+ lists have railed . a woman, and a that vanity is an ity, like love, is es the world go * to humanity and is yoilr opinion? set' forth in our Number wS=stands $1.00 a year .. New York ! ' \ qvots Ogee ed and thé cool weather is here ge one's shoes. place where the best, the newest, > be found, and at the least prices. signs, the up-to-she-day and the it Walking Shoes: for men and boys and girls, shoes for the en- , storm shoes and all other desira- service, comfort, and small cost Irpose you may require Boots and and at the lowest prices. The House of Good land & Bro. sie mui NNELET E UNDERWEAR" Flannelet te Underwear ? If not just try ou will be surprised and gratified at the Night Gowns, . in pink, blue, and white, lannelette embroidery and tucks, all sizes, and splen'did lengths, per garment, 50cs: Underwais ts, pretty patterns, neatly trim- all sizes. Ladies' Flannelette Drawers, open >d shapes, and well made, 75c., $1. . : 'LANNEL UNDERWEAR derwear now and be prepared for anything L store for us. ; nderwear, unshrinkable, in combination wers' separ ate, fine soft quality that does i) natural colors. Drawers open or closed, it. wéar, nice fine qualities "and preferred by made ih same styles as the all wool, Pe . 5 ; i DIES' HO IERY reputation for our. Hosiery, and we cer i season. * r ere Hose, fast colots, well shaped, good r ! bbed black Cashmere Hose, exceptionally soft ley Brothers. = VANIZING aust 1 Co. Toronto Phone Main 78. Roast Beef of Old - England secured its fame through being roasted on an old-fashioned spit before an open fireplace, the meat being constantly sur- roundgd, 'by pure oxygen while cooking. This supply of oxygen essential to give the cooked meat its natural, rich, jucy flavor. The oven of the \ SOUVENIR RANGE is so constructed that a flow of pure, heated oxygen passes through it continually when the Range is in operation. eats are roasted therein on exactly the same principle as by the old-time spit without é the' constant watching and The Aerated Oven of the Souvenir can be secured on no other range. Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO. imited. Hamilton, Winnipeg. Montreal and Vancouver. 4° Jd. S. HORSEY, Sole Agent, 189 Princess St. "Grand Peninsular" Is an Ornament to the Home. Popular taste no longer clings to deeply carved, highly ornamental ranges, People now want rich, yet simple, elegance. Thatis the way I make m new Grand Peninsular Range: The "Grand Peninsular" is easy to keep clean, because there are no deep carvings to collect the. dust and dirt. The design is simple but very effective. No fuss or frills. Just smooth surfaces which take a beautiful bright polish. The nickelled castings are detachable, and can be lifted off without loosening a bolt, when the range is to be brushed or cleaned. Then there is the ALL-STEEL OVENL the THERMOMETER on the oven door---extra large GRATE BARS--and a dozen other time- and-labor-savings conveniences--that are exclusive with my GRAND PENINSULAR. Have your dealer show you all these points, a2 CLARE BROS. & CO., LIMITED, - = PRESTON, On. KINGSTON AGENT: ELLIOTT BROS. RRS - . nN The SKirt Counts more than anything in the wardrobe of the outdoor RE woman. - One can depesid on the JNINERYA" Adjustable Band Dress Skirt for grace of curve and perfect' neatness, It is the greatest comfort to L every particular woman, | Newest styles--best materials--tailor-made. » stores. Look for the JHINERYA + label. THE MINERVA MFG. CO., LIMITED, o TORONTO, ONT. At all high-grade 4 The Leading Specialists of America. 25 Years in Dotroil. Bank Security. 2 Nine out of every ten men have been guilty of transgression against matare in if youth. Nature never excuses, no matter how young, thoughtless or ignorant he may be. The punishment and suffering corresponds with the crime. The only escave from its ruinous results is proper scientific treatment to counteract its effects. 'The DRAINS, either by nightly losses, or secretly through the urine, must be Stopped --the NERVES must be built up and invigorated, the blood must be purified, he SEXUAL ORGANS mast be vitalized and developed, the BRAIN must be Boutished. Our New Method Treatment provides all these requirements. Under cure: cocele, atorrhoea, Unnatu- Hscanens. CoN 108 FREE. ° BOOKS FREE. If unable to call, write for a QUESTION BLANK for Home Treatment. i DRS. KENNEDYs & KERGAN, 148 SHELBY ST., DETROIT, MICH. 4 . Urioary Prains, 8 dacy and Biadder from tested, natural spring water, selected bar- ley malt, and a blend of the choicest growth ol hops. No sub- stitutes for hops or barley are used. -An aid to diges- tion and a cause of £ i comfort alter 48% : hes Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, - 339-341 KING ST. LFULL GF THE VIRTUES OF BARLEY AND HOPS | 4home here. 8, Garrett intends moving " JAS. McPARLAND. AGENT, |:j t NEWS OF NEIGHBORS AT W = ENTS TELL US The Tidings From Various Poin In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Gave A Party. Elginburg, Oct, 31. --Quarterly ser vice will be , here, om Sunday morning at half past ten o'clock. The Epworth League held a sutcessful so- cial at Norman Graham's on Tuesday night. (B. Rescorla, Mingston, spent a few days at W. W. Kiell's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Irvine entertained a few friends on Tuesday night. McLean Matters. McLean, Oct. 30.--The box social at McLean on the 26th, was a success, ! although the evening was cloudy and damp quite a crowd gathered and the receipts of the evening amounted to over twelve dollars. A pro- gramme was ~iven, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, recitations and dialogues. We had a slight snow- storm Sunday night. Visitors: J. A. McRory, Pittsbureh, is visiting friends | at McLean. There was no service here ; on Sunday, on account of the rain. | H. Sydman is home for a few days. Vote On Local Option. Maberly, Oot. 30.--Gangs of hunters may be seen every day wending their way to the far north in sedrch of big game. The Maberly crowd left to-day with a large supply of provisions, guns and hounds. Miss Alice Swerbrick leaves for home; at Tichborne, on Thursday. John Acheson, Sr., return. ed after an extended trip to Saska- toon, and Regina. He speaks well of the west. Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Mrs. Scott, Atkinson, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer over Sunday. T, Buchannan returned after spending the summer in the west. Thomas Mun- ro was in Kingston, last week, on business. It is expected that there will be a vote taken here on local option at the next election, Burridge Breeszes.- Burridge, Oct. 29.--Potatoes are a great crop, but apples are scarce. Thanksgiving - passed off very quietly here. Shell Barr is getting his house completed. Mrs. Edward Madden is on the sick list. -Miss Hill, our teach- er, spent Thanksgiving at home. Visi tors : Mrs. DI. - Wallace at R. Barr's; Mr. and Mrs. R. Barr at J. C. Rogers', Fermoy; Miss M. Hill at Mrs, McCann's; Miss G. Hill at C. Thomp- son's; Mr. and Mrs. F. Barr, West- port, is visiting friends in this vi'in: ity; Mr. and s.. N. Shillington at E, Barr's; Miss Fssie Butterill at E. Barr's; John Barr at J. Shillington's; lertram Barr at G. Butterrill's, Per- moy. AE pAILY BRITISR WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31. ---------------------------------- EAM ne _---- Miss Clancy. A number of the young foie attended the oyster supper in ladar, on in behalf of the church, John MoKim has improved his resi- donee by" re-b ig and enlarging it, Niss Emma MoKim has Tetured home after spend a month at Rossland. ys. Lloyd a come to live with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Messrs. Arthur Dale and Lovie Turner spent Sunddy at Shee 8 ior housé iss sited her frignd, Miss Lillian TF iming,-Kuladar, Saturday and Sunday. The hunters are passing through our village on 'their way to the hunting grounds. Alired Both, of Denbigh, spent Sunday with his uncle, William Both, Misses Lilla Shier, Grace Shier, Lucy McKim and Hazel Lloyd took dinner with Mrs. John Lloyd at the "Camp" on Sunday. DIVORCE MADE SECRET Court Suppresses Decree to Mrs. W. 0. Roosevelt. New York, Oct. 31.--Great secrecy was maintai about an interloou- tory decree of divorce granted Satur- day by Justice O'Gorman in the su- preme court in favor of Frances L. Roosevelt, from William 0. Roosevelt. The lawyers carefully excluded from the decree the relation of any fact that would reveal the identity of the parties or the story of their marital troubles, The papers wore sealed. It is said that William O. Roosevelt is re- lated to the president. Qur illustration shows the wounds and bruises inflicted on . the young woman Anna Smirnofl, a Russian, who was ffog- ged by order of an office of the Cheval- lier Guards , of St. Petershurg, for a gancasm at the expense of the regiment. The new pure food and drug law will mark it. on the label of every cough cure containing opium chloroform, or any other stupilying or poisonous drug. But it passes Dr. Shoop"s cough cure as m for twenty years, entire- ly free. Dr. Shoop all along has bit j terly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr. Shoop's couch cure is absolutely safe even for the youngest babe--and it cures, it does not simply Lavant Station Items. Lavant Station, Oct. 30.--D, Me Hroy, agent for the Pible Society, Ottawa, gave an interesting discourse in the schoolhouse, Sunday evening. Miss Maggie Tullis, of Lanark, has been engaged as teacher for the balance of the year. Thomas Lee has been putting in a new acetylene gas generator. The Kingston & Pembroke railway company have placed a steam shovel near Clyde Forks and are em- ploying about sixty-five men with train, repairing the road from Shar- bot Lake to Renfrew, Miss Mabel Barr and her aunt, Mrs. William Umpherson, of Poland, are visiting the latter's brother, Charles Bingley, Carp, Ont. Miss Nettie Roache, Wil- bur, spent Sunday evening with Clary B. Lie. Miss Mary Thomas has gone to Kingston to spend the winter. Building A Fine Bam. rains which fell recently have our roads very muddy for travelling. John Woodruff has secured Francis Littlejohn to run his grist mill for the winter, They have a good stock of feed for sale, having put in about 3,000 bushels of grain. Our tak col- lector, E. ¥dgers, will start collect- ing, on November 5th. W. Dwyer has improved his residency by, putting up a new verandah." Mi&s/ Nellie Sim- mons leaves, this week, for Rochester, N.Y. to finish a course as nurse-in- training. D. Terry has arrived from Chicago. He and his wife will leave for New York in a few days. Welling- ton Kerr, Jx.,, has a staff of men working on a large bank barn, which is nearing completion. It will be the largest barn in this section, PF. G. Littlejohn hak sold his farm te George Kerr. ' Portland Locals. Portland," Oct. 30.--A number ' of hunters and fishermen are still eruis- ing' on the lake. Miss Estella Rose and Miss Nellie Norris have gone to New York, where they secured situations. Miss Ethel Knapp, oi Newhoro, was the guest of Miss M. Ripley last week, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Murphy attended the funeral of the late Mrs. McCdnn, of Newboro, who died last, week, Mr Workman, with a party of men from Montreal and Ottawa, spent a few days last week .on the Rideau. George Foster, of Newboro, is putting a tin roof on N. Gallagher's store, A young daughter arrived to stay at the home of A. Lyon's. Miss Minnie-De- Wolf spent Thanksgiving at her home here. Mrs. H. S. Toffey, who was ill is able to be around again. Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Maude Connell to Mr. Kidd, on Wednesday. Miss M. Ripley has returned to New- boro dfter spending a 'few days at her from his yummer cottage to. Mrs. M Sweet's on Colborne street, abotit the first of November. Northbrook News. Northbrook, Oct. 30.--Missionary vices were held in the Methodist church on Sunday last. The people met the subscription list with a very liberal offering. Mr, Alexander, of Arden, is in our village getting ready the Rathbun camp. for their winter's work. Messrs. Roth and Ruttan have reopened their Jamber camp for the Miss - Mionie Clancy, of New- left for Cloyne to visit her Rev. Mr. Huffman, after sperwi- Chafiey's 'Lock, Oct. 30. --The heavy made suppress. Get a safe and reliable cough cure, by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's. Let the law be your protection. We cheerfully recom- mend and sell it. All dealers. | A watch should always have a guard; otherwise it's apt to be stolen in an unguardéd moment. Nothing swells a man up so much as to have a pretty girl ask him for information. BOYS HEAD ONE SOLID SORE Mair All Came Out and He Suffered Very Much -- Under Doctor, Three Months and No Better -- Perma- nently Cured at Small Expense. CUTICURA REMEDIES WERK WONDERS Mr. A. C. Barnett, proprietor of a general store in Avard, Oklahoma, tells in the following grateful letter how Cuticura cured him and his son of terrible eczemas: "My little boy had cczema. His head was one solid sore, all over his scalp; his hair all came out, and he suffered very much.' I'had a physician treat him, but at the end of three months he was no better. "I remem- bered that the Cuticura Remedies had cured me, and after giving him two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, accordifig to directions, and using Cuticura Soap and Ointment on him ily, his eczema left him, his hair few again, and neither he nor myself ave had mny eczema since. As to his own case, Mr. Barnett says: "1 suffered with eczema, a burning, itching, breaking out on my face for more than a year: I took treatment from physicians for several moffths, which dia no good. I was then advised to try Cuticura. I took six bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, and used Cuticura Soap and Ointment freely every day. 1 began to improve soon after starting to use then, \and when I had taken the six bottles of the Resolvent my face had become clear, I had good color, and all erup- tions had leit me. oy "We: use the Cutiera Soap and Ointment in our family now for general use, and it keeps our skin soft and healthy. I cheerfully recom- mend the Cuticura Remedies for all cases of eczema. (signed) A.C. Bar- nett, Avard, Oklahoma, Mar. 30, 1905." Complete External and Interna! Treatment for Rumour, from Plupies to Serobul eowsiating of Cut hed of all draggin cures. Potter a Nae ree AL) cout von Shim pe ai Se ing the past week with her cousin, i \ a bi y "ate 1 hen tily lator on oan =r de, 8g a of strength-No. 1, $15 No, 2 10 dogrees nger, $3; No 3, ) Eat aha JL pod on Foot of vi 100K Meets 00. ToRviTs Out, Gormeriy Ii Lo ans i Pa Interesting Items om Varioas Sporting Matters. The Ontario and Quebec senior ser- ies in rugby end on November 10th, The touring soccer team from Galt, Ont., played the West Ends at St. Louis on Sunday, before a big crowd, and lost by one goal. Burkholder, McCarthy, and probably Ripley will constitute the Hamilton Tiger scrimmage in the Canadian championship games if the Tigers vet that far. Toronto World { Stinson, the former Hamilton back, was the star of the Montreal team Saturday, while Wil linms, the ex-Quoen's player, was the best of the Rough Riders, Secretary J. B, Hay, of the O.R.V U., to-day, posted challenges on be- hall of the senior and intermediate Ontario champions to play for the Canadian . championship this. fall. Charles Liffiton . of Montreal has been engaged to manage and captain the Calumet hockey team 'in the In- ternational Hockey League this wint- er. He will also organize the team, In the opinion of a Toronto official referee who has handled games in the east, the Tigers' wing line is not as but their back division is much sup- erior. According to an Ottawa despatch, Pulford, Alf. Smith, Moore and H. Westwick will be professionalized. This means four of the hookey team, which will: certainly be a hard blow to Ot- tawa's chances of lifting the Stanley cup. A theatrical starring tour for the world's baseball champion White Stockings, is among the winter's pro- Dabilitics, that project having been broached by a theatrical promoter, to Acting-Manager Donohue, of the Sox barn-storming squad, { No wonder that Frank Grierson of Ottawa asked the C.AAU. 10 investi gate the amateur standing of eastern players, whey the story is going the rounds that one of the Rough Riders held the management up for $150 be- fore he went to Montreal ! The first game in the - intermediate O.R.F.U. finals will be played in Dundas or Hamilton, as the winner may be, on Saturday, November 17th, with the Argonaut Il. or Victorias. The return will be played here a week later, Thomas Longboat, the winner of the 1908 Toronto Marathon rdve, is un- doubtedly -another "Deerfoot,"" and one of the finds of the year in long-dis- tance running. Physioally he is "mold- on lines which gre indicative of speed. Long. and muscular of limb with no superfluous flesh to carry, he bounds over the ground with a tre- mendous sfride. Unlike most native runners, he does not lope along, but rung with head erect, arms well press od on the sides, and a delightfully free leg action. There is not the least un: gainliness in any of his actions, Of his stamina there can be no doubt, for af- ter the heavy going on Saturday, he finished without the slightest symptom of distress. Street Frock Of Serge. Ra "veg The illustration looking street frock, the model being shows a/ smart: in brown and black check eheviot serge. The skirt was plaited at the up- per part, being cut away at each side over panels of the cloth. The plaits were stitched to form a narrow tuck, and were presded in to the bottom of the skirt. The lower part of the skirt was trimmed with crossed bands of the cloth, The corsage was. also trimmed with bands of the cloth, interlaced, as shown in the drawing. Brown moire silk was laid under these bands, which were aloo piped with the silk, and held in place by silk-covered buttons. The voke and sleeve frills were of cream ace, ------------------------ ' [ Last Trip To Ottawa. Thursday, November lst. Rideau King, ¥41 [6 a.m. James Swift & Co., agenty. § California has the smallest horse in the world. It is only twenty-two inches high, and weighs seven pounds when shod Buy Rough on 'Rats at Gibson's Red Cross drug store; It's fresh 'there, * Ls UI, strong as either Montreal or Ottawa, | vans Durable and Machine. : Lifetime. 7 OomMPANY OFricEs : but is best when used in the Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of After rubbing on the soap, roll up each; pion, immerse in the water, and go away. | Sunlight Soap . will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. BC. Minar E.P. Jenkins, - Kingston A Smooth Running, Beautifully mado Easy lo Learn and will last a = + ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME EE Stoellew | Foes... x There' are deft touches of elegance-- little differences in style--that make these Fit-Reform 'Overcoats noticeably In rich Black ' MADE IN CANADA « BY A CANADIAN COMPANY. | Tos) lari earadiy | RN a cee -- THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. | MONTREAL, P. Q. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, 8ST. JOHN, N. B. : \ AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHMERE. LimiTzo, { in' of » Satins That Famous Chewing Candy Brown's Butter Scotch Almonds, Walnut, Peanut and Cocoanut Taffies only 20c. per 1b, --~ Le A. J. Rees, 166 Princess. St. { Do KOR RESTORINE cases cured in Medical Board has ts evdorsed h all Specific in the great and Germany. a0 afters & one month in Pa Tecommended hi Rene lums where, as ke 'wel of ments and Sauding armies of both losses rot seven to ten "The skin becomes a de ti ust send us to-day : case. send us your d i p PE dares pity wilds ana § did ure ne Do not hesitate a moment 'e will you | Satins