ep: in and take a' look at our New Overcoats, you'll see in a W French Back Suits and tot,.- The Paddock, The Banner. ister Overcoats. fabrics and artistic tailoring in in a days.journey. Prices--$10, 12, 13.50, 14 50, & ter having seen these Suits » ON BLOWING! -- D. Bibby Co. TORE . Ahead of 2 Times -- JS Shoe is even ahead of all r style, it and workmanship to lead the trade--and this VICTUS. 78-82 PRINCESS ST, VICTUS SHOES 0, 4.50 and 5.00. ~$3 50, 3.75 and 4 oo. Boy's--$3 50. INVICTUS Shoes din all Women and- -Boys, in Patent and Velour Calf, ethy's SH. ye during the term of three vears. he ther (or ther, if father 1s a homesteadet land asd t 5 such homesteader ent as residence mn -WEST sntisied by such person residing with the NS, a settler Ras hi t Domi. | residence" 'upon farming land owned bY ge ih: | Sim in the vicinity of his horestesc, by cot | De | requirement nt may be satisied bY bY my | fidence Upon such land. maki appli for 'na tenb igs tent of | the settler on i dot ita Sitios' % he, MORY | fn writing to a Commissioner of Do- S in; | sion go do a Ottawa, of his inten "Xen | SYNOPSIS OF OANADIAN NORTE A $10 anthracite. Not more San @ired by one todividual vidua for is | company. at the rats of WEST MINING REGULATIONS: ~Coal lands chased at per acre for ol oan ad $20 for 820 acres or ten linda shall be cossary " on are Kranted open ney mioar's gars ute 5 $50 (Snmum for an Todividual, and from a ona 10 per annum for a company Mm. © A free miner, having Qiscovered miner d. only het Rinte, may locate & claim 1,500% I be | "The fes for recording 1s 85 that | At loust $100 Siuet be. sxpended on the Slam each or 'paid to the minink Ration, 3 pacar ier, ln Tiew tharect When 500 hat tment, y or paid. the locator may. Oa en having made, and upon i Piving with other re~uirements, pur fh ae | Chase the ng de The patent for: the n-yment of neelled | * Boon Tos Gent on the sales. ent to lacer mining generally are 100 a 11 rr ATS entry «fee $5, renews A may obtain two leases to tate In > oid of "of ve miles each Lor, & 1s in re gh enty years 9. Re senewable stato he oes ihe link ba rate Toterior SHE ation within one season m the date lease for Rental "oy $10 per aan ok Ral, ibe of Iver celled, | cased. Royaity the ot Xhe $10,000, GIVING BARGAINS . +90 Ladies and Children's Bertha Collars. made of strips of fine lawn fnrotted together, finished Poff with Val, , lace, very latest, and can be worn over any waist, also very dainty : on children's dresses. Regular 0h 73c. each, Special Thank sgiving Price ednesday 25c. each Thanksgiving Day Dinner is 2 gocd Sime to introduce new Table Cloths to their duties. Here's your chance: -- i 150 Yards Pure White Irish Table Linen --° 6S inches wide, beautiful design. Fr price 90c. to $1 per yard. Special T ng Price Thaskegiving Price 58c. yard # 1500 Ladies' Fine White Lawn Handkerchiefs' Edged with German Val. lace, in different 124e. each. w idths. Regular price Special Thanksgiving Price on Wednesday 5c. each 25 Dozen Pure Irish Linen Table Napkins n Will make a lovely addi- Regidar price $5 doz. Special Thanksgiving Price on Wednesday $3 dozen Men's Needs Also Attended To 25 Men's Overcoats -- Made of all-wool black melton cloth, long Chesterficld model, full skirt, ular price $18, Special Price - on Wednesday $10 30 Only, Men's High-Class Suits- Latest style and pattern, tweeds, centre 7 inches square, tion to your several beautiful designs. Thanksgiving table. le up in the latest l style, an back, with vent. Rog small cheek in colored worsteds and vent in coat. Regular price $16.50. Special Price on Wednesday $9.50 Your Thanksgiving wear needs will have to be attended to Wednesday, and you'll find us ready and anxious to salisfy you every way. Come in and sec the numerous Bar- gains awaiting your inspection, and after that your quick buying attention. Stare Open Wednesday Evening THE MONTREAL BANKRUPT STOCK CO, 180 Princess Street, Between Reddens and Crawford's Groceries. RR NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Opén from 10,30 a.m. to 3.00 am . The best placu to get an all round | 44 Be Ah i Lunch in the citys Meals of all kinds | 'The Bank of Mont ' on shortest notice. English and Chinese |priicipal losers in the dishea a specialty. Armstrong, B.C Ye Old English COMMERCIAL MATTERS. 7hat Is Going On In the Business World--The. Markets. al was one of the £400,000 fire at qut 1 020 tons of steel, troaking coftls for a 24-hour production. Net 'earnings. of the vie Milling for the past t years com- follows : 1906, 5,262 ; 1905, 230 ; 1904, $51 The. output of woid at the Rand ®in r Wax September is officially amouncwd as 0 ting ounces, against 509,115 fine in August and 416,487 fine in Septemter, 19035. week of AT 9 ) Brat . oi aca toler oy .. Strachan's Hardware .. Gn Soon oa king *37 5-000 for the fort night. Fifteen. tons of bonanza ore ran 6.000 to 10,000 ounces to the ton At a meeting of the Chicago Joliet and railway company it was decide to Anerease the capital 'stock £1.000.000 to $12.000.000 of which NewRestaurant| a Hotel Congress | $5 00 4000 will te prefered. The meeting | author zed $10,000 000 hounds n- 338-342 King Street crguse was sanctioned for the Src * . tion of a new independent - route twelin Everything Served in Season | Chicano and the Misscuri it Was ar weed that the © hed BILLY HARRIS, Prop. arvange right-of-way prruinals at Chicago and Kansas City. Cheese Markets. V WY A [ " I BE D Sherbrooke, Oct. 15.~At the dairy eX- ehunge cheese sold ut 1c : 1 s " Cc 7 T60 hoxes of All the Furniture and Stoves. ha Ta26 ar ware Tamra and 1 1Z sod. Be. Bi enlized was 12%c. for Highest prices realized by suid: Fire- price Lapliecd, 0 JOHN H. MILLS, The Leading Auctioneer ---------- K.o.I. Team For Brockville. The K. C. 1. football club will play Account, $30. Judgment for vlaintifi a return match with Brockville Hich |. V. 'Rogers. ve. Thomas MeAulev A ti School in Brockville, on Saturday Rent, 853.99, Judgment for plfintifl, Ww M P afternoog,. The boys are practising without costs. + m. urray, uctionee stiadily "and undoubtedly will trim | Tavlor & Hamilton ysia. Charles ROCK ST 3 the lads from 'the Island City again. 'gpiec ot al. Account, $16.95 Judy 27.8 \ . The same team will play that wore | ont * ugpinst primary deb¥or and Toh the blue and white in Ottawa, lest 'o pighee, : New Carriages, Cutters, Harness | Saturday. C: Millan vs. Charles Shirley. Board, - wv | £20. Adiourned. etc., for sale. Prevost, Broek stroet, has received F: "Whitnev ve. Charles Shirley.» Ac all his fall and winter importations count, $I.85 Adjourned, *= Sale of Ho i Every Saturday for order work in his tailoring de- James a ve. George Millican, | partment, consisting of Scotch tweed, ' Account, $33.9 Jutlgment for piain : {blue and black serges, great varioty | tiff. J (Canadian (Chinese Restaurant | of black cheviot and Vicunas; also Edward MeFadden ve. James Dow- a splendid stock of overcoating. Any- nev. Loan, $10. Judgment for plain 3381 King Street oné trusting him with an ip may tiff. --W pen from} 8.00 am | rest assured they will 'be well please M. Bateson va. Joseph Wilson, et al Open 10.50 an te 1 round Mrs. B. Warren was thrown out of { Account, £11.20. Judgment dor plein Lunch beat om to ut . ac kinds | a carriage. at Sarnia, and suffered a tiff : 2 on shortest Tein English and Chinese | fractured skull and other injuries, | Jaseph Abramsky vs William Maur dishes a special 'Ph 655, from whick it~ is feared ghee cannot {shall and T. F. Harrison fory8120, for . BY. "Phone, racovor [ranking of plaintif's winddw by de i Carnovsky 's. feridants' horse." Settled. fruit Judge Florida grape At Walkerton, THE FRONTENAC missed the charge LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISAED 1863. 1 PENAant Sir Richard Cartwright oney loaved os City and Farm Pro- porte" Municipal and County Deben- rchased. pul Deposits Sd an Jaterest allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Barrett dis by false pretences preferred arainst R. " Henderson by Adam Siclings. '14th Band and) Occasions, Instrietion A Tuments i also and Banio, Watson 1H. is returned. The price is 25¢. pet Walker. of obtaining $1,100 Conmmption jon Cure, the Lung Fonic, and * Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingston. what it has done for so many ? iris oui od po ved Sajous_call a to be the only reliable remedy his discovery "andrenalyn.' ' He says diseases of the air gases in illdren. it "will be of great use in keeping lif take. eisguataptosd ta cars or your Soll? 4 until natural and all deslers in medicine sell 34 SHILOH] i a - §IX SPECIAL THANKS Evaro = KEPT EAR OF C COURT THIS| MORNING, _ Defendants Accused of Unlawiully Cutting Timber -- Testimony Regarding a Will Given--The Case Involves Several Rela- tions, The first case taken up was that of Wesley and Mary Johnson, executors of the last wil of Lyman Johnson, deceased, and Wesh Johnson vs. Henry Johnson. 1laintifis' claim is for damages for wrongiully entering the plaintifis' land and cutting down timber, amd carrying some away therefrom, said lamd being lot 25, 10th concession of Loughhworo, and for an injunction to restrain the defen dant comgnitting such acts. Difondant pleads gift of land in question by deceased father, and coun- ter claims to have the will set aside on usual grounds of undue influence. William Mundell, with John -L. Whiting, K.C., _appeared for the plaintifis, and 1. L. Snook and John ad Intyre, K.C., for the defence. J. 8. R. MeCann-was the first wit- ness callod. He said that he had drawn up the will of deceased four Deceased's daughter had years ago. told him what was wanted in the will. Witness did not read the will to deceased, but had told him its con- tents, and he had agreed to all. James Hurst, who was a witness to the will, gave evidence. He had heard the will read by Mr. McCann, in the presence of Mr. Johnson, Sr, amd the latter appeared to be satis fied with it. Dr. Isnac Wood testified that he had atténded the late Lyman Johnson during his illness. He said that the first time he had been called, on No- vomber 10th, he appeared to be of sound mind, but that when he visited him on November 12th he appeared to be sinking. Wesley Johnston, , one of the plain- tiffs, was next called. To Mr. Whiting he stated that he was one of the exe- outors of the last will of Lyman Johnson. The mental condition of his father appeared all right on the day hs father's will had been drawn: He had talked to his father and his. con- versation. would go to show that he was of sound mind. "Did Henry Johnson ent timber off the land after the will 'was drawn up ? ?" asked Mr. Whiting. "Yes, he cut timber in different plac- es," said the witness. "What would you estimate age at?" "I would say about $100." "Did you spenk to Henry about the cutting of the timber ?"' the dom. "Yog, 1 spoke to him. and he said he would not stop cutiing 'the tim- ber." Henry Johnson, the defendant, sworn stated that he was forty-nine Before he was married he had worked out, and had given his father money. After he was married he lived in. a house on the north side of the road. He had intended moving to Spafiord- ville, but his father had asked him to go and live with him. In order to get room on the north side to build, his house, he had to cut some timber, and he had been cutting timber ever since. Witness) said. that Wesley a | nd interfered with him, "He used to chase my children and throw sfones at them," he sail. "There was a patch on the south side of the rond and one day Wesley thre atened to shoot me if 1 went that WAN. The witness was on the the court adjourned for shortly after one o'clock stand when luncheon, DIVISION COURT. The Cases Heard This morning By Judge Price. This morning, Judge Price held ists ion 'court amd disposed of these \Ses y | "Ale wander Nicholson vs. Donnelly Co. Wages, 858.08. Judgment for defendants . R. Crawford ve. Daniel Smith, ct al. { Account, $20.71. Juglgment for prim ary creditor against primary debtor G. A. Bateman vs. David and Flim brook. Life insurance nremimnm, Y 76. Judgment for vlaintiff | homes James vs. D. David, et al Account, $7.31. Judgment against primary debtor. i WJ. C. Connolly - we orge Denne, Geor et al. Note, $12.55. | against primary debior Christina Reid vs. William Judgment yd } i urs' A GREAT DISCOVERY. Something That Will Sustain the Life. Oct, 16.--~Byv the use of Edward Sajous, New York, 'his discovery, Dr. C. of Philadelphia, last night, told the medical association of Greater New York how he had kept life in a dog dor ten hours after the animal's. heart in persons nearly dead from drowning respiration ean be re stored. This has been actually proved by experiments on animals. Hiwurd Piche was probably fatally injured in a feothall game at, Plain vears of age and was married in 1879, 0 Johnson PERs0aAL ME MENTION. ts of The People--Wha ame Saying Aa poner is impro bank, ill at the hospital, ¥ te after spending the their way from New York. James Daley, Queen street, day, 'for Cape Vincent, to Thanksgiving day with ridatives, left ¢ Scruton leave Shortly for Toronto, her brothers, C. N. Mrs. Ephraim daughters, Miss and A. EK. Robb and May her F. C. Rockwill, Queen's University, who has been weeks returned to his home pn pleasant. visit with Mrs 37 York street. are 2,000,000 leading figure in much is now #§ such a contest would be war, of wh ut in the Just INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Reporters on Their Rounds. Take no other The €. M: B. A, held in the ( P. Devlin will be caterer. A wecting of the civie mittee was called for this afternoc There was very little act, A big bottle of posed of "wild cherry and tar, and colds, store. annual ball will a sl eure for conghs only at Wade's drig The wa ont to St eometéry is sti of renair and is the city says the over two poling really a disgrace Freeman Jealousy said to have of trouble. butcher ki band's part is inciting been To Attack Vatican Rome, Oct: 18.-5The = Ossefy Roma 10, today, published a. semi L wing «the French eabi r to attack the vatican gz of the chambers by rngaging in a consp monarchists to overt cusing it « with the the republic Too Early For Turkeys. Why not giving day ? An rive from New at Carnovsky's. oysters for extra fine lot to York haw There are many by-ways in adver yee as to ings, but the best voad to rebich results in the paper route. It is direct; is quick; and the ple patronize it. take the 2%. Carnovaky's investigation Fr Groen grapes At the brite Kalkenback swore Jerry told him he was going to something out of it. New nail brushes ha 2Fiibman's + well, Mich. Cross. drug store: Dr, McCarthy hos returned from New York. . ; Ge :MeConkey, Toronto, is in the city on business. an ¥. +5 Aoadsposd, Brits nee, RL, t yesterday e eit SP Regiaald Caviord, of the Crown ing, Mise Bertha Dix arrived home eo past few months at Ottawa. Bir y Mr. and Mrs Soo Moletead, Kansas City, are sigiling in Kingston on spend Misses Flossio Overbaugh and Annie accept positions as stonographers, Mrs. S. Grath has left for St. Paul, Minn, to spend the winter wi Greaza. two and little Made line, have returned home after visiting Mrs, Robb's sister in Brooklyn, N.Y. a science student at the General Hospital for the past two yesterday. Miss Rochefort, head nurse in one of the hospitals at Waterbury, Ver mont, left for her home, to-day, after P. Driscoll, or ) should Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Mary' Il in a dilapidated stato There we hundred and sixty taxpaye through-line ne Ty 1s Ve "e 0 to th in ° achigved the veal tridmph of his first American cngagement at the New Amsterdam 'Iheatre, last evening, THE AGA KHAN, when he acted the double roles in The great prince ard pope of the | Charks Reale's famous drama 'The Kholas, an set Mobapunedans who | Lyons Mail It was the actual test a ich tof his superb powers as an actor and SAVE FORT HENRY] ANCIENT PLACE HANDLED | RUTHLESSLY BY TIME, - ---- Kingston Only Custodian of Grand Old Forte-It Belongs to Canada, and Government Should Repair It. Kingston, Get. 12.~(To the Editor): After an absence of tweady years from the | Limestont "City, '| return to find that the hand of time has been direct- ed ruthlessly against one of the few historial landmarks that Canada possesses, vial, Fort Heary. The chang- es in this saperh, though ancient and discarded piece of masonry are almost beyond belief, and it orly remains for another decads to underniine and thor- oughly devastate this honorable struc ture, so that it will be nothing but a mass of displaced limestone slabs. I cannot go into the details of the extent of the damage alréady done, but a cursory glance will reveal the enormous havoc already done, and it behooves the people of Uanade to protect and repair the dacage Before it it wo late. Roughly speaking I should sav that there should be voted immediately an appropriation of 2 000 to replenish the downfall of Fort Henry, and make good her waste. This should be done' at once. Tt will ultimately be done there is no doubt, but every vear will make the cost | greater in proportion than it would be now. If parliament could not be induced to undertake its immediate repair per- haps the authorities world open up a voluntary subscrintion list, and don ate a souad of prisoners from the Central prison to vrotect and repair the loss of her walls - Kingston is only the guardian of this fine old structure. It belonp# to Canada ar a whole, and the authori 'tics,- in My. mind, are very culpable and negligent in their duties to allow the place to #0 to wrack and ruin. 1 am sure every loyal Canadian, did he know the oxtent of 'the damage al ready done, and the greater dancer threatened, would join with me | in indignation that the authorities did not maintein and preserve it in pro- per condition for the Sucemding wen erntions--~A CANADIAN; IRVING IN NEW YORK. The Son of Sir Henry Achieves a Marked Success. New York, Cet. 16H, B, Inning the occasion when he met the crucial and inevitable compariscn drawn be: tween lus father's gemiud and his own whilities, and he emerged brilibantly trom the ordeal. It wight be truly said that the ow casion was a memorable one dramati oO Swedt potatoes at bottom prie Edwards & Jenkin The atten ce at the October dev tions every evening in St. Mary's oy thedr; ul is large. "The king of cough syrups, Gi son's Red Cross cough syrup, 2 LH be ity hall on October 29th light com m business to trans cough syrup, com- ire Ae. On Novem! 6th grand lodge offi cials and others will speak gathering of Kingston lodge, No AOLUW : The busi spot in Kingston these | days ix around the Best drug store Everybody is buying a bottle "Rhort Ston" _ and guessing on the | weight of the thanksgiving turkey. to res 5 45 futher of 4 ii ", to of vil ill thu who had to wend, their "way ont 81, Mary's cometer e mide! the re Sunday ape befeg mutilat travelling over done the w ardwalks in Canoda the city does not intend to replace the old wall hould be torn up prevent accidents, Shot Her Husband. : Chicago, Oct. 16.~In the presence Kor danghter wd a party of cf dron, Mrs, S Aleopa shot and k ol her hush arly to-day, at th Bouse.- The shots were fired to her own life, AMleopm was chasing woman wind the house with on the ho the of net it Thanks ar on Wednesday The Through-Line Newspaper. tis- | ing and some of them are so pictures- | Osgoode appeal to the artistic fel to ee great mass of peor ank | that thourh he had given a resipt to Jerry Collins for | money, he had never received any, and | he signed hit name merely because get 'Red wy cally. It was young Irving's first ap- | pearance in a play that for several generations was associated with his Inthor 8 most conspicuous triumphs. It | is nearly thirty years since Sir Henry | Irving first played the parts of Lesur- | ques. and Dubosc in © Charles Reade's | version of "Je Courrier de Lyon." The concensus of critical opinion on | H, 8. Irving's conception and acting of the characters is to the effect that for subtlety of conception and for | mastery of detail his performahee in | every way merited comparison with that of his_father's. It was hard . to imagine that it was not Sir Henry Irving who was on the stage, except in the movements which demanded physical vigor of which the younger man is capable. And apart from the well- merited re eptios of gendinely fine achievement, clear note "of sentiment rang through the tribwles of the great audi ence, which welcomed the young actor when it was over. Mr. Irving agein proved that he poswsses likewise the happy faculty of his father in reply to an audience's de- | mands for p speech and his few words of thankfulness were marked by heart felt gratitude becoming modesty, H. B. Irving wore the costumes of his and, used the same production which Sir Henry employed and On Thursday night, Mr. Irving and Mise Bloird will give their first per formance of Charles ¥, in which the voung actor will again essay to inter pret one of his father's successful characters DISTRICT DASHES. Items of Useful Information Briel- ly Given. J. 8. Sutton, Shannonyille died on Sundry after a fow days' illness, from prewmonin Doteased was forty five vears ol age Mise Louisa Maude Johnston, 'age fourteen, ix dead in Brockeille, She i v fuithful member of St. Pals Sunday It is formerly was school reported that WoW, Power, of Belleville, now an animal trainer in New York, ie hiled, Rela tions doutt the story. W. H. Badgley, Bullnille, lost a fine horse on Satunduy. Mr. Badyley as teaming near Roblin's Mills, a fine horse gave a | couple are and deaveed dead Another Augusta's oll residents is dead, George Burns, who had been Lill only a few days. He was a native {of Commty Wisklow, and came to Can ada' in 1817. A widow and five chil dren sprvive Renfrew sized 55.000 worth of mas lehinory sent by the A. R. Williams compeny to a Renfrew manufacturer. The ny huve issued a writ at Hull to recover the value of | the machinery, and charging the town with "wronginl conversion," Some time ducing Saturday night | the geteral store dnd post office at Rockspring, owned by P. J. I atimer, {was broken into and between fifty and Imixty dollars' worth of poktal notes par Bined, twenty-five dollars in stamps, and twenty dollars in cash. when company olen Buy a bowje of "Short Stop" and guess the weight of the turkey in | Best's window. It may be yours, | Robert Bell, a painter, was killed hy ta fall from a window in Palmerston Burgundy. SPENCE S JH VCMENTED displays of aoveliiot ia almost every branch of the milliner's art, including trimmed and untrimmed hats and trimming requisites of ey conceivable 'description. Correct new colors--pretty greens, B cardinal, greys, sulphur 4 smoke, and the very popular thers, and I ovolly a special. bois browns, black, navy . sn Hall purchasing. easily kept doaitharions made Carried by ing houses this fall with Tron Bedst Odd Dresser and Stand, Spring and M trass, Study Tables, Study Desk, B 00 Cases and Students Easy Chairs, necessary to sweep under, is so li Rigidity, finish and the Hocutt combined to make Ives Brass Beds famous. for the Label. -y» THE H. R. IVES CO., Limited, The Happy Home Range This Range will boil more water and bake perfectly with less fuel than anyother range on the market. a large ventilated oven, hand- some in design and fully guaranteed. Examine our stack of Stoves, Parlor and 'Heaters--before It will pay you. It has ELLIOTT BROS. THOUSANDS IN USE Reliable Perfoct- 77 Prinsess Street Phone 35 Res. 55 A Superior Business Training * Institution Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. 7. N. STOCKDALE, Principal. 'Phone, 680 EMBOSSING And... ' ENGRAVING } gchool, Toronto, Spinach at Corfnoveky Whig Office. = Neatly done at the|: "Annual Dividend Policy" A Twentiéth Century Jobten in Life Insurance has been adopted Canada Life Asirdnce Go., Canada's leading company. To suit the demand of 'the public a pew has been devised By which the: Se deisds can be applied anunplly to re duce the premium, or by way of bonus additions, The amounts of such ves ductions of premium, or bonus addi tions are written in the pelicy. and guaranteed. 2 This company having alwnys paid an average bonus of TWO PER CENT, are énabled to put this policy on the market, and it would be to the inswe- ing public's advantage to call or cons respond with the office, 18 Market Street, Kingston. Jd. O. Hutton, ek MANAGER. Try a Pound of Myers' HOME- MADE Sausages For Sunday's Breaktast. 60 Brock Stree WILL BE PLEASED T0 GIVE: Leaug to customers Windsor Figte on Selene i, Codes * Snamimoin, urs. 9 a