Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1906, p. 6

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»s Distillers, Argylechire. ---- a i ES . WOMAN'S. EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1900. 9 And The Aged. | 80 Years' Established Reputation. BARNARDO | oft ft i 1 21 JOSIAH R. NEAVE & CO.. FORDINGBRIDGE, ENGLAND. Apes THR LYMAN 308. & 00: Jimied, Toronto, and ' LYMAN, SONS ., Montreal. b LagRe oso ------------------ ved We clear then out J 3 Edwards 'at 100. and 150. a doen. Tand Jenkin, 274 Princess street, 353 fis ez £ 8 af FE Sst ovel & parts of body. engine has twelve s tooth moving along drivers fifty-five inches in diameter. ivory gradually BEWARE OF RELATIONS. one thum . Di] : vb to the | 1 ey'd Skin You With St. Peter ; -at the Door. "Never go into business with rela tives, They'll skin you, éven if you get atl St, Peter for doorkeeper and the re onday, was horn in [cording angel for bovkkeeper. , August 1st,| Beware of false profits ! A penny hand for over fifty years carried | overcharged may cause you to lose a - business of carriage making at | dollar customer. Pe esthrook. He recently made his home| When you hear a man day, "Do with his daughter, "and until 'a few | others before they do you," look out Thanths ago enjoyed excellent health. | for him. He is 'one of the evildoers. By Joamurd was sei vod mah; and | When you are down take your y mn alrs 8s wi wling. But when Sank shel ad country. #0 of | knock without ho g. op integrity. and honesty. | énomy with 'compound interest. though past the Psalmist's Mork Twain says, "Be good, and Score ten allstment, his hair {you will be lonesome !"" Your Uncle not turned grey, nor was his phy- | Solomon says, "Better be alone in Jo abated. He seemed to re- | good company that sociable in bad." youth and its associations to | The rea Tender generally finds out unusual degree, and was beloved, | that when he = gets broke there is a by the young. He was the | great deal of truth in the old saying family of eight children, all { "He who goes a-borrowing goes a attairied' the age of seventy | sorrowing." oars fover, Mis wile died eight | Paste this over your desk: If you 4 ip year, haven't a desk, on your looking-glass; they having enjoyed married life for | if you haven't a looking-glass, over ip fifty-four fears, are left | your bed; if you haven't a bed, wear 0 aur, the oss of a loving fath- | jt next to your heart; be sure to keep ol "4 ildren, Mrs. W. J. Mellow, |it by you, so that you may remem- Ki "i Fig J. J. Gardiner, | hor: A dollar is your hest friend ! vieston; W i or obaird; Bhenear Never answer a vartinements that ¥ Va . s MN. omise to pay you a week for Y., and Dr. R. A. Eeonard, Napanee, Siting home doing nothing. Save -------------- your stamps and your common sense. HAD PLAYED BEFORE. The postoffice hasn't = cornered all the x hae. v | Diane Make Much Out of the funds yet. Never rum from a. policeman or a 5 3 dog. They'll think you are guilty ; Kaha bind apeimtépt. it a --¥whether you are or-not. Then you are . y goller, set up | sure to get a clubbing or a biting, no his ball, and then made half a dozen [matter how little you may der it. swipes at the short grass with the | There are times when it pays to stand iver. \ still, i 1 fn net in oud form," he said. neh ayine likes broket wo hod | wil Make Things Lively. here weok, "This broker played "onos around, Wolfe Tsland, Oct. 18.--Pressed hay king dro exon Sf | 149 bo Iie: tho lan oho rs 3 ny. oO » oughivlie Was 10} day a large barge from Montreal, with a capacity of five hundred tons, "The man's caddy was-an unusually | i being loaded at the island dock, quiet, stolid lad, & boy with a frecki- Duncan McRae has started to buy hay ed face; devoid of expression. "And since the eaddy never once pA _ gd i" the oni fun a 9 Hit, Ata per tom, an advance of nearly $1 per hope of getting a compliment : ton over the present buyers. If hay "+I have been teavelling for the last | continues to leave the island at the gnare, He was doing pretty well lor for the other dealers," as known and has the con- ople. He is offering $8 #ix months. I am quite out' of prac- present rate, it will be a scarce com- | tice. 'This is why Iam in such bad modity 'before spring. Many farmers form to-day.' are hauling oats; thirty-two cents is The caddy replied calmly : the price being paid. To-day men from " "Then ye've played before, have | the city made the connection between yo, sir?" Cape Vincent and the island on the ---------- , | Bell Telephone line, Workmen are er- REQUIRED HASTE: gcting the poles to the foot of the ------ island. They have their camps on Mr, An Office Boy Who Got Things Connolly's farm at the Cold Spring. od. The remains of Miss Lillian Healy, Chicago Chri " who died in Buffalo, were interred here A group of actors: sat waiting. - for | this week, She was formerly of the Hemty Wi Savage in the Garden The- Island and sister of William Healy, to atre, Now: York, between # whom sympathy is extended. the: other day when the 'conversion death of Mr. Taggart's youngest tirned. to the = whjeet of boys. daughter occurred yesterday; her fun- "When Iwas 'on' the a the eral will take place to-morrow. Mrs. New York Daily "News," said J. H. | Bodney doors, who recently under- Clsrendon, who has now given up went an operation in the Hotel Dien, journalism to play the of Artie has so far recovered that she is ex- in the "Prince of Pilsen," "we had an pected home this week, Mrs. Michael office: boy 'who "was" the teat: suc- Flood and her brother. Charles Ryan, cess as a failure and the greatest fail: arrived home on Monday, from Phila- J ure as a success that you ever saw. On delphia, where they spent two weeks one ion' I. sent. him 10 get: monie with relatives The banns were pub- 'copy.' Pretty soon we heard a eclat- lished, last Sunday, - of Mise Mary tor of fest on the stairs and in burst { Hawkins and Edward Kelly, The sis the boy enfirely gut of breath." ters of the House of Providence are * 'What's the . trouble. Wasn't he seeking charity on the island. , When there" 1 asked X the news reached here of the crash in "No, sir, he's out and de joints the Ontario Bank it caused quite a oll locked opt flutter of excitement among depositors " "Then why the diol lidn't vou | On, the island. The two hotels in the for him as I told you?' I asked, |'ilage have heen newly. painted. Wil- " *Whewh-why, dere wuz a mote on | MAF Boyd has moved to the village, the door dat. said; "Return at ionce.' ond Hiram Davis has moved in his 20 1 thought Yous Yantes we 3 | stead. Edwatd Cuff of Watertown, has aiok back | disposed of his farm go John Me- "1 m------ Lo oul ara pe poet ea eliv ere last week. t Wien so ianey, Signals. a dull, | ¥a8 quickly disposed of. Another load ~ - ' hen heavy feeling. arose She back' Ww will shortly arrive. urine is heavy, clouded, scanty or a Jprofuse it is time to do something for Thousand Island Park. kidneys. The remedy you can At the annual meeting of the T'hou- cure all Kigdhey, liver {sand Island Park Association, the of- dicorders is Peck's Kil- | ficers for the ensuing year were elected ney apd Liver Pills. They benefit al- as follows : George C. Sawyer, Sy most from the first dose. In boxes, [emse,t N.Y., president; J. P. Lew 5c. For sale only at Wade's drug |Beaver Falls, first vice-presiden store. Money back if not satisfactory, | Grant, Clayton, coon i A © -- 4 Dr. A. W. Goodale, sere. Hard or soft corns cured: with three | tary; W. R. Fitch, Lowville, treasurer; pplications Peck's Corn Salve. | executive committee, J, P. Lewis. and jnarantesd. M back # not satis] Walter Brown, Clayton, factory. In boxes I5e. at Wade's drug 'store. New cardigan jackets at Bibby's, was. re- | you get up again just sock it te your | bargain musgt be found | of many baskets of cooked food and and it is expected that he will make |: v you not to strange little hii ( men ~ in that interesting isjind. ly all the villages have "their who correspond to the old-time village idiots of other coun- oling and chatter- Tg ike O Soaliny g and dancing gnomes with ever a jest on their Spe and A sly word for the passer-by. native hunchback is the Panchi ello of Samoa--a superior kind of buf foon or jester, never to be taken seri- ously, but of great value as a hone on which dull wits may be sharpened. The + Damouns take Ho v advantage opportunity, while the.island is kept alive by the badinage and can- trips of the elfin hunchbaeks. From time immemorial hunchbacks have heen: known in the Samoar Islands. The total population of these groups is about 34,000, of which to-day some 500 are humpbacked. Frequently, ) they are the offspring of the fmest and healthiest parents, who na- turally look wpon their birth as a calamity, says F. W. Christian, F.P. G.8., in Pearson's Magazine. Jn the olden days, says F. W. Christian, the hunchbacks were genor- ally killed as soon as the deformity appeared, and ¢ven aty the present time in Samoa it would appear that the practice has not entirely died out, for only the male "Tuapio," to use the native word, are to be found on the island, and I haVé never seen or heard of a woman hunchback. One of the chief duties of the bunch- back is to act as a go-between in ar- ranging love matches between a chief, of distinction and a lady of high de- gree. For the suitor naturally prefers a homely messenger of this kind to a fine, stalwart young man, who would be only too likely to aet the part of wooer on his own account. It is a fre quont sight to see one of. these little Calibans holding forth on. the "ma- laes," or village green, to a langhing company of girls. He invariably di rects his conversation to his master's prospective} mother but, when- that the ob- ion shall over- 1 phrase that Hows so freely from his lips. The hunchback extols his master in every way; di courses on his wealth, his virt and noble acts, until he has ried his suit. 'here are then que tion" of dowry to he settled, and the th presents droves of pigs, which are conveyed to the prospective father-in-law by the trusted-messanger, Saturday's FashicA Note. Gown of soft-finish 'taffeta silk, the ! skirt made with five spaced tucks | around the bottom, with a box plait on either side of the front dividing the tucks. The waist was made with a little chemisette of lace and tucking | ! of mousseline;, and the middle - of the | front was filed in by plaited frills of mousseline. The waist was shirred from the shoulders back and front and | was trimmed with .an oddly cut col- ! lar of net matching the gown material, ! in colar, covered with silk cords. These | cords are made by using folded bias strips of silk, stitched as a casing, in f which the narrow cord is rum, the | strips being stitched by machine and } the cord attached to one end, when it was then turned right side out. The cords were formed into soroks and | loops on the silk net, the sleeves be- ing trimmed by a band of the same, | | and %rills of plaited muslin. ; pe et set i Best Christmas Present. When your Christmas present is a year's 'subscription to the Youth's , Companion you give as much in good {reading as would fill twenty 400-page novels 'or books of history or travel lor biography ordinarily costing $1.50 a volume. Nor do you give quantity ! at the cost of quality. For more than half a century the wisest, most re: | nowned, most . entertaining of writers have been contributors to the Com- { panion. You need never fear that : will be ina riate.. or unwelcome, | ;The boy, t l--every other member | lof the family--will insist upon a' share in it. There is no other present costing so little that goes so far. On receipt. of $1.75, the yearly sub- scription price, the publishers send to the new subscribers the Companion's four-leaf hanging calendar for 1907, | lithographed in twelve colors and gold | and subscription certificate for the | fifty i the year's volume. ! Full illustrated announcement for 1907 will be sent with sample copies of the paper any address free. Subscribers who get new subseriptions will receive $1 in cash and many other pe: | cial awards. Send for information, The Youth's Companion, 144 Berkeley | on Sree an. street, Boston, Mass. | Whenever you have any sympathy to bestow, direct At towards the young woman who never used Hollister" Rocky Mountain Tea or Tablets, 33 Mahbod's Drug Store, Fresh seidlitz powders in tin hoves ' at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. } i Armours Solid Extract of Beef ; TTED IN CANADA) © The fell flavor and tonic properties of prime roast beef condensed. Other Lxtracts may sell 'cheaper, but they lack the strong Beefy quality found in Armour's, because they contain such a high percentage of Salt and Water. Always buy Armour's Solid Extract, and thus be sure that you are getting the natural Beef Juice in all its purity. ; 4 It is all Beef--being the essence of prime Beef concentrated by a special process, which frees it from . water and fat. ARMOUR LIMITED ~~ - - Toronto CANADIAN FACTORY--T77 FRONT STREET EAST ii FOUNDERS IN CANADA OF Hand Tailored Garments, Completely Finished. The aristocrat of winter styles. The personification of grace and elegance. In rich gray mixtures and black cheviots. Experience in stove building is con centrated in the Souvenir Steel Range. It has no equal amongst modern cooking stoves. Added to its compact- ness, is every advantage to be found in any Ts Aerated Oven, changing the air therein complete ) without lessening the heat a degree, gives it an ilmense ad- vantage over all other ranges. : Its deep fire-box holds the fire easily over night--no ashes can accumulate to" choke the draft. Its 'grates can be removed without loosening a single bolt. Every desirable improyement for effecting a saving in labor, time and fuel is found in the Souvenir. « : Every Soyvenir is absolufely guseanteed by the maksrs. THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO. Limited HAMILTON, WINNIPEG, MONTREAL, VANCOUVER pu J. S. HORSEY, Sole Agent, 189 It -- DIAMOND DYES SUCCESSKFUL HOME DYEING. THE ONLY PERFECT DYES FOR COLORING WOOL SILK COTTON WW MIXED GOODS. ASK FOR THE CELEBRATED DIAMOND DYES. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES Do you appreciate splendid tonic you Effer- vescent You can depend o take away the bad of fatigue, brain fa b.ood and build uj down system. pleasant, easy. No mess &'s a cake of soup that washes and dyes - alone 2 Made in England but sold everywhere, soc. for Colovs--zse. for Bae = wy CD) TALKING PAI From $5 up. Shipped 5 Wo mais sneciailv low rice birds in all parts of Canac tine, COTTAM BIRD 82 Rathurst St.. Londo: The Americ: n Ladies'T «61 Princess t We take pleasures in annm ival of Mr. Metz, a mo signer and ladies' tailor, he rare opportunity meted ou 'a his trade to practice fashionable cities of the London, England and Paris Is, therefore, not nocessar ay that the best workman is guaranteed. Customers can supply the or Secure them from the co ov returned if work is not 'Phone 6686. This isnot a Ha notinjure the s Vegetable Comy tains no Grease It will restore your hair to i even though it has been gray for ' we uataitee it ih every cast un le your druggist unde y ggist for | Price One Dollar or Six Bo Express Prepaic ~~ THE TREMAIN Ss Dept. K. 22 Buchan: BE SURE AND CAL ~~ IWAGGONEF 'STOCK OF GENTLE Fall and Winter Overcoatings, Tro And Fancy Vesting Stock is now comple and winter, Prices t buyers--fit and finish in all the latest styles. 188 WELLINGT( "Annual Dividend A Twentieth Century fea Insyrance has been adopte Canada Life Assura Canada's leading company the demand of the public a has been devised by whiel dends can be applied annu duce the premium, or by ws additions. .The amounts ductigns'. of premium, or tions' are written in the guaranteed. This company having a an average bonus of TWO | are enabled to put this pol market, and it would be tc ' ing public's: advantage to respond with the office, Street, Kingston. Jd. O. Hut MANAGER. EMBOSSING ¢ And... ENGRAVING Neatly done Whig Office. The Late Miss Janet H Na Henderson, Christian woman, ( died last after an illness of several 1 ceased was a faithful mem Presbyterian church, interes its work, and beloved by s kindly disposition and w The remains were taken to Monday fore ily plot. She ily, and cam pee about thirty years ago,

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