vhs Ou. Red BA S---- Sons, at, 7. *5 awe, 2 pm. 3 7 sam. 4 py ., - Nov, 5 + Nov, 8. + Nov, 16, Ellis _ Unshrinkable 'Underwear Spring Needle Ribbed never shrinks ly to strain-- in as Warm, soft, atic till wor . Union and Two-Piece See them at your dealer's. "Free of fabric and EH Mian Co. | Judge The fourth. death as the result of | THE BRIEF FORM - Lf a Civil war is said to be imminent in R. Gray, formerly of Ori: ; Ont., committed suicide in a Buf- 700 United States ill up the renegade te ia ming, "74 offers to supply Moritreal and giiste th electric h igh wi ic house lighting at ird less than they are paying at the Assiniboine re worth of eattle last several of them have 1,000 wheat each. am H. Tngram, son of Post Ingram, of St." Thomas, has appointed Earonean manager for lyn Daily Eagle. H of ili sii § i the eompany, is to avpear helore nchester, on Wednesday next. eating jellied chicken at the Forster Ming feast, in Oneida township, hat oceurred--Richard Laidman, aged ighty. Andrew Carnegie says spelline re form is hound to come. and that Pre- siderit Roosevelt has done more than ® all the philoloista in twenty years' time to bring it about. John Dockrill, for fourteen years manager of the St. John, N.B.. opera house. is dead. aed sixty-three. Rev. Dr. Dockrill, Methodist minister, Na- shia, N.H., is a brother. : Henry H. Hull, bookkeeper for the Cambridge Society of Montreal, has disappeared with about $2,000 of the society's money, and there are charges of perjury made against him. John M. Draper, Ottawa, was drown: ed while visitine his brother, mayor of L'Annonciation, Que, e was in the chief erigineer's branch of the public 'works, and was a faithful civil servant. 2 In a fit of desvondency, with} her husband's love lette tornSgo bits and scattered around>--her, Hazel Coover, a chorus girl, drank carbolie acid, in her apartments in the Hotel Hamilton, in West 45th street, New York, and died at a hospital, Henry GC. Railev, St. Catharines, Ont.. is aceused of killing his employ- or. G. H. Goodall, Middletown. Conn., with an axe on July Mh. Ballev wap arrekted at the home of a relative in the Canadian town, and was returned to Middletown. where he is now being tried for murder in the first degree. Tuesday's Fashion Note. i INTERCOLONIAL SPORTSNEN SATISFE Reports from all the Game Sections of the Maritime Provinces indicate a most successful season. Write for eine ** Fishing and Hunting "Trail of 'the Mic-Macs™ " Week in Canaan Wouds * "Mase of thelMirsmich DEPARTMENT, Moncton, NB. TO GENERAL PASSENGER fi The plate shows a gmart déiving or stroot coat of heavy cloth, made with rounded fronts, and fastened across the front by loops and figures of braid. Overlapped sections of the cloth, machine stitched, formed the ornamentation of the wrap, beside the braided figures across the fronts, the roll collar being of welvet of a shade darker thun the cloth. The sleeves were short and the' lining was of cream white satin, the model being in Hight tan color, with a velvet collar of a tone darker. That pain in the Back is Kidney Trouble GIN PILLS WILL CURE IT panLY BRITISH WIG, Jor water! He had not ships larger and more powerful than yp the Dreadnaught, and Shaving guns package? TUESDAY, Rermanentousts NOP. ed Rose Tea it¥future. OCTOBER 30. "IS GOOD TEA" I want you to try Red Rose Tea, because I want you for a | I know if you once try it, you will use only Will you ask your groeer to -send you a : 256. 390-386 40¢., so0c., and 6oc., in lead packets. : B. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.5. Winnipeg. Black, Green, and Mixed. Toronto, 3 Wellington St. E. | NEW YORK'S MONEY. Henry Clews Weekly Banker's Report. - New York, Oet, 29. --The world's money markets Continue to show stringent tendencies. In spite of the large increase in the world's supply of gokd, all great financial centres are reasons are ob- © ly * endeaveori thelr reserves, The" vious. There 4s world-wide activity developmen! Eyen in Atia, there is a creat awakening. China, Japan. aud ndia are ex 4 g new growth; while Australia, New Zealand, Africa and Canada 'are expunding wonderful ly. The only' nation at a standstill is Russia, which is groaning under its terrible struggle for political freedom. An sloment of strain is the great waste of capital from the Boer and Russo-Japanése war, Jn the United States the supply of gold is material- ly larger than a year ago, and would be quite sufficient for ordinary pur- poses were it. not or demands of speculation. Ons. July 1st, the stock of gold in the United States was es- timated at over $3,057,000,000, an in- crease of fifty per cent; in ten years, yet the strained condition of eredit is mast significant in. fivaucinl circles, We have practically 'fised up all our floating supply of capital, and the nation's saving are being rapidly ex- hausted by extravagant living and heavy expenditures. In short, it is time that a halt he made in' the de- mands won our it system, unless is to break down from over-ten- fe have recently dragged, through smart methods, over © $40,000,000 . of. gold from London by paving high rates for it, which has resulted 'in the Baik of England suddenly putting its rate wp to. six . This. has forced liquidation in American securi ties abroad. While we still have the $40,000,000 of European - gold, they have equalized it by making us carry the' American stocks which they have thrown 'back upon us. 'This vroves that it never pays to he too smart. COOLIE BURIED Under a House and Lived Months Without Food. London, Oct, 29. News from "South Africa tells of a Chinese coalie, who had been found. alive after being. half buried for fiye months under -a house. In all that time he was without food an opmce of flesh on him. His bones were merely covered with skin. The only possible explanation of his being alive after the. fast of five' months is Fivén by medical experts, who say that the man mustChave ' bee In' a. state of coma or trance throughout the periods The story is told in detail by the South - Africas' News, On April 17th last, a Chinese cookie wanted by: the police: for »obbery was missing from the Cason 'miwes, "Jol we. On September 19th, Mr. Anderson. man- ager of the New Comet Mine, heard groans under his house. Heo informed the controller of Chin- ese in the adjoining mine, from which some les were missing, of men took up the verandah boards and also the floor of 'one of the rooms. This disclosed the groaning Chinaman. He was a veritable living skeleton. His eves were glassy. His clothes had rotted off. He 'was in such a state that the searching party could hardly go near him. Ho was able to groan. The man 'was hifted out and hurried to the hospital. He could bare- ly say a few words, explaining who he was and when he crawled under Yhe house. Then he died, the doctors say from the effects of the fresh air. - The Chinaman weighed seventy pounds, He had crawled through a small hole under the house, and be came wedged so that he could not move either way. GREATER SHIPS Upon Which to Place Monster 3 5 Guns, - « London, Oct. 30.--The Daily 'Mail says it learns the admiralty is con- tomplating the constraction of battle- u that will throw the latter's into the shade. It is impossible to renly to the new German ships by putting more twelve inch guns on a battle Toy te? MANLEY. . £ gx > ¥ i $711 gor I i xs i : ao to new type of monster gun. It is be- ship. The conditions necessitate a lieved the pattern. chosen will be a gun of thirteen and one-half inches calibre, roughly, fifty and one-half feet long, sand weighing from cighty- five "to ° eighty-six tons. Probably eight of these will be mounted on each ship, so that all can be fired in broadside and six ahead or astern. Bennett Barrington, a farmer living near Athens, in Leads county, $ been nédfified of the death of his son, Edward, 3 years old, who was killed while mining in Montana, No particulars were given of the fq. tality. ; ed and expansion. pds Iy f England and ny, is Pht . 3 a period of industrial and commercial and_a gang ' The Signs of Heart Trouble fou cin Surely Secure Heart Health al Streugts tvugh . Shoop's Heart weakness which can be dealt with a8 is nerve weakness. Just as your hand wheh its nerves are weak, when your perves are weak your heart Jutters snd palpi= tates. Other sigus are shortness of breath after slight exercise; fainting spells; pain or lieart caused by irregular heart tion as If the heart was sensation in the RB the heart isn't uently the _ Nand difficult breathing: smothered eeling ereiis ab. solutely on- Pp) ly ones way to treat a weak heart That is to bringback heart nerves always. this remedy tb stimu" late: nothing reaction. The strength that it givesis patural and permanent. Ib is just sate as Nature gives to those who are well: . Shoop's Restorative creates strength which over the whole inside nerve system--it evercomes the cause of the trouble as well as the result. For sale and recommended by "ALL PRUGGISTS¥ Finest Finest Oatarly Manitoba Wheat : Wheat IT'S ALL wo IN THE BLENDING Manitoba Spring Wheat is the strongest wheat in the world, Ontaric Fall Wheat does mot contain as much strength as Manitoba--but it makes . the whitest, lightest, wiost inviting Hread, Cake and Pastry you ever saw, Beaver Flour is a blend of --Manitoba Spring Wheat -- Ontario Fall Wheat in just the right proportions to make snowy, flaky, delicious Bread and bread that contains the most nutriment as well, Make your baking a succers with Beaver Flour. No bleaching process required with the grade of wheat we use. Dealers, write for prices on all kinds of Feeds, Coarse Grains and T. I. Taylor Co., Limited. am. ol ous Debility, Mental and wndency, Sexual Weakness. oa, a 3 58 or S8es. Price §1 per box, sixfor $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all ruggists or mailed in - < r "New po , ation Tres To Woad Medicus ga Plt torme~ty Wirdsor) Toronto, Ont. er ------ HOLDING CHILD FOR RANSOM. Bandits Demand $50,000 For Be- turn of Daughter. Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 30.--Demand- ing $50,000 ransom. for the return of their victim, brigands are holding Marie, the twelve-vear old child of the Marquis Villamord, one of the and most exclusive members_of the Portuguese nobility, in a retrogt somewhere in the mountains. They have threatened to cut off her ears unless the money demanded is forthcoming. Marquis Villamaore, wha is greatly alarmed for the safoty of his daughter, is anxious to Pay the ransom demanded, but the will not allow him to do so. fearing that this will encourage the brigands to Kidnap other children. arge force of soldiers has been sent to the mountains and a thorough, search is being made for the brigands, So far the search has proved unavail. ing, however, richest eens Vegetable Cough Specifics. The Diamond Cough remedy is made of wild cherry, hoarhound, elicam- pane and like remedies. No opiates, pleasant, prompt and certain cure for coughs, colds, sore throat and. hoarse- ness. Equally good for young or old. 25c. at Wade's drug store. K. €. Cousins, an Oxford graduate, and Daniel Mackenzie, wire hurned to death when the. Chilliwack, B.C. court house and jail were destroyed by fire, . : EE ------ HAVE YOU PILES? Dir. Leonhardt's Heém-Rold is an in- ternal Remeds that entirely removes the cause of Piles, and cures to stay cured any case, no:matter how lone standing. It you ave Piles, and Dr. Ieonhard: He FRaid will not cure you, met Your money thousand dollar Guarantee with overy bottle of 'Hem-Rotd ol Dr. Poomhardt's How Hold, lor Dr. t's m-Rold, Remedy. a v. druggists. $1.00. Ison- Fyle Co., Limited. or The Wi Niagara Falls, Ont. police Canadian Rubber S Always Look for th Trade M ---------------------------------------- If you want the Best Rubbers see that you buy the Canadian kind--not only because they are made in Canada--Canadian is the name of the Rubbers, They are made by the oldest and most reliable manufacturers of rubbers. Canadian Rubbers are made in all%shapes and sizes for Men and Women-- They Look Well They Wear Well ! You can get them at Abernethy's SHOE STORE Stoves and Ranges Ss ---------------- We carry the largest assortment of Stoves in the cily, our. prices are reasonable. Examine our stock before purchasing. The "Art Garland" Hall Heater Is acknowledged the best Heater made ; ? ELLIOTT BROS. PVE OO ITO CCW POLO E® ©0E¢ E. B. EDDY'S isi J ofar Parlor Match In neat attractive boxes containing about 750 MATCHES Ask Your Grocer For Them It will cost you only 6c. 'to try them. @ N 0008000008 C000 sw ® ing houses this fall with Irofi Bedstead Odd Dresser and Stand, Spring and Mat: trass, Study Tables, Study Desk, B ook Cases and Students Easy Chairs, "Phone 147 for White Ambulance." : 77 Princess Street € © : ® ® ® 0 ® : ® 6080 2009 ©90000E©90 00S : a] 1 We're supplying the greater percentage of board- J 2 gi James Reid - The Leading Undertak J SYNOPSIS OF "CANADIAN NGRTH- HOMESTEAD RuGULATIO! even numbered section of I A 3 fon nds 4n Manitoba or ' the > Province, excepting 8 and 2 i ™ be homesteaded by .rson the sole head of a faniily, o pes 18 years age, to the exte one-quarter section, of 160 «cres, or less. Application for homestead entry spection must wade in person | applicant at the office of the local ot Sul . An application SE or dus) mde persouglly at b-ageiit ny 1h wired to the local Agent Sub-agent, at the expense of ti plicant, and it the land applied vacant on receipt of the telegram application is to have priority ar land Will be held until ne papers to Somplets the transactic ceived mail. . ig ath '"'personation" the ent te summarily cancelled and the ] cant will forfeit all priority of o An applicant for inspection m eligible for homestead entry, anc one application for Inspection w received from an individual unti) apnlication has been disposed of. A homesteader whose entry is stunding and not lable to cance) way, subject to approval of Depa: relinquish it in favour of father, : son, da brother or sist eligible, but to no one else, on fi claration of abandonment. Where an entry is summarily c: or voluntarily abandoted, subseqt institution of cancellation proce the applicant for inspection will titled to prior right of entry. Applicants for inspection must what particulars the homesteader default, and if subseguentry the went is found to be incorrect in ial particulars, the. aprlicant w any vrior right of re-entry shov land become vacant, or if entry h granted it may he summarily ca Duties,--A settler is required form the conditions undér one following plans '-- (1) At least six months' reside on and cultivation of the land i year during the term of three ye (2) If tbe father. (or mother, father is deccased) of a home resides upon a farm in the vicinit land cntéred for by such home the Tequiremest as to residence ) satiped by such person residing w father oF mother, (3) If the settler has his per residence upon farming land ow) nim in the vicinity of his how the requirement . may satis residence upon such land. Before making application for the settler must give sif months' in writing to tho Commissioner winion Lands at Ottawa, of his tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN N WEST MINING REGULATIO Coal.--Coal lands may be purch; $10 per wcre for Soft coval and be anthracite. Not more than 320 can be "gequired by one. individ company. ' Royalty at the rate cents per ton of 2000 pounds st eullected on the gross output. Quartz.--A free miner's certific granted upon payment in "advance per annum for an individual, and UV to $100 per annum for a & necording td capitad. A free miner, having discovered al in place, may locate a claim 1,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is At least $100 must be expended claim each year to the dé p «When $5 been expended or paid, the loceto upon having a survey made, and complying with other requiremen! chase the land at $1 per acre 'The patent provides for the pay a royalty of 24 per cent on the sa Flacer mining claims generally feet square entry fee $35, rep vearly. A {ree miner may obtain two lo dredge for gold of five miles each term of twenty years, renewable discretion of the Minister of the Ir The lessee shall have a dredge i ation within one season from the of the lease for each five miles. $10 per annum for each mile o leased. Royalty at the rate of cent collected on the output after ceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY Deputy of the Minister of the Ir N.B.--Unauthorized publication . advertisement will not be paid fo A Superior Business Training Institution Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARI( Day and Evening Classe Moderate Rates. T. N. STOCKDALE, Principal. "Phone, 680 BE SURE AND GALL TO 'WAGGONER'S ISTOCK OF GENTLEME Fall and Winter Sui Overcoatings, Trouser And Fancy Vestings. Stock is now complete winter. Prices to si buyers--fit and finish guar in all the latest styles. 188 WELLINGTON an : Hone Guarant We guarantee our milk ABSOLUTELY pure put sterilized bottles It id the Try it. io Kingston Milk De Cor. Brook and Bagot § 'Phone 567, ! The Jeaf of the Victoria Regi will bear a weight of 400 pout