= ee" 80 ; Coats LL AND WINTER ir Mantle Department. llection is absolutely ionable and proper rely interest you. th Coats New Cloths at 5.75, 8.75, 50, 12.50, 3.50 and many others. Every ly new this is here, and you are always welcome to lent whether to buy or merely garments as they appear. ire you oan select any Coat, nd have it placed aside until 3IS THE STOVE that you heat much about. It is not so much to , but it is truly a wonderful stove. hat is called a Slow Combustion It is: lined from top to bottom > brick, and has no grates to burd he fire burns right on the brick bots d it" consumes its own ashes and ose who use the TORTOISE, and 'e thousands of thém in service. at it is a tremendous heater, and vill do the work with half the fuel 1 by any other stove, and that it re- ery little attention. 3 have been greatly reduc:d. Now / ey & Birch 1 Brock Street: THE MOST CRITICAL MAN IN. THE CITY COULD NOT HELP ADMIRING OUR STOCK OF. GENTLEMEN'S from the East, the West, ach and every pair the he 'money. } 10W S the different styles file 1 te 3 on LX tt Shoe or t Baoan B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. Fall Overcoats of the year what is 'more appropriate than Just this season a Stylish, Fall Overcoat, and what do you need more ? BLACK CHEVIOT Self collar, silk faced .. $10.00 BLACK VICUNA:- Self collar, silk faced .. $13.50 DARK OXFORD Silk faced ... WHIP CORD- $12.00 Grey and brown ... ....$ 7.50 WHIP: CORD Special make [5.0 £10.00 Now is the Time to Hustle. B. P. Jenkins flofRing Co. Gl Queen's Football Excursion TG: OTTAWA Ry Special Teg Thy. leaving City Saturday, Oct. 13th Tickets good to return by special train leaving Ottawa; at 8.30 p.n., or by any regular train. up to Monday night, Oct 15th. Pullman Sleeper attached. Fare $1 75 Return QUEEN'S 11. vs. R.M.C. 2.30 vp.m. SATURDAY, OLTOBER 13th - Queen's Athletic Grounds. West side and grand stand, 35c. East side and bleechers, 25c. New Arrivals at Van Luven's Just to hand & nice lot of Western Dairy Butter, which we offer at per Ib., 25¢. Seperator Butter, at 26¢ Creamery, at 27c. and 2¢c Butter 1b 1h. will Le scarce for some. time and will likely go higher Fresh lot of éur popular lines of Biscuits and Cookies. We have them, at 2 Ibs, 3 Its. and 4 lbs, for 25¢ Quaker Puffel Rice, pkgs., 10¢ Quaker Cern meal, 3 'lbh. pkes., 10¢ Cereta Wheat Food. pkes., 10c. Tumblers Franch Mustard, 5c. Apples, at 10c.,: 13¢c., 20¢, and 25¢c per peck. Spanish Onions, Sweet Potatoes Oranges; Bangmas, Pears, Grapes, etc. F.W.VanLuven "Phone, 417. 246 Princess Street. To Have dry feet through the Fall season, weara pair of our Waterproof Boots Wear Allen's Military Bootmakers 83 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot ore ORCHESTRA HOUSE \ There are ORCHESTRAS * and ORUHBSTRAS, but only ONE recognie- ed full Orchestra doing business. We are busy all the time. There's a reason E. H. MERRY, Leadet 155 Sydenham St., or Theatre. TARE NOTICE For a Hall or winy other Stove ne. I have a lot of Furniture and Carpets TURK'S - SECOND-HAND STORE 398 Princess Street. For Sale AT 11 ©'CLOCK, FOR CASH, A BAY i viding, "154 hands high, '9 years old sid everyway, single or double. City broken ; also Set Single Harness and Runabout. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer: Ninn AT, ASB See Stptember Bulletin--Por Sale The '"Rowans,) the beautiful home and unds of 'the lite John Mudie : all modern improve- ments ; conveniently situated on car line, overlooking Lake Ontario. | SWIFP's mms Emre, ANCE AGENCY CREST RL A New Invention. Londen, Oet. 12,--A despatch * from " Copenhagen says two Swedish engi neers have invented a method of mak ing petroleum from tar. It, is stated John © D. Rockefeller intends to buy the invention, : had their monthly tea. Rev, to give a lecture an "How to Success" 3 A ture Given. tras wo night, October 11th, the | 'Fadies' Aid of the Methodist church Manley Penson, -D.D., Amprior. was' on hand | Win | Scranton coal. DAILY MEMORANDA. All The guarantee necessary Is to know that your jew Persian Lamb = Jacket or ° Fur-Lined Coat Came from Campbell Bros Ein' \ King's Daughters Jumble Sale. Golden Lion Block, Saturday 13th. WHIG TELEPHONES. 243---Business Office. 329--Kditorial Rooms, 202--Jobbing Department, Rich White and Gold Nich Waite and Gold See the Beautiful we are showing at pre- sent. You have never seen anything as pretty and dainty, and very "vegsonable in_price. ROBERTSON BROS.. Store Open Saturday Night, 10 O'clock. We are Fur specialists and have a distinct advantage over general stores with thejr widely different interests, Wi, insist that no house in Cana- da can do better for you ip regard to values. We do ngt attempt to compete with uh- reliable Furs, because every article sold by us must carry a a recommendation to other customers. Manufacturing as we do and saving all middlemer's profits enables us to offer Furs of a high standard at incredibly low prices. Sable Ties ............ wn Sable Stoles, 100 inches long, .%13.00 «© $23.00 Mink Mulffs... $35.00 to $100.00 Mink Stoles, 65 inches long, $60.00 up Miok Secarfs........... wu. $20.00 up We make to special measure the best $150 Persian Lamb Jacket in Canada. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 149-1563 BROCK STREET KINGSTON Madame Claravina Dupre WILL "HE PLEASED TO'GIVE tention to customers at her office AT- 4 Room 40, Windsor Hotel, on Scientific Palms- vey; Card Reading Manicuring, Facial Massage, ving, - Sealp Cleaning, ete. H 9 am. to 10.30 Perfect sat rus ran teed p.m WILLIAM STRACHAN DEAD Was' Prominent in Manufacturing Industries. Montreal, Oct. 12. The death took ace, suddenly, this morning, of Wil plo Strachan, a man prominently identified with niany industrial under takings throughout Canada. He was the founder . of the William Strachan company, soap manufacturers, presi dent of Montreal Stock Yards com pany, of the Midland Railway com- pany, Nova Scotia; vice-president of | the. Edwardsburg Starch ' company, land a director of the Manufacturers | 1ife Insurance company, and several Lothers, He was fifty-nine vears of | age, and had =only been ill for a | short -time. kidney pills at Gibson's Fresh there. up is Swift's Buy JuBu Red Cross drug store. Coal promptly sent ar Newfoundlanders: Are Up : In Arms. AGAINST THE WAY THE MODUS | VIVENDI BEEN ARRANGED. HAS The Cabinet Has Had a Session --The Premier Blamed By the Opposition--Archbishop "Haw- ley' Urges That Agitation Be Kept Up Until Reliéf is Grant- ed. St. John's, Oct. 12.-- Popular agita- tion continues agpinst the modus vi- vendi giving American fishermen pri vileges denied by the Newfoundland laws, the press denouncing what = it terms the' government's betrayal of the colony's "interests. In a published letter Archbishop Howley urges the immediate calling of meetings throughout the colony to protest again the measure, which he declares is neithé¥ a political nor a party question. The present, he says, i8 an historical drisis in the country when every Newfoundlander, native or resident, regardless of creed, class, or party, should rally to the govern- ment's support. Archbishop Howley cites the case of 188 when the [British wernment proposed to grant tho omg excla- sive rights on a portion of jthe New- foundland roast, The: colony protested vigorously and sent delegates to Can- ada, which joined in the protest. In the face of the colonial agitation the British government eventually surrend- ered, though Queen sVietoria and the Frénch emperor, Atenbishop Howley pointed out, had already signed the convention. Not Much: Pleased. Ronis, Uet, 12.-1t is here 'Archbishop Howley's attitude in con nection with the Anglo-American mo dus vivendi on the Newfoundland fish ery question i= not meeting with favor at the vatican it being considered un- wonted interference in political afinivs, ve m-- Cabinet In Session. St. John's, Nfid., Oct. 12.-The « inet, met, last night, to considny 3 advisability of a poliey of pronoune stated ment against the! modus vivendi be- tween the British and American gov ernments relative | to the Newfound land fisheries. Leading fish merchants also met, last night, antl passed reso lutions adverse to the modus. vivendi. The organ of the opposition blames 'the premier for the whole trouble, de claring the people of the colony do not want) to quarrel with the Ameri cans, but the premier is forcing the fight to obtain revenge upon American fishermen because his reciprocity = pro ject. was blocked: Press Opinions London, Qct. 12.-The Natal Mer- ecury comments, on Newfoundland's crisis and states. the conclusion of the modus vivendi is a blow to the entire system of "colonial autofiomy., The Daily Telegraph advises foundland and Canada. to have encé on the fishery question, because no government will be permitted to sacrifice the vital interest of any col- ony to curry favor with any power. The Daily Mail is not surprised that the so-called modus vivendi has wen followed - by an outburst of fierce in dignation in the oldest British colony Newfoundland's to join Canada The Chronicle, referring to the New. foundland fisheries arrangement, says Obviously the Americans get much the bettgr of matters but as long as the ancient French treaty is main tained they have the best rights, New New pati wisest course is foundland cannot disregard British treaties, and at the same time call for British gunboats to protect her fisheries." > ------------ DIED FROM INJURIES, I---- Overcome By Gas He Fell Down a Shaft. Deseronto, Ont., Oct, 12.--~ Wellington Hicks, an employee of the Deseronto Iron company, was engaged in un loading chagboal when, he was over comie by gas and fell down the elevator shalt, a distance of forty feet, He was quickly taken to his home it was found he had sustained a com pound fracture of his left leg, and that his 'right knee was dislocated and his head badly erushed. He died night. Hicks leaves a wife and family. where last small ---- The Nationals Shut Out. Chicago, Oct. 11.- Today's game be tween the Chicago teams of the Na tional and American Peagues was a battle royal between pitchers, snd the American League team wom, 3 to 0 Twenty-one batdmen struck out, and for twelve of these the credit goes to Walsh: In addition he gave only one pass, and allowed but two hits, both in the first inning. Thereafter the Nationals never had any sort n chance to score. Pleister, the Left handed pitcher, went into the box or the Nationals. He pitched until the sixth inning. It was here he went to pieces and the game was lost. of Our Imperial pipe enamel dyes with a brilliant ° Tustre snd will not smell or burn off. Lemmon & Sons Try Fibby's vey collars, 2 {or 25¢, Try Bibhy's new collars, 2 for 25¢, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, VERY ANGRY FRIDAY, T 7 40 MAKE A RACE binds Fot the Seat in Senate Held CHARLES G. TAYLOR Indianapolis, Ind, Oct. 12. ~Charles Gi. Taylor, who has been nominated by the democrats to contest the seat - of Speaker Cannon. He 13 a native of Indiana and was reared on a farm® He i¢ receiving letters and telegrams daily congratulating him wpon his nerve in tackling such a formidabio adversary. OTTAWA ADVANCING Pp Population Has Over 2,400. Ottawa, Ont, Oct, 12.-The annual statement of the assessment commis sioner was issued, today, showing a gratifying growth for the city. The total assessment js $48.39 000, an in crease of FLAI6,825. The population is placed at 67,572, increase 2,452. AR wards gre growing well, but the panse is greater in St lington amyl eenteal wards. Its Advanced ox Wel George Windsor's Growth. Windsor, Ont, Oct. 12. Commission er Black has completed the rolls for 1997. The assessment for this year, after all appeals were heard, was in round figures seven million dollars. I'he new rolls itercase this amount by nearly 2100000. The population, Commissioner Black says, is approsi mately 11,300, SCHOONER GOES DOWN With Four Men---Fishing Schoon- er Missing, Stondolm's, NAD, Oct. 12.5Tha igh. pe schooner Julia, struck a shoal in Codroy river during a gale on Wed nestlay night. and went down Four men were drowned, but the captain succended in reaching the shore The fishing schooner Helena is miss ing, and it have been i feared <he and her crew MAY ADVISE KING To Veto British Preferermtial Treaty. London, Oct 12.-- The Chroniele's Melbourne correspondent says the free traders expect that Sie Henry Camp will advise the king to veto the British preferential treaty. The laborists and opnorition are com bining to set the tregties at naught bell- Bannerman Expected Record Tobacco Crop. Madison, Wis, Oct, 12.21 is confi dently expected that the tobacco harv est 'in' Wisconsin this veéar will break all previous: record I'he harvest is well. underway. and con sdl sides it i= admitted that "the stand is "of finer quality than Adér before. Owing to tobacco growing heing more profit able than the dwirsing industry, the clover fields of a year ago are now beating 'a heavy crop. of tobacco plants. In thi tate tobacco thrive well, and expert cultorists have found that they can produce a Better lend than that of the east, and, that by certain shading of the plants it will, in a few years; =< be. superior {o the Sumatra product Remarkahle Georgian, Choir. Atlanta, Ga, Oct. 12.-At the fair Piedmont Park, here, to-day, state in over five thousand voices composed a grand chorus that sang a number of well-known old ongs of the south Before the fair loses, tomorrow night, the full chorus will sing 'Hom: Sweet' Home." The musicalsportion of the proceedings were ably managed by Prof. A. J. Showalter; of Dalton Among the many amusements and nov elties at the fair werd some pyrotechnic displays by Paine, one representing head-on collision between two fraight engines, The fair has been the s most successful of its kind held for a num ber of years Barwick Estate To Sue¥ Toronto, Oct. 12.-<No eomuvromise can be arrived at between the Longon and South-Western railway and the estate of the late Walter Barwick as to the extent of the damaces which should he paid by the former. The company offer £5000; the figure claim ed by representatives of Mr. Barwiok's family is several times as high, about £108.0%, Recourse will how be had to the law to adiust thiz wide difference. It ix likely that Sir Edward Clark will coduct the case avainst the rail way. Bride Ill, Commits Suicide. Akron, (0, Oct. 12.-As Joseph Sieg. {fried was leaving home 10 wo to work {hig bride of au few months Kissed him. few minutes later neighbors heard the report of a pistol. They found her dead. She was nineteen years of age, and despondent. because of ill-health, rir Coal to heat your home well Swift's Seranton coal Try Jlibhy's for men's sweaters, << . OCTOBER 12, 1906. ALIFE BATHLE Fight Between Policeman And . Prisoner. REVOLVER AND. BAT THE WEAPONS USED -4A VICIOUS DUEL. Wounded Man. Was a Prize-Fight- er -- He Plunged Through Crowd, Leaving: Stream of Blood - Policeman Badly In. jured. Taunton, Mass., Oct. 12.-A mid-day duel witnessed by one thousand people took place yesterday, between Richard Marley and Patrolman Joseph Grady. Armed with a bat, with which he said he intended to kill the officer because he had arvested him on Saturday, Marley attacked Grady and aimed a vicious blow at his head. The latter held up his loft arm and received a blow that broke it at the elbow. With one arm hanging helplges, the policeman backed away, d a re volver and shot Marley in the right log, The latter sprang at him = and aimed bldw after blow with the bat. I'he policeman backed down street and fired three more shots, one of which took effet in Marley's left leer. Leav- ing a stream of blood behind him, the w od man. plunged through the orowd, ran three hundred foot and sank to the ground. The patrol waggon which brought him to the station was flowing with blood and Marley may PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Brantford citizens ave petitioning for a local option law. Two. lugdred. Barnardo children loft Paddington, for Canada, on Thurs day. % Five men were killod in a head-on collision on the Union Pacific RR., near Laramie, Wyo, a Roy Mullen, a nurse, formerly of Montreal, was placed on trial for mur- der at Montpelier, Vt. . Mrs. Davis, wife of Jefferson Davis, the president of the confederate states, is dangerously ill in New York. Canada will be represented in the decoration of the Nelson coluswm, Lon. don, by a large maple leaf shield. Jack Whittier, Toronto, was found dead near Sprague, Man., he having shot himsell on a hunting expedition. George W. Fowler, M.P., arrived in Toromta, last night, and was served with a subpoena to attend before the insurance investigation. Miss Nellie Scott and Frederick Cole Fairbanks, son of the vice-president of the United States, eloped from Pittsburg and were married. Messre. Cooper and Crothers, of the school book commission, are visiting New York « and this week, gathering material for their enquiry, W. M. McPhail, rondways enginéer, of Toronto, will resign his position on' January 151, to accept a more luera tive one with the Warren Bituminous Paving compared": i MICHIGAN'S ZERO WEATHE loston Destroys Fruits of All Kinds and Celery Crop. 'Detroit, Mich; Oct. 12--The cold weather, which on the west side of the state registered as low as six degrees above has caused: very. heavy Michigan. The late fruit and vegetable crops have heen destroyed. St unty, in the fruit belt, has suffered se dy by the destruction of late apples, grapes, pears and peaches. It is estimated seventy thou sand baskets of grapes were destroy- ed in that one county. Celerymg in the vicinity ~ of Kalamazoo are, heavy losers, the frost having caught them unprepared, and destroyed one of the best erops of regent years, wro, losses in Joseph's ¢ The Frost Ended All. Catharines, Ont, Oot, heavy frost visited this district; last night, and did great amount of damage to the grape crop still out, of which there is quite an acreage, os: | pec inlly along the lake whore. The { frost also wound up the season for the tomato crop as all that was out i ruined, : St 12 A a { -------------- After A Stormy. Passage: | St. John's, Nfld., Oct. 12.~The seal ing steamer Adventure which left hers on August 3ed, conveying Major Moo- die, governor of Hudson's Bay. fifteen North-West poliee.and supplies for = the government posts there; returned yes: terday, a month overdue. The delay wos caused by stormy weather, . ae Easy Sales, Our big values in fiise Alaska Sable searfs makes odiny Sales, hoenuse they combine plonsing style and reliable make. Ask to see our special lines at | %12 and R15. Such' values as ours nro not ta be had outside our storm. CampB#ll Bros., the gore of quality. Clark's Sliced Smoked Beef. An appetizing dish for-breakfast or supper. Delicious flavor. Prepared from the best heel, . The genuine Bromo-Quinine is sold 'at Gibson's Red Cross drug - store, "Phone 230 Coal well servened is Swilt's Seean fron con! Try Bibs 's for warm 'mderwear, die. He was formerly a wrize fighter: {, hy And Others Injured at a Bridge . Accident. Goderich, Ont., Oct. 12<As the re, sult of an acewdent, which occurred about eleven o'clock this morning, at the bridge which the C.P\R. is con structing acvess the Maitland river, here, one man = was killed and three were badly injured. A hoisting engine, mounted on a flat car, on the bridge was raising a girder when the car fell over inte the river. Engineer Jack Haddelord, an Englishman, fell with it into the river and received injuries from which he died almost immedi: ately, John Campbell and 1. Lymn; of this town, were badly hart, the former having several ribs and an arm broken and the latter an arm broken. Harvey Gilman, Peterboro, received injuries in She back and jis said to be seriously hurt, | A STRONG RESOLUTION. A Banquet to Be Tendered a Manufacturer, Montreal, Oct. 12,--The local branch of the Canadian Manufacturers' Asso ciation have sent & strongly-worded message to Sir Wilfrid. Laurier in sup port of the proposition to do away with all interprovincial taxation on business; one of the sibjects now be fore the gathering of provincial pre C. C. Ballantyne, last dent of the Dominion to be tendered a bank ber 15th, in year's presi- Association, is +t, on Novem recognition of his work in connection with the organisation. It is intended to mwke the affdir broad in its character and prominent men from different parts of the do- minion will bp invited to take part. TROOPS, TO RETURN. ---- A Montreal Man Will Hold An Inquest, Buckingham, Que,, Oct. 12. Every thing remains quiet here to-day. Work is being continued on logs by degrees and troops are still on guard al thoygh there are neo indications of an other attack. Coroner MeMahon, Mon troal, has been appointed to conduct the inquest, which will be resumed fected by the Theil men within the next twenty-four hours. Detective Warner is still in grave danger, but Picard and Byrant are doing nicely. The Ottawa troops leave for home to-night. . Sm -------- DECIDEDLY COLD And Ice and Snow Was Evidence, in weather for this time of year hit pret. ty nearly all the country east of the Mississippi, yesterday, playing havoe with late crops in some districts. There was snow even in New York for sbout. five minutes. while ise actually formed ap the state. The waters of the bay were lashed to foam, yester day, by a fifty mile gale from the west, se---------------- BANK OF ENGLAND Has Raised Rates to Five Per London, Oct. 12. The Bank of Eng land raised its rgte esterday to five per cent., and it is pretty ownerally belioved the rate will not he lowered again this year, and possitdy' it may go up another per cent, All over Europe rates are going up, and money seeiiit "ter-be..of scant sup. nly, in 'almost ll continental odtitres, indeed, throughout the world, Stiletto And Bridal Kiss. Conshohocken, Pa., Oct. 12. Be caugs John Rive refused to kiss the bride, in accordence with a. compact entered into' with his' wife, hé was set upon by the. ruests, who idered it a reflection upon the bride, and was almost stabbed to death, His wife in attempting to save him was also bad- y cut, The murderous mssault ocourred at the wedding of Camille Prglearo and Rosine Crovve, and John Kroski and Frank Oskioski are in jail charged with being principals. in the. cutting of the Rices. ° Had A Fine Banquet. Belleville, Ont., Oct, 12.--~What is de- | | | | the congress of chambers of commerce, scribed as the most enjoyable banquet held in Belleville, for many years, took place, at Hotel Quinte, in honor of F. I. Girldstone, a capitalist + of Englund, and Messrs. Graham, Pon ton, Johnson and: Reid, delegates to held in London, W. B. Northrup, M.P ' was an ideal chairman and: the speech- es were bright and eloquent. Accepts Call To The West. Stratford, Ont., Oct, 12.- Rov. E. W. Panton, formerly of St. Andrew's church here, received a call to Radison and Borden, on the Canadian North- ern railway, and has accepted it, Campbell Bros. The store that saves you money on men's nobby hats, . wer ---------- For good, «elear, burping American conl 0M try, Lemupon & Sons. have it at 20e. ver gallon, and will diliver it promptly. \ Bast's Short Stop cures all cougl or money refunded, 15¢. a bottle, Toy Fibby's $1 fancy shirts. TE rrr NewRestaurant Hotel 338-342 King Street Everything Served in Season nLy HARRIS, Prop. ' Monday and some arrests may be ef | New York, Oct, 12.Unusually cold ' Cent. x They Woman'r fine quality ¥og- lish made Black Cashmere Hose 3 soft finish, * elabtic make, double _ and _ toe, extra value a, 8b: Woman's fine quality ribbed 4 Cotton Vests long sledves, buttoned front, natural Pc of drawers rig § match, 6 Ii - did fall weight, special 25c. Ladies' fine quality glaze ww PTT Kid Gloves made with on: dome lasten- mannish "cut, sartow b backs, a every new shad ng. re : worth $1, special price, . } Beautiful Lace Duchesss Loe," i 8 b latest. A special "Stock, at § 3ic othernd im, a, Te. Made of. Roman ml Louisienne: Sill; with "rit and silver buckles « The very newest," special' priep, 50c. CRITICAL INSPECTION INVITED Steacy's | - ROBERT J. REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 'Phone 577, 227 Princess St. BORN, : BAILEY Kinumton, Oct. 11th, 1908, & uM, on v fod, : 4 Bailey, Ordianios Meet, « Son. © & & TO-NIGHT A% iii one Dargain Matinee Saturday, at 2.30, > MARKS BROTHERS To-night--"THE COUNTR Y.XID." Saturday Matlinee--"Lest and Won.' Suturday Night--"An Irishman From * * Canagla."' Between the acts High Class Specinl- ties, Mowing Pictures snd Illustrated Songs. Change of play and Specialties nightly. Special prices--10c,, 184. 25c. eats now on sale. _GRAND-OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY, OCT. 16th Wageihals & Kemper Go Pechent EUGENIE BLAIR In Clyde Piteh's Great Pay The Woman In The Case . Pricen85, 55, 50, 75, and $1.00 Sets on Batarday. October 18th--"HELLO BILL" There's Many a Sip. "Twixt the ip and the Lip if the cup contains our bac Coffee Java and Mocha It is of that rare quality so sought for by Coffee lovers. It is pure, sutisfying, healthful,