: ail us five Richards » and tea Richards Pure : Bee and we will send ICHARDS PURE WOODSTOCK, N Pure Soap Soap adver you a Betutifal sou Limit NTARI EEL STEVIE EO hts for n climates. t guaranteed nshrinkable. k 4f it ches » tender d warm, >anada. . . Hot Water Furnace in the basement, : or scraper. ; { r soot or dirt to lodge, and its flues are g. : ' 'es the water jackets are constantly d ashes, requiring constant cleaning to t the water --a dirty job. on has more good heating f in all other heaters combined. R. IVES CO, LIMITED, . MONTREAL = Fi TR TERRE = Emre = fr Xmen a RRR AR A - YEAR 3s NO, 243. EL ONTARIO, SATURDA » Furniture Specials for : Next Week A Fine Assortment Of Dressers, Washstands and Iron Beds From $11.50 to $75.00 Robt. J. Reid NEW STORE : 230 Princess St. Telephone, 577-Night calls 230%. Wednesday, Oct. 24th Student's Theatre Night Queen's vs. McGill 'At 2.30 p.m. ( Saturday, Oct. 27th West Side and Grand Stand, 50c¢ Fat Side, 25¢. : Ble 3, We. eXtra. Three Days Next Week + Ontario Sabbath School Convention SYDENHAM STREET METHODIST CHURCH aluesday Wednesday and Thursday Oct. 23rd, 24th & 25th .. FIRST SESSION TUESDAY AFTERNQON At 2 o'clock many mo from Cinada and tlie United States will be these favorites Mrs. Mary Peoria, 111. Dr. A. F. Schaufficr, New York, N.Y, other speakers Foster Bryner, Rev. Dr. Potts, Torontp, Canada. Rev. W: OC. Merritt, Tacoma, Washington. Rev. Canon Greche, Orillia, Ont. are cordially invited to or all of the eight Of Steinway Piano, Marble-Top Bed Room Suite, Etc, ' x AL the pesidence No. 40 Clérgy St., on Thursday, Oct. 25th Part of effects, viz Steinway Piano, Fine Black Walnut Bedroom Set, Black Walnut Bookease and Secretary, Exten sion Table, Sideboard, Range, Gas Stove Carpets, ote. Piano at 11 a.m. sharp No reserve. Sale at 10.30 a.m JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. We Guarantee to Fit Your Feet! Durability and Style in Our Wear Shoes iiiews MILITARY BOOTMAKERS 81 Brock Street Sign of Golden Boot CITY HALL TUESDAY, QCT. 23rd MISS ALYS BATEMAN, THE lish Soprano Mr. Bdward Parlovitz Pianist, Miss Grace Merry, Entartainer. ENG- Tickets, 25¢.. 50¢., 75. . Plan opens on 19th, &t Uglow's, TAKE NOTICE For a Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, Kitchen Range, or any other Stove come and sen me as I have the largest stock I have ever had ; also a lot of Furniture Carpets. Everything and, cheap? - TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE B08 Princess Street. FOR SALE Desirable brick residence, corner University Ave., and Union St double purior. larse dining roam, ape pantries, extension kitchen 1° Lack and front stairs ree bl bedrooms, eic., cheap. Swift's sewing room, hath REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY Resolved Phat Camptell Bris. Hats and Furs Hove no equal at the nrice Sesis, this is the ani Ve story battle of Glencoe ge The sun rises Stnday at 6.20 a.m, and sits at 5.10 pan, ¥Y. M. €.-A. Ladies' Auxiliary Meeting Monday, at 4 p.m. Sunday, day of ifie Special d day of intercession for Sun- Schools, in Adglican churelws. Tenders for Excavating for Medical Building received till Monday 4pm, This day in history '--Sir Christopher Wren horn, 1622 ; London tower burned, 1841. To-morrow will be Nelson's 101st niversary, of death in the battle 'Trafalgar. an- of WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Editorial Rooms, 202-~Jobbing Department. "Blew de Roi" The lates triumph in Ceramic Art A very handsome wide band, rich blue, speci- ally adapted for Dinner Sets Don't Fail to See it at Robertson Bros. McKay's Furs We Make a Cistinct Feature of With a reputation for reliable quality and good workman- ship. = Our cloth shells are tailor made, of the very best materials, and are cut in the latest style. The skins used for the linings and trimmings are specially selected and warranted to giv€ good satis- faction. The fact that we're selling more Men's Coats each year, tells better than anything else, what gentlemen think of values, Make your own comparisons. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 149-158 BROCK STREET KINGSTON UCTION SALE FUESDAY, 007, 28rd IN McRAE'S Block. A quantity of Furniture,' Cook and Heating Stoves Dress and Mantie Cloth, Hats, Lad Coats, ete 1 am instructed to s6ll viz Iron and Brass Beds, Centre Side amd v other Tables, Rockers und Reclining Chairs, Carpets Rugs. Mattresses Springs, Bed Pill Students' amd othe Lamps, B Shelves, Vases, Garden Tools SBedre and Chamber o s Coney Lou : Divan, Silver Wa Kitchen Utensils, Hall Stand, and other articles too -num- erous to mention No reserve. Sale, Terms cash. 3 re 10.80 a.m J.A. SALTER, Auctioneer PUBLIC NOTICE To the Citizens of Kingston We regret unavoidable delay in delivery of goods at our branch. Under the management of Mr. W. orders are being rapidly caught up 109 Brock sireet For the future we assure prompt re- turns and entire satisfaction, and le speak § of ed tatronage THE Parker Dye Works, Peterborough. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB WILL HOLL THEIR, NEXT DANCE, on Monday evening, October Fm). A most cordial weltome is extended th all holding invitations. Dancing from 8 10 the wogal Kelly, at continuanes your esteen 12 o'clock, | age estimated at $2,000,000. THE CYCLONE Which Swept Cuba Was Very Severe. MANY. WERE KILLED THE BANANA CROP SAID TO BE DESTROYED. 150 Tobacco Barns Destroyed -- Havoc in Shipping Interest-- Dutch Steamer Lost -- The Damage Has Reached $2,000,- 000, Havana, Oet, 20. A cyclone of on procedented . soverity, a wamnind by a ferrific downpour of rain, swept over the provinces of Havana and Finar del Rio, on Wednesday night, and resulted in twenty deaths in this city, and the serious injury of a dozen or more persons, and property dam N The denid are all Cubans of the poorer class. The storm caused havoe and confusion among the shipping interest Many buillings were badly damaged, and nearly all the trees in the city and suburbs were uprooted. ' One hundred and fifty tobacco burns in the Alquisar district have been de stroyed.. The recently planted tobnoco crop has been ously damaeed, and damage is reported from Guira tian," thé centre of the banana erow ing industry; the crop is said to have been practically destroyed. Dutch Steamer Lost. San Juan, Porto Rico, Oct. 20 The Red line steamer Philadelphia, from Venemiela for New La Guaita, York, arrived Nore, vesterday, forty vight hours late, having heen delayed by the: eyelone. Her captain reports that a Duteh steamer was lost in the cyclone between Curacon and La Guaira. LENIENT TO POACHERS. Oanada Treated U.S. Fishermen With Great Consideration, Washington, Oct. 19.-"The contro versy which has been waged between the American and Canadian lake fish- ermen for the past twenty years has teens placed in a different light by a report made to the state department by Capt. BE. €. Chayter, commanding the United States revenue cutter Mors rill on the great lakes, The report shows that. the American fishermen have been transgressors, and that they have been treated with the \greatest consideration by the Canadian fishing patrol, Under date of October 12th, he re- ports from Erie that he started from that port on the 5th instant on the Mortfill, accompanfed by! Captain Dunn on the Canadian cruiser Vigil ant, to place the buoys. He found that there could be no question of differences in charts, because the Can- adian vessel was using the American hydrographic charts; while their logs exactly corresponded, and in the course of several days Dwoys wore placed at intervals of five miles. Thén Captain Chayter adds that the American fishermen crossed the bound ary for the reason that there are com paratively few fish southy of the line, and they are bound to follow the fish. He says that Captain Dunn, contrary to report, has lemient towards these fishermen, always giving them the benefit of any doubt as to loca tion, and for the past fen years, he has observed the, international bound ary indicated" on = United States charts. No Canadian fishermen ponch on the American side of the line for the same reason: The fish are in Caha dian waters. Captain Chayter says these tempor- ary buoys will be swept away by the ice noxt winter, and should be re placed by permanent buoys, lighted at night, so as not to endanger navi gation. been To Enter British Politics. Newcastle, N.B., Oct. 20.-~John Mo Kane, the Miramichi multi-millionaire, a native of Scotland, is to enter the arena of British politics. Friends in his native constituency are pressing him for the nomination in' the eon servative interests for the seat now held by the Right ~ Hon. Sir Henry Campbell- Bannerman, premier of Great Britain, who may be raised to a peer age. Ascompanied by his w)ife, Mr. McKane left last week for Ottawa en route for Scotland, ° The Zionist Commission. London, Oct 19. Lord Rothschild, Oscar 8. Straus, Herr James Simon, Dr. "Paul Nathan and Prof. Magpdel stamm, the geographical commission of the International Council of the Jewish Territorial Organization, com menoed their work, today. tis wm derstood that a large tract of equa torial Northern Africa wilklbe aequir ed for Jewish sottloments _Campbell Bros. To-Night. , For the newest in men's hats. The Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, Toronto, was named as exe cutor under the will of the late Ro bert N. English, of Keene. Mr. Eng lish died recently, leaving an estate consisting of stock in trade of general store, ely, 'valued in the neighborhood of $20,000. An expert optician eyes when 'you get Chown s drug store. Try Bibby's $12.50 raincoat, examines your glasses at Dr, OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest" Culled From All 5 . Over The World. John Shannon, bridge builder, Ty endinaga, was drowned at 'three Kiv- ers, Que. A mother and her ten year-old 'son were drowned by the sinking of a canal boat at Geneva, N.Y, The steamer White Star, of Corn wall, has been sold to the St. Law- rence (Canadian) Navigation come pany. 3 _Hon. DF. Rgawmne has decided to allow commercial and sporting fishing in the Buy of Quinte fox the remaind. or of the year only. The Easton timber - limits, on the river Portoeul, Quebec, have been pur chased by German lumber dealers, for half a million doliars, ---- ¥ CALL FOR NOV. 22nd. ¥ * * ¥ Ottawa, Oct. 20.--It is * * almost certain that Parlia- w # ment will be sunumoned # ¥ for November 22nd. ¥ -- NO GROUND FOR STORY. That Express Parcels Are Delayed at Windsor. Windsor, Ont., Oct. 20, Customs of ficials hore say there is no groundsfor the story sent out from Washington to the offect that eXpress parcels ship ped into the dominion by United States manufacturers are' subject to long delays. "When goods are shio ped dato the country hy expross it is the Tity "of the express company and not of the customs officials to notify the parties to whom they are sent," said Dr. Smith, collector of -enstoms I there are delays, the express com panies are résponsible." A GAMBLING LAW Passed in New South Wales Now 2 Operating. London, Oct, 20. The. New South Wales gambling suppression law has been passed, and is now in operation. The Victorian house of assembly, yes terday, ratified the severest clauses of the bill, even deleting the oxeiption of race courses, thereby rendering bet- ting or sweeps under any, circumstane es a erime, The newspapers in New South Wales, are forbidden to publish betting news. The labor members alone fought the bill at every stage. AN EVAPORATOR BURNED At Napanee Entailing a Loss of Napanee, Oot. 20.--This worming the evaporator owned hy Collier Bros., of this place was completely destroyed by fire. The fire started in the drying room of the evaporator, A small dwelling house near was also com pletely destroyed. About four thous and dollars' worth of apples was lost A thousand dollars' insurance was on the building, but the contonts were not insured. THE DREADNAUGHT SUCCESS Admiralty Order Three Vessels Like Her. London, Oct. 20. The success of the trinls of 'the British battleship, Dreadnaught, has lod the admiralty to give orders for the construotion, with out delay of three other such vessels One is to be built at Portsmouth, one at Davenport, and one at a pri vate dock yard Makes Manitoba's Carnival Of Crime. Winnipeg, 6lct. 20. There a regular camival of erime in Mani toba lately. At the asslzes in Winni peg, charges of murder will be placed against nearly a dozen: men, and charges of a like nature will be laid in Brandon, Portage la Prairie and Morden. Jt is estimated that about sovenly indietments will be. presented to the grand. jury at the sittings which open here next Tuesday, all of which are of a most: serious charac tor, the gravest offences being against Galician and other foreign Fi grants. from the north end of Winni peg. has been Copper Is Searce Londom, Oct. 20.-With a vivw to meeting the growing scarcity of cop per, to which the recent rise in price is ascribed, several old workings in England, Wiles and Ireland. have been restarted. Many new shafts have been sunk in Cornwall, where it is nlsn claimed satisfuctory yi lds being obtainel from the coarse sen sand. * nree A Murderer Captured. Vancouver, B.( Oct. 20. James Dale, the hotolkeoper of Carmi, B.C, who shot and killd two men and walinded a thivd, was eapturad, : terday, at Leoemwaod, - David Smith, res the third victim, is believed to _bhe dying. Dale suvs he was intoxicated when the shooting took place. ~ Bishop's Daughter Ends ity ] is Cromwell, - Comn., Oet,. 20, stated here that Mrs. Laura Cowden, daughter of Bishop Henry C, Potter, of New York, committed suitide by hanging at a private sanitarium here Will Examine Ore. Tdeal wouthes Taw the excursion held to Verona t y by the stud- nts of 'a. selemion school. The party, numbering thirty, left by' the 2.30 train, and will examine ore. diiiaiib-- : See Pibby's special $12.50 raincoat, SW! LER ASTEAMER (RUSHED AGAINST THE ISLAND AND TWENTY-FIVE DROWNED, Fifty From a Moored Barge Drowned--The Wave Engulfed --No Sign of Florida Fishing Fleet--A Great Chlamity. Mimi, Fla, Oct, 20.--Filiott's Key, an sland twenty-five miles south of here, was swept clean by the waves thrown up by Thursday's avelone, and 250 people were drowned. The steamship St. Lucie was crushed against the island and twenty five of its passengers wore killed. barge, which. was lying -alonpside a wharf of the Key, was torn from its moorings, and fifty of the 100 persong on board were drowned. A steamship reached here, last night, with sixty wounded, among them, Capt. Bravo, of the St. Lucie, who brings the information. The cap- tain is badly hurt, Capt. Bravo Sys he anchored on the kee side of Elliott's Key, on Thurs- day morning, and sqon after the waves engulfed the island. 1t is be lieved now that a portion of the Florida Fish and Produce company's fleet was destroyed, and Manager Adams sent cout a' hoat, yesterdny morning, to look for the men and their boats: On ite return the boat reported no signs of the floot. CHEESE PRICES FICTITIOUS. -------- Daily Quotations Said to Be Be- low Real Market Value, Montreal, Oct, 20, ~The general tone & the English choose. market is un- changed from last week, and on the open market there is po encourage ment for a higher range of values than that which- is in _force to-day. Western cheese of finest - quali ty is supposed to bo worth from 13c. 0 lige, per pound here, but some dealers think that it is only the small holders, those who lack confidence, or are unable to carry a stock, that are trying to sell at those figures, T) vuling pricé on the cothtry boards ja from 12jc, to 12fc. for the grade of cheese in question, and, as a rule, it is being taken up by. a few operators, This cheese will cost 184e. in wtore here, and us the country boards sre lower to-day than they have been for some time, it is very improbable that the buyers would Ve anxious to sell at the figures named; it must also be taken into consideration that a great deal of business is worked between local and British houses, and that the nominal 'market prices are not the ones at which the transactions are made. The trade in butter is purely of a local and domestic nature, owing to the lack of enquiry from British if porters, who ave unwilling tb pay the prices asked for the Canadian pro- duce, Prices range from We. to for finest grades of townships crenm- ery, according to quality and uan- tity, and there ix a brisk 1obhing trade being worked. : ee ete NEGRO BLOOD. A SE Kpights of Pythias Have a Nice Point to Decide. © New Orleans, Oot. 20,-- The sugpieme tribunal, Knights of Pythins® has handed down a decision annulling the action of * Grand Chancellor W. |, Ramwdell, of Massachusetts, in direct. ing the expulsion of a member from Freedom lodge, Worcester, Mass, on the charge of having negro blood in his veins, The case was remanded for trial on its merits in the grand lodge of Massachyset ts, -------- Anglican Clergyman Dead. Halifax, N.S, Oct, 20 ~Ray. Cle ment Richardson, aged seventy #ix [yrars, died yestorday. He Was a na- tive of Ireland, a master of arts of Trinity College, and saw in this parish in the aetige Church of Pagland min pstry for sixteen years. lo retired four years ago on superannuation. Electric Railway. Transfer. Windsor, *Ont., Oct. 20. The deaf for the tranefor of the Windsor and Te cumseh electric railway to the Detroit United railway is announced to have bem completed, and it is said the work will now be. pushed forward to hate ears running' by Christmas = if possible A Petition For Clemency. Carlton Place, Oct. 20. A petition praying for leniency towards George irdford, acensed of duising the death of John Bradley, whilst the two were in a drunken brawl, is being largely signed in and around Carle ton Place. The notion That tea is injurious to persons of weak nerves is a (alse idea, af has been proven by the eminent scientist, Jonathan Hutchinson, Teg is in reality' 85 nerve nutrient and is extremely beneficial to weak nerves, es. pecially when you use pure tea direct from the gardens packed in sealed lend packages, such as "Salada" tea, which received the highest award and gold medal at the St. Louis éxposi- tion in 1904, . Try Bibby's for boys' suits, wy flo Liverpool. and POISON AT FEAST. Sad Ending of Oneida Wedding Anniversary. ! Hamilton, Oet, ne ond Mrs, Hector Foster, old and hi réspect- ed residents of Onedia ie were celebrating their silver wedding, and' had made great. sparations. Ninety Ruck were invited. Chickens dressed with gelatine and boiled in copper pots were served, long torwaids guests were ill taken of the dressing were ill and the tine five who had not were untouch- 7 oa, At first it was thought to be an idomie of typhoid fever until Drs, he and Morrow diagnosed it as ptomaine poisoning, Mrs, died shortly afterwards as the result of eating Frit while Rev. Mr, Ferguson, her husband, is critically ill. Mrs. Foster, mother of Hector Fos- ter, is also dead. Hector Foster, his wife and two childien are critically ill, but all the other guests are slow: ly recovering. y ---------- RUMOR OF CORRY'S ARREST Has Not Materialized--Js Going To Toronto. 3 Ottawa; Oot 20-The xumor that J, A. Corry, the contractor, is to be ar rested in-connéction with the London election case in which he is wanted as a witness, has not materialized, as. a fact, He is here yot, Mr, Corry is au- thority for the statement that he is going to Toronto, on Sunday night, to be on hard when the court opens on Monday. He is apparently not worrying to any extent, Mr. Corry has been an an conservative work: er all his life, and is said to have con tributed to the campaign funds at the last gonoral election. MH he supported Me. pe it was probably his first work for ~the-Jilsern} party. The gov: ernment is a tenant of his in a sky- scraper adjoining the Central station, the Transcontinental railway commis- sioners, Georgian Bay canal survey commission, und other officers being housed there, Steamship Movements, | Montreal, Oct. 20.--Allan line steam. er Barmautisn, from London and Havre for Quebeo and Montreal, pass- ed Cape Magdalen at 8°30 am. on 20th October. Ci Allan line steamer Ontarian, from Montreal and Quebec for London, sail: | ed from Montreal at 5:45 am. on 20th vig Rimouski, re ported reohigram thirty miles ost of Matinhead 6 w.m., on oth De- tober. Lh Allan steamer Ionian, from Montregl and Quebee for Liverpool sailed from Quebeo at X30 on the 20th October, Allan line Royal mail turbine steam: er Virginian, from Liverpool for Ques bee and Montreal, arrived at Rimous- ki at 6:05 p.m., and sailed thence at 7:10 pm., on 19th Octobet, Quebec, Oct, 20-88, Dominion, Do minion line, from Liverpool for Que- wo and Montreal, inward at Fame Point, Que., 10 a.m. SS. Sarmatian, Allan line, from Havre dor Quebec, and Montreal, in- ward at Cape Magdalen, Que., 830 a.m. -------- sand Lord Dead. Bloomington, n., Oct. 20.~The death of Lord William Seully, in Lon don, England, is announced. Io held 46,000 acres of land in Mlinois; 60,000 in Nebraska: ' 50,000 in Kansas, and 40,000 in Missouri. He owned a house in Washington, city, and had lntely become, naturalized. » a -------- Twins Joined And Alive. Wheeling, W.Va, Oot. 20. Twink which seem to have a separate men. tality, for when one cries the other laughs, and are individualistic in every 'way, but. are fastened together at the back, were born to Mere. George Cullom, of Moundsville, Town Disfranchised. Hyden, Ky., Oct, 20. Every voter in the town of Hyden has beon disfran franchised because nobody thought to open the registration booths on the day named by the state legislature, Bale tonicht pnd Monday of stack ings, undervests anid drawers, extra strong, Me. New York Dress Reform. "Special" one pound box of as sorted candies for 25e., at Edwards and Jenkin's, 271 Prinpess street. "Once used, plways used," Best's "'Short-810p" cures coughs, 15¢. For pajumas ll ». 3 ROBERT J. REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER "Phone 577, 287 Princess St. THEY WANT MORE . BOVRIL WE HAVE IT IN ALL SIZES 1 oz. Jars........200 2 oz. Torn, ve. Se 65¢ 4 oz. Jass........ : $1.10 8 oz. Jars.. 16 oz. Jars... $1.75 - SEE OUR WINDOWy: James Redden & Co. The Home of Gpod Groceries October. a Allarline Royal mail turbine steampr Victorian, from Montreal and Quebec |! to 90c. Your jp choice Saturday, 88e. | Vests and Drawers Women's fine quality Wibod Cotton Ves with long sleeves an oned front, ! natural color. Drawers to match, good fall eight and NOBES. «In 1908, to a Ron. KINOSLIZY St James Chapel . J000; vy , James V. h ley, Wolfe Quill, FHRR x Oct. 1 oh OF tha Ont., to Fie Rion o i ~At Kingston, 16th N00, oy uetay, fn Shorgt. M.A. F Lol eon ¥ os et +e, 2 PRIBNDSHID -- WILLIAMSON. -- an Fad 19th, the resis iy ¥ THA Friouis ; ! (pully) Will- Tr famuon.' of nsion. JOYOE~ROTHERPORD ~<In Kingston, > o bishop's at Kehoe, Sgrah : ugh ter of Mr. J. 8 Fe ford, to . Jdoyoe, son of Mr re eno wireot Wr x (Toronto papers pisase copy). poniliat Ensemble imag dre Wetman, ren Artista. ther w 0 Compret Fodurtion, two 80 foot. 2 I. . iat oor, $1.80 and $1: Hox Seats, 3 , 28¢; 3 » Seats now on x