, onlled at 3:05 and he i, TT ld, 5,20 3 i 5s ] F 3 F3:F i L 4 g 2 i 2 8 i : i oo be £2 2 F £ § 7 i 8 § {1 i £ : 5% gf i -- - juries to I a 8 i i 3% to i 1] | 7 i Lelils 2 | suit man the tors, both teams thong to th ball © out, Potta' tackling and catching were of the sensational order and R. Britton's The K. oo R to, de t roferce, rr A. hos an the hea between Gananoque and Limestones is ; replayed, the Kingston tern will take Il be victorious as Capt. Moxley will Limestones are go decidedly. strong ag- uregation. Clarke Allen, secretary of the Gana- noque club, seid : "I am sorry we lost, If our bunch is inferior to the Lime. stones, it is mighty little." ---------- FIRED OFF REVOLVERS. signed Kempvi local opti without to the 'story of Mrs. | names to Sarah Hutton, there was a lively time Hallowe'en night. campaion township Ba: d, have been summoned to ar before County Magistrate Hunter, on Wednesday afternoon, at - four o'clock, at Barriefield: The 'men = - are charged with firing off revolvers and deing damage to Mrs. Hutton's ¢ by tearing hoards off: the REAL ESTATE [~~ MVESTHENTS close call ------------ "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows' Iris Whiskey, Famous for over a century, FN time, Med our | Liver good health \/ Ruy the . Belnois, attend of the A.O.U.W. in Kingston on. Tues- { #ld, Monday, : '| Friday, at €:15 os tion | 7.90 hd an. and week, : P.GMW., 8. G . Graham, A. P. Russell MW. of Ganan- the 'district meeting days"as the result t. A case of goods fell on his right foot, causing severe in- the member. eet t-- : Eggs Very Scarce. Kingstoniams who have endeavored purchase stocks of eggs in the sur- country have found an ab- 'wearcity in farm h and ; ike. ouses - for use over canned meats, has been because of the flurry Y.W, C. A. , Wednesday, Saturday at other begin this "Y am robo - nitro demonstra- & P. RR. started. ballast Muite, today, drawing gravel from ity ast pit to. K. & P. J protest that removed "Andy" Thom ints, A large number of are the umpire, from the Y ly i. bring smpioyes. Messrs, Taylor and ahaa). in the fact that on. | Frwin are looking after the work. A {Iv Abe one official was left on the | Wi™® has been pit into the hoarding: . Ome man ean not watch twenty- | *® With' Operator Walker in charge. men, so Limestones, ha had Sets bonne of the ball most of the Still Have A Plunge. time got a little the worst of it, be- | James Redden, Francis Macnee, Dr. called back after Mooney had | W- G. Anglin and Dr, A. P. Chown agai scored a" touch. Ong more point | continue to take their mornine dip off was added by Limestones, however, | the Yacht Club wharf. They found a | before' time was called. Madden being | touch of chilliness in the water this responsible. The game ended, Lime | Morning, but they will likely keep at \th-giving pastime until the ice will have to be cut with an axe. J -------- The Humane Side. --y The Aléxandra will be opened, camber Ist, in honor of the anniversary of the birth of and Marine Hospital at Goderich, on De- Queen Ajexandra. it the form of a shower festi- val, and if any person does not know : agin be in the game. In order to what to take, in the way of a dona- fave trouble, Limestones' did not nlay | tions, money will be acceptable, mailed Laird in Saturday's game, With | to the regent, Mrs, D. McDonald. Be- Moxley and Laird on the team, the | ing & seaport town, many Kingston people are interested in it. Quite A Mo t A petition asking for local option, over 150 ratepayers of , was presented to the coun- cil, and favorahly received. The coun- cil of Oxford have agreed to present a on by-law to the electors, the formality of a petition, The tempagance people of North Gow- er presented a petition, bearing 200 their council. Nepean coun- cil granted the wishes set forth in a petition of 470 names. A local option is also under way in the of Huntley. Affected By Gas. A man named Reid and his wife, who reside at 10 George street, had - a on 8 turday night or rath. er early Beda er Coal vas es the range in the kitchen ge suffocating when awakened. Reid works for James McParland, employer called at the house on Sun- morning he received no ir to and when his went avound to the 4 rouse: Reid and the state of affairs i} was discovered. just in the nick of ical assistance in the person i} of Drs.-Patterson and Bell, was hasti- ly summoned from the G tal and the husband and wife restor- 1 Hospi- Aafloring de- | od to. normal conditions, Founar ay | "Mettie The Newp Girl." _ . Any- | A play from the prolific pen of with an Lem. B. Parker comes heralded as a will be well | | revelation in' point of originality, and looking for 'a | is said to be a del ul story, fresh or in epigram and incident and effective: ly entertaining, sparkling with wit . Jand indicating much clever knowledge of himan nature and the world in eral. The action is not only con- stant but fascinating but. through at every stage it all runs a pure vein of Though ena hy rer, \ | many other well known in New York city. Will be at Grand on Thursday, November Sth. Sr ----. Cantons, Rn All Saints, the cessional h; He Celebrated and Preached on Sunday Morning, at St. George's Cathedral--The Ideal - and Responsibility of a Cathe- " dral Set Forth. Sunday being within the octave of processional and ve: at choral celebration y at 81. George's cathe- and "were set for the feast, and Canon 8 preached at evensong from the fpxt, "Other | men labored, into their la- and » have on "0° Send Out L en Thy Truth" was sung Thy Li Tru wa ; Dean Farthing, who had taken the lv was gospellor and oad at celebration,' His it | : "Not by might, nor hy - 2 at by My Sint, saith the He spoke of Zerub- pe i the the poverty and e, his manifold the bitter op- of foes. God does not use discouraged men. He first inspires them with hope and courage. So. to cheer on the prince in his work was sent the vision of the golden candle stick, with its seven. lamps and seven War, Ford of Hosts!" babel's vat eark t le, in spate ine if ol discouragements," and pipes, and the two olive trees, the ome on either side of it. 3 The church is the candlestick, the gold, symbolizing her divine character, the growing olive trees the liv- ing source of the oil of divine grace flowing to her to foed the licht with- in. her, but passing through the pipes which typify the instrumentality of man. . The practical lesson is that the church is in the world to give forth the light supplied by the Holv Spirit. God has placed in His church the ministry, for it is His will to touch man through man. Man offers the vifts bestowed upon him, and the Holy Spirit uses. them that God's will may be done. The church's waiting time for power .is passed. That she received at Pentecost. and it is hers, having received the light, to go forth and do the work given her. To do this she must he a worshipping church. If the "art of "worship be lost, great ix the measure of her de- gradation. "But," said the rweacher, I do not think it is lost. The Aneli- can church stands pre-emifiently for worship, and her members must strive for deeper devotion, and truer reverence. Our ideal should be the heavenly worshin, where those nearest the throne prostrate themselves in absolute and adoration. The church must worshin to get strength to fight, for she is the church militant. She utterly « misses the mark at which "God has given 'her to adr if she is not. Our warfare is not directed against fellow Christians who name the name of Christ though they walk not with us in fellowship and communion; but against evil in high and low, without respect of ner S. ry member of 'the church must 0 in and out relieving the sick, car- ing .for the needy, being indeed in the world 'what - Christ was. Tt is ours in this cathedral, especially, to reach out unto high ideals of worshiv and of work. Here is the seat of the bishop, who should be the unifying personality of the diocese. I hope that this church will in, the future as in the past be an example of true worship. Every eve looks to us to set the stan- dard of the worship of the great Al mighty God, and our influence will be felt to the remotest part of the dio- cese, As to work we should be an inspira- tion to the diocese, and the force of our zeal should pass as a magpetic wire lo every parish. The poor have g very special claim on our cathedral, blessed as it is with endowments which exist not to save the pockets of the rich. If there is one church in the hi which should seek to draw in those in need of the life of Christ it should be the cathedral. Its congrega- tion will only realize the value of the life of Christ when its members mani- fest: that life of sacrifice." Continued Dean Farthing : "In as- suming my present office I am over whelmed with a sense of deep responsi- bility. I know the Jeune of the past, the high ideals of those who have striven to build aright. It is hard to follow him who has gone be- fore, We know his earnest piety, his deep reverence, and unsolfish sacrifice which made him so beloved in this parish and city, and in the whole church. But we must all work on our own lines. 1 bespeak patience, T want to act wisely, therefore, I will not act in haste. I know the loyal helper 1 have in Canon Starr, 1 hope for the EE ------ == 'Kingston's Famous Fur Store' ---- Musquash Jackets These garments are rapidly coming . into favor with ad- mirers of rich furs. The "dropping" of 'each skin to get the "continuous stripes works wonders and when they are made up into jackets in this way they look very much like a haudsome Mink garment. wear well and are stylish. We have them in all the prevailing ie at very moderate Jism, picture represents one o! our best selling styles and sells for $50. Get one of our new cata- fosues and make a selection tor . "Jand consecrate Joyal - 1 of every worker. Let us -- PO ie This will sacrifice, for there are many di jes. But brethren, we worship and fol- a Crucified (me, Let us surrender | ourselves more and more to His service, that hy His might and power we may do His The new dean gave the Sunday school a brief address, saying he felt the children the most important part of the church, and he hoped. they would always realize that her pri- vileges weve theirs, They were not going to become members of the church later on in life, but were al ready that by theih baptism. He asked all the children to be sure and J %peak to him when they met him, for it would be some little time before he would know them all. | TELEPHONE OR WRITE. Report all items of inter- est to this office. They will be appreciated and each item will help to make the paper that much more interesting. We can not get all the news but by your help we can get the lion's share and that is what we wish to do. We want all the news that's news. EXEEREEFEELKE NX SE HATH HHA FHK MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What is Going on About the Harbor. ) Richardsons' : . Steambarge Hickox has afrived with grain ris; schagner Meter eldspar for Sodus. 2 At Craig's: Steamer Persia, up; steamer Cuba, down; steamer Water- lily, down; schooner Mary Louise will clear for Smith's Falls, to-day, with merchandise. M. T. Co, : Steamer A. D. David- son arrived from Duluth with 80,000 bushels of flaxseed, and cleared for Duluth today; tug Mary P. Hall ar i¥ loading rived hight, Sunday, from Montreal, and returned with two 'grain-laden barges. At Swift's : Steamer Hamiltoh cléar- ed for Montreal; steamer Belleville ex- pected down Tuesday; schooner Clara arrived with coal from Sodus; steam- er Aletha will clear for bay ports to- day; steamer Bickerdike will take a cargo of hay on her trip to Fort Wil- am, The Rutland Transit company has made a contract with the Great Lakes Engineering Manufacturing company. Detroit, to construct two new steel freight boats similar to 'the steamer Ogdensburg. They will be named the Bennington and Burlington and will: he delivered for the season of 1908. ¢ steamer Bickerdike, of. the Merchants line, Montreal and Lake Superior, went ashore in a heavy fog néar Alexandria Bay, N.Y. on Satur day morning, at 6.45 o'clock. The ves: sol was released by a wrecking crew sent out by Capt. Donnelly, early Sgnday morning, and the Bickerdike is' now at the dry dock, undergping some slight repairs. The vessel was about to proceed ta Fort William with a cargo she had on board, and the mis- hap will delay her but a short time. A PRETTY WEDDING. A Clergyman Married a Wolfe Island Lady. A quiet, but pretty, wedding occur- red on Tyesday, October 30th, at 11:30 a.m., at the residence of My. and Mrs. William Bolton, Wolfe [ Island, when their second daughter, Mamie L., was united in matrimony to Rev. J. 8. Caldwell, B.A., of Woodland. Ont, by Rev. Williim Craig. The bride, unattended and charmingly at tired in gray silk, entered the draw- ing-room to the strains of the wed- ding nmrch, beautifully rendered by Miss Lillie Woodman, cousin of the bride, and carried a large hourpuet of white carnations ' afi maiden hair fern. After the ceremony und con- gratulations were over, the guests en- tered the dining-room, where a deli cions luncheon was partaken of. The bride's travelling was blae broadcloth, with fur-lined coat to match. Numerous and costly presents were sent to the bride by her many friends in Stratford, Wimmnirer. Perth, Peterboro, Kingston and Wolf: Js. lond. The Methodist church at Marys- ville, where the bride hus been or. ganist for some time, presented her with a silvermounted carving set in lenther case, a silver fruit stand with knives to match, and a silver gravy pitcher with trav. Mr. andl Mrs. Cald- well's friends wish them = happy and prosperous future. » . suit G.T.R. CAR BROKEN OPEN. Theft of Tébacco Reported to the Police. The police have been notified that a Grand Trunk car was entered and goods taken, consisting of several mokages of "Old Chum' tobacco. When a freight train pulled into the junction station at 6:30 o'clock, Sun- day morning. it was noticed that one of the cars had been broken open, and on an investigation being made it was found that a large package of tobacco had been broken open. The train was made up at Montreal, and the tobacco had been shipped from that place. : The, Grand * Trunk 'that a milkman who noticed the train coming in saw four men jump out of one of the cars as the train was slowing up, and no doubt these are the men who committed the theft. ! authoritios state COURSE IN PEDAGOGY To Be Established at Queen's 3 University. At a meoting of Queen's University senate on Friday afternoon; it was decided | to establish a course in [dager leading to the degrees of B. Paed and D. Paed, the first to cover onc year's study and the second two vears. course is for gra: duates in arts, a number of whom have applied for admission. At pre- sent the course will he one of reading. -------------- Myrrh tooth paste, specially prepa for smokers, 15¢., at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, ; oF from bay ! MAY LOWER' RATES FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT IN CITIZENS' HOUSES. ---- Ald. Toye to Fresent a Statement of Light Plant. Profits--Hopes to Be Able to Give Cheaper Electric Lighting. . The chairman of the civic comnittce on light, heat and power, Ald. Toye, hopes to be able at the meeting of his committee to present a statement showing the receipts and disburse: ments of the light plant, from Janu- are Ist last to November Ist, and tg give a ty fair estimate of what the profits of the year will be. He will have this prepared by Mr. Camp bell in order that the committee may discuss the ..question of cheaper elec- tricity for the homes of the citizens. Last soring, "Ald. Toye made the statement to the city council that he hoped before the snow would fly to be able to recommend a reduction in electric light for private houses. (not stores), as a result of the extensions to the plant. Now, he is about ready to bring the matter before the light conumittee, and the chances are that before very long. the rate for house electric light will be lowered. No ve- duction is at present possible for stores, As to gas, there can be no reduction vet. Before chenpef gas can be dis- cussed, the new holder must be in- stalled, and it will be July Ist next before the holder is in operation. RENTS AGAIN GO UP. -- Landlords Are Forced to More From Tenants. Rents have aga Ask in been increased by landlords, from one dollar to eight dollars a month. So long as the prices of labor and material and pro- visions incredse, rents must also take a balloon ascension, There was a raise in rents on May Ist last. Now, November Ist, the beginning of the vearly and half-yearly periods, has seen a demand from quite a number of landlords for increased rent, or the dwellers in their houses had the op- tion of going elsewhere. The tenants naturally have to pay: The cost of building and repairing has increased to such an extent that the former rate of rent will no longer suffice to pay the property owners a fair' interest 'on the money théy have invested in real estate. The value of old property is inereasing, though buyers do not seem to want to pay anything but slaughter prices. A house that cost $2,000 to build twen- ty years ago, could not now he erect- od for $4,000. Some residential proper- ty in the city is now being held, in expectation that there will be a boom here when the two railways give clos- er connection, ag is anticipated. prevent lung trou- Red the Chamais vests ble. Buy the vests at Gibson's Cross drug store. You 'can wet lung trouble any other place. Frank Frego, the Brockville young man, who 'was accidentally shot on Wolfe Island, Friday, was taken to his home. He is an employee of the tool department of thg Smart works, and is a hockey and baseball player. Happiness in a Tablet Perfect Health For Every Oné Procured At Small Costs How many times have you sat down at your meals absolutely' disvusted at the_ thought or sight of anything to eat ? How many times have you sat down at your meals without. the tsace of an appetite but just because it was "time to eat?" \ How many times have you felt a gnawing, unsatisfied "still-hungry"' feeling in your stomach, even after you were through eating ? How many times have you felt that "lump of lead" on. your stomach after eating. whether your meal was well cooked or not ? . And how many times have you suf- fered a whole lot of other things from Your stomach that you couldn't . ex- plain, but that made you grouchy, miserable, out-o'-sorts and generally sour on everybody and everythine ? It is safe to say you couldn't tell. You don't keep track: of those things, of course, but you know you've suffered them. You probably have had them for so long that they've become a habit with you, and you have come to the conclusion that your fate is to suffer them indefinitely and perhaps forever. . And so men, much like horses, stand ing unhitched at the hitching post, think they're' tied, and so their habit makes then prisoners, But no one need have dyspepsia, nor indigestion, nor loss of avvetite, brash, irritation, burning sensations. heartburn, naus eructations, bad memory, loss off vim and vigor and the happiness that comes from a healthy stomach and a good anvetite if he will only leave his old hitching post and tie himself to a new one, one that will hold him to health, joy, ambition and a clear mind and mem. ory, and the sunshine that goes with them, That indeed is heaven !: And vou can get it in a little tablet alrsady pro pared for the purpose, in Stuart's Dvsuensia Tablets those little cher nbs 'of health and delight found in thousands of homes to day. Listen-- | one inoredient. of one of these precious little tablets will digest for you 3,000 grains of food. : This relieves your stomach of the work of disesting until vour stomach can get strong and healthy aocain. Your stomach has been overworked and abused. It's fagged out. It needs a rest, Let Stuart's Dysnepsin Tablets do the work 6f your stomach. You will be surbrised bow fice vou'll feel after eating, and how luscioush: ~nod every.' thine will taste to vou. That's hecanse he plete fe thoroushly divesting e Tood which your stom h ved whith. ach couldn't Have 'these tablets on your dinin table and take one or two afjer pin mal without fail. Then von will regl- 17, a8 never before that the (human stomach decides for every man wheth. er he will ~o forward or backward-- ond you'll forest: vou: ever en For Rheumaiyis Stiffness of the Limbs, ofp Dr. Scot's Liniment rn a al panizd, bathe frony, well saturated with the laime, nd hee Large bottle, 25 cents. An Excellent . Hair Reg and Sealp Cleanser "ee "Xt not for sale at Your dreepie can alwave be . Fa) Procured at James Scott's White St' John, fe pldotment FURS Seal Skin Sacks Persian Lamb Sacks Fur-lined Coats 5: Ruffs and Muffs ang "Fancy Neck Pieces W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Fur Store Phone 700 a A Crelen Amethys Brooches 'We have at present a "Magnificient Dark Oblong Amethyst" Set 'in 14k. gold with pearls. which we believe it would be impossible to dunlicate. This fact would make 'this pin . "Doubly Desirable" We invite vour inspection LARGE AMETHYST BROOCHES, wirTn PEARLS, FROM $10 UP. SMITH BROS. Jewellers and Opticians I4SUERS OF MARRIAGE LACENSES O08 ++ rrrvrrsnsaste GBB When You Buy COAL From ¢ é | P. WALSH You get Eenuine] Scranton as he § handles nothing} else $ Qur Business is Growing At a greater rate than any other store in King- ston. Twice as many Coats'sold bv us this sea- son 'as we sold last. The sales in other departments are increasing in a rapid manner. Newest goods and at popular prices are winning us cystomers every day ot Underwear How about Underwear, Wool Blankets, Comfor- ters and other wearables for winter wear ? We are ready to show you the best values in thecity. Try us and see. Sample Coats A big rangé of Sample... Coats in children's. sizes, * marked at 25% off regular. Swell garments cheap. bad a stomach 'to torment. you, hig NEWMAN & SHAW. _ wk 2 3 Mercerized Sateen Waists, Bl only, clustres of pin tucl and stitched. tucks. specijl at $1. Fancy Waists made of Do Flannel, cream ground, small figures and spots, regular made, and nice warm, $1.25 and $1.50 eac - Hosiery and Gloves Ladies' and = Children's Flee Lined Cashmere Gloves Mitts, ia all colors, 15¢,, ! and 25¢. pair. Ladies' and Children's Ringw: Gloves, in Black, Blue, ¥ Cream and Heather Mixtn 15¢., 20¢., 35¢., and 35¢c. Children's Extra Heavy Rib Stockings, double knee, ! and toe, 20c. and 2c. p The Best 50c. 'Dress Goods Yet Show, Plain and Fancy Wea Tweeds, Venetians, Broadel Satin and Prunella Clo 44 incheg wide, for 50c. y: WE SOLD A GREAT MANY COATS Many Coats Saturday, but have the one you want. S swell new Black Coats, placed in stock, at $8.50 to $16. Jas. Johnston Ste 180 Wellington Street. i amin-------------------- DI SYNOPS1S UF OANADIAN NORTH HOMESTEAD RuGULATION Any even numbered section of Di fon ds in Manitoba or the N + West Province, excepting 8 and 26 reserved, way be homestegded by. person the sole head of a fainily, or over 18 years of age, to the extern one-quarter section, of 160 acres. or less. Application for homestead entry ¢ spectiop must be made in person b) applicant at the office of the local / or Sub-agent. An applicstion for entry or inspe mude personally at any Sub-agent's may be wired to the local Agent Sub-agent, at the expense of the plicant, and if the land applied § vacant on receipt of the telegram application is to have priority and land will be held until the mnece papers to complete the transactiorn received by mail. In case of "personation' the entr: be summarily cancelled and the cant will forfeit all priority of cla An applicant for inspection mus eligible for homestead entry, and one application for inspection wi receiv from. an individual until apolication has been disposed of. homesteader whose entry is in standing and not liable to caneell may, subject to approval of Depart relinquish it in, favour of father, mi son, daughter, brother siste ligible, but to no one else, claration of abandonwent. x Where an entry is summarily cay or voluntarily abandoned, subseque institution of ecanceliation procee the applicant for inspection will b titled to prior right of entry. Applicants for inspection must st what particulars the homesteader default, and if subsequentry the ment is found to he incorrect in r fal particulars, the apnlicant wil any prior right of re-entry shoul land become vacant, or if entry has granted it max he summarily can Duties. --A settler is required t form the conditions under oi 0 following plagg to (1) At least six months' den on and cultivation of the land' in Year during the term of three yea (2) If the father (or mother, |i father. is decoased) of a homes resides upon a farm in the vicinity land entered for bv homes! the requirement as to residénce m satisfied by such person residing wi father or mother. (3) It the settler has his perm residence upon farming land owne him in the vicinity of his home the requirement may be satisfic residence upon such land. Before making application for 1 the settler must give six months' in writing to the Commissioner of minion Lends at Ottawa," of his tion to do seo. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NO WEST MINING REGULATION Coal.--~Coal lands may be purchas $10 per acre for soft coal and $5 anthracite. Not more than 820 Can be acquired Ly one individu Company. Royalty at the rate tenis per ton of 2,000 pounds sha collected on the gross output. Quartz.--A free miner's 'cortifica Rtunted upon payment in advance Per annum for an individual. and $50 to $100 per annum for a cov according to capital. A free miner, having discovered J al in Yive, way locate a claim 1 1,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is. § At least $100 must he expended o claim each year or paid to then recorder in leu thereof. When $50 been expended or paid, the locator upon having & survey made, and complying with other requiremenu Chase the land at $1 per acre. The patent 'provides for the paym a royalty of 24 per cent on the sal Placer mining claims generally a fee $5, obtain Lwo loa five miles each feet 'square entry rene yearly, A free. miner may dredge for gold term of twenty rs. renewable a discretion of the Minister of the In The Jotres shall have a dreder iv ation within one season from the of the lease for each five miles. | $10 ver annwin for each mile of leased. Royalty at the rate of 2 cent Shllected on the output alter ceeds $10,000. X Ww. CORY A > ty of the Minister of the In' N.B.--Unauthorized publication o wdvertisement wil) not he paid for : < Miss K. Sullivan Ladies" Tailoy and Dressmaker, § moved from 165 Brock street, Princess street, opposite Opera