Reports from all the ame Sections of Provinoes indicate a most successful season. 'Write for a 'Trail of the Mic-Macs" * Week in Canaan Woods * ad Re Miramichi" ERIE 5 Coul--Coal ¢: PARLOR CARS Pants bm * | tind, 4 t | ty-five. He MONDAY, = Piank Booth, Lyn, has acomied a position bres TC oar tor on the GER, running between Montreal qo ane £ is evening, Rev: S. Sellery united in' marriage Koonin Charlton of X 3 . any NR one of Foxbaro's yeoman, is deed, aged eigh- xe a Methodist. and con- servative, leaves two duughists. LY:C, g dent t tt \ gD my 450 pm. ly pad plocked the west track, 1156 mons HB? 'bow. | end Tthe mectionmmn were working 12.11 p.m. | about this place. Sweet was oné of » h Fi Ban the tons el wax sont 4 She Stution % > A ts {gr of 3 Wiis 3 : 86 aun, a St thu Owing to the eer train service . is opposite [dant to th t' hlooking 'the west : track, No. [I International Limited CMAN, SLEEPING AND {Hider to weiormen, Sweet wa walki J track, and, tly did or] Nir phe the train, the' @igiter n ho stantly killed. His legs and arms were broken ansl a deep gash made on reheat D was aboul Iwenty years of age. \ Coroner Cowan went out to the seene of the accident, but deemed an inquest not necessary, and from the J gleaned saw no reason to attach any blame to the G.T.R. An old and well-known resident, in the person of Janet Henilerson, pass vd away on Saturday morning last. She was a sister of the Inte John and STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER CY of emgraans Nelnoun vo, still residents of Kingston. Decensed wak ill bt a week or 86 of gastritis, She wan 5 member 'of the Presbyter- jan oharch, and 4 devout and Chew tinn lady. She made 'many warm friends while in Napanee. The funeral will Mave her late residences, Belleville Road, this morifing, at 'tine '6' clock. The interment' will be in' Cataravui ab HE § TY 3x Py vemetery, 'where the other members of -8.90 in Jo Ah her family' lia buriad. AR is 4 e% Miss Alice Prayn left on Saturday vB ). 2 10 in for a wix Jnaithe' visit with her Sie school friend, ra. Fraser, formerly pacts} Rays Poli ean | Mabel McLiéan), at Edmonton, Al Lesves key » 630 am. | berta. io Rison IDE. actice. The decision the jury Ste to on x ND, Manager | Fri night ro the death of Engi- Garden Tslandgolvg to snd from oct lain, wis that the G.T.R. wero 0 ' "not providing sufficient siding at Napatieo and aac, tht the cobxduetor and engineer on the freight digl not take precaution enough and protect their train properly. FOR 1088 OF BER HAIR. Girl Scalped By Machinery Gets Verdict For $5,000. New York, Oct. 15.--For the loss of het bait, Teresa Furikn, seventeen years old, of New. Brimswick, N.J., re- coviret o verdict of $5,000, from Ismae E. Séhienman of imboy. The irl was employed the defendant in i® . Two years ago while she wns passing one of the machines she slipped Spt fell, Her hair caught in the machinery and she was sealped. Miss Furianh -has been in a hospital nearly ever since, and her life was only saved by skin grafting, Farms For Poor Jews. New York, Oct. 15.--An exhibition of dewish life on farms and in 'the smaller cities in the United States, by the Baron de Hirsch Jewish agritultural and 'in dus aid society and Jewish Edu- cational Alliance was held in the Al- liance Building yesterday and to-day, The exhibition was held on the roof of the building and in the exhibition room, where products of farms op- erated by about fourteen hundred Jews in mxteen states were on view. Stercopticon views showed the differ ence between the dark and trowded rooms in the tenéwent district of New York, and on the farms with a view to induce the Jews to legve the crowded section of the cities as these pioneer Jews have done to the great jmprovement of their lives and condi tion of living. / Seven Years For Six Sheep. Hamilton, Oct., Oct. 15.--Alexander Hammer, who. stole six sheep from Andrew MoClure, was sentenced to seven years in Kingston penitentiary. TE -------- Are You Often Bilious ? 0 IO a hatant Read This And Learn How joner of Do at Ottawa, of his inten CANADIAN NORTH: WEST MINING REGULATIONS, BERMUDA SE Moon [hrdak out, ten | sent. . To Prevent Attacks. "Biliousmess is merely o term applied to a condition that exists when the body is overloaded with bile. ~ The complexion turns yellow, eyes look dull, pimples, itching and eczema headaches are ever pre 'Riliowmess has --two great causes, constipstion and defective liver act ion. /Whea Dr. Hamilton's Pills are taken they not only correct the bowels, but act diveetly on the liver, regulating ita hile secretion. Unlike ordinary medicines which fares and give temporary relief, Dr. anilton's Pills remove the condition yr. | {ree from Awhich causes bilionshess, thus perma- nent cures are effected. Dr. Hamilton's Pills do cure bilious- ness and liver ills under all "circum: stances, j We prove this by the statement of Fenwick Luddington, of New Harbor, N.8., who writes : "Three months ago I had no expectation of ever getting periodical bilious attacks. were preceded by difriness and dreadful headaches. Tf 1 stooped oye my head would swim Sudo 2 Jus 'orept into my gt o : Pr. Hamilton's Pills fixed up my free, dros all the bile out of my ood and made me a well man in' a few months. Boas I enjoy a tod appetite; excellent digestion, and t best of health. 'Dr. Hamilton's Pills aid it alk". - - Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills to-day. | Sold by all dealers: 25¢. per box or hot cue ive Tuesday evening, in St. Paul's church, Saintowns Rev. Mr. Pocock Il be inducted into his new pastoral charge of Caintown, Mallorytowh and Lyn, : . Ns. Arthur Wensley, who has been ill for four years, died, in Belleville, on Saturday, aged sixty-five years, She was a consistent Methodist. A husband and seven children survive. Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark, formerly of Wnupoos, now residing in Winnipeg, have sustained the loss of their won, aged nineteen years. He was a grand, son of Mrs. William Lynn, Picton, Two dogs were sold from the late Father 'Gorman's kennel at $100 each. They go to Montreal: Three offers have been received for Celtie Badger, but he is not sold yet. Fath- er 'Gorman was several times offered $3,500 for him, but refused to part with him at any price. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Me: Mullen, Picton, on Wednesday, when their daughter, Mrs. Ethelwyn Jack- son, was married to Rev. Stephen Hubert Roblin, D.D., Boston. Rev. J. R. Roblin, brother of the groom, per- formed the cvremony in the presence of & few of the imbedinte friends and relatives, : : Sylvanus Sprague, aged nincty-eight years, was one of Ameliasburgh's old- est residents. He had been a singu- larly robust man, end it was a sur prise to all that be died in hig chair. in politica he ji liberal and was a candidate & # sent in the first legislature of 'Hnfafio agalast the bor-but 'wash defeated. Three sons, John, Lawtigts and George, abd two daughters, Mrs. Randall Williotns and Mrs. Israel B. Tubbs, mourn the loss of a kind parent. CAUSE OF FALLING HAIR. -- Dandruff, Which'is & Gérul Disease ~Kill they Germ. Falling hair js © dhnfed by dandruff, which is. a getth disease. (Fhe germ in burrowing into the root" af'the hair; whore it_denteiig he vj ty of -the hair, causing the to flout, digs up the cuticule in-little scales, onlled dandruff or . You can't stop the falling hair without curing the dand. rfl, and you can't chre the dandruff without killing. the dandruff germ. "Yestroy the cause, you retiové the effect." Newbra's Herpicide is the only hair preparation that kills 'the dandruff germ. [erpicitle is also a de- lightful hair dressing. Sold by lead hg drupgists. Send Mec. in stamps for sample to. The. Herpicide Co., De troit, Mich, G. W. ; Mahood; special agent. , -------- CUT OFF CLERGY. nbn Railways May Give 'Em No More Low Rates. Chicago, Oct. 15.--Passenger traffic officials of the lines of the Central Passenger associaién 'territory have practically 'decided 'to abolish the ting of reduced rates to clergy- men after January 1st, 1907. At 'the meeting of the association on Sod nesday, the proposition came up and was continued until. the Neoyember meeting, when the rate probably will be advanced from one ta: one and a half cents a mile, with the under- standing that the arrangement will be discontinued at - "the end of the year, DR. LAPYONI'S ILLNESS Not Clearly Diagnosed Will Sub- mit to Operation. Rome, Oct. 15.~The diagnosis of the Hliness of Dr. Lapponi, the pope's phy- mocian, does, not make it certain whether he is suffering from cancer or ulceration of the stommch, but he will be operated on ot the end of the month. Although weak, he eontinues to visit the pope twice weekly. Dr. Lappohi declares all traces oi = 'his holiness' gout have disappeared since May. He no longer diets himself. His appetite is good, he looks well . and his hwmor is bright. FIVE STOWAWAYS -- May Be in' Plot Against Empress' Life. Copenhagen, Oct. 15.-A vessel which arrived here from Russia has son board five stowaways, who are de- tained at the request" of the Russian consulate. It is supposed the men are terrorists, who were contemplating the assassination of the Dowager Empresa of Russia, who is now here. The po- lice are enguiring into their identity. Mrs. Getrge W. Bovee. Chaumont, N.Y., Oct. 12.--The fu- neral of the late Mrs. George W, Bo- vee was held in the Presbyterian church here, Thursday afternoon, Rev. F. A. Ingraham officiating. Mrs. Bo- vee's maiden name was: Martha _ Mc Ivor. She was born in Camden East, Ont,, about thirty-eight years ago. Besides her husband she is survived by two daughters, od two years and three months, tly She is also survived by three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Mary VanVolkenburg, Mclean, Ont; Mrs. John Coulter, Chavmont; Hugh Melvor, Erinsville, Ont., and George Melvor, Sharbot Lake, Ont. y Rev. Or. Fleck For Moderator. Brockville, Ont., t. 15. -- The Brockville presbytery, has nominated Rev. Dr. Fleck, Montreal ator for the next general assembly. Piles quickly and positively cured with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's for pilex alone--and it does the work surely with satisfaction. Itching, 8 baiuful, Protruding or blind piles di ® boxes for $1. By mail from N. C. ke magic its use. Large Polson & Co., Hartford, Coun, US. § ef Capped By jars, 50 cents. wir? 24 Kingnton,' Out; and Miss Laura Cooper, both of the | late 'Williaga Anderson--a near neigh? § , 88 moder. - " x x - A 5 ---- er - THE - I pots vem. "IPRICE ON CZAR'S LIFE AND THAT OF SON. Anarchists' Urged in Inflauma- 3 tory Pamphlets to Slay Both and Earn Money. Zurich, Oct. 15.--Thousands of pam- phlets have been secretly printed in Zurich and Geneve, ering $26,000 for the life of the czar, and hali that sim for that of Kis son. The pam- phlets have been smuggled across the Arontiers into Russia. The noties, which does not state how or by whom the money will be- paid, ends as follows: **Rest assured that the sum mentioned abdve will be paid to you, or, if you died in doing the glorious and heroic work, to your relations within three days of the ac- complished act. Free us from czardom and slavery and Russia will bless The Echo de Paris . Biarritz corres- pondent states that it is rumored that the ezar and czarina and their infant sgn will arrive there next month for a long stay. There can scarcely he any truth in the rumor, for the czar is extremely unlkely thus to offer himself as an easy prey to the terrorists. The re port is probably due to the fart that the Grand Duke Alexander, with a large suite, arrived at Biarritz yester- day for a stiy of {wo months. Another Grand Duke--Alexis--is liv- ing incognito at the Hotel Chatham, in Paris. The name he has assumed is kept a profound secret, and nobody is admitted to sce know him. Extraordinary precautions of all kinds have been taken for the grand duke's safety, and there are: very near ly as wany detectives at: hotel as waiters. him who does pot Pr ------------------ ASSAILING HEARST. New York Papers Attack From Several Points. New York, Oct. 15.--The World edi- torially denounces the Hearst-Murphy joadiciary deal by which Hearst names three candidates on the democratic ticket for judgeships and Murphy the rest, and calls: on the voters to re pudiate dnd defeat the outlit. The Herald. prints Cglifornia des. patches, showing that Chinese are ex tensively employed on Hearst estates there, notwithstanding Hearst's bitter denials of the charge. John Sharp Williams refuses to make any speeches for Hearst in New York. Grover Cleveland says, in reply to the question : "Do vou believe the presidency would be menaced by 'the election of Hearst as governor of New York "Certainly not; the have him two years with him." Hughes promises to investigate the state' banking department if elected governor. State Chairman Woodruff, ofthe re: publicans, is giving out extracts from Hearst newspapers showing Hearst's opinions of My. McKinley before . and after assassination. Prior to the shooting the New York Journal called Mr. McKinley an "incompetent pol- troon." After the shooting the Jour- nal said of -Mr. McKinley : "He ended his life_as he began it--a simple Chris- tian citizen." people would and be through KILL 2,000 DEER. Smi-- Called to Clean Out Over-Stocked Preserve. Madrid, Oct. 15.--~A unique hunt was given in the royal forest near La Granja by King Aliov#s.: His ma jesty invited a Battalion" of troops known as the Cazadores de Madrid to join him and , the court dw.a big shoot, and évery member of the bat talion from the colonel to the latest recruited private travelled to La "Granja to take part. The slaughter of deer was terrific, dozens falling at a time. The reason for - holding the hunt, which lasted through Wednesday and Thursday, was that the forest had become so deer was insufficient. overstocked with that the pas turage 1 'he foresters thought it was necess tog kill 2, 000. et The victims have "not yet: been counted, but probably the frojocted result has been achieved, while inci- dentally Alfonso has become the idol of the Cazadores, bh Se -------------------- Arrested For Fraud. Hamilton, «; Oct. 13.----Ch Henderson, New York, was ¢ on the charge of obtaining $: fraud from Thomas Nihan, Catha The local police have not the particulars of the charge, but it is understood that the transaction will be in connection' with the defunct International Mercantile collecting concern that got Thomas MacAuley into trouble, Agency, a Goluchowski May Resign. Vienna, Oct. 15.--1t is reported in Hungarian official circles that Count Goluchowski, the Austro-Hungarian minister of foreign affuirs, will resign at the end of this month and that hie probable successor is Count Ru dolph Von Welsersheimb, ex minister of national defence 'and the delegate of the dual monarchy to the Algeciras conference on Moroecan reforms. Boil On Neck fatal. Stratford, Oct. 15. Moses Knetchel, Berlin, was taken to the hospital here, on Thursday morning, and died Fri- day night'from blood poisoning, the result of a boil on the back of the neck. A widow and three children survive: ' "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. In excavations 'in the Islagd of Rhodes ancient wine flagons have been found no less than seven feet high. The first Pritish ironclad cost £400. 000. The first to cost over a million was the Royal Oak, lawnched in 1592 HUNGARIAN NATURAL APERIENT WATER, The Analysis shows that the richness of Apenta Water in natural saline apericns. renders it the safest and most remedial laxative and purgative. 'READ THE Lap ET A WINEGLASSFUL A DOSE. Ld X ALSO (NATURAL APENTA CARBONATED), IN SPLITS. ONLY. A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning Use, +Sole Exporters: THE 'APOLLINARIS CO, Ltd, London. i In Early Morning There's no poking, raking, re- kindling and re-filling the range and then waiting for the kettle to boil with a Buck's "Happy Thought" Range Just turn on the drafts and in a few minutes you have a fine "toasting" fire for breakiast. Then, after breakfast, empty the ashes with a single turn of the grate, put on coal, adjust the dampers and your fire is ready for the day's work. The "Happy Thought" Range doesn't "get out-of bed on the wrong side." It's cheeriul, bright, and willing in the morning. The William Buck Stove Co., Montraal Limited Brantford McKELVEY & BIRCH Local Agents, 69-71 Brock Street. Winnipeg Buy Your Children's Shoes At This Store "ALL OF OUR SHOES ARE SOLID LEATHER Save time, money and [annoyance by buying your Shoes and Rubbers at this reliable store. McDermott's Shoe Store Tortoise -- BB, Gs THE STOVE that you heat LA so much about. It is not so much to look at, but it is truly a wonderful stove. It is what is, called a Slow Combustion Heater, It is lined from top to bottom with fire brick, and has no grates to burn out, 'The fire burns right on the brick bot- tom, and it consumes its own ashes and clinkers. Those who use the TORTQISE, and there are thousands of them in scrvice claim that it is a tremendous heater, and j that it will do the work with half the. tucl g required by any other stove, and that it re- ' qurres very little attention. FOR COAL Manufacturer's prices have been greatly reduced. Now is the time to buy, McKelvey & Birch 69 & 71 Brock Street: ALF from testéd, natural is ; : pf spring water, selected bar Sg Sh J ley malt, and a blend of the i | choicest growth ol hops. No sub- | @l stitutes for hops or barley are used. An aid to diges- tion and 'a cause of \ comfort after : Re meals, £ SS -- : " 2A: LUIAR EL [48 "The king'} of copgh syrups, Gib- son's Red Cross cough syrup, 20c, Take no 'other, JAS. McPARLAND. AGENT, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, - 339-341 KING ST. a L tm ---- LIFE ASSURA May be. obtained » Minimum Cost in ROYAL INSURANC OF ENGLANI LARGE PROFITS, } MICAL MANAGEN For Particulars ap) W. J. B. White, Agent EMBOSSING And... ENGRAVING: Neatly done Whig Office BRITISH - AMI HOTEL KINGSTON - - Has undergone alter 1S. now open to the public. W TELFER . . A "WARM SU There's nothing in the we much interested in as Coal ul the year. It may sou speak of coal buying and eclence, but that's what w Two important discoveries made are that complete sa our customers pays best, way to wia business is to Booth & [FOOT OF WEST Phone 133." NewYork Chinese Re 83 Princess St Open from 10.30 a.m. tc Tho best place to get » Lunch in the city, Meals on shortest notice. English dishes a specialty. Ye Old En 'Floor W women Poe .. Strachan's Har NewResta Hotel Cong 838.332 King f Everything Served BILLY HARR W ANT All the Furniture Highest prices realized JOHN H. M The Leading Wm. Murray, Au 27;BROCK $ New Carkiages, Cutter etc., for sale. Sale of Horses Every (Canadian (fhinese | ree. 331 King Stre Open from| 10.30 a.m. | The best place to get | Lunch in the city. Meals on shortest notice. English dishes a specially. 'Phone, . THE FRONTEN/ + LOAN & INVESTMENT ESTABLISRED 1 President--Sir Richard Money loaned on City an perties. Municipal and © tures. Mortgages purchase received and interest allow 8. C. McGill, Msiegts Office, 87 Clarence street, 14th Band Orchest Music for all Occasions on Military 'Band Instru Violin, Mandolin. Guitar Address Bandmaster Wateo 19 Sydenham street. Teya Pound of Myers' HOME- M4 DE $ For Sunday's Bre 60 Brock S Madame Claravin WILL BE PLEASED TO tention to customers at he 40, Windsor Hotel, on Scie) try, Card Reading ; also Facial Massage, Shamp: Cleaning, etc. Hours, 9 Ram, Perfect satisfaction g