retty stripes olors--most- pe@ttes and 9 wide, eas- to-morrow (4 : : CI y che cks and designs, very pleasin, t 150. : + Japanese designs, 27 inches wide, very popular Paisley patterns, 97 8, of the "better qualities, finished softness after washing, unlimited as stripes, per yard, 10, 121 and 15c inches wide, many beatiful designs at 35, 45,49 and G3e mmm sain Jnderwear For Yon reparation and 'endless trouble on our gathered here the most satisfactory rwear for both ladies and children. niliar to those who buy elsewhere. + the utmost confidence that every | here, is being as well spent as is pos- rger collection or more honest values n the aty. Look over to-morrow's upon Snchat you need : " \ ' vers, (Children's Natural Wool Vests and h ex.| Drawers, of just the weight for fall | wear, at an extensive range of J prices according to size and qual- ity, per arment, to-mor- nde Tow, 40, 35, 33, 30, 35, 20, 15 "he.| 18 and ... 3 . phen 'hildren's Unshrinkable Wool Vests andl and Drawers, either natural ent-- shade oF pure White, accord- 15 b9 ing to size, § "pair, to * *hildren's Ribbed Vests, of fine pure and wool, silk-trimmed, in three styles n, off --the two-button-front-opening, the tural] entirely open front, and the closed front with high neck and 25 ribbon--priced according: to 15 size, from We, to ........ ..... * : and{infants' Underwear, always a cqm- vight| plete range here "of the Nope = size, from 25¢. to ~ Pearsall's Millinery Ruben's vest and open front vests, priced according to . . nd Ranges, largest assortment the cily, our prices le. Examine our urchasing. land' Hall Heater the best Heater made OS. 77 Princess Street ---- ANIZING we 0. Toronto Phone Main 1729 Thy! nly by reason of the makers intimate. gh knowledge of women's tastes and juiremen eet , that have achieved marvelous success. FIR ST they "the eye and lend real distinction to the SECONDLY --they fit women's feet y Dorothy Dodd's can fit, THIRDLY r large sale permits them to be sold at secured and controlls the sale of these res them to offer the weafer more real other possible to procure. New Fall w them to anyone. tt Shoe Store "I YEAR 73, NO. 250. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co 'Overcoats Canada that uses mo Shoddy or Cotton in the make-up of their Suits and Overcoats.: All other firms sacrifice Pure Wool in order to cheaper their garments. If you want strictly Pure Wool, buy Caldwell's. This line came in to-day and their make- up ig superb. SOLD ONLY BY E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. R. M. C. II. vs. QUEEN'S: rat 1 pm. McGILL vs. QUEEN'S At 2:30° p.m., Saturday, Oct. 27th, Queen's Athletic Grounds. West side and Grand Stand 50c. East side, 25c. ; Bleechers 10c. extra. McGILL Association F.B. vs. QUEEN'S Association F.B. 10.30 'a.m., Saturday, Lower Campus. Admission, 15c. Call in and see whit we are doing in -Hats this week, especially Friday and Saturday. It will certain- iy you to do so; if at all interested, and at the same time take a look at our Ostrich Plumes and Tips which were bought at special prices this week, and will be sold 'accord- ingly. Pearsall's Millinery 228 Princess Street We Guirantee to Fit Your Feet! Durability and Style in Ouc Wear Shoes ALLEN'S MILITARY BOOTMAKERS 84 Brock Street sign of Gorden Boot NQTICE TO SAVE THE TIME OF ANSWER ing verbal questions on the matter, we respectfully anfiounce that fthe firm of Mills & Cunningham "was finally, 'and absolutely dissolved, on the Sth day of August last. Mr. Cunningham is' now doing busi- ness on his own account, solely, at No 40 Clarence St. Mr. Mills will be found at the old stand, 79 Clarence. street. THOMAS MILLS. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM. ASSIGNEE'S SALE Three Horses and 'one Cow, the pro- perty of the: estate of Wm, Pollitt, Baker, one Grey Horse, gne Brown Mare, one Fox Horse, one Heifer ; also for whom it may contern, one Bay Horse, ci broken, ome Buggy, o Suoring Wa~~on. and set of Heavy E press Harness. Sale at 11 aan. SA URDAY, October 27th, 1906, at Market Square. 9) WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. rt TAKE NOTICE For a Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, Kitchen Range, or any other Stove <come and sed me. as I have the largest ¢ stock I have ever had ; also a lot of Furniture and Carpets. Everything TURKS; SECOMD-uAWD sT0RE 808 Princess Street. el 'ANT Buy British Columbia Awalga: mated Coal Cd's. Stock at 25c. before the rise, Nov. 15ih to Ste. A few hundred dojlars Bow may make a fortune. Crow's Nest Coal Co's. shares sol 10 years ago 10c., now %0s. #. swiFr FINANCIAL AGENT See Men Labor ant ws Social, in Queen St. Metho- Tuesday, Oct. 30, 8 p.m. Men Will serve, sing and entertain. Admission, 25¢. Come and enjoy it. King Edward and Queen Alexandra on post cards, fancy tinsclled, om: bodsed cards. Special, 25c. per sett, at F. 0'Gorman's, King street. Col. Edwards, is forming a -&ty re DAILY MEMORANDA. That for quality and value Are unexcelled at Campbell Bros. Association Foothali Match 10.30 5 to-morrow. e S Lion Block. x The sun rises Saturday at and sets at 4.39 pam. Sale of Horses and Cow, by Murray, Pure Wool |x: Q Grounds, 2.30 pa... Saturday. history Canadians feated Yankees at Chateaugnay, WHIG TELEPHONES, 1 ; 243-Busines Office. . This is the only firm in va Siton [Bleu de Roi" The latest triumph in Ceramic Art A very handsome wide band, rich blue, speci- ally adapted for nner Sets 't-Fail to See it at Robertson Bros. Auction Sale Saturday might, The Bill Bristles With Conten- the education bill was reached; yestor- day, when the measure came before the House of Lords for detailed de bate. Unless the .peers soon decide to postpone. consideration of the bill un- til ga judicial decision is rendered up- on the-qpestion of the linbility of the | lacal educational bodies for the ex- penses. of religious education. the up- per house is likely to be the seene, for some time to come, of the bitter ost legislative fight witnessed in the British parliament of recent years. points, bat the main battle centres on the clatses relating to religious ine struction. The liberdls ave alleged to be immovably pledged that there shall be no denominational teaching at the public expense, while the Unionists, under the leadership of gregt church dignitaries, both Charch of England antl Ronan Catholie, are outwardly as unalterably determined to amend the bill so" that children of varcnts belonging to these ch denominational religi during school houys. expected to last three weeks. Fur Jackets Sealskin ' Persian Lamb 'Broadtail W. W. Ashley, M.P Churchill whether "he Newfoundland government had been consulted, and its adherence obtained t8 the provis ional agreement entered into' between his majesty' government amd that of the United States, in reference to the Newfoundland fisherios: Mr. Churchill seid the colony had been fully con sulted throughout the hegotiations, but his meijesty's government had not | heen so foptimate as to Sito conourrencd in the provisiong ment. / mother of the famdus Honolulu fam ily, asserts that four of her sons-in- relinquishing control of the property died recently in China, are to * the cffiect that the deceased left no will. The elder Ah Fong Lift over £1,000,000 E have the reputation of manufacturing High Class F UR garments only. fect in fit, quality and work- largest and finest collection of Fur Skins and Manufac- tured Furs, our own make, between Toronto and Mon- You are invited to call and inspect our FUR display. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 139-153 BROCK STREET Kingston Reform Association Meeting will be on TUESDAY EVENING, Oct. 30th, at 8 o'clock, in Whig ROBBER A WAR HERO. Cross in Franco-Ger- Berlin, Oct. 26.-According to Zeitung, which is sionally used by the general stafi for making snnouncenients there is reason for believing that the man who ar- rested and robbed and municipal authorities of Koepen- ick is'a retired captain of thé Prus- sian army, who won the Iron Cross in the Franco-Uerman war. Es His domestic and fihavicial troubles have been notorious: for years, and he has heen frequently treated for mental disease, He has been missing from his usual haunts since the robbery, giment in Edmonton. WR i men's dors. BTER FIGHT will Be Waged Over Edu- cation Bill. |THE UPPER HOUSE asin : WILL BE THE SCENE OF THE BATTLE. tious Points -- Unionists and Liberals Will Stand Firm to Their Colors -- Newfoundland Knew. Londen, Oct. 26.---A crucial stage of The bill - bristles with conteritious hos shall have s> instructions The debate © is In the House of Commons, yesterday asked Winston CHOKED BY SONS. Tells of "Attempt to Force Prop- erty Git. Honolulu, Oct. 26.---Mrs. Ah Fong, law choked her and one of the guar tette displayed a revolver in an effort to foree her into signing a document given to her by her husband. Cable advices 'from - Tony Ah Fong, one of the sons of the merchant who worth of sugar stocks and other valu: able holdings to be divided among his fourteen children and the widow, who remained in Honolulu when - he departed in 1890 to live in China. He is known to have possessed mach |, more property i is probable that | staps will now be taken by his family to secure more of his estate. It had been generally supposed that the balk of his remaining property would he left toshis son, Tony, who accompan ied him to China. MYSTERIOUS EPIDEMIC Causes Exodus From Staten Island Town. New York, Oct. 20--The World says that an epidemic of disease which the doctors have confessed themselves uns able to diagnose, and which has as: sumed menacing 'proportions in the town of Mariners Harbor, on Staten Island, bas thrown residents of that sons have sold or closed their: houses la victims to the grave, and there .are at present undér treatment in the town, are first attacked by a high fever, and tory buildings. disease, has spread to the town pes ple. Murdered A Patient. ment for the same offence. To Bar Out Men. - mechanics in good standin can" be ~* . KINGSTON,. © a living Land family, Dut he bids faire ome a very wealthy head of four srcnurationg hake and uctive, n her. nintieth, birthday . recen held an informal resoplion figids in the home in Philadelphia where she is known as the 'Most. active great: grandmother. theie. | plage into a panic. Hundreds of per- and moved to other parts of the js. . { The disease already has brought two over two hundred cases: Its victims soonr red blotches cover their bodiss At ite inception the malady confisied itself to. the ranks. of Austrian lables ers, nearly 3,000 of whom have beer brought -to the town from Buffils, N.Y., recently to construct new fgo- Within the past wefk, however, the Lexington, Ky, Cct. 26.--X jury found Fred. Pharis, formerly an at- tendant at the Eastern Kentucky lune atio asylum, guilty of the murder of Fred Katlerer, a patient. He was sen- tenced to five years in the penitenti- ary. Daniel Adams, J.0M. Claggatt and Richard Champion; former attesd- ants at the asylum, are under indiet- Williamstown, . Pa., Oct. 26. The Daughters of Liberty, the only wo- men's lodge here, has established its initiation fer at $200 for men. Under the charter of the lodge, allt jupior come members of the Daughters, but Poverty to Hour, " BL: 20. --By striking city, has heen poor man to un alth pouring in on : an howr. When puny completes handling the ail increased from F to, 4,000 barrels overcome at * his fifty years old. He "producer in a small Like most small had hard work | production nrovide 2S pT 7 7 MRS. ESTHER CALISLE, * Born ut Posen. Prissia in '1818, is tie tly she far her tm --. EXCLUSION OF JAPS From Washi 3 Aa, the Japanese " t f Pa Wy % oF ste that Japanese subjects, in Cal fornia, éecive their full rights under the treaty of 18M, lading the rijht of children freely to attend the public schools 'of San' Franecises. Secretary Root will take the viatter up with the president, and it is kal representations will he made to © th California = authorities. © The ambas- sadar said the exclusion of Japanese children from San Francisco schouls, was the chief cause of the harsh criti isms of the United States. Ho win inclined to discount 'the other eoavos given for the sentiment agninst the United States. FSIIGICRISIGIOISIGIIOIISASI # COLLINS' PRICE. * »* Toronto, Ont., Oct. 26.-- ¥ At the London conspirary 3% case, heard here, Richard 3 C. Brown a respectable ¢ London merchant, declared that Jerry Collins told him of getting an offer of $2,000 from the comserva- tive party to go Aver to FEEEEH their side, and atened to hand over his books and incriminating = documents, as he has since done. He also told Brown that he hought he could get $2, 500 from the tories, though * ¥ Fo * * » * * » ¢ the offer was only $2,000. ¥ # The Collins family wanted ¥ # credit at Brown's and still ¥ ¥ Owe money there. The con- ¥ ¥ versation was interesting, ¥ # because of a desire to know ¥ 3» Collins' prospects of get- ¥ % ting money. Collins indi- ¥ cated that he was likely to 3 ¥ get money, as he had this ¥ 3 offer from the conserva- & ¥ tives, if the liberals did § 3% not treat him right, ' * » * of Abn I~ A GOOD aac: ~-- -- In thy : Volume of Trade in ? Russia. ; St. Petersburg, Oet. 26.-The official returns up to the month of October place the expartations of the empire at 450 000,000 roubles. By. yomparieon the volame of trade in favor of Rus by the aid of the, treasucy. To Consider Proposal. as the women want to rim their lodge jie suit themstloes, "this exorbitant | * Linitiation fee has been settled on. | Try! Bibhy's for Wen's ynderw dir. 3 _ J ia Emile Zola to the Pantheon. PETERBORO EPISODE WOMAN MADE = AN ESCAPE Leitch, K.C., last night. * | to employ Chinesd eoolies, 1 1 ah S053,000,000 roubles: - importation with the returns of the last five years sia has increased thirty eight per cent. The government, vesterday, 'ad- opted the agrarian. project drawn up bv A. Gourko, giving the peamints free disposal of the land purchased Paris, Oct. 26.-The French parlin- ment reassembload yestarday afternoon, but, adjourned immediately, to Novom- ber 6th. Premier Clemenceau having previously officially wivisdd the preei- dente of the chambers that the minis- terial declaration would not be ready | for some days, the only busines trans acted was the aopointiment by the setiate of a commission to consider the pronosition to transfer the ashes of 1906, h Plunged Over And Drown: ¥ ed Herself. FROM HOSPITAL. Match Fired - Girl's Dress--Excited Sister Attempted to Drown Flames With Pot of Boiling . Water With Fatal Results, Peterboro, Cnt, Oct. 26.--Mrs. An- drew Johnson, the wife of a well known farmer of Lakefield, ¢ irom Nicholl's Hospital in this city, on Thursday morning and drowned herself in the Otonabee river, which flows near by. The woman was taken to the hospital two weeks ago, after having attempted to take her life by swallowing a dose of paris green, Yes- terday while the nurse was absent from the ward for a few minutes she escajNd by moans of g fire escape and rushed to the river, where she drown. ed herself, The body was recovered a short time afterwards. Mrs, Johnson was mentally unbalanced and was to have heen placed in" the asylum in a day or 80. + daey Lemoire, aged sixteen years, of Hastings, (hed-in St. Joseph's' Hospi tal here, yesterday, death vesultii from injuries riceived by her dra catching five several days ago. 'The young lady stepped on a mateh 'which ignited and set fire to her clothes, In tha excitement which féllowed, her sis- der threw a pot of boiling water on the girl In an attempt to put out the Wames: As on result; in tion to be ing burned, Miss Lemoire was badly sealded. ! PITH OF THE NEWS. - rp: The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World, Cornwall citizens bunquetted James Farmers in East Prussia ave ansious 0 te Harry Clark, a former Torontonian, died at Hamilton, having been run over hy a train, alacob Leviberg, New York wmillion- aite and cigar manufacturer, shot himself when he found his wife was dying. The Canadian Improvement com- pany 'will probably lft the remaining 21,000,000 of the government's Sault guarantee, A bill dealing with the excess of al- ecohol in patent medicines is likely to be brought in by the dominion gov- ernment this session, . Canadian. produce merchants ove claiming that their business is heiug seriously injured by inadequate cold storage in Liverpool, " A farmer's horse and buggy wete stolen' from a Comwall hotel, they were found some miles distant, but the thief had disappeared. ' Mis. McKay, Toronto Junetion, got a verdict for $10,000 damages against the Wabash railway, at St. Thomas, for the death of her husband. Hon. Mr. Cochrane has been request. ed by the Silver City Mining com- pany to allow the company the right to mine under the streets of Cobalt, have followad her husband, garrison, ceremonies. tions shonld be addressed, ness, customs collectors that the rate of of a similar class, ~ week for Bo capital, of the Naw York Yacht Club. to \ i z ence to an 'internatiohal yacht. race, FN ou on [sland © . a few miles from where the Valeein | 3 disaster occurred. Capt, Ross and the | cook were drowned. The mate and sev- {| en men reached land, Some were injur od. The Skagit is a wreck, She left San Francisco on October 9th and en- countered heavy fogs, Mrs. Brown, Toronto, who was to George Brown, to Calgary, shortly, died from typhoid fever yesterday. The nineteenth birthday of the gueen of Spain was celebrated by setting free a large number of political prisoners and increasing the pay of the Madrid El Imparcial, the official organ of the Mexican government, says the Te- hauntepec railway will he opened the first of next month with elaborate F. C, T. O'Hora, private secretary to the minister of trade and com- merce, has heen appointed secretary. To him all queries and communica- Frank W. Mack, for many yéars a newspaper. man, and formerly superin- tanident of the, eastern division of the associated press, died al Santa Anna, of consumption, after a lingering ill- The trade treaty between Canada and Japan was ratified on July 12th and instructions have heen sent to f duty on Japanese goods imported | must not exceed that on French goods I. B. Bucklin, Chicavo, sold a three storey building and lot at Windsor, Opt., to the Ray Chemical company for about $6,000. The money was paid but Bucklin, reponting, refused to sign a deed. The Ravs have iscued a writ . compel Bucklin to make over a « The competition for! Farl ' Grey's trophy for amateur mulical and dram- atic societies will oper at Ottawa, on January 28th, in the Russell theatre, and eontinne until all the competing companies have heen judged." The en- tertninments will constitute a festal Hon. Charles Snyder, mayor of Rotem, 0..% in a party of wealthy mericans hunting at Whitefish Take, was mvstérionsly "drowned, The body hos not heen recovered, Mr. Snyder had inst heen selected to ba a member he : apa ke tixview Rir Thomas Lipton in refer- McGILL AND COCKBURN Were Not Ready For Proceedings This Morning. Te x, and G. R. R, Cockburn, former pint of ie 0 tario: Bank, before ice Magistra 3 ing, took hardly fem . MeGill in with making out false re- the condition of the bank | to the government, and Cockburn with signing them. None of the parties were ready, and the pri sented hy only junior counsel. Mr. McGill «desired more time to prepare his ouse, while | wished to have it before him at a time when he could go richt through with it.. It was therefore adjourned for a week from Monday. On Friday next the prisoners will appear again to have thejr bail formally renewed. McGill appeared in court himself this morning. but Cockburn was merely re- presented by his counsel, Soners were repre- Magigtrate Denison ONLY A BLUFF. The Men Had Rifles, But Unload- Ottawa, Oct. 26.--At the inquest on the hodies of the dead strikers, Bel anger and Theriault, comm at Buckingham, - this morning, J. B. Cle ment, a striker, swore that Belanger | did not ~ have a revolver and Alexander Maclaren fired the shot which killed Belanger, © Ha was posi: tive that the police fired the first. shot. Louis Landry, in whose rig the that fles were found, said he did not now the names of the men who had union, rifles, He is secretary of and said the strikers' rifles were not Toaded being designed as' a bluff to frighten the men, Entertains His Ponies. New York, Oct. 20.--A "pony din ner," the ponies eating oats and sug: ar plums from silver buckets at the table with homan guests, is how Har- vey 8. Ladew, multimillionaire, eclipsed his famous buck and wing dance and ran a close second to Har ry Lehr's "monkey" dinner at his mansion at Glen ove huss about forty : persons and ponies up the company. The object of the dinner was to celobrate the viotories won by |. the Tadew cotries in the Piping Rock hotse show. Dashed On A Shore. 3 3 B.C, Oct, 26.--The bar: bli on the Vancouver Revolutionists Secure Arms. Tashkent, Asiatic, Russia, Oct. 26.-- | A detachment of gendarmes who, yes: torday seized a shipment of 238 revol: vers and 16,000 cartridges, "destined for the revolutioniste, were later' at- tacked and defeated by an armed par- ty of workmen, wha carried off the greater part of the revolvers atid 8,000 cartridges, Secured Big Damages, New York, Oet. 206.~Miss Margaret Anglin, the Canadian actress, struck by an engine iz July in 1906, at Stamford, Codn., nnd had an 'arm broken, has been awarded $5,000 dam. ages against the N. Y.. N. H. & Hartford "railway company by a jury in the United States circuit court. The company will appeal. Asked To Punish Poachers. Washington, Oct. 26.--The Japanese government has been asked by Secre- tary Root to arrest and punish the Japanese poachers, who attempted to raid Seal Island, and oscaped to Jap- an only after a number of their party had been killed. A Big Dairy Company. New York, Oct, 26--~What is re- garded ad the first step in the direc: tion of a big dairy combination is the incorporation of the New York Dairy company, under federal laws, in the district of Columbia, with a capital of $25,000,000, A Workimen On Strike, Odessa, Russia, Oct. 26,--The black flag floats to-day over the town of Briansk where 12,000 workmen are on strike. The strikers say that they will shoot dny workman. who tries to re- turn to Kis posifion. 5 SE tpi 30c. Blue And Green Grapes 30c. Basket of sweet green or blue grapes, 30c. Crawford, BS Try "Bibby's fine underwear. The only candy wold in Kingston ) bearing the "'choice of royalty dis | tinction," MeCopkey's from Toronto, Only at Gibson's Red Uross drug store, + Gireen or blue grapes, 30c. Crawford. Buy Honor bright stove pipe varn- ish; the best yet, at Strachan's Hard ware, v ] Try Pibhy's high grade underwear. Salp of children's 38¢. toques for 280. New York Dress Reform. Maple cream or sugar, 10c, Block, Crawford, - UNDERTAKER : DRT ---- FR INCISCO.~Tn Kil th, 1 BOVRIL 1t is ohe of the. mest important ; household . articles. nsal sick room, useful in the Morning, afternoon or evening, sick nothing is more invigor- ating and. reireshing than a eup of jars, : : James Redden & Co. Brady's Big Production , at rai and