices are low change the Tame of the street from Binns road to Arundel aveive." of the » : x wnest men on carth is ha who talks to Peter aljont bis gifts - | to Paul and to Paul about' his pis YEAR B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co Fs Fall Overcoats Just this season of the year what is more appropriate than a Stylish Fall Overcoat, what do you need more ? BLACK CHEVIOT-- "Self collar, silk faced ..$10.00 BLACK VICUNA-- Self collar, silk faced ... $13.50 DARK OXFORD Silk-faced ........ ......... £12.00 WHIP CORD and 'Grey and brown ... .... $ 7.50 WHIP CORD-- Special make ..... ...... $10.00 Now is the Time to 'Hustle. B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. Queen's Football Excursion OTTAWA Hy Spetial Train G. T. Ry. leaving City Depot, 8 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 13th Fare $1.75 Return Queen's Il. vs. R.M.C. 2.30 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13th Queen's Athletic Grounds. West side and grand stand, 85c. Ease wide thnd_bleechers, 5c. Lo If You Want To Take Off Varnish or Paint, no matter how hard on a door, boat, bath Take-Off will do it. Try a 25c. Can Sold only at = Mitchell's Hardware Kingston, Ont. To have dry feet through the Fall season; wear a pair of our Waterproof Boots Wear Allen's Military Bootmakers 84 Brook St, Excursion to Toronto Under Auspices of Kingston Teacher's Institute, going Thurs- day, Oct. 11th, and returning up to evening of 13th. eaves OG. T.K. City Station, 7 a.m., on Thursd®y. Tickets wood to return on any rogular train ex- cept No. 4. Fare $3.70 return. Special train OPERA HOUSE Thero ave ORGHE ORCHESTRAS ed full. Orchestra doing Lsiness. busy all: the 'time. E. H. MERRY, Leader 155 Sydenham St. freed TAKE NOTICE For a Hall Stove, Parlor Kitchen Range, or other ome and stock 1 have Furniture cheap. TURK'S ever had ; also a' lot and Soe Septem The *"Rowans," - the - beautiful home and grounds of the late John Mudie : all modern ifiprove- ments ;- conveniently situated on éar line, overlooking Lake Ontario, te A - REAL "STATE AND SWIFT'S INSURANOR ARRNCY RTE a " £4 physician's = prescription." Gib- son's Red . Cross cough syrup, any, cough, 20. Toronto excursion. tomorrow, £3.70. * 73. NO. 237. Sign of Gelden Boot RA| and ORCHESTRAS, but only ONE recogniz- We are There's & reason. or Theatre. Stove, an, Stove pte me as I Fave the largest Carpets. Everything SECOND-HAND STORE 808 Princess Street. ¢ nan -------- her Bulletin--For Sale cures DAILY MEMORANDA. Furs ; Furs : Furs ; The reliable ki * at Campbell Bros Cheese Beard, 1.30 pan., Thursday. The sun rises Thursday at 6:09 aan, Marks' Co., Grand Opera Houss, 8.15 p.m. - Cheap Excursion to Toronto, Oct 11th; Sea advt. Teachers' Fxcursion to Toronto, hy G. T. R., 7 am, Thursday. a Charity Circle. King's Daughters Tea. October 16th, St. George's Hall This day in history :--President Kruger horn, 1825 : British delegated mat in Quebec, 1864; WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Editorial Rooms, 292--Jobbing Department. Rich White and Gold ---- See the Beautiful CHINA we are showing at pre- sent. You have never seen anything as pretty and dainty, and very reasonable in price. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. JOHN McKAY Prominent St. John politicians * are Tickets good to return hy special train - FURS expected to form a ticket to contest - Jeuving Ottawa, at B30 on or by any this constituency in the interest of regular train up to onday night, Oct. High Ww Wha . i o 16th. Pullman Sleeper attached. KINGSTON, ONT. the new party. The party will have We are trying to make our advertisements sufficiently attractive as to make this column thé first thingyou turn to when you open the paper. We not only want your interest, but your goodwill. We're making it worth: your while to come here past all the other stores. Nowhere else any such Furs for the money. We never paid so much attention to getting attractive styles and results are enough to tarn any woman's head. If unable to come send your name for Catalog B. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 149-153 BROCK STREET KINGSTON 3 There's Many: a Sip 'Twixt the cup and the lip if the cup contains our Java and Mocha Coffee It is of that rare quality so sought for by Coffee lovers. It is pure, satisfying, healthful. Price 40c. ; Jas. Redden & Co The Home of Good Groceries. ROBERT J. REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 'Phone 577, 227 Princess St. To Be A Holy War. Algiers, Oct. 10. The southern part of Moroceo is threatened with a holy war. Emissaries of the revolted tribes are preathing . insurrection. The Frenoh governorgeneral has ordered reinforcements of the Moroccan fron Lier, ---------------- ke rich red blood, the genn Iron. Tonic Pills; 100 for i's Wed Cross dong stare. They mw «fine Blaud TORIES AND GRITS titical party is being formed in Brunswick, having in view as its prime object maritime union, It will be in- dependent, and be composed not only of dissatisfied liberals, but of kickers J rompletely tissatishicd with the prosent claim the that the opposition is worse, and con- sequently if | they leave the govern into the fire. They say that there is and that is to start an 4 the two candidates, Brunswick. ARE DISSATISFIED AND URGE NEW POLICY. Maritime Union the Cause--Feder- ation of the Thred Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wich, and Prince Edward Pro- posed. % St. John, N.B., Oct. 10.--A new po- New from the conservative side as well. The men interested assert they are state of affairs in local politics. They government is rotten, but ment and ge over to the opposition it will be jumping from the frying pan only one course left open for them, independent party gand to have a ticket in every county in the province to support its interests, A ticket is already being formed in King's' county, Dr. McVey of Rothe say and Arthur Freeze of Sussex being independent candidates in- every coun- tyiat the next election. The independent party claims that the lower provinces are at vresent un- able to cope with the western nrovine- vs, but if the three maritime provines es would unite under say, the name of Acadia, it would rive them a much stronger front, and the members waild Be abla to do more at Ottawa. An outline of the party's platform is somewhat as follows : To divide ths large new province into . electoral boroughs, with a jopu- lation of ten thousand each, such bor ouprhs having one Yeprodentative oach in the local house. The government to consist of a leg- islative council composed of two mem- bers from each vrovinee in the nnion, these memberg to be elected for from three to five years by wopular vote, An executive council consisting of a premier, minister of justice, minister of public works, minister, of agricul ture and forestry, minister of mines and labor, minister of health and guar antine, minister of finance and educa- tion, Ya The new government shall also give the municipalities full control of the highways. : GIVEN FREEDOM the Warrants Were Imperfect. " Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 10.--Messrs. Alex- ander and Albert Maclaren, propriet- ors of the Buckingham, Que., saw mill and pulp mills; Mayor Vallilee, super- intendent of works, Chief of Police Kiernan, ailif J, CC. Cummings, Jamés Cameron and Philomen Fourn jer, mon-union employees, arrested at Buckingham on charges of-murder and attempted murder, sworn out by J. Magnon, a cousin of Theriault, the dead striker; appeared before Stipen- dary Magistrate St. Julien, in Hull, this morning, and were frée men in less than five minutes. When court opened Henry Ailen, for the defence, drew Because warrants and the A re-arrest, of course, will depend on the course by the prosecution at Buckingham. pursued PRINCE JASON PAVLENOFF Murdered on 6 Street in District. St. Petersburg, Oct. 10.--A despatcl was murdered on a street in a village of the Gorki district. None of the vill agers would handle the body, which therefore, lies where it fell. Jason's uncle, Prince Grigory, body lay for ten days before it removed for burial. Bullets Passed Close. hears that during a review held the eve of the czar's recent cruise 'sev eral bullets passed close of his majosty's stafi, ali i-------- Died At Detroit. Chatham, Ont., Oot, 10. George W Merriam, formerly of Chatham, . die in Detroit, last night, at troit 'tuo years aco, of his wife. A dauehter. Mrs. Fdwart KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WED ANEW PARTY May Be Formed In New attention to the fact that the war- | ioe with wicomplaining good na rants were decidedly imperfect, there ture. being even no date on them, a fatal omission in itself. The warrants, it appears, 'were got out in such haste WHITE SOX WON. that little or no care was taken 'in s their preparation. The magistrate, of Vanquish Chance's Clever Cubs course, could not proceed on such { By Score of 2 to 1. proceedings ended. private Gorki from Tiflis says Prince Jason Pavienoff Prinee was similarly murdered last June, and his was London, Oct. 10.The correspondent of the Times at St. Petersburg says he on to members the age of neatly eighty years, returning to De after the death Celebrated 100th Birth- day, He Has ~ W. MACCABER. Philadelphia, Oct. 10.-0ld' Bill" Maccabee, veteran sailor and warrior, has just celebrated } 100th birth- day. He served fifty-seven years in-the navy, starting on the old Constitu tion in 1813. Now an inmate of the Naval Home, Philadelphia. PITH oP ™IE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Toronto-Buffalo ~ expresé was at Burlington, but no lives The wrecked were lost, W. R. Riddell, K.C., wil he ap pointed to the vacant judgeship in the Ontario high court, A number of arrests have been made on hoth sides in connection with the Buckingham, Que., shootibg. Gerald White, conservative, was el- ected to the Commons in North Ren frew by over 800 majority. Bonuses of 3230000 are to be paid by the guccessful tenderers for the right to cut ont timber on a number of government berths. Stanley Fanjoy, who shot a man in mistake for a moose, was sentenced to ecichteen hours' imprisonment in = a St. John, N.B. court. The conferences of provincial prem- jers adopted two resolutions, the fect of which is to revive the resolu- tions of the former conference in favor of increased subsidy and to make an allowance for special cases presented by anyiof the provinces. ; A rancher near Lake Shuswap, Brit- ish Columbia, has had un narrow es cape from. a black bear that was rifling his orchard. He was alone and his clothes were torn to ribbons, and his body bore fifty bites and seratehes before his three rifle bullets took~ef feet. 2 There are: persistent rumors in politi- cal circles that the registration branch of the crown lands department of On tario ie to be abolished in the near future. F. Yeigh and H. Cartwright, son of Sir Richard Cartwright, and one other clerk are employed in © the branch. NOVEL HONEYMOON TRIP. Women Go Into Wild Country Away From Comfort, Vancouver, 1.C.,, Oet. 10.--Fifteen months immured between the rocky fastnesses of the headwaters of the McMillan river, in the far away Yu kon, 225 miles from the nearest of their own sex and race--such was the experience of two women, both accus- toned to culture and refinement, but who fought bravely against the ¢l ments while out of 'éivilization. The two women are Mrs, Armstrong, an English woman, and Mrs, Georg Leight, Canadian. The later made her honeymoon trip into the wild country and shared the dangers and hardships of her miner 'husband. In a frail canoe they navigated the McMillan, Pelly dnd Yukon rigprs, and shey re turned to civilization bronzed and in perfect health, having endured jriva Chicago, Oct, 10.--~The Chicago team of the American League won from the National Lepgue pennant winners ves. terday, two to one, in thé first game of the world's championship series: The game farnished a fine sample of modern baseball, wherein the fine points of the same are more in evi denee than the slugging of other days, but it was an error of puerile charue | ter whith gave the American [éngue team its winn'ng margin And that ' Jerror also is the reason that to-day supporters of the winning team, erst + | while demanding odds in hettine are willing . to take even mopey on the series, FINDS FORTUNE IN CISTERN $45,000 of Miser. Denmark, lowa, Oet.. 10. discovered $45,000 in gold in an chest buried in ern Blint the bottom of a cist recently mrchased an, early who is thought to 1 gold. 1 | rich, but when have buried Courtwright was thought to he he died ninety yoars. He was born in Ver- [ing the farm, which distant relatives mont, in 1816, went to Detroit when | #old. Blint was cleaning the eistern, six years of age snd two years later | whieh had not been used for. years came to Chathaf, where he resided for tenant when he made the find. The siallest * order yeckives 1] tion at Swifts eoal vards, 25e. Gi Jopdan' still lives in Chatham. Iowa Farm Purchase Unearths Frank Blint, a prominent Lee county farmer, ald the farm, which was originally owned by 4 w Ly pioneer named Courtwright, the no money could be found, the only property be ntien Two Wives In The Same House, -. i AND ALL ARE HAPPY LAWFUL WIFE ACTS AS THE' SERVANT, Wife "No. 2 Thinks Outsiders Should Not Interfere and Try to Make Trouble--Husband Voluntarily - Confessed When on Trial For Assaulting a Bartender. Mudison, Wis, Oct. 10.--~Charles R. Sager, twenty-eight years old, his wife, who is the mother of his two small children, and another woman, to whom he was married unlawfully, have heen living in the same house since Ingt May, the lawful Mrs. Sager acting ad servant in the home of whiok her rival is mistress, Sager, who is an imsurance solicitor, and custodian of the buildings of the University of Wisconsin, vohmtarily mmde this con- fession in wourt yesterdny. Everyone cencerned is contonted with this ar rangement of their domestic affairs, both women resenting it the court interfered, "Charlie is a good, we shall stick when kind man, and by him through thick and thin," said the second Mrs. Sager after the man in the case hind been sent to jail. "Shan't we, Bessie ¥"" she askid of the first Mra. Sacer. "We surely will stick by him," said the latter. "So long as the three persons con- cerned," Mrs. Sager, No. 2 went om, "are satisfied with this arrangement, 1 don't think outsiders should inter fere and thy and make trouble," Jutlge Donovan, of the municipal court, said that the law must take its course, and that Sager could not be released, at least, until an investiga tion should have been mare. Both the women are younw and at tractive in appearance. : While being examined in court on the charge of having assanlted a bar- tender, Sager astonished Jwlee Dono- ¢ voluntadily telling his story. ------ GRAIN ELEVATOR FELL, ---- A ge Collapses and C.P.R. Comes to the Rescue. Regina, Oct. 10.~The bie grain ele- vator belonging to J, Glenn of In- dian Head, at Grand Coulee, toppled over on Friday morhing, and several thousand bushels of grain .were:thrown on to the tracks. The C.P.R. is co-op: erating with Mr. Glenn in an effort to clear the right of way, and the grain is being rapidly loaded into cars. The foundations on the side near the track gave away. Superintendent Brownlee, who was in Regina at the time, offer- ed the assistance of the company by providing ears for the immediate ship ment of grain. The elevator was load- ed to the roof with grain at the time, and contained about 44 000 bushels, which was almost its capacity. Now that the grain is beitig taken out, the owner expects to be able to jack the elevator into position again, and have the foundatigns repaired. It will take grain 'again this fall, BUILT AT QUEBEC. Government to Provide Water For Ships. Ottawa, Oct, 10.~The dominion gov ergment has decided to subwidize ex tensive docks and railway terminals at Quebet in connection with thé new Quebec bridge and the Grand Trunk Pacific railway. These new docks will be four miles long, and will give the steamships a depth of forty feet at their moorings at low water on the Quebec side of the river. The work will create miles of real estate along the coves that will afford accommoda- tion for the railway terminals, the er ection of grain clevators, cold storage, and freight sheds. A Man Drowned. Fort William, Ont), Oct. 10-1, Boyd, employed on a' dredge, was climbing into a seow, when he lost his: balance and fall into the watér, Other' men went speedily to. hie aid. and he way soon pulled out, but all offorta to revive him proved fruitless, and the task was abandoned after several hours' work. He was shout twenty-cight wears of age and un- married, a native of Carleton Place. Burned To Death. Steubenville," Ohio, Oct. 10.~His home destroyed by flames,' and the bddead bodies of his aged father and two small children was the sight which met the eyes of Charles Zende, a farmer on Melntyre Creck, when he returned from a short trip late yester day. All were found near m door lesd- ing out of the house, and hod evident ly been suffocated by the smoke. io cause of the fire in a mystery, Great Gift To Bible Society. New ~ York, Oct. 10.--Blosdgood "| Haviland Cutter, the Long Island poet, from whosd strong' personality Mark Twain's Ohrie was drawn, and who died two weeks ago, left $750. 000 of his' £1,500.000 fortune to the | American Fible Society. The remain. der of estate, amoumtine to wearly X750,000, ix divided among his heirs. Thi' etore for 'men's gloves is The New gloves at Fibby's, Je PROCLAMATION. Issued 'By Mr. Taft on Airival of |. New Governor. Havana, Oct] 10x-Uharlos B. Ma-| goon, the newly-appointed visional governor of Cuba, arrived in Havana yes y C t with his coming, Gover- nor Tait gave out a decree proclaim: bat $6 all ad et 0 al ol j= tical offences or crimes © in pal connected with the revolution. He istwed orders covering the attitude of the American marines and towards the ple of Cuba. m v ownership of the horses revolutionists was inl" issued i ion r. Magoon, Governor Taft on the latter's departure, ; While the arrival of the new gover nor was not attended by any marked demonstration, the Cubans appear to favorably impressed by his person- | § ity. GATHERED IN OLD CHURCH John's Anglican church, which has stood on its pivsent site for seventy ong years. On the invitation of Rev, Canon Davidson, rector the church and president of the min | asnpe ciation of this city, pastors of every Protostent church, and prominent lay- men, selected ak ropresentative mem. bers by 'official authorities, in the school and were entertained at ) Pastors and Laymen Gather at Peterboro. 7 Peterboro, Oct. 10.~A unique and very significant gathering took place : last night in the schoolhouse of St. tea by the ladies of the congregation, | Jriet and pointed Srentes were made y ministers men' represen ti all denominations, and by E. J. W | Pense, MPP, ingstom; NUW, Hoyle, K.C., and A. F. Davidson, of 'oronto, DYNAMITE IN COFFEE POT. How Swedish Anarchists Packed Explosives. ) Copenhagen, Oct. 10.--As the vesult of an investigation made by the po: lice of Stockholm at the rooms of the arrested 'anarchists, they have found a coffee 3 tenty centimetres in height. is rather extonsive pot eon: v tained eighteen carefully I ate ot Spat Te een on hal important evidence, and the discovery of somewhat similar articles, have made it clear to. the police that the real intention of the terrorists was |} not an attempt at bank robbery, CORNER IN BULL DOGS. Dealers. After Progeny Famous Sire. : London, Oot, 10.--~Three American dog fanciers are in London trying to | make a corner in {he descendants of the famous bulldog Rodney Descendants of this animal rarel on the market, But whan they do they sell for neatly 85,000 apiece. Jeffries, who sold Ro v Stone'to Mr. Croker, says that il the men trying to maeke the corner apply to him they will have to pay steeply. ---------- Claims Relation To A Lord. St. Louis, Oct. 10.--Henry Alfred Douglas Schultz, who 'says he is a cousin of Lord Sholto Douglas of England, was arrested here yesterday, upon instruction from the New York police department 0 Schultz had been traced to St. Louis and fs wanted in New York on charge of grand larceny. Schultz ex: pressed a willingness to petum to New York without a requisition, de claring that he is innocent any wrongdoing, Scaffolding Gives Way. Auburn, N.Y, Ost, J0.-Charles Rand and William Goodenbury were killed and Edward Kickern and Charles Fulton were probably fatally hurt in Auburn prison by the giving away of a scaffolding yesterday. The men wore conviots, engaged in white: washing the walls outside the tiers of cells, and fell forty feet to a stone floor. of a Stone. come Boy Shot In The Head. Kemptville, Oct. 10,--The fourteen- year-old son Moses Beckett, of Beckett's Landing, was accidentally shot by a boy named Taylor, and may not recover. The boys had a gun' loaded with buckshot and the weapon discharged, young Beckett receiving the charge in the head. Trial For Manslaughter. Carleton Place, Oct. 10.-George, radley was committed for trial for manslaughter, the charge arising out o the death of his brother from a ow, Schooner Medora Sinks. Buffalo, Oct. 10. The od schooner' Medora, which struck on breakwa- ter several days ego, sank ha been unable to withstand the p which prevailed. She carried a eargo of maple lumber. ! His Remains Cremated, Montreal, Oct. 10. The remains of the late crothiatind, were baoied in Mount Royal come tery, in accordance with the provis- fons of his will, Dr. Thomas, Montreal, is in the on business. 3 to the effect that 3 MORRIS. --In Kingston, Oot. Catherine, relict uf the late Fu 1 . yiseph A WiLL AMSON Entered the family Kingston. - H. I. Bibby company. city Tey Bibby's special 81 ra)