nt RS LIV a Quirinal and other splendid b famous architect Guiseppe nian ¥ 'last yea: been | p Record Whidh is, Likely + directed the work. It is now under the erection' of the Italian Sculp- tor Passereni, who for fourteen years assisted Sacconi. It is hoped to have it in time for the celebration of the fiftieth an- of the Italian victory of 1859, 1850, which nade possible [hay of Fray soaked his vest in water and worn it wet, The "human ostrich," however, was "inbt mad, He was actuated solely by a | desire to ubtain is axlcuse nat by commit suicide, as might appear 4 from Eng aici but by making hif- self so ill that his friends could ob- tain his release; With this object in view he had eaten flannel, china, snd brass, ' Williams arrived at the prison in May to work out a sentence of six months' hard labor for obtaining i about £20 without disclosing his un- ¢ {discharged bankruptcy. He-was in soaked hix vest and then worn it wet, hut he said he did not know why he had taken the and other "ostrich" food. This was born out by the evidence of Mrs. Williams. She declared: that she visited her husband in the prison infirmary. he told her that when & person was very ill in prison friends could secure his discharge, and he beg- ged her to try to obtain hiz release. "A post-mortem examination showed signs of pleurisy. There was uleera- tion of the stomach, in which was found an old brass thimble, = much blackened, and about 6} ounces of cot. ton wool and flannel. . BOY COMMITS CRIME. Fifteen-Year.-Old Lad Mother With Knife. Paris, Oct, 27.~A . washer woman, named Mme, Cavet, has been nearly stabbed to death by her fifteen year- old 'son, Gaston, who is beliowd to have commited the deed in his sleep. Mme: Cavet- was awakened in the | night by wu terrible blow on her shoulder, On starting up she saw her son bending over her with a knife in his hand. She called for help, 'but the youth repeatedly stabbed her and then walked quietly back to his room and went to bed 4 Mme. Cavet Staggered out "of her apartments for assistance, and was taken to the St, Louis hospital, where sne lies in a critical combition., The boy, when taxed with the crime, denied 'that he had done it or knew anything about it. Stabs Paper Gas Pipes. Gms pipes of paper are being made in France, Husile Paper td ot in strips equal to the lengt! the pipes to be made. These are then placed in a recviver filled with melted 'asphalt wrapped around « a core of iron uniil the desired thickness is reached. After being submitted to strong pres- sure the papor is coated with sand. coolwd, the core withdrawn, and the outer. pipe surface covered with a Water-proof preparation. It is claim: od that these pipbs are as good as, pand more economical than metal ones. ---------- Sunlight 8 is better than other oa, but iw Tow" when ured inthe t way. Sunlight ol Puvtight way. Portland and clay, and was invented in Leeds 'in the year 1824 : + * EE -------- DISASTER TO TUNNEL. a ; Enormous Pressure From Above is Now Observed. Genevy, vet, Zi. ihe tool of the! second vwnied Lutougin ue Liag Lin has conunencwl to suliciontly strofig to ressy tne wendous perpen: / tal in, nov veg !bor, near Pressbury, Last--Instruments Chang- He started to play tunés at ten 0" 2 To eg RL Re , an continde them without a moment's in- ission until ten o'clock last t this. forty-eight hours' flow of melody "was not achieved without sical - discomfort, Bird leon Bird sat by his side orty-eight hours, and her on Rird showed signs of excusable exhaus- tion and = pardonable drowsiness, He was rescued from both by . gentle showers of cau de cologne, which were sprayed on him. In the course of yes- terday also a barber shaved him to slow music, As the hands of the clock approach. ed the hour of ten the enthusiasm of the audience knew no bounds, and when the hour struck and Napoleon Fird lifted" his hands from the key- 'board he was scized and carried in triumph through the streets to his home, During the forty-eight hours he per- lormed 1,500 separate compasitions, accompanied three concerts, and play ed twice for dancing. 'A slight swelling of the fingers and cramp in the legs were the only ill effects of his strenu- ous exertions. i A change of piano became necessary | yesterday afternoon, owing ta the stiffness of the keve, but a skilful manoeuvre enabled Mr. Rird to changw instruments without losing a note of the song he was playin ~VEQTMENTS TORN OFF, Armours Solig Extract of Beef "troTTED IN canana) is the kind that is simply the matural Essence of Prime Beef- y ed, It is not'a manufacture article like many extracts and fluid beefs, made. frop extract bought on the: open market withoy: any knowledge of its parity, and mixed with ter and other ingredients. Beef in fluig form . offers opportunity for adulteration without detection, This cannot be said of solid extract, Write for free booklet, **COLINARY WaiNkLzs , ARMOUR LIMITED =. . »n CANADIAN FACTORY--TT Front STasty East ope Bonds and Stocks: Bought and Sold on Commission Comminion oe Investment Securities Both Listed and Unlisted. Information upon Requeg on All a Members Toronto Stock Exchange TORONT WALL ET The Congregation Resents Ap- £ pointment of a Pastor. Vienna, Oct. 297 Fhe women of Zb- Hungary, have tro- nearly lynched Father Hojasyik, who ular pressure of the {has just been appointed priest of the mountain a0o.y, over UW feet ia | parish. height. ine official report says "Lately the roof of the second tuandd, owing | appointment to the great fallen in, necessitating the undertalang of the work of répmiring the vault of the tunnd." + ate principal by the proximity of the ful: ing roof, which js likely to upset the equilioriugr of both bores. If a land- wine is also en [quent Father Hojasyik is a Magyar, and his Slovak congregation regarded his as 'an insult to their pressure, has partly | nationality. As he refused to resign, ilgiodiate the women and children of the place, who, it was thought, would be more likely than the men to escape subse. punishment, attacked the priest's house, which had been barri- caded, For two hours they continped the slip should occur in the second tunel siege, and finally battered in the door the side of the chiet! tunnel would cave | with heavy beams. Then they rushed At will be remembered that Lausanne engineer, 'who is in no way connected | his vestments, in. and dragged the unfortunate priest. out into the street. He had put on thinking they would with the Simplon enterprise, in giving, | secure him personal respect, but the an independent report at the time when the great heat and the ciscovery [in the mud from of boiling springs in the heart of the chief tunnel sto) work, said that it was his opinion that only steel rafters, twenty inches thick, would be able tq withstand the heat and sup- port the enormous pressure in the middle of the waults, The stecl raft: ers employed, if 1 am not mistaken, are fifteen inches thick. The boiling springs still exist, and the heat in the tunnel is still unbear- able, 3 GIGANTIC FRAUDS: meets. off and rolled" him one end of the vil- lage to the other, belaboring him with sticks' until he became uncon- scious, Father Hojasyik was conveved home where he recovered. He still refuses to resign, an? a detachment of Hus- sars and a company of infantry are now quartered in the village to pro- tect him. women tore them Cure The Cause Of Cough. A cough is a symptom merely. The real trouble is the congested condition of the membrances of the air pass- ages. The Diamond Cough Remedy -Theits Involving.' Many Millions cures the cough by curing the cause. Discoveced in Camp. Paris; Oct. 27.-Extensive thefts of army stores, said to be valued at many miliions of frases, have been discovered. at the great military camp at Chalons-sur-Marne. The thefts are believed to have con- tinued steadily for a number of years, in spite of careful monthly inspections by responsible officers. 4 The thefts were revenlod through the chance discovery ata baker's shop at Charlons-sur-Marne of a number o sacks of flour = bearing the military stamp. . 3 When' the baker was arrested he con- fossed that "he purchased the four from a mun named Osear Cadit, liv- Certain cure for colds, sore throat and hoarseness, 23¢. at Wade's drug store. When That Cold Comes. How is. it to be cured ? This method is simplicity itself. Rub the \chest and throat well with Nerviline, use it as a gargle and take some in hot water before retiring along with one of Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Next morning finds you refreshed, free from cold and bright as a dollar. These household re- medies are wonderin coessiul, and certainly 'won't fail in your case. For sale at all deglers. + There are many fornis = of nervous ing near the burracks. Cadit, in turn, debility in men that yield to the use revealed the names of sergeants who, he averred, supplied him with goods. Two of them are now in the military prison, and ' other non-com- missioned officers are to he arrested. of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are the | troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, etc, should try them. The average womin carries forty or fifty miles of hair on her head; the The military authorities found large fair-haired 'may even have to dress mantities of bacon, sugar, rice, beans, clive and flour, all {ode the offi cial stamp, on sale in other local ong. N The supwilies were stored 'by the military authorities in-a disused con- * vent, and removed at night to Cadit's shop. . Sam Won. Boston ' Herald. Perhaps the most thrilling episode in te. Sam. Jones' ca evangelist was on the occasion of his Msit to a disreputable town down 3; Texas, On Sam's arrival coment is made of lime or up. seventy: miles of tresses every, morn- ing. Having a shady reputation makes it difficult to keep on the sunny side. a ure, Jour. Cough or Col, no about ty Dut --e [R) Canadian Rubbers Always Look for the Trade M If you want the Best Rubbers see that you bu the Canadian kind-_not only because they are made in Canada--Canadian is the name of the Rubbers, / They are made" by the oldest and most reliable manufacturers of rubbers, Canadian Rubbers are made in allJshapes and sizes for Men and Women --' They Look Well They Wear Well You can get them at Abernethy's ---- Stoves and Ranges > SHOE STORE We carry the largest assortment of Stoves in the city, our prices | a tle. réasonable.: Examine o "stogk before: purchasing, 'The "Art Garland" Hall Heater | and on the same way un the pieces have the soap rubbed on, sod are "Then thirty = to, one hour and fet the "Sune ** Soap do its work, EXT. -- After soaking the full time rub the clothes lightly out on a wash board, and the dirt will drop the garment in. away for ELH 10) g g be & all -- dirty "suds away, thet ring out and hang ra dry. "ror Weoteas and Flan- ows 1-- lukewarm, work arth lather 'without rub- "The mest delicate be safely Sslors the "Sun § washed light ™ way, ns any 4 or any form 5c. : LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Buy it and follow directions. SCOLL.A Ths linen used in Te Frame Brand is made spe these: Cellars. There is no make of lin other 200 Collar equal to it by actual laundry tests. TOOKE BROTHERS, L g MONTREAL.