gratehl nA reliable Ea : or Giles Sh At This Store ABE ok All Grades CANADA METAL 00, Toronto, M. 1720 Toilet Soap i 3 pu sop that wont rede or roughen the mn o Jo ber Js 20 ht and mosh se cream--and a ARE SOLID LEATHER Save time, money and (annoyance by and" Rubbers at this IT ARWAVP ROR aN YL na FINANCE AND be INSURANCE © The businwss of the tate C. GO: "Oliver, 'will be "carried on da bis "offices, 79 Clarence last five years hos : the been atwoclated with Mr. Oliver, tyre& Mcintyre G.A. BATEMAN | Who tor On Insurance, have & talk with 's Shoes = rmott's Shoe Store If You Want a Home * ent at D, Lyons', " {with her pr 3. Martin; Mr. and Mra. A. Bell, visiting relatives here; Missvs Jennie ny Liesio Pliclor {terme , The. prite paid was LOW, 5. 8. Metealle hat ho hon {ol places. J 1 Hi g : / 3 £3 g ng 5 ea = 5 th ed. Mr. Ganter, Ven- nachar, ueted service here Monday evening. The eorn husking and apple was well attended Inst Friday. E. Flieler i i D. Kellar's house. R. Bauder: and A. Lyons have returned from the North West. Visitogy : Miss Stadler, spend- i a few days at her home; Mrs, Clarke and Mrs. Bowerman, Picton, the guests of Mrs, D. Kellar; Mrs. E. Bowler, Verona, spensling a fow weeks t Sunday at G. Martin's; F. D. Kellar and. wife spent Sunday at Mr. Raldwin's, Ardoch; John and James » Wensley, visiting their sister, Mrs. D. Lyons. F -- : Sold Valuable Farm. Seeley's Bay, Uct. 10.---R. R. Tate has sold his farm to William Martin, ho has" had the farm rented for a stables nearly completed. New sta- len, and Shes ne being erected 4. the ist* par b. « George Collins: fon Baring crottad n Bre new of ment b house. Dillon Bros. are the contractors. Mr. and Mrs. James Todd, Toronto, visited their old home and past few days. C, Hartldy has returned home from Sas- katoon, after an absence of sv weoks, He . highly of that country. Mrs. G. R. Hawkins js having her hay les put in, proper repair. Married, Detoher 108h, Lotta' Ken, ry "te fpecformed by Rev, T. Meredith, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Kenney. The young couple have the best wishes of all for many years of havoiness and pro- sperity. Mr, and Mrs. William Ken- ney, ngston, visited friends hers the Past few days. -- Missionary Service Conducted. Harlowe, Oct. 9. We had quite a vy thunderstorm in this vicinity ia evening, Fusmors are very busy Eng potatoes and picki al 8. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wood ry on from a week's visit at Centreville and + Cook is home from Forest Mills. H, Vaness and W. Good are abent hunting and' trapping. - Mrs. J. Black and Miss ©, Parks spent Thursday at Arden. George Fraser, New York state, Peter and a Fuser, and fhe latter's ils, 1tney, spent a ays at Mrs. Frames. Ms. SHaok left last week to stay a Weeks with his daughter in the United States. - Allan Fraser is home from Cobalt. Missionary service was held in the Holiness Movement church on Sunday. Miss Edith Thomp- Sm left, yesterday, for Ottawa, where rposes staving a few months. F. at "The Cedars," is Spee): ing a fow days at Tweed. Mrs. Scott, Arden, and Miss G. Peterson, North brook, called on friends here last week. 8. Thompson sold a horse to J. Cook retently. Raspberries In Church. Strathoona, Oct. 9. Farmers in this vicinity are pressing their hay. There is plenty of rain and fall ploughing Suffered for 23 Years --With Kidney Trouble. rate of one dol- humired pounds August. From an al f ilk delivered i i the « of 'the steam engine, the Mount: Hope factor lms closed down for, this yedr. News has been. received that Audra Brunt: er and wife, ant aged vouples who d many years lived in "this township, and left a short time ago for 'Saska- foes, have i there re ne. ng stood the journey well. H. Flower of Rorkwoott H 1 his paid ded en a visit, and Téft for homb oti Mon- day. Miss Heath, sick for some weeks, is improving. SCENERY IN HAWAII The Islands - othing "But Scenery. That the Hawaiian Islands are rich in scenery is not the thing to be said of them. The truth is that they are all scenery, and that the grandest, most varied kinds, rivalling no other spot on the earth's surface. There are ne plain or monotonous areas in this group. Here one is never apart from the immediate proximity of mountain and ocegn in endlessly varied combina tions. A peculiarity of all these isi lands is the continual change in thé fi s combination of scenery. Tost a seldom seem to repeat themselves. One can travel but a few miles on any island without opening fresh and wonderful combinations of grandeur and beauty. For example, the three or four hours' ride down the rail way from Honolulu will give on every half hour an entively fresh arrange: ment of striking scenery, each quite unlike all the others, A chief element in this variedness of impressive forms lies in the fact of a regular gradua- tion in the ages of the five principal islands, so that the weathering of numberless changes of form which are less or more advanced. These islands lis in a chain stretching 300 miles from north- west to south-west. The oldest islands are at the north-west end, while at the south-eastern bxtremity of the vast bulk of Manuna Loa is still in process of upbuilding. Hence the north-east is ands are fearfully caten out and worn down hy the storms of long ages, while dt 'thé bther end the mountains retgin more or less of the tropical form in which they were originally piled up. A waist of "pole apricot broadcloth is shown in the 'sketch, the trimming consisting' of brdiding, lace and velvet ribbon and buttons, The doth . Was slashed on each side of the front to CURED AT LAST BY GIN PILLS. Whether you are just to feel | the first twinges of k whether have tried for years to find un Pills will cure you. Surely * HENRY WARRPORD, 'Toronto, t il i of the letter as this: s fo iol ~ a {oe I sent for a fee sample of your Gif the washable whit blouse will be su. Pills some Jie Seo, them 10 perseded in many cases by those of Lat tel Ed ai pact! se Sol od silk, © crepe and lightweight third-box, and feel myself entirely . : fom 2 -------- rs. At ith began Gin Ready For A Land Boom. 1 could not turnin bed without Montreal Herald. had Ralph Connor, the novelist is as If I moved at night, the pain be » 30 great that it would wake me up. Now | ®¥r¥body knows, a clergyman, "I. was {am free of pain, and feel as well as I did discussing western hfe," he said re- 23 years ago. I feel it my to let cently, with g friend of mine, a mis you know about Gin: "80 that it slonary. "This missionary told me might be the means of some | how he once asked a Manitoba tavern. other sufferer, {Keeper for a subscription toward 4 k ican be done to raise th ice of land paper in which Jou see this. ¥ Poindorit'y @ oe price of lan i Sunlight S, is better than othe Sisto sels A, a a ie boat w . .y io the boxes Drug Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap Pr 2 Ad follo Nireetidng, Tr Sour | show the lace: under-blouse, the open- ing being laced across with velvet rib- bon of a shade darker. Narrow silk soutache was used for the braiding, the buttons being of gilt and enamel. These cloth blouses will be much worn Sunday school. There was no Sunday Pills hold out a guarantee of cer | school i i . rooem Frum $1.00 Per Day Up tan Quick rel TE a missionary lout Deporte me HL. oPPOSTE GRAND CENTRAL STATION pain the sick kidneys-~and f 'a mumber of strong arguments. Bagwage To and From Station Frye will refund your money, Toss wi ght whped in Sener. "ifn mato ec pn he Cty of New Yok our confidence in in Fi. We will Foought a "- - $10 » bill a . ho . - i iil Jona AIA) boa { knows,' "sail, 'we are ioned ; asking or pe iy free t fou wi of the | Though around here, and if anything centuries has developed | Grand Union Botel WANTED Highest prices realized by OCTOBER 12. «Slater" Shoe. You will see CURE relievaall tho it 19 a bilious state of the system, such ae Drows , Distress after eating; Poin in Side, ko. While Ann Yh Hoe SE Sa Wi Sorrectal disarers lube. Lotsaci stile toe hd regains the Moule: Even if thoy only HEA 'bately their, dudes Q ere, and whoonootry them 'will find these little pills vale in souiany ways that thoy will not be wia ne ra rT 'Bat after allaick head ACHE the bane of 50 many lives that here is where Tomek our great oust, y Our pillacure it while ne | Oarter's Litile Liver Pills . In vialsat 25 cents ; five for $1. By aruggiats everywhere, or sent by mail. 3 CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, WA bile iby Beaver Flour is the best for 3 Pastry just as it is best for Bread. Beaver Flour is both a "Spring Wheat" and a "Winter Wheat 1 i blend of Sn all Wheat Just the exact proportions of each to make the whitest, most nutritions Bread--and the light- est, most inviting, most tooth- some Cake, -Pies and ¥ s Economical, to say the least. AT YOUR GROGER'S alers, write for prices om all kinds of Feeds, Coarse Grains and Cereals. T. H. Taylor Co., Limited, Chatham, Ont. M '8a MEN AND Uso Big @ for unnatury' disc sin ations Irtitations or wl of mucous membrane, Painless, and not astrin Fent or poisonous, Sold by Draggta, or sont fa plain WTEpps } OXPLOME, pa id, $186 nr ® bol ing ge ok Ar Smt an vee ee ee ees eet eee teach es. Al the Furniture and Stoves, "The Sign of the Slate" is the guide post ta good shoes. It is the sign that never misleads--that never points the way to doubtful shoes. . ; home of "Slater" Shoes. by that this is the place 'of honestly made .shoes--comfortable shoes--stylish shoes--and shoes that are vouched for by a Canadian company. that lives up to every word of its guarantee. « : The man who takes the «Sign of the Slate" as his guidepost, is on the straight road to foot comfort, shoe satis. faction, and economy. Every pair of «SLATER" Shoes has this trade mark label sewn on the lining, : you buy--look for it. has not this label in it, IS NOT a F. G. LOCKETT, EXCLUSIVE AGENT, KINGSTON «The Sign of the Slate" marks the It tells the passers- * Whenever 1,2 h) fsa O A BOY LL \ FR -- \ oe aE BT Any shoe that the «Sign of the Slate" at EE -- a The The Well Shad. Particular Woman ~~ © Man Does not necessarily have to wear high = With an inclination to wear fine Shoes priced - Shoes is a splendid We have a $3 Shoe that wearing, is the Man: We want for a customer good - looking, nothing desirable that any gentleman will stylish Shoe. "A Shoe that will win re- want in Fine Footwear is absent from Spect at the beginning and keop it tothe end. These $3 Shoes are made if Patent Colt Skin, Bal or Blucher Cut in Velour Calf, Blucher style and in Vici-Rid, Hght or heavy sole, our Fall and Winter lines. We have the finost Shoes, brains can create oF moncy in can buy, beauties to look at, luxuries to Bal Qut or Bluclier [® dawy pur ssw ysayep ony neue 'ors the style of the $5 Shoes. the foot and the famous Sutherland wear, Vici-Kid Ideal Kid, Colt Skin all the leathers. Kangarodb Patent, Think of a Ladies Patent Corona Colt Blucher, at $3.50, others at $4 and $5. YOu ' If you want well = dressed. fobt bring 3. Shoe them here. The House of Good |d. H. Sutherland & Bros. sie tung Tortoise -- G's IS THE STOVE that you hear so much about. 1t is not so much to look at, but it is truly a wonderful stove. It is what is called a Slow 'Combustion Heater. It is lined from top to bottom with fire brick, and has no grates to burn out. "The fire burns right on the brick bot- tom, and it consumes its own ashes and clinkers. , Those who use the TORTOISE, and there are thousands of them in service. : claim that it is a tremendous heater, and 2 that at will do the work with half the fuel required by ahy other stove, and that it re- quires veryqlittle attention. FOR COAL . Manufacturer's prices have been greatly reduced. Now is the time to buy. 'McKelvey & Birch 69 & 71 Brock Streets i GANONS'S G. B. CHOCOLATE THE FINEST IN THE CITY : ~ 90¢. per Ib. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. JOHN H. MILLS, "The Leading Auctioneer : 1 RE Satur Eig i RE Dressi Dressi + Wi 768 K Dres Made of fine c Eider Flannel, trimmed. with 1 the regular way, Your Ch 300 L and I Of American [ excellently mad attention is draw special wrappers Your Ch See Wind R.V Every Is Inte: Suits a "The Bu * The Li "They I "They I These are sor about our clothes. in Ontario for you qualities, make, st cases better--The You "fror on Y Ove Don't you thi gat: cur :tatemen! Our personal Overcoat. We re turn out as repres: You will fin - your new Suit or Roni AT The Stor