Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Oct 1906, p. 5

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Ast... heavily-laden. as been anticipated, ly to serve you. i MENU To---- tsgiving Overcoats -$12, 13.50, 14.50 to 18.50. r men in all walks of life, anksgiving Suits 10 to 18.50. anksgiving Hats la Cream--§2.00, 2.25. ksgiving Toggery S. rything that's good. JPEN TO-NIGHT ---- RE ------ D. STORE er Served in all sizes, For men of taste. Bibby Co. 78-82 PRINCESS ST, Stylish Shoes For You Maie of Patent Colt, Velor Calf, Gun Metal and Demi Glace Kid. They aretiadein Blucher Lace, or College Cut Button in Nobbiest Shapes and Swellest Designs. Our Prices are Right $3.00, $3.80 and $4.00 Sole Ag mts for Utz aod Duna. and L & T. Bell) Shoe Store 151! andruft i e scalp, | scales, digging it saps brittle , finally © hair fi. With- xuriant - rpicide" ang the it. does Sold by 100. in [erpicide Mahood, ee | " wi ng Co. rENAC nnot eat, re- patent re Man- there is Jur for of On- Man- ats has Jars gur general patent try or 11s, therefore, \8ay that the best workmanship and fit the | The American Ladies Tailoring Co «61 Princess treet We take pleasure in announcing the ar ival of Mr. Metz, a most expert de signer and ladies' tailor: having had the rare opportunity meted out to a man 'a his trade to practice in the most fashionable cities of the world, vie: London, England #énd Paris, France. It not necessary for us to is guaranteed. Customers can supply their own goods or secure them from the company. Mone ov returned #f work is not sasisfactory. 'Phone 566. ------ es RICH : Our designs are q 4 new and 4 artistic and our { GUT $ prices are most p liberal, GU {BLASS § ma ay KINNEAR & d'ESTERRE Successors to P. B. Crews 4 100 Princess St. As ve -- "Annual Dividend Policy" A Twentieth Contury feature in Life Insurance hhs been adopted by the Canada Life Assurance Co., 'Canada's leading company. To suit the demand of the public a new policy has' been devised by which thy divi dends can 'be applied anpually® to re duce the premium, 'or by way of bonus additions. The. amounts of such re ductions of premium, or bonus addi: tions are written in the policy and gupsanteed. Pid 3 pod is com aving always pai an BY of TWO PER CENT. are enabled to put this policy op the market, and it would be ta the insur ing public's advantage to call or co™ respond with the office, 15 Market Street, Kingston. Jd. O. Hutton, MANAGER. - Try a Pound of . Myers' HOME MADE Sausages For Sunday's Breakfast. 60 Brock Street' ---------- . Thiralay," Gibson's store, ee Ene { -- ERISIS OF A mother should come to her child's aid at his critical time and remem that Lydia E- :Pinkham's Vege and start this tryin, s life Rou writes : nt Ban? dha 1 bet: "I want to you that I am enjoyin ter health than I have for Mn ajo] Fo it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- "When fourteen years of age T suffored al- most constant pain, and for two or three I had soreness and pain in my side, hes and was dizzy and nefvous, and doctors all failed to help me. "Lydia E. Pidkham's Vegetable Compound was recommended, and after taking it m health begin to improve rapidly, I thin itsaved my life. 1 sincerely hope my experi- ence will be a help to other girls who are Jussing from girlhood to womanhood, for know your Compound will do as much for them." If yon know of any young girl who is sick and needs mother ¥ ng gi ask her to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., and she will receive free advice which will pat her onthe right road to a strong, healthyand happy womanhood. Mrs. Pinkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years has been advising sick women free of charge A SHED BURNED On ' Victoria = Street--Owmer Lost Some Chickens. This morning at 4:24 o'clock a call was received by the fire depmrtment from box No. 29, corner of Prock and Albert. streets. A shed in the rear of Charles Attwomd's residence, on Vi» street, was afire, pnd burning kly. A waggon and a number of chickens were burned. The - cawse of the fire is unknown. Some time before the alarm | was sent in, bbx No. 24 was opened, but the lever - which sends the call fot touched, hence the fire depprtments did not resporul until the inter eail Mistakes of this kind might easily be avoided if citizens would only read in structions on the alarm boxes. This was the second five in a week on Vi toria street. was Wade's Cold Cure. A 'Scientific remedy in convenient tablet form. Laxative in. its action. It cures colds in twelve hours. It stope colds in the start if taken in time. It will prevent and cure la grippe. in the same way. It is a con venient and offective remedy for head ache and constipation. In boxes Sold only at Wade's drug Money back if not satisfactory. Died At Plainfield. On Wednesday, October 10th, the death occuried at Plainfield, of George Henderson, one of the «dd residents of the village. Mr. Henderson, who was a native of Ireland, had lived nearly all his life in Hastings county and for many years in Plainfield. He was sev enty-thiee years of age. Death was not unexpected, as he had been ill for some weeks. Surviving are his: widow, one daughter, Mrs. 1. Johnston, Mel rose, and two sons, G. W., Shannon- ville, and J. D., Melrose . "Three Swallows." Sir Jolin Power & Son's "Three Swallows' Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. Your Last Chance. For a summer outing in 1906 is by taking the New [sland Wanderer's trip to Cape Vincent, Thanksgiving day, 2 p.m. Sbe. The only stare in Kingston that sells strictly high class candy. Me Conkéy's and Huwvler's are sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Dr. Ernest Sparks left, today, for Montreal to spend Thanksgicing with friends. - Try Bibby's "fine "underwear. When to Take The best time to take Zu- too Tablets is when you first suspect you are going to have a headdche. In this way you will ward it off --pip it in the bud. . ;The next best time to take Zutoo is when you have a headache. Thetab- lets will cure it in twenty minutes and do it every you need not have suffered those twenty minutes if the tab- lets had been taken at just the right time. hs dealers or by mail. BI. Reobidon k Con Coaticook, 0. GIRLHOOD |3=ss~semr Ww Bold in the + Mrs. | Gynsy's. Re --e Guwilight A delightful hour was spent © at "Somersby House," on Mondgy, when Mrs. RISE. Kent entertained the party § nhich Was preglared for the surprise G s.- Montague Strange. . Anxious to show 'how 'much they appreciated all that Mrs. Strange, and Mr. Strange, too, had done for the ero- (quét club, the members who took {part in the tournanwnt made up their {mints to give Mrs. Strange a liuls remembrance of the happy hours she had been instrumental in making them spend in the {ity park, this summer, | So there gathered at Mys. Kent's the guest of honor, of eourse, Mrs. Noel Kent, Mrs. Brownfield, Mrs. E. J. B Pense, Mrs. Richard Ramsay Duff, Mrs. Stewart Robertson, James Higg: Mrs. Charles } Taylor, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs. W. IN, , Miss Helen Fraser, Miss Lillian and Miss Ethelwgn Mowat. Mrs. James Gildersloeve and Miss Blanche Deacon had joiped with the other players, but were unable to be at- Mrs, Kent's for the pleasant little coremony'. Mrs. Hooper presented the gift, a brooch, bearing a clover leaf, set with pearls, and that her speech was a clever and chamning one goes without saying. It set Torts, in "well chosen words" the fact that if it had not been for Mr. and Mrs. Strange there would have been no club at all and but for their fostering care it] would not have been a success, Mrs. Strange was told that with all the Wagk 3t7 was hoped the clover would bring her that "other members would Hooper, Mrs; be afraid to play with her. After the presentation there was tea, Mrs. Kent being assisted in dispensing it by her two young daughters, Miss Hikl « Miss Doris. - and % - - . On Saturday afternoon Mrs. E. Orford opemed her house for the acting of a stirring age,' Y. on drama. "The a number of. little g to a secret girls "Br tong the C.C.C collaborating in its con stiiction, and the same' little girls enfictihy the various thrilling roles After the play to which some grown- ups, as well as young people, society, were ashead, Mes. Orford gave the whole party, numbering about sixty. cake and coffee. - tee 2» Y.W.C A. *caokery classes open Mon- day next. Childrens' course, 4:30 waitress course 7:30 food sale on Saturday $e a The engagement announced of Miss Mabel King, daughter of Mr George King, to Mr. Edward Herbert Pense, of Ottawa, son of Mr. Edw. J; B. Pense, The wedding is. to take place early in the spring. pA McC ) pm. p.m. Homemade is . ie The chaperons at the Yacht dance i Club ill be Mrs. James GildersWaW and Mrs. ( 8 Ka and burles Stafford : - - - - . Mrs. Bglot will entertain at tea on 0 ¥, October 23rd, from 4:30 to .. 8 8 'a Mrs. N. Wilmot and Mrs. Charles Livingston, visiting in Mrawa, for few days, have returned to the city Mr. H. Keeley and Miss Kathleen Keeley, Ottawa, left last week for New York, where they will in future re- side. They are former Kingstonians Mrs. Charles Lewis and her children, of Gavanogue, are visiting Mrs. Lew- is" parents, Dr. and Mrs. 8. E Da son, Uttawa, Colonel. Taylor, commandant of the Royal Military College, Kingston, 1s staying with Mr. Auden, Upper Cana- da College, Toronto, for prize day. * . - - a The Rey. Dr. Barrett and Mrs. Bar rett (formerly Miss Mary McRossie), hive been in town for a few days, and old friends have been delighted to see Mrs. Barrett again and to meet her charming husband. Mrs. Alired Pennell of Montreal, is the guest of Mrs, Lennox Mills, at "{Bishopscourt." Deaconess Burton, who has been May.ng with Miss' Macaulay, King street, will go on from Kingston to Toronto. . Mrs, Charles Gildersleeve, King street, and Miss Blanche Deacon left Preston Springs on Monday, for'home, Mrs. Gildersleeve staying over in Tor. onto en route, wie ey Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick has ask. ed some of the children to a Thanks giving party to-morrow The girls are having a match at the golf Inks this afternoon. Mr. Balfour Mudie is down Osgopde Hall for the holiday. Mrs. F. 8B, Malloch and Miss Jean Malloch came up from Halifax, "to-day and are at' the British-American, Nr. Archibald Malloch has gone home #0} Heapilton, having wen threatened with an attack of typhoid Miss Helen Fraser, Johnson street, is home: from & flying visit to Otta- - wane - - Mrs. John Waddell, Sydenham street, has gone down to Montreal, for Thanksgiving, » from tog g Many people in town will be glad to hear that a friend of theirs, known by them as Mr. George Brown, has been given his captaincy. He is now up in Wana, India, } . Mr. Herbert Kirkpatrick of Mont- real, has been in town for a day or so. Miss May Ford, Arch street, from Toronto. . Miss FErmatinger, who has been Mrs. Abbott's guest at the Bank of Montreal, left for St. Thomas, this week, Dr. and Mrs. Massie, Ramot street, have rone up to spend Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs, John Cooper, Ave nue Road, Toronto. . - is home . Mrs. James Richmond and the 'Misss® Richmond, Union street, are home from their cottage among the islands. > : Mr. Frank Grout; of Ottawa, will spend Thankseiving with Canon and Mrs, Grout, Brock street. Judge and Mrs. Hamilton have lofi or Toronto, where they will stay for Fey hort tee before leaving for [ Leslie, of Harriet street, Winnipeg, may be mentioned, He save: "While playing toothed] 1 received a kick on Rour bh. Eo, to spend the win- ter. They will sail from New York, - » - .. are spending Thanksgiving with Dr. H. E. Day, Odessa. > Captain C. J. and Mrs. Hinckley re- turged home to-day after a couple of weeks' outing. Miss May Hinckley returned home, today, after spending two weeks in Araprior and Reufrew, when in the formetSshe took part in St. Andrew's Péesbyteriun church anniversary ser vices on Sunday. Her singing was greatly enjoyed. . owe Ty Mrs. J. Mcintyre Elliott will re ceive at 372 Brock street, on the first and third Thursdays, instead of Tues- days as before, n - - . At St. Andrew's recital on Thurs day, 1 hanksgiving Day, 8 p.m. besides the soloists of the church, the follav- mg will také part: Mr. Arthur Blight, baritone, of Toronto, and Miss Elleda Perley, of Montreal, Miss Shaw and Mr. R. R. F. Harvey will be the orgamists, It is sure to be sn- Joxable, - .. oe ey Mrs. Noble of of Dr. and Mrs, son street, Mrs. R. M. Hannaford is coming up from Montreal to spend Thankseivi from No sponc ankseiving Petrolea" is the guest R. W. Garrett, John and Mrs, Clarke Hamilton, at the Custom: House, Mr. and Mrs, W. Bampfield, King street are home from New York, Miss Katie Cotter, Alfred street, has returned from Tdronte, . * | - ] . Miss Fille and Meio Ross McRae, spent. Sundag in' ColebFooke and Yark. er. : » ; Miss Agnes Brown, University avenue is hae "from Torrents, where she has been "visiting Mrs: Charles Moss; Jr. Mr. and Mes: J. 'A. Siunders; Unni: versity 'shen; left to day, for Tam- worth, 16 spond "Fhanksgiving with relatives. pliss Marjory Pense [eft for Belleville and Oshawa. to-day . The marriage of Miss Margaret Mal- loch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Malloch, Arnprior, to Mr. McBride, consul for the United Stats, took place to-day. Miss Gertrude Low has gone. from Uttawa to it. Mrs. S. D. Walker will leave on Thursday, for Chicago, where she will remain some little time before going home to Hamilton, Bermuda, Many friends whom Mrs. Walker has made here, will welcome her back Miss Fina Booth and Miss Boyd of Syracuse, are down from Whithy to spend the holiday with Mrs. Edward Booth, Alired street. 0. - * The, wedding will take place on O¢ tober Mth, of Miss louise Bamet, daughter of Mr. Alexander Barnet of Renfrew and Mr. E. H. Code, Ottawa, Miss Barnet is very popular in Ren irew: social circles and in her honor the young people of the . town will. give an elaborate "at Kome" on Oe- tober 15th, under the auspices of the Renfrew Golf Club, . . - * The marriage = of Miss Anna L. Wood, third daughter of the late Archibald Wood, of Millbrook, to Kev. Alexander Alien, of St. Paul's church of Oakland, Cal., and son of the late Archdeacon Allen, of Mitlbrook, was solymnized in St. Thomas' church, Millbrook, this morning. Rev, W. Aj len, rector, the brother of the groom, officiated. - Mr. Singleton S. Allen, of the Audi sor General's department, Uttawa, was married" this afternoon, to Miss L. Gerrude Cole, daughter of Mr. and Mes. A. G. Cole, 192 McLaren street. The ceremony was performed py Rey. G. F, Salton, pastor .of Dominion Methodist church, - - . . The engagement is announced of : Miss Marion BE. Lockwood, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lock- wood, to Mr. George R. Larock, both of Taronto. 'lhe wedding will take place; early in December. Miss Horence M. Taylor, daughter of the late Rev. Robert Taylor of Pie ton, Ont, to Mr, John UL. Potts of Kamloops, B.C., son of Mr. Francis Potts of Stirling, Ont. The matriage will take place early in November. 1 Miss Alledu McArthur, oily aaugh- ter of Mrs. P. J. McArthur, to Mr. Clatence R. Denike, of Trenton, Ont The marriage will take place on Octo ber 18th, at Calgary. Miss Gertrude R. Campbell, daugh- ter of Mrs. William 8S. Campbell, of Brantford, to Dr. W. Herbert Secord, son of Dr. Secord, of Brantford, Ont. -------------- KNEE CURED BY ZAM-BUK. ------ A Footballers' Valuable .Zxper: ence. As an example of the value of Zam buk in cases of abrasions and injuries to muscles and tendons, as well as to the skin, the recent experience of EK. the knead? Thad had vious trouble with this knee, and expected that 1 would bé laid off, unable to- walk, next day.l rubbed on some Zam-buk how- ever, and, to my surprise and plea sure, it, prevented all serious conse quences. Before 1 had used the second box the knee was quite cured ! Now, I always carry a box when travelling, for 1 think Zam Buk a blessing to humanity." Such it has proved on many occa- sions. Made entirely from herbal es- snees, itis a purely natural balm. Eczema, ulcers, absotsses, sores on the back or loins, piles, scaling sores, itching or chafed surfaces, sore feet, blistered or chapped hands, sore "nip- pl aor all these, as well as for cute, DAILY BRITISH ° S---- 4 POSITIVE -- That Donifrio Was the One Who Stabbed Him--Case Against the Prisoner Was Strong. Whesi the high court opened at ten o'clock, Wednesday maraing, the trial of Guisseppi Donifrio, charged with unlawfully wounding T. W. R.. McRae, claims agent of the Grand Trank, with intent to do grievous bodily harm, and also with...w nlawfully wounding Sergt. R. W. Nesbitt of the Kingston police forte, was commene- When arraigned the prisoner plead od. mot guilty on both . charges through interpreter, Monsivnor Mario Salvato of Montreal, who was sworn Lo Vicento D'Lallo, charged with shoot- ing at Special Officer Harnett and Sergt. Nesbitt, and with riotous con- duet, was®also arraigned, and through the interpreter, entered a plea of not guilty. PLallo was removed to the cells, and the jury to try Guiseeppi Doni- frio was ealled. Three of those called were challenged, but the following were chosen : , ---- The Jury Chosen. Francis Armstrong, = Robert Allen, Isane Asselstine, Thomas Hrown, Francis R. Anglin, P. Campbell, A. Asselstine, James W, Cain, A. Clark, B, W." Patterson, William Goodfellow, Allen" MoLaren and iH. M. Prige. The jurors = challenged were John Ballantyne, Joseph Mctirath and Colin Mario John Mcintyre, K.C., crown prose cutor, outlined the details of the case to the juryi"The trouble, it will be re membered: occurred" June 25th last. #P.< J. Rigney, for the prisoner. The case has caused a preat deal of interest, This was amply shown by the fact that the court room filled with interested spectators morn- appeared as counsel was all ing. The first charge taken up was the one aceusine Donifvio of Sergt. Nesbitt. wounding Sergeant Nesbitt's Story. Sergt," Nesbitt was the first witness placed in the box, and to the crown prosecutor he told the story of the row, % "1 remember June 25th, last," said the witness. "I was at the police sta- tion that day, and about 1.45 p.m. receivede a telephone message from Grand Trunk junction that officers were wanted thore. | left for the scene with Constables Nayvion and MeAdoo. When we reached the station the plat- form was crowded with Italians." The 'witness stated that at the sta tion he met McRae, the claims agent of the Grand Trunk there, and that McRae, through an interpreter, told the Malians who had: asked for an increase in wages, that if they did not wish to work in Kingston, they would be allowed to go to Montreal. When the Italians were told this they said: "No Montreal," meaning that they did not want to go to Montreal. The disorder continued, and the Ital- ians were told that if they did not quiet down they would be arrested. The Ital ans namber about 160 or 150 Sergt. Nesbitt - said that two ' or three of the Italians made a motion threatening to "chew them up." Wit fiess said that he grabbed one of the Italian and pulled him towards him, but that he himself was pushed off the platform. "Did you hear any shooting at the askid the crotn prosecutor. + there wus some shooting and stones were also thrown," said the witness Sergt. Nesbitt was. positive that the prisoner stabbed him. "He rushed at me like a mad man said the "and came close to me | could see that he had « was the -porson who had witness, as he knife in his hand. He stabbed me be fore 1 had a chynee to get out mip baton." / Witness produced the suit of clothes which he wore on the day of the trouble and the rents in thew certain ly told the story of no small encoun ter. There was alse blood on the clothes The witness said that after ho had bren stabbed he struck the prisoner twice on the head with his baton "I did not strike him undiF after he attacked me," sail the sergeant: 3 gave hipi no cause to attack me." Withess stated that his wounds were dressed by Dr. Bogart. Sergt. Neshitt" said that he joined the Polien dren on Merch 1st; 1877, T. W. R. McRae, Of Montreal. Mr. MeRae, the GTR. claims agent who figured in the epee, was next sworn. He said that be had been sent here from headquarters in Montreal to try and settle the trouble with the Italians, who bad asked for an eregse in pat b plovesd in The men had been am ak laborers,' amd wpon his arrival. hore witness informed the Ha liane through an interpreter that all who were willing to" continue work should return. to their care, and that those who were wot, willing would he taken Ba to Montreal. The Ita lasts apparently would rot take anv notice of what he had told them, and when racuested to move off the sta tion. platform, re . and demanded that they be given what mone due them. They was continued to make trouble. Sergt. Nesbitt said that he helioved that the tromble woul] stop if one or two of the ringleaders vniler arrest Witness said that he dil not see were burns, bruises, scalds and everyday skin injuries, it is a veritable boon. | For household use, nurses, doctors and | mothers everywhere give it a gdod word. Of its value to athletes the | above ease ix but one example. Sher | ring, the winner of the Marathon | race, used ' Zgm-Buk while tyalming, | and uses it for bruises, sore feet, and | as an embrocation. The leading ath- | lites of the world have expressed their | appreciation of its value. All druggists | at 50c. per, box, or post free from the | Zam-Bok Co., Toronto, upon receipt of | stamp and full name and address, | wad you. price; 0 boxes for $2.00. Send one cent |rhots. Fe saw pri r what happened to Sergt. Neshitt, as he, himseli, bad walked to another nort of the platforms. We said the Itatiane had money coming to them. Their time was' kent by the foreman, and were paid each money by chee when the pay ear arrived in the city, "tn James Harnett Sworn. James Harnett, special agent of the CTR, sworn, said. that he came to Kingston on the day of the trouble with T. W, R. McRae. He was on the «ation vlatform and heard revolver i on the plat form and heard \ making a noise, free sample box will he fondled | Ne did not nee, the Prisoner stab Ser. grant Nesbitt, » WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1X. ITALIANS ON TRIAL Foe -- : Efi T = pies Fis anal William Hartison, restaurant at was sworn. ternoon: when the big row ocour- red. He had heard Sergt. Nesbitt ask the lalians to return One Italian had said, "No d---- if we' will." At this" Sergt. Nesbitt endeavor ed to take the Italian, who made this remark, in charge. An ltalian then jumped on the sergoant's Back. The sergeant drew his baton "and struck the Italian on the head. The Teslian | rushed at the sergeant a couple of more times and on cach occasion the | sergeant streck him 'on the hoad. | To counsel for prisoner witness stat- {ed that he heard several shots fired but could not say from what direc. tion they were fired. . : His lordship asked Witness seversl questions, 2 ' Reuben Morgan, who was employed in the restaurant at the station on June Ith, told of having seen Nes. bitt hit the prisoner with a baton. To counsel for prisoner witness said that he did not notice the prisoner do anything to Sergeant Nesbitt, He had not heard any shots before the arrests. were made. Randolph Wright's Story. Randolph Wright, of Richmond, Que- bee, stated that he wae a painter em- ployed hy the Grand Trunk and that on June 2Wth last he was at work painting the brick baggage room. The talians were very noisy and he saw Sergt. - Nesbitt «trike "the prisoner down three times with his baton. He saw the Italian strike out at the of ficer, but could not see anything in { the prisoner's hand, He saw blood on | the prisoner's head. ' "I saw the prisoner with a knife if his hand at the restaurant door," { sii the withess, "I saw him make a {stab at the glass in the door with {his knife, but he did not make any impression and then he picked up a plank. and smashed all the glass in the window." 4 Sergeant Nesbitt's Wounds. De, Bogert told 8f Sergt. Nesbitt and two other' officers calling on him on June 28th, and the dressing of Sergt. Neshitt's wounds, He said that the sergeant received a sharp "cut wound on his left arm about 34 in: ches in length and 1} inches in depth, He had also received a stab in. the chest and a severe bruise on the deft limb, between the knee and the ankle. {The wound on the arm might have been caused by some sharp instru. ment or knife, Thix concluded the evidence for the crown, and the court adjourned at 1:05, o'clock until 2:05 o'clock, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Bibbiy's store' opin to-night. Charlis H. Rose and wife, worth, spent to-day in the city W. H. Penwarden left today for Cobourg, to spend the holiday with relatives, The Toronto team will arrive {by G'T.R. : wardens of Bt. feongs's cathe joteal have ordered a w stall, with | canopy, for the new dean. Miss Gertie Matthewson, Simeoe street, leaves to-morrow for Califor nia, to spend the winter. The old fashioned Scotch mints, the strong kind, are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. "Tam- University football carly this evening Col. Gordon and Lieut. -UCol. "Wil liams have left for Ottawa to take part in the tactical field day, Elpetric paste stove polish, 3c. per stick. 3 pounds washing soda, Be. Friday and Saturday at Mullin's. "Marty" Walsh is in the city to spend Thanksgiving with his friends and to see tomorrow's footbull game. Since the King's Daughter's made 2132 ut the recent jumble sale that noble institution is really here to stay. A 'big bottle of cough syrup, com- posed of wild cherry and tar, a sure cure for coughs and colds, only 200. at Wade's drug store, / The annual meeting of the Orphans' | Home will be held in 'the City Hall, Friday afternoon, October 19th, at 3 o'clock, The public are invited, Special sale of hots water bottles for Baturday it Gibson's Red Cross drag re. 81.50, $1.25, $1 James and st bottles for Sok. Limestone rughy St. | teams will practice on the cricket field at 9:30 o'clock All the players field, Anglers are having fine sort in the harbor these days. More of the black hase species have bon caught during the past week than all the rest of the summer, "Chocolate fresh at slow { J. A. Donaldson purchased yestor | day, by private sale, from J. H. Mills, {auctioneer, the frame building, No. 15 to-morrow mi wy. by of asked to be off the cream bars," Huy let's, fsibson's Red Cross drag | Division street, belonging to the | Watt's estate, i Three and onehall pounds fremh, | crisp soda hiscuité, 26c¢ 3 lbs. fancy | mixed biaiitae,-- 080. Beat coconnut; | 26c, per Ih. 4 packages corn starch, 2c. 3 packages jelly powder, Me., at | Mullin's "Crystahized Fresh at store: It's an old sayine that contentment is better than wealth. A very limited amount of wealth ie necessary to purchase a packet of tea contentment, as "Salada" Ceylon Tea ix pat un in quarter," half and one pound Toad packages, and sold at popular prices; so as to be within the reach of every- body ; 3 winger," Huyler's: Gibson's Red Cross drug Charity Circle Tea. Always successful because people know of the good work it does. and appreciate the Charity Cinde of King's Daughters' tea is always one of the somisocial events of the autumn. The management decided to have an earlier dafte than weun!, this your, and Tuesday, October 16th, was selected. The tea aud sab was dy Be George's hall, which was prettily dee corated. the 'tablis, also, looking very attractive. There was much pretty, fancy work for sale, and home-made delisncies whi ch were soon brought up. A good sum was turned into the treasurer to be anked in the Circle's to their car. | . 'Ph Dr -- Boarding. House Furnishi L} we're supplying the greater percentage of boa ing houses this fall with Iron Bed Odd Dresser trass, Study Tables, Stady Desk, Cases and Students Easy iChairs, James Reid The Leadis 147 for White Ambulance. one De. KOWR MEDICINE CO.. P.O, Drawer L 2041. GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY oi 50c. per Ib. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. 3 daar BOX COATS, ty ; . and Stand, Spring and \ a Deak Bool Ey 15 i EE -- his wife, with: whom and After he had do sp here. order compelling Mrs in jail. It is now Baxter has foiled to ver consequently will der of release. and officers, the perform the Macdonald Park, Thankegiving Rt day weather permitting : Maréh "Adj Hridge' htermezrds Nola March--"The Favorite' fe True "Richmond o'clock, last bertson, a farmer livi lage, saw some from his bam and g barn (o we what w the place on fire. crop, was completely Thursday, 2 p.m. land Wanderer makes tape Vincent via Exbaruk. turn ° 1 you had taken would. not have morning. occasional use. "Say McConkey 's"" Gibson's Red Cross ¢ Thomas Lewis, man, was, at the of perjury. works of rity. : Try Ribby's special ing, a certain alimony. was committed to two or three weeks; ang Soir d'Autome' Drea, of the Ocean" Song for Corvet--"Will You Then ¥ Charles O'Nedil, 'Dance of the Fireflicw'" God Save The Ki K. MacKinnon, evening, seoall the bribery investiza- tion, in Toronto, arrested on a charge Trade at Bibby's to PAYS HUSBAND'S BOARD While He's in Jail For Non-Pay- ment of Alimony. * Sandwich, Ont, Oct: 17. Some timo ago Arthmr B. Baxter, Windsor, tail. or, wins ordered by the court to pay he was not Hy: He refused to jail boen confiped a short time, Baxter's lawyer seciiced an . Baxter 16 pay her husband's hoard while he was held stated that Mrs. pay for the past Baxter's law- move for an or Bard In Macdonald Park. By permission of Lieut. Col, Fages "HA. band will following programme at at three o'clock, {tomorrow ), Hual!, Bowillow Gung!. Johnson ' De Ville Day. Soloist ; Losevi insud, ad Buandmaster. Boys Burned Barn. Norwood, Ont;,- Oets 15. About five: William Cuth ng near this vil hoys running oing around the as wrong, found The bara, together with a waggon, horse rake, a I numer of fowl and his whole season's large destroyed. The boyk had ben smoking cigarettes. Thanksgi ving Day E ion steamer New [Is a special trip to the foot of Wolle Home, 7:30 p.m. Only 50c. re- two of Carter's Litthe Liver Pills before retiring you had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this Keep a vial with you for or Muyler's hizh clasmv candy when you bet on the foot- ball game on Thursday. Sold only at fry stove. London Fotel t. > it skirts. @ACEPEEIEE FAVE em-------- ki ENGRAVING ~~ Neatly done at the Whig Office. A Superior Institution Fron Cc Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. Ty N. STOCKDALE, % Sega L Sc.--MILK--Sc. 1 I PH -ely114 a IS rg l the farmeorwat the of price, viz: = Cg Hg Kingston Milk Depot. y Hughes' City Milk Delivery. 117 King street West. AHN School Supplies TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED: ul the for il. Sul ¥ BRINE roe hE el seen at the Hoa JOHN MACDONALD, 'Seév.-Treas., Bou Hard or soft corns' gured with applications of Peck's Com Guaranteed, Money back if not factory. In boxes 18c, at Wade's dr store, y of ani In the explosion at! Cleveland

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