N CANADA IAN COMPAN OTe DAL BLL UU TALL UUE | i | efter VHillia OK FOR THE NAME @ } -- MANUFACTURING CO. REAL, P. Q. rurreo, MILTON. OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. D, NTED EVERYWHERE. the temperature of an oven is sufficient to make baking many kinds of food. range not fitted with a thermometer, or worse, will easi), food, a vary twenty degrees--result is k and a disappointed family at oor of 'Pandora range has been a proven instrument is carefully adjusted, and tested by best and only thermometer which isof any real ne, economical on fuel and a perfect baker. me ------ ON S, SOLE AGENTS. R FREE TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFER- FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. Iam a woman, I know woman's sufferings. T have found the cure. I will mail, free of any charge, my home trest- ment with full instructions to any sufferer from women's ailments. I want to tell all women about this cure-- my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. I wani 12 tell you how to cure yourselves at home without the help of a doctor. Men cannot understand wor en's stufferin, What we women know ex we know better than any doctor, | kaow treatment is a safe and sure cure for t my easily, "quickly "and surely. y, q cot jve the 11d wish to continue, it will cost you uly about 12 + It will not interfere with your work oroccupation. 1e how you suffer, if yon wish, and I will send you the in wra NEabp stern mail, will also send you free CAL Al SER * with explanatory illustrations show sily cure themselves at home. 'woman shot: en when the doctor says--'"You have an opetss ands of women have cured themselves with my jrome stihers of Daughters, [ will explain a simple howe ures Leucorrhaea, Green Sickness and Painful o Plnmpucss and health always result from its ne, lies of your own locality who know and will glac y really cures all woman's diseases and makes we es me your address, and the free ten days' treatment 4 | Juay not see this offer again. i ress - = _ WINDSOR, Ont. tasted. the most healthful f At all grocers:® Now 10c. 7 perfect Food" s good gehful. Other food is at not good to eat--Malta-Vita jthful and good to eat. It is all and contains every element necessary tenance of the human body. It develops rishes the brain, the serves, the bones, the the blood. It fills all the requirements of a food is so fresh and crisp that it is just the best you . It is absolutely pure grain and contains no eign sweetening substance. to eat but Physicians recommend it as known. , It's always ready to eat. NEW YORK LETTER BRIDEGROOM WHO FOUGHT 127 DUELS. : And Killed ' Seventeen --Mén--A Tenderloin High-Reller --Free Lunch For the Jews. - New York, Oct. M.--As a tenderloin high-roller Henry Alfred Schultz, the offspring of 'a Rhine wine manufacturer, has had clad, mone: temtdon, but, alas, the glamour / of tenderloin and lavish in his expenditure of glitter life soon over to a revel in wine, women and song Late suppers in the fashionable hotels the ond other expensive little luxuries rectitude, and his fast 'diminishing coffers hé resort ed to the expedient by swell crab." Messrs, Mouquin Bros. in Ann street; ie was found that th safe was tampered with abstracted. Schultz came usually mobsmen of SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMEWIEAD REGULATIONS, umbered section of Domin- To nn a Manitoba or the North- West Province, eXCepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any werson the sole head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the ' extent of onequarter section, of 160 acres, more or plication for homestpad entry or in- on wust be made in person by the ican at the office of the local Agent t. pplication for entry "or inspection Sjepsonally at any Sub-aceut's olfice od to the local Agent by the nense of > applied for is ceipt of the telegram to have priority and the until th dish! - whose entry is in enod Jane t Jsbie gascella tion. lay, subject pproval of partment, relinguish it 'in favour of father, mother, daughter, 'brother or sister, if one else, on filing de men an entry % summarily cancelled or voluntarily abdpdoned, institution t applicant for tilled Jo prior right. claration of aba Where following plans =~ (1) At least six months' residence up- on and cultivation of the land in each r during term of three vears. ) If the father mother, if the ) of a homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land en for by such homesteader the requirement as to residence may be satisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. (8) If the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by tim in the vicinity of his homestegc, the requirement may be satisfied by residence upon such land. Before making application for patent the settler must give six months' notice in writing to the mmissioner, of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten- tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--~Coal lands may be purchased at $10 per aere for soft coal and £20 for anthracite. Not more than 3820 acres can be uired . by one individual or company. yalty at the rate of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output. Quarts.--A free miner's certificate is granted upon nayment in advance of $5 per annum for an individual, and from $50 to $100 per annum for a coinpany according to capital. A free miner, having discovered miner- al in place, may locate = claim 1,500x 1,500 feat. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may. upon having & survey made, and upon complving with other renuir pur- chase the land at ¥1 per acre. The patent provides for the r~yment of a royalty of 34 per cent om the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 fret square 'entry fee $5. renewablé yearly, A free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for wold of five miles each for a term of twen years. renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee 1 have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the. date of the lease for each five miles. Rental £10 per annum for each mile of river leased: Royalty at the rate of 34 per cent collected om the output after it ex- ceeds $10, W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of 'the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of hdvertisement will not be paid for. Footballs Punching Bags Boxing Gloves ANGROVE "BROS. Bicycle Warerooms, 88-00 PRINCBSS STREET Try a Pound of Myers' nous ane Sausages For Sunday's Breakfast. €0 Brock Street: "Vaderland" to see what and you koow what yon take. Itis An Inquiring Age. People are not quite sc liable to "open their mouths and shut their eyes" as they used to be, and in nothing does this hold good more than<in the matter of medicines. Most people like to have some idea what is contained in the preparation they are advised to take. Probably that is one reason why FERROL has so rapidly gained the favor and confidence of the public as well as of the physicians. the original and only combination of Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phos. phorus, is absolutely unequalled for the cure or Consumption and all pul- monary diseases, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Chronic. Coughs and Colds, Anzmia, Insomnia, Neu- ralgia and Chronic Rheumatism, General Debility and all Nervous affections. FERROL is easy to take in all seasons of the year, easy to digest FI Lis not a patent mystery, The formula is freely published, It is prescribed by the best Physi i by the most eminent Medical Journals, It is used in prominent Hose pitals, Sanitariums, etc. Geo. W. Mahood Cor. Bagot and Priasass Streets. APRON PATTERN JE" ER, EX This is the hest apron peti: ever offered, and it is pot ered every lady needs. ¥ fail tobe pleased with this one, and all new subscribers to THE HOME JOURNAL will receive one free. This isa tern, all fully illustrated magazine for women an 1 L, in Circua'ion I THE , HOME TomoxTo, Caxana Of h tec Med Ro An rveellest at. mailed ies, and well edited nents on fan ' hot hints o TO MIS MAJESTY THE KING + SirJohn Power & Son Ltd. ESTABLISHED AD. (791. THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy ue pow "Vs pwal Weakness, Fmissi matory hun nd J frets 0 2 31 per box, si ¢ re "Sold by all druggists or maid olain pig. on recel nt of price. he ¥ n ern Por ou cannot sizes from 32 Tux House ne, beauti- girls, full of ng serial at dept, 7 JOURNAL of flavor. ighest standard of _ Purity. It is especially ommended by the ical Profession or account of its peculiar DRYNESS™ sms From $1 00 Per Day Up Baggage + and From Station Free wide-book and map of the City of New York teveipt-of two cents in postage. Wood's TY Grand inion Botel OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION r NEW YORK " sh Remed, The Great Englis Sed Tones and invigorates nervous systom, makes od in old Veins Cures Nero. Mental and Brain | Des- 1 Effects of Aluse or Ercesses, New pam, rdsoi} rruptions' all public co COMPrOMses, One will pleage, sfx ont £Tp-0y ou 305 pueg was like, He has tion of New York is thankful for his present address. Willlam J. Connors, political of Buffalo, better known as *'Fingy man of the democratic committep « New York state, is a man of man parts, though sorely lacking in oducs tion, but, up for th rving a school tes scholar, and 1 sveech," wher. "1 ain't said "Fingy"' when job," and on: the job will find his made men "Fingy" origin, his mother they having run ciuty of the it a condition, howeve that the men employed by hinv. shou partly in brass negotiable in the Connors bars onl He is now the principal stockholder the Interurban' Railway compan owns two newspapers in. Bufialo, ax is reputed to.be worth considerab over one million dollars. Tt Iy cne hundred and twenty-seven duel who, if his memory serves him, hq slain his honeymoon in this . city dark-eyed bride. Firchting Sullivan declares, "is like with hi eating you striap army and as he fought and killed tw and finished his breakfast, men seconds. Sullivan's bride is from Har over. She too can use the foils. Whe interviewed, she had her right han inflicted in a fencing match with he tal' "Free lunch for are respectfully lunch." These though appearing were the cause of the cast side, during the Jews," printed invitation the celebration The disturba by - socialists and anarchists the synag kers toget vr, and stuffed a furter into the mouth of one, sandwich into the mouth of the oth er. At about one o'clock, however, th that the frec-thinkers, as the socialist are called, fled for their lives, no however, before about forty of thei pumber were very badly beaten. Th and turbance 'was at an end thirty two arrests have been moved from the Fifth Ave nue hotel to the historic "Amen Corn "ler" is no more. For upwards of thirty been the méeting place of political 'nabobs from years these old rooms have all parte of the state and it was ir these rooms that famous were planned, launthed and fought out It was here that Hackett, O'Dell Chester, A, Arthur, Thomas C. Platt Brookfield and other veterans met and discussed with th The edict that abolished the old land mark was recently L. Woodruff, 'chairman of the republi can state = committer who remove headquarters to No. 12 East Thirts street. . Many an old politician sighe as he looked lingeringly at the ole headquarters. But, new times, famous "Amen Corner"' has gone inte history whife all i= no¥ bustle and ac tivity in the new camp, which is behind the Little Church Corner, Madrid has ite school for anarchists for pickpockets. The latter centre of "little Haly" where the Ita lian youth is initiated tim usually being a- well-dressed man slumbering on the park benches . "DAILY BRITISR Douglas {*rambs is uncomfortably overcrowded German al 'Ihe schism in the ranks of the Sale rather 'meteroric career, Immaculately ',' he' attracted considerable at- and {od their banner and are daily recruit- came him for he reduced his existence acquaintance of stage butterflies evidently drew him from the path of in order to replenish adopted "cracking a After a visit which "he paid to wine importers and £1,500 from the Americe seen what a pore like, and now Detective Sergeant Stransky would be boss Connors, who has been electett chair- s he himself, says, he made s little discrepancy by mar no t going to make no elected, "but you will always find me on the certainly Like most great seli- is of very humble ou ks. spend part of their wages in his sa loons aM, to make this he paid. them checks, which. were should be "Augustus N. Sullivan, the hero of seventeen men, is at present on a duel, Sullivan, who is an Austrian, though his name sounds feculiarly Irish, kill- ed a superior officer of his in the Au- he did not feel like facing a court-martial he fled the country, In Paris, one morning, before morning's exer- cise by fatally wounded his victim's bandaged covering three slight wownds husband. My husband has promisal me not to engage in any more duels, she added, '"'because 1 don't like to see him sending people to the hospi "Jows invited to a free hospitable enough a serious riot in of the fast Yom Kipper by the Jews, ce was primarily caused who in tercepted spme Jews on their way to , tied two of their whis frank- -- and a police as usual arrived when the dis- made Republican headquarters in this city campaigns ir field lieuténants. issued by Timothy © new methods, new faces, new places so the Just Around' the New York has ite graduating academy 4 place 'ie Mulberry park, off the Bowery, in the and carefully coacheh in the intrdicicies of the light fingered art. The embryo mobsman i= placed at work on a sihject, the vie- WHIG, SATURDAY, Standing by are two post graduates | who superintend his work, and after wards in Faginlike fashion point out 'thé mistakes he made and instruct him how they are to be remedied. Woen the student has somewhat advanced he is taken to some move fashionable quart. or of the city and it is here when op- erating on a victim that the post graduates act as students fully gradu- ate before severing connection with the college for the police jarresy, on an average, six of them a day, in fact the with them, © vation Army grows apace The insur- gents who style themselves "the Sal- vation Army of America' have unfurl ing their ranks, The commander ia chief of the loyal army has issued a - | manifesto calling on the insurgents to 2 | return to their allegiance without of fect and the unedifying spectacle was ; | recently witnessed of two contending battalions of the soldiers of the eross belabouring each other for the pos- session of a profitable street "pitch. An ultimatum is shortly expected from the general and it is the opinion of the brigadier-general and officers' of the eld staff that if the insurgents © Ho not act on it and lay down their arms or banners and Libles war will be declared. i Advocacy of the American Language league is coming to the fromt, the spokesman of the lrish citizenship ol the metropolis, the Daily News, being pronounced in urging upon the public 'S | cubstitution © of the word American wherever the word English is used. It wants the president's English to sup ! | plant the king's English. 11 is not a v "| American in front, and the English in the rear. Coupons, in which pledge themselves to always say Am An immense to the White House. Well, the "wi spelling reform, but the putting of the agners erican language instead of English are printed daily in considerable numbers, petition, made up of those names as pledged, is to b> seat you open the package touch Orange Meat. premiums, Talks on Orange (THE PURE FOOD) : Never touched by human hands. . time the wheat is unloaded f mers, i iT in your own dining oo an 'hands' never Sifting, brushing and washing the wheat--stcam cooking--malting--flaking and toasting--filling the cartons---carrying Fn, ae everything is done by machinery. = So careful are we to insure Orange Meat. not only clean but with all its rich, nutty flavor . retained, that cdgh package is lined with specially made mercerized paper. Orange Meat 15c. and 25¢c. -- at all grocers. "Jumbo or 25c. package contains 25 times as much as 152, package. 15¢. package contains a coupon, good for Write "Orange Meat, Kingston," for new premium catalogue. Meat the steamers, until Every can has come to be a man of cou a ny sure, it, to be Br, but tie English lan guage is very precious in the eyes of Id | the pedple. It is an heirloom, a com Shakespeares, Chaucers, Miltons, array of Ben® and that wohd wort hies v. | sons, John mn rous mon possession, in. which are involved all the old heroes of the language, the John who, with y, Dickens at their head, have made the Wd | Eoglish language the language tha Iv {has conquerasd a great part of the world, and is reaching 'out for the re slowly but surely pushing the French language out of polite and public cir s, teles, this movement starts is | whether we eall it the American or the is --it will always be the nervy, ur | address the nations and each other, -- May Nationalize the Railroads of 3 Ireland. , London, Oct. 20.-The, repord current in 'America that Premier Campbell: 0} ih sidering a scheme of government own ership of British railroads, is true to some extent. n- ny i n The government has no idea whatev- d1 er of bringing in a bill for the nation- ' alization of any other railways than | those of Ireland. The Irish roads, the ! government is inclined to think, should » | be taken over by. the nation in order to advance the welfage of Ireland, and this especially in order to furnish the facilities fon the development of her agricultural interests. Ireland needs better railroad facilities than . | private enterprise is likély to cive her ® | or could afford to give her. It has not been decided that the government shall ask parliament for authority to | take over the Irish, lines with a view to improving and extending them, but supposedly well informed persons ex- pect that the government will present ly determine on that course. or n Any Ache To-Day ? When pny ache or pain comes e | should have the vou habit of reaching for tables were turnedpapvhen the faithful, | the bottle of Smith's White Liniment to _the number' 8 five thousand, There is nothing else that cures thronged east Broadway, and with aches so soon or thoroughly. It sticks. and stones phied with a will, makes it way to. cure in the start completely wrecked the socialist head- | many pminful 'affcctions that would quarters. So great was the onslaught : become serious if neglected. Smith's es | White Liniment is oné¢ of the things t Ino family can afford to be without r | Large bottles, 23c., at Wade's drug e | Store, Bottle Of Whiskey A Day. London, Oct. 20.--An inquest was held, vesterday, at Yarmouth, on Her bert Bray Williams, of Richmond, who was found dead in hed, erday morning. Hi said that dur ing the six weeks he had been in Yar mouth he had ' consumed a bottle of 1 | whiskey a day.. Death was caused by heart failure secretary | Cured her Father's '| Drunkennecss bya : Simple Remedy. Saves her father from a droukird's grave. free sample of Semarts Tasteless Presciption checks d his drinking and leads 19 2 complete tare, : "I seemed teas 1 "™ to keep father (rom 3 Cunking, sod we 1 SH all felt the disgra- remedy tasteless and could be given se. cre 1 determined to try it, and, have been glad every da since. The fulltreatmen toh | gave Ligon in his tea, a say he never -£ cured him. and I im pleased t. touches whiskey now. How glad { am that 1° nie you 354 ben bah we all are together drinking ros ren Have sfopped and let giving ful free or tl er and pricesent in plain sealed en , Core d! LL Address: sacred ia THE SAMARIA REMEDY CO. 15 Jordan Chuinbers, Jordan St., Toronto, Cabada. Also for sale by Heary Wada, t stated that "Chuck" Connors of the}®ainder. It is rather odd that as the Bowery, and "Fingy"" belong to dif English language is making an ad ferent branches of the Connors fami- | vance in the diplomatic world, and is h here, Well, English language, it will he the same strong language, in which men of force will breakfast. All you have to do is to ' the language of power, with the two keep cool. and you are sure' of your most powerful nations hehind it man." When such an authority as OLD TIMER. Sullivan makes this statement, few will be inclined to contradict him. BRITISH GOVERNMENT Bannerman and his associates are con- ! saves so much fuel, Then F do away with all guess work about the baking, by putting a thermometer on the oven door. 'The oven is perfectly ventilatedy--the air kept fresh and dry--thus preventing soggy baking. I make the Grate Ban large and strong and easily removable, "7 All the ornamentation--the nickeled parts--can be lifted off the range wheh cleaning, without loosening a You can sce Peninsular Ranges at your Tocal dealer's store, single bolt. CLARE BROS. & CO,, LIMITED - . . : KINGSTON AGENTS: ELLIO TT BROS. DR. GRAHAM BELL Gives Statistics Marriages. Dr. Graham Bell, while now no longer engaged on eleotrical work, is ur from resting idle. When he was last in Toronto he spoke to some newspaper men of the investigations he was making into the antecedents of hlind and dumb parents. Writing now in connection, with the United States census return, he says: "The on Inter- most significant fact to be derived from the figures given in table 19, is found in the showing that of 2537 blind whose parents were cousins, 632, or 25 per cent; are congenitally blind, of whom 350, or 65.4 per cent., also have blind relatives of the classes specified, while among the 55.950 who were not so related, the number of congenita¥y blind is but 8 per cent ; and of these only 1.023 per cent. have blind relatives. The most striking feature seems to be the large propor tion among those whose parepts were cousing, The percentage of the genitally deaf is nearly three times as great among those whose parents were cousins as among those whose parents were not." con CURIOUS PHENOMENON In Connection With French To- bacco Monopoly. Parig, Oct. 20.--A 'curious phendinen on noted in connection with the returns 'of 'the French tobacco monopoly is that every August the receipts show a great increase over the monthly aver age. ' This year the receipts were $200 000 above the ugial amount and the the ory is now put forward that the ad vance is caused by - schoolboys who, during 'August, are away from their *lycee" and able to indulge themselves with the forbidden pleasure of smok- ing. , The bigger boys get permission from their parents, while their young bro- thers find many more opportunities for surreptitious cigarettes than they can get at school, Thus the state gains a comfortable profit from this reprvhensible habit on the part of voung France. : . nie, Hardh purgative remedies "are fast giving way th the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills, I yon try them; they will cer tainly please you. "Grand Peninsular" The Ideal Hitchen Range The "Grand Peninsular" is my ideal of what a perfect cast-iron ran_e should be. It is the most reliable cooker of its kind--because the 'oven is built exactly like the: oven of an expensive steel range. Steel radiates heat quicket than cast-iron. Instead of using only a steel BOTTOM --I make the ENTIRE OVEN ---top, bottom and sides--of patent Levelled Stecl Plate. That's one reason why the " Grand Peninsular" is such a quick, even cooker--and w PRESTON, Ow. Home Institution. - The London Life is a Canadian Company. Its investments are all 'mado Ta Canada, and in only the best of securities. < A favorable mortality on the one hand, with large interest earnings ahd no investment losses on the other, is bound to produce splendid results. Before deciding definitely, it will pay you to investigate the record and policies of the 4 + J x 10. The Remedy Dr, KOHR'S RESTORINE fe ad 20 mos ne covered, i astounding the medical " cases cured in one mouth in Paris. The Mati Medical Board has recom this use in the Insan~ Asylums where, as is ell a majority of the male inmates are victims of lost in us fat 1erritde form, In us the en afl governments au a Specific in the gr. at standing drmics of Toth and Germany 51008 losses 1 fiom seven to ten #0 that they never return, Lirains entirely She after a few day's treatment, The skin becomes n, the eyeslticl: ( enfidence returns. step elastic, bowels _ regular. liea'aches disapresr. No more weak jaory, Hie mind leeomes bright and active. A for in end Blond, A nent cure no. bow chronic the cate, Just send us today : ond address p'atnly wiitien and a § days. of Kestarine wi | be rent FREE in ain reales . Do i you ge hesitate a moment We wi with seccesy aod wich honest vunfidence. ¥ Or. KOHR MEDICINE CO. Po. DRAWER IL 2341, MONTREAL. J '