2 F147 oh. EL #4 198 raedind § a -~ 2 Bow > wx on- ther | the + on t to made rails I in- bad e, Or oved. the g to was down x the Ald. 0 the what ction ritten o the board to St. s ad- order Scheff ed to Craig rinder that board on to es on Was a and . The r soli- nin ted rieted mittee an fell street, erect e City recau- public re are I ques- long 1 city bank inter gusta d Ed dang holder many vested he di ason's 8. The Piles ation which Dr. study of the i ves istent t and as uring f Dr. taken bring nit of writes t, 1 >, but k till read Dr. them n re there eliove dition rience wricet Jamil utter it to your lized, All APPLY DR. SCOTT'S LININENY Frog Ease = Eg Sn STE FURS of Kingston. garments for both ladies and children. Also, An Excellent Hair Restorer : aad Sealp Cleanser. Large bottle, 35 cents. "Ht not for. suls at your drupe a Jame Bb _ Ruffs and Muffs and * Fancy Neck Pieces W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Fur Store Phone 700 PENDANTS We are in receipt of a series of New Urca- and tions in 14k Gold Pearl Pendants The designs this time possible, ave, if more dainty than ever, with loose hanging drops of Pearls, Topazes and Amythests. The prices range from $6.00 to $25.00 The articles. are the newest suggestions can offer you. SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians 'Phone 666. of = Marriage we 'ADAMANT Wall Plaster § { Ready for ose by adding water. Pat up In bags, 100 bs. ia each White Rock Finish Putipp in bags, 50 ibs. in cach 55-57 Rarrack ! ¢ P. Walsh 5° St. "Phone 100 § resets ssesserrvevens A 25. Sale to Talk About 20 Dozen Men's Ribbed Sox, all-wool, seamless feet, fast black, imported from Glasgow. They are equal to any 35¢. line . in Kingston. To night, 25¢. a pair. Ladies' Elastic Knit Un derwear, vests and draw- ers, Puritan brand, 35¢ quality. Tonight, 25c¢. a garment Ladies' White Lawn Hand- kerchiefs, . hemstitched, full éven thread, choap at at '$1 a dozen. 7 Coats Still doing the Coat trade 'Beautiful NEWMAN & SHAW To-night, 5 for 25c. = WD ER 19c. Will Buy Zadies' Elastic Ribbed Vest and Drawers, good heavy weight; drawers ankle length, open or closed styles, regular 25¢, and 35¢. Quality. Ladies' Fast Mack Cashmere Stockings, full fashioned and seamless, plain ribbed, styles, regular 30c. quality, TO-NIGHT, 19¢. pair. Le € al Belts Ladies' Black and Cream Silk Belts, in wide or narrow styles, nicely made of good quality silk, regular value 35¢., TO-NIGHT, 25¢. each. Just Received New, Fancy Collars, Neck Frill- ings, Veiling, Corsets, Gloves and Ribbons, Silk Waists and Kid Gloves. Men's Underwear Men's Double ' Breasted Scotch Lambs, Wool - Shirts, with Drawers to match, in all sizes, from 34 to 44, regular price, $2 per suit, for TO-NIGHT ONLY, $1.35 Suit. THE-- © Jas. Johnston Store 180 Wellington Street. KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. Or Your Hair Will Fall Out Till You Become Baid. Modern science has discovered that dandruff is caused by, a germ that digs up the scalp in scales, as it bur rows down the roots of the hair, where it destrvs the hair's vitality, causing fallinghhair, and ultimately, baldness. Ateg Prof. Unna, of Ham burg, Germany, discovered the dand rufil germ, all efforts to find a remedy Failed until the great laboratory dis covery was made which resulted in Newbro's Herpicide. It alone of all other hair preparations kills the dan druff germ. Without dandruff hair 'grows luxuriantly. "De stroy the cause you remove the efiect." Sold by lead- ing' draggists. Send 10c. in stamps, for sample to The Herpicide Co., De- troit,, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. If You Want To Take Off Varnish or Paint, no matter how hard on a door, boat, bath Take-Off will do it. Try a 25c. Can Sold only at Mitchell's Hardware F Kingston, Ont. At Van Luven's The Full Dinner Tail, Sodas, very nice at 30¢ Bridge's Pure Honey, sealers, 25c. Butter Crgam 12¢. and Bridge's Pure Honey, quarts, 40c.: half gallops; 60c. White Hone¥ in the comb sections, 15¢ Seedless Trisciut Ages, 25¢ Orange meat, Fssenees, 25¢ Olives, Raisins, 1 I, package, 10c. and 8S. W, Biscuits, 2 pack- and 25e¢. 3 bottles packages, 15¢ assorted flavots, and 15¢ 12%e. Corn and Peas, bottles, Mixed Pickles, Tin Tomatoes Pot Barley, 3 Ibs. 10¢ Split Peas, 3 lus... 10c. Sliced Dried Beef, "tins, 15e. Sliced Corned Beef, per Ih, 13ec. Cooked Meats, Smoked Meats, ete 4 F. W.VAN LUVEN, 246 Princess Street, Phone 417. 7 10e¢ per quart, 25e. Kingston Business College DEI] (LIMITED) Head of Queen s'reet, Kingston, Canada, devoted to higher Cor mercial stad Shorthand educati All Commercial Individual insiruct Evening chsses. oder. time. Rates attend the best MH. F. METCALFE, Prin. The actor likes to have the audience give him a he dping hand, Bold " the Guilight} P. Hoghes Beran Mrs. W. St. at bridge, on' Wednesday, winners of the prizes wero Tandy, and_ Mrs. F. other players were Mrs, Mrs. Ramsay, Duf, cooper, Mrs. Arthur Flower March, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs. Herbert Dawson, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. Vere Hooper, Mrs. Brownfield, Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Mrs. Victor Wil- lias, Mrs. James Higgins, Mise Helen Fraser, | Miss Lillian Mowat, Miss Macdonell, Miss Marion Redden and Miss Bessic \sordon. The tea-table was decorated with yellow chrysanthe- mums, and was in charge of Mrs, Kent, Mrs. Richard Hooper and Mise Macdonell, assisted - by Miss Mowat, Miss Redden and Miss Gc don, Mrs, E. T. Taylor, Mrs.' E. Merrett, of Montreal, Mrs, J. A. Fages, Mrs, J. C. C. Almon, and Mrs. Howard Fol ger cawe in for tea. - » entertained when the Mrs. H. Strange. The R. E. Kent, Mrs; Richard - - A hall on Thursday night was an event in Renirew. It was given by the Goli Club and was a decidedly sulbess ful affair, It was a farewell to Miss Louise. Barnett whose marriage will be quietly celebrated on the 25th inst. The Temperance Hall was finely = de- corated, the refreshment room on the ground floor being also rich in artis- tic adornment. Quite a number of Kingstonians were among the happy throng, * = s&s The marriage took place at Picton, on Wednesday, of Miss Mabel Conger, daughter of ar and Mrs. Stephen Conger, to Mr. James W. Allison, son of Mr. and Mrs, C, B. Allison. The bride is a sister of Mr. Marsh Conger, editor of the Picton Gazette, and like her husband, has been popular from childhood. : . . * Mrs. Charles C. L. McIntosK, Nt. stepdaughter of | Licutenant-Colonel Wilson, of Quebee and well-known in society throughout Ontario, will be in a few days to Douglas W, ys mon of the late John Ogilvie, and 'nephew ou the late W, MN Ogilvie, -. . Mrs. BE. T. Taylor ahd a few tea yesterday, and those the fearful downpour pleasant Miss who braved had a most it hour talking over old times. Elsie, Taylor assisted her moth- Miss Alice Macnee gave a tea for those who were over. Mrs. Cappon was there and N Reckie, Miss Marion Calvin, Miss Peuse, Miss. B. Tandy, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Loretta Swift, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Alice Hague, Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Marie Carruthers and Miss Phyllis | hortt, as well as the prize w inners. .- le sie The Edward Parlovitz Concert purty coming to the, City Tah Oct. introduces one of the greatest prima donnas of England, Alys Bateman, who has repeatedly sung before" the king and ane n, . . . Mrs. A. Kirkpatrick gave a pleasant little tea; on Wedueaduy, for a | few of Mrs. H. R. Fairclough's friends, Mrs. Kirkpatrick received at the door, dd Mrs. Fairclongh stood at the en trance to the drawine-room. . Miss Laura » Mills gave a litte im promptu party, last might, for her cousins, Miss Kdua Booth, and Miss Boyd, who are down from Whitby College. $m Hospital jumble sale, which was to have been held in Howland' old An Old Wound Would> Not Heal Until the Blood Was Enriched By Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and the Skin Healed By > Dr. Chase's Ointment sb -- It is sometimes impossible to heal an old sore because, of the weak, wat ery condition of the blood, and this is also fréquently the case with chronic eczema or salt rheum. Under such cie- cumstances Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is recommended as a means of restoring the quality of the blood, while Dr. Chase's Ointment is used to heal the raw, flaming flesh The cure of an old wound as de scribed in the letter below gives an ilipstration of the svlendid results ob thined from the combined use of these | niedicines. # Charles Wheeler, writes Grand View, Man. "l am pleased to recommend Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and Oint- ment. 1 had a very bad leg as the re- sult of an old wound which I received years ago. It -scemed impossible to get it healed iip. As I was very much run down in health. I began - the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food the blood and build up the system, while lir. Chasels ointment was ap pled locally to heal up the old sore Ten boxes of the former and six of the latter were sufficient for a complete cure, and I am glad to sav I have had good health ever since. It is a year since [ discontinued the treatwent, so I consider the cure » permanent one." As a means of curing eczenn, salt rhonm, old sores and every form of itching skin disease, there is no treat ment to be compared to Dr. Chase's Oiritment. By its healing, soothing antisepiie influence, it cleanses the sores, . allays the inflammation, stops the itching, and heals the raw, flam- ing flesh. Dr. Chase's Ointment iz a necessity in every home where its merits are known, dnd is indispensable in the nursery: 60¢.'a box, at all dealers, or Fdmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto, 8, Tues "atted on Argyle stoeets Mrs. Allan Francis, Joseph M. palaity in Js 1 olor, geraniums filling many vases. Mrs. Mackay is a former Kingstonian, * - Dent and Red an afternoon tea given, on W by, Mes. A. C. Mackay, Henfrew, n {her charming home, "Rowan Place,™ ~Assisting her wore org Mis, Plaunt cutti and Miss ng seals rea, \ Miss Cleary, assisting was ~ the ailing ri . a Miss 'Mary Dickson asked a number of girls and boys to come to her home | Wednesday, Miss Cathrine Dickson, Syracuse, last N.Y, on in honor of her sister, who left for Wednesday; after spending the past month here. . = Mrs. J. M. Machar, Bagot street, will Mrs. Richard Tothill left, for Montreal, for a month or so. entertain at tea, on Monday, H. R. Fairclough. = - for Mrs, yesterday, She will be en pension on Durocher street. Mrs. J. hood, - Mrs. G. E. Wilmot, visiting her mother, of Ottawa, - Nrs. W. J. Queen street. ng friends have been wlad to meet Cape Vincent, few days in the was formerly a ) . PF. Smith, N St. Balkwill. of Puget Sound, whe ry 'been with Miss Gildersloeve, King street, this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Montonna, of N.Y, are spending a Mrs. Montonna Black. of Pictgi. John, is the guest of her brother, the Rev. Dr, Gordon, at the principal's residence. The Bishop of Nova Scotia has been spending a few days in town to see his daughter, Mrs. Charles Stafford Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Loucks, Barrie street, will go down to Montreal, on Monday. and while there will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Stratford Dawson. Mi . Tavlor "has been down from Toronto for the Thanksgiving holiday. She likes the Queen City very much, but says there is no place quite lke Kingston. Nr. and { October 24th. | Mr. Edward Merrett, of Montreal, Gren both éx-cadets, ! ronto, for Tha Miss K. Ligh the guest of Mrs. wood." Miss Muri j Street, ie i Doward, in To! Lachine, where { | tree Mr: day, to stay a short Nr. went bask to the winter, - yesterday. Nr. Miss Grace Rogers left, of has heen spending Mrs. Edward Merrett's old friends to 1 aptain and pt, s.' Buxton wilay, Kin, James a Mrs. who have been staying in town, gone on to Boston to be i the marriage of their son v MacMahon, . » » Noble, of Petrolea, have at on present there, the holiday with Mrs. Merrett, William Smith has gone, to- time with Miss g street, and Miss Jes Smith is with Mes. Francis Rog- er in entertaining the guests. x - . - . ers, Gore street, The contest for "Miss Alice Macnee's a ot prizes took place at the Country Club Miss Flsie Gillies, of Carleton Place, on Wednesday. Miss Eva Rogers, and i will he on Monday 'to visit Mrs. Miss Mabel Gildersleeve winning first 2 . McCann, Queen street. Miss and second. Mr. James Cappon and Gin 3 is a sister of ex-Cadet G Hien, Mr. I. G. Campbell, who are chiefs Miss Gladys Mackenrio,has gone among the men golfers, were the Pack to St. Agnes' scl hool, Belleville, judges. After the playing was over:;dter spending the holiday here. Miss Jessie Polson Adirondacks for the md and Mr down from wiksgiving. - Lytle, To nlees, wir hthall, of Montreal, is Lyman, at "Caller William ting Mrs. Fdgar R. roto, - to-dav, for she will spend the win- ter with her aunt. Mr s. John Mowat, Johnson 'street, has returned to town. Mr her varly Mr; to remain over in Montreal, longer, day. Madame Pacaud treal," yesterday, to her Mr. Gracey, of Deseronto, ing guests of Mr =. Edward sister, Mr s. Francis but w datighte H. Fr next wee «- ee N k. Macnee was persuaded for a week expected home to t will be with Taylor, till as returned" to Mon- after paving a visit r, Mrs. Lafierty. She will go abroad about the first of next | month. Captain Anderson, of Ottawa, is the guest of 'Major and Mrs. F. D. Lal forty. ie ew Mr. Halsped Murray, of Albert Col lege, Belleville, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. W. 8. MacTavish, 21 Queen street, « v Mr. Clement are 'Fhanksgiv Roswell MacTavish, wt and | gen street, Mrs. Chamberlain Irwin and Miss | Cherie Irwin think of leaving, next | Thursday for Oswego, spend a month or hrwin i \ i | to enrich' | ' prob. Ir Mrs. The Engl H 8 Picte Mr Toronto, and Mr. Picton, will ably. 5. S. Merri burg, and is t R. K. Kilborn, * Misses E and. are v Wilcocks n. ¢. 'A, E, the Misses Austin then Wilson, a guest of Mrs, where they will Miss = Cherie to Ottawa 80 go on ick is up from Ogdens he guest of her niece, King street, * =» . vans, of Montreal, and isiting their uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wilcocks, of of Pigton, is in Coulthant Conlthard. Gowrlav, of formerly has been transferred from the Toronto branch of the Bank of Mon treal to the head office of the bank. Mr. Gounay is a cousin of Mrs. George Rebi nson, Miss Proctor, ing ton. Miss Leawnitt,. in town. Miss ing Mr. and M Hannah Alfred street of Brighton, rs. 8. B. ie visit Gearir ~ Pic of Brockville, is stay ral weeks ago from Chicago. Ld A day rdyn,' afternoon, wedding, when Miss Mrs. fouy Chin Frances Genevieve daughter of Dr. ef, and niece of Hon, J, was married to Mr. bertson, ertson, BA. er on the a, where ' the James Stratton, of Morrishorg, Robertson will Breden returned seve- . residence of Mrs Peterboro, was Tues- the sceme of a pretty her grand-daughter, Hunter, only James Beverly Hunt- R. Stratton, Harold Deek Ro son of Mr. Henry. Rob- Ont. Mr. and sail from Van- Empress of Japana for Mr. Robertson, in com- pany with others, will go to establish a college as one fo the missionary en. tervrises of the Methodist church Canada, at Shentu, - - Mr. lege, Toronto, Thompson, MA. Trinity Col of is spending a few vay 3 Mrs. H. R. Faitcloses plins ara yet unsettlod, 'and ity that her friends' ax w with them hers for a litte time long iss Laxon,. assistant superintendent of nurses, in Clifton Springs Sanitari: um, wrrived in town on Wednésday, and is 'the - guest of her cousin, Wiss A. Jenkin, 379 Prins street. i Ed . . The Rev. Charles and Mrs, Masters will spend to-morrow in Orangeville, where Mr. Masters' will take duty, and they will go on to Shelburne on Mon day. They havé had a very pleasant trip so far. Miss Flora Smith is the puest Mrs. A. Barnett, Renfrew, out on Wi Dr. Arthur Ross and wile have been 'spending the past few duys at: the old family howe of the Ross' at Cobden, Ont, They wore to retury. to- day. of She went Mrs, , mother of Mr. T. F. Best, Usiversi®V avenue, has returned to her home in Peterboro, Mr. John Newlands and wife, visit- ing in Kingston for some weeks ve started on their return journw™ to British Columbia, Mr. and Mes, Pilkington, of Tanca shir®, England, have heen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Beckett, Otta wa, and Lady Kirkpatrick, Toronto. Cal. Brydges of Australia, ex-cadet of the Royal Military College, is in Mantreal, in connection with military affairs. - - - Miss Allan of Ottawa the head of Victorian Oriler of Nurse, has beer ling a day or 'so in town, and has been the guest of Mrs, W. D. Gor don, King Street. She left town to dav, Mrg OC. P, Johns is visiting her mother, Mrs; R, E. Sparks, Universi ty avenie. SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRESS. Remarkable Advancement During Past' Fifty Years. The initial steps in International Sunday school work in Ontario were taken in July, 1906. 'Ihe comvention was held in hing#ton, February Hh, 12th, 13th, 1857. A second convention was not held until 1865, but ever sinve this date, regarded us that from which the Ontario Sunday School As sociation dates its birth, active oper ations have been carried on, Taking cognizance of the date of the first gathering, practically fifty years ago, the Ontario Association, on the invi tation of the eitiwns of Kingston will hold their forty-first annual con vention in this city on October 2rd, Mth and 25th. A very strong programme has been prepared. Rov, Dr, Schaufller, New York, scoretaty of the International Lescon Committee, will speak on "the Pastor in Relation to the Sun- Soy School, "What to Teach," "How to Teach," and "Whom to Teach" : Mrs. Mary Foster: Bryner, Peoria, iil, an international field worker of re pate apd for maby vears writer of the lessons for primary teachers in the Sunday School Times, will speak on: "The Child We Teach," "The Spe- cial Work of Elementary Grades," amd *1he New A. B, Cin Sunday School Work." Besides this she will conduct a special conference with | primary work erm Rev. W./C. Merritt, 'Iacoma, Wash., International field worker, of the Pacific north-west, will speak on, "lhe Sunday School Teacher's Vi sion," "The Home Department tematic Bible Study for AN A Breeze from the Pacific Slope.' Rev. Dr. Armstrong, "Ottawa, ex-moderator general assembly, on "The Child in the Midst." Rev, Canon Greene, Oril lia, on, "The Promotion of Bibl Study in the Homes "of the People, its Necessity, its Possibilities." lev R. E. Walch, ¢ al séoretary' of the Canadian Bible Society on "The Book We Teach," and Rev. Dr. Potts, chair man of the international lesson com the convention with "Twentieth Century Ideals." Every auxili ary associiition and "every Sunday school in the province may send dele gates -to what promises, to be one of the best conventions in filly vears mittee, will close an address on Sunday. School His Stable Burned. On Wednesday night, about mid night, fire broke out in the stable, at tha rear of the residence of Stanley ( Chown, Renfrew, brother of George ¥ and A. P. Chown, of this ¢ity. The structure was burned, but the firemen saved adiacent property, inéluding the curling rink. Part of the kitchen to Mr. Chown's house was damaged, and a favorite dog was burned The loss is not heavy. William Muir, a firanan, had his arm badly burned. een The &° nr tsmen' Busy. Partridge hunting is a Happy Pas time these days and North Frostetac and South Renfrew is full of hunters They find considerable game and many a home is revelling in the choice mor sels of the hunt. Friends f&r and near are also remembered with dainty par cels. The rivers, too, if the rear parts, are a'so mude to viekd "thei quota to the enjoyment of the table ' Lectures On Zionism. Mine. Bronislawa Pevsner, of Phila delpltia, Pa., has given two lectures to the Jocal 'Hebrews in their hall the past two evenings on Zionism." She ix an able speaker, and has been lec turing in Toronto. From here she will go to Montreal. Her lecturing was very much appreciated. Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen. To heal and soften the skin and re move grease, oil and rust stains, paint and earth, ete, use The "Master Me- chanic's" Tar Soap. Albert Toilet Soap Co., Manufacturers. "Wise Heads. Wear Campbell Bros. sew hats Lhy's, © loys' overcoats and suite at Bib N-------------- A -------------- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES iret tusertion;" le. & word. Ebel som secutive insertion thereafter fc. a word. Minimum charge for ome in sertiom, 2c. Advi. 4 lines or under a week. $1. Adut 4 lines or under a month, $3. Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG RR HELP WANTED-MALE, Hower JO Rea Wie, Freee Tow Fa Tare Hee Tr CLT RRTERG as , 'Bi Brock street. AMERICAN ENCYCLOPERIA, N wines, af discoun special reason. wrong "whe Apply THREE DEER Pa on a. Si Pr conti heater Teifle, HELP WANTED--FEMALE. wl KING A HOUSEMAID.. APPLY street. 52 A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP ply to 161 Earl street. A CAPABLE NAID FOR GENERAL in a family of three. Appiv Johason stres service, at 195 AND Ap AN EXPERIENCED COOK housemaid. References required. ply at _T0 Barrie street. A COMPETENT SBRVANT, WELL reconinended. Good cook, No wash. ng. Apply in the evening 278 Brock street, ------------------------------------------------------ COOK AND HOUSEMAID, FoR family of three. No washing «wr froning. Apply to Mrs. Crisp, Uw Parsonage, Portsmouth SEVENTEEN HORSES KINDS, 5 [A AR BC for D, J, STRONG BOY TO LEARN PRINTING. 0 Apply Whig office, | ETE, " - i wien | TEN ACRES OF 'GOOD LA Sr hora Tia FR 1WO goon TINSMITHS-FURNACE in 4 wiles of city time. wd Inquire, | rincess @treet, Work a specinity ; w $2. heap. oy APply day. svat ie xpd pens Shue we 95 Clarence str -------------------- - rred. i t tott, St. - EE 2 Thomas tat uton 4 NINE HUNDRED _ DOL witL i . a and Noler. now ham. ood A STRONG BOY OR YOUNG MAN, s \ . to leafu oressing in tailoring stabs focali fy: rer Jurthervarticulnrs, ap % So vad to Joaiuners. ply office. iE ee cr \ Nr] meres. memset | 2 University Avenue. on Lan FIR LARGE RPsimENCE oF Two well-furnished Bp itis St. 'rooms to let; bright, GENTLEMEN TO AVE EIR ERA overconls made 10 HAV Marcy perty oa og frontage Toeay 132 fort good location, on King § SH pressed and cleaned or turned. New dean. . Garden and orcha rear. J work guaranteed to please. Prices, Apply to 3. F. Swift. right. dloway, the Tailor, 131 A treat. FARM, ON BATH ROAD, LESS | Brack & - than two miles from Kingston, cons fer Yi? gtr, BE WE ating on + ronning th "yolk oy loam. One of the. the best farow the County. Apoly to J. P. Ferris, on the farm, or wt 874 Alfred street, Kingston PERSON AL, LADIES : USE JRIUMPR FILLS FOR delayed 4 or Su ppressed From "A Tanttionn remedy Fy attonsl Medical lustituto, Milwaukee, Wis. l 3 -------------- BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY WORTH' $10.000 cash, will aiso inherit kn Thousand wore, wishes young or middle aged en with ew. to matrimony (Poverty no objeetio Address Miss Hart, Dept, 455, Ti Wabash, Uhicago. wnlibE 1 AGE, FINE LOOKING BUSI, ™m man, would like to mest Lady With view to matrimony ; his income is $8,000 per your, eoough for both. a objection poor maiden or widow mmm ---------- A FARM TO RENT, WITH A VIEW of t purchasiic. McCann, B1 Brock St. Address Mr. H., Room 318, Ceylon A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN, WHO DNE- Hig, Chicago. 1 Fr ame 10 81a os YOUR FUTURE | PORBTOLI: FREE. | gat, wonth. Address "Spero," Whig office, 6 drove superiority of yp iia Tice. yours free, with special forecast ips Bop 2 WANTED-GENERAL, RR py MT Hrd BL and worth having. Alma te fortune vy A Prawer 732, Chicago. | power & sox, MONEY AND BUSINESS. a ony iav Brock = reet. PRORERRY TO - BUY ; WILL J. 8S. R. McCann. B1 OUR peoL COVAR MORE ' So Godwin . Se Emporium, M et Square. HOYS AND QIRES, 15 YEARS AND over, to Work in cigar factory, Hebi | yu RRPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE work.. Good wages to start. Apply Fire Insurance y. Available to 8 Obersdorfier, Ontario sireet, assets BA1 IST, a n to ity, whith the poliey holders have, to * . . 8 SR security tha unlimited Hatd iy wo BOARD AND TEACHERS, FOR JUNIOR = AND the Suh Sari ang city pro- ROOMS. w department of Séley's Bay pe 0 ! 7 a Table | School Service. to hein Fates. Before renvWine old or &lving [Two FURNISHED. OOMBL IN Jan. 8rd, 1907. Please state salary, new business wot rates from Strange Jocality, Apply "Ls ant J. PF. Chapman; Secretary. & Stran-e. Avents, rt rem. eer FOR SALE OR TO-LET. H€EDGEWOOD HOME, 160 UNION ST. all modern conveniences ; excellent LOST. A LADIES HAND SATOREL, ON Union St. West, containing sum of money. Finder will be rewarded Wy ST UBINTS CAN BE leaving at this office. h comfy Tobe C00! DAT Avply ho hg location ; latwe grounds. May ist. Also two building lois for sale. For terms particulars A . d Sony to Ng W. Anglin, Essex. Ont A GOLD LOCKET AND CHAIN, BE- Ww." Whi oficw. tween Bauk of Montreal a Livin stom Ave., or on Mark wih be rewardel hy leaving at eos. teeter et ---------------- men | Ruse. ¥ rovs REFER. ny P! R- MEDICAL. : PAIR RINLERS GLASSES, ON oiunifug Hi DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY Te! Barrie." ate frmie Machi occupied by Dr. - Ryan, corner Mon- rium to Miss Clark, 15 a ready A treal and Brock streets. Lawrence Are. and receive rewa Co., St, Louis Mp. ~ T0 CONTRACTORS: TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to 4 pw. of MON- DAY next the 22nd inst for eXeava tions required in the erection of the pro- vosed the Medical University any tender not ted. Plan and specifica n at the Office of POWER & SON Architects Bank Chambers for the Building VE, on or New cess tions may bo Merchants CHURCH WOMAN'S AID. St. George's Successiul Societies. Friday's rain did not prevent there being a splendid turnout at the meet ing of the Church Wompn's Aid of St. George's cathedral. Canon Btarr was in the chair. The election of officers resulted in the placing~ol Mré. Nor ton-Taylor in the prosident's chair, and no bettér-one could there be to fll it. Mrs. John Twigg, is first vice president: Miss Annie Muokloston. Dorcas secretary on hoard of the W A.. the second vice, both most ea pable; and indefatigable Mee, Georoe Metiowan the seeretary-treasarer. A vote of sincere thanks was passed to Mrs. Forbes Torrance, the retiring tent, for her good work. is socivty has mid in 850 to Canon Starr this week for various ob One of iocts, and has met all its obligations The new rector, Canon Farthing, will find all the parish organisations in full swing, iinder competent officers, when he comes to begin his work here on November lst, and for their vert, all church workers are prepared to welcome him most cordially. -------- Plawd's iron tonic pills. The giffiuine are sold at Gibeon's Red Cross drug store." "Phone 230. Two women like then leave their it ont. An inferior brick will absorb teens inches of water e+ Ribby's display of neekwear, German clerks work twenty per cent slower thaw Fnaglish ones. a ---- Many Children Sick. Cet their fet wit, enteh cold or cramps, and give mothers an anxious time. With the first shiver or sneeze mb the Kttle one's chest with Nervi line the throat, and give ten drops in hot water at bedtime. Next morning sll j= well, Nao cold, no timo i to start a fuss andl husbands to fight wix nrg lost at school. 1 Poleon's Nee iline isn't in vour home get it there mr once. Deplers wll it in large 25e. bottles. Always something new arriving to meet the wants of the most exacting Grimmed Hats our Specially Our Tailored Hat Department is 'more popular than ever. We have the correct shapes, and from our large stock can duit all tastes. 3 PFA ay We carry a large Stock of Pressed Shapes call in and have a look We are secognized as headquarters for Lamps. 4 . Our Designs and Decorations are Exclusive. a And our-Prices are always Lowest. Everything in the Lamp Line at = Medley's Drug Store