7 ' micenl, pext week, 0 a few duys there Mackie, yory returned a weds Rirents, Dr. and Mrs, a de Dr. A. R. Sawyer, of Boston, Mass. ! riende. here Carson, for the last |W. B. Carr to Rochester on | tificates to the five successful candi. i i "DOWN IN GANANOQUE Hop. De, Pyne Attended the Gom- to 'the successful candidates, by oll, M.A.; commercial oer- dates by C. E. Britton, and the spe- vial prizes jor spelling, four in num- ber, ey F. J, Skinner. Mrs. R. D. Keefo contriblrted two admirable solos Jand not J inferior is address and at |it is quite unnecessary, a Yperson be notably above you in | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. : Question In "The Thing. ® (= To settle a question will you tell me, to use the name of the person Spoken to, frequently in conversation, as: 'No, Ido not think so, Mr. Jones," or 'Yes Mr. Smith, the ques- tion is one of great 0 2d Again, is it correct to mention "How do you do?' on the street? CONSTANT READER, Fane! The habit of using either a Christian name or surname, frequently in con- versation with equals, is a bad ome, indicative of a very close acquaintance with that portion of the world known as *'good society." If an ing a superior the case is differen: 8. As 10 waihg the Same . of the ] to on the stree person spoken teut [station or age. To hear the name fre- quently employed, unless by relatives, or 'close . fri , is annoying. It ix Kipling who somewhere says that "if 'ou 'call an tnglishman's name after im in public, you make him hot.gnd frotty." Sacrificed Much. Kingston, Oct. 27.--(To the Edit- or) : I noticed in your issue of 'Wed- nesday an appreciative word in oe ard to the action of the Rev. John B: Boyd, in withdrawing his resigna- tion. T' think additional - mention might be made for there are few men' who would decline the tempting busi- ness propositions that were made to Mr. Boyd when it became known he was about to resign his charge of Zion church. To my knowledge he has declined several offers made to him by. leading business eorporations and in each case entirely unsought by him, The salary in each case would met him from four to five times his present salary. The people of Zion church and = the presbytery have = done themselves cre- dit in dealing generously with- one who has sacrificed so much 'for his love of hard ' work for the Master.-- DAVID G. LAIDLAW, The Process Of Corn Sowing, By the agency of tight boots a crop, is quickly raised, but it's soon coaxed! out by the application of Putnam's Corn Extractor. Nothing so safe and painless as Putnam's: use no. ther. Prevost, Brock = street, has received all his fall and winter importations for order work in his tailoring de- Partutent, consisting of Scotch tweed, ue and black serges, great varicty of black iqgt and Vicunas; also Kingston, Oct, 26:-(To 'the Editor): | * in your columns, whether it is, correct such. name of the person to whom one says | LE * = S 4 vescent \9Q) 1s a regular family doctop, When the stomach gets upset--bowels irregular, appetite fickle --seep broken -- headaches fre- quent--ARBBEY'S SALT is the prescription that cures. ---- A Drogpists. 25¢. and 60c. a botge, -------- The Ameriean Ladies Tailoring Go 267 Princess treet We take pleasure in announcing the yp fval of Mr. Metz, a most eXPert go signer and ladies' tailor, having had the fashionable cities of the wor, viz: " and Paris, France, It is, therefore, not DECeSsary for ug say that the best woTkmanship and fi | guaranteed. can supply their own woody: or secure them from the company. Mon. oy returped if work is not sasisfagtory, Phone Hhonel%s. RESTORED 70 i r BRAY iii 2 H AR DR. TREMAINS NATURAL HAR RESTORATIVE. This is not a Hair Dye : 1.4 wig notinjure the scalps itis 3 Vegetable Compound and cop. tals no Grease or Oil. It will restore your hair to its natural cole even though it has been gray for years We Jeninmmsit in every case or money yo. fund Ask your druggist for it or send direct to us. Price One Dollar or Six Botties for Five % Express Prepaid. THE FREMAIN SUPPLY co, Dept VK. / 22 Buchanan St., Toronto DRUG STORE NEWS Our $1.50 1 New York Elastic Water Pad TRUSS is a Winner a splendid stock™of overcoating. Any- one trusting him with an order may rest assured they will be well pleased. The Madoc| Review reports a butter famine in that village, the price go- ing up to twenty-cioht cents, An iron pyrite ming, is hein~ apened in Madoe village, near the Roman * Catholic cemetery. : Your eyes examined by an. expert tks, University avenue, re- | and Ralph Britton also two. The 2 Uhornhill this Moming | | speakers of the evening were, of course pik, and Jlrs. William Oldrieve, of Fle: Winnifod Ro Bate, (Micon ra Te, a n SE e NY oars Xidely as Miss Dimsdale), have been troduced to the aughience by Charles Ohnine Wost + feted by many old friends during the Jiacionald. The attendance 'was very Mrs. J. came over from past . ] Vv CNY a Cape sople pe Sent over lo sme Mes. 1.3 E. Stuptumson,. who. for the past | ot down to Ottawa to join her has. E- T- Taylor, at en ars: eleven years has held + an, a band. They have taken a house on , Ja¥. were sorry. fo od fost yp | general passenger agent for the Buf: Gilmour street, {wi a slightly sprain ok Mite sala Yaetion Somyiay, and 'who hae Captai And «who has heen Mabel Gildersleove was long: the Iwi Spending the past two w s viel Maj Mrs. F. D. Lak | OS of the tea table for her. with his sister, Mrs. W. E. Meges, forty, left on the midnight last night | . Miss Macaulay will be home, on : Ganandune; returned 'to Buffalo, Jor Ottawa: ; Se { Monday, een: Montreal. | a of Ee pion HH ve A. a soe there -about November Ist for Col. ri 3d Mis. y= Price and son, Mr. T. -B. Caldwell, M.P., of Lan- Je, Wore fe intends tering Into 3 spending some - { busines: d {weeks 'with Mrs. R. J, MoDowall ak, a Te ir. Ls io Wu Spent yesterday in 8, Maven Pelnests rs. Farthing will ap] and will ocenpy it during the coming : Among Sanahotuesns who have " in Ottawa. been visitors to the Limestone City ive from Woodstock, on Wednesday, | "°°" if ithin the "past few days are : Au ah be h guests of Mrs. Len The ining " Migs a Adair, B. 0. Mitton, en. inst I ong | nox Bishopscourt. ) i ise Bva Donevan, Mrs. J. W. Harri, Mrd, John McKay, Sr., has come lady Soll Shampion of Ire on oe son, Miss Mubel Horricon, Miss Vers back to town lontreal. apta Re Y 3: \ Grouch, Miss Myrilp Ryan, Miss Ro- ber 17th. Miss Adair visited Canada } y 'Mrs. H. Hunt, of Picton, has been a few ago, and was much feted. {bena Byers, Miss Nash, Miss La- in town 'this week. 1 The Te "of Miss Helena Bing- | France, H. J. Reid, R. Lipman. ua of {ham to Mr. Rx nclrow Livingston Mas. | Miss O'Gorman, after winding up, Mies Hoy of Picton, is stay-1 oon will take place in 'the archhjshop's. | her brother's affairs here, has gone to ing with . Horsey, Fronte-: lace, Ottawa, on November 2lst. Boston to reside with her sister, Mrs. nac street, - fie Carmel Bingham will be maid of | Callaghan. Philip Conlin, Kine street, Miss May Villiers, Johnson street, | honor and 'Mise: Marie Labelle brides- | spent the past few days visitin~ in will 'veturn a Lyme, Mass., on maid. Mr. Charles Masson, brother | Ottawa and Comwall. Tudsday, to usicaly AD -------- y 3 % studies. 'Sho ue her ® King- of the g . will be no ah New York and Baltimore oysters, 40, 3 end fhe evening on Mon- | ston until June. ' The engagement is. announced of : | § 50, and 6c. per quart at "The Re 'and they spent a very plessant!| Mrs. Thomas Conley, University] Mies Dora Oliver, second. daughter |'Star," Edwards & Jenkin, 274 Pri or so. BY avenue, has gone down to Mom pi the Honorable Frank Oliver, minis- | cess street. : ALi 'to visit her daughter, Miss Charlotte {sir of the interior, to Mr. J. J. The best place to biy stove pipe Conley. A of 'Edmovton, Alberta. =~ | varnish, aluminum paint and X-Ray TE » we Miss Doran Mitchell, daughter of Mr, "stove polish, is at Strachan's Hard- Miss Edith Massie and Miss Hazel 'David Mitchell, Amherst, to 'Ware. wh Try Bibby's for night robes. optician' when you get glasses at Chown's drug store, i Try Bibby's for cardigan jackets. Medley's Drug Store Carriage spongés and chamois «Kits, It pays to buy them at Gibson's Rel Cross drug store, Phone 230. Prom delivery. : $ Buy Honor bright stove pipe van sh; the best yet, at Strachan's Hard: _ Ware. Corner Brock and Wellington Streets + STYLE-Fall Coat or Suit_ STYLE ; 'Bome Is symonymons with high prices, to others it is the most es. nial. ajschuta ol any gamment. When purchasing your: Fall Coat or ' you pay nothing extra for the Style, : and stylish makes so $12.50, $13.75, $15, 816, $17.50. OOATS--Beautifully made in man-tailored 'fashion, exclusive mod. $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $17.50, $19, 492.50, $25, bsp dh MED 'COATS--Those. comfortable popular for gen- al wear, $7.50, 89, $10, $11.75, fawns, semi-fitting $12.50, $15, 16. values. in high grade coats, beautifully she varioty, 830 to $125 cach. ES : ality of style, combined with comfort and durability, all the season's most materials in the most desiviible designs. Prion $0, 810, $12.50, 815, . 218, 820, $22.50, $25, $30, indluding ~ many New York models, of which 'there is only one to each design, ¢ . Lie _ The important qualities of durability and serviceability are evident in i Toor: Rags, over 500. %0 adit trom, all new designe' sises up to five J $1.50 to $37.50 Bow styles, $1.95 to $0.50 each, you satisfied with the it of your : are 1 Nothing to 'equal the. fig, finish and style of the Skirts we offer. - a tailored | ad retain their dpe to the very snd. Over 600 10 , $3, 80.50,-84, %, 85.50, 9, $6.25, 86.75, $7, 8, 0. KNITTED WOOL SKIRTS--50c., Toc, $1, 81.5, 81.50, 81.75, 82, : TAFFETA SILK SKIRTS--Tn black and colors, 85, $5.50, 86, $6.75, $7.50, $10, $10.50. gL it ns i 4 cys : SKIRTS, FLANNEL SKIRTS. "SKIRTS, SATEEN 7 Cesk ok Caen ' showing of Black Dress 'Goats, in plain and novelty effets i Asouss, sotiuie COR DE CHENES, POPLINS, PEB. Comlort ers and Eiderdowns, large wmriety, all : wv : & + For Men--Flannel Shirts : The Best FLANNEL SHIRTS--Large 'sizes in greys, navy and fancies, be., 90c., $1, You pay no more for the best than you do for the 'sscond best. No sub- $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2. stitution here :-- : ba » " THE COLOSSUS--The largest Black Sateen Shirt made, worth $1.50, for THE BEST FLANNELS--SCOTCH-In vafious qualities, alt wool. $1.35. In all sizes. THE BEST GLOVES-DENT'S-In kid, wool, cashmére, lisle and silk. Other grades, 50c., 75c., 81. » THE BEST LINENS--RICHARDSON'S-Bleached and 'unbleached, in all a MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS-In Flgnnelette, in Cotton, in Wool, 50¢c. to 82.25 styles. ' = cach. THE BEST SILKS----FRENCH-- Bought direct from the mills, 5 . THE BEST COTTONS--HORROCKSES'--All styles, in cottons ®nd sheet- ings. : (VHE BEST . HOSFERY---MORLEY'S--- Made in England to our special or- ~ ders. ' These names are a guarantee that the goods are right--prices will speak R.WALDRON | 4 Underwear We are agents for these celebrated goods. The very fact that every gar- ment has the name stamped on it is significant of value and merit, LADIES® VESTS, DRAWERS AND COMBINATIONS, MEN'S SHIRTS, DRAWERS-In various weights. CHILDREN'S VESTS, DRAWERS AND COMBINATIONS. EVERY SIZE IN EVERY STYLE Now IN STOCK, . for themselves. big discoun visible, are fit -- 4 A ENGLISH = "or White Wool Blankets ~~ Will you be needing a pair of White Wool Blankets this winter 2. An all- wool pair, made of oft yarn, which you can buy at price. - Why ? Because they are slightly soiled, and we t. They are bargains. ® Stockings nevertheless evident in every pair of BOYS' KICKER HOSE-Made)of unbreakable yarn wear, 35¢,, 40c., 45c., 50c. GIRLS' FINE RIBBED AND PLAIN. CASHMERE feet, 2e., 30c., 35c., 40¢., 43¢., 50c., 6c. LADIES' CASHMERE STOCKINGS--25¢., 5c, 40c: 50c., 60c. MEN'S IMPORTED CASHMERE SOX--25¢., 85¢., 45¢., 50c., 60c. The important qualities of comfort and durability, although entirely. in- | © - We go direct: to the old country for our goods. ideas of Paris and London. We buy what- is admitted to be the best values in the city : SCOTCH TWEEDS--Exclusive noveltios i 60c., 75c., 90c., $1, 81.25, $1.50. FRENCH BROADCLOTHS--Thorou . 'colors, tc. $1, $1.25, 81.35, $1.50, 81.75, $2. PANAMAS, POPLANS, CHEVIOTS, ete. at the lowest ' . n dark and light mixtures, 50c., ghly sponged and shrunk, in black less than the mill bought them at a REMEMBER--They are only DUST SOILED--not damaged. Stockings we sell. They and guaranteed to HOSE-Double knees and A We obtain the newest possible prices and offer and "Are You Up to the Mark If not feeling as well as : should, do not make the x take of letting your health t care of itself. esort to Beecham Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 23 ce CANAD the Arena of BIG EVEN' Now-a-days it's Canada t} making a sensation and beats previous records of growth development. In ' THE * Canadia = .® Magazi1 will be found articls on Ca past, presen: and future gr Articles that are instructive ; written that a dime novel more interesting and fascir The "Canadian N azine! is Canada's. ns wonthly. As such it should have a 2 every true Canadian hom is a power for clean mun governmental and national Annual Subscription, $ ca copy on all news-s Guiario Pub'g Co., Limited - T Kingston Business Golleg (LIMITED) Head of Queen sireet, King Canada, devoted to higher mercial and Shorthand educs All Commeftinl subjects ta Individual instruction. Day Evening classes. Enter at time. Rates moderate. A the heat. n nlatoron Shick Ww ©) - n thre oF atrength=No. 1, 3 10 degroce stronger, fc special cases, Sold all on. 4d pwd on Tostipt pamphlet. Add: ox Mepraing Go. ToReNTO. ONT. (former. Grand Union Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up OPPOSITE CENTRAL ST NEW YORK Baggage To and From Station Fre: An excelles: yuide-book and map of the City o wt 0B receipt of two cents in postage. $5,000 Even Money On H New York, Oct. 27.--The big of the campaign was posted y between Peter Delancey anc Rose. Delancey put up $5,000 a similar amount that Hean carry Greater New York by m 100,000, A S---------- Dyspepsia in its . worst fo vield to the use of Carter's Nerve Pills, aided by Carter Liver Pills. They not only reli ent distress, but strengthen mach and digestive apparatus, 50c. tape girdle corsets for 3 York Dress Reform. A ---------------------- RHEUM. IN ONE ° A WEARY SUFFERER F ALL "THE KINDRED AIL OF AND USE SO Ri South Ameri Why, its very nature mak: human intuition agd diliges is in its simplicity ; its effec the trouble, dispelling the joints, distort limbs, twist ofttimes cause death, Sout as milk. One of its marvel and the testimony of the | crutches' and climbed from of health would fill a book. Don't be incredulous. Er matter of how long standing © ALL DRUGGISTS