ps nove ware Sausages Brock Street: ¢ tor all: Ocedsions, Instruction | ary Instruments ; also re lin, Guitar and Banjo. LE ag z Our designs are new and artistic and our prices are most liberal, * _. ed Bowh ose' KINNEAR & d'FSTERRE © Suctestors LB H 100 Princess St. Fd _ |Full. Weight Goal |Full, Weight Goa + Whether you buy by the carload, tan. bushel or hundred welt, your right wind 'what you will get i Your 'orders are lodged with us. Stanfield's Underwear is made of long, silky, Nova Scotia wool--the finest in the world for Underwear, The superior quality of woel--together with the pe- culiar knit: of the garments --give the greatest possible warmth with the least weight. comes in sizes to perfectly fit all figures. Every garment guaran. teed absolutely nnshiriukable, go Unshrinkable Underwear Spring Needle Ribbed a ) SALBRATUS 1S THE BEST. E.W.GILLETT Saray TORONTO.ONT. * Sr ---------- A Buperics i aining Institution KINGSTON, ONTAR 10 : Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. 1 Square is worth preserving, and it can [round "it. "The block pavement has {for best effects would suewest a sub Union and Two-Piece Suits--for Men and Women. See them at your dealer's. F) : of fabric and oT VE | | Canada, now the director of a large much dictation, but they saw the wis be improved by the walks that sur long been in a' disreputable condition, and is at last disappearing. A desire Stitition of artificial stone, with pro- per curbing for the wagons that line it on market days, But the cheap iden has prevailed, and the em- Ployees of the city are proceeding to lay asphalt which is not at all suit able and gives an unprotentious trim- ming to a splendid Puldic square. In no other city in Ontario would the Wir't of parsimony take such posses. sion of the public men and make them advertise their poverty in so conspicu- ous a way. 5 Make The City Crean. Every .aunicipality should have its garbage system, There is bound to be in every populous district an accumu- lation of refuse, and it should be re- moved. regulacly and before it becomes offenaive to the people. Ottawa and Brantford, , like King- ston, were undil lately without any fixed plan for carrying away their garbage, but they finally adopted a plan of action, in the interest of the public health, that gave the fullest satisfaction, Now the aldermen wond- er how they managed to get along so well without it. Kingston wants a 'garbage system. It 'has -a makeshift which is not at all eflicient. Two men have an equip- ment for serving the people to some extent, but it- is largely ineffective. Garbage, especially in the warm wea- ther, becomes very offepsive, and in its exposed condition 'affects the air and the health and comfort of the people. The board of health" should do some- thing worthy of ite name. Sometimes it gives the impression that its chief function is to hear . the petty -com- Flaints of the people, whereas it is charged with the public welfare and to a most remarkable extent. Why should it not concern itself with some big issue, and among 'the many that could be suggested is the garbage sy- stom and the best manner of develop- ping it, An Expensive Experiment. Guelph is experimenting with a con- solidated school, which admits and trains the pupils from five school sec- tions. The institution is one of the best in Canada. The building and equipment were provided by Sir Wil- liam C. Mmcdopald, at large expense, and has in connection with it a school garden and natufe stwly, manual training and household science as parts of the course, 'all under the con- trol of the educational authorities. The board of trustees is acting vn- der an agreement with Dr. Robertson (formerly the dairy commissioner for agricultural college and farm in Que- bee), who represents Sir William C. Macdonald. It provides that the school sections shall tum into the general treasury the moneys they usmimlly collict for «school ' purposes, and that whatever they fall short of meeting expenses Dr. Robertson will pay. The only thing exacted from the board is that it employ the head mds tor and instructors in manuel train ing and houschold science who have the qualifications and are approved by Dr. Robertson. . Some trustees did not want so dom of making concessions to the man who represents Sie William Mae: donald in the matter. Guelph could not manage a consoliddted school without the 'milllongire's help, and the experiment is gne of interest to the whole provinee. Look Into The Elgins. The protesting of the East Elgin election would not be surprising. It was not, 'apparently, a clean election so far as the winning party is con- cerned, ail it would be a proper thing to show up the hypoerisy of Mr. Mar shall, the member-clect. It was he who egged on the attorney general 46" open the London election case in order to keep at home some active men who were supposed to have an interest in the campaign. He was so anxious to have the cor ruption of London election exposed, and yet, close to one of the polls. at Port Stanley, he opened a club room with all/the diversions which the term img lies. >. % [moral in the result if it can be cor- The giving the ridiigs (cast. and west) their unsavory reputation. K ative mombers have been 'a "one liberal, and if the jest be pat 4 the search opportaiity to Demands For More Noney. The cor of premiers has had the desired efiect--that of "unilying their demapds for larger subsidies from the dominion to the several pro- vinees. The. idea originated with Que bec, which, in the past, has pot been governed in the most "economical way. 'Extravaghmee and wastelu i lead to fimancial depression, cure for them is not to. increase the allowanes®which 'leads t6 this. prodi- gality. % The province may be like the indi- vidual, and not ak economical as the circumstances require. The parent that gives the youth all the money he wants, because he is lavish in his ex- penditwres, is not schooling him in the economies that make for his sue- cess. The central government that surrenders to the demand for "larger subsidies too readily may discover later that it has made a serious mis- take, The provinces are not limited to the revenue they receive from the domin- ion. Fach one off them has other sources of income, and alt of them can get along without a larger sub™ sidy if they are careful of their re- sources. Queber had a handsome sur- plus last: year, and will have a sur plus this year, and it has in land, in timber, in mines and fisheries dn es- tate which will yield big returns for Jong yedrs to come. Ontario is tak- ing in 50 much money that it has just now no adequate conception of what it is to be hard up, and the co-opera- tion of its government in the ery for a bigger subsidy reads sounds most strangely. Sir Wilirid Laurier has the correct theory with regard to all monies rais- ed for public. purpose. It is that the government which collects the funds should spend them, and that means that revenue Gtherwise than from tax- ation involves want of consideration and wastefulness. The subsidy question will be before the commons when it meets, and it will excite the liveliest kind of a de- bate. The suggestion is that the gen- eral relations of the provinces and the dominion be revised. is that it is easior opening the issue | than closing it. Editorial Notes. In the west the county jurors want | $3 per day for their service. The mo- desty of the demiand is astonishing. | and The conclusion | { The school board is becoming divert. ing in its discussions, The absentees > Lauthter," { not bring: perfect results, | thority is generally DCTOBER 12. ein People Who Enjoyed Them. "Music With Her Silver Sound," a bit from Shakespeare, headed the pro- grammes for the Ladies' Musical Club concert, in old Convocation hall, at Queen's, on Thursday might, and it Backed by Mr. WHR: [was a truly silvern sound that came ' id the two pianos when Miss C. Abramson, and Miss Lena Shaw tduch- ed the keys in the opening number. This was a fantaisic on themes from Gounod's "Faust," clean were their runs and clear their trills, while the i parts were given an artistic interpretation. "To Sevilla" (Dessauer) was the solo with which Miss Agnes Parker really captivated the authience. Bird- like, and pure and frue, Miss Parker's notes are charming. Lattr, in the progrdinme |. she gave © a triple num- ber, "the first section, "Out of the iDarkness," Guy d'Hardelot, being sung with deep feeling. Then Os- good's "April Laugh Thy Girlish ripplad out, and it was for all the world like the bubbling of the brooks, and the carolling of the birds in "the month of smiles and tears.' An insistent encore brought her back after. Nevins "Merry, Merry Lark," and she sang a delightful little thing beginning "Pretty, Pretty, Pretty," and that word describes the tripping, tuneful voice. Received heartily when she appear- vdi<and viven an nthusiastic encore, {to which she generously responded) at the close of her song, Mrs. J. J larty won her audience with her sweet and full and rich tones. "11 Bacio" was her number, and she sang it was delightful freshness, indeed her way of singing is a charming way, and she adds -to it the gift-of being vleased over the pleasure she gives her hearers. Over and' over aguin had Miss Muriel King's playing been praised. and gver and over agniu she earns a further encomium. Last night she gave three numbers, by Godard. Borodin and Poldini, and not content to let her and her music go, vith that the au- dience called her back for a fourth, Little Miss Mignon Telgmann, child ishly unconcerned over the rounds of applause that greeted her, played won- dérfullv--hetter perhaps than she ever done before. People would have an encore to the "Angels. Lullaby," and she came wp again and vlayed a selection from the "Carnival of Venice." She's a wonderful little girl, a musical genios like her father's peo- has The all too short programme was closed by NMisé . Ethel and Miss Lox raine Minnes Roving the:duo for two rianod, Saint-Saens i variations on a Beethoven - theme, Their phrasing ie always careful, their tone full and satisfactory, and theie concluding number was indeed go treat. Miss Minnie Shaw, and Miss Kathleen Harty were the accompanists for the evening and Miss Sarah Gibson and Miss Let. tice Tandy took the tickets at the door. Mrs. Edward Cramley and her com- mittee deserve many thanks (and they got it, haprily) from the music-loving people of Kinoston for the treat piven them last night, l- -- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -- Right You Are. Toronto Giote The municipal control of jails may but local an- ! better than any system of centralization. It Surely will. Hamilton Herald. do not realize what they are missing. . { The Hamilton 'Tinves dubs the act of | the premier's on the subsidy question | "a game of grab." Will it succeed ? | Newfoundland will stand no non-.| sense from the Yankee fishing pirates, It will seliec the intruders and talk about. the modus vivendi afterwards, Belleville is worrying over back taxes. Kingston worried, too, until the tax and treasury departments were amalgamated and the taxpayers felt the propulsion of a new idea. > A---- The election in Queen's gnd Shel burne takes place on the 31s Nomin- ation a week sooner. Mr. Fielding will be re-elected beyond a doubt. The liberals in North Renfrew, hun dreds of them, seem to have refrained from voting, And why ? There is a rectly' ifiterpreted., . Bob Bermingham jollied the people of North Renfrew on: election night, and he will jolly the government for a fat billet later on, now that the po- litical organizing is over. The minister of railways favours the acquirement . of the Intercolonial's feeders. The country may not do so. it has not made so fer anything out of its public owned railway. . -- Brantiord has it that the city has over 1,000 more people than the as- sessor found in his recent rounds, Where did, they come from ? Like | Topsy perhaps they just growed. Ce ---- The 'independent press sees in the North Renfrew election, a meaning which the dominion government does not understand. The refusal of liberals to vole, however, is very suggestive of something. d "A dosen or move municipalities in the west have asked for electric power, _Hydro-commission ' will figure on, Coming so soon after the conserva- tive victory in East El~in. the result of the North Renfrew bye-election is likely. to cause some searching of heart at Ottawa, : Hard Thing To Do. "Toronto Stare. The Lefuroey-Bennett Pope-Fowler quarrel will likely be Arran~ed ont of court. In other words, the family jar will be settled by Messrs. Po ~ and Fowler taking their heads out of the Preserves. Evidence Wanted. Montreal Star. Strong evidence is always needed, and after Hdthar Greenwood had made the statement that protection is dead, somebody: should have eglled upon him to produce a life-sized photo' graph of the tombstone. Easy Going John. London Advertiser. Robert Glockling resigned his posi- tion as secretary of the Ontario Lab or Bureau because he took his office seriously, and the government did not His successor is John Armstrong, of Toronto, wham nobody ever took seriously, and who may be relied upon not to cause the government trouble by being 'too much in earneet. J ------ The genuine' Herpicide is sold at Sithon's Red Cross drug store. Phone Wednesday evening the home of Mrs. M. Mohan, Brockville, was the scene of a hafpy gathering when her young- 'est daughter, Miss Grace, was united in marriage to Frank P. West, voung- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MN. Wedt If A Dyspeptic, Use Hutch. "Not a foul smelling, nasty tasjing dose," but a palatable, appetizing cor- rector of acidity," heartburn and wa- sae hash, It washes away fermenting tters, and the tough mucus that coats the dyspeptid's stomach' leaving it clean, ref and ready to di- Prope: food. "It's a doctor for ten . If you can spare $1 you can '200. By mail from Woodward Ceo., Bridgeburg, Out." you dost say "a spool of silk" gest cents buy EE THE MUSICAL CLUB] All the Numbers Were. Good, and Convocation Hall Was Full of the coming season to show our efforts. tistic cut an styles. Coats Gloves Hosiery New: Hats We want every man who reads this, t, consider it a .personal invitation to come to take a look ! We have been on the alert for mani} procuring from .ithe best makers what. ever js new, choice and desirable for patrons the first of our Handsome stylish suits of ar-~ Overcoats in all the correct ceptional merit. 3! 3.50, $14.50, 18.50. Shirts, Ete. We are now teady choice fabrics. that are ofex- $10, $12, $15.00 to Sweaters Underwear The H. D. THE MEN'S WEAR STORE ing houses tl Boardine House Furnishings We're supplying the greater percentage of board. Bibby Co. 78-82 PRINCESS ST, his fall with Iron Bedstead, Odd Dresser and Stand, Spring and Mate | trass, Study Tables, Study Desk, Cases and Students Easy Chair, ook James Reid The Leading Undertake * 'Phone 147 for White Ambulance. from tested, natural /' spring water, ley malt, and. a selected bar- blend -of the choicest growth of hops. No sub stitutes for hops or barley [i \ are used. An aid to diges- tion and a comfort cause of after _ meals. RCA BR IR TT JAS. MCPARLAND. AGENT, Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, - 339-341 KING ST. REDUCE ONE-HALF. The Forces That Japan Has. i the Field, + Tokio, Oct. 12.-- The Japanese forces in Manchuria and Korea will be, ina short time, reduced: one half: "A sion from euch n divi army will be with- drawn and added to the home army, The latter then will "consist of eigh- teen divisions and the guards' regi: ments: This is in accordancs with thi new programme for the increase of the army. : New York's Monument To Verdi. New York, Oet.> 12.--As evidence of the high "esteem in. which the works of that famous 'contpaser Guiseppe Verdi are held by Americans, and as a tr bute t& the of théir dead countryman the Malian colony in the United Stakes recently: decided to érect | erili's 'memo Salt, say s0--" WINDSOR." Lo montment to. V with reat yi with op and The: Sawyer Shoe Stylish §hoes For You Patent Co Velor call, Gun Metal and Demi Glace Kid. N They are made in Blucher Lace, or College Cut Button in Nobbiest Shapes and Swellest Designs. Our Prices are Right $3.00, $3.80 and § +00 Sule Agents for Utz asd Dunn. aud L & T. Bell} Store drarresscensesssens oof 'ADAMANT Wall Plaster Ready for uge by adding water. Put up In bags, 100 ps. In each White Rock Finish Put wp in bags, 80 ibs. In euch $6-57 Barrack P, Walsh ss mat @vvrsvsssssssasacesasl rr ---------------- the unveiling took place. The i funds, this and ed by popular subscripti aid to" amount to $22 ornament to te >. on the 000) was first put into practical chupe bE | Chevalier = Barsotti, editor 1 ddl Progresss Malo Americano," who ™ 5 Saleswomen GRAVE DISEASES, DU Have you ever t women or girls ove than stand still for ten n won some derangement of organism, the discomfor less trying when they than when standing. In some states laws co) to provide rosting places employees. But no the hard tasks of thege must get the strength w demands or run the r diseases and the surgeon's Read about the expe t Merkley, 275 $ waukee, Wis :-- Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "Gradual loss of streng bearing-down pains and ex conmipelled me to seek medi dootor said I had diseased o ation, and advised an opera to get well. 1 objected to t to give Lydia E. Pinkhany's pound a trial. I soon fou things said about this were true. The ulceratic backache, headache and ne peared, and in a short tim vigorous and perfectly well working girl who suffers w E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co Lydia E. Pinkham's V pound is a vegetable toni orates and strengthens th organism, and will prod beneficial results in the sick women as with Miss ET ---- GIRLS IN GER nount of a They Learn Things to Housekeepe Modern Women, The German girl leav about fifteen years of a time she has learned 1 and supposedly speak English. She has not | mathematics, but she small things which fit-a housewife or companion, Germany, 18 woman's However, much 'we An may enjoy our college Pity the German girls, f someth which takes and oiwhich we have 1 until we reside in Cen months. Did you ever hear of a is one of the most enj which exists, Certain in ies, mostly widows or u make known that they a take a limited number of into their families. We w ver, two of us, with ' dread of a boarding sch heard a "peficion"™ des found ourselves in « fa girls, all from the very Germans, and all place von H's care for a ye None of the girls had a ject in lilg a few war w to keep house, a fe an hour's musi lesson most of them came, as i custom, for the sake of b ished and being escorted theatres, balls, recepti Kneipes, ete., opportuni forded in the smaller cif not in many cities tha than Hanover. Consequently our chap invitations for the girls, given, and the great int spent a year full of plea The Penalty Of S Chicago Evening Post. Senator Ingalls, dura life, was unable to rest pensity to indulge in = habit eventually Jost } and his popularity. On an intimate friend wrote ing the appointment of 10 a position under the To this letter the sem a very sarcastic answer, the following reply : "M; tor: I think it would he 10 reserve your sarcasm idly increasing number - mies, instead of offering ereasing number of your whom 1 wm one." Tt is galls never forgot the re was too late. -------- Preventics, as the nau vent all colds and "taken at the SI Preventics are":toothson lets. Preventics dissipate quickly, and taken earl first feel that a cold is check and prevent them. thoroughly safe for chil effectual for adults. Sol mended in Sc. and 25c. | dealers. . . Wednesday morning ir Xavier church, Brockville O'Connor, of Peterbon Mary Josephine (May), ter of Mr. and Mrs. D ware gnited in marriage. fashionable event, Be D. F. Macnab, =on of 1 Maenab, Armprior, died a week ago, aged forty The family of W. J. Pa removed: from Perth to 1